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小鼠胸腺细胞在体外培养一定时间后自发出现凋亡,在与小鼠胸腺树突状细胞(MTSC4)共育后,其凋亡过程可被明显加速;与此相反,小鼠胸腺上皮细胞(MTECI)有抑制凋亡的作用.与MTSC4共育后的胸腺细胞中不仅CD4+CD8+双阳性细胞明显减小,而且CD4+CD8+单阳性细胞也减少.提示胸腺基质细胞可通过其对细胞凋亡的促进作用参与胸腺内的阴性选择,并提示阴性选择可能在胸腺髓质区仍在进行.  相似文献   

树突状细胞(dendritic cells,DCs)是目前已知机体内功能最强的专职性抗原提呈细胞,其最大特点是能够显著刺激初始型T细胞(naive T cells)增殖,是机体免疫反应的始动者。近年来,随着对小鼠DCs研究的不断深入开展,本文在此对DCs亚群与T细胞之间相互关系的研究取得的进展综述如下。  相似文献   

目的:探索半抗原二硝基氟苯(DNP)修饰的恶性黑色素瘤细胞(恶黑)激活树突状细胞(DC)后,在体外诱导特异性T细胞反应的抗肿瘤效应。方法:采用DNP修饰恶黑细胞M3(H-2d),然后在体外激活BALB/c小鼠(H-2d)外周血来源的DC,用于激发自体的T细胞,观察对T细胞的增殖和特异性T细胞的杀伤功能。结果:经DNP修饰的M3细胞激活的DC,其诱发的T细胞增殖能力和对M3细胞的特异性杀伤效应均明显高于未修饰的M3细胞组和DC组。结论:DNP修饰M3所激活的DC可以诱导更强的恶黑特异性T细胞效应。  相似文献   

Micro RNA(mi RNA)是一类非编码小分子RNA,长约21~25个核苷酸,可以靶向结合特定的信使RNA(m RNA),能够在转录后水平上调节m RNA的翻译进而调控基因的表达。mi RNA的调控功能涉及多种生物学过程,与免疫疾病密切相关。近年来发现,mi RNA可以通过靶向免疫系统中的关键转导信号分子,从而在多个环节上参与免疫细胞的产生、发育以及增殖过程。该文对mi RNA与T细胞的发育关系进行简要概述。  相似文献   

BCR-ABL为慢性髓细胞白血病特异胞质抗原,为良好的免疫治疗靶标.该研究选择BCR-ABL融合位点的两段抗原肽SSKALQRPV(SS)、GFKQSSKAL(GF)为靶点,与胞质转导肽融合表达,负载小鼠骨髓源性树突状细胞.在胞质转导肽介导下,SS、GF短肽进入树突状细胞并定位于内质网,具备了被树突状细胞识别为内源性抗...  相似文献   

树突状细胞 (Dendriticcells ,DC)是体内功能最强的抗原提呈细胞 ,它们的表面表达主要组织相容性复合物 (MajorHistocompatibilityComplex ,MHC)分子和共刺激分子 ,为淋巴细胞的活化提供双信号。DC活化后分泌IL - 12、IL - 18及干扰素等细胞因子刺激辅助型T细胞 (HelperTcells ,TH)增殖 ,促使TH0 和TH2 细胞向TH1细胞分化 ,并强烈激发TH1型免疫应答[1] ,从而增强机体的抗肿瘤、抗感染、自身免疫性疾病和移植排斥等细胞免疫反应。应用DC的抗肿瘤实验主要是…  相似文献   

目的 研究树突状细胞对小剂量化疗疗效的影响,探讨小剂量化疗的可能机制.方法 以615小鼠的前胃癌细胞株(MFC)造模,在体外用rmGM-CSF和rmIL-4从荷瘤小鼠骨髓细胞分化、诱导未成熟树突状细胞.分为4组:小剂量化疗组、树突状细胞组、小剂量化疗+树突状细胞组、对照组,以BAX试剂盒检测肿瘤凋亡情况.在瘤体内注射树突状细胞,计算抑瘤率、特异性细胞毒性T淋巴细胞(CTL)的增殖及其对肿瘤细胞的特异性杀伤作用.结果 小剂量化疗能诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡,BAX 基因产物表达增多.注射侧抑瘤率小剂量化疗+DC组、小剂量化疗组、DC组分别为100%、67.22%和57.98%.对侧抑瘤率小剂量化疗+DC组、小剂量化疗组、DC组分别为87.58%、59.69%和48.24%.体内凋亡肿瘤细胞致敏的DC能显著刺激T淋巴细胞增殖,其诱导的CTL对MFC有显著的杀伤作用,在效靶比为40∶ 1、20∶ 1、10∶ 1和5∶ 1时72 h杀伤率分别为87.64%、70.32%、34.63%和13.87%.并能特异性杀伤小鼠前胃癌细胞MFC(P<0.01).结论 小剂量化疗的机制与肿瘤细胞凋亡及免疫促进有一定的相关.  相似文献   

创面修复过程中的炎症反应对创面愈合既有促进作用也有抑制作用。适度的炎症反应有助于免疫防御的启动和各种生长因子的产生,过度的炎症反应则会导致瘢痕组织过度增生及机体的组织损伤。树突状表皮T淋巴细胞(DETC)起源于小鼠的胸腺后定殖于表皮并特异性地表达Vγ3Vδ1 T淋巴细胞受体(TCR)。其在创面愈合过程中不仅可以通过释放各种趋化因子和促炎因子扩大炎症反应,还有可能通过抗炎介质缓解机体的过度炎症反应从而促进创面愈合。  相似文献   

目的建立体外大量扩增高纯度小鼠树突状表皮T淋巴细胞(DETCs)培养技术,并证实外源性给予DETCs能够有效促进糖尿病小鼠创面愈合。方法通过流式细胞技术及Western Blot方法分析糖尿病及正常小鼠表皮组织中DETCs比例和IGF-1/KGF-1表达情况。体外培养扩增获得大量高纯度DETCs后,局部植入糖尿病创缘皮下,创面未愈合面积采用单因素方差分析,通过图像分析软件Image-pro plus分别统计每组5只糖尿病小鼠每天创面面积与红色标尺面积之比数据统计分析。结果对比正常小鼠,糖尿病表皮组织中DETCs比例和IGF-1/KGF-1表达均显著降低;体外培养能够获得大量高纯度DETCs(95﹪);创缘局部植入DETCs后能够显著增强糖尿病创缘皮肤表皮组织IGF-1/KGF-1的表达,并从第2天,对照组创面面积与红色标尺面积比为0.769±0.034,实验组创面面积与红色标尺面积比为0.692±0.038,到第7天对照组创面面积与红色标尺面积比为0.178±0.024,实验组创面面积与红色标尺面积比为0.011±0.003,实验组创面比对照组创面愈合面积显著加速。结论外源性给予DETCs能够显著改善糖尿病创面愈合,可能为临床糖尿病难愈创面治疗提供新的思路。  相似文献   

体内致敏的树突状细胞诱导特异性抗肿瘤免疫的基础研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的证实树突状细胞(dendritic cells,DC)可在体内通过吞噬凋亡肿瘤细胞获取抗原物质,探讨其在肿瘤免疫治疗中的意义.方法以615小鼠的前胃癌细胞株造模,在体外用rmGM-CSF和rmIL-4从荷瘤小鼠骨髓细胞分化、诱导未成熟树突状细胞.分为4组:小剂量化疗组、树突状细胞组、小剂量化疗+树突状细胞组和对照组,以BAX试剂盒检测肿瘤细胞凋亡.在瘤体内注射树突状细胞,观察给药侧瘤体及对侧瘤体体积,生存期,和特异性细胞毒性T淋巴细胞(CTLs)对肿瘤细胞的特异性杀伤作用.结果小剂量化疗能诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡.小剂量化疗后瘤内应用树突状细胞,给药侧瘤体及对侧瘤体体积明显缩小(P<0.05),小鼠的生存率提高,体内凋亡肿瘤细胞致敏的DC诱导的CTL对MFC有显著的杀伤作用,在效靶比为40:1、20:1、10:1和5:1时72 h的杀伤率分别为87.64%、70.32%、34.63%和13.87%.并能特异性杀伤小鼠前胃癌细胞MFC(P<0.01).结论体外诱导分化的未成熟DC,能于体内捕获小剂量化疗诱导的凋亡肿瘤细胞所携带的肿瘤抗原,诱导机体特异性抗肿瘤免疫反应.  相似文献   

The pulmonary resident T lymphocytes (RPLs) expressing a nearly invariant T cell receptor γδ heterodimer (γδTCR) migrate from fetal thymus to the lung epithlium, followed by RPL subsets expressing diverse sets of γδTCRs after birth. However, it remains unclear whether the fetal type Vγ6/Vδ1+ RPLs are essential for γδ T cell repertoire formation in the lung epithelium. In this study, we found a marked decrease in the number of γδRPLs at 4 weeks of age in Vδ1−/− mice and they predominantly expressed Vγ6 and Vδ4 genes. The skewed diversity towards the Vδ4-(Dδ1)-Dδ2-Jδ2 junctional region was observed only in γδ RPLs from 4-week-old Vδ1−/− mice, compared with those from 8-week-old Vδ1−/− mice and the both ages of wild-type mice. These results suggest that the invariant Vδ1+ T cells are crucial not only for optimal γδ T cell expansion but also for affecting the migration or microenvironment for other γδ T cells in the lung epithelium.  相似文献   

The ability of the dendritic cell (DC) subsets, CD8alpha+ and CD8alpha- DCs, to initiate a CD8 T cell response or to activate memory CD8 T cells and generate effector CD8 T cells has been controversial. In this study, we analyse the capacity of splenic DC subsets to induce CD8 T cell responses to a CD8 T cell epitope (pb9) of a malaria antigen. The administration of peptide-pulsed CD8alpha- or CD8alpha+ DCs primes and boosts a primed CD8 T cell response against the malaria epitope. In vitro, depletion of CD11c(+) DCs from mouse splenocytes, immunised with recombinant vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) expressing pb9 epitope, significantly reduced the generation of pb9-specific IFNgamma producing effector CD8 T cells, indicating that splenic DCs are involved in the development of pb9-specific IFNgamma producing effector cells. Taken together, this result shows that both DC subsets have the ability to prime and boost CD8 T cell responses and are involved in the activation of memory CD8 T cells.  相似文献   

Background  Alloreaction is known to accumulate several theoretical advantages that can improve dendritic cell (DC)-based anti-infective or antitumour strategies. Allogeneic DC have already been tested in experimental and clinical studies, but their efficacy compared with their autologous counterparts was rarely investigated and conclusions diverge. Objective  This study compared antigen-specific T cell responses following priming with autologous versus allogeneic DC and examined the possibility of screening these responses in order to select allogeneic DC that lead to a great amplification. Results  Allogeneic DC obtained from donors matched with the single HLA-A2 allele were efficient in generating in vitro peptide-specific T cell responses. When randomly chosen, allogeneic DC generated a broad range of antigen-specific T cell responses in comparison with autologous DC. When screened and selected, allogeneic DC markedly enhanced peptide-specific T cell priming and allowed a more efficient boosting of resulting T cells. These selected allogeneic DC provided a favourable cytokinic and cellular environment that can help concurrent antigen-specific responses. Conclusion  Ex vivo selected allogeneic DC provide adjuvant effects that lead to amplification of concomitant antigen-specific T cell responses. A. Gervais and J.-C. Eymard contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Naturally occurring CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) regulatory T cells (Tregs) suppress proliferation of CD4(+)CD25(-) effector T cells (Teffs) by mechanisms that are not well understood. We have previously demonstrated a novel mechanism of Treg suppression, i.e. interference with extracellular redox remodeling that occurs during activation of T cells by dendritic cells. In this study, we demonstrate that Treg-mediated redox perturbation is antigen-dependent but not antigen-specific, is CTLA-4-dependent, and requires cell-cell contact. Furthermore, we show that Tregs use multiple strategies for extracellular redox remodeling, including diminished GSH synthesis in dendritic cells via decreased expression of γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase, the limiting enzyme for GSH synthesis. Tregs also consume extracellular cysteine and partition it more proficiently to the oxidation product (sulfate), whereas Teffs divert more of the cysteine pool toward protein and GSH synthesis. Tregs appear to block GSH redistribution from the nucleus to the cytoplasm in Teffs, which is abrogated by the addition of exogenous cysteine. Together, these data provide novel insights into modulation of sulfur-based redox metabolism by Tregs, leading to suppression of T cell activation and proliferation.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) are the most potent antigen-presenting cells of the immune system. Depending on their maturation status, they prime T cells to induce adaptive immunity or tolerance. DCs express CD155, an immunoglobulin-like receptor binding CD226 present on T and natural killer (NK) cells. CD226 represents an important co-stimulator during T cell priming but also serves as an activating receptor on cytotoxic T and NK cells. Here, we report that cells of the T and NK cell lineage of CD155−/− mice express markedly elevated protein levels of CD226 compared with wild type (WT). On heterozygous CD155+/− T cells, CD226 up-regulation is half-maximal, implying an inverse gene-dosis effect. Moreover, CD226 up-regulation is independent of antigen-driven activation because it occurs already in thymocytes and naïve peripheral T cells. In vivo, neutralizing anti-CD155 antibody elicits up-regulation of CD226 on T cells demonstrating, that the observed modulation can be triggered by interrupting CD155-CD226 contacts. Adoptive transfers of WT or CD155−/− T cells into CD155−/− or WT recipients, respectively, revealed that CD226 modulation is accomplished in trans. Analysis of bone marrow chimeras showed that regulators in trans are of hematopoietic origin. We demonstrate that DCs are capable of manipulating CD226 levels on T cells in vivo but not in vitro, suggesting that the process of T cells actively scanning antigen-presenting DCs inside secondary lymphoid organs is required for CD226 modulation. Hence, a CD226 level divergent from WT may be exploited as a sensor to detect abnormal DC/T-cell cross-talk as illustrated for T cells in mice lacking CCR7.  相似文献   

As the most potent antigen presenting cells, dendritic cells (DCs) play key roles in the immune response against tumors. Their density in the tumor tissue has been associated with prognosis in patients with various cancers. However, few studies have been aimed at the presence and maturation state of DCs in cutaneous melanoma, with regard to their potential clinical correlates. In this study, the density of DCs expressing CD1a and the maturation marker DC-LAMP was determined by immunohistochemistry in primary tumor samples from 82 patients with cutaneous malignant melanoma. Intratumoral and peritumoral cell densities were analyzed in relation to tumor thickness and the subsequent development of metastases, as well as to patients’ survival. CD1a+ DCs were found both infiltrating melanoma cell nests and in the surrounding stroma, while DC-LAMP+ mature DCs were generally confined to the peritumoral areas, associated with lymphocytic infiltrates. DC density values significantly correlated with the number of activated (CD25+ or OX40+) T lymphocytes (p < 0.001). The degree of infiltration by CD1a+ and DC-LAMP+ DCs showed strong inverse correlation with the thickness of melanomas (p < 0.001). High peritumoral density of mature DCs was associated with significantly longer survival (p = 0.0195), while density of CD1a+ cells had a prognostic impact of borderline significance (p = 0.0610). Moreover, combination of high peritumoral CD1a+ or DC-LAMP+ cell density with high number of CD25+ or OX40+ lymphocytes identified patient subgroups with more favorable survival compared to other subgroups. A multivariate survival analysis involving DC and activated T-cell densities alone and in combinations, as well as traditional prognostic factors, identified high DC-LAMP+ cell/high OX40+ cell density and Breslow index as independent predictors of good prognosis. These results suggest that the presence of CD1a+ DCs primarily depends on the thickness of melanomas, without direct relationship with the patients’ survival. On the other hand, the density of mature DCs, especially in association with that of activated T cells, proved of prognostic importance, suggesting that these parameters could be considered as signs of a functional immune response associated with better outcome of the disease.  相似文献   

We have developed an individualized melanoma vaccine based on autologous dendritic cells (DCs) transfected with autologous tumor-mRNA. The vaccine targets the unique spectrum of tumor antigens in each patient and may recruit multiple T cell clones. In a recent phase I/II trial, we demonstrated T cell responses against vaccine antigens in 9/19 patients evaluable by T cell assays. Here, we report a follow-up study that was conducted to characterize interesting T cell responses and to investigate the effects of long-term booster vaccination. Two patients were selected for continued vaccine therapy. The clinical follow-up suggested a favorable clinical development in both patients. The immunological data (T cell proliferation/IFNgamma ELISPOT/Bioplex cytokine assays) indicated sustained T cell responses and suggested an enhancing effect of booster vaccinations. Both CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cell responses were demonstrated. From post-vaccination samples, we generated 39 T cell clones that responded specifically to stimulation by mRNA-transfected DCs and 12 clones that responded to mock-transfected DCs. These data clearly indicate a two-component vaccine response, against transfected and non-transfected antigens. T cell receptor (TCR) clonotype mapping, performed on 11 tDC-specific clones, demonstrated that 10/11 clones had different TCRs. The results thus indicate a broad spectrum T cell response against antigens encoded by the transfected tumor-mRNA. We generally observed mixed Th1/Th2 cytokine profiles, even in T cell clones that were confirmed to be derived from a single cell. This finding suggests that cytokine patterns after cancer vaccination may be more complex than indicated by the classic Th1/Th2 dichotomy.  相似文献   

T lymphocytes are believed to alter their sensitivity to TCR stimulation by means of a tunable cellular activation threshold. We present two modelling examples which show that the concept of a tunable threshold can be made mechanistically plausible. The tunable threshold is treated as an emergent property of the dynamics of the T cell's signalling machinery. In addition, we discuss how the dynamic properties of activation threshold tuning can be determined experimentally with the aid of these two models. We propose a novel 'avidity selection' mechanism for the initial stages of the immune response, based on the properties of the T cell activation threshold tuning mechanism we propose for the commitment to differentiation. Our main finding is that activation threshold tuning allows T cells to respond to relevant ligands with a detection threshold that is (i) uniform across both the T cell repertoire and the secondary lymphoid tissues, while (ii) retaining tolerance to autostimulation. Our analysis indicates that central tolerance enhances the efficiency of peripheral tolerance, casting new light on the role of negative selection in the thymus.  相似文献   

Evidence for the existence of CLL-specific antigens recognized by the immune system can be gathered from the observation that many patients display monoclonal or oligoclonal expansions and skewed repertoire of T cells. In vitro functional studies have shown that tumor-specific T-cells are able to lyse the leukemic cells. Antileukemic cellular immunity may be boosted in vivo using dendritic cell-based immunotherapy. Our preclinical studies provide evidence that DC that had endocytosed apoptotic CLL cells (Apo-DC) were superior to fusion hybrids, tumor lysate or RNA in eliciting antileukemic T-cell responses in vitro. We have validated a method for enriching the small number of monocyte precursors present in the peripheral blood of CLL patients and utilize them for generating individualized, Apo-DC cellular vaccines. In most cases, a minimum of 50 x 10(6) Apo-DC could be generated, beginning with immunomagnetically enriched monocytes from a single leukapheresis product containing at least 1% CD14+ cells. Cryopreservation and thawing did not affect the phenotype or the T cell stimulatory function of Apo-DC. A phase I/II, open label clinical trial examining the feasibility, safety and immunogenicity of Apo-DC vaccination has been initiated. CLL patients receive 10(7) Apo-DC for at least five immunizations and monitored clinically and immunologically for 52 weeks. Three cohorts are accrued stepwise. Cohort I receives Apo-DC alone; Cohort II: Apo-DC+ repeated doses of low-dose GM-CSF; Cohort III: low-dose cyclophosphamide followed by Apo-DC + GM-CSF.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) play a predominant role in initiating cell immune responses. Here we generated a DC-targeting lentiviral vector (LVDC-UbHBcAg-LIGHT) and evaluated its capacity to elicit HBV-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses. DC-SIGN-mediated specific transduction using this construct was confirmed in DC-SIGN-expressing 293T cells and ex vivo-cultured bone marrow cells. LVDC-UbHBcAg-LIGHT-loaded DCs were highly effective in inducing HBV-specific CTLs. Mechanistic studies demonstrated autophagy blocking led to a significant increase in apoptosis and obvious inhibition of CD8 + T cells entry into S-phase, correspondingly attenuated LVDC-UbHBcAg-LIGHT-loaded DC-induced T cell responses. This observation was supported by accumulation of pro-apoptotic proteins and the main negative cell cycle regulator-CDKN1B that otherwise would be degraded in activated T cells where autophagy preferentially occured. Our findings revealed an important role of autophagy in the activation of T cells and suggested LVDC-UbHBcAg-LIGHT may potentially be used as a therapeutic strategy to combat persistent HBV infection with higher security.  相似文献   

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