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本文对南海北部大洋发现计划IODP 1501站早—中中新世(21—12 Ma)深海沉积物进行了钙质超微化石群落分析,初步探讨了钙质超微化石演化与大洋碳储库的关系。结果显示:在~16 Ma,钙质超微化石组合反映海水由高生产力环境向低生产力环境过渡,而与之对应的是大洋海水碳同位素由变重转为变轻;而在~14.2 Ma,钙质超微化石组合揭示海水由低生产力环境向高生产力环境过渡,与之对应的是大洋海水碳同位素从变轻转为变重。这些现象说明钙质超微化石群落演化与大洋碳储库具有明显的相关性。推测主要是由于生物光合作用优先吸收12C,合成有机质埋藏到海底,导致海水碳同位素变重。另外在~13.8 Ma,由于东南极冰盖扩张引起中中新世气候转型,陆源输入和洋流重组等因素可能会导致大洋碳同位素变轻。 相似文献
根据珠江口盆地新近系钙质超微化石研究文献,综述了研究内容及发展过程。纵观二十多年来珠江口盆地新近系钙质超微化石的研究历史,大致可分成两个阶段(1)上世纪80年代初至90年代初,侧重于化石带的报道及主要化石属种的描述;(2)上世纪90年代中后期至今,主要为高分辨率钙质超微生物地层研究阶段。评述了以往研究中存在的问题,明确了今后研究的方向与任务。 相似文献
江苏海门王浩钻孔全新世钙质超微化石的环境意义 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
初步研究了海门王浩地区WZK010、WZK214、WZK3003钻孔中的全新世钙质超微化石组合,优势种G.oceanica在组合中平均占97%,依据化石的种数,丰度和保存状况,自下而上划分3个亚组合,第I亚组合,深度74-47m,由G.oceanica,H.carterii,H.wallich ii,S.lamina,U.sibogae组成,丰度较高,保存较好,代表前三角洲-浅海环境,第Ⅱ亚组合, 相似文献
本文以Albian-Campanian的钙质超微化石为例,介绍了一种描述生物地理学研究的新方法--运用计算机绘制化石种的分布图(包括平面图和立体图两种),并运用这一方法对该时间段的近200个种进行了具体研究,归纳出六种分布类型,即:广布型,南半球分布型,北半球分布型,赤道海域缺失型,赤道海域分布型,迁移型。并且对每个种在这一时间段中的分布了具体阐述。 相似文献
甘肃玉门非海相第四系中钙质超微化石的由来 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
甘肃玉门非海相第四系中钙质超微化石的由来钟石兰,勾韵娴,廖宁(中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所,南京210008)孙镇城(中国石油大学,北京102200)赵福寿,胡令善(甘肃酒泉地质矿产调查队,酒泉735000)甘肃玉门花海子一带晚新生代地层分布区内,... 相似文献
我国西藏南部海相白垩系含有较丰富的钙质超微化石。文中着重研究岗巴地区两个剖面(即部面A,B)Albian-Santonian钙质超微化石的分布。根据标志种的存在,识别出5个初现面事件,相应地建立6个钙质超微化石带,自下至上是Prediscosphaera cretacea带,Eiffellithus turriseiffei带,Lithraphidites acutum带,Gartnerago o 相似文献
有关钙质超微化石 Florisphaera profunda的古海洋学意义综述 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Florisphaera profunda是古海洋学研究中应用最广的一种钙质超微化石。利用F.profunda百分含量可以研究海水上层结构变化、海水初级生产力的演变并进而推断古气候变化及其机制。这一方法在世界诸大洋第四纪古海洋、古气候研究中都已有成功的先例。本文综述了利用F.profunda百分含量研究古海洋、古气候的基本原理和方法,并对其主要应用实例进行了介绍。 相似文献
长江三角洲DY03孔颗石藻及沉积环境浅析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文研究了上海奉贤DY03孔的颗石藻化石。钻孔60.8-2m深度产颗石藻化石,涵盖上更新统的川沙组、南汇组,全新统的娄塘组、上海组和青浦组。颗石藻化石赋存于灰色泥、泥质粉砂或粉细砂中,但化石种类贫乏。群落面貌以Gephyrocapsa oceanica占绝对数量,Braarudosphaera bigelowii,Helicosphaera hyalina和Heli-cosphaera wallichii等偶现,属典型的单种类组合。研究依据颗石藻定量统计,划分出两个海相层:第一海相层,孔深61-40m,属上更新统川沙组和南汇组,颗石藻丰度低,属种单一,代表了海侵过程中的潮上带环境;第二海相层,孔深24.8-2.0m,属全新统娄塘组、上海组和青浦组,颗石藻化石丰度较高,并有数个属种共生,反映当时的滨岸潮上带-河口滨海-浅海近岸海湾的环境演化过程。综合前人的研究成果,认为长江三角洲全新世海侵之强度和范围都超过晚更新世发生的海侵。此外,本文仔细讨论了Gephyrocapsa oceanica的生态特征,显示其为一个盐度适应能力较强、分布广泛的暖水种。 相似文献
首次报道西太湖W1A钻孔钙质超微化石,这一发现为研究西太湖成因及演化增添了新的古生物资料。钙质超微化石在西太湖的发现,证明大约11280年前的全新世早期,西太湖湖盆曾遭受海侵,形成海湾环境。 相似文献
H. A. Lessios B. D. Kessing D. R. Robertson G. Paulay 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》1999,53(3):806-817
The pantropical sea urchin genus Eucidaris contains four currently recognized species, all of them allopatric: E. metularia in the Indo-West Pacific, E. thouarsi in the eastern Pacific, E. tribuloides in both the western and eastern Atlantic, and E. clavata at the central Atlantic islands of Ascension and St. Helena. We sequenced a 640-bp region of the cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene of mitochondrial DNA to determine whether this division of the genus into species was confirmed by molecular markers, to ascertain their phylogenetic relations, and to reconstruct the history of possible dispersal and vicariance events that led to present-day patterns of species distribution. We found that E. metularia split first from the rest of the extant species of the genus. If COI divergence is calibrated by the emergence of the Isthmus of Panama, the estimated date of the separation of the Indo-West Pacific species is 4.7–6.4 million years ago. This date suggests that the last available route of genetic contact between the Indo-Pacific and the rest of the tropics was from west to east through the Eastern Pacific Barrier, rather than through the Tethyan Sea or around the southern tip of Africa. The second cladogenic event was the separation of eastern Pacific and Atlantic populations by the Isthmus of Panama. Eucidaris at the outer eastern Pacific islands (Galapagos, Isla del Coco, Clipperton Atoll) belong to a separate clade, so distinct from mainland E. thouarsi as to suggest that this is a different species, for which the name E. galapagensis is revived from the older taxonomic literature. Complete lack of shared alleles in three allozyme loci between island and mainland populations support their separate specific status. Eucidaris galapagensis and E. thouarsi are estimated from their COI divergence to have split at about the same time that E. thouarsi and E. tribuloides were being separated by the Isthmus of Panama. Even though currents could easily convey larvae between the eastern Pacific islands and the American mainland, the two species do not appear to have invaded each other's ranges. Conversely, the central Atlantic E. clavata at St. Helena and Ascension is genetically similar to E. tribuloides from the American and African coasts. Populations on these islands are either genetically connected to the coasts of the Atlantic or have been colonized by extant mitochondrial DNA lineages of Eucidaris within the last 200,000 years. Although it is hard to explain how larvae can cross the entire width of the Atlantic within their competent lifetimes, COI sequences of Eucidaris from the west coast of Africa are very similar to those of E. tribuloides from the Caribbean. FST statistics indicate that gene flow between E. metularia from the Indian Ocean and from the western and central Pacific is restricted. Low gene flow is also evident between populations of E. clavata from Ascension and St. Helena. Rates of intraspecific exchange of genes in E. thouarsi, E. galapagensis, and E. tribuloides, on the other hand, are high. The phylogeny of Eucidaris confirms Ernst Mayr's conclusions that major barriers to the dispersal of tropical echinoids have been the wide stretch of deep water between central and eastern Pacific, the cold water off the southwest coast of Africa, and the Isthmus of Panama. It also suggests that a colonization event in the eastern Pacific has led to speciation between mainland and island populations. 相似文献
依据Altingiaceae和Juglandaceae孢粉化石探讨我国第三纪植物群及气候特征 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
依据化石花粉Caryapollenites和Liquidambarpollenites的现存对应植物的生态特征 ,探讨我国第三纪一些孢粉组合的植物群及其所反映的古气候特征。得出 :1)我国第三纪植被 ,从第三纪初至末 ,东西部就有明显区别 ;2 )我国第三纪的孢粉组合所反映的古植被可以和我国现存的植被进行比较 ,从而获得气候特征 ;3)从孢粉资料判断 ,Carya属和Altingiaceae科植物从第三纪初至今 ,生长地带纬向南移了 10°多。 相似文献
两种钙藻热解产出的气态和液态烃类 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在200℃至400℃高温和还原条件下分别对仙掌藻和乳节藻两种钙质藻类进行热模拟降解实验,分离获得气态和液态烃类化合物。随着热解温度升高,两种钙藻产烃气量明显上升,其中甲烷与乙烷气的增加最多,同时两种钙藻产出的乙烷与乙烯比值都有规律地增加,但仙掌藻产烃气量高于乳节藻。这表明钙质藻类可能是天然气的一种重要母质来源。虽然这两种钙藻随温度增加热解产出的可溶有机质及族组分的变化规律不明显,但它们的正烷烃分布特征具有相类似的变化。未经热解时它们都以C17为主峰的低碳数正烷烃占优势;当热解温度从200℃增加到400℃时,它们都又表现出以C25或C23为主峰的较高碳数正烷烃占优势的分布特征。这与富含钙藻化石的沉积岩样品中正烷烃的分布特征相一致,说明C25或C23为主峰的较高碳数正烷烃占优势的分布特征可能是钙藻热解有机质的一种判识标志. 相似文献
A new artificial seawater medium has been tested with 83 strains of coastal and open ocean phytoplankton from 11 different algal classes. The cultures were carried through four transfers, representing a period of eight weeks for most species. Only three species could not be maintained in the enriched artificial seawater, and 16 species, mainly from the Prymnesiophyceae and Dinophyceae, had reduced final cell yields compared to those grown in enriched natural seawater. Since 77% of the species tested grew equally well in enriched artificial or natural seawater and more than 95% could be maintained in the artificial medium, this recipe is useful over a broad spectrum of species. The artificial seawater base was enriched with a modified ES enrichment solution; the primary modifications were the omission of Tris and the addition of Si. Enriched medium was autoclaved without precipitation by lowering the pH before autoclaving. This was accomplished by adding equimolar amounts of Na-HCO3 and HCl which produced NaCl and CO2 during the heating process. When no pH buffer was used, precipitation could only be avoided by autoclaving the artificial seawater base as two separate salt solutions (with Ca and Sr separated from CO3?2 and SO4?2), cooling, mixing and aseptically adding the sterilized enrichment solution. 相似文献
RADEK VODRÁKA 《Palaeontology》2009,52(1):187-192
Abstract: A new method for the extraction of calcified and/or partly pyritized macrofossils has been developed. This method is based upon the differential speeds for the dissolving of microcrystalline and macrocrystalline calcite in 38% sulphuric acid. The effectiveness of the sulphuric acid treatment is also influenced by the volume of clay minerals in the host rock. Therefore, this method is highly applicable for the extraction of macrofossils from marlstones, marly limestones, and other lithified calcareous sediments. The main advantages of this method, when compared with other chemical methods, are (1) the short treatment time, (2) the capability of dissolving the sediment on the fossil's surface, and (3) its efficiency in dissolving calcareous rocks with low porosity. This method has been successfully applied to Upper Cretaceous macrofossils from the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin. The surface of extracted macrofossils remained undamaged, exhibiting minute skeletal details; perhaps even encrusters and bioerosions. 相似文献