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Species distribution models are often used to study the biodiversity of ecosystems. The modelling process uses a number of parameters to predict others, such as the occurrence of determinate species, population size, habitat suitability or biodiversity. It is well known that the heterogeneity of landscapes can lead to changes in species’ abundance and biodiversity. However, landscape metrics depend on maps and spatial scales when it comes to undertaking a GIS analysis.We explored the goodness of fit of several models using the metrics of landscape heterogeneity and altitude as predictors of bird diversity in different landscapes and spatial scales. Two variables were used to describe biodiversity: bird richness and trophic level diversity, both of which were obtained from a breeding bird survey by means of point counts. The relationships between biodiversity and landscape metrics were compared using multiple linear regressions. All of the analyses were repeated for 14 different spatial scales and for cultivated, forest and grassland environments to determine the optimal spatial scale for each landscape typology.Our results revealed that the relationships between species’ richness and landscape heterogeneity using 1:10,000 land cover maps were strongest when working on a spatial scale up to a radius of 125–250 m around the sampled point (circa 4.9–19.6 ha). Furthermore, the correlation between measures of landscape heterogeneity and bird diversity was greater in grasslands than in cultivated or forested areas. The multi-spatial scale approach is useful for (a) assessing the accuracy of surrogates of bird diversity in different landscapes and (b) optimizing spatial model procedures for biodiversity mapping, mainly over extensive areas.  相似文献   

Several biodiversity features can be linked to landscape heterogeneity, that, in turn, can be informative for management and conservation purposes. Usually, the more the landscape is complex the more the biodiversity increases. Biodiversity indicators can be a useful tool to assess biodiversity status, in function of landscape heterogeneity. In this study, we developed a biodiversity indicator, based on Shannon diversity index and built from distribution maps of protected species. With such an approach, we seek to evaluate the feasibility of using a combination of target species as a surrogate for assessing the status of the whole bird community. Our approach was spread over multiple spatial scales, to determine which was the most informative. We selected four species protected by European regulation and generated a presence-absence map from species distribution modelling. We, therefore, used the FRAGSTATS biodiversity metric to calculate Shannon index for the overlapped presence-absence maps, at two spatial scales (500 m and 1000 m). Then, the relationships with the whole community was assessed through generalised least square models, at the spatial scale of 4 ha, 9 ha and 25 ha. Results showed that the higher rate of variability of community was explained by the biodiversity indicator at 1000 m scale. Indeed, the more informative spatial scale for the whole bird community was 9 ha. In addition, a pattern emerged about the relationships between biodiversity indicator and community richness, that is worth of further research. Our study demonstrates that the usefulness of surrogate species for biodiversity and community assessment can become clear only at a certain spatial scales. Indeed, they can be highly predictive of the whole community, and highly informative for conservation planning. Moreover, their use can optimize biodiversity monitoring and conservation, focusing on a small number of noteworthy species.  相似文献   

Community structure is expected to be affected by spatial heterogeneity in a landscape. We examined the spatial-scale-dependent effects of windthrow caused by a large typhoon on a forest bird community. Typhoon events of this magnitude are rare in Hokkaido, Japan, occurring only once or twice a century. To assess the “functional spatial scale” at which bird groups (community, species, body-size class, and foraging guild) specifically responded to landscape heterogeneity, the canopy gap rate (CGR, gap percentage) was evaluated at different spatial scales by varying the radius of a circular landscape sector from 100 to 500 m stepwise by 10 m. We then analysed bird community responses, in terms of species richness and abundance, to CGR. Bird species richness did not significantly depend on CGR. In contrast, abundance was significantly dependent on CGR in many groups (species, body-size class, and foraging guild). The guild-level response was clearer than the species-level response, which suggests that the integration and filtration of species traits by guild can reveal a clear response of bird abundance to the extent of canopy gaps. For example, the scale dependence of responses to disturbance clearly varied among body-size classes, where larger birds had larger functional spatial scales. These results reveal that different groups of organisms have different functional spatial scales at which they respond to habitat heterogeneity. Our results also suggest that monitoring only a small number of species could be misleading for conserving biodiversity at the landscape level.  相似文献   

As time and money is limited, explicit, cost-effective, quick, and appropriate methods are needed to assist conservation planners and managers for making quick decisions. Butterflies promise to be a good model for rapid assessment and habitat monitoring studies because they are widespread, conspicuous, and easily recognizable and they are effective indicators of forest health. We conducted a rapid assessment of butterflies at five disturbance gradient sites that varied in elevation from 900 m a.s.l. to 3500 m a.s.l. for 20 days during March–April 2010 and recorded 79 butterfly species and 1504 individuals in the Tons valley in Western Himalayas. We were able to sample approximately 77% (123 species) of the estimated species richness on continuing the sampling until July 2010. Species richness at the study site is estimated to be 159 (95% CI: 145–210) species. Diversity was highest in heterogeneous habitats and decreased towards homogeneous habitats. Unique species were highly restricted to lowest disturbed sites. Using Pearson's correlation analysis, the strongest vegetative predictors of butterfly richness were plant species richness, canopy cover, and herb and shrub density. Butterfly species richness and abundance were highly correlated with altitude, temperature, relative humidity, fire signs, and livestock abundance. We also found positive cross-taxon correlation among butterflies, moths, and beetles across sites, indicating that butterflies can be used as surrogate or indicator taxa for insect conservation. Short sampling periods providing comprehensive estimates of species richness were reliable for identifying habitats and sites with the most conservation value in the Tons valley landscape.  相似文献   

Landscape features are often used as surrogates for biodiversity. While landscape features may perform well as surrogates for coarse metrics of biodiversity such as species richness, their value for monitoring population trends in individual species is virtually unexplored. We compared the performance of a proposed habitat surrogate for birds, percentage cover of vegetation overstory, for two distinct aspects of bird assemblages: community diversity (i.e. species richness) and population trends. We used four different long-term studies of open woodland habitats to test the consistency of the relationship between overstory percentage cover and bird species richness across a large spatial extent (>1000 km) in Australia. We then identified twelve bird species with long-term time-series data to test the relationship between change in overstory cover and populations trends. We found percentage cover performed consistently as a surrogate for species richness in three of the four sites. However, there was no clear pattern in the performance of change in percentage cover as a surrogate for population trends. Four bird species exhibited a significant relationship with change in percentage overstory cover in one study, but this was not found across multiple studies. These results demonstrate a lack of consistency in the relationship between change in overstory cover and population trends among bird species, both within and between geographic regions. Our study demonstrates that biodiversity surrogates representing community-level metrics may be consistent across regions, but provide only limited information about individual species population trends. Understanding the limitations of the information provided by a biodiversity surrogate can inform the appropriate context for its application.  相似文献   

This review critically evaluates indicators of tidal wetland condition based on 36 indicator development studies and indicators developed as part of U.S. state tidal wetland monitoring programs. Individual metrics were evaluated based on relative scores on two sets of evaluation factors. A rigor score evaluated metric development based on conceptual relevance, indicator development method, degree of independent validation, and temporal and spatial extent tested. An applicability score evaluated metrics based on cost of data collection, probable spatial extent of applicability, technical complexity, and indicator responsiveness. The majority of indicators could be classified as biotic condition indicators (81%), with vegetation (37%) and macroinvertebrate (28%) metrics composing the largest proportion. Most metrics provided a conceptual model or scientific justification (97%), were developed by correlation to environmental gradients (46%), were tested over multiple seasons or years (49%) and at multiple sites (88%). Few were independently validated (18%). Average rigor score was 10 (on a scale of 0–25) and ranged between 1 and 21. Highest rigor scores were for trematode community metrics (community similarity index, species richness) and metrics of grass shrimp (Palaemonetes pugio) individuals (gene expression, relative fecundity, embryo hatching success, larval survival). Most metrics had a high cost of data collection (63%), required field and laboratory processing (84%), would be applicable across the U.S. (72%), and were responsive to the variable of interest (44%). Mean applicability score was 4.9 (range: 2–8). Highest scores were found for metrics that only required field collection of data using simple or no instrumentation. Lowest scoring metrics required expensive equipment, specialized taxonomic knowledge, complex laboratory analysis, and/or culturing of organisms. Scores for individual metrics were grouped by indicator, then averaged and rescaled between 0 and 100 to provide a composite evaluation of the indicator they measured. Among major indicator types, biotic indicators had the highest rigor scores (mean = 44, range 20–79), followed by indicators of chemical/physical characteristics (mean = 36, range 16–56), landscape condition (mean = 31, range 24–37), and hydrology/geomorphology indicators (mean = 21, range 4–52). In contrast, biotic indicators scored lowest for applicability (mean = 58, range 25–100) and indicators of landscape condition scored highest. The results of this review suggest that the development and selection of tidal wetland indicators could be vastly improved by employing a standardized development methodology that provides uniform information about each indicator. In addition, tidal wetland indicator research should focus on the development of indicators of ecological processes and disturbance regimes.  相似文献   

Texture information from passive remote sensing images provides surrogates for habitat structure, which is relevant for modeling biodiversity across space and time and for developing effective ecological indicators. However, the applicability of this information might differ among taxa and diversity measures. We compared the ability of indicators developed from texture analysis of remotely sensed images to predict species richness and species turnover of six taxa (trees, pyraloid moths, geometrid moths, arctiinae moths, ants, and birds) in a megadiverse Andean mountain rainforest ecosystem. Partial least-squares regression models were fitted using 12 predictors that characterize the habitat and included three topographical metrics derived from a high-resolution digital elevation model and nine texture metrics derived from very high-resolution multi-spectral orthophotos. We calculated image textures derived from mean, correlation, and entropy statistics within a relatively broad moving window (102 m × 102 m) of the near infra-red band and two vegetation indices. The model performances of species richness were taxon dependent, with the lowest predictive power for arctiinae moths (4%) and the highest for ants (78%). Topographical metrics sufficiently modeled species richness of pyraloid moths and ants, while models for species richness of trees, geometrid moths, and birds benefited from texture metrics. When more complexity was added to the model such as additional texture statistics calculated from a smaller moving window (18 m × 18 m), the predictive power for trees and birds increased significantly from 12% to 22% and 13% to 27%, respectively. Gradients of species turnover, assessed by non-metric two-dimensional scaling (NMDS) of Bray-Curtis dissimilarities, allowed the construction of models with far higher predictability than species richness across all taxonomic groups, with predictability for the first response variable of species turnover ranging from 64% (birds) to 98% (trees) of the explained change in species composition, and predictability for the second response variable of species turnover ranging from 33% (trees) to 74% (pyraloid moths). The two NMDS axes effectively separated compositional change along the elevational gradient, explained by a combination of elevation and texture metrics, from more subtle, local changes in habitat structure surrogated by varying combinations of texture metrics. The application of indicators arising from texture analysis of remote sensing images differed among taxa and diversity measures. However, these habitat indicators improved predictions of species diversity measures of most taxa, and therefore, we highly recommend their use in biodiversity research.  相似文献   

Different approaches for the assessment of biodiversity by means of remote sensing were developed over the last decades. A new approach, based on the spectral variation hypothesis, proposes that the spectral heterogeneity of a remotely sensed image is correlated with landscape structure and complexity which also reflects habitat heterogeneity which itself is known to enhance species diversity. In this context, previous studies only applied species richness as a measure of diversity. The aim of this paper was to analyze the relationship of richness and abundance-based diversity measures with spectral variability and compare the results at two scales. At three different test sites in Central Namibia, measures of vascular plant diversity was sampled at two scales – 100 m2 and 1000 m2. Hyperspectral remote sensing data were collected for the study sites and spectral variability, was calculated at plot level. Ordinary least square regression was used to test the relationship between species richness and the abundance-based Shannon Index and spectral variability. We found that Shannon Index permanently achieved better results at all test sites especially at 1000 m2, Even when all sites where pooled together, Shannon Index was still significantly related with spectral variability at 1000 m2. We suggest incorporating abundance-based diversity measures in studies of relationships between ecological and spectral variability. The contribution made by the high spectral and spatial resolution of the hyperspectral sensor is discussed.  相似文献   

The abandonment of traditional anthropogenic activities is an important driver shaping landscape patterns. Therefore, multi-scale pattern analysis over time is needed to identify appropriate scales for biodiversity conservation and monitoring of abandoned landscapes. We compared spatial and temporal changes in a pair of alpine watersheds in Italy (Cajada and Tovanella), which are similar in size, geo-climatic conditions, and land-use histories; but have had divergent anthropogenic abandonment processes since the 1950s. We hypothesize that this divergence has led to corresponding dissimilarities in multi-scale patterns of landscape change. To examine this hypothesis, we analyzed land cover maps from three years (1954, 1980/83, 2006) and described the changes using transition matrices. For each year and watershed, landscape heterogeneity and a set of class-level metrics (i.e. percentage of the landscape, area-weighted mean patch size, patch density, area-weighted mean shape index, edge density, and aggregation index) were also measured at different scales using random sampling techniques, and the results were summarized by using scalograms. Woodland expansion occurred mainly at the expenses of grasslands, meadows, and shrublands. These changes were greater during the first time-period (1954-80/83) than in the more recent period (1980/83-2006), with a mean annual value that decreased from +5.18 to +1.33 ha/year and from +4.08 to +1.96 ha/year in the abandoned and managed watersheds, respectively. Landscape heterogeneity decreased over time with a similar pattern in both watersheds, which indicates a general process of homogenization. Management regime affected the spatial-scale response of class-level metrics; these metrics showed a variety of multi-scalar responses, which were not always consistent over time and under different management regimes. When considering the response of the indices across spatial-scales for both watersheds, certain historical curves showed a scale break, representing a significant change in the shape and slope of the curve (i.e. scale divergence). The presence of scale breaks in the scalograms can potentially reveal important thresholds for biodiversity. For example, grassland and meadow patch density at small spatial scales (<200 m radius), which was found to be important for protected butterfly species, had a greater reduction over time in the managed watershed when compared to the abandoned watershed. In conclusion, the findings of this study indicate that there is good potential for understanding changes in landscape patterns under different management abandonment regimes by combining spatial and temporal analysis of class-level metrics.  相似文献   

Deadwood is an important component of forest ecosystems on which many forest dwelling species depend. Deadwood volume is therefore widely used as an indicator of forest biodiversity, notably throughout Europe. However, using deadwood as an indicator has mostly been based on boreal references, and published references for temperate forests are scarce. As a result, the magnitude of the relationship between deadwood volume and species richness remains unclear for saproxylic species. We used meta-analysis to study the correlation between deadwood volume and the species richness of saproxylic beetles and fungi relative to several predictors at the forest stand level: biome, type of deadwood (log, snag, and stump) and decay class (fresh vs. decayed). We showed that the correlation between deadwood volume and species richness of saproxylic organisms was significant but moderate (r = 0.31), and that it varied only slightly between logs and snags or between decay stages. However, we found a strong biome effect: deadwood volume and species richness were more correlated in boreal forests than in temperate forests. This could be attributed both to differences in the history of forest management between biomes and to varying landscape patterns. Finally, we conclude that total deadwood volume is probably not a sufficient indicator of saproxylic biodiversity, and those additional variables (notably at the landscape level) such as type of deadwood or decay class should be integrated in deadwood monitoring. In addition, further forest research is needed to better assess the quantitative relationship between deadwood and saproxylic biodiversity, and in order to build indicators adapted to different biome contexts.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown exotic and native plant species richness are negatively correlated at fine spatial scales and positively correlated at broad spatial scales. Grazing and invasive plant species can influence plant species richness, but the effects of these disturbances across spatial scales remain untested. We collected species richness data for both native and exotic plants from five spatial scales (0.5–3000 m2) in a nested, modified Whittaker plot design from severely grazed and ungrazed North American tallgrass prairie. We also recorded the abundance of an abundant invasive grass, tall fescue (Schedonorus phoenix (Scop.) Holub), at the 0.5-m2 scale. We used linear mixed-effect regression to test relationships between plant species richness, tall fescue abundance, and grazing history at five spatial scales. At no scale was exotic and native species richness linearly related, but exotic species richness at all scales was greater in grazed tracts than ungrazed tracts. Native species richness declined with increasing tall fescue abundance at all five spatial scales, but exotic species richness increased with tall fescue abundance at all but the broadest spatial scales. Severe grazing did not reduce native species richness at any spatial scale. We posit that invasion of tall fescue in this working landscape of originally native grassland plants modifies species richness-spatial scale relationships observed in less disturbed systems. Tall fescue invasion constitutes a unique biotic effect on plant species richness at broad spatial scales.  相似文献   

We investigated butterfly responses to plot-level characteristics (plant species richness, vegetation height, and range in NDVI [normalized difference vegetation index]) and spatial heterogeneity in topography and landscape patterns (composition and configuration) at multiple spatial scales. Stratified random sampling was used to collect data on butterfly species richness from seventy-six 20 × 50 m plots. The plant species richness and average vegetation height data were collected from 76 modified-Whittaker plots overlaid on 76 butterfly plots. Spatial heterogeneity around sample plots was quantified by measuring topographic variables and landscape metrics at eight spatial extents (radii of 300, 600 to 2,400 m). The number of butterfly species recorded was strongly positively correlated with plant species richness, proportion of shrubland and mean patch size of shrubland. Patterns in butterfly species richness were negatively correlated with other variables including mean patch size, average vegetation height, elevation, and range in NDVI. The best predictive model selected using Akaike’s Information Criterion corrected for small sample size (AICc), explained 62% of the variation in butterfly species richness at the 2,100 m spatial extent. Average vegetation height and mean patch size were among the best predictors of butterfly species richness. The models that included plot-level information and topographic variables explained relatively less variation in butterfly species richness, and were improved significantly after including landscape metrics. Our results suggest that spatial heterogeneity greatly influences patterns in butterfly species richness, and that it should be explicitly considered in conservation and management actions.  相似文献   

Abiotic and biotic factors modulate carcass consumption by scavengers, affecting ecosystem functioning. Habitat structure is arguably a key factor influencing scavenging, but its role remains poorly understood, particularly at small spatial scales. We examine how habitat characteristics at landscape (50–1000 m radius) and local (≤10 m radius) scales around carrion affect the structure of vertebrate scavenging communities. We used remote cameras to monitor the consumption of 151 ungulate carcasses in one temperate (55 carcasses) and two Mediterranean (56 and 40 carcasses) study areas in Spain in 2011–2013. Our results showed complex habitat–scavenger relationships that mainly relied upon the spatial scale, the type of carcass and the study area. While the response of scavenger richness to habitat characteristics was consistent across study areas, the effects of diversity varied regionally at the landscape scale. Large and medium-sized carcasses in open landscapes had lower scavenger richness, likely because open habitats promote vulture dominance. At the local scale, shrub cover lowered scavenger richness and diversity, hindering carrion location by avian scavengers. Our results suggest that the structure of vertebrate scavenging assemblages at carcasses is driven by carcass and habitat characteristics operating as ecological filters at different scales (i.e. local, landscape, and biogeographical), which affect a species’ ability to locate, access and dominate carrion. Understanding the factors underlying the complex habitat–community relationships shown here has implications for managing key ecosystem functions and services. We propose a multi-scale conceptual framework to disentangle scavenger–carcass relationships.  相似文献   

Since landscape attributes show different patterns at different spatial extents, it is fundamental to identify how the relation between landscape structure and plant species diversity at local scale varies with scale. Then, it is fundamental to assess the appropriate extent at which landscape factors affect plant species richness at the local scale. To investigate this relation, data on plant species richness of forest communities at plot scale were extracted from a large data set and landscape metrics were calculated around the same plots for a range of extents (250–3000 m). Then, multiple regression models and variance partitioning techniques were applied to assess the amount of variance explained by the landscape metrics on plant species richness for a range of extents. In general, we found that increasing extent of the surrounding landscape analyzed, improved the strength of relationship between the landscape metrics and the properties of plant communities at plot scale. The medium-large extent was most informative as it combined a decent total variance explained with high variance explained by the pure fractions of complexity, fragmentation and disturbance and the minimum of collinearity. In conclusion, we found that it is possible and beneficial to identify a specific extent, where the redundancy in the predictor variables is minimized and the explanatory power of the pure fractions (or single groups) maximized, when examining landscape structure effects on local plant species richness.  相似文献   

Natural resource extraction is increasing rapidly in tropical forests, but we lag behind in understanding the impacts of these disturbances on biodiversity. In high diversity tropical habitats, acoustic monitoring is an efficient tool for sampling a large proportion of the fauna across varied spatial and temporal scales. We used passive acoustic monitoring in a pre-montane forest in Peru to investigate how soundscape composition and richness of acoustic frequencies varied with distance from a natural gas exploratory well and with operational phase (construction and drilling). We also evaluated how anuran and avian species richness and vocal activity varied with distance and between phases. Soundscape analyses showed that acoustic frequency similarity was greatest among sites closer to (≤250 m) and farther from (≥500 m) the platform. Soundscapes revealed more frequencies were used during construction and showed a weak trend of increasing frequency richness with increasing distance from the disturbance. Avian species richness and detections increased with distance from the platform, but anuran richness and detections declined with distance. Operational phase did not play a significant role in overall richness or activity patterns of either group. Among birds, insectivore detections increased with distance from the platform, and nectarivores were detected more frequently during the drilling phase. Results demonstrate that acoustic monitoring and soundscape analyses are useful tools for evaluating the impact of development activity on the vocalizing community, and should be implemented as a best practice in monitoring biodiversity and for guiding specific mitigation strategies.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to disentangle the effects of landscape configuration (i.e., fragment area, connectivity, and proximity to a busy highway) on the assembly of annual plant communities at different spatial scales. Our main hypothesis was that larger and more connected fragments would have higher species densities per plot and this may result in differences in turnover and nestedness patterns at the fine spatial scales where plants interact. Specifically, since Mediterranean annuals are known to form strong competitive hierarchies, we expected to find a nested pattern of beta diversity due to sequential species loss. The study area was a fragmented gypsum habitat in central Spain with a semiarid climate where two fragmentation drivers coexist: agricultural practices and a roadway. Larger fragments had higher species densities per plot (20 × 20 m). Nevertheless, we detected no effect on the species assembly at fine spatial scales (30 × 30 cm). However, when the fragment connectivity was high the species that appeared in poor quadrats (30 × 30 cm) comprised a subset of the species in rich quadrats. These results agree well with the establishment of strong competitive hierarchies among annual species. The distance to the highway influenced the identity of the species established in the community (i.e., species composition) at fine spatial scales, but we detected no effect on species turnover, nestedness, or species densities. The main conclusion of our study is that the effects of habitat fragmentation extend beyond the landscape scale and they determine the spatial assembly at fine spatial scales.  相似文献   

The decline in farmland birds observed throughout Europe during recent decades has attracted much attention. Agricultural intensification or land abandonment are commonly forwarded as key drivers. Several countries have established agri-environmental schemes (AES) to counter these negative trends among farmland birds. This paper reports a study of the relationship between land use and bird species in the agricultural landscape of Norway. The main objective was to investigate the effect of spatial heterogeneity and diversity of land use on total richness and abundance of farmland birds at a national level.Monitoring the distribution and abundance of birds is part of the Norwegian monitoring programme for agricultural landscapes. The monitoring programme is based on mapping of 1 × 1 km squares distributed across the entire agricultural landscape. Within these squares permanent observation points are established for bird monitoring. Detailed interpretation of aerial photographs provides the land classification. We tested the relationship between landscape metrics at different levels of land type detail and species richness and abundance of farmland and non-farmland birds.There was a positive relationship between species richness and abundance of farmland birds and agricultural area. For non-farmland birds the relationship was negative. Spatial heterogeneity of land use was a significant positive factor for both farmland and non-farmland species. High land type diversity was positive for farmland bird richness, but negative for abundance. Non-farmland bird richness was not affected by land type diversity, but abundance had a negative response.The results presented in this paper highlight the importance of a spatial heterogeneous landscape. However, we also found that land type diversity could negatively affect the abundance of both farmland and non-farmland birds. Our findings suggest a need for different management approaches depending on whether the aim is increased species richness or abundance. Achieving both aims with the same means might be difficult. We thus suggest a need for land use analyses before proper management strategies can be implemented.  相似文献   

Most studies dealing with the use of ecological indicators and other applied ecological research rely on some definition or concept of what constitutes least-, intermediate- and most-disturbed condition. Currently, most rigorous methodologies designed to define those conditions are suited to large spatial extents (nations, ecoregions) and many sites (hundreds to thousands). The objective of this study was to describe a methodology to quantitatively define a disturbance gradient for 40 sites in each of two small southeastern Brazil river basins. The assessment of anthropogenic disturbance experienced by each site was based solely on measurements strictly related to the intensity and extent of anthropogenic pressures. We calculated two indices: one concerned site-scale pressures and the other catchment-scale pressures. We combined those two indices into a single integrated disturbance index (IDI) because disturbances operating at both scales affect stream biota. The local- and catchment-scale disturbance indices were weakly correlated in the two basins (r = 0.21 and 0.35) and both significantly (p < 0.05) reduced site EPT (insect orders Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera) richness. The IDI also performed well in explaining EPT richness in the basin that presented the stronger disturbance gradient (R2 = 0.39, p < 0.001). Natural habitat variability was assessed as a second source of variation in EPT richness. Stream size and microhabitats were the key habitat characteristics not related to disturbances that enhanced the explanation of EPT richness over that attributed to the IDI. In both basins the IDI plus habitat metrics together explained around 50% of EPT richness variation. In the basin with the weaker disturbance gradient, natural habitat explained more variation in EPT richness than did the IDI, a result that has implications for biomonitoring studies. We conclude that quantitatively defined disturbance gradients offer a reliable and comprehensive characterization of anthropogenic pressure that integrates data from different spatial scales.  相似文献   

We contrasted traditionally used indicators of service provision quality, such as overall species richness and growth form composition, to three more specific functional properties: functional diversity, functional intensity, and functional stability. We defined flower colour as a functional trait perceived differently by humans and insect pollinators, and used user specific colour richness, flower size, and species richness within colour group as indicators of these three properties. We asked (1) do field margins and road verges provide flower-based ecosystem services with the quality of permanent grasslands; and (2) do traditional and detailed functional indicators of service provision quality agree on the service quality ranking of habitats?In an agricultural landscape of central and south-eastern Estonia (115 ÿ 95 km area, centroid 26°49⿲43⿳ and 58°54⿲49⿳) we sampled 87 field margins and 111 road verges as linear grassland-substitution habitats, and 84 permanent grasslands to scale their service quality.Linear habitats generally provided service of lower quality than permanent grasslands, but detailed indicators showed less evident contrast among habitat types than the overall species richness and stronger contrast than the proportion of forbs. Detailed indices, however, had strong seasonal dynamics to take into account. Vegetation in the first year field margins had greater colour richness (functional diversity) and species richness within colour groups (functional stability), but the smallest flower size (functional intensity), in contrast to road verges. By the third year of succession, field margins had become more similar to road verges. Indication of service provision quality differed between humans and pollinators, but their estimates were correlated across habitats.We showed that (1) combinations of specific service quality indicators provide more adequate information than generalized richness or growth form system, and (2) single grassland surrogate habitat type is an insufficient service providing substitute for permanent grasslands, although a mosaic of these habitats might be more efficient. Therefore, remnant fragments of semi-natural grasslands should receive top priority attention for conservation and restoration, particularly in agriculture dominated landscapes.  相似文献   

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