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铁皮石斛疫病2001年发现在浙江义乌栽培田间,是由疫霉菌引起的。在田间,疫霉菌侵染茎基部,引起当年移植苗根腐、植株枯萎和死亡,但侵染2-3年植株幼嫩顶部仅引起项枯症状。通过对病原菌形态学、交配型的观察,以及核糖体DNA ITS序列分析,侵染铁皮石斛的5个分离菌株被鉴定为烟草疫霉菌Phytophthora nicotianae。致病性试验表明,铁皮石斛是烟草疫霉菌的寄主。  相似文献   

综述了组织、显微、光谱、色谱及分子生物学技术等鉴定方法在铁皮石斛鉴定中的研究与应用,以期为铁皮石斛的有效鉴定提供科学依据。  相似文献   

铁皮石斛内生真菌分布   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本研究从铁皮石斛(Dendrobium officinale)根、茎和叶中分离得到内生真菌67株,经形态学和分子生物学鉴定分别归属于16个属,Fusarium和Alternaria为铁皮石斛内生真菌的优势种群。研究发现,铁皮石斛根、茎、叶中内生真菌分布存在较大差别,具有一定的组织差异性,不同石斛植物中内生真菌的存在情况差别较大,具有一定的宿主差异性。本研究丰富了真菌资源,为石斛属药用植物内生真菌资源的开发利用提供了基础理论依据。  相似文献   

铁皮石斛内生真菌研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前已经从不同生境的铁皮石斛(Dendrobium officinale Kimura et Migo)中分离到内生真菌252株,这些内生真菌涵盖了真菌门(Eumycota;Mycobionta)5个亚门中的半知菌亚门(Deuterornycotina)、担子菌亚门(Basidiomycotina)和子囊菌亚门(Ascomycotina)等3个亚门,已经鉴定的内生真菌分属于48个属。有些内生真菌对铁皮石斛的种子萌发和植株生长均有促进作用。对铁皮石斛内生真菌的多样性和分类、铁皮石斛内生菌与宿主的关系进行了综述,探讨研究中存在的问题, 并对今后研究方向提出建议。  相似文献   

桑疫病菌噬菌体的分离及其特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从一些省市的桑叶,土壤中分离到29株桑疫病菌噬菌体,根据噬菌斑的大小、潜伏期长短、平均裂解量和血清学差异等可以分成三种类型:(1)大斑型(MF-Ⅰ):培养24小时的噬菌斑直径为6.5mm,血清中和反应速度常数K值(600×)为552,潜伏期60分钟,上升期50分钟,平均裂解量为37个,最适生长温度为28℃,(2)中斑型(MP-Ⅱ),直径2.1mm,K值(400×)为233,潜伏期90分钟,上升期90分钟,平均裂解量为18个,最适生长温度25℃,(3)小斑型(MP-Ⅲ):直径1.4mm,K值(200×)为146,潜伏期为390分钟,上升期280分钟,平均裂解量为22个,最适生长温度20℃。 MP-Ⅰ和MP-Ⅱ噬菌体形态都具有等轴多面体的头部和短尾,MP-Ⅲ噬菌体为蝌蚪形,有等轴多面体的头部,尾部细长,直而不收缩。  相似文献   

非寄主抗病性是一种普遍的自然现象, 该文通过建立拟南芥-大豆疫霉菌(Arabidopsis thaliana-Phytophthora sojae)非寄主互作系统, 筛选对大豆疫霉菌感病的拟南芥突变体, 为研究植物对卵菌的非寄主抗病性遗传机制奠定基础。以大豆疫霉菌游动孢子接种拟南芥T-DNA插入突变体离体叶片, 从代表12 000个独立转化株系的40 000株T3代T-DNA插入拟南芥突变体中获得一系列对大豆疫霉菌感病的突变体。其中突变体581-51感病性状表现稳定, 离体叶片接菌后3天内出现明显的水渍状病斑, 4–5天后产生大量卵孢子和/或孢子囊。细胞学观察发现有典型的吸器形成。Southern杂交和遗传分析结果表明, 581-51突变体含有4个T-DNA插入事件, 其感病性状可能由隐性单基因控制。  相似文献   

非寄主抗病性是一种普遍的自然现象,该文通过建立拟南芥.大豆疫霉菌(Arabidopsis thaliana—Phytophthora sojae)非寄主互作系统,筛选对大豆疫霉菌感病的拟南芥突变体,为研究植物对卵菌的非寄主抗病性遗传机制奠定基础。以大豆疫霉菌游动孢子接种拟南芥T—DNA插入突变体离体叶片,从代表12000个独立转化株系的40000株T3代T。DNA插入拟南芥突变体中获得一系列对大豆疫霉菌感病的突变体。其中突变体581-51感病性状表现稳定,离体叶片接菌后3天内出现明显的水渍状病斑,4—5天后产生大量卵孢子和/或孢子囊。细胞学观察发现有典型的吸器形成。Southern杂交和遗传分析结果表明,581—51突变体含有4个T-DNA插入事件,其感病性状可能由隐性单基因控制。  相似文献   

福建冠豸山野生铁皮石斛的显微鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对福建连城冠豸山开展野生铁皮石斛Dendrobium officinale实地调查,发现当地有铁皮石斛分布。对其茎、叶组织构造及茎的显微粉末特征等进行观察,结果表明,铁皮石斛茎维管束外侧的纤维群呈帽状,草酸钙针晶束于近表皮处多见,粉末中含针晶束的黏液细胞以及纤维束外具有含硅质块的细胞等特征可作为该药正确鉴别的依据。  相似文献   

目的探讨铁皮石斛对部分酵母菌、益生细菌和有害菌生长的影响,为铁皮石斛调节微生态平衡提供实验依据。方法通过液体培养比浊法检测铁皮石斛对各供试菌株生长的抑促情况。结果铁皮石斛对白色假丝酵母菌、酿酒酵母菌、汉逊德巴利酵母菌的生长具有明显的促进作用:铁皮石斛对保加利亚乳杆菌和枯草芽胞杆菌等有益细菌的生长也具有明显的促进作用:能够抑制金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠埃希菌和沙门菌等(条件)致病菌的生长:铁皮石斛对产气杆菌、铜绿假单胞菌、嗜热链球菌和地衣芽胞杆菌的生长没有明显的影响。结论铁皮石斛能促进部分有益菌的生长,对部分(条件)致病菌有抑制作用,通过抑制有害菌、促进有益菌调控微生态平衡。  相似文献   

为了揭示铁皮石斛(Dendrobium officinale)甾醇C-24甲基转移酶2基因(DoSMT2)在甾醇代谢过程的功能,该研究通过根癌农杆菌介导法将来源于铁皮石斛的DoSMT2基因转化烟草(Nicotiana tabacum),并采用qRT-PCR技术检测DoSMT2基因在转基因烟草叶片中的表达,采用气相色谱质谱法分析菜油甾醇和谷甾醇的含量。结果显示:(1)成功获得DoSMT2基因的开放阅读框(1 119 bp),并成功构建正义植物表达载体质粒pCXSN-DoSMT2,经农杆菌介导的烟草叶盘转化法转化烟草并鉴定,获得4株阳性转基因烟草植株。(2)Southern blot结果表明,4株转基因烟草植株都有1条杂交信号带,而非转基因烟草植株没有,说明外源DoSMT2基因都以单拷贝整合到4株转基因烟草基因组中。(3)qRT-PCR检测显示,非转基因烟草未检测到外源DoSMT2基因的表达,4株转基因烟草都能检测到DoSMT2基因的表达,且表达水平差异极显著,各株系表达量高低依次为P3P1P2(P4)。(4)气相色谱质谱分析显示,转DoSMT2基因烟草叶片的菜油甾醇含量均极显著低于非转基因烟草叶片,而谷甾醇含量均极显著高于非转基因烟草叶片。研究表明,DoSMT2具有催化24-亚甲基胆甾烯醇转化形成24-亚乙基胆甾烯醇活性。  相似文献   

A survey was conducted, during 2012/2013, to identify the causal agents of citrus gummosis in Tunisia. The obtained isolates were identified by molecular and pathological criteria. Three species of Pythium (P. aphanidermatum, P. ultimum and P. dissotocum) and two species of Phytopythium (P. vexans and P. mercuriale) were recovered. Pathogenic tests, using twigs inoculation method for five citrus varieties under laboratory conditions, showed necrotic lesions similar to those observed in natural infected citrus trees by gummosis. In greenhouse experiments, the pathogenicity of the species to citrus was demonstrated by soil and trunk inoculations. Results showed necrotic lesions in the trunk of the variety “Clementine”. P. ultimum is the most virulent, while P. mercuriale was the least virulent in trunk inoculation. Symptom of necrotic roots has been also observed. This is the first report of Pythium and Phytopythium species within the citrus area in Tunisia.  相似文献   

In vitro flowering of Dendrobium candidum   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Dendrobium candidum, a wild orchid species from China, normally requires three to four years of cultivation before it can produce flowers. The effects of plant hormones and polyamines on flower initiation of this species in tissue culture were investigated. The addition of spermidine, or BA, or the combination of NAA and BA to the culture medium can induce protocorms or shoots to flower within three to six months with a frequency of 31.6%-45.8%. The flowering frequency can be further increased to 82.8 % on the average by pre-treatment of protocorms in an ABA-containing medium followed by transfer onto MS medium with BA. The induction of precocious flowering depends on the developmental stage of the experimental materials (protocorms, shoots and plantlets) used, and usually occurs only when mt formation is inhibited.  相似文献   

In vitro flowering of Dendrobium candidum   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Dendrobium candidum, a wild orchid species from China, normally requires three to four years of cultivation before it can produce flowers. The effects of plant hormones and polyamines on flower initiation of this species in tissue culture were investigated. The addition of spermidine, or BA, or the combination of NAA and BA to the culture medium can induce protocorms or shoots to flower within three to six months with a frequency of 31.6% -45.8%. The flowering frequency can be further increased to 82.8 % on the average by pre-treatment of protocorms in an ABA-containing medium followed by transfer onto MS medium with BA. The induction of precocious flowering de-pends on the developmental stage of the experimental materials (protocorms, shoots and plantlets) used , and usually occurs only when root formation is inhibited.  相似文献   

本研究以铁皮石斛体内分离筛选得到一株产橙红色色素的内生真菌X1为研究对象,为明确该菌株的种属及其所产天然色素的稳定性,采用分子生物学的方法,鉴定该菌株归属于Neurospora sp.一种。该菌株所产橙色素在400 nm波长处有最大吸收峰;从温度、pH、光照、氧化剂与还原剂四个单因子,对该株菌进行色素稳定性研究。结果表明该色素在紫外光下放置6 h橙色素光吸收值增大,说明有增色效应;在pH 2~8,20~100℃下不受太大影响;H_20_2和Na_2SO_3对该色素有较强的破坏力;Fe3+、Zn2+、Cu2+、Ca2+和Mn2+对该色素具有保色或增色作用;10%NaCl和15%葡萄糖溶液对色素均有增色效应。该研究对内生真菌分离及真菌色素提取工艺具有一定的理论指导意义。  相似文献   

广西铁皮石斛HPLC指纹图谱研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用HPLC法建立广西铁皮石斛提取液的指纹图谱,运用相似度评价药材质量。结果表明,在13个共有峰构成的铁皮石斛指纹图谱中,有11批药材相似度均在0.8以上,2批的相似度较差,未达到0.8,表明相似度大小与药材的产地有关。通过对栽培铁皮石斛不同部位药材的指纹图谱峰面积的比较,不提倡对药材提早采收。3批组织培养铁皮石斛的图谱相似度较低,说明培养到不同阶段的铁皮石斛材料组织培养物,其化学成分相差较大。  相似文献   

烟草黑胫病是由寄生疫霉烟草变种引起的一种对烟草生产造成巨大经济损失的土传病害。本文以健康烟株与感染黑胫病烟株茎秆和根际土壤为研究对象,通过PCR技术扩增样本中真菌转录间隔区的ITS1区域,采用Illumina Miseq高通量测序技术对扩增片段进行测序,旨在了解黑胫病感染对于烟草茎秆和根际土壤真菌群落结构与多样性的影响。本研究20个测序样品,共获得755 599条高质量序列片段,最短序列为200bp,最长序列为356bp,平均序列长度248bp。结果表明,健康烟株和发病烟株根际土壤的优势真菌为子囊菌门Ascomycota、接合菌门Zygomycota和担子菌门Basidiomycota,所有茎秆样品的优势真菌为子囊菌门、担子菌门。健康烟株与感染黑胫病烟株根际土壤样品相对丰度大于1%的属有镰刀菌属Fusarium、被孢霉属Mortierella、隐球菌属Cryptococcus、链格孢属Alternaria和赤霉菌属Gibberella等,其中,健康烟株根际土壤优势属为镰刀菌属(39.35%)和被孢霉属(14.19%),发病烟株根际土壤镰刀菌属和被孢霉属相对丰度分别为40.26%和20.77%;健康茎秆样品优势属为隐球菌属(31.12%)、链格孢属(18.28%)、镰刀菌属(15.67%)和红酵母属Rhodotorula(13.34%);病健交界茎秆样品优势属为镰刀菌属(41.36%)、隐球菌属(28.15%)和链格孢属(22.32%);发病茎秆优势属为隐球菌属(62.14%)和链格孢属(27.75%)。烟株感染黑胫病后,其根际土壤与茎秆样品真菌优势属种类与健康烟株无明显变化,但属水平的相对丰度变化显著。发病烟株茎秆与根际土壤样品真菌群落Sobs、Chao1、Shannon指数较健康烟株降低,Simpson指数上升,表明烟株发病后根际土壤真菌与茎秆内生真菌群落丰富度与多样性降低。该结果对于研究烟草黑胫病发生的微生态机制及其生物防治具有一定的理论指导意义。  相似文献   

Awuah RT  Frimpong M 《Mycopathologia》2002,155(3):143-147
Green cocoa pod husk agar (GCPA), ripe cocoa pod husk agar (RCPA), green cocoabean agar (GCBA), ripe cocoa bean agar (RCBA), green cocoa mucilage agar (GCMA)and ripe cocoa mucilage agar (RCMA) were prepared and assessd for their clarity andfor potential to support mycelial growth and sporulation of P. palmivora. Oatmeal agar (OMA), potato-dextrose agar (PDA), vegetable 8 juice agar (V8JA) and pineapple crown agar (PCA) were included for comparison. The highest radial growth rates of 8.3 and 7.2 mm/day were recorded, respectively, on OMA and GCPA but these were not significantly different (P ≤ 0 05) from each other. The two media also supported good aerial mycelial growth but were not clear. Radial mycelial growth rates of 6.5, 7.0 and 6.6 mm/day were obtained on GCMA, RCPA and V8JA, respectively, and these rates were also not significantly different from each other. Of the three media, only the GCMA was clear and supported the best aerial mycelial growth. In comparison, the RCMA supported a significantly lower radial growth (4.6 mm/day) of P. palmivora than the three media. Growth rates were least on RCBA, PCA and PDA but sporulation was poorest on PDA, PCA and V8JA. GCMA was found to be the best medium based on all the growth parameters and media characteristics. GCMA has been used effectively to isolate/detect P. palmivora from infected cocoa pod tissues. Apart from differences in radial growth rate, both the GCMA and RCMA were similar in all other respects and are recommended for culturing P. palmivora. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

During the period 1997–2007, a comprehensive study of the occurrence and distribution of Phytophthora species was conducted on Hainan Island of South China. To date, 14 species of Phytophthora have been recovered and their distribution determined. Phytophthora nicotianae ( =P. parasitica ) is the most important species attacking a wide variety of crops, followed by Phytophthora capsici and Phytophthora citrophthora . In contrast to Phytophthora colocasiae attacking taro leaves throughout the entire island, Phytophthora cyperi was found only once on Digitaria ciliaris in Danzhou. It is of interest to note that Phytophthora heveae, Phytophthora katsurae and Phytophthora insolita are commonly found in forest soil/water of protected mountains without causing any plant diseases. Although Phytophthora species are usually terrestrial or found in fresh water, one isolate of Phytophthora resembling closely the asexual isolates of P. insolita in Hainan was obtained from decaying Rhizophora leaves submerged in seawater. An unidentified Phytophthora species producing non-papillate; internally proliferating sporangia was isolated from the soil in which Ceriops tagel and Bruguiera serangula were growing in a salt water shrimp farm.  相似文献   

Oomycete pathogens that belong to the genus Phytophthora cause devastating diseases in solanaceous crops such as pepper, potato, and tobacco, resulting in crop production losses worldwide. Although the application of fungicides efficiently controls these diseases, it has been shown to trigger negative side effects such as environmental pollution, phytotoxicity, and fungicide resistance in plant pathogens. Therefore, biological control of Phytophthora-induced diseases was proposed as an environmentally sound alternative to conventional chemical control. In this review, progress on biological control of the soilborne oomycete plant pathogens, Phytophthora capsici, Phytophthora infestans, and Phytophthora nicotianae, infecting pepper, potato, and tobacco is described. Bacterial (e.g., Acinetobacter, Bacillus, Chryseobacterium, Paenibacillus, Pseudomonas, and Streptomyces) and fungal (e.g., Trichoderma and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi) agents, and yeasts (e.g., Aureobasidium, Curvibasidium, and Metschnikowia) have been reported as successful biocontrol agents of Phytophthora pathogens. These microorganisms antagonize Phytophthora spp. via antimicrobial compounds with inhibitory activities against mycelial growth, sporulation, and zoospore germination. They also trigger plant immunity-inducing systemic resistance via several pathways, resulting in enhanced defense responses in their hosts. Along with plant protection, some of the microorganisms promote plant growth, thereby enhancing their beneficial relations with host plants. Although the beneficial effects of the biocontrol microorganisms are acceptable, single applications of antagonistic microorganisms tend to lack consistent efficacy compared with chemical analogues. Therefore, strategies to improve the biocontrol performance of these prominent antagonists are also discussed in this review.  相似文献   

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