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We had demonstrated that the NK cell mediated cytotoxicity of murine spleen cells could be augmented byin vivo priming and subsequentin vitro challenge with a streptococcal preparation OK432, and the cell surface phenotype of induced killer cells was Thy-1+, asialo GM1+, suggesting that the activated cells were of NK lineage (OK-NK cell). We had also clarified that IL-2 played a major role in inducing the OK-NK cells via the production of IFN-. In this study, we examined the effect of adoptive transfer of OK-NK cells on syngeneic tumors in mice. Mice were implanted with SP2 myeloma cells intraperitoneally (i.p.), or C26 colon adenocarcinoma cells subcutaneously to make the models of peritonitis carcinomatosa or solid tumor, and the OK-NK cells were transferred i.p. or intratumorally, adoptively. By the adoptive transfer of OK-NK cells, 92% of mice bearing SP2-tumor had be cured. The tumor growth of C26-solid tumor was inhibited, and the survival rate of mice bearing C26-tumor was significantly increased. The intratumoral remnants of125I-labelled OK-NK cells were 61, 27 and 8% at 4, 12 and 36h after intratumoral transfer, respectively. By multiple transfer of OK-NK cells, the antitumor effect was more effectively augmented than that of a single transfer. Results in this study suggested that OK-NK cells could be useful for the therapy of cancer patients.  相似文献   

Background aimsVaricella zoster virus (VZV) causes life-long latent infection in healthy individuals, which reactivates in 10–68% of stem cell transplant patients. Reconstituting immunity through adoptive transfer of T cells specific for VZV may aid in the prophylaxis and treatment of VZV infections. The potential for generating T cells specific for VZV using a clinically approved VZV vaccine strain was investigated.MethodsThe Varivax® vaccine was used to stimulate peripheral blood mononuclear cells from healthy donors. Only reagents approved for clinical manufacture were used. Monocyte-derived dendritic cells pulsed with Varivax (R) were used to stimulate autologous mononuclear cells at a responder to stimulator ratio of 10:1. On day 7, a second stimulation was performed; 20 U/mL interleukin (IL)-2 were added from day 7 and 50 U/mL IL-2 from day 14 onwards. Cell phenotype and functionality were assessed after 21 days of culture.ResultsA mean increase of 11-fold in cell number was observed (n = 18). Cultures were mainly T cells (mean CD3 + 89.7%, CD4 + 54.2%, CD8 + 28.7%) with effector and central memory phenotypes. Cells produced one or more T helper (Th)1 cytokine (interferon-γ, tumor necrosis factor-α and IL-2), and CD4 + (but not CD8 +) cells expressed the cytoxicity marker CD107 when restimulated with VZV antigens.ConclusionsWe have demonstrated a clinically applicable method that yields high numbers of highly reactive T cells specific for VZV. We propose that reconstructing host immunity through adoptive transfer of VZV-specific T cells will reduce the frequency of clinical VZV infection in the period of severe immune suppression that follows allogeneic stem cell transplantation.  相似文献   

Natural killer (NK) cell-based adoptive immunotherapy is a promising treatment approach for many cancers. However, development of protocols that provide large numbers of functional NK cells produced under GMP conditions are required to facilitate clinical studies. In this study, we translated our cytokine-based culture protocol for ex vivo expansion of NK cells from umbilical cord blood (UCB) hematopoietic stem cells into a fully closed, large-scale, cell culture bioprocess. We optimized enrichment of CD34(+) cells from cryopreserved UCB units using the CliniMACS system followed by efficient expansion for 14 days in gas-permeable cell culture bags. Thereafter, expanded CD34(+) UCB cells could be reproducibly amplified and differentiated into CD56(+)CD3(-) NK cell products using bioreactors with a mean expansion of more than 2,000 fold and a purity of >90%. Moreover, expansion in the bioreactor yielded a clinically relevant dose of NK cells (mean: 2×10(9) NK cells), which display high expression of activating NK receptors and cytolytic activity against K562. Finally, we established a versatile closed washing procedure resulting in optimal reduction of medium, serum and cytokines used in the cell culture process without changes in phenotype and cytotoxic activity. These results demonstrate that large numbers of UCB stem cell-derived NK cell products for adoptive immunotherapy can be produced in closed, large-scale bioreactors for the use in clinical trials.  相似文献   

Natural killer (NK) cells are unique innate lymphoid cells that have therapeutic potential in adoptive cell transfer-based cancer immunotherapy that has been established across a range of early-phase clinical trials. NK cells for use in adoptive transfer therapies are obtained from various sources, including primary NK cells from peripheral blood or apheresis products (autologous or allogeneic) and umbilical cord blood. NK cells have also been generated from CD34+ hematopoietic progenitors, induced pluripotent stem cells, embryonic stem cells and malignant cell lines. Apheresis-derived NK cell products are often administered after brief cytokine-based ex vivo activation, ideally aiming for in vivo expansion and proliferation. NK cells from other sources or from smaller volumes of blood require a longer period of expansion prior to therapeutic use. Although ex vivo NK cell expansion introduces a concern for senescence and exhaustion, there is also an opportunity to achieve higher NK cell doses, modulate NK cell activation characteristics and apply genetic engineering approaches, ultimately generating potent effector cells from small volumes of readily available starting materials. Herein the authors review the field of clinical-grade NK cell expansion, explore the desirable features of an idealized NK cell expansion approach and focus on techniques used in recently published clinical trials.  相似文献   

Peritumoral injection of human IL-2-activated natural killer cells into nude mice consistently induced regression of xenografts of human squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (SCCHN). To determine the mechanisms responsible for the tumor regression, the lymphoid cells infiltrating the tumor stroma at 24 to 48 h after adoptive immunotherapy were examined by in situ hybridization for the presence of mRNA for cytokines or IL-2R. Numerous lymphoid cells expressing cytokine or IL-2R genes were observed in these tumors, whereas the cultured IL-2-activated NK cells used for therapy were negative. Thus, it appeared that the transferred NK cells became activated in situ after coming into proximity with the tumor cells. To analyze this phenomenon, fresh or cultured human NK cells were coincubated in vitro with irradiated human SCCHN cell line, PCI-1, with or without the presence of IL-2. Expression of mRNA for IL-2R, perforin, and various cytokines was observed within 5 h. Contact with the tumor cells stimulated NK cells to proliferate, secrete IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, and soluble IL-2R, up-regulate cell surface expression of IL2R p55 and p75 as well as CD16 Ag, and mediate higher levels of antitumor activity in 51Cr-release assays. In addition, supernatants of in vitro-activated NK cells significantly inhibited proliferation of SCCHN cell lines. By examining the effects of neutralizing mAb to various cytokines, this inhibitory activity was shown to be partially attributable to IFN-gamma. To determine the possible in vivo role of soluble factors produced by activated human NK cells, the supernatants (0.2 ml) or rIFN-gamma (10(5) U) were injected perilesionally each day for 2 wk into 3-day SCCHN established in immunosuppressed nude mice. These treatments caused significant (p less than 0.02) inhibition of tumor growth. The results of our studies indicate that human NK cells are strongly activated by SCCHN cells and that the consequent release of cytokines contribute to the regression of SCCHN growing in nude mice.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Administration of expanded tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in association with lymphodepleting chemotherapy is effective in some patients with advanced malignant melanoma. However, obtaining lymphocytes and subsequent expansion is labor intensive, making it impractical for broad clinical application. Allogeneic transplantation may have anti-melanoma efficacy because of a graft vs. tumor effect. The disappointing tumor control observed post-transplant suggests that adoptive immunotherapy using melanoma-reactive cells will be essential for sustained responses. METHODS: Melanoma cell lines were grown from two patients with advanced disease. High-level CD80 and CD86 expression was obtained in the tumor lines using a retroviral vector for gene transfer. Transduced melanoma and controls were cultured with mononuclear cells from HLA-identical sibling donors. RESULTS: Expression of CD80 and CD86, particularly the former, promoted marked expansion of lymphocytes from HLA-matched sibling donors. Proliferation of up to 300-fold after 4 weeks of culture was observed. Lymphocytes from cultures stimulated with CD80 demonstrated cytotoxicity against recipient-untransfected melanoma (45-75% specific lysis at an E:T ratio of 50:1). Although expanded lymphocytes were predominantly CD4(+), cytotoxicity was greatest in the numerically smaller CD8(+) subpopulation. Both CD4(+) and CD8(+) cells secreted IFN-gamma (but not IL-4) on exposure to untransduced stimulator melanoma cells. DISCUSSION: Our strategy generates a large number of melanoma-reactive lymphocytes from HLA-identical siblings using a 4-week culture strategy. Lymphocytes expanded in this way offer an alternative to tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes for allogeneic cellular immunotherapy after stem cell transplantation in young patients.  相似文献   

Background aimsTraditionally, natural killer (NK) cells are sourced from the peripheral blood of donors―a laborious and highly donor-specific process. Processes for generating NK cells from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) have demonstrated that it is possible to successfully generate renewable alloreactive NK cells that are not only functional in vivo but can also be genetically engineered for enhanced function. However, poor standardization and cumbersome differentiation procedures suggest that further improvements in the control of the differentiation process are necessary.MethodsHere the authors evaluated the potential of differentiating NK cells from centrally authenticated iPSCs under entirely chemically defined and serum-free conditions as well as their immunotherapeutic potential, after expansion in feeder-free media, against solid tumors targets. To address limitations of current differentiation approaches, the authors did not utilize feeder or stromal cell layers, TrypLE adaptation or peripheral blood during the differentiation process. The authors also evaluated the feasibility of utilizing centrally authenticated iPSC lines, thus circumventing protocol- and donor-induced variability associated with reprogramming approaches, and characterized these iPSC-NK cells in terms of cytotoxicity, cytokine production and degranulation potential against solid tumor cell lines and patient-derived targets.ResultsDifferentiation of iPSCs generated NK cells that were predominantly CD56+/CD16+/CD3 and expressed NK activation markers NKG2D, NKp30, NKp44, NKp46 and DNAM-1. These iPSC-NK cells mediated effector functions, including cytotoxicity, degranulation and IFN-γ production, in response to solid tumor targets, including patient-derived cancer cells, and could be cryopreserved and expanded in culture.ConclusionsThe ability to produce NK cells under defined conditions and the functional responses elicited by these iPSC-NK cells suggest that they could represent promising effectors in clinical adoptive transfer settings as a renewable source of donor-independent NK cells for immunotherapy of solid tumors.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: PBMC can be expanded ex vivo into aggressive cytotoxic effector cells (CEC) comprising T, NK and NKT cells. We identified the phenotype, cytotoxicity and mechanisms of killing of these CEC. METHODS: CY- and G-CSF-mobilized PBMC from myeloma patients were placed in Aim-V serum-free medium, IL-2 (50 IU/mL) and OKT-3 (50 ng/mL). Cytotoxicity was evaluated by selectively blocking the TCR, MHC class I or NKG2D receptor. RESULTS: The CEC expanded three-fold by day 7 and aggressively lysed myeloma cells (41.9%) compared with day 0 (4%; P=0.012). CD8+ CD56+ NKT cells performed the majority of lysis. The CD8+ cells greatly increased NKG2D expression during culture (P=0.005). Cytotoxicity correlated with target NKG2D ligand expression (P=0.0002). Blocking the TCR or MHC class I did not affect cytotoxicity (P>0.22). CD8+ cell-mediated lysis dropped 48% when the NKG2D receptor was blocked. Day 7 CEC aggressively lysed myeloma cells in an MHC- and non-MHC-restricted fashion, through the NKG2D receptor. DISCUSSION: Because MHC expression is often down-regulated on tumor cells and the NKG2D ligands are generally specific to malignant cells, the adoptive transfer of CEC that kill through different pathways may circumvent tumor-resistant mechanisms and improve outcomes.  相似文献   

Background aimsAlloreactive natural killer (NK) cells are potent effectors of innate anti-tumor defense. The introduction of NK cell-based immunotherapy to current treatment options in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) requires NK cell products with high anti-leukemic efficacy optimized for clinical use.MethodsWe describe a good manufacturing practice (GMP)-compliant protocol of large-scale ex vivo expansion of alloreactive NK cells suitable for multiple donor lymphocyte infusions (NK-DLI) in AML. CliniMACS-purified NK cells were cultured in closed air-permeable culture bags with certified culture medium and components approved for human use [human serum, interleukin (IL)-2, IL-15 and anti-CD3 antibody] and with autologous irradiated feeder cells.ResultsNK cells (6.0 ± 1.2 × 108) were purified from leukaphereses (8.1 ± 0.8 L) of six healthy donors and cultured under GMP conditions. NK cell numbers increased 117.0 ± 20.0-fold in 19 days. To reduce the culture volume associated with expansion of bulk NK cells and to expand selectively the alloreactive NK cell subsets, GMP-certified cell sorting was introduced to obtain cells with single killer immunoglobulin-like receptor (KIR) specificities. The subsequent GMP-compliant expansion of single KIR+ cells was 268.3 ± 66.8-fold, with a contaminating T-cell content of only 0.006 ± 0.002%. The single KIR-expressing NK cells were cytotoxic against HLA-mismatched primary AML blasts in vitro and effectively reduced tumor cell load in vivo in NOD/SCID mice transplanted with human AML.ConclusionsThe approach to generating large numbers of GMP-grade alloreactive NK cells described here provides the basis for clinical efficacy trials of NK-DLI to complement and advance therapeutic strategies against human AML.  相似文献   

Natural killer (NK) cells are spontaneously cytotoxic against tumour target cells. Their number was found to be four times more in the spleen of tumour-bearing Swiss albino mice. After activation with recombinant interleukin-2 (rIL-2), NK cells were tested and found to seek out the tumour site when injected intravenously in tumour-bearing mice. Their potential for fighting tumours in vivo was further seen following adoptive transfer of rIL-2 activated NK (A-NK) cells in tumour-bearing mice. After surgical removal of tumour load, adoptive transfer of A-NK cells inhibited tumour recurrence in 92.3% cases, thereby suggesting the use of this protocol for therapeutic purposes to obtain a better outcome.  相似文献   

Although natural killer (NK) cells can be readily generated for adoptive therapy with current techniques, their optimal application to treat malignant diseases requires an appreciation of the dynamic balance between signals that either synergize with or antagonize each other. Individuals display wide differences in NK function that determine their therapeutic efficacy. The ability of NK cells to kill target cells or produce cytokines depends on the balance between signals from activating and inhibitory cell-surface receptors. The selection of NK cells with a predominant activating profile is critical for delivering successful anti-tumor activity. This can be achieved through selection of killer immunoglobulin-like receptor–mismatched NK donors and by use of blocking molecules against inhibitory pathways. Optimum NK cytotoxicity may require licensing or priming with tumor cells. Recent discoveries in the molecular and cellular biology of NK cells inform in the design of new strategies, including adjuvant therapies, to maximize the cytotoxic potential of NK cells for adoptive transfer to treat human malignancies.  相似文献   

Natural killer (NK) cells are spontaneously cytotoxic against tumour target cells. Their number was found to be four times more in the spleen of tumour-bearing Swiss albino mice. After activation with recombinant interleukin-2 (rIL-2), NK cells were tested and found to seek out the tumour site when injected intravenously in tumour-bearing mice. Their potential for fighting tumours in vivo was further seen following adoptive transfer of rIL-2 activated NK (A-NK) cells in tumour-bearing mice. After surgical removal of tumour load, adoptive transfer of A-NK cells inhibited tumour recurrence in 92.3%cases, thereby suggesting the use of this protocol for therapeutic purposes to obtain a better outcome.  相似文献   

Summary A human tumor cell line designated SU.86 has been established from a moderate-to-poorly differentiated pancreatic carcinoma of ductal origin specifically for adoptive immunotherapy studies. This line was characterized as to its ability to be lysed in vitro by autologous and allogeneic lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) and natural killer cells and to grow in nude mice. SU.86 has been growing continuously in cell culture for more than 100 passages since 22 September 1986. Transplantation orthotopically and heterotopically into athymic Swiss nude mice showed that tumor take was 100% in the orthotopic position when young (4 to 6 wk old) mice were used and 0% when adult (8 wk old) mice were used (P=0.004). In the heterotopic position (subcutaneous), tumor take was 100% in neonate (2 to 3 wk old) and young mice and 50% in adults. The rate of tumor growth was inversely correlated with age (P<0.001). The histologic pattern is similar to that observed in most human pancreatic carcinomas with pseudoglandular structures and frequent mitotic figures. SU.86 has a doubling time of 77 h in vitro and produces carcinoembryonic antigen, 594 ng/106 cells in 3 d. Chromosomal analysis shows heterogeneity with two notable cell subpopulations. The cell line is moderately sensitive to lysis by LAK cells in a standard, 4-h chromium-51 release assay (35.4±4.0%). When grown together with LAK cells in vitro, it is lysed completely in culture in 8 to 15 d, depending on the serum concentration.  相似文献   

On leukopheresis products obtained from patients included in a protocol interleukin-2/lymphokine-activated killer (IL-2/LAK) cell therapy, we analyzed, in parallel with the standard culture and on large volumes of these products, different parameters which could either improve LAK cell enhancement or simplify the procedure. We demonstrated first that purification of the mononuclear cells from the leukopheresis product before its culture is not required. An excess of red blood cells and granulocytes (up to 50%) in nonpurified samples improved both the mononuclear cell recovery in short-term culture (4 days) and the activation of LAK cells when the total nuclear cell concentration did not exceed 3 X 10(6)/ml. Different factors can contribute to this enhancing effect: the presence of red blood cells, the liberation of cytokines by granulocytes, or the loss of a population of activated lymphocytes, with liberation of cytokines by granulocytes, or the loss of a population of activated lymphocytes, with larger size and density than resting lymphocytes, during the separation. Supplementation of the medium with 2% heat-inactivated autologous plasma obtained before any treatment rather than with 2% pooled human AB serum does not modify the mononuclear cell recovery in 4-day culture, but it does enhance LAK activity. The inhibitory effect of heat-inactivated autologous plasma on proliferation and activation of LAK cells was never observed, suggesting the absence of suppressive factors in the plasma of the 23 analyzed patients. Similarly, autologous plasma did not modify natural killer and LAK cell functions when added during the cytotoxic assay.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Characterization of an antigen expressed by human natural killer cells   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
A monoclonal antibody, anti-N901, was produced by fusing NS-1 myeloma cells with spleen cells of a mouse immunized with human CML cells. This antibody was reactive with a subpopulation of peripheral blood LGL, including the natural killer cells. Monocytes, granulocytes, B cells, T cells (T3+ cells), erythrocytes, and platelets were nonreactive. The N901-positive cells in the peripheral blood were heterogeneous with respect to expression of other cell surface antigens. The majority of N901+ cells co-expressed T11, Mo1, and HNK-1, whereas a smaller percentage expressed T8. Ia, T3, T4, Mo2, or B1 antigens were very uncommon on N901+ cells. The heterogeneity of the N901+ LGL was further investigated by examining the expression of N901 antigen on a series of cloned normal human NK cell lines. N901 antigen was expressed by each of the NK cell lines tested, and by a minority of cloned T cell lines without NK activity. Anti-N901 does not block NK activity and can be used to rapidly purify functional NK cells for further study.  相似文献   

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