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Vegetation dynamics in the coastal area of the Seto Inland Sea region in Japan, where wild fires occur frequently, were described using a stationary Markov model. In this region, vegetation types ofMiscanthus-Pleioblastus grassland,Lespedeza-Mallotus scrub,Pinus-Rhododendron forest andCrassocephalum-Erechtites community have been identified, and these show cyclic succession under the influence of fires. The model uses parameters determining fire frequency and rate of successional change to analyze the effect of variation in these parameters on the areal ratio of each vegetation type at equilibrium and on the time taken for one vegetation type to succeed another (elapsed successional time). The effect of fire frequency differs between hypothetical habitats with high and low productivity. A policy for vegetation management in areas of high and low productivity is proposed. The advantages and limitations of applying Markov models to studies of vegetation succession are also discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of insect grazing on the establishment of plant populations from seed after bushfires in coastal plain woodland near Perth, Western Australia. Seedling germination was measured and individual seedlings were observed frequently to estimate survivorship and causes of mortality. Invasion rates of acridid grasshoppers into both small and large burnt areas were measured and palatabilities of seedlings to the most abundant grasshopper species were estimated. Escape of seedlings from insect grazing was influenced by both seedling palatability and area of burning. Grasshoppers were absent from large burnt areas for one to two years. In small burnt patches of vegetation, the patterns of grazing on seedlings were related to seedling palatabilities. These results are discussed in the light of current models of plant succession and the main conclusion is that fire is not a succession-initiating disturbance in this ecosystem because the long association with fire has allowed the evolution of specific survival and recruitment strategies.  相似文献   

The relationship between native and exotic richness has mostly been studied with respect to space (i.e., positive at larger scales, but negative or more variable at smaller scales) and its temporal patterns have rarely been investigated. Although some studies have monitored the temporal trends of both native and exotic richness, how these two groups of species might be related to each other and how their relative proportions vary through time in a local community remains unclear. Re-analysis of early post-fire successional data for a California chaparral community shows that, in the same communities and at small spatial scales, the native-exotic correlations varied through time. Both exotic richness and exotic fraction (i.e., the proportion of exotic species in the flora) quickly increased and then gradually declined, during the initial stages of succession following fire disturbance. This result sheds new light on habitat invasibility and has implications for timing the implementation of effective management actions to prevent and/or mitigate species invasions.  相似文献   

Data on the presence of a number of vegetation states (defined in terms of species dominance in areas of 10×10 cm) and transition probabilities were derived from permanent quadrats in a number of recently burned heath stands. Data were taken from a species-rich community, a species-poor type and a high-level Calluna-Eriophorum bog. Simple Markovian models were constructed using these data, and the model predictions were compared with known or expected trends. Models for species-rich heath yielded poor simulations of expected trends since matrices derived from data for the first years after fire did not contain sufficient information on transitions to states important later in the developmental sequence. Model results for the simpler species-poor and bog communities were more satisfactory and simulated expected trends. In these types all species recovered quickly after fire and less rearrangement of species abundances took place. Maximum likelihood statistics carried out on the transition matrices produced inconclusive results for the species-rich and species-poor types, but indicated that the data from the Calluna-Eriophorum bog approximated a first-order time-homogeneous Markov chain. It was concluded that Markov models lack predictive ability except in relatively simple systems, but that they may be useful in illustrating variations in short-term community dynamics.Nomenclature follows Tutin et al. (1964–80) for vascular plants and Smith (1978) for mosses.I am grateful to Prof. C. H. Gimingham for help and advice during this study, which was carried out during tenure of a Natural Environment Research Council studentship. Thanks are also due to Dr M. B. Usher and an anonymous referee for their comments on the draft.  相似文献   

Soil seed banks can exert a strong influence on the path of vegetation succession following fire, with species varying in their capacity to persist in the seed bank over time, leading to changes in seed bank composition and propagules available for post-fire colonisation. This study examined the effect of time since fire on soil seed bank dynamics in a chronosequence of seven sites spanning 26 years in a south-eastern Australian sand heathland. No significant change was evident in the species richness and density of the germinable soil seed bank, but species composition differed significantly among young (0–6 years since fire), intermediate (10–17 years since fire) and old-aged (24–26 years since fire) sites (using presence/absence data). No significant trend was observed in the similarity between the extant vegetation and the soil seed bank with time since fire. A total of 32% of the species recorded in the soil seed bank were not present in the above-ground vegetation at the same site, which suggests that species requiring fire for germination may be present in the seed bank. Most species present in the extant vegetation were not recorded (63%) or were in very low abundances in the soil seed bank (29%). The mode of regeneration appears to be the major determinant of species absence in the soil seed bank, as 66% of species occurring in the extant vegetation but not in the seed bank have the capacity to regenerate by resprouting. This study shows that a major shift in the successional pathway after fire due to altered seed bank composition is unlikely in this vegetation; most species not recorded in the seed bank are either resprouters (obligate or facultative) or serotinous, suggesting that they will readily regenerate following fire. Unless fire frequencies are high and kill fire-sensitive obligate seeders before they reach maturity, the chance that the soil seed bank could substantially alter vegetation composition within the study area after fire is low. However, it is unclear how successional pathways may alter in response to severe fires with the potential to kill both seeders and resprouters.  相似文献   

Temporal variation in plant-soil feedback controls succession   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Soil abiotic and biotic factors play key roles in plant community dynamics. However, little is known about how soil biota influence vegetation changes over time. Here, we show that the effects of soil organisms may depend on both the successional development of ecosystems and on the successional position of the plants involved. In model systems of plants and soils from different successional stages, we observed negative plant–soil feedback for early-successional plant species, neutral feedback for mid-successional species, and positive feedback for late-successional species. The negative feedback of early-successional plants was independent of soil origin, while late-successional plants performed best in late- and worst in early-successional soil. Increased performance of the subordinate, late-successional plants resulted in enhanced plant community diversity. Observed feedback effects were more related to soil biota than to abiotic conditions. Our results show that temporal variations in plant–soil interactions profoundly contribute to plant community assemblage and ecosystem development.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2004,25(1-2):1-6
The aboveground biomass of three woody species (Cistus albidus, Quercus coccifera and Pinus halepensis) in two early successional stages (3- and 10-year old) of a post-fire Mediterranean ecosystem was investigated. Among these three species, which belong to the successional series of holm oak (Quercus ilex), C. albidus and Q. coccifera are two dominant shrub species in the garrigue ecosystem and P. halepensis is a pioneer tree species widely represented in the Mediterranean area. The results obtained showed that in monospecific stands, C. albidus and Q. coccifera had a high recovery potential. In the 3-year-old stands, the cover of P. halepensis was only 19.8% for a total biomass of 0.75 ± 0.21 t ha–1, while the plant cover of C. albidus and Q. coccifera was, respectively, 26% and 85.5% and biomass was 4.72 ± 1.09 and 11.5 ± 0.16 t ha–1. Only 10 years after fire, the plant cover of C. albidus and Q. coccifera was, respectively, 55% and 100% and total biomass 13.2 ± 1.7 and 35.8 ± 4.7 t ha–1. The greatest increase in biomass was noted for P. halepensis (29.7 t ha–1). If mean annual biomass increments are considered, it appears that there was a significant decrease with the stand age for the two shrub species although the tree species showed an increase in productivity. These differing patterns in biomass and productivity of shrub and tree species with stand age provide information on biomass accumulation rates of pioneer species in a Mediterranean succession and their importance in the vegetation dynamics.  相似文献   

Biophysical controls on community succession in stream biofilms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Biofilm formation is controlled by an array of coupled physical, chemical, and biotic processes. Despite the ecological relevance of microbial biofilms, their community formation and succession remain poorly understood. We investigated the effect of flow velocity, as the major physical force in stream ecosystems, on biofilm community succession (as continuous shifts in community composition) in microcosms under laminar, intermediate, and turbulent flow. Flow clearly shaped the development of biofilm architecture and community composition, as revealed by microscopic investigation, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis, and sequencing. While biofilm growth patterns were undirected under laminar flow, they were clearly directed into ridges and conspicuous streamers under turbulent flow. A total of 51 biofilm DGGE bands were detected; the average number ranged from 13 to 16. Successional trajectories diverged from an initial community that was common in all flow treatments and increasingly converged as biofilms matured. We suggest that this developmental pattern was primarily driven by algae, which, as "ecosystem engineers," modulate their microenvironment to create similar architectures and flow conditions in all treatments and thereby reduce the physical effect of flow on biofilms. Our results thus suggest a shift from a predominantly physical control to coupled biophysical controls on bacterial community succession in stream biofilms.  相似文献   

The early post-fire plant succession in fynbos vegetation in the Mediterranean-type climate area of South Africa was studied. Relatively little has been published on this early stage of plant succession in fynbos. Annual sampling over the first three post-fire years confirmed a steady, but relatively slow increase in plant canopy cover of shrubs and graminoids (mainly Restionaceae), whereas cover of geophytes and other herbs peaked in the first year and declined significantly, thereafter. Cover of annual plants increased each year, which may relate to the persistence of a relatively open vegetation cover by the third year. The responses of reseeder and resprouter species of the Restionaceae to the post-fire environment appeared to be habitat dependent. Cover of the reseeders increased rapidly in seep areas, but their recovery was distinctly delayed in dryland areas outside the seeps. Re-establishment of the many reseeder Erica species appeared to be delayed until the second post-fire year. Seed banks of these species were possibly negatively impacted by the fire, and required dispersal of seed from unburnt areas for recruitment. In contrast to some current generalisations, species richness appeared to increase after the fire; less certainly from the first to the second year, but more certainly from the second to the third year. Therefore, this study does not support a short-term monotonic decline in species richness after fire in fynbos.  相似文献   

Plant community recovery (species richness, diversity and composition) of a post-fire Mediterranean shrubland was monitored over a seven year period (1998–2005) under experimental drought and warming that simulated the environmental conditions forecast for this area in the coming decades. Species richness and Shannon's index were positively correlated with accumulated precipitation in the growing season and both variables were negatively affected by reduced water availability in drought plots. The relative abundance of the different species in both treatments was linearly correlated with their relative abundance in control plots. Moreover, we found species-specific responses to treatments. Drought and warming treatment reduced the competitive ability of the obligate seeder tree Pinus halepensis against native resprouter shrubs and consequently, the transformation from shrub to pine tree dominated vegetation was slowed down. Conversely, the water use strategy of Globularia alypum may allow this species to maintain a dominant position in drought plots. Therefore, future drier and warmer conditions in Mediterranean areas may severely affect plant community recovery after a disturbance, due to the existence of both abundance-dependent and species-specific responses that may change inter-specific competitive relationships.  相似文献   

For four consecutive years, following the fires in November 1993, temporal variations in species richness, cover and biomass of component plant groups in early post-fire chaparral succession were monitored on different aspects at the Stunt Ranch Santa Monica Mountains Reserve, southern California. Plant groups were categorized based on growth form, life form, ability to fix nitrogen, geographic origin and regeneration strategies. North-facing slopes exhibited higher species richness, higher species turnover rate over time and faster vegetation recovery in terms of biomass accumulation and return to pre-fire species composition. This was probably due to higher species richness and biomass of nitrogen-fixing species found on north-facing slopes in comparison to south-facing slopes. On both north- and south-facing slopes, annuals had the highest species turnover rate, followed by herbaceous perennials and shrubs. In the first four post-fire years, annual species were the largest floristic group, but herbaceous perennials and shrubs were the major contributors to community biomass. Nitrogen-fixing species and exotics contributed significantly to early post-fire community structure. Although the general trends in post-fire succession are clear in terms of temporal changes in the relative proportions of different plant groups, environmental variation and the nature of plant life histories of component species, especially dominant species, could alter such trends significantly.  相似文献   

Plant community diversity, measured as species richness, is typically highest in the early post‐fire years in California shrublands. However, this generalization is overly simplistic and the present study demonstrates that diversity is determined by a complex of temporal and spatial effects. Ninety sites distributed across southern California were studied for 5 years after a series of fires. Characteristics of the disturbance event, in this case fire severity, can alter post‐fire diversity, both decreasing and increasing diversity, depending on life form. Spatial variability in resource availability is an important factor explaining patterns of diversity, and there is a complex interaction between landscape features and life form. Temporal variability in resource availability affects diversity, and the diversity peak in the immediate post‐fire year (or two) appears to be driven by factors different from subsequent diversity peaks. Early post‐fire diversity is influenced by life‐history specialization, illustrated by species that spend the bulk of their life cycle as a dormant seed bank, which is then triggered to germinate by fire. Resource fluctuations, precipitation in particular, may be associated with subsequent post‐fire diversity peaks. These later peaks in diversity comprise a flora that is compositionally different from the immediate post‐fire flora, and their presence may be due to mass effects from population expansion of local populations in adjacent burned areas.  相似文献   

Eshel  Amram  Henig-Sever  Nava  Ne'eman  Gidi 《Plant Ecology》2000,148(2):175-182
Most of the area in pine woodlands is occupied by perennial seeders that regenerate from seeds in the first winter after the fire and by annuals. Control of the germination in the regenerating vegetation after wildfire is therefore a primary ecological component of the post-fire succession in this ecosystem. The aim of the study presented here was to determine the distribution of Pinus, Cistus and other plants seeds around burned Pinus halepensis trees, and to measure the conditions related to seed germination in the upper soil layers in the same locations. The study was carried out in a 50-year old planted Pinus halepensis woodland that was burned down by a wildfire in July 1995. The variation of seedbank density was determined by collecting samples under the canopies of burned trees and in a nearby open area. Pine seedbank density decreased and that of Cistus and annuals increased with increasing distance from the burned trunks. Most pine seeds were present in the ash layer while those of the other plants were in the soil. In situ germination experiments showed that seedling density decreased with distance from the burned trunks while the proportion of pines in the seedling population increased. This was a result of seedbank variation and germination inhibition by the high pH conditions caused by the ash. The establishment of sparse pine seedling under the dead tree canopies insured their rapid development without interference by other plants and played a key role in the regeneration and stability of the pine woodland community. The concomitant mass germination of the perennial seeders in the rest of the area prevented invasion by annuals.  相似文献   

One way species of low maximum height can accrue sufficient light income to persist in vegetation is via rapid height growth immediately following disturbance. By surveying patches of known time since fire, we reconstructed height–growth trajectories for 19 post-fire recruiting species from fire-prone vegetation in south-eastern Australia. Cross-species patterns of height growth were compared to several plant traits thought to influence height strategy, including leaf mass per area, stem tissue density, stem diameter and capacity to resprout. Shorter species were found to temporarily outpace taller species, both as resprouters and within reseeders. Among reseeders, a single axis of variation summarised patterns of height–growth, time to onset of reproduction and longevity. This axis was tightly correlated with maximum height, leaf mass per area and stem diameter at a given height. These results illustrate how a range of height strategies can coexist in fire-prone vegetation, via the time-process initiated by disturbance.  相似文献   

The Ortolan Bunting Emberiza hortulana is a long-distance migrant that has suffered major population declines across much of its European breeding range. While northern populations are bound largely to farmland, Mediterranean populations are largely confined to habitats subject to recurrent wildfires. Habitat selection of the Ortolan Bunting was assessed in a recently burnt area in Catalonia at landscape and habitat scales. A Zero-inflated Poisson procedure was used to model the abundance of birds in relation to landscape and habitat variables. The most parsimonious landscape model predicted the highest abundance on south-facing slopes, with a gradient above 10°. The most parsimonious habitat model showed a positive quadratic effect of bare ground and regenerating oak Quercus spp., with predicted optima for abundance around 20–30% and 20% cover, respectively. There was a clear relationship between predicted abundance of the Ortolan Bunting and post-fire regenerating oak shrubs. South-facing, moderately sloping areas were favoured and bare ground was a key feature of the species' habitat. A matrix combining patches of sparse oak shrubs and patches of bare ground appears to be the optimal breeding habitat in the Mediterranean. The maintenance or provision of similar habitat features, especially patches of bare ground, may prove crucial for the conservation of rapidly declining Ortolan Bunting populations on farmland across temperate Europe.  相似文献   

lin-28 is a conserved regulator of cell fate succession in animals. In Caenorhabditis elegans, it is a component of the heterochronic gene pathway that governs larval developmental timing, while its vertebrate homologs promote pluripotency and control differentiation in diverse tissues. The RNA binding protein encoded by lin-28 can directly inhibit let-7 microRNA processing by a novel mechanism that is conserved from worms to humans. We found that C. elegans LIN-28 protein can interact with four distinct let-7 family pre-microRNAs, but in vivo inhibits the premature accumulation of only let-7. Surprisingly, however, lin-28 does not require let-7 or its relatives for its characteristic promotion of second larval stage cell fates. In other words, we find that the premature accumulation of mature let-7 does not account for lin-28's precocious phenotype. To explain let-7's role in lin-28 activity, we provide evidence that lin-28 acts in two steps: first, the let-7-independent positive regulation of hbl-1 through its 3'UTR to control L2 stage-specific cell fates; and second, a let-7-dependent step that controls subsequent fates via repression of lin-41. Our evidence also indicates that let-7 functions one stage earlier in C. elegans development than previously thought. Importantly, lin-28's two-step mechanism resembles that of the heterochronic gene lin-14, and the overlap of their activities suggests a clockwork mechanism for developmental timing. Furthermore, this model explains the previous observation that mammalian Lin28 has two genetically separable activities. Thus, lin-28's two-step mechanism may be an essential feature of its evolutionarily conserved role in cell fate succession.  相似文献   

火后泥石流研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林火次生灾害的发生对环境质量和人类的健康与安全具有重要影响.火后泥石流是最危险的林火次生灾害之一,了解其发生条件、掌握其发生状况,是火后灾害风险评估的重要基础.本文从植被、降雨阈值、物源3方面阐述了火对泥石流的影响,分析了火后泥石流起动的地形地质、降雨、坡面条件以及浅层滑坡与地表径流引发火后泥石流的起动机制,并综述了火后泥石流预测预报与治理措施的研究进展.最后提出了在未来的研究中应该着重关注4个方面:量化火行为及环境因子与火后泥石流的关系;火后泥石流起动、运动过程的定量分析;火后泥石流机理模型研究;火后泥石流快速高效治理措施研究.  相似文献   

Question: How do we distinguish between concurrent allogenic and autogenic forcings behind changing patterns in plant community structures during mire development? Location: Lakkasuo raised bog, southern Finland. Methods: Two radiometrically dated peat profiles were studied using high resolution plant macrofossil analysis. A combination of partial direct and indirect gradient analyses (CCA and DCA) was applied to quantify the role of different drivers of vegetation changes. Results: Autogenic hydroseral succession explained 16% of the compositional variation in the vegetation. Disturbance successions initiated by fire explained 15% of the variation in the hummock, but only 9% in the wetter lawn. The early post‐disturbance successional stages were characterized by Eriophorum vaginatum. After partialling out the effects of peat depth and time since fire, a moisture gradient explained 29% of variation in the hummock core and 26% in the lawn. The analyses also indicated alternation between species with a similar niche. This interaction gradient explained 26% and 31% of the compositional variation in the hummock and lawn, respectively. The similar order of species replacement from both cores supported the existence of general directional succession in mire vegetation, both during the mire development and after fire events. The autogenic succession was slow and gradual while the disturbance successions were episodic and fast. Conclusion: Our results support the paradigm of the complex nature of mire vegetation dynamics where several interlinked agents have simultaneous effects. The approach of combining partial ordinations developed here appeared to be a useful tool to assess the role of different environmental factors in controlling the vegetation succession.  相似文献   

火后泥石流研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林火次生灾害的发生对环境质量和人类的健康与安全具有重要影响.火后泥石流是最危险的林火次生灾害之一,了解其发生条件、掌握其发生状况,是火后灾害风险评估的重要基础.本文从植被、降雨阈值、物源3方面阐述了火对泥石流的影响,分析了火后泥石流起动的地形地质、降雨、坡面条件以及浅层滑坡与地表径流引发火后泥石流的起动机制,并综述了火后泥石流预测预报与治理措施的研究进展.最后提出了在未来的研究中应该着重关注4个方面:量化火行为及环境因子与火后泥石流的关系;火后泥石流起动、运动过程的定量分析;火后泥石流机理模型研究;火后泥石流快速高效治理措施研究.  相似文献   

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