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The thorax of Mengenilla was examined using traditional morphological techniques and its features were documented in detail using scanning electron microscopy and computer-based 3D reconstructions. The results were compared to conditions found in other holometabolan insects. The implications for the systematic placement of Strepsiptera are discussed. The observations are interpreted in the light of the recently confirmed sistergroup relationship between Strepsiptera and Coleoptera (Coleopterida). The synapomorphies of the thorax of Strepsiptera and Coleoptera are partly related with posteromotorism (e.g., increased size of the metathorax), partly with a decreased intrathoracic flexibility (e.g., a fused pronotum and propleurum), and partly independent from these two character complexes (e.g., not connected profurca and propleuron). Strepsiptera are more derived than Coleoptera in some thoracic features (e.g., extremely enlarged metathorax) but have also preserved some plesiomorphic conditions (e.g., tegulae in both pterothoracic segments). All potential apomorphies of Mecopterida are missing in Strepsiptera. The last common ancestor of Coleopterida had already acquired posteromotorism but the wings were still largely unmodified. Several reductions in the mesothorax likely occurred independently.  相似文献   

Even though the spermatozoa of several strepsipteran species were described earlier, no data were available for the basal family Mengenillidae. Well-fixed material of the recently described Tunisian species Mengenilla moldrzyki was used for a detailed examination of the sperm ultrastructure. The total length is c. 30 μm. The head region contains a conical acrosome vesicle (0.3-0.35 μm) and an elongated nucleus (7.3 μm) with dense chromatin. Some granular material along with a uniformely dense centriole adjunct and two mitochondrial derivatives are visible at the posterior end of the nucleus. The material of the centriole adjunct does not extend along the flagellum and accessory bodies are absent. The mitochondrial derivatives are elongated structures crossed by a longitudinal crista but lacking parallel transverse cristae and paracrystalline material in the dense matrix. The mitochondrial derivatives gradually reduce their size and end at the most posterior tail region. The flagellar axoneme has a 9 + 9 + 2 pattern and originates beneath the nucleus. In the terminal tail region the axoneme gradually disintegrates. Despite the extreme specialization of the endoparasitc group, strepsipteran spermatozoa are mostly characterized by plesiomorphies. The pattern within the order is largely uniform, but Mengenilla displays several apomorphic features compared to the presumptive strepsipteran groundplan (e.g., absence of crystallizations and cristae in the mitochondrial derivatives). The subdivision of the intertubular material into two compartments with a dense beak-like structure adhering to the tubular wall supports a clade Coleopterida (=Strepsiptera + Coleoptera) + Neuropterida.  相似文献   

The first instar larva of Promecognathus laevissimus (Dejean) is described, representing the first species of Promecognathus known in the larval stage. The larva is autapomorphic in having: (1) additional setae, often in great number, on many sclerites of the body, (2) a transverse, not bulbous, sensory area located ventrally and laterally at the apex of antennomere III, and (3) the marginal area of the mesonotum, metanotum and abdominal tergites I-VI more expanded than usual in carabid larvae. No evidence was found from the larval morphology of P.laevissimus to indicate the sister group of the Promecognathini.  相似文献   

Carapelli A  Vannini L  Nardi F  Boore JL  Beani L  Dallai R  Frati F 《Gene》2006,376(2):248-259
In this study, the nearly complete sequence (14,519 bp) of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of the entomophagous endoparasite Xenos vesparum (Insecta: Strepsiptera) is described. All protein coding genes (PCGs) are in the arrangement known to be ancestral for insects, but three tRNA genes (trnA, trnS(gcu), and trnL(uag)) have transposed to derived positions and there are three tandem copies of trnH, each of which is potentially functional. All of these rearrangements except for that of trnL(uag) is within the short span between nad3 and nad4 and there are numerous blocks of unassignable sequence in this region, perhaps as remnants of larger scale predisposing rearrangements. X. vesparum mtDNA nucleotide composition is strongly biased toward A and T, as is typical for insect mtDNAs. There is also a significant strand skew in the distribution of these nucleotides, with the J-strand being richer in A than T and in C than G, and the N-strand showing an opposite skew for complementary pairs of nucleotides. The hypothetical secondary structure of the LSU rRNA has also been reconstructed, obtaining a structural model similar to that of other insects.  相似文献   

The controversial mating of the strepsipteran Xenos vesparum was studied to investigate the possible sperm routes for fertilization. The female, which is a neotenic permanent endoparasite of Polistes wasps, extrudes only its anterior region, the "cephalothorax," from the host abdomen. This region has an opening where both mating and larval escape occur. Observations with scanning and transmission electron microscopy revealed spermatozoa not only in the hemocoel, but also in the "ventral canal" (an extragenital duct peculiar to strepsipteran females) and in the "genital ducts" (ectodermal invaginations connecting the ventral canal to the hemocoel) of recently mated females. Xenos vesparum spermatozoa can reach the oocytes either through the hemocoel as a result of a hypodermic insemination, or by moving along the extragenital ducts, which are later used by first instar larvae to escape. The hypothesis of hypodermic insemination is reconsidered in the light of behavioral and ultrastructural evidence.  相似文献   

We report for the first time the expression of multiple protease activities in the first instar larva (L1) of the flesh fly Oxysarcodexia thornax (Walker). Zymographic analysis of homogenates from freshly obtained L1 revealed a complex proteolytic profile ranging from 21.5 to 136 kDa. Although some activities were detected at pH 3.5 and 5.5, the optimum pH for most of the proteolytic activities was between pH 7.5 and 9.5. Seven of 10 proteases were completely inactivated by phenyl-methyl sulfonyl-fluoride, suggesting that main proteases expressed by L1 belong to serine proteases class. Complete inactivation of all enzymatic activities was obtained using N-p-Tosyl-L-phenylalanine chloromethyl ketone (100 microM), a specific inhibitor of chymotrypsin-like serine proteases.  相似文献   

The first instar larva is described for two species of Miltogramminae flesh flies representing the genera Miltogramma Meigen and Phrosinella Robineau‐Desvoidy. Using a combination of light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, the habitus is documented along with all important exoskeletal and cephaloskeletal structures. The described first instar larvae show substantial modifications of their morphology in comparison with the saprophagous ground plan defined for calyptrate flies. Miltogramma (Miltogrammidium) efflatouni Rohdendorf possesses the general set of derived character states shared with other species of Miltogramma and shares larval synapomorphies with species representing the subgenera Anacanthothecum Rohdendorf, Cylindrothecum Rohdendorf and Miltogrammidium Rohdendorf. Unique character states of the first instar larva of this species are the spine‐like shape of antennal complex, laterally compressed apical part of mouthhooks and an extreme elongation of the sensilla of the maxillary palpus. Phrosinella (Asiometopa) ujgura (Rohdendorf) possesses a pair of retractable, robust processes on the ventral margin of the first thoracic segment and a very strong, elongated labrum. Both character states are present in other known first instar larvae of genus Phrosinella. A reduction of cuticular ridges on dorsal and lateral surfaces of abdominal segments supports a monophylum consisting of the subgenera Asiometopa Rohdendorf and Caspiomyia Rohdendorf within genus Phrosinella.  相似文献   

The endoparasitic life of strepsipterans (Insecta), especially neotenic females, reduces to a great extent external and internal organs. Light and electron microscopic investigation of ovaries of Elenchus tenuicornis (Kirby) confirms the following: (1) somatic tissues of ovaries are totally reduced, with the exception of some cells surrounding germ cell clusters; (2) a previtellogenic growth phase of oocytes is reduced; (3) nurse cells remain diploid and their membranes degenerate at the onset of vitellogenesis; (4) vitellogenesis is reduced, vitellin and fat vacuoles contribute only 50% to the final egg volume; and (5) chorionogenesis is reduced to a vitellin membrane. However, some features of normal development remain, allowing classification of the ovary type as polytrophic meroistic: (1) germ cells undergo synchronized, incomplete divisions, following the 2n rule, where all former intercellular bridges become localized in one cystocyte, while the other has none; and (2) only one cell is determined as the oocyte, all other cystocytes serve as nurse cells and the surrounding somatic cells transform into follicular cells. Novel events in oogenesis of strepsipterans include fission of clusters during the phase of cluster mitoses, and protection of oocyte nuclei, while nurse cell nuclei degenerate in the same cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Abstract. In the newly hatched larva in Allacma fusca , the midgut epithelium was fully developed and formed by flattened epithelial cells surrounding the yolk mass in the midgut lumen. Immediately after hatching, the first larva began to feed; the migut lumen was filled with the yolk mass and food (mainly algae). Regenerative cells typical of the developing midgut epithelium of many insects were not observed. Initially, midgut cells of the larva were cuboidal but became columnar in shape with distinct regionalization in the distribution of cell organelles. Furthermore, urospherites appeared in the midgut cell cytoplasm, i.e., structures characteristic for the midgut epithelium of insects having no Malpighian tubules. As a result, cells with the capacity for digestion, absorption, and excretion were observed to be completely formed in the first larval stage.  相似文献   

K. Szpila  T. Pape 《Acta zoologica》2005,86(2):119-134
The first instar larva is described for three species of the kleptoparasitic miltogrammine genus Metopia Meigen: M. campestris (Fallén), M. argentata Macquart and M. argyrocephala (Meigen). Using a combination of light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, the morphology of the cephaloskeleton as well as the general external morphology are extensively documented, and the phylogenetic implications are discussed. Like other species of Miltogramminae, the first instar of species of Metopia possesses a strong labrum and well‐developed mouth‐hooks. Some other features found in Metopia spp. are rare in the Miltogramminae, such as a serrated ventral surface of the tip of the mouth‐hook and the lack of a posterior spiracular cavity. A few larval features apparently unique for species of Metopia have so far been documented: base of mouth‐hook with a lateral arm‐like extension and abdominal segments with transverse furrow ventrally. The body is equipped with longitudinal cuticular ridges on all segments, which may be a subfamily ground‐plan autapomorphy. Marked morphological and behavioural differences are documented between the first instar of M. argentata and that of M. argyrocephala, the adult females of which are otherwise difficult to separate.  相似文献   

The systematic position of insect order Strepsiptera is still under debate. It was, therefore, thought of interest to examine the ultrastructure of a strepsipteran in a search for synapomorphies shared with Coleoptera, Diptera, or any other insect order. The fine structure of spermatozoa and the spermatid from Xenos vesparum (Rossi) was re-examined using scanning and transmission electron microscopy and a fixation technique that permits the visualization of the macromolecular organization of the organelles. The spermatozoon was shown to possess several traits that are characteristics of insects in general, such as a 9 + 9 + 2 axoneme, two mitochondrial derivatives containing a crystalline material and two 'zipper lines' present along the sperm tail. Seventeen protofilaments occurred along most of the accessory tubules, which reduced to 16 posteriorly. An acrosome is absent. The neck region contains a prominent centriolar adjunct, which gives rise to two accessory bodies which adhere to the mitochondrial derivatives, and to slender strands of the so-called intertubular material found between the accessory tubules. Of interest is the finding that the glycocalyx consists of prominent filamentous strands, similar to those found in siphonapterans, mecopterans and basal dipterans.  相似文献   

A comprehensive model of evolution requires an understanding of the relationship between selection at the molecular and phenotypic level. We investigate this in Strepsiptera, an order of endoparasitic insects whose evolutionary biology is poorly studied. We present the first molecular phylogeny of Strepsiptera, and use this as a framework to investigate the association between parasitism and molecular evolution. We find evidence of a significant burst in the rate of molecular evolution in the early history of Strepsiptera. The evolution of morphological traits linked to parasitism is significantly correlated with the pattern in molecular rate. The correlated burst in genotypic-phenotypic evolution precedes the main phase of strepsipteran diversification, which is characterised by the return to a low and even molecular rate, and a period of relative morphological stability. These findings suggest that the transition to endoparasitism led to relaxation of selective constraint in the strepsipteran genome. Our results indicate that a parasitic lifestyle can affect the rate of molecular evolution, although other causal life-history traits correlated with parasitism may also play an important role.  相似文献   

A detailed study of the vermiform larva of Schistocerca gregaria was made using film analysis in combination with morphological studies. The adaptations of the body are illustrated, and the use of these in digging up to the surface of the ground is described. The means of orientation were investigated, and unusual club-tipped hairs are suggested as important mechanoreceptors.Now Centre for Overseas Pest Research.  相似文献   

The cryptic entomophagous parasitoids in the order Strepsiptera exhibit specific adaptations to each of the 34 families that they parasitize, offering rich opportunities for the study of male–female conflict. We address the compelling question as to how the diversity of Strepsiptera (where cryptic speciation is common) arose. Studying 13 strepsipteran families, including fossil taxa, we explore the genitalic structures of males, the free‐living females of the Mengenillidia (suborder), and the endoparasitic females of the Stylopidia (suborder). Inferring from similarity between aedeagi of males either between congeners, heterogeners, or between species within the same taxonomic family, the same of which is true of the cephalothoraces of females, we predict that male–female conflict and a co‐evolutionary morphological arms race between sexes is not likely to exist in most species of Strepsiptera. We then review the non‐genitalic structures that play a role during sexual communication, and present details of copulatory behaviour. We conclude that Strepsiptera fall within the synchronous sensory exploitation model where short‐lived males take advantage of a pre‐existing sensory system involving pheromone signals emitted by females.  相似文献   

绿豆象幼虫虫龄的划分及末龄幼虫头部形态和感器观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】明确绿豆象Callosobruchus chinensis幼虫的龄期,了解其末龄幼虫头部感受器的种类、形态和分布。【方法】测量绿豆象幼虫体长、头壳宽和上颚宽,根据所得数据的频次分布图、关系拟合结果和戴氏法则确定绿豆象最佳分龄指标,明确幼虫虫龄数,并利用Crosby生长法则和线性回归的方法进行验证;采用扫描电镜对末龄幼虫头部形态及感受器进行观察。【结果】绿豆象体长、头壳宽和上颚宽的频次分布均呈显著的4个峰,因此推断绿豆象幼虫为4个虫龄。各龄的体长变幅分别为1.581~2.556, 2.406~3.381, 3.381~4.281和4.206~4.881 mm,头壳宽度变幅分别为0.444~0.689, 0.654~0.934, 0.934~1.179和1.144~1.389 mm,上颚宽变幅分别为0.080~0.256, 0.234~0.344, 0.322~0.542和0.542~0.652 mm。体长、头壳宽和上颚宽均符合戴氏法则和Crosby生长法则,并呈现明显的线性关系,因此体长、头壳宽和上颚宽可作为绿豆象幼虫龄期划分的重要指标。头壳宽的Crosby指数均小于体长和上颚宽...  相似文献   

Abstract. The first instar larva of Eripus oaxacanus Straneo & Ball is diagnosed and described, representing the first laboratory-described larval stage for a species of the tribe Peleciini. The larva possesses the derived character states of: (1) stemmata lacking, (2) mandible lacking penicillus, (3) maxilla with setose lacinia, (4) labium lacking a ligula, (5) claws single, (6) urogomphi short, rounded. These derived character states, if considered synapomorphic, would place Peleciini as a close relative to Brachi-nini. Classifications based on adult characters are not concordant with this interpretaton, and the weight of evidence suggests that convergence due to a similar parasitic lifestyle is the basis for the derived similarity of Eripus and Brachinus larvae.  相似文献   

Summary. We present the first record of parasitism of Dolichoderus bispinosus nests by Strepsiptera belonging to the family Myrmecolacidae. This becomes only the fourteenth species of ant and the fifth subfamily to be identified as a host to Strepsiptera. Of the three colonies examined all were parasitized. Prevalence of parasitism among adult ants was less than 2% in each case. However, among alate males of one colony, nearly 24% were parasitized. In conjunction with a reanalysis of previously published data we discuss the possibility that ant castes are differentially parasitized by Strepsiptera. We review the natural history of strepsipteran parasitism in ants, effects on host behaviour and incidences of parasitism in the hope of enabling detection of this parasite by myrmecologists.  相似文献   

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