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We have developed a theoretical model to describe the triggering of lymphokine release from antigen-specific, activated T (T') cells, and we have used this model to define parameters that regulate this interaction. Under assay conditions of T' cell excess, the efficiency of triggering is a function of the target cell type. When various H-2k-bearing target cells were used to trigger B10.AQR T' cells activated against B10.A cells (anti-Kk), a hierarchy of triggering efficiency was observed with B10.A Con A blasts greater than R1.1 tumor cells greater than B10.A spleen cells greater than B10.A lymph node cells. There was a 10-fold difference in triggering efficiency between Con A blasts and lymph node cells. A similar pattern of reactivity was observed for various H-2d-bearing target cells used to trigger CBA T' cells specific for BALB/c antigens (anti-H-2d). Under assay conditions of T' cell excess, the order of reaction, i.e., the number of target cells per T' cell required to trigger lymphokine release, remained constant for the different target cell types. However, the order of reaction can vary with conditions of T cell activation. CBA T' cells activated against BALB/c spleen cells exhibited pseudo-first-order reactivity when triggered for lymphokine release with P815 target cells, whereas CBA T' cells activated against UV-irradiated P815 cells exhibited pseudo-second-order reactivity when triggered by the same tumor cells. Thus, T cells with the same apparent specificity can be qualitatively different in their reactivity with antigen. Under assay conditions of target cell excess, our analysis indicated that no T-T interaction was involved in the triggering reaction. Finally, our analysis was applied to study the nature of cross-reactivity. The results indicated that the triggering of lymphokine elicited by a cross-reactive antigen was due to the reactivity of a discrete subset of T' cells.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated in vivo that T cells can provide protective immunity, in the absence of antibody, against infection with the extracellular Gram-negative bacterium Immunotype 1 (IT-1) Pseudomonas aeruginosa. We established an in vitro system in which immune T cells, after reexposure to bacterial antigens and to macrophages, secrete a product that kills the bacteria. Although macrophages are required for in vitro killing, they function neither as antigen-presenting nor as phagocytic cells in this system. T cells from animals immunized against a different P. aeruginosa immunotype will not kill IT-1 organisms; but the supernatants produced by IT-1 immune T cells after exposure to macrophages and IT-1 P. aeruginosa organisms are nonspecifically effective in killing unrelated bacteria. Because the supernatants from immune T cells lose their bactericidal properties upon minimal dilution, we conclude that if this mechanism is active in vivo, it must play a role in local immunity.  相似文献   

While the prominent role of B7-mediated signaling in the activation of naive and resting T cells has been exhaustively demonstrated, it is unclear whether costimulation is required in the amplification of an initiated immune response. In this study we have developed a multistep culture system to investigate the costimulation requirements of recently activated alloreactive CD4(+) T cells and the outcome of allorecognition of B7-deficient, MHC class-II-expressing epithelial cells. The results show that following in vitro "priming" with allogeneic costimulation rich antigen presenting cells, T cells can be reactivated to proliferate only if B7-mediated costimulation is provided. Furthermore, recognition of antigen on B7-negative epithelial cells induced allospecific nonresponsiveness in the responder T cells. Finally, the nonresponsive state was not accompanied by IL-4 secretion and appeared to be reversible, since T cell reactivity could be restored by short-term culture in the presence of IL-2. These observations suggest that "primed" T cells remain B7-dependent in vitro and are susceptible to functional inactivation following costimulation-deficient antigen presentation.  相似文献   

There is general agreement that several distinct subpopulations of lymphocytes, including major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-restricted T lymphocytes and non-restricted natural killer, or lymphokine-activated killer (LAK), cells are active in lysing neoplastic cells. In this study experiments were designed to compare the inhibitory effects of LAK cells and allosensitized cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) on in vitro growth of an Epstein–Barr virus-transformed B-cell line (BSM) and of a HTLV-I producer T-cell line (MT-2). It was found that allosensitized CTL are more efficient at inducing BSM, or MT-2, cell growth inhibition than LAK cells. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that MHC-restricted T effector cells could mediate higher tumour suppressive effects than non-MHC restricted LAK cells.  相似文献   

It has been assumed, without direct evidence, that T cell hybridomas and non-transformed T cell clones are both good models of normal Ag-specific T cells. To compare directly the difference in activation of cloned normal T cells and T hybridoma cells with the same TCR, cloned T hybridoma cells were obtained by fusing pre-established, myoglobin-specific, Iad-restricted T cell clones (14.5 and 9.27) with BW5147 cells. T cell clones were pre-activated with IL-2 as well as specific Ag before fusion. Cloned T hybridoma A3.4C6 was derived from Lys 140-specific and I-Ed-restricted clone 14.5. The other cloned T hybridoma, C7R14, was a fusion product of Glu 109-specific and I-Ad-restricted clone 9.27. Both T hybridomas showed the same Ag specificity and Ia restriction as the parental cloned T cells. However, C7R14 showed higher apparent affinity and broader cross-reactivity than 9.27. Clone 14.5, but not hybridoma A3.4C6, appeared to stimulate splenic cells to secrete cytokines inhibiting HT-2A cell proliferation. The most striking difference between the clones and hybridomas was that both clones, but neither of the matched hybridomas, were induced to synthesize IL-1 on stimulation with Ag. Finally, both cloned T cells and T hybridomas killed Ag-pulsed Iad-bearing B lymphoma target cells. This evidence suggests that killing function can be inherited from clones to hybridomas. However, the clones were much more efficient at killing than the hybridomas, and the hybridomas were more efficient at IL-2 production than the clones. Thus, matched pairs of clones and hybridomas differ in their capacity to mediate the two functions or may tend to be selected differently during cloning. Thus, although our results generally support the validity of T cell hybridomas as faithful models of the corresponding T cell clones, a number of subtle and not-so-subtle differences indicate that caution must be used in such an extrapolation.  相似文献   

Peripheral T cell homeostasis results from a balance between factors promoting survival and those that trigger deletion of Ag-reactive cells. The cytokine IL-2 promotes T cell survival whereas reactive oxygen species (ROS) sensitize T cells to apoptosis. Two pathways of activated T cell apoptosis-one triggered by Fas ligand and the other by cytokine deprivation-depend on ROS, with the latter also regulated by members of the Bcl-2 family. Notch family proteins regulate several cell-fate decisions in metazoans. Ectopic expression of the Notch1 intracellular domain (NICD) in T cells inhibits Fas-induced apoptosis. The underlying mechanism is not known and the role, if any, of Notch in regulating apoptosis triggered by cytokine deprivation or neglect has not been examined. In this study, we use a Notch1/Fc chimera; a blocking Ab to Notch1 and chemical inhibitors of gamma-secretase to investigate the role of Notch signaling in activated T cells of murine origin. We show that perturbing Notch signaling in activated CD4+/CD8+ T cells maintained in IL-2 results in the accumulation of ROS, reduced Akt/protein kinase B activity, and expression of the antiapoptotic protein Bcl-xL, culminating in apoptosis. A broad-spectrum redox scavenger inhibits apoptosis but T cells expressing mutant Fas ligand are sensitive to apoptosis. Activated T cells isolated on the basis of Notch expression (Notch+) are enriched for Bcl-xL expression and demonstrate reduced susceptibility to apoptosis triggered by neglect or oxidative stress. Furthermore, enforced expression of NICD protects activated T cells from apoptosis triggered by cytokine deprivation. Taken together, these data implicate Notch1 signaling in the cytokine-dependent survival of activated T cells.  相似文献   

We intended to investigate whether the suppression of antigen-induced antibody responses in vitro in man by T suppressor cells required contact of T suppressor cells with target cells or whether this effect was mediated by factors released by T suppressor cells. To this end supernatants of antigen-induced T suppressor cells were tested (by a plaque forming cell assay) for their capacity to suppress antibody responses of autologous and allogeneic human peripheral blood lymphocytes. We have shown that supernatants of antigen-specific T suppressor cells, designated as TsF24: a) can suppress an antibody response of autologous but not allogeneic lymphocytes to the inducing antigen; b) are antigen-specific in their effect; and 3) are produced by radiosensitive T cells. Furthermore, the target of the factor is a radiosensitive T cell. These findings taken together indicate that, in the generation of T-effector suppressor cells in man, T-T interactions occur, and in addition, that cellfree factors may be involved in these interactions.  相似文献   

V2 ascites cells contain a latent from a mammalian collagenase which can be activated by a short incubation with trypsin.  相似文献   

The intracellular events that occur in T lymphoid cells after activation or after infection with HIV-1 are not well defined. In the case of HIV-1 infection, it is unknown whether the tat-I gene, an essential gene for viral replication, affects host cell nuclear factors. Using two-dimensional PAGE, we have identified a novel nuclear protein, designated nuclear protein-28,000 (NP-28), which is induced in Jurkat T cells by stimulation with PMA and/or PHA or ionomycin. This nuclear protein has an apparent molecular mass of 28,000 Da and an isoelectric point of 4.6. Interestingly, Jurkat cells transfected with tat-I express higher levels of NP-28 constitutively, without added stimulation. Incubation of Jurkat cells expressing tat-I with PMA and/or PHA or ionomycin causes superinduction of NP-28. We have therefore identified a novel lymphoid nuclear protein induced by T cell activation that occurs in tat-I expressing cells in the absence of activating agents.  相似文献   

In order to establish an efficient culture system for the generation of lymphokine activated killer (LAK) cells, we have developed a new device which is essentially based on a continuous dialyzing culture vessel. LAK cells grown in such a system showed higher cytotoxicity than those grown under conventional culture conditions. By using this new apparatus with continuous regulation of infused interleukin 2, nutritional medium, and pO2 and pCO2, yields of 2×107 cells/ml were achieved and maintained for more than 21 days. These cells also showed a significant increase of LAK activity on a per cell basis.  相似文献   

The involvement of cyclic AMP in mediating regulatory peptide-controlled prolactin release from GH3 pituitary tumour cells was investigated. Cholera toxin and forskolin elicited concentration-dependent increases in both GH3 cell cyclic AMP content and prolactin release. The maximum rise in prolactin release with these agents was 2-fold over basal. 8-Bromo-cyclic AMP produced a similar stimulation of prolactin release. The phosphodiesterase inhibitor isobutylmethylxanthine also produced an increase in prolactin release and GH3 cell cyclic AMP content. However, the magnitude of the stimulated prolactin release exceeded that obtained with any other agent. Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (thyroliberin) and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide produced a concentration-dependent rise in both cell cyclic AMP content and prolactin release. However, only vasoactive intestinal polypeptide elicited an increase in cell cyclic AMP content at concentrations relevant to the stimulation of prolactin release. Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide and thyrotropin-releasing hormone, when used in combination, were additive with respect to prolactin release. Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide and forskolin, at concentrations that were maximal upon prolactin release, were, when used in combination, synergistic upon GH3 cell cyclic AMP content but were not additive upon prolactin release. In conclusion the evidence supports a role for cyclic AMP in the mediation of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide- but not thyrotropin-releasing hormone-stimulated prolactin release from GH3 cells. A quantitative analysis indicates that a 50-100% rise in cyclic AMP suffices to stimulate cyclic AMP-dependent prolactin release fully.  相似文献   

Fluorescence-activated cell scanning analysis of human blood cells revealed novel urokinase receptors in large granular lymphocytes and a small subset of T-cells (CD3+). Culturing of T-cells with interleukin-2 to generate CD3+ lymphokine-activated killer cells caused a large increase in urokinase binding, suggesting that the urokinase receptor is an activation antigen. The receptor in lymphocytes was similar to that in monocytes with regard to size, affinity and ligand specificity, but did not mediate degradation of urokinase-inhibitor complexes. It is suggested that lymphocyte-bound pro-urokinase is activated, e.g. by the human T-cell-specific serine proteinase, HuTSP-1, and thereby starts a cascade of plasminogen activation important for extravasation of the cells.  相似文献   

Phospholipid metabolisms in rat mast cells activated by ionophore A23187 and compound 48/80 were examined with reference to 'phosphatidylinositol (PI) cycle'. The addition of A23187 to [3H]glycerol-prelabeled mast cells induced a marked accumulation of the radioactivity in 1,2-diacylglycerol(DG) and phosphatidic acid(PA) within 10 to 30 sec. A great enhancement of [3H]glycerol incorporation into PA and PI was also detected during histamine release. On the other hand, 48/80 was far less effective than A23187 both in producing 1,2- DG and PA and in accerelating [3H]glycerol incorporation into PA and PI, despite the comparable ability of histamine release. The activity of Ca2+ uptake into mast cells, as measured by pulse-labeling with 45Ca2+, was increased when exposed to both of two agents. These data provide circumstantial evidence that phospholipid metabolisms, mainly de novo PI synthesis, may be a part of the triggering events for Ca2+ mobilization and secretory process. The PI metabolism induced by two different stimulants appears to behave in a different manner.  相似文献   

The kinetics of lymphokine RNA induction and secretion of biologically active lymphokine from CD4-enriched splenic T cell populations was investigated. Cells stimulated immediately after isolation from murine spleen ("fresh" T cells) and cells restimulated after 4 days of in vitro culture ("primed" T cells) were compared. Northern blot analysis and bioassays were used to analyze and quantitate production of eight lymphokines and the IL-2R. Fresh T cells produced high levels of IL-2 and low to moderate levels of IL-3, granulocyte/macrophage-CSF, and IFN-gamma. In vitro primed T cells produced IL-2, IL-3, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, granulocyte/macrophage-CSF, IFN-gamma, and high levels of IL-2R RNA. Comparison of RNA levels and bioassays of supernatants from these populations indicated that primed T cells produced at least 10-fold more of six of the lymphokines than fresh T cells. Only IL-2 was produced in near equal amounts by fresh and primed T cells. There were also marked differences in the kinetics of lymphokine production by fresh and primed CD4+ T cells. After restimulation with Con A and PMA, primed cells produced a short burst of lymphokine RNA that peaked between 7.5 and 13 h and declined after 18 h. Fresh T cells lagged in the initial production of lymphokine RNA, with levels peaking 18 to 44 h after mitogenic stimulation. Depletion of CD4+ cells indicated that cells of helper phenotype were responsible for the majority of lymphokine production from the primed cells. Thus different subpopulations of Th cells defined by their respective ability to respond either directly (fresh T cells) or only after culture and restimulation (primed T cells) show different patterns of lymphokine gene regulation. Other studies suggest that the activity of "fresh" Th cells is due to a population with a "memory" phenotype, while the cells which require culture have a "precursor" phenotype. These distinct patterns of lymphokine gene regulation in the two populations of Th cells may account in part for differences seen in the kinetics and magnitude of the naive and memory immune responses which are regulated by Th cells.  相似文献   

In the current study, the potential of a novel combination of a galactomannan with acarbose (100 mg) was evaluated for attaining a desired hypoglycaemic effect over a prolonged period of time. Three major antidiabetic galactomannans viz., fenugreek gum, boswellia gum, and locust bean gum were selected in order to achieve a synergistic effect in the treatment alongwith retardation in drug release. In vitro studies indicated that batches containing various proportions of fenugreek gum (AF40-60) were able to control drug release for a longer duration of approximately 10–12 h. In contrast, the matrices prepared using boswellia and locust bean gum were able to sustain the release for relatively shorter durations. Drug release mainly followed first-order release kinetics owing to the highly soluble nature of the drug. In vivo study depicted a significant reduction (p < 0.001) in the postprandial blood glucose and triglyceride levels in the diabetic rats on treatment with formulation AF40. Thus, the developed system provides a better control of the postprandial glycaemic levels and it also obviates the need of conventional multiple dosing of acarbose. Furthermore, it also reduces the occurrence of side effects like diarrhea and loss of appetite.  相似文献   

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