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Summary The importance of non-flying mammals as pollinators of Banksia integrifolia and B. spinulosa was analysed by examining the effect of pollinator exclusions on fruit-set. Visitation by potential pollinators was also measured by observation and by indirect methods. Nonflying mammals were frequent visitors to inflorescences of both Banksia species. The aluminium sleeves used to exclude non-flying mammals from B. integrifolia trees were associated with a reduction in both the number of infructescences produced and the number of fruit per infructescence, indicating that non-flying mammals were important pollinators. Bird-nets over trees also significantly reduced the number of fruit per infructescence, but had no significant effect on the number of infructescences produced. The results of exclusion experiments using single inflorescences were inconclusive due to low fruitset. No conclusions could be drawn from these experiments with B. spinulosa. However, results for B. integrifolia support the conclusions of whole-tree experiments. Analysis of the genotype frequencies in seed from B. integrifolia provided no support for the hypothesis that the relatively limited mobility of non-flying mammal pollinators would cause inbreeding.  相似文献   

Most crops grown in Europe, including sunflower (Helianthus annulus L.), benefit from insect pollination. However, valuing this benefit is not straightforward since estimates of the increase in sunflower yield vary from 18% to 100%. Most estimates have, moreover, been performed at plant scale, a scale that is not relevant for farmers who calculate at the field scale. In this four-year study, we quantified the contribution of insect pollination to sunflower yield at field and plant scales in working farm fields distributed along a gradient of pollinator diversity and abundance. Pollinators were found to increase field yield up to 40% (i.e. 0.7 t/ha) and by 31.3% at plant scale; the magnitude of effect on yield being therefore similar at both scales. The pollinators increased the yield by increasing the number of fertilized seeds per plant with no significant effect on the unit mass of the seeds although there was a trade-off between number of seeds and unit mass. Among pollinators, honeybees were the main taxon impacting sunflower yield. Sunflower plant density was a strong determinant of yield, with higher numbers attracting increased numbers of honeybees. Using pollinator and wind exclusion, we finally quantified the relative contributions of self-pollination (∼40%), insect pollination (∼35%) and wind pollination (∼20%). Our results show, to the best of our knowledge, the first evidence of the key role of pollinators in sunflower production at field scale in real farming conditions, and underscore the need to maintain suitable conditions for pollinators in agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

Aim It is generally believed that communities of small organisms, or those with small propagules, are structured mainly by local niche‐based processes, and less by dispersal limitation. Conversely, weaker environmental and stronger spatial structure, indicating dispersal limitation, are expected to occur more frequently in communities of large organisms. However, this hypothesis has rarely been tested by comparing spatial and environmental effects across groups of organisms of different size (or with different size of propagules) sampled at the same set of sites. Here, we test it in urban environments. Location Thirty‐two cities in 10 countries of Central Europe and Benelux. Methods We compared effects of spatial location and climate on species composition of different groups of organisms sampled in corresponding types of urban habitats. The studied groups were: (1) subaerial cyanobacteria and algae, (2) vascular plants, (3) land snails; and subgroups of vascular plants with different life form and dispersal mode, namely: (4) herbs, (5) animal‐dispersed trees and shrubs, and (6) wind‐dispersed trees and shrubs. Data were analysed by variation partitioning based on redundancy analysis (RDA) with principal coordinates of neighbour matrices (PCNM). Eighteen PCNM eigenvectors (expressing spatial effects) and mean annual temperature, July–January temperature difference and annual precipitation sum (expressing environmental effects) were used as explanatory variables. Results Pure effects of climate on species composition, indicating niche‐based processes, were not significant for any group or subgroup of the studied organisms. In contrast, pure effects of space, indicating dispersal limitation, were significant for all groups and subgroups except herbs. Surprisingly, the community of cyanobacteria/algae possessed much stronger spatial structure independent of climate than communities of larger organisms, although cyanobacteria/algae had the lowest beta diversity among the studied cities. Main conclusions We hypothesize that the community of subaerial cyanobacteria/algae is structured by natural processes which involve dispersal limitation, whereas communities of urban plants and snails are influenced by human‐assisted dispersal of their propagules between cities, which results in weaker dispersal limitation. Our study indicates that dispersal vectors can be more important for community structure than size of organisms or of their propagules.  相似文献   

Movements of organisms between habitat remnants can affect metapopulation structure, community assembly dynamics, gene flow and conservation strategy. In the tropical landscapes that support the majority of global biodiversity and where forest fragmentation is accelerating, there is particular urgency to understand how dispersal across habitats mediates the demography, distribution and differentiation of organisms. By employing unique dispersal challenge experiments coupled with exhaustive inventories of birds in a Panamanian lacustrine archipelago, we show that the ability to fly even short distances (< 100 m) between habitat fragments varies dramatically and consistently among species of forest birds, and that this variation correlates strongly with species' extinction histories and current distributions across the archipelago. This extreme variation in flight capability indicates that species' persistence in isolated forest remnants will be differentially mediated by their respective dispersal abilities, and that corridors connecting such fragments will be essential for the maintenance of avian diversity in fragmented tropical landscapes.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess five cacao cultivars (selfs) and 20 hybrids with regard to their general-and specific-combining ability for yield components using method 1, model I, of the diallel analysis system. The selfings and the hybrids were obtained through controlled crossings, tested in the field in a random block design with four replications and plots containing 16 plants. The experiment was set up in the Centro de Pesquisas do Cacau, in Itabuna, Bahia, Brasil, in 1975. The characteristics studied were: the number of healthy and collected fruits per plant (NHFP and NCFP), the weight of humid seeds per plant and per fruit (WHSP and WHSF), and the percentage of diseased fruits per plant (PDFP), for 5 years (1986–1990). The F-test values, highly significant for general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA), demonstrated the existence of variability for both effects. However, the effects of SCA were greater than those of GCA, when compared in terms of the average squared effects. This condition held for the characteristics NHFP, NCFP and WHSP, which shows the relative importance of the non-additive genetic effects over the additive effects. The reciprocal effects did not show significance. Breeding methods which explore the additive portion of genetic variance should be employed for obtaining higher-yielding cacao and high seed weight. For this, the segregant populations should involve cultivars CEPEC 1, SIAL 169 and ICS 1. Combinations involving the cultivar ICS 1 presented the most favorable results for the characteristics WHSP and WHSF, where the hybrid SIAL 169 x ICS 1 and its reciprocal were outstanding.  相似文献   

In considering the best possible solutions for answering phylogenetic questions from genomic sequences, we have chosen a strategy that we suggest is superior to others that have gone previously. We have ignored multigene families and instead have used single-gene families. This minimizes the inadvertent analysis of paralogs. We have employed strict data controls and have reasoned that if a protein is not capable of recovering the uncontroversial parts of a phylogenetic tree, then why should we use it for the more controversial parts? We have sliced and diced the data in as many ways as possible in order to uncover the signals in that data. Using this strategy, we have tested two controversial hypotheses concerning eukaryotic phylogenetic relationships: the placement of arthropoda and nematodes and the relationships of animals, plants, and fungi. We have constructed phylogenetic trees from 780 single-gene families from 10 completed genomes and amalgamated these into a single supertree. We have also carried out a total evidence analysis on the only universally distributed protein families that can accurately reconstruct the uncontroversial parts of the phylogenetic tree: a total of five families. In doing so, we ignore the majority of single-gene families that are universally distributed as they do not have the appropriate signals to recover the uncontroversial parts of the tree. We have also ignored every protein that has ever been used previously to address this issue, simply because none of them meet our strict criteria. Using these data controls, site stripping, and multiple analyses, 24 out of 26 analyses strongly support the grouping of vertebrates with arthropods (Coelomata hypothesis) and plants with animals. In the other two analyses, the data were ambivalent. The latter finding overturns an 11-year theory of Eukaryotic evolution; the first confirms what has already been said by others. In the light of this new tree, we re-analyze the evolution of intron gain and loss in the rpL14 gene and find that it is much more compatible with the hypothesis presented here than with the Opisthokonta hypothesis.  相似文献   

The strength of interactions between plants for pollination depends on the abundance of plants and pollinators in the community. The abundance of pollinators may influence plant associations and densities at which individual fitness is maximized. Reduced pollinator visitation may therefore affect the way plant species interact for pollination. We experimentally reduced pollinator visitation to six pollinator‐dependent species (three from an alpine and three from a lowland community in Norway) to study how interactions for pollination were modified by reduced pollinator availability. We related flower visitation, pollen limitation and seed set to density of conspecifics and pollinator‐sharing heterospecifics inside 30 dome‐shaped cages partially covered with fishnet (experimental plots) and in 30 control plots. We expected to find stronger interactions between plants in experimental compared to controls plots. The experiment modified plant–plant interactions for pollination in all the six species; although for two of them neighbourhood interactions did not affect seed set. The pollen limitation and seed set data showed that reduction of pollinator visits most frequently resulted in novel and/or stronger interactions between plants in the experimental plots that did not occur in the controls. Although the responses were species‐specific, there was a tendency for increasing facilitative interactions with conspecific neighbours in experimental plots where pollinator availability was reduced. Heterospecifics only influenced pollination and fecundity in species from the alpine community and in the experimental plots, where they competed with the focal species for pollination. The patterns observed for visitation rates differed from those for fecundity, with more significant interactions between plants in the controls in both communities. This study warns against the exclusive use of visitation data to interpret plant–plant interactions for pollination, and helps to understand how plant aggregations may buffer or intensify the effects of a pollinator loss on plant fitness.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that intraspecific competition should be stronger than interspecific competition for any pair of stably coexisting species, yet previous literature reviews found little support for this pattern. We screened over 5400 publications and identified 39 studies that quantified phenomenological intraspecific and interspecific interactions in terrestrial plant communities. Of the 67% of species pairs in which both intra‐ and interspecific effects were negative (competitive), intraspecific competition was, on average, four to five‐fold stronger than interspecific competition. Of the remaining pairs, 93% featured intraspecific competition and interspecific facilitation, a situation that stabilises coexistence. The difference between intra‐ and interspecific effects tended to be larger in observational than experimental data sets, in field than greenhouse studies, and in studies that quantified population growth over the full life cycle rather than single fitness components. Our results imply that processes promoting stable coexistence at local scales are common and consequential across terrestrial plant communities.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic comparative methods were used to analyze the consequences of sexual selection on canine size and canine size dimorphism in primates. Our analyses of previously published body mass and canine size data revealed that the degree of sexual selection is correlated with canine size dimorphism, as well as with canine size in both sexes, in haplorhine but not in strepsirrhine primates. Consistent with these results, male and female canine size was found to be highly correlated in all primates. Since canine dimorphism and canine size in both sexes in haplorhines were found to be not only related to mating system but also to body size and body size dimorphism (characters which are also subject to or the result of sexual selection), it was not apparent whether the degree of canine dimorphism is the result of sexual selection on canine size itself, or whether canine dimorphism is instead a consequence of selection on body size, or vice versa. To distinguish among these possibilities, we conducted matched-pairs analyses on canine size after correcting for the effects of body size. These tests revealed significant effects of sexual selection on relative canine size, indicating that canine size is more important in haplorhine male-male competition than body size. Further analyses showed, however, that it was not possible to detect any evolutionary lag between canine size and body size, or between canine size dimorphism and body size dimorphism. Additional support for the notion of special selection on canine size consisted of allometric relationships in haplorhines between canine size and canine size dimorphism in males, as well as between canine size dimorphism and body size dimorphism. In conclusion, these analyses revealed that the effects of sexual selection on canine size are stronger than those on body size, perhaps indicating that canines are more important than body size in haplorhine male-male competition.  相似文献   

Despite the essential functions of sedimentary bacterial and fungal communities in biogeochemical cycling, little is known about their biogeographic patterns and driving processes in large rivers. Here we investigated the biogeographic assemblies and co-occurrence patterns of sedimentary bacterial and fungal communities in the Jinsha River, one of the largest rivers in southwestern China. The mainstream of river was divided into upstream, midstream and downstream. The results showed that both bacterial and fungal communities differed significantly among three sections. For both communities, their composition variations in all sites or each river section were controlled by the combination of dispersal limitation and environmental selection, and dispersal limitation was the dominant factor. Compared with bacteria, fungi had stronger dispersal limitation. Co-occurrence network analyses revealed higher network connectivity but a lower proportion of positive interaction in the bacterial than fungal network at all sites. In particular, the keystone species belonging to bacterial phyla Proteobacteria and Firmicutes and fungal phyla Ascomycota and Chytridiomycota may play critical roles in maintaining community function. Together, these observations indicate that fungi have a stronger dispersal limitation influence and less network connectivity than bacteria, implying different community assembly mechanisms and ecological functions between bacteria and fungi in large rivers.  相似文献   

We compared the influence of pollination intensity (PI) on fruit set and seed number per pod in two cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) clones, IFC5 (Forastero Lower-Amazon Amelonado), which is self-compatible and known to produce a high number of seeds per pod under open pollination, and SCA6 (Forastero Upper-Amazon), which is self-incompatible and known to produce a low number of seeds per pod under open pollination. With both clones, PI had a positive effect on fruit set, with the maximum rate requiring more than 150 pollen grains per pod. One-half of the maximum rate of fruit set was reached with 39 pollen grains per pod for SCA6, and 78 for IFC5. With SCA6, a significant positive effect of PI on seed number per pod was also observed, with maximum seed number requiring more than 200 pollen grains per pod. In contrast, seed numbers with IFC5 were approximately equal over the PI range 100–800 pollen grains per pod. Patterns of seed number per pod were compared after: (1) open insect pollination, (2) low-intensity hand pollination and (3) high-intensity hand pollination. The patterns obtained with IFC5 under open pollination showed a peak of 40–50 seeds per pod, whereas the distribution patterns were more even with SCA6. The pattern of seed number under open pollination was similar to that obtained with high-intensity hand pollination for IFC5, and with low-intensity hand pollination for SCA6. We concluded that the high number of seeds per pod observed with IFC5 under natural insect pollination may be explained by a high number of compatible self-pollen grains on the stigma and by a severe drop of low-pollinated flowers eliminating potential lowfilled fruits. With SCA6, however, the number of compatible pollen grains deposited on the stigma was probably low under open pollination, and the flowers required lower pollen quantities to set fruit, which resulted in a high frequency of low seed numbers per fruit. This difference in the capacity to set low-seeded fruits might be considered as an adaptive trait related to the mode of reproduction.  相似文献   

Plant–pollinator interactions are often thought to have been a decisive factor in the diversification of flowering plants, but to be of little or no importance for the maintenance of existing plant diversity. In a recent opinion paper, Pauw (2013 Trends Ecol. Evol. 28, 30–37. (doi:10.1016/j.tree.2012.07.019)) challenged this view by proposing a mechanism of diversity maintenance based on pollination niche partitioning. In this article, I investigate under which conditions the mechanism suggested by Pauw can promote plant coexistence, using a mathematical model of plant and pollinator population dynamics. Numerical simulations show that this mechanism is most effective when the costs of searching for flowers are low, pollinator populations are strongly limited by resources other than pollen and nectar, and plant–pollinator interactions are sufficiently specialized. I review the empirical literature on these three requirements, discuss additional factors that may be important for diversity maintenance through pollination niche partitioning, and provide recommendations on how to detect this coexistence mechanism in natural plant communities.  相似文献   

Identifying the mechanisms that underlie the assembly of plant communities is critical to the conservation of terrestrial biodiversity. However, it is seldom measured or quantified how much deterministic versus stochastic processes contribute to community assembly in alpine meadows. Here, we measured the decay in community similarity with spatial and environmental distance in the Zoige Plateau. Furthermore, we used redundancy analysis (RDA) to divide the variations in the relative abundance of plant families into four components to assess the effects of environmental and spatial. Species assemblage similarity liner declined with geographical distance (p < .001, R 2 = .6388), and it decreased significantly with increasing distance of total phosphorus (TP), alkali‐hydrolyzable nitrogen (AN), available potassium (AK), nitrate nitrogen (NO3 +–N), and ammonia nitrogen (NH4 +–N). Environmental and spatial variables jointly explained a large proportion (55.2%) of the variation in the relative abundance of plant families. Environmental variables accounted for 13.1% of the total variation, whereas spatial variables accounted for 11.4%, perhaps due to the pronounced abiotic gradients in the alpine areas. Our study highlights the mechanism of plant community assembly in the alpine ecosystem, where environmental filtering plays a more important role than dispersal limitation. In addition, a reasonably controlled abundance of Compositae (the family with the highest niche breadth and large niche overlap value with Gramineae and Cyperaceae) was expected to maintain sustainable development in pastoral production. These results suggest that management measures should be developed with the goal of improving or maintaining suitable local environmental conditions.  相似文献   

1.?A major goal in community ecology is to identify mechanisms that govern the assembly and maintenance of ecological communities. Current models of metacommunity dynamics differ chiefly in the relative emphasis placed on dispersal limitation and niche differentiation as causal mechanisms structuring ecological communities. Herein we investigate the relative roles of these two mechanisms in structuring primate communities in Africa, South America, Madagascar and Borneo. 2.?We hypothesized that if dispersal limitation is important in structuring communities, then community similarity should depend on geographical proximity even after controlling for ecological similarity. Conversely, if communities are assembled primarily through niche processes, then community similarity should be determined by ecological similarity regardless of geographical proximity. 3.?We performed Mantel and partial Mantel tests to investigate correlations among primate community similarity, ecological distance and geographical distance. Results showed significant and strongly negative relationships between diurnal primate community similarity and both ecological similarity and geographical distance in Madagascar, but significant and stronger negative relationships between community similarity and geographical distance in African, South American and Bornean metacommunities. 4.?We conclude that dispersal limitation is an important determinant of primate community structure and may play a stronger role in shaping the structure of some terrestrial vertebrate communities than niche differentiation. These patterns are consistent with neutral theory. We recommend tests of functional equivalence to determine the extent to which neutral theory may explain primate community composition.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Plant genotypic mixtures have the potential to increase yield stability in variable, often unpredictable environments, yet knowledge of the specific mechanisms underlying enhanced yield stability remains limited. Field studies are constrained by environmental conditions which cannot be fully controlled and thus reproduced. A suitable model system would allow reproducible experiments on processes operating within crop genetic mixtures.


Phenotypically dissimilar genotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana were grown in monocultures and mixtures under high levels of competition for abiotic resources. Seed production, flowering time and rosette size were recorded.

Key Results

Mixtures achieved high yield stability across environments through compensatory interactions. Compensation was greatest when plants were under high levels of heat and nutrient stress. Competitive ability and mixture performance were predictable from above-ground phenotypic traits even though below-ground competition appeared to be more intense.


This study indicates that the mixing ability of plant genotypes can be predicted from their phenotypes expressed in a range of relevant environments, and implies that a phenotypic screen of genotypes could improve the selection of suitable components of genotypic mixtures in agriculture intended to be resilient to environmental stress.  相似文献   

根据对乌兰布和沙漠地区白刺属4种植物在花期进行的人工控制性授粉实验及室内外调查分析,系统研究了唐古特白刺、西伯利亚白刺、大白刺和泡泡刺4种白刺属植物的传粉特性。结果表明:不同白刺属植物兼具杂交亲和与自交亲和的能力,更倾向于异交结实。繁育系统属于自交、异交相混合的兼性异交交配系统,存在风媒传粉的可能性,不能进行无融合生殖。白刺属植物的这些传粉特性表现出对干旱荒漠地区恶劣环境的较强生态适应性。  相似文献   

Road verges provide a refuge for numerous plant species, especially in agroecosystems characterized for decades by a general decline in semi-natural habitats and edge density. Beyond the influence of present landscape structure on the local structure and composition of plant communities, past landscape structure could also have a substantial effect. Indeed, a temporal delay could especially be hypothesized between periods of landscape changes and biological responses of plant communities. We surveyed plant communities of three adjacent elements of 190 road-field boundaries in Central-Western France: the berm, the embankment and the field margin. We compared the effects of past (1980) and present (2011) surrounding agricultural landscape structure on the plant species richness of each element and on the Sørensen taxonomic compositional dissimilarity index between pairs of elements using linear models and a model averaging procedure. We characterized the landscape structure at both time periods within three circular buffers of 250, 500 and 1000 m radius around the centre of each sampled road-field boundary. In each buffer, we calculated the proportion of grasslands, the proportion of woodlands and the edge density. Despite a weak explanatory power of the landscape structure, species richness of each road-field element was better explained by past than present landscape structure. Species richness of berms, the element of the road-field boundary having the highest proportion of perennial species, was also the most influenced by past landscape structure. As an example, species richness of berms increased with the proportion of woodlands and the edge density when considering a buffer of 500 m radius. In contrast, compositional dissimilarity between pair of elements was neither affected by past nor present landscape structure. Our results suggest that the taxonomic diversity of plant communities of road-field boundaries have a time-lagged response to landscape changes, emphasising that currently implemented management programs represent high stakes for biodiversity conservation in future decades.  相似文献   

动物传播者对植物更新的促进与限制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李宁  王征  潘扬  白冰  鲁长虎 《应用生态学报》2012,23(9):2602-2608
在动物 植物的关系网络中,传播者对植物更新具有促进与限制两方面作用.本文从种群尺度总结了传播者取食、空间利用等行为对植物更新的影响;从群落尺度分析了多种传播者传播有效性对植物更新的促进与限制.传播者对食物的处理方式决定了种子的命运,且具有明显的种间差异;植物在传播者食谱中的地位亦决定其更新的成败,成为动物偏好的食物可助其摆脱森林破碎化等不利事件的影响.动物的空间行为可导致种子命运发生改变.传播者移动距离能否逃逸同种成树对种子的距离限制,影响种子的更新命运;动物偏好的适宜生境与适于植物萌发生境的空间一致性程度影响传播者传播的成效.有效传播者的非冗余性促使种子传播网络更稳定,利于植物更新;无效传播直接限制植物更新,但为其他植物定殖提供了可用空间.今后应将传播者行为融入植物种群更新研究,而从生态系统服务角度揭示传播者在植被恢复的作用应是未来恢复生态学研究的重点.  相似文献   

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