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Background aimsIn the autologous setting, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) (G), or, when failing, G plus plerixafor (G+P), are common regimens for mobilization of stem cells into peripheral blood. To delineate mobilization effects on graft composition and hematopoietic recovery, we compared contents of stem cells and progenitor cells in products of G+P- and G patients. Paired samples of G+P patients and prior insufficient G mobilization were available for analyses.MethodsSubset analyses of grafts were performed by flow cytometry and myeloid colony-forming assay. In search of new markers to ascertain graft quality, we determined the fractions of aldehyde dehydrogenase bright (ALDHbr) cells.ResultsG grafts contained higher percentages of CD34+ cells, CD34+CD38- cells, and committed progenitors (CD34+CD38+) compared with G+P grafts. A detailed characterization of the mobilized CD34+ cell subset showed higher percentages of CD38– among the CD34+ cells of the G+P group (P = 0.032). In contrast, the CD34+ cell subset in G grafts was characterized by a higher percentage of ALDHbr cells (P < 0.0001). Studying engraftment and day +100 graft function the G and G+P transplanted patients were comparable with respect to neutrophils, whereas in platelets they differed. In the prediction of engraftment and hematopoietic recovery, the dose of infused ALDHbr cells correlated best to both platelet (r = 0.565, P = 0.002) and neutrophil reconstitution (r = 0.366, P = 0.06).ConclusionsBesides showing dissimilar distributions of CD34+CD38– cells and progenitors in G and G+P grafts, this study further designated ALDHbr as a promising marker in determination and prediction of graft quality and hematopoietic recovery.  相似文献   

Cellular and humoral influences of T lymphocytes on human megakaryocyte colony formation in vitro were assessed by using a microagar system. Megakaryocyte colony formation from nonadherent low density T lymphocyte-depleted (NALDT-) bone marrow cells was increased significantly after the addition of aplastic anemia serum (AAS) or purified megakaryocyte colony-stimulating factor (Meg-CSF). The addition of conditioned medium obtained from phytohemagglutinin-stimulated T lymphocytes replaced, at least partially, the requirement for AAS or purified Meg-CSF for the growth of megakaryocyte colonies. The cellular influence of T lymphocytes and T lymphocyte subsets on megakaryocyte colony formation was assessed by removing either T cells from nonadherent peripheral blood mononuclear cells with monoclonal OKT4, OKT8, or OKT3 antibodies plus complement, or by adding back populations of bone marrow or blood T4+ or T8+ lymphocytes, isolated by means of fluorescence-activated cell sorting, respectively, to NALDT--bone marrow or -blood cells. When sorted T cell subpopulations were added to a fixed number of NALDT--bone marrow or -peripheral blood cells in the presence of AAS or Meg-CSF, T4+ cells enhanced megakaryocyte colony formation and T8+ cells decreased it. These studies demonstrate that although the stimulation of megakaryocytic progenitor cells by Meg-CSF may not require the presence of monocytes or T lymphocytes, T4+ lymphocytes enhance and T8+ lymphocytes down-regulate megakaryocyte colony formation induced by Meg-CSF. These observations suggest that the immune system is capable of modulating the proliferative response of human megakaryocytic progenitor cells to Meg-CSF.  相似文献   

Background aimsDelayed neutrophil recovery following autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (aHSCT) increases transplant-related morbidity. Apoptosis induced by cryopreservation and thawing of hematopoietic progenitor cells collected by apheresis (HPC-A) was investigated in this nested case-control study as a factor associated with delayed neutrophil recovery following aHSCT.MethodsAmong patients with lymphoma who underwent aHSCT between 2000 and 2007 (n = 326), 13 cases of primary delayed neutrophil recovery and 22 age- and sex-matched controls were identified. Apoptosis and viability were measured using multiparameter flow cytometry, and colony-forming capacity was determined using semi-solid methylcellulose assays.ResultsHPC-A grafts from cases and controls had similar percentages of viable mononuclear cells (MNC) and CD34+progenitor cells, as determined by standard 7AAD dye exclusion methods measured before and after cryopreservation. Patients with delayed neutrophil recovery received increased numbers of apoptotic MNC (P = 0.02) but similar numbers of apoptotic CD34+ cells per kilogram measured after thawing. Apoptosis was more pronounced in MNC compared with CD34+ cells after thawing, and apoptosis was negligible in freshly collected HPC-A products. Patients with delayed neutrophil recovery had fewer total colony-forming unites (CFU) and CFU-granulocyte–macrophages (GM) per 105 viable post-thaw MNC compared with controls (P < 0.05).ConclusionsIncreased numbers of apoptotic MNC in thawed HPC-A products are associated with delayed neutrophil recovery after aHSCT. Studies that address factors contributing to increased apoptosis are needed, and measuring apoptosis in thawed HPC-A may have a role in the assessment of graft adequacy.  相似文献   

Adult bone marrow and peripheral blood contain small subsets of mononuclear cells that can be differentiated into endothelial-like cells in vitro. Experimental and clinical transplantation of such cell isolates--often referred to as endothelial stem/progenitor cells--into ischaemic or infarcted areas shows their incorporation into sites of new vessel growth along with improvement of regional blood flow. Emerging evidence suggests that these beneficial effects on vascular growth can be attributed to the paracrine activation of resident endothelial cells, rather than their integration into new endothelium. Autologous endothelial progenitor cells can also substitute for native vessel-derived endothelial cells in tissue-engineered vascular autografts.  相似文献   

Analysis of agar cultures throughout a 56-day period determined the concentration and cell cycle status of at least 4 different subclasses of hemopoietic colony forming cells (CFC) in human cord blood (CB). Although the concentration of CFC in CB was not significantly different from bone marrow (BM) in day-12 cultures, neutrophil colonies reached their peak on about day 23 in CB cultures and on day 12 in BM cultures. This suggests that the CFC in CB are more primitive than those in BM. In CB cultures, colonies of small cells contained predominantly neutrophils on day 14 and eosinophils on day 35, while the late developing (day 35) colonies of large cells contained mast-cell-like cells (MCL).  相似文献   

Background aimsBefore autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT), hematopoietic stem cells must be stimulated to move from the bone marrow to the peripheral blood for harvesting. Plerixafor, a C-X-C chemokine receptor type 4 antagonist, is used to increase stem cell harvests. However, the effects of plerixafor on post-ASCT outcomes remain unclear.MethodsIn a dual-center retrospective cohort study of 43 Japanese patients who received ASCT, the authors compared transplantation outcomes in patients who underwent stem cell mobilization with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor with (n = 25) or without (n = 18) plerixafor.ResultsThe number of days to neutrophil and platelet engraftment was significantly shorter with plerixafor than without plerixafor, as assessed by univariate (neutrophil, P = 0.004, platelet, P = 0.002), subgroup, propensity score matching and inverse probability weighting analyses. Although the cumulative incidence of fever was comparable with or without plerixafor (P = 0.31), that of sepsis was significantly lower with plerixafor than without (P < 0.01). Thus, the present data indicate that plerixafor leads to earlier neutrophil and platelet engraftment and a reduction of infectious risk.ConclusionsThe authors conclude that plerixafor may be safe to use and that it reduces the risk of infection in patients with a low CD34+ cell count the day before apheresis.  相似文献   

Circulating endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) derived from the bone marrow (BM) participate in maintaining endothelial integrity and vascular homeostasis. Reduced EPC number and function result in vascular complications in diabetes. EPCs are a population of cells existing in various differentiation stages, and their cell surface marker profiles change during the process of mobilization and maturation. Hence, a generally accepted marker combination and a standardized protocol for the quantification of EPCs remain to be established. To determine the EPC subsets that are affected by diabetes, we comprehensively analyzed 32 surface marker combinations of mouse peripheral blood (PB), BM, and spleen cells by multicolor flow cytometry. Ten subsets equivalent to previously reported mouse EPCs significantly declined in number in the PB of streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice, and this reduction was reversed by insulin treatment. The PI(-)Lin(-)c-Kit(-)Sca-1(+)Flk-1(-)CD34(-)CD31(+) EPC cluster, which can differentiate into mature endothelial cells in vitro, was the highest population in the PB, BM, and spleen and occurred 61 times more in the spleen than in the PB. The cell number significantly decreased in the BM as well as in the PB but paradoxically increased in the spleen under diabetic conditions. Insulin treatment reversed the decrease of EPC subsets in the BM and PB and reversed their increase in spleen. A similar tendency was observed in some of the major cell populations in db/db mice. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to report spatial population changes in mouse EPCs by diabetes in the blood and in the BM across the spleen. Diminished circulating EPC supply by diabetes may be ascribed to impaired EPC production in the BM and to decreased EPC mobilization from the spleen, which may contribute to vascular dysfunction in diabetic conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Metachromasia of cultured fibroblasts from patients with mucopolysaccharidoses disappears if fetal calf serum in the culture medium is replaced by human serum, even if this serum is obtained from the patient himself.
Zusammenfassung Bei Zellen von Mucopolysaccharidose-Patienten verschwindet die Metachromasie in vitro, wenn im Kulturmedium das fetale Kalbserum durch menschliches Serum ersetzt wird, sogar wenn das Serum vom Patienten selbst stammt.

Here we investigated the potential role of bone-resorbing osteoclasts in homeostasis and stress-induced mobilization of hematopoietic progenitors. Different stress situations induced activity of osteoclasts (OCLs) along the stem cell-rich endosteum region of bone, secretion of proteolytic enzymes and mobilization of progenitors. Specific stimulation of OCLs with RANKL recruited mainly immature progenitors to the circulation in a CXCR4- and MMP-9-dependent manner; however, RANKL did not induce mobilization in young female PTPepsilon-knockout mice with defective OCL bone adhesion and resorption. Inhibition of OCLs with calcitonin reduced progenitor egress in homeostasis, G-CSF mobilization and stress situations. RANKL-stimulated bone-resorbing OCLs also reduced the stem cell niche components SDF-1, stem cell factor (SCF) and osteopontin along the endosteum, which was associated with progenitor mobilization. Finally, the major bone-resorbing proteinase, cathepsin K, also cleaved SDF-1 and SCF. Our findings indicate involvement of OCLs in selective progenitor recruitment as part of homeostasis and host defense, linking bone remodeling with regulation of hematopoiesis.  相似文献   

Erythropoietin, the red blood cell-making cytokine, is also a potential cytoprotective agent in heart disease. In this issue of Cell Stem Cell, Hoch et?al. (2011) use two heart failure models, including chemotherapeutic cardiotoxicity, to reveal a mechanistic connection between reduced cardiomyocyte production of erythropoietin and neoangiogenesis by cardiac progenitors.  相似文献   

Background aimsThe long-term stability of cryopreserved peripheral blood progenitor cells is an important issue for patients experiencing disease relapse. However, there is no consensus on how to evaluate the long-term effects of cryopreservation. We describe the effect of cryopreservation on viability and progenitor colony activity from 87 individual samples processed at the Scripps Green Hospital Stem Cell Processing Center (La Jolla, CA, USA).MethodsWe randomly selected 87 peripheral blood hematopoietic stem cell (PBHSC) samples from 60 patients and evaluated the effect of cryopreservation on sample viability and red and white cell colony activity after < 24 h and 7, 10 and 15 years of cryopreservation. Viability was assayed via trypan blue dye exclusion and activity was measured following 14 days of culture.ResultsAn age at collection older than 50 years may result in suboptimal activity and viability following long-term cryopreservation, while gender and disease status had no effect. Cryopreservation did not significantly affect white or red cell activity following 10 years of cryopreservation. However, for samples stored longer than 10 years, viability and activity significantly decreased. We noted a positive association between higher pre-cryopreservation %CD34 count and colony activity.ConclusionsCryopreservation of peripheral blood progenitor cells for up to 10 years results in no loss of clonogenic capacity, as determined by culture activity, although longer durations of storage may affect activity. Until validated methods are developed, cryopreserved grafts should be evaluated based on pre-freeze CD34+ cell counts as assayed by flow cytometry, and post-thaw sample evaluation should be reserved for patients identified as poor mobilizers.  相似文献   

The regenerative capacity of the mammary gland following post-lactational involution depends on the presence of multipotent stem or progenitor cells. Mammary progenitor cells exist as a quiescent and self-renewing population capable of differentiating into luminal epithelial and myoepithelial cells and generating ductal and alveolar structures. The fate choices of these cells are regulated by several soluble signals as well as their surrounding extracellular matrix. Whereas matrix stiffness has been implicated in organ-specific differentiation of embryonic and mesenchymal stem cells, the effects of substratum compliance on the more limited fate switches typical of tissue-specific progenitor cells are unknown. Here, we examined how the mechanical properties of the microenvironment affect the differentiation of mammary progenitor cells. Immortalized human mammary progenitor cells were cultured on synthetic hydrogels of varying stiffness, and their self-renewal and fate decisions were quantified. We found that cells cultured on soft substrata differentiated preferentially into luminal epithelial cells, whereas those cultured on stiff substrata differentiated preferentially into myoepithelial cells. Furthermore, pharmacological manipulations of cytoskeletal tension in conjunction with analysis of gene expression revealed that mechanical properties of the microenvironment signal through the small GTPase RhoA and cytoskeletal contractility to modulate the differentiation of mammary progenitor cells. These data suggest that subtle variations in the mechanical compliance of a tissue can direct the fate decisions of its resident progenitor cells.  相似文献   

SH Tsai  PH Huang  WC Chang  HY Tsai  CP Lin  HB Leu  TC Wu  JW Chen  SJ Lin 《PloS one》2012,7(7):e41065


Bisphosphonates are a class of pharmacologic compounds that are commonly used to treat postmenopausal osteoporosis and malignant osteolytic processes. Studies have shown that bone marrow-derived endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) play a significant role in postnatal neovascularization. Whether the nitrogen-containing bisphosphonate zoledronate inhibits ischemia-induced neovascularization by modulating EPC functions remains unclear.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Unilateral hindlimb ischemia was surgically induced in wild-type mice after 2 weeks of treatment with vehicle or zoledronate (low-dose: 30 μg/kg; high-dose: 100 μg/kg). Doppler perfusion imaging demonstrated that the ischemic limb/normal side blood perfusion ratio was significantly lower in wild-type mice treated with low-dose zoledronate and in mice treated with high-dose zoledronate than in controls 4 weeks after ischemic surgery (control vs. low-dose vs. high-dose: 87±7% vs. *61±18% vs. **49±17%, *p<0.01, **p<0.005 compared to control). Capillary densities were also significantly lower in mice treated with low-dose zoledronate and in mice treated with high-dose zoledronate than in control mice. Flow cytometry analysis showed impaired mobilization of EPC-like cells (Sca-1+/Flk-1+) after surgical induction of ischemia in mice treated with zoledronate but normal levels of mobilization in mice treated with vehicle. In addition, ischemic tissue from mice that received zoledronate treatment exhibited significantly lower levels of the active form of MMP-9, lower levels of VEGF, and lower levels of phosphorylated eNOS and phosphorylated Akt than ischemic tissue from mice that received vehicle. Results of the in vitro studies showed that incubation with zoledronate inhibited the viability, migration, and tube-forming capacities of EPC.


Zoledronate inhibited ischemia-induced neovascularization by impairing EPC mobilization and angiogenic functions. These findings suggest that administration of zoledronate should be withheld in patients with ischemic events such as acute limb ischemia.  相似文献   

From 20 patients with solid tumors or acute nonlymphocytic leukemia in remission, hemopoietic progenitor cells were taken and stored in liquid nitrogen, for use in autologous bone marrow transplantation. Bone marrow aspiration resulted in a volume of 920(+/- 170) ml containing 16.8(+/-6.0) x 10(9) nucleated bone marrow cells and 7.2(+/-4.4) x 10(6) myeloid progenitor cells (CFUc). With use of the Haemonetics blood cell separator a progenitor cell-enriched fraction is obtained. This fraction is depleted of 90(+/-6)% of the erythrocytes and 59(+/-15)% of the neutrophils contained in the original. The original aspirate volume is reduced to one-fifth (21 +/- 3%) while containing 88(+/-38)% of the original CFUc's and 52(+/-11)% of the nucleated bone marrow cells. This technique of bone marrow enrichment has the advantage of a minimum of open-air contact, being independent of extensive laboratory facilities and manpower. The enriched fraction is frozen in autologous plasma and a final concentration of 10% (v/v) DMSO, using a program-controlled freezer (L'Air Liquide). Materials are stored at liquid nitrogen temperature in bags (Gambro) and test vials. Total CFUc recovery in test vials after thawing was 81(+/-32)%.  相似文献   

Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) are associated with vascu- lar repairing and progression of atherosclerotic lesion. It may lead to coronary artery disease (CAD) if circulating EPCs lose their function. Continuous nitroglycerin (NTG) therapy causes increased vascular oxidative stress and endothelial dys- function. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of NTG on the proliferation of human peripheral blood-derived EPCs. EPC cultures, collected from 60 CAD patients and cul- tured for 7-12 days, were treated with different concentra- tions of NTG (0.0, 0.3, 1.0, 2.0, 7.5, 15.0, and 20.0 mg/l) for 72 h, respectively. The cell counts and proliferative activities of EPC; the levels of vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A), nitric oxide (NO) and peroxynitrite (ONOO-) in culture medium; and the level of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in adherent cells were measured. Compared with control (0.0 mg/l NTG), the cell number and proliferative ac- tivities of EPCs were increased when treated with 1.0 mg/l NTG and reached maximum level when NTG concentration was 7.5 mg/l. However, there was a significant reduction when treated with higher doses of NTG (≥15.0mg/l). Meanwhile, VEGF-A expression reached its maximal expres- sion with 7.5 mg/l NTG, but gradually declined by incubation with higher doses of NTG. There was a linear relationship between NO level and NTG concentration, but no changes of ONOO- and ROS levels were found when EPCs were incu- bated with 0.3-7.5 mg/l NTG. However, ONOO- and ROS levels were significantly increased when incubated with 15 and 20 mg/l NTG. Our data demonstrated that moderate dose of NTG may stimulate the proliferative activities of EPCs isolated from CAD patients.  相似文献   

The immune system of vertebrates detects bacterial DNA as a "danger signal" based on the presence of unmethylated CpG motifs. We examined whether oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs) with CpG motifs (CpG-ODNs) also induce mobilization of hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPCs). Mice challenged with CpG-ODNs showed an increase in peripheral blood colony-forming units (CFU) with a peak at day 4 after treatment, associated with an increase, starting 30 min after CpG treatment, in serum levels of mouse keratinocyte-derived chemokine (mKC), a functional homolog of human interleukin (IL) 8; production of granulocyte-colony-stimulating factor (CSF) was also detected. Mobilization and mKC induction were sequence-specific and dose-dependent occurring even with low doses of CpG-ODNs. Interestingly, intestinal cells were involved in mKC production. HPC mobilization by CpG-ODNs was dependent on peripheral blood mononuclear cells since mobilization was reduced in neutrophil-depleted mice. Moreover, CpG-ODN treatment significantly increased G-CSF mobilizing capacity. Finally, pretreatment with an anti-mKC neutralizing antibody significantly reduced CpG-induced mobilization, further supporting a role for mKC. Thus, bacterial DNA is a "danger signal" not only for immune cells but also for hematopoietic cells, communicating the need for increased hematopoiesis during infections and for the renewal of the immune system. The HPC mobilization activity of CpG-ODNs will need to be considered in the design of treatment regimens for cancer clinical trials using CpG-ODNs in association with chemotherapy.  相似文献   

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