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1. Macroinvertebrate species and information on thirty-nine variables were recorded at forty-six sites on twelve Cornish streams affected to varying extents by past metalliferous mining. 2. Relationships between macroinvertebrate communities and environmental variables were examined using canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). Copper was the strongest correlate with Axis 1 of the analysis, suggesting that it may have a major role in determining community structure. There were also strong correlations between Axis 1 and aluminium, alkalinity, pH, dissolved organic matter and algal cover, and between Axis 2 and discharge. 3. CCA distinguished four site groupings. In spite of seasonal changes in position on the ordination, as revealed through CCA and detrended correspondence analysis (DCA), sites retained their group membership. There were differences in the proportions of the major taxa within the four CCA-derived groups. In the group with the highest copper concentration, Ephemeroptera were absent, but triclads and chironomids were abundant, with Orthocladiinae the dominant group. 4. Changes in the occurrence of species along the metal gradient reflected changes in sensitivity. Tolerance' plots of selected species based on the CCA site ordination diagram were used to identify environmental thresholds. 5. As well as direct toxic effects of copper and aluminium on invertebrate communities, co-precipitation of these two metals could be an important physical factor. Further modifying influences resulting from interactions between toxic metals and pH, alkalinity, hardness and dissolved organic matter contributed to the complexity of conditions affecting the faunal community in metal-contaminated streams. 6. The most severely contaminated sites, with mean copper concentration exceeding 500 μgl?1, were all characterized by a reduced community dominated by the flatworm Phagocata vitta, the chironomids Chaetodadius melaleucus and Eukiefferiella claripennis and the net-spinning caddis Plectrocnemia conspersa. The necessity for species identification is demonstrated in relation to variation in metal tolerance.  相似文献   

1. The influence of altitude and land-use changes on macroinvertebrate assemblages from riffles in forty-three streams in the Dolpo region of western Nepal were examined. Sampling sites ranged in altitude from 850 to 4250m, and land-use patterns fell into five categories: alpine, forest, grassland, pasture and agricultural land. 2. TWTNSPAN classification of physicochemical data separated streams into groups on the basis of climatic and physical factors. Streams from high, cold, alpine areas were separated from those in warmer, lower, agricultural areas. 3. In all, 138 macroinvertebrate taxa were collected from fifty-three insect families. Ephemeroptera were most common, especially Baetidae. 4. Taxonomic richness declined with increasing altitude. Ten insect families were significantly more abundant in lowland streams, and five were more common in alpine streams. 5. TWINSPAN and DECORANA revealed distinct invertebrate groupings of the forty-three streams surveyed. A high percentage of the variance (79.3%) in ordination space was explained by DECORANA axes 1 and 2. Altitude, temperature, stream width and land use were implicated in structuring invertebrate communities.  相似文献   

Information on the ecology of New Guinea streams is meagre, and data are needed on the trophic basis of aquatic production in rivers such as the Sepik in Papua New Guinea which have low fish yields. This study investigates the relationship between riparian shading (from savanna grassland to primary rainforest), algal and detrital food, and macroinvertebrate abundance and community structure in 6 Sepik River tributary streams. A particular aim was to elucidate macroinvertebrate community responses to changes in riparian conditions. All streams supported diverse benthic communities, but morphospecies richness (overall total 64) was less than in streams on the tropical Asian mainland; population densities of benthic invertebrates, by contrast, were similar to those recorded elsewhere. Low diversity could reflect limited taxonomic penetration, but may result from the absence of major groups (Plecoptera, Heptageniidae, Ephemerellidae, Psephenidae, Megaloptera, etc.) which occur on the Asian mainland. Population densities of all 19 of the most abundant macroinvertebrate taxa varied significantly among the 6 study streams, but community composition in each was broadly similar with dominance by Baetidae and (in order of decreasing importance), Leptophlebiidae, Orthocladiinae, Elmidae and Hydropsychidae. Principal components analysis (PCA) undertaken on counts of abundant macroinvertebrate taxa clearly separated samples taken in two streams from the rest. Both streams contained high detrital standing stocks and one was completely shaded by rainforest. Stepwise multiple-regression analysis indicated that population densities of the majority of abundant taxa (11 out of 19) across streams (10 samples per stream; n = 60) were influenced by algae and/or detritus, although standing stocks of these variables were not clearly related to riparian conditions. When regression analysis was repeated on mean counts of taxa per stream (dependent variables) versus features of each stream as a whole (thus n = 6), % shading and detritus were the independent variables yielding significant regression models most frequently, but pH, total-nitrogen loads and algae were also significant predictors of faunal abundance. Further regression analysis, undertaken separately on samples (n = 10) from each stream, confirmed the ability of algae and detritus to account for significant portions of the variance in macroinvertebrate abundance, but the significance of these variables varied among streams with the consequence that responses of individual taxa to algae or detritus was site-specific.Community functional organization — revealed by investigation of macroinvertebrate functional feeding groups (FFGs) — was rather conservative, and streams were codominated by collector-gatherers (mean across 6 streams = 43%) and grazers (36%), followed by filter-feeders (15%) and predators (7%). The shredder FFG was species-poor and comprised only 0.4% of total macroinvertebrate populations; shredders did not exceed 2% of benthic populations in any stream. PCA of FFG abundance data was characterized by poor separation among streams, although there was some evidence of clustering of samples from unshaded sites. The first 2 PCA axes accounted for 84% of the variation in the data suggesting that the poor separation resulted from the general similarity of FFG representation among streams. Although stepwise multiple-regression analysis indicated that algae and detritus accounted for significant proportions of the variations in population density and relative abundance of some FFGs, the response of community functional organization to changes in riparian conditions and algal and detrital food base was weak — unlike the deterministic responses that may be typical of north-temperate streams.  相似文献   

1. The structure of lotic macroinvertebrate communities may be strongly influenced by land‐use practices within catchments. However, the relative magnitude of influence on the benthos may depend upon the spatial arrangement of different land uses in the catchment. 2. We examined the influence of land‐cover patterns on in‐stream physico‐chemical features and macroinvertebrate assemblages in nine southern Appalachian headwater basins characterized by a mixture of land‐use practices. Using a geographical information system (GIS)/remote sensing approach, we quantified land‐cover at five spatial scales; the entire catchment, the riparian corridor, and three riparian ‘sub‐corridors’ extending 200, 1000 and 2000 m upstream of sampling reaches. 3. Stream water chemistry was generally related to features at the catchment scale. Conversely, stream temperature and substratum characteristics were strongly influenced by land‐cover patterns at the riparian corridor and sub‐corridor scales. 4. Macroinvertebrate assemblage structure was quantified using the slope of rank‐abundance plots, and further described using diversity and evenness indices. Taxon richness ranged from 24 to 54 among sites, and the analysis of rank‐abundance curves defined three distinct groups with high, medium and low diversity. In general, other macroinvertebrate indices were in accord with rank‐abundance groups, with richness and evenness decreasing among sites with maximum stream temperature. 5. Macroinvertebrate indices were most closely related to land‐cover patterns evaluated at the 200 m sub‐corridor scale, suggesting that local, streamside development effectively alters assemblage structure. 6. Results suggest that differences in macroinvertebrate assemblage structure can be explained by land‐cover patterns when appropriate spatial scales are employed. In addition, the influence of riparian forest patches on in‐stream habitat features (e.g. the thermal regime) may be critical to the distribution of many taxa in headwater streams draining catchments with mixed land‐use practices.  相似文献   

Macroinvertebrate assemblages are structured by a number of abiotic and biotic factors interacting simultaneously. We investigated macroinvertebrate assemblages along gradients of human disturbance and morphometric characteristics in five lakes connected by the same stream. We aimed to assess the relative effects of environmental gradients on macroinvertebrate assemblages and to investigate whether water quality effects on the assemblages were correlated with buffer land use. There were significant differences in macroinvertebrate community compositions among lakes, and our results indicated that oligochaetes (mainly Limnodrilus) and insects (mainly Chironomus) contributed highly to the differences. We used redundancy analysis with variation partitioning to quantify the independent and combined anthropogenic effects of water quality and land use gradients on the macroinvertebrate community. The independent effect of water quality was responsible for 17% of the total variance in macroinvertebrate community composition, the independent effect of buffer land use accounted for 6% of variation, and the combined variation between land use change and water quality accounted for 12%. Our study indicated that both the independent effects of land use and within‐lake water quality can explain the influence in macroinvertebrate assemblages, with significant interactions between the two. This is rather important to notice that changes in buffer land use generally may alter nutrient inputs and thus severely affect abiotic conditions encountered by macroinvertebrate. Our study demonstrates that considering buffer zone effects explicitly may be significant in the selection and application of conservation and management strategies.  相似文献   

We reviewed the literature on the effects of land use changes on mediterranean river ecosystems (med-rivers) to provide a foundation and directions for future research on catchment management during times of rapid human population growth and climate change. Seasonal human demand for water in mediterranean climate regions (med-regions) is high, leading to intense competition for water with riverine communities often containing many endemic species. The responses of river communities to human alterations of land use, vegetation, hydrological, and hydrochemical conditions are similar in mediterranean and other climatic regions. High variation in hydrological regimes in med-regions, however, tends to exacerbate the magnitude of these responses. For example, land use changes promote longer dry season flows, concentrating contaminants, allowing the accumulation of detritus, algae, and plants, and fostering higher temperatures and lower dissolved oxygen levels, all of which may extirpate sensitive native species. Exotic species often thrive in med-rivers altered by human activity, further homogenizing river communities worldwide. We recommend that future research rigorously evaluate the effects of management and restoration practices on river ecosystems, delineate the cause–effect pathways leading from human perturbations to stream biological communities, and incorporate analyses of the effects of scale, land use heterogeneity, and high temporal hydrological variability on stream communities.  相似文献   

Variation in biological communities is a consequence of stochastic and deterministic factors. Examining the relative importance of these factors helps to understand variation in the whole biodiversity in a region. We examined the roles of stochastic and deterministic factors in structuring macroinvertebrate communities in high-latitude streams across two seasons. We predicted that if communities are the result of deterministic environmental filtering processes, the communities should show strong association with environmental variables, as taxa would be selected according to stream environmental conditions. However, if communities are driven by stochastic factors, they should show strong association with spatial variables, as the distribution of taxa in communities would be driven by spatially related dispersal factors. We studied these predictions by calculating the degree of uniqueness of the streams in terms of their taxonomic and functional community compositions and by modelling the resulting index values using spatial and environmental variables. Our results supported the first prediction where the communities are more influenced by the environmental filtering processes, although indications of the effect of spatial processes in structuring the communities were present especially in autumn. High-latitude stream communities also seem to be sensitive to environmental changes, as even small changes in environment were enough to affect the ecological uniqueness of the streams. These findings highlight the vulnerability of northern streams in the face of the climate change. To maintain biodiversity in high-latitude catchments, it would be important to protect varying habitat conditions, which are the main forces affecting the ecological uniqueness of the streams.  相似文献   

1. Land‐use studies are challenging because of the difficulty of finding catchments that can be used as replicates and because land‐use effects may be obscured by sources of variance acting over spatial scales smaller than the catchment. To determine the extent to which land‐use effects on stream ecosystems are scale dependent, we designed a whole‐catchment study of six matched pairs (pasture versus native tussock) of second‐order stream catchments, taking replicate samples from replicate bedforms (pools and riffles) in each stream. 2. Pasture streams had a smaller representation of endemic riparian plant species, particularly tussock grasses, higher bank erosion, a somewhat deeper layer of fine sediment, lower water velocities in riffles, less moss cover and higher macroinvertebrate biodiversity. At the bedform scale, suspendable inorganic sediment (SIS) was higher in pools than riffles and in pasture streams there was a negative relationship between SIS and the percentage of the bed free of overhanging vegetation. Differences between stream reaches (including any interactions between land use and stream pair) were significant for SIS, substrate depth and characteristics of riparian vegetation. There were also significant differences between replicate bedforms in the same stream reaches in percentage exotic species in overhanging vegetation, percentage moss cover, QMCI (Quantitative Macroinvertebrate Community Index – a macroinvertebrate‐based stream health index) and macroinvertebrate density. 3. Significant differences among stream reaches and among replicate bedform units within the same reach, as well as interactions between these spatial units and land‐use effects, are neither trivial nor ‘noise’ but represent real differences among spatial units that typically are unaccounted for in stream studies. Our multi‐scale study design, accompanied by an investigation of the explanatory power of different factors operating at different scales, provides an improved understanding of variability in nature.  相似文献   

1. There has recently been increasing interest in patterns of beta diversity but we still lack a comprehensive understanding of these patterns in various regions (e.g. the tropics), ecosystems (e.g. streams) and organism groups (e.g. invertebrates). 2. Our aim was to investigate the patterns of beta diversity of stream macroinvertebrates in relation to key environmental (i.e. stream size, pH and habitat degradation) and geographical variables (i.e. latitude, longitude, altitude) in a tropical region. We surveyed a total of 8–10 riffle sites in each of 34 streams (altogether 337 riffle sites were sampled) in Peninsular Malaysia to examine variation in macroinvertebrate community composition at within‐stream and among‐stream scales. 3. Based on test of homogeneity of dispersion, we found that the streams studied differed significantly in within‐stream variation in community composition (i.e. among‐site variation of within stream beta diversity). The patterns were similar based on Bray–Curtis coefficient on abundance data, Sorensen coefficient on presence–absence data and Simpson coefficient on presence–absence data. We also found that within‐stream beta diversity was significantly related to stream size, pH and latitude, with each of these variables individually accounting for around 20% of the variation in beta diversity in simple regressions, while the total variation explained by the three significant variables amounted to around 50% in multiple regressions. By contrast, habitat degradation, longitude and altitude were not significantly related to beta diversity. We also found that the factor drainage basin accounted for much of the variation in beta diversity in general linear models, suppressing the effects of environmental variables. 4. We concluded that within‐stream beta diversity is mainly related to a combination of the identity of a drainage basin and stream environmental factors. Our findings provide important background for stream environmental assessment and conservation planning by emphasising that (i) macroinvertebrate communities within streams are not homogeneous, but show considerable beta diversity, (ii) streams differ in their degree of within‐stream beta diversity, (iii) stream size and water pH should be considered in applied contexts related to within‐stream beta diversity and (iv) historical effects may be different in different drainage basins and may affect present‐day patterns of within‐stream beta diversity.  相似文献   

Miserendino  Maria Laura 《Hydrobiologia》2001,444(1-3):147-158
Macroinvertebrate communities from 29 streams and rivers of the mountain and the Andean Patagonian Plateau were analyzed. Samples were collected from six river basins, which were part of four different biozones of the Patagonian Ecoregion. Samples from mountain streams were dominated by Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera and Diptera, while plateau rivers where mainly Diptera, Oligochaeta and Mollusca. Total invertebrate abundance ranged from 7 to 12249 ind.m–2. Elmidae, Paratrichocladius, Chironomus, Smicridea annulicornis, Parasericostoma ovale and Meridialaris laminata were the most abundant insect taxa, while Nais communis and Hyalella curvispina were the most abundant non-insect taxa. Species-environmental relationships were examined using Canonical Correspondence Analysis. Current speed, conductivity, substrate size and abundance of aquatic plants, were identified as the major variables structuring faunal assemblages. Regression analyses revealed that species richness was negatively correlated with latitude, and positively correlated with water temperature and altitude. Macroivertebrate abundance increased with conductivity, altitude and water temperature. These results suggest that habitat heterogeneity was the strongest predictor of macroinvertebrate assemblages, but species richness could be predicted at a landscape scale using topographical and climatic features.  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - Sediment flushing from dams can help desilting reservoirs and reinstate the longitudinal sediment transfer continuity in rivers, but negative ecological impacts might arise. We...  相似文献   

Maul  J.D.  Farris  J.L.  Milam  C.D.  Cooper  C.M.  Testa  S.  Feldman  D.L. 《Hydrobiologia》2004,518(1-3):79-94
Streams in the loess hills of northwest Mississippi have undergone dramatic physical changes since European settlement and both physical and water quality processes may play a role in influencing biotic communities of these stream systems. The objectives of this study were to identify the response of macroinvertebrate taxa to water quality and habitat parameters in streams of northwest Mississippi, examine the efficacy of an a priori classification system of stream channel evolution and condition class using macroinvertebrate communities, and examine short-term (<2 yr) temporal variation of macroinvertebrate communities. Separation of sites based on four condition classifications was not distinct. However, best attainable sites did plot together in an ordination analysis suggesting similarity in macroinvertebrate communities for least disturbed sites. Similarly, for stage of channel evolution, sites characterized by lack of bank failure and sinuous fluvial processes had relatively similar macroinvertebrate communities. Ordination analysis also indicated high temporal variation of macroinvertebrate communities. Reference sites (best attainable and stable sites) had more similar communities between years than unstable and impacted sites. Results of this study: (1) suggest total solids, total phosphorus concentration, percent substrate as sand, ammonia concentration, and conductivity were important variables for structuring stream macroinvertebrate communities in northwest Mississippi, (2) identify potential indicator taxa for assessing such streams based on water quality and physical habitat, (3) provide support for current a priori site classifications at the best attainable (least impacted) category relative to the macroinvertebrate communities, and (4) demonstrate that between-year variation is an important factor when assessing streams of north Mississippi and this variability may be related to the degree of stream degradation.  相似文献   

Three cases of partial or total drought were studied. A two weeks' stop of water flow with reduced water level and stagnant water was survived by most stream species. Only the population of Baetis rhodani Pict. was almost eliminated. An unprecedented drought of 2-3 months reduced numbers of stream species. The differential effects are discussed in relationship to the behaviour, life cycle and physiology of the individual species. After the drought many invaders were found, but most disappeared rapidly. Only Asellus aquaticus L. maintained a population in the stream. In an intermittent stream with 3–4 months' drought no changes were observed, and many species were the same as those which survived in the second stream. It is concluded that the consequences of an increasing frequency of drought, for example due to increasing ground water use, will depend on the species normally present and on the season and duration of the drought.  相似文献   

The East River (Dong Jiang), a major tributary of the Pearl River (Zhu Jiang, the second largest river in China by discharge), is situated in southern China, which has the highest rates of urbanization and development on Earth. The East River also provides 80% of Hong Kong’s water supply. However, there have been no ecological studies to examine the combined impacts of changes in land use and water quality degradation on this river ecosystem. We tested the hypothesis that land-use disturbance and water quality degradation would significantly reduce benthic biodiversity in the East River by investigating macroinvertebrate community composition and relating it to data on water quality and catchment condition. The percentage of total impervious area within each catchment (%TIA—an indicator of land-use disturbance) was negatively related to a composite water quality index—the ERWQI—we developed for the East River. Modeling by partial least squares projection to latent structures (PLS) showed that family richness and relative abundance index (RAI) of macroinvertebrates were strongly influenced by both %TIA and ERWQI. Multi-response permutation procedure (MRPP) tests showed highly significant differences in family richness composition and RAI of macroinvertebrates among sites in the upper, middle, and lower course of the East River. MRPP also revealed differences in the family richness composition of nighttime drift samples between upper and middle site groups. Abundance (individuals m−3) and total family richness of drifting macroinvertebrates at each site were positively related to %TIA (range: 1.0–8.5%), while drift biomass was negatively related to dissolved oxygen and positively related to total suspended solids. Thus, human disturbances associated with land-use changes (increasing %TIA) and nutrient inputs severely degraded ecosystem integrity and the water quality of the East River and thereby reduced aquatic biodiversity.  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - Agriculture and urbanisation, the two forms of land use, represent serious threats to the ecological status of aquatic ecosystems, especially in the case of small streams at low...  相似文献   

David Dudgeon 《Hydrobiologia》1984,111(3):207-217
The functional organization of macroinvertebrate communities along the Lam Tsuen River, New Territories, Hong Kong, was investigated in 1976 and 1978–79. Longitudinal changes in functional group representation in 1976 generally matched those predicted by the River Continuum hypothesis, although shredders were poorly represented in the headwaters. This could be attributed to a lack of shading and limited allochthonous inputs from the scrubland watershed. In 1978–79 community organization was modified by nutrients and organic matter inputs from domestic and agricultural sources. An increase in generalists and the establishment of deposit-feeder populations in the middle and lower course was accompanied by relative declines in collector, filter-feeder and predator diversity. Shredders and scrapers were also adversely affected. Seasonal influences were mediated through the effects of rainfall on river discharge. The river was ‘flushed-out’ during the wet season and community organization tended toward that seen in 1976. Effects of cultural eutrophication were pronounced during the dry season and marked alterations in middle and lower course functional group representation were noted. Apparently, differing environmental tolerances of individual taxa cause marked changes in functional group representation and community structure in rivers affected by cultural eutrophication. Department of Zoology, The University of Hong Kong  相似文献   

The benthic macroinvertebrate riffle-pool communities of two east Texas streams were sampled monthly for a period of one year. In contrast to previous studies in primarily upland areas, pools in Alazan Creek and Bernaldo Bayou contained significantly higher densities and biomass, as well as a significantly higher diversity and number of taxa. The majority of taxa collected could be characterized as pool adapted organisms, with the Diptera, Ephemeroptera, Coleoptera, and Odonata having greater numbers in pools. Perlesta, Baetis, and Cheumatopsyche were the only genera to have significant numbers in riffles at both sampling sites. A greater number of taxa were restricted to pools at both sampling locations, and although an unstable, sandy substrate was a factor in limiting colonization of riffles, riffles were not as productive as pools even in the presence of suitable substrate conditions. A cluster analysis based on similarity indices indicated that like habitats between streams were more similar to each other, than were adjacent riffle-pool complexes within streams.  相似文献   

The Nord/Pas-de-Calais region located in the North of France has been submitted, for several decades, to important pollution due to intensive industrialization. The present study reports on the effects of the metal and organic content of sediments in different streams on the benthic fauna, using multivariate analyses (PCA, CA, co-inertia analysis). Benthic macroinvertebrate communities present different assemblages along the Canal à Grand Gabarit and the river Aa, both in its natural and in its canalized stretches. These differences are more specifically due to anthropic factors such as the regulation of waterways and urban and industrial contamination. Co-inertia analysis enables to bring to the light the existence of a significant co-structure between environmental and faunistic data. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Longitudinal distribution and abundance of macroinvertebrate communities were examined in relation to hydrochemical variables along the Chubut River in the Patagonian Precordillera and Plateau, Argentina. The Chubut River (>1000 km) is the largest river in the area and its basin is subject to multiple uses: agriculture, cattle raising, urbanization and the hydrological regime of the lower section is modified by a reservoir. Quantitative benthic samples were collected at 13 sites in the higher, middle and lower sections of the river basin. Sites were visited four times during 2004 and physicochemical parameters, chlorophyll a and particulate organic matter (POM) were assessed. Ninety-five taxa were collected in the study, with total species richness per site ranging from 5 to 51, and benthos density averaging 299–5024 ind m−2. Altitude and turbidity were implicated as important factors determining macroinvertebrate assemblages along the river system, and an eutrophication gradient was documented in the regulated/urbanized section of the main river. High turbidity (TSS) and sedimentation limited algal productivity in the middle basin. Below the dam, TSS, total phosphorus (TP) and POM decreased, whereas soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and chlorophyll a increased. Macroinvertebrate density increased three fold in this area possibly due to habitat improvement and enhanced trophic resources. Mean species richness did not change below the impoundment; however the community was dominated by gastropods, chironomids and flatworms. The Chubut River is complex and its biotic community reflects the landscape attributes. While benthic composition and density was governed by turbidity and flood disturbance in some river segments, a greater environmental heterogeneity resulted in an unexpected high number of species at the main channel upper basin.  相似文献   

Benthic invertebrates, litter decomposition, andlitterbag invertebrates were examined in streamsdraining pine monoculture and undisturbed hardwoodcatchments at the Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory in thesouthern Appalachian Mountains, USA. Bimonthlybenthic samples were collected from a stream draininga pine catchment at Coweeta during 1992, and comparedto previously collected (1989–1990) benthic data froma stream draining an adjacent hardwood catchment. Litter decomposition and litterbag invertebrates wereexamined by placing litterbags filled with pine ormaple litter in streams draining pine catchments andhardwood catchments during 1992–1993 and 1993–1994. Total benthic invertebrate abundance and biomass inthe pine stream was ca. 57% and 74% that of thehardwood stream, respectively. Shredder biomass wasalso lower in the pine stream but, as a result ofhigher Leuctra spp. abundance, shredderabundance was higher in the pine stream than thehardwood stream. Decomposition rates of both pine andred maple litter were significantly faster in pinestreams than adjacent hardwood streams (p<0.05). Total shredder abundance, biomass, and production weresimilar in maple bags from pine and hardwood streams. However, trichopteran shredder abundance and biomass,and production of some trichopteran taxa such asLepidostoma spp., were significantly higher in maplelitterbags from pine streams than hardwood streams(p<0.05). In contrast, plecopteran shredders(mainly Tallaperla sp.) were more important inmaple litterbags from hardwood streams. Shredderswere well represented in pine litterbags from pinestreams, but low shredder values were obtained frompine litterbags in hardwood streams. Resultssuggest conversion of hardwood forest to pinemonoculture influences taxonomic composition of streaminvertebrates and litter decomposition dynamics. Although the impact of this landscape-leveldisturbance on invertebrate shredder communitiesappeared somewhat subtle, significant differences indecomposition dynamics indicate vital ecosystem-levelprocesses are altered in streams draining pinecatchments.  相似文献   

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