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Environmental proteomics, also referred to as metaproteomics, is an emerging technology to study the structure and function of microbial communities. Here, we applied semi-quantitative label-free proteomics using one-dimensional gel electrophoresis combined with LC-MS/MS and normalized spectral counting together with fluorescence in situ hybridization and confocal laser scanning microscopy to characterize the metaproteome of the lung lichen symbiosis Lobaria pulmonaria. In addition to the myco- and photobiont, L. pulmonaria harbors proteins from a highly diverse prokaryotic community, which is dominated by Proteobacteria and including also Archaea. While fungal proteins are most dominant (75.4% of all assigned spectra), about the same amount of spectra were assigned to prokaryotic proteins (10%) and to the green algal photobiont (9%). While the latter proteins were found to be mainly associated with energy and carbohydrate metabolism, a major proportion of fungal and bacterial proteins appeared to be involved in PTMs and protein turnover and other diverse functions.  相似文献   

An aqeuous extract of Lobaria pulmonaria (L.) Hoffm., from which a tea is prepared and consumed as treatment for various diseases in northeastern Turkey, was tested for its anti-inflammatory and antiulcerogenic effects in rats. The carrageenan-induced paw edema, cotton pellet granuloma and indomethacin-induced gastric damage models were used to determine these effects. The extract exhibited moderate anti-inflammatory and strong antiulcerogenic activities.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Developmental Biology - The paper describes the ontogenesis of the epiphytic lichen Lobaria pulmonaria. The studies were carried out in the Karelian forest communities with the...  相似文献   


The distribution of the epiphytic macrolichen Lobaria pulmonaria (L.) Hoffm. was surveyed in the Regional Forest of Cansiglio, extending over 3,500 ha in the eastern part of the Veneto Pre-Alps (north-east Italy). Data on the main characteristics of the forest sites and on Lobaria trees were collected with the aim to evaluate the main ecological factors, related to forest composition and management, affecting the distribution of Lobaria pulmonaria. Lichen diversity was surveyed on 15 randomly selected Lobaria trees. A good correlation between macrolichens and the total number of species was found. The largest Lobaria populations are concentred in the north-eastern part of the forest, where mixed and multi-plane silver fir – beech formations prevail, and selective cutting is carried out. Our data has enabled us to develop some criteria for the identification of priority conservation sites for Lobaria pulmonaria and lichen diversity in the study area, improving the focus on biodiversity in the management of the forest.  相似文献   

We isolated and characterized eight microsatellite markers for Dictyochloropsis reticulata, the primary photosynthetic partner of the epiphytic lichen Lobaria pulmonaria. These are the first microsatellite loci reported for a lichen symbiotic alga. These polymorphic markers will be useful for investigating spatial genetic structure, biogeography and dispersal of this eukaryotic alga and will generally shed light on the coevolution of the green-algal lichen symbioses.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that structural variables related to old-growth features affect the distribution of Lobaria pulmonaria in a Mediterranean National Park of Italy. A total of 36 plots, with old-growth characteristics and representing overall three forest types (beech- oak- and mixed- forests) were studied. The lichen was absent in about half of the sites, suggesting that the selection of old-growth forests based solely on structural features is not sufficient to predict the presence of this species, which therefore proves to be rather sensitive and selective. Its abundance was related to high tree circumference and basal area, and to availability of deadwood, confirming the relevant effect of substrate and stand continuity in the conservation of this species and emphasizing its role of indicator species of undisturbed forest ecosystems with long ecological continuity.  相似文献   

Gauslaa Y  Lie M  Solhaug KA  Ohlson M 《Oecologia》2006,147(3):406-416
This study aims to assess biomass and area growth of 600 thalli of the old forest lichen, Lobaria pulmonaria, transplanted to three successional boreal forest stands with (1) natural rainfall regime, (2) additional moistening during dry days, and (3) additional moistening with added nutrients. Mean biomass growth during 100 days varied from 8.3% in the dark young spruce forest to 23.1% in the clear-cut area, with the old forest in between (16.0%). Additional moistening did not enhance lichen growth, probably because the transplantation period was wet. Nutrient additions slightly increased area growth compared to artificial water additions only. Growth was determined by a combination of external (forest stand, site factors) and internal factors (chlorophyll content, biomass per area). Transplants acclimated to high light by increasing thickness and chlorophyll a/b-ratio. Some visible bleaching and a strong positive correlation between chlorophyll content per area and lichen growth in clear-cuts suggest some high light-induced chlorophyll degradation. We believe that biomass growth and natural occurrence of L. pulmonaria is controlled by a delicate balance between light availability and desiccation risk, and that the species is confined to old forests due to a physiological trade-off between growth potential and fatal desiccation damage, both of which increase with increasing light. The discrepancy between potential and realized ecological niches is probably caused by a long-term risk to be killed in open habitats by high light during long periods with no rain.  相似文献   

Two populations of the lichen Lobaria pulmonaria. growing on aspens and goat willows in 12 and 20 km2 study areas of boreal forest in Finland, were surveyed thoroughly to investigate the factors influencing the spatial distribution of the lichen. In one study area, where forestry has been intensive and old-growth forest is highly fragmented, L, pulmonaria was sparse and grew mostly on willows. In contrast, a large and continuous virgin forest area supported a higher incidence of L. pulmonaria. with the lichen being common on both aspens and willows. In both study areas, the distributions of aspen and willow were clumped over the scales of 100-1000 m. The spatial pattern of L pulmonaria was more clumped in the managed forest than in the virgin forest. The reduced incidence of the lichen on aspens in the managed area was attributed to a disruption of habitat continuity and small average tree size. There was no comparable reduction in the incidence on willows, probably because the willow had a very aggregated distribution in the managed area, which probably facililated local colonization of the lichen. Presence of the lichen was significantly related to size-corrected local density of aspen and willow trees as well as to spatial connectivity to neighboring lichen-occupied trees.  相似文献   

Availability of suitable trees is a primary determinant of range contractions and expansions of epiphytic species. However, switches between carrier tree species may blur co‐phylogeographic patterns. We identified glacial refugia in southeastern Europe for the tree‐colonizing lichen Lobaria pulmonaria, studied the importance of primeval forest reserves for the conservation of genetically diverse populations and analyzed differences in spatial genetic structure between primeval and managed forests with fungus‐specific microsatellite markers. Populations belonged to either of two genepools or were admixed. Gene diversity was higher in primeval than in managed forests. At small distances up to 170 m, genotype diversity was lower in managed compared with primeval forests. We found significant associations between groups of tree species and two L. pulmonaria genepools, which may indicate “hitchhiking” of L. pulmonaria on forest communities during postglacial migration. Genepool B of L. pulmonaria was associated with European Beech (Fagus sylvatica) and we can hypothesize that genepool B survived the last glaciation associated within the refuge of European Beech on the Coastal and Central Dinarides. The allelic richness of genepool A was highest in the Alps, which is the evidence for a northern refuge of L. pulmonaria. Vicariant altitudinal distributions of the two genepools suggest intraspecific ecological differentiation.  相似文献   

Lichens are considered freezing tolerant, although few species have been tested. Growth, a robust measure of fitness integrating processes in all partners of a lichen thallus, has not yet been used as a viability measure after freezing. We compared relative growth rates (RGR) after freezing with short-term viability measures of photo- and mycobiont functions in the coastal Lobaria virens and the widespread L. pulmonaria to test the hypothesis that low temperature shapes the coastal distribution of L. virens. Hydrated thalli from sympatric populations were subjected to freezing at −10, −20 and −40 °C for 5 h. The rate of cooling and subsequent warming was 5 °C h−1. Short-term viability measures of photobiont (maximal photosystem II efficiency, effective PSII yield) and mycobiont viability (conductivity index), as well as subsequent RGR, were assessed. The exotherms showed that L. virens froze at −3 °C; L. pulmonaria, at −4 °C. Freezing significantly impaired short-term viability measures of both photo- and mycobiont, particularly in the coastal species. Lobaria pulmonaria grew 2.1 times faster than L. virens, but the short-term damage after one freezing event did not affect the long-term RGR in any species. Thereby, short-term responses were impaired by freezing, long-term responses were not. While the lacking RGR-responses to freezing suggest that freezing tolerance does not shape the coastal distribution of L. virens, the significant reported adverse short-term effects in L. virens may be aggravated by repeated freezing-thawing cycles in cold winters. In such a perspective, repeated freezing may eventually lead to reduced long-term fitness in L. virens.  相似文献   

Asplund J  Gauslaa Y 《Oecologia》2008,155(1):93-99
This study aims: (1) to quantify mollusc grazing on juvenile and mature thalli of the foliose epiphytic lichen Lobaria pulmonaria, and (2) to test the hypothesis inferring a herbivore defensive role of lichen depsidones in forests with indigenous populations of lichen-feeding molluscs. Lichens were transplanted in shaded and less shaded positions in each of two calcareous broadleaved deciduous forests, one poor in lichens, one with a rich Lobarion community. Preventing the access of molluscs significantly reduced the loss of juvenile L. pulmonaria, particularly in the naturally lichen-poor forest. Molluscs also severely grazed mature thalli in the lichen-poor forest, especially thalli placed under the more shading canopies. Furthermore, reducing the natural concentration of depsidones by pre-rinsing with acetone increased subsequent grazing significantly, showing that lichen depsidones function as herbivore defence in natural habitats. Our results suggest that mollusc grazing may play important roles in shaping the epiphytic vegetation in calcareous deciduous forests, and that recently established juvenile L. pulmonaria thalli seem to be particularly vulnerable.  相似文献   

The foliose epiphytic lichen Lobaria pulmonaria has suffered a significant decline in European lowlands during the last decades and therefore is considered as endangered throughout Europe. An assessment of the genetic variability is necessary to formulate biologically sound conservation recommendations for this species. We investigated the genetic diversity of the fungal symbiont of L. pulmonaria using 143 specimens sampled from six populations (two small, one medium, three large) in the lowland, the Jura Mountains, the pre-Alps and the Alps of Switzerland. Among all nuclear and mitochondrial regions sequenced for this study, variability was found only in the internal transcribed spacer (ITS I), with three polymorphic sites, and in the nuclear ribosomal large subunit (nrLSU), with four polymorphic sites. The variable sites in the nrLSU are all located within a putative spliceosomal intron. We sequenced these two regions for 81 specimens and detected six genotypes. Two genotypes were common, two were found only in the more diverse populations and two were found only in one population each. There was no correlation between population size and genetic diversity. The highest genetic diversity was found in populations where the fungal symbiont is reproducing sexually. Populations with low genetic diversity included only the two same common genotypes. Our study provides evidence suggesting that L. pulmonaria is self-incompatible and heterothallic. Based on our results we give populations with sexually reproducing individuals a higher rank in terms of conservation priority than strictly asexual populations. The remaining lowland populations are so small, that one single catastrophic event such as a windthrow might destroy the entire population. Hence we suggest augmenting such populations in size and genetic diversity using small thallus fragments or vegetative diaspores collected in other populations. As we did not detect any locally adapted genotypes, these transplants can be taken from any other genetically diverse population in Switzerland.  相似文献   

Epiphytic lichens can contribute significantly to ecosystem nutrient input because they efficiently accumulate atmospheric mineral nutrients and, in the case of cyanolichens, also fix nitrogen. The rate at which carbon and other nutrients gained by lichens enters the ecosystem is determined by lichen litter decomposability and by invertebrate consumption of lichen litter. In turn, these processes are driven by the secondary compounds present in senesced lichens. Therefore, we explored how lichen palatability and concentrations of secondary compounds change with tissue senescence for Lobaria pulmonaria, a green-algal lichen with cyanobacterial cephalodia, and Lobaria scrobiculata, a cyanobacterial lichen. During senescence both lichens lost 38–48 % of their stictic acid chemosyndrome, while m-scrobiculin and usnic acid in L. scrobiculata remained unchanged. Snails preferred senesced rather than fresh L. pulmonaria, while senesced L. scrobiculata were avoided. This provides evidence that species with labile secondary compounds will have higher turnover rates, through consumption and decomposition, than those producing more stable secondary compounds.  相似文献   

Anthriscus sylvestris (L.) Hoffm., is characteristic of productive habitats, and Festuca ovina of unproductive ones. The two species were grown at steady-state growth with either free access to all nutrients or severe nitrogen limitation. The maximum relative growth rate of the two species was similar-about 0.20 day-1. Root:shoot partitioning at nitrogen limitation differed between the species. A. sylvestris allocated less biomass to fine-roots than at free access and F. ovina allocated more.  相似文献   

Ontogenesis of the foliose lichen Hypogymnia physodes has been described on the basis of the material obtained from natural populations. Ontogenetic dynamics (diameter of thallus and the number of lobes) and the features of reproductive structures (the number and diameter of labelloid and galeated sorales) were studied in ecologically different pine forests. We reasonably rejected the use of the variance analysis and nonparametric criteria for the result processing. It was shown that the median dynamics and trait variance may be either similar or different throughout the ontogenesis. The trait variances in ecologically different ecotopes were shown to be different.  相似文献   

Structure analysis based on regular morphological variability at organism level is applied to study the shape and spatial construction of lichen Hypogymnia phyzodes (L.) Nyl. Some structural were determined at juvenile stage of development with the use of this approach. Five of them are dominant. Besides, five the most frequent encounter types of thallus branching were described. It is shown that thallus structure at adult stage is usually built from two main elements forming axial dichotomy. Analysis of thallus shape indicates that transformation of dichotomy elements into trichotomy ones may also take place during growth and development of thallus.  相似文献   

E. Yagüe  M. I. Orus  M. P. Estevez 《Planta》1984,160(3):212-216
Evernia prunastri Ach., an epiphytic lichen growing on Quercus rotundifolia Lam., produces a -1,4-glucanase (EC and a polygalacturonase (EC The activity of these polysaccharidases increases as a response to incubation of the lichen with carboxymethylcellulose or sodium polygalacturonate, respectively. This increase in activity is thought to be the result of enzyme induction because it is inhibited by both cycloheximide and 8-azaguanine. Both polysaccharide-degrading enzymes are partially secreted into the incubation media.  相似文献   

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