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A broad range of soil pollutants were found to decrease with distance from a zinc smelter from 35,000 to 77, 8270 to 40 and from 190 to less than 1 ppm for zinc, lead and cadmium, respectively. Along this gradient, observed species richness of soil macro-organisms seemed to be more affected by the land-use type than by soil pollution--minimum in crops (21), maximum in woody sites (126). IndVal index allowed isolation of 21 indicator species from the 339 morphospecies identified. Most of these indicator species were characteristic of the unpolluted sites: only two diplopods and one gastropod from polluted poplar plantations, and none from the most polluted site. Since soil invertebrates respond to different environmental factors, including direct effect of heavy metals, we suggest there may be some confounding factors generating spurious relationships between the values of species as bioindicators and the pollution status they are supposed to indicate.  相似文献   

Limnology - Free-living nematode distribution, abundance, diversity, and biological traits at Lake Bacalar were evaluated to assess the environmental quality of the water body. Using an Ekman grab,...  相似文献   

Dispersal and gene flow determine connectivity among populations, and can be studied through population genetics and phylogeography. We here review the results of such a framework for free-living marine nematodes. Although field experiments have illustrated substantial dispersal in nematodes at ecological time scales, analysis of the genetic diversity illustrated the importance of priority effects, founder effects and genetic bottlenecks for population structuring between patches <1 km apart. In contrast, only little genetic structuring was observed within an estuary (<50 km), indicating that these small scale fluctuations in genetic differentiation are stabilized over deeper time scales through extensive gene flow. Interestingly, nematode species with contrasting life histories (extreme colonizers vs persisters) or with different habitat preferences (algae vs sediment) show similar, low genetic structuring. Finally, historical events have shaped the genetic pattern of marine nematodes and show that gene flow is restricted at large geographical scales. We also discuss the presence of substantial cryptic diversity in marine nematodes, and end with highlighting future important steps to further unravel nematode evolution and diversity.  相似文献   

During the survey of sewer water/industrial effluent composition, we identified a site at Sonepat that had turned barren due to excessive irrigation with cycle industry effluent. To study the ameliorative effect of farmyard manure, the bulk surface soil sample was brought from the site. Soil was amended with five levels of farmyard manure (0, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0% on a soil weight basis), and carrot, fenugreek, spinach, and wheat crops were grown as test crops in a screen house. The deleterious effect of excessive heavy metals, particularly Ni, on the yield of all the crops was reduced with the application of 2% farmyard manure. The Ni content was highest in carrot, followed by spinach, fenugreek, and wheat. With the application of 2% farmyard manure, Ni content was reduced from 434 to 267 mg/kg in carrot, 167 to 100 mg/kg in fenugreek, 300 to 166 mg/kg in spinach, and 65 to 42 mg/kg in wheat grain.  相似文献   

A comparison is made of the structure and abundance of the nematode community of an intertidal, brackish-water mudflat in the Ems estuary under conditions of high (1980) and reduced (1987) organic waste input. Three stations, at different distances from the waste water inlet, were sampled monthly; nematodes were identified and counted in the upper 1 cm of the sediment. In 1987, numerical density of nematodes was lower, and species diversity was higher than in 1980. Diatom eating nematode species dominated in 1980, to decrease by 1987.Eudiplogaster pararmatus, an indicator of organic enrichment, also decreased strongly. The response of the nematode community to reduced organic waste input could be adequately described with the BONGERS' Maturity Index.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to better characterize the groups of total coliforms (TC) and fecal coliforms (FC) and to evaluate both groups as indicators of fecal contamination of drinking well water in a tropical climate (The Ivory Coast, West Africa). Isolated colonies obtained as TC or FC on membrane filters were identified using the API-20E system. From the well water samples, 58 golden-green colonies with a metallic sheen isolated on Endo medium (TC) were identified as Escherichia coli (55%), Enterobacter (26%), Klebsiella (14%), Proteus (3%), and Citrobacter (2%). Among 132 colonies isolated on Endo medium as non-TC (not showing the characteristic golden metallic sheen), 10% were identified as E. coli. The 196 blue colonies isolated on M-FC medium at 44.5 degrees C (FC) were identified as E. coli (66%), Klebsiella (12%), Enterobacter (10%), Citrobacter (5%), Salmonella (3%), Serratia (3%), Proteus (2%), and Yersinia (0.5%). Among 24 nonblue colonies on M-FC medium, none were identified as E. coli. Of the colonies isolated from human feces, E. coli represents 92% of the TC and 89% of the FC. Although these results are limited, they tend to confirm the greater specificity of the fecal coliform technique over that of total coliform for the detection of fecal contamination of untreated well water. From the results presented here and the observations of other workers, it is suggested that the use of FC instead of TC should be considered as the method of choice for determining drinking water pollution of untreated groundwater supplies.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the current status of nematodes with stress-inducible transgenes as biosensors responsive to a range of external stressors, e.g., soil or water pollution, microwave radiation or immunological attack. TransgenicCaenorhabditis elegans carrying reporter genes under heat shock promoter control express reporter products only under stressful conditions. Although relatively insensitive to single metal ions, these worms respond to complex mixtures present in metal-contaminated watercourses and to laboratory mixtures containing similar constituents, but not to any of their components singly at comparable concentrations. Responses to metal mixtures are enhanced by a non-ionic surfactant, Pluronic F-127. Metals taken up by food bacteria and insoluble metal carbonates can also evoke stress responses, both in soil and aqueous media. However, high concentrations of added metals are needed to induce clear-cut responses in soil, owing to metal sorption onto clays and organic matter. Transgenic worms are also stressed by exposure to microwave radiation; pulsed signals generate responses that diminish markedly with distance from the source. Finally, stress responses are inducible by anti-epicuticle antisera and complement, suggesting that immune attack can also activite the heat shock system. The development of rapid microplate toxicity assays based on transgenic nematodes is discussed.  相似文献   

Free-living nematodes are sensitive to most of the disturbances and therefore have ability to reflect direct structural and functional changes in an ecosystem. We studied nematode assemblages of Chilika Lagoon, the largest lagoon of Asia, across spatio-temporal scales in link with environmental variables and evaluated nematode assemblages as a proxy to characterize lagoonal benthic habitat settings. Our results revealed that nematode communities showed significant variation spatially and temporally in terms of mean density (16–854/10 cm2) and mean number of species (7–74). Salinity is the key factor that controls nematode community structure across this lagoon and was strongly supported by statistical analyses. The observed nematode assemblages were further used as a proxy to assign benthic habitats of Chilika into distinct biological, topographical and hydrological settings. This study showed that nematode assemblages could be effectively used for long term ecological monitoring of dynamic sedimentary environment of lagoons globally.  相似文献   

Although a large body of literature exists on the systematics and ecology of free-living marine and brackish-water nematodes, key questions on the nature and magnitude of interactions between nematodes and other organisms in the benthos remain unanswered. Relatively few authors have investigated live nematodes in food web studies or in experiments dealing with the nematodes’ response to a varying environment. It is mainly for the latter purpose that attempts have been made to maintain, rear and cultivate selected species. This paper describes the methodology used for the maintenance, rearing, and eventual permanent agnotobiotic cultivation of a variety of estuarine nematodes. Spot plates, where small samples of sediment or macrophyte material are inoculated on a sloppy agar layer, have been used for the purpose of maintenance and initial cultivation. Those species that reproduce on spot plates are then selected for monospecific cultivation on agar layers with different nutrient enrichments and with micro-organisms cotransferred from the spot plates as food. Mixtures of bacto and nutrient agar prepared in artificial seawater were specifically suitable for the xenic cultivation of nine bacterivorous and, when supplied with Erdschreiber nutrients, two algivorous/bacterivorous nematode species. Up to three generations of five other nematode species have been reared under laboratory conditions, and several more were kept alive and active for variable periods of time on agar. Generation times observed on spot plates forAdoncholaimus fuscus andOncholaimus oxyuris were substantially shorter than previously published estimates and suggest a correspondingly higher predatory and scavenging potency for these and related enoplids. A procedure for the long-term storage of nematodes at −80°C with glycerol as a cryoprotectant was successfully used forDiplolaimella dievengatensis, Panagrolaimus sp. 1, andPellioditis marina, but not forDiplolaimelloides meyli. The authors have also summarized the existing literature on the cultivation of marine and brackish-water nematodes. Continuous cultivation appears to have been successful mainly for Aufwuchs and epiphytic nematodes; only few sediment-dwellers have been established in permanent culture. Of only just over 30 species that have ever been cultivated, more than half belong to one family (Monhysteridae) and three are Rhabditida, an order poorly represented in the marine environment. Four species have been grown in monoxenic and one in axenic culture, the latter though with limited success. It is concluded that our understanding of the basic nutritional requirements of marine nematodes is as yet insufficient, and that the culture techniques which have so far mainly deployed agar or liquid substrates, while being suitable for the cultivation of Aufwuchs and epiphytic nematodes, do not accurately enough mimic gradients specific of the natural habitat of many sediment-dwellers.  相似文献   


Although little studied, infections with nematodes of the Onchocercidae Leiper, 1911, predominated by the genera Dipetalonema Diesing, 1861 and Mansonella Faust, 1929, are frequent in wild primates and human populations in the Neotropical forest areas. This study reports natural infections with Dipetalonema freitasi Bain, Diagne & Muller, 1987 and D. gracile (Rudolphi, 1809) in two free-living species of pitheciid primates, extending the known geographical distribution of these species to the forest of the Peruvian Amazon. Adult worms were recovered from the thoracic and abdominal cavities of two species of monkeys, Pithecia monachus monachus (É. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire) and Cacajao calvus ucayalii (Thomas) (Primates: Pitheciidae), collected along the Yavari-Mirin River basin and analysed via light and scanning electron microscopy. Both host species represent new host records for D. freitasi and D. gracile. Morphometric data are also presented for the sampled filarial worms in addition to morphological details obtained through light and electron microscopy examination of D. freitasi specimens.


Ulva and Enteromorpha as indicators of heavy metal pollution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We studied the use of two genera of green macroalgae, Ulva and Enteromorpha, as indicators of heavy metal contamination on the northwest coast of Spain. We evaluated the extent of external contamination by fine particles adhering to the algal thallus and found that although not a problem in Ulva, it may be in Enteromorpha samples. The mean levels of metals in both seaweeds were in accordance with previously reported levels in different species of the genera in clean areas. A large number of significant correlations between levels of metals in macroalgae and in sediment (for both the total and labile fractions) were found. However, almost all of the coefficients of correlation decreased after geochemical normalization of sediment metal concentrations.  相似文献   

Use of coliphages as indicators of water pollution   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

Parasites as accumulation indicators of heavy metal pollution   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Parasites are attracting increasing interest from parasite ecologists as potential indicators of environmental quality because of the variety of ways in which they respond to anthropogenic pollution. However, until recently, little was known about the accumulation of toxins within parasites. Certain parasites, particularly intestinal acanthocephalans and cestodes of fish, can accumulate heavy metals at concentrations that are orders of magnitude higher than those in the host tissues or the environment. In this review, Bernd Sures, Roy Siddall and Horst Taraschewski discuss the recently described phenomenon of conspicuous metal accumulation by parasites and how this might be applied to environmental monitoring. They also suggest how environmental science and parasitology might profit from each other in the near future.  相似文献   

Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) are promising biological control agents of soil-dwelling insect pests of many crops. These nematodes are ubiquitous in both natural and agricultural areas. Their efficacy against arthropods is affected directly and indirectly by food webs and edaphic conditions. It has long been suggested that a greater understanding of EPN ecology is needed to achieve consistent biological control by these nematodes and the development of molecular tools is helping to overcome obstacles to the study of cryptic organisms and complex interactions. Here we extend the repertoire of molecular tools to characterize soil food webs by describing primers/probe set to quantify certain free-living, bactivorous nematodes (FLBNs) that interact with EPNs in soil. Three FLBN isolates were recovered from soil baited with insect larvae. Morphological and molecular characterization confirmed their identities as Acrobeloides maximum (RT-1-R15C and RT-2-R25A) and Rhabditis rainai (PT-R14B). Laboratory experiments demonstrated the ability of these FLBNs to interfere with the development of Steinernema diaprepesi, Steinernema riobrave and Heterorhabditis indica parasitizing the weevil Diaprepes abbreviatus (P < 0.001), perhaps due to resource competition. A molecular probe was developed for the strongest competitor, A. maximum. We selected the highly conserved SSU rDNA sequence to design the primers/probe, because these sequences are more abundantly available for free-living nematodes than ITS sequences that can likely provide better taxonomic resolution. Our molecular probe can identify organisms that share ?98% similarity at this locus. The use of this molecular probe to characterize soil communities from samples of nematode DNA collected within a citrus orchard revealed positive correlations (P < 0.01) between Acrobeloides-group nematodes and total numbers of EPNs (S. diaprepesi, H. indica and Heterorhabditis zealandica) as well as a complex of nematophagous fungi comprising Catenaria sp. and Monachrosporium gephyropagum that are natural enemies of EPNs. These relationships can be broadly interpreted as supporting Linford’s hypothesis, i.e., decomposition of organic matter (here, insect cadavers) greatly increases bactivorous nematodes and their natural enemies.  相似文献   


《Cell host & microbe》2022,30(6):786-797.e8
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