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The phylogenetic relationships of the major lineages of the arachnid order Pseudoscorpiones are investigated for the first time using molecular sequence data from two nuclear ribosomal genes and one mitochondrial protein-encoding gene. The data were analyzed using a dynamic homology approach with the new program POY v.4 under parsimony as the optimality criterion. The data show monophyly of Pseudoscorpiones as well as many of its superfamilies (Feaelloidea, Chthonioidea, Cheiridioidea and Sternophoroidea), but not for Neobisiodea or Garypoidea. Cheliferoidea was not monophyletic either due to the position of Neochelanops, which grouped with some garypoids. In all the analyses, Feaelloidea constituted the sister group to all other pseudoscorpions; Chthonioidea is the sister group to the remaining families, which constitute the group Iocheirata sensu Harvey--a clade including pseudoscorpions with venom glands within the pedipalpal fingers. This phylogenetic pattern suggests that venom glands evolved just once within this order of arachnids.  相似文献   

Spiders, scorpions, mites and ticks (chelicerates) form one of the most diverse groups of arthropods on land, but their origin and times of diversification are not yet established. We estimated, for the first time, the molecular divergence times for these chelicerates using complete mitochondrial sequences from 25 taxa. All mitochondrial genes were evaluated individually or after concatenation. Sequences belonging to three missing genes (ND3, 6, and tRNA-Asp) from three taxa, as well as the faster-evolving ribosomal RNAs (12S and 16S), tRNAs, and the third base of each codon from 11 protein-coding genes (PCGs) (COI-III, CYTB, ATP8, 6, ND1-2, 4L, and 4-5), were identified and removed. The remaining concatenated sequences from 11 PCGs produced a completely resolved phylogenetic tree and confirmed that all chelicerates are monophyletic. Removing the third base from each codon was essential to resolve the phylogeny, which allowed deep divergence times to be calculated using three nodes calibrated with upper and lower priors. Our estimates indicate that the orders and classes of spiders, scorpions, mites, and ticks diversified in the late Paleozoic, much earlier than previously reported from fossil date estimates. The divergence time estimated for ticks suggests that their first land hosts could have been amphibians rather than reptiles. Using molecular data, we separated the spider-scorpion clades and estimated their divergence times at 397 ± 23 million years ago. Algae, fungi, plants, and animals, including insects, were well established on land when these chelicerates diversified. Future analyses, involving mitochondrial sequences from additional chelicerate taxa and the inclusion of nuclear genes (or entire genomes) will provide a more complete picture of the evolution of the Chelicerata, the second most abundant group of animals on earth. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Patterns of segmentation and tagmosis are reviewed for Chelicerata. Depending on the outgroup, chelicerate origins are either among taxa with an anterior tagma of six somites, or taxa in which the appendages of somite I became increasingly raptorial. All Chelicerata have appendage I as a chelate or clasp-knife chelicera. The basic trend has obviously been to consolidate food-gathering and walking limbs as a prosoma and respiratory appendages on the opisthosoma. However, the boundary of the prosoma is debatable in that some taxa have functionally incorporated somite VII and/or its appendages into the prosoma. Euchelicerata can be defined on having plate-like opisthosomal appendages, further modified within Arachnida. Total somite counts for Chelicerata range from a maximum of nineteen in groups like Scorpiones and the extinct Eurypterida down to seven in modern Pycnogonida. Mites may also show reduced somite counts, but reconstructing segmentation in these animals remains challenging. Several innovations relating to tagmosis or the appendages borne on particular somites are summarised here as putative apomorphies of individual higher taxa. We also present our observations within the concept of pseudotagma, whereby the true tagmata – the prosoma and opisthosoma – can be defined on a fundamental change in the limb series while pseudotagmata, such as the cephalosoma/proterosoma, are expressed as divisions in sclerites covering the body without an accompanying change in the appendages.  相似文献   

  1. The Spalacidae is a family of strictly subterranean rodents with a long evolutionary history. It is unclear how ecological changes have influenced the evolutionary history of these mammals, and the phylogenetic relationship of the subfamilies within Spalacidae is controversial.
  2. Through compiling fossil records, reconstructing molecular phylogeny from molecular data, determining the date of divergence, and analysing their geographical evolution based on molecular data and fossil taxa, we explore the origin and evolutionary process of Spalacidae in detail. Diversification within Spalacidae dates to the Late Oligocene, approximately 25 million years ago, based on molecular data.
  3. This family originated in South and East Asia in the Late Oligocene, and then split into four clades. The first clade includes Rhizomyinae, which was highly diversified in South Asia in the Early-to-Middle Miocene. Then Rhizomyinae from Asia migrated to northern Africa in multiple waves through the Afro-Eurasian land bridge. Its range largely contracted in the Late Miocene, notably in Central Asia. The second clade includes the extinct Tachyoryctoidinae, which was confined to East and Central Asia, and survived from the Late Oligocene to the Late Miocene. The third clade includes Spalacinae, which have remained around the Mediterranean region since the Late Oligocene with slight trend of northward expansion. The fourth clade is Myospalacinae. Ancient genera of this subfamily in East Asia dispersed eastward during the Late Miocene and reached northern China and south-east Russia.
  4. The general distribution pattern of Spalacidae has persisted since the Late Miocene. Extinction of Tachyoryctoidinae and clear range contraction of Rhizomyinae in Central and East Asia are likely to have resulted from increased aridification, while the slight northward expansion of Myospalacinae and Spalacinae since the Quaternary was probably a response to a similar northward expansion of suitable vegetation for these animals.

Sperm dimorphism is a rare phenomenon in Chelicerata. Until now, it was known only from three species of the opilionid genus Siro (Sironidae, Cyphophthalmi). Fertilizing (eusperm) and nonfertilizing spermatozoa (parasperm) develop in the same cyst and are thus sister cells. The fine structure of the spermatozoa of two species has been examined and is compared here. In contrast to Siro rubens, S. duricorius spermatozoa lack an acrosomal complex. Both sperm types produce a transitional process, a more or less modified flagellum, which is later retracted. Hence, the spermatozoa are aflagellate. Eusperm and parasperm of all three species form highly ordered sperm balls that are stored in the deferent duct. Reviewing and adding new results about the sperm dimorphism in this arachnid taxon provides the basis for some considerations of another enigmatic morphological character found in Uropygi and Amblypygi, i.e., the tubular accessory genital glands that show holocrine extrusion. These glands are suggested to represent modified, infertile derivatives of the testis anlage. Their secretion is produced in a way reminiscent of a strongly degenerated spermatogenesis. Consequently, these products may be regarded as strongly degenerated germ cells representing a line of germ cell development, which has been separated very early in spermatogenesis from the usual line leading to fertilizing sperm cells. This further, although less evident, case of probable dichotomous germ cell development is discussed with respect to the controversial phylogenetic-systematic relationships between Uropygi (Thelyphonida and Schizomida), Amblypygi, and Araneae.  相似文献   

REVIEW Evolution and systematics of the Chelicerata   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
After approximately 40 years of discussion about the question of whether the Arthropoda are a monophyletic or a paraphyletic group or even a polyphyletic assemblage of unrelated taxa, most morphologists, palaeontologists and molecular taxonomists agree that the Arthropoda are a monophylum. The Euarthropoda are composed of the Arachnomorpha and Mandibulata. Myriapods are usually considered to be mandibulates; however, new molecular data as well as some morphological characters show similarities which the Myriapoda share with the Chelicerata, suggesting that there is no taxon Antennata or Atelocerata. Chelicerata are usually considered to be the sister group of Trilobita or, more correctly, Trilobita branch off from the chelicerate stem line. The first adaptive radiation of the Chelicerata took place in the Cambrian. All extant and some extinct orders were present during the Carboniferous. Two systems are compared. It is suggested that the Chelicerata contain the Pantopoda and Euchelicerata. The Euchelicerata are divided into Xiphosura and terrestrial Arachnida. Scorpiones are considered to be the sister group of all other arachnids, the Lipoctena and these are further divided into the Megoperculata (Uropygi, Amblypygi, and Araneae) and Apulmonata (all other groups). The Acari are tentatively considered to be a monophylum and the sister group of the Ricinulei. However, the Actinotrichida and Anactinotrichida diverged early and therefore have had a long history of independent evolution.  相似文献   

Evolutionary relationships among the major elapid clades, particularly the taxonomic position of the partially aquatic sea kraits (Latkauda) and the fully aquatic true sea snakes have been the subject of much debate. To discriminate among existing phylogenetic and biogeographic hypotheses, portions of both the 16S rRNA and cytochrome b mitochondrial DNA genes were sequenced from 16 genera and 17 species representing all major elapid snake clades from throughout the world and two non-elapid outgroups. This sequence data yielded 181 informative sites under parsimony. Parsimony analyses of the separate data sets produced trees of broad agreement although less well supported than the single most parsimonious tree resulting from the combined analyses. These results support the following hypotheses: (1) the Afro-Asian cobra radiation forms one or more sister groups to other elapids, (2) American and Asian coral snakes form a clade, corroborating morphological studies, (3) Bungarus forms a sister group to the hydrophiines comprised of Latkauda, terrestrial Australo-Papuan elapids and true sea snakes, (4) Latkauda and true sea snakes do not form a monophyletic group but instead each group shares an independent history with terrestrial Australo-Papuan elapids, corroborating previous studies, (5) a lineage of Melanesian elapids forms the sister group to Latkauda, terrestrial Australian species and true sea snakes. In agreement with previous morphologically based studies, the sequence data suggests that Bungarus and Latkauda represent transitional clades between the elapine 'palatine erectors' and hydrophiine 'palatine draggers'. Both intra and inter-clade genetic distances are considerable, implying that each of the major radiations have had long independent histories. I suggest an African, Asian, or Afro-Asian origin for elapids as a group, with independent Asian origins for American coral snakes and the hydrophiines.  相似文献   

Recently, two squirrel species (Spermophilus spp.) were discovered to anoint their bodies with rattlesnake scent as a means of concealing their odour from these chemosensory predators. In this study, we tested multiple species with predator scents (rattlesnake and weasel) to determine the prevalence of scent application across the squirrel phylogeny. We reconstructed the evolutionary history of the behaviour using a phylogenetic analysis and fossil records of historic predator co‐occurrence. Squirrels with historical and current rattlesnake co‐occurrence all applied rattlesnake scent, whereas no relationship existed between weasel scent application and either weasel or rattlesnake co‐occurrence. This was surprising because experimental tests confirmed rattlesnake and weasel scent were both effective at masking prey odour from hunting rattlesnakes (the primary predator of squirrels). Ancestral reconstructions and fossil data suggest predator scent application in squirrels is ancient in origin, arising before co‐occurrences with rattlesnakes or weasels in response to some other, now extinct, chemosensory predator.  相似文献   

The chironomid midges Belgica antarctica, Eretmoptera murphyi (subfamily Orthocladiinae) and Parochlus steinenii (subfamily Podonominae), are the only Diptera species currently found in Antarctica. The relationships between these species and a range of further taxa of Chironomidae were examined by sequencing domains 1 and 3–5 of 28S ribosomal RNA. The resulting molecular relationships between B. antarctica and E. murphyi, within Orthocladiinae, were highly supported by validation analyses, confirming their position within Chironomidae, as generated by classical taxonomy. Within Podonominae, P. steinenii from the Maritime Antarctic was more closely related to material from sub-Antarctic South Georgia than to material from Patagonia. Taking advantage of the availability of a molecular substitution rate calculated for this gene in Diptera, a dating of divergence between our study taxa was tentatively established. The divergence dates obtained were 49 million years (Myr), between B. antarctica and E. murphyi, and 68.5 Myr between these species and the closest Orthocladiinae taxon tested from Patagonia, suggesting that B. antarctica and E. murphyi were representatives of an ancient lineage. As both are endemic to their respective tectonic microplates, their contemporary distribution is, therefore, likely to have been shaped by vicariance rather than dispersal.  相似文献   

The genus Prosopis is an important member of arid and semiarid environments around the world. To study Prosopis diversification and evolution, a combined approach including molecular phylogeny, molecular dating, and character optimization analysis was applied. Phylogenetic relationships were inferred from five different molecular markers ( mat K- trn K, trn L- trn F, trn S- psb C, G3pdh, NIA). Taxon sampling involved a total of 30 Prosopis species that represented all Sections and Series and the complete geographical range of the genus. The results suggest that Prosopis is not a natural group. Molecular dating analysis indicates that the divergence between Section Strombocarpa and Section Algarobia plus Section Monilicarpa occurred in the Oligocene, contrasting with a much recent diversification (Late Miocene) within each of these groups. The diversification of the group formed by species of Series Chilenses, Pallidae, and Ruscifoliae is inferred to have started in the Pliocene, showing a high diversification rate. The moment of diversification within the major lineages of American species of Prosopis is coincident with the spreading of arid areas in the Americas, suggesting a climatic control for diversification of the group. Optimization of habitat parameters suggests an ancient occupation of arid environments by Prosopis species.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 621–640.  相似文献   

Tit-tyrants of the genus Anairetes presently consist of six species; five inhabit various regions along the Andean cordillera of South America and one is endemic to the Juan Fernandez Islands off the coast of Chile. Data from mtDNA ND2 and Cyt b sequences were used to construct a phylogeny for all Anairetes species as well as Uromyias agilis, a closely related genus, and Stigmatura as an outgroup, to determine their relationships and history of radiation in South America. Results strongly supported the following paired relationships: A. nigrocristatus-A. reguloides, A. flavirostris-A. alpinus, and A. parulus-A. fernandezianus. This dataset, however, could not resolve basal nodes; therefore relationships among these pairs remains obscure. Moreover the genus Uromyias, controversially separated on morphological criteria from Anairetes, fell within the Anairetes clade, although its exact position could not be ascertained with confidence. The molecular data indicate that this group probably radiated within the past 2 million years, concomitant with highly accentuated cycles of global climatic change. Certain high altitude areas within the Andes may have been stable during global climatic changes and may have served as refugia during the Plio-Pleistocene.  相似文献   

The subfamily Picumninae (piculets) includes 3 genera and 30 species of tiny and short-tailed woodpeckers with a pantropical distribution. Within the Picumninae, two cases of intercontinentally disrupted distributions at the genus level occur. The first one concerns the genus Sasia (one species in Africa and two in southeast Asia) while the second concerns Picumnus (one species in southeast Asia and 25 in South America). These disrupted distributions, as well as several morphological differences, have lead some authors to place the African representative of Sasia and the southeast Asian representative of Picumnus in their own monotypic genera ( Verreauxia and Vivia , respectively). To address the taxonomic status and biogeographic history of the piculets, we sequenced 2676 bp of DNA from one mitochondrial (ND2) and two nuclear markers (myoglobin intron 2 and β-fibrinogen intron 7). Monophyly of Picumninae could not be recovered with confidence, while monophyly of Sasia and Picumnus were always strongly supported. Molecular dating analyses revealed that the splits both between the African and Indo-Malayan Sasia and between the New World and Old World Picumnus occurred at ca 7.9 Myr BP. This time corresponds to the beginning of the formation of the northern Hemisphere ice sheets and the accompanying expansion of grasslands throughout the world. The spread of open areas in the northern parts of Eurasia and America prevented gene flow between tropical forest birds, such as the piculets, in Africa, southeast Asia and South America, respectively.  相似文献   

We assessed phylogeny of sable (Martes zibellina, Linnaeus, 1758) by sequence analysis of nearly complete, new mitochondrial genomes in 36 specimens from different localities in northern Eurasia (Primorye, Khabarovsk and Krasnoyarsk regions, the Kamchatka Peninsula, the Kuril Islands and the Urals). Phylogenetic analysis of mtDNA sequences demonstrates that two clades, A and BC, radiated about 200–300 thousand years ago (kya) according to results of Bayesian molecular clock and RelTime analyses of different mitogenome alignments (nearly complete mtDNA sequences, protein-coding region, and synonymous sites), while the age estimates of clades A, B and C fall within the Late Pleistocene (~ 50–140 kya). Bayesian skyline plots (BSPs) of sable population size change based on analysis of nearly complete mtDNAs show an expansion around 40 kya in the warm Karganian time, without a decline of population size around the Last Glacial Maximum (21 kya). The BSPs based on synonymous clock rate indicate that M. zibellina experienced demographic expansions later, approximately 22 kya. The A2a clade that colonized Kamchatka ~ 23–50 kya (depending on the mutation rate used) survived the last glaciation there as demonstrated by the BSP analysis. In addition, we have found evidence of positive selection acting at ND4 and cytochrome b genes, thereby suggesting adaptive evolution of the A2a clade in Kamchatka.  相似文献   

Lipoglycoproteins in the Chelicerata that bind and store heme appear to represent a unique evolutionary strategy to both mitigate the toxicity of heme and utilize the molecule as a prosthetic group. Knowledge of heme-binding storage proteins in these organisms is in its infancy and much of what is known is from studies with vitellogenins (Vg) and more recently the main hemolymph storage protein in ixodid ticks characterized as a hemelipoglyco-carrier protein (CP). Data have also been reported from another arachnid, the black widow spider, Latrodectus mirabilis, and seem to suggest that the heme-binding capability of these large multimeric proteins is not a phenomenon found only in the Acari. CP appears to be most closely related to Vg in ticks in terms of primary structure but post-translational processing is different. Tick CP and L. mirabilis high-density lipoprotein 1 (HDL1) are similar in that they consist of two subunits of approximate molecular masses of 90 and 100 kDa, are found in the hemolymph as the dominant protein, and bind lipids, carbohydrates and cholesterol. CP binds heme which may also be the case for HDL1 since the protein was found to contain a brown pigment when analyzed by native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Vgs in ticks are composed of multiple subunits and are the precursor of the yolk protein, vitellin. The phylogeny of these proteins, regulation of gene expression and putative functions of binding and storing heme throughout reproduction, blood-feeding and development are discussed. Comparisons with non-chelicerate arthropods are made in order to highlight the mechanisms and putative functions of heme-binding storage proteins and their possible critical function in the evolution of hematophagy.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships between 32 species of rodents representing 14 subfamilies of Muridae and four subfamilies of Dipodidae were studied using sequences of the nuclear protein-coding genes Lecithin Cholesterol Acyl Transferase (LCAT) and von Willebrand Factor (vWF). An examination of some evolutionary properties of each data matrix indicates that the two genes are rather complementary, with lower rates of nonsynonymous substitutions for LCAT. Both markers exhibit a wide range of GC3 percentages (55%-89%), with several taxa above 70% GC3 for vWF, which indicates that those exonic regions might belong to the richest class of isochores. The primary sequence data apparently harbor few saturations, except for transitions on third codon positions for vWF, as indicated by comparisons of observed and expected pairwise values of substitutions. Phylogenetic trees based on 1,962 nucleotidic sites from the two genes indicate that the 14 Muridae subfamilies are organized into five major lineages. An early isolation leads to the clade uniting the fossorial Spalacinae and semifossorial Rhizomyinae with a strong robustness. The second lineage includes a series of African taxa representing nesomyines, dendromurines, cricetomyines, and the sole living member of mystromyines. The third one comprises only the mouselike hamster CALOMYSCUS: The fourth clade represents the cricetines, myospalacines, sigmodontines, and arvicolines, whereas the fifth one comprises four "traditional" subfamilies (Gerbillinae, Murinae, Otomyinae, and Acomyinae). Within these groups, we confirm the monophyly of almost all studied subfamilies, namely, Spalacinae, Rhizomyinae, Nesomyinae, Cricetomyinae, Arvicolinae, Sigmodontinae, Cricetinae, Gerbillinae, Acomyinae, and Murinae. Finally, we present evidence that the sister group of Acomyinae is Gerbillinae, and we confirm a nested position of Myospalacinae within Cricetinae and Otomyinae within Murinae. From a biogeographical point of view, the five main lineages spread and radiated from Asia with different degrees of success: the first three groups are now represented by a limited number of species and genera localized in some regions, whereas the last two groups radiated in a large variety of species and genera dispersed all over the world.  相似文献   

The 12 presently recognized taxa forming the Macaca silenus group represent the most diverse lineage within the genus Macaca. The present study was set up to clarify the phylogenetic relationships of the extant members of the M. silenus group and to explain their geographical distribution patterns seen today. A combined approach involving the analysis of one paternal (TSPY) and two maternal (cyt b and 12S-16S rRNA) molecular markers enabled us to resolve the phylogenetic relationships within this lineage. Our Y chromosomal marker is not informative enough to allow detailed conclusion. Based on our mitochondrial data, however, M. pagensis, endemic to the three southern Mentawai islands (Sipora, North- and South Pagai), split off early (2.4-2.6 mya) and represents a sister clade to the macaques from the northern Mentawai island of Siberut and from those of the Southeast Asian mainland, which diverged in a radiation-like splitting event about 1.5-1.7 mya. By combining our new results with available data on behavioural as well as climate and sea level changes in Southeast Asia during the Plio- and Pleistocene, we have developed two scenarios for the evolutionary history of this primate group, which may help explain the current geographical distribution of its members.  相似文献   

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