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The ecological importance of the River Meuse phytoplankton with regard to carbon and nutrient transport has been examined in two reaches of the Belgian course of the river.Field measurements of total particulate organic carbon (POC), particulate organic nitrogen (PON) and particulate phosphorus (PP) show that the large autochtonous production of organic matter strongly affects the carbon and nutrient budget of the aquatic system. During the growing season, phytoplankton accounts for nearly 60% of the POC and dominates the PON. Calculations of the carbon and oxygen budget in the upper reach of the Belgian Meuse demonstrates that the ecosystem is autotrophic, i.e. that autochtonous FPOM (fine particulate organic matter) production is the major carbon input. This suggests that in large lowland rivers, primary production (P) may exceed community respiration (R), i.e. P:R>1, whereas they are assumed to be heterotrophic (P:R<1) in the River Continuum concept.The question of maintenance of phytoplankton in turbid mixed water columns is also addressed, and the case of the River Meuse is treated on the basis of studies of photosynthesis and respiration (ETS measurements). The results suggest that the potamoplankton may show some low-light acclimation, through an increase of chlorophyll a relative to biomass, when it comes to deep downstream reaches, and that algal respiration rate may be reduced. A simulation of the longitudinal development of the algal biomass shows the different phases of algal growth and decline along the river and brings support to the importation hypothesis for explaining maintenance of potamoplankton in the downstream reaches.  相似文献   

From the source to the mouth of the Aniene River, a tributary of the Tiber near Rome, there is a multifactorial gradient of increasing disturbance and water pollution. We first investigated the variation of riverine and aquatic vegetation along the Aniene, analysing the floristic composition by means of transects comprising both water and shore. We then compared vascular plants and macroinvertebrates to establish which was the more reliable bioindicator of water pollution and disturbance in river habitats. The floristic dataset can be ordered according to the two axes of NMMDS. Axis I showed a high correlation with the Extended Biotic Index (EBI) (Spearman’s rho = 0.89) and Hemeroby indicator of disturbance in plants (Spearman’s rho = −0.70), and Axis II with Shannon diversity of plants (Spearman’s rho = −0.67). These results have been summarised in two GIS maps, for EBI and Hemeroby, and allow to distinguish two sectors of the Aniene: upper and low-middle, correlated with geomorphology, density, type of settlement and degree of pollution. EBI and Hemeroby indicators collect information about environmental quality along different scales.  相似文献   

Paul Humphries 《Hydrobiologia》1996,321(3):219-233
Aquatic macrophytes are a common habitat for macroinvertebrates and may occupy depth zones in the littoral region of lowland rivers. Studies have indicated that different species of macrophyte typically support different assemblages, abundances and numbers of species of macroinvertebrates. This has often been attributed to differences in the dissectedness of stems and leaves of the macrophytes, resulting in differences in the surface area and/or the number of microhabitats available to invertebrates. I set out to measure the abundance and taxonomic richness and to describe the macroinvertebrate assemblages associated with three species of aquatic macrophyte in a pool in the Macquarie River, Tasmania and to examine responses of these variables to changes in water levels over summer. The macrophyte species sampled wereMyriophyllum simulans/variifolium, Triglochin procera} and Eleocharis sphacelata, each one differing in the dissectedness of its stems and leaves and its location in the littoral zone. Whereas the greatest abundance of macroinvertebrates was found associated in all months (i.e. at all water levels) with the structurally complex and shallowest macrophyte species, Myriophyllum, the number of taxa associated with this species was in several cases lower than for the structurally simpler and deeper water Triglochin and Eleocharis. While water depth and total plant biomass of samples were often correlated with invertebrate abundance and richness, these relationships were different for each macrophyte species. Of the nine most common invertebrate taxa collected from all samples, the abundances of more than half showed consistent differences among macrophyte species across months, two showed differences among macrophytes, but with an interaction with month and two showed no differences among macrophytes. There were major differences in the invertebrate assemblages associated with each macrophyte species in any one month, however, there was also a large turnover of taxa associated with the species of macrophytes from one month to the next. Changes in water level and concomitant changes in environmental variables are suggested as factors influencing the invertebrate fauna in the littoral zone of the pool of the Macquarie River. It is thus important for river managers to be aware that species of macroinvertebrates are not evenly distributed across species of macrophyte and that water levels and their influence on macrophytes as invertebrate habitat may play an integral part in determining the abundance, richness and assemblage of invertebrates in rivers.  相似文献   

The diel drift patterns of Chironomidae larvae were investigated in a seventh order section of the Warta River (Central Poland) over two diel cycles during May 1989. Three nets (mesh size 400 m) were installed in a cross section of the Warta River.The estimated drift density was low, but was comparable to that calculated for other large rivers. Spatio-temporal fluctuations in abundance and composition of macroinvertebrate drift, including Chironomidae, were observed with the highest density of drifting macrobenthos recorded near the depositional bank of this river. The ratio benthosdrift indicated differing propensities for of the older instars of a given chironomid taxon to drift. Orthocladiinae larvae were the most abundant subfamily of Chironomidae in drift but not in benthos, reaching up to 73% of the total drifting chironomid larvae. More taxa but fewer individuals (about 20% of the chironomid larvae collected) belonged to the tribe Chironomini, the dominant group in benthos.A major part of chironomid drift collection may represent behavioural drift because the net mesh size used in the Warta River was insufficient to catch the earliest instars (distributional drift). Both at the family and subfamily level chironomid larvae exhibited a distinct nocturnal drift periodicity. Nocturnal periodicity was documented for the dominant species, but due to the low density of many chironomid species, it was impossible to determine their diel drift pattern. Some Chironomidae appeared to be aperiodic.  相似文献   

Kozerski  H.-P. 《Hydrobiologia》2003,494(1-3):51-55
Sedimentation of organic particles plays a decisive role in streams in relation to pelagic loss as well as retention of nutrients and other substances. The plate sediment trap allows for the direct measurement of these net fluxes. Biweekly measurements were undertaken in the eutrophic lowland River Spree (MQ 14 m3 s–1) 10 km upstream of Berlin in 1999 and 2000. Trapping rates between 0.5 and 25 g DW m–2 day–1 were found near the bank. The variance of seston sedimentation is controlled by the seston concentration, the settling velocity of the particles and the flow velocity. The sinking velocity exhibits significant seasonal fluctuations with highest values in summer. It is shown that the critical flow velocity for sedimentation is another important parameter. This controls the distribution of sedimentation over the width of the river and thus the effective average sedimentation rate for the entire river segment. This average rate ranged between 0.9 and 6.6 g DW m–2 day–1.  相似文献   

Rivers transport sediment and carbon (C) from the continents to the ocean, whereby the magnitude and timing of these fluxes depend on the hydrological regime. We studied the sediment and carbon dynamics of a tropical river system at two sites along the lower Tana River (Kenya), separated by a 385 km stretch characterized by extensive floodplains, to understand how the river regime affects within-river C processing as well as the C exchange between floodplain and river. Sampling took place during three different wet seasons (2012–2014), with extensive flooding during one of the campaigns. We measured the suspended sediment concentration, the concentration and stable isotope signature of three different carbon species (particulate and dissolved organic carbon, POC and DOC, and dissolved inorganic carbon, DIC) and other auxiliary parameters. During non-flooded conditions, the total C flux was dominated by POC (57–72%) and there was a downstream decrease of the total C flux. DIC was dominating during the flooded season (56–67%) and the flux of DIC and DOC coming from the inundated floodplains resulted in a downstream increase of the total carbon flux. Our data allowed us to construct a conceptual framework for the C dynamics in river systems, whereby nine major fluxes were identified. The application of this framework highlighted the dominance of POC during non-flooded conditions and the significant CO2 emissions during the flooded season. Furthermore, it identified the exchange of POC with the floodplain as an important factor to close the C budget of the river.  相似文献   

The principal environmental factors influencing the seasonal dynamics of phytoplankton were examined from September 1997 to July 1998 in three stations along a 26-km stretch of the lowland course of River Adige (northeast Italy). Nutrient concentrations did not appear to be limiting for the phytoplankton growth. Annual minimum concentrations of reactive and total phosphorus, and dissolved inorganic nitrogen were 22 μg P l−1, 63 μg P l−1 and 0.9 mg N l−1, respectively. The most critical forcing factors were physical variables, mainly water discharge and other variables related to hydrology, i.e. suspended solids and turbidity, which acted negatively and synchronously by diluting phytoplankton cells and decreasing light availability. Higher algal biomass was recorded in early spring, in conditions of lower flow velocity and increasing water temperature. In late spring and summer, higher water discharge caused a decrease in phytoplankton biomass. Conversely, low algal biomass in late autumn and winter, during low discharge, was mainly related to low water temperatures and shorter photoperiod. Physical constraints had a significant and measurable effect not only on the development of total biomass, but also on the temporal dynamics of the phytoplankton community. Abiotic and biotic variables showed a comparable temporal development in the three sampling stations. The small number of instances of spatial differences in phytoplankton abundance during the period of lower flow velocity were related to the increasing importance of biological processes and accumulation of phytoplankton biomass.  相似文献   

  • 1 Patterns of macroinvertebrate community composition were examined in streams within a 40000-km2 catchment in central Michigan, U.S.A., to identify the major environmental gradients influencing community variation. Agriculture and associated clay and sandy soils predominated in much of the region.
  • 2 Eighty macroinvertebrate taxa were collected from stream surveys conducted during May and August 1990. Community composition varied primarily by the proportions of Plecoptera and Ephemeroptera. Benthic communities from the heaviest agricultural zones were most different from those at other sites.
  • 3 Chemical composition among the sites varied most in relation to nutrients (NH3, NO3, PO4). Other parameters were relatively similar. Physical characteristics of the sites were scored in six habitat categories: (i) substrate characteristics, (ii) instream cover, (iii) channel morphology, (iv) riparian zone and stream-bank conditions, (v) riffle/run quality, (vi) pool quality. Most physical habitat scores were lowest in the intense agriculture zones.
  • 4 The relative importance of physical and chemical variables in explaining variation in macroinvertebrate communities was quantified using canonical correspondence analysis. Substrate characteristics were most important in both surveys. Significant correlations (P<0.05 and P<0.10) were observed between substrate quality and total numbers of Ephemeropteran, Plecopteran, and Trichopteran taxa. These relationships reflected correlations from sites in the clay soil-type region (P<0.01 and P<0.10) which contrasted with non-significant results from the less impacted, sandy soil-type region.
  • 5 Effective stream restoration efforts in this region will require the alteration of local land-use activities that influence the physical habitat. Further development of empirical relationships between catchment activities and substrate and channel characteristics within natural geomorphic regions is essential for the evaluation of restoration projects.

We tested the hypothesis that species composition and persistence of phytoplankton communities in nutrient rich lowland rivers depends mainly on physical factors. The study aimed to analyse the effects of water discharge, temperature and chemistry on phytoplankton dynamic and species composition in the lowland reach of the eutrophic Po river (Italy). Both taxonomical and morpho-functional methods were used. True planktonic and tychoplanktic (i.e. detached taxa of benthic origin that remain in suspension) species were found, among which only a few taxa and functional groups prevailed. Diatoms were the most abundant, with a clear dominance of species either sensitive to the onset of water stratification or well adapted to turbid waters. Phytoplankton abundance, biomass and chlorophyll-a followed similar trends, attaining the highest values in summer, at low discharge rates. Correlation and multivariate analysis revealed that the development of a stable phytoplankton community was mainly controlled by water discharge rates. Namely, changes in water flow rates induced major variations in the community structure. The seasonal succession of phytoplankton assemblages was also related to water temperature and dissolved reactive silica availability to some extent overlapping flow effects.  相似文献   

Buffagni  Andrea  Crosa  Giuseppe A.  Harper  David M.  Kemp  Joanna L. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,435(1-3):213-225
The functional habitat concept was applied to a large Italian river for the first time. The characteristically wide range of hydraulic conditions present in this river (compared to previously-studied small, lowland, English rivers) were expected to be of central importance to biota and, therefore, to habitat definition. TWINSPAN analysis of the invertebrate assemblages sampled in the Ticino river identified five distinct habitats: two habitats in lotic areas (run-riffle and macrophytes in current), two along the river margins (with and without macrophytes) and one in backwater areas. These correspond to five of the functional habitats identified in U.K. lowland rivers. Each of these five functional habitats could be defined either in terms of hydraulics, substratum and/or presence/absence of macrophytes. Representative taxa are presented for each habitat and community structure discussed. Macrophyte and run-riffle habitats supported the most heterogeneous and abundant benthic fauna. No match was found between replicates grouped by invertebrate assemblage (the five functional habitats identified by TWINSPAN) and the grouping of the same replicates by PCA, carried out on the physical data matrix. While obvious velocity differences were found between the functional habitats, of particular note was the fact that the Froude number did not show any clear association with habitat type. In the future, improved river management will follow improved understanding of river habitats.  相似文献   

A multi‐year radio‐telemetry data set was used to comparatively examine the concurrent movements of the adults of three large‐bodied Australian native freshwater fishes (Murray cod Maccullochella peelii, trout cod Maccullochella macquariensis and golden perch Macquaria ambigua) and the introduced carp Cyprinus carpio. The study was conducted over a reach scale in the regulated Murray River in south‐eastern Australia. Differences were identified in the movements among these species. The predominant behaviour was the use of small movements (<1 km) for all species, and although larger‐scale movements (>1 km) did occur, the frequency varied considerably among species. Large‐scale movements were least evident for M. macquariensis and more common for M. ambigua and C. carpio with these two species also having a greater propensity to change locations. Macquaria ambigua displayed the largest movements and more M. ambigua moved on a ‘continual’ basis. Although a degree of site fidelity was evident for all species, the highest levels were exhibited by M. macquariensis and M. peelii. Homing was also evident to some degree in all species, but was greatest for M. peelii.  相似文献   

Diel distribution patterns of fishes in a temperate large lowland river   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
During the day, juveniles and typical inshore species in the lower Oder River, Germany, inhabited the littoral (0·05–1·50 m deep) while potamal species inhabited the mid‐channel (40–100 m from the banks). During the night, two behavioural groups were distinguished: 1) potamal species and large individuals of other species, moved from offshore to the littoral, and 2) nocturnal foraging species, became active and increased in inshore and offshore habitats. Inshore, the most significant differences at night was the increasing density of silver bream Blicca bjoerkna increasing both total biomass and total length of fishes caught. Offshore, the increasing density of whitefin gudgeon Gobio albipinnatus at night was most significant. Additional night electrofishing improved the assessment of the abundance, age and size structure of typical potamal fish species. It should be incorporated in large river fish monitoring programmes.  相似文献   

永定河流域大型底栖动物群落分布格局及其影响因子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类干扰造成了全球河流生态系统的普遍退化。流域尺度的水生生物分布特征及其影响因素研究对于河流生态系统的保护与恢复具有重要意义。本研究以永定河流域大型底栖动物群落为研究对象,分别于2017年春季(3月)、夏季(7月)、秋季(11月)开展全流域尺度的大型底栖动物调查。研究表明: 永定河流域以摇蚊科为主,优势类群包括直突摇蚊属、摇蚊属、雕翅摇蚊属以及多足摇蚊属。聚类分析表明,大型底栖动物群落结构存在显著的空间差异性,按照群落相似性可分为2组: 组1主要包含桑干河和东洋河水系,以直突摇蚊为主要优势种;组2主要包含洋河、妫水河以及永定河干流部分河段,以雕翅摇蚊为主要优势种。单因素方差分析表明,组2生物量、Shannon指数、Margalef指数、Pielou均匀度指数以及物种丰富度均显著高于组1,指示了该区域内更好的生态状况。大型底栖动物的季节差异显著,夏季的密度、生物量和各多样性指数均显著低于春季和秋季。典范对应分析显示,影响永定河大型底栖动物空间分布的环境因子主要包括水温、铵氮、pH、溶解氧和总磷。从水文因子的角度,流量和流速与主要生物参数存在显著相关性。组2中流速和流量与大型底栖动物密度和EPT%存在显著的正相关关系,表明急流生境有利于EPT(蜉蝣目、襀翅目、毛翅目)敏感类群的生存;但流量和流速与多样性指数呈负相关关系,表明过高流量和流速的生境条件不利于大型底栖动物多样性的维持。总之,水环境因子、水文因子都显示出了对大型底栖动物群落结构和多样性特征的影响,表明永定河流域生态系统受到多类型人为活动的影响。减少水质污染、适度恢复部分河段的流量是永定河流域生态系统修复的重要环节。  相似文献   

在黑水滩河上游河段选取5个断面调查了潜流层大型无脊椎动物及其生境特征,研究微观尺度环境因素对潜流层大型无脊椎动物群落组成及分布的影响。结果表明:调查河段共发现大型无脊椎动物29种,其中水生昆虫种类最多;各断面大型无脊椎动物的密度、生物量和丰富度均随着潜流层深度的增加而降低;潜流层沉积物的中值粒径、垂向水力梯度和垂向渗透系数是影响大型无脊椎动物组成和分布的主要因素,其中最重要的是中值粒径。潜流层无脊椎动物群落变化也可能受到食物源和生物之间相互作用等因素的影响,所有这些因素共同形成了一个复杂的自然过滤系统,控制着潜流层无脊椎动物的群落结构和空间分布。  相似文献   

A ringnet was used to sample drifting fish quantitatively at distinct depth strata. This method was chosen to examine the lateral, vertical and diurnal drift patterns of fish fry during four sampling campaigns in May 1998 and 1999 in the middle Elbe River, close to the city of Schnackenburg (stream kilometre 475). It became apparent that the fish larvae concentrated mainly at the surface of the right side of the main channel. Fourteen fish species of the four taxonomic families Percidae, Cyprinidae, Osmeridae and Gadidae were caught. Percid fishes (pike‐perch and perch) dominated the caught fish fry assemblage. Several environmental parameters were included in a direct gradient analysis in order to detect influencing variables. The main significant qualities were a temporal aspect and the shore distance. Other important influencing variables were suspended particular matter (SPM), fishing depth, time of the day, current velocity and the filtered volume. Negative correlations of abundance and shore distances and concentrations of SPM were found for several species as well as for the total abundance.  相似文献   

Relationships between environmental variables, ecosystem metabolism, and benthos are not well understood in sub-arctic ecosystems. The goal of this study was to investigate environmental drivers of river ecosystem metabolism and macroinvertebrate density in a sub-arctic river. We estimated primary production and respiration rates, sampled benthic macroinvertebrates, and monitored light intensity, discharge rate, and nutrient concentrations in the Chena River, interior Alaska, over two summers. We employed Random Forests models to identify predictor variables for metabolism rates and benthic macroinvertebrate density and biomass, and calculated Spearman correlations between in-stream nutrient levels and metabolism rates. Models indicated that discharge and length of time between high water events were the most important factors measured for predicting metabolism rates. Discharge was the most important variable for predicting benthic macroinvertebrate density and biomass. Primary production rate peaked at intermediate discharge, respiration rate was lowest at the greatest time since last high water event, and benthic macroinvertebrate density was lowest at high discharge rates. The ratio of dissolved inorganic nitrogen to soluble reactive phosphorus ranged from 27:1 to 172:1. We found that discharge plays a key role in regulating stream ecosystem metabolism, but that low phosphorous levels also likely limit primary production in this sub-arctic stream.  相似文献   

In the Volga Basin, the small Baikalian amphipod Gmelinoides fasciatus was introduced in 1965 into the Gorky reservoir in order to enhance fish production; it appeared in 1986 in the Rybinsk reservoir and we recorded it during monitoring activities in 2006 at Tver. In total, at the monitoring site Tver/Migalovo 69 benthic invertebrate taxa were identified. We compared data from three summer seasons. During summer low flow period Gmelinoides fasciatus did not exceed a share of 12.6% considering individual (ind) densities (mean abundance 165 ± 104 ind m?2) and 14.2% considering biomass (mean biomass 0.39 ± 0.44 g m?2). Abundances and biomass of G. fasciatus were shown to be stable over three years and no increase was observed. The monthly dataset (March–November 2008) revealed dynamics in relation to the native benthic communities and it was shown that the maximal densities of Gmelinoides did not exceed 587 ind m–2. Understanding the effects on benthic communities caused by the invasive amphipod Gmelinoides fasciatus is crucial in order to predict further developments in European inland waters and to establish management strategies.  相似文献   

Because of human impacts, lowland rivers are among the most degraded running water ecosystems, with their floodplains being the center of human activity. Recently, many programs to restore running water ecosystems have been undertaken using various methods in streams and rivers of North America, Europe, and Far East Asia. However, research and knowledge on the effects of river restoration in lowland rivers are limited around the world. The restoration project involving the first reconstruction of a meandering channel in Asia has been conducted in a lowland river section of the Shibetsu River, northern Japan. We review the geomorphologic and hydraulic characteristics of lowland rivers and their environments for macroinvertebrates and discuss approaches to restoring macroinvertebrate communities in lowland rivers, using insights from the restoration project in the Shibetsu River. It is concluded that the recovery of macroinvertebrate assemblages in channelized lowland rivers requires the implementation of restoration methods to create stable substrates.  相似文献   

The line-intersect technique was used to measure the loading of large woody debris in a 1.8 km reach of the Thomson River, Victoria (catchment area of 3540 km2). A debris census (measuring every item present) was done over 0.775 km of this reach. The transect technique over-estimated the actual loading revealed by the census. The loading of debris 0.01 m in diameter for the total 1.8 km reach was 0.0172 m3 m–2, which is higher than that measured in many headwater streams in other parts of the world. The volume loading of debris measured from low level aerial photographs was only 4.8% of the value estimated by the line-intersect technique. The line-intersect estimates were biased due to non-random orientation of debris in the stream (causing estimated errors of +8% for volume loading and +16% for surface area loading). It is recommended that to avoid this problem, when using the line-intersect transect technique in lowland rivers, each line should comprise at least two obliquely-angled transects across the channel. The mean item of debris (0.1 m in diameter) had a trunk basal diameter of 0.45 m, a length of 7.4 m, and volume of 0.7 m3. The riparian trees and the in-channel debris were of similar dimensions. The debris tended to be close to the bed and banks and was oriented downstream by the flow at a median angle of 27°. Because of this orientation, most debris had a small projected cross-sectional area, with the median value being only 1 m2. Thus, the blockage ratio (proportion of projected area of debris to channel cross-sectional area) was also low, ranging from 0.0002 to 0.1, with a median value of 0.004. The average item of debris, which occupied only 0.4% of the cross-section, would have minimal influence on banktop flow hydraulics, but the largest items, which occupied around 10%, could be significant. Judicious re-introduction of debris into previously cleared rivers is unlikely to result in a large loss of conveyance, or a detectable increase in flooding frequency.  相似文献   

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