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Seminoma is a subclass of human testicular germ cell tumors (TGCT), the most frequently observed cancer in young men with a rising incidence. Here we describe the identification of a novel gene predisposing specifically to seminoma formation in a vertebrate model organism. Zebrafish carrying a heterozygous nonsense mutation in Leucine-Rich Repeat Containing protein 50 (lrrc50 also called dnaaf1), associated previously with ciliary function, are found to be highly susceptible to the formation of seminomas. Genotyping of these zebrafish tumors shows loss of heterozygosity (LOH) of the wild-type lrrc50 allele in 44.4% of tumor samples, correlating with tumor progression. In humans we identified heterozygous germline LRRC50 mutations in two different pedigrees with a family history of seminomas, resulting in a nonsense Arg488* change and a missense Thr590Met change, which show reduced expression of the wild-type allele in seminomas. Zebrafish in vivo complementation studies indicate the Thr590Met to be a loss-of-function mutation. Moreover, we show that a pathogenic Gln307Glu change is significantly enriched in individuals with seminoma tumors (13% of our cohort). Together, our study introduces an animal model for seminoma and suggests LRRC50 to be a novel tumor suppressor implicated in human seminoma pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Up to 20% of individuals who have thoracic aortic aneurysms or acute aortic dissections but who do not have syndromic features have a family history of thoracic aortic disease. Significant genetic heterogeneity is established for this familial condition. Whole-genome linkage analysis and exome sequencing of distant relatives from a large family with autosomal-dominant inheritance of thoracic aortic aneurysms variably associated with the bicuspid aortic valve was used for identification of additional genes predisposing individuals to this condition. A rare variant, c.1031A>C (p.Glu344Ala), was identified in MAT2A, which encodes methionine adenosyltransferase II alpha (MAT IIα). This variant segregated with disease in the family, and Sanger sequencing of DNA from affected probands from unrelated families with thoracic aortic disease identified another MAT2A rare variant, c.1067G>A (p.Arg356His). Evidence that these variants predispose individuals to thoracic aortic aneurysms and dissections includes the following: there is a paucity of rare variants in MAT2A in the population; amino acids Glu344 and Arg356 are conserved from humans to zebrafish; and substitutions of these amino acids in MAT Iα are found in individuals with hypermethioninemia. Structural analysis suggested that p.Glu344Ala and p.Arg356His disrupt MAT IIα enzyme function. Knockdown of mat2aa in zebrafish via morpholino oligomers disrupted cardiovascular development. Co-transfected wild-type human MAT2A mRNA rescued defects of zebrafish cardiovascular development at significantly higher levels than mRNA edited to express either the Glu344 or Arg356 mutants, providing further evidence that the p.Glu344Ala and p.Arg356His substitutions impair MAT IIα function. The data presented here support the conclusion that rare genetic variants in MAT2A predispose individuals to thoracic aortic disease.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play a pivotal role in cancerogenesis and cancer progression, but their specific role in the metastasis of clear cell renal cell carcinomas (ccRCC) is still limited. Based on microRNA microarray analyses from normal and cancerous samples of ccRCC specimens and from bone metastases of ccRCC patients, we identified a set of 57 differentially expressed microRNAs between these three sample groups of ccRCC. A selected panel of 33 miRNAs was subsequently validated by RT-qPCR on total 57 samples. Then, 30 of the 33 examined miRNAs were confirmed to be deregulated. A stepwise down-regulation of miRNA expression from normal, over primary tumor to metastatic tissue samples, was found to be typical. A total of 23 miRNAs (miR-10b/-19a/-19b/-20a/-29a/-29b/-29c/-100/-101/-126/-127/-130/-141/-143/-145/-148a/-192/-194/-200c/-210/-215/-370/-514) were down-regulated in metastatic tissue samples compared with normal tissue. This down-regulated expression in metastatic tissue in comparison with primary tumor tissue was also present in 21 miRNAs. In cell culture experiments with 5-aza-2''-deoxycytidine and trichostatin A, epigenetic modifications were shown as one reason of this down-regulation. The altered miRNA profiles, comprising newly identified metastasis-associated miRNAs, termed metastamir and the predicted miRNA-target interactions together with the significant correlations of miRNAs that were either lost or newly appeared in the studied sample groups, afford a solid basis for further functional analyses of individual miRNAs in RCC metastatic progression.  相似文献   

Biallelic, truncating mutations of the hSNF5/INI1 gene have recently been documented in malignant rhabdoid tumor (MRT), one of the most aggressive human cancers. This finding suggests that hSNF5/INI1 is a new tumor-suppressor gene for which germline mutations might predispose to cancer. We now report the presence of loss-of-function mutations of this gene in the constitutional DNA from affected members but not from healthy relatives in cancer-prone families. Furthermore, a constitutional mutation is documented in a patient with two successive primary cancers. In agreement with the two-hit model, the wild-type hSNF5/INI1 allele is deleted in the tumor DNA from mutation carriers. In all tested cases, DNA from parents demonstrated normal hSNF5/INI1 sequences, therefore indicating the de novo occurrence of the mutation, which was shown to involve the maternal allele in one case and the paternal allele in two other cases. These data indicate that constitutional mutation of the hSNF5/INI1 gene defines a new hereditary syndrome predisposing to renal or extrarenal MRT and to a variety of tumors of the CNS, including choroid plexus carcinoma, medulloblastoma, and central primitive neuroectodermal tumor. This condition, which we propose to term "rhabdoid predisposition syndrome," may account for previous observations of familial and multifocal cases of the aforementioned tumor types. It could also provide the molecular basis for cases of Li-Fraumeni syndrome without p53 germline mutations.  相似文献   

WNT7A (wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 7A) is a known tumor suppressor gene of non-small cell lung carcinomas (NSCLC) and is frequently inactivated due to CpG-island hypermethylation in human cancers. The members of WNT family are involved in cell signaling and play crucial roles in cancer development. In the present work hypermethylation of the WNT7A gene was detected in 66% (29/44) of analyzed clear cell renal cell carcinomas (RCCs) using methyl-specific PCR (MSP). Moreover, bisulfite sequencing confirmed intensive hypermethylation of the 5′-CpG island of the WNT7A gene. Methylation analysis revealed positive correlations between tumor stage, Fuhrman nuclear grade and WNT7A hypermethylation. Additionally, restoration of WNT7A gene expression in the A498 cell line by 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine treatment confirmed a direct contribution of hypermethylation in silencing of the WNT7A gene. High frequency of loss of heterozygosity (LOH) was demonstrated on chromosome 3p25 in regions surrounding the WNT7A gene. The frequent down-regulation of WNT7A gene expression was detected in 88% (15/17) of clear cell RCCs. We have also shown that the WNT7A gene possesses tumor suppression function by colony-formation and cell proliferation assays in RCC cell lines. In summary, the WNT7A gene is inactivated by genetic/epigenetic alterations in clear cell RCC and demonstrates tumor suppressor properties.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Genetics - Angiomyolipoma (AML) is one of the most frequent and, at the same time, AML molecular genetics is one of the least studied among benign tumors. We performed deep...  相似文献   

Activin B belongs to the TGFβ family of growth factors and is upregulated in clear cell renal cell carcinoma cells by hypoxia inducible factors. Expression of Activin B is required for tumor growth in vivo and tumor cell invasion in vitro. Here we show that activation of RhoA signaling counteracts Activin B mediated disassembly of actin stress fibers, mesenchymal cell morphology and invasiveness, whereas inhibition of RhoA rescues these effects in Activin B knockdown cells. Conversely, Activin B inhibits RhoA signaling suggesting that there is an antagonistic connection between both pathways. In addition we found that Rac1 plays an opposite role to RhoA, i.e. activation of Rac1 initiates loss of actin stress fibers, promotes a mesenchymal cell morphology and induces invasion in Activin B knockown cells, whereas inhibition of Rac1 abolishes these Activin B effects. Collectively, our data provide evidence that reduction of RhoA signaling by Activin B together with persistent Rac1 activity is a prerequisite for inducing an invasive phenotype in clear cell renal cell carcinoma.  相似文献   



BAP1 has been shown to be a target of both somatic alteration in high-risk ocular melanomas (OM) and germline inactivation in a few individuals from cancer-prone families. These findings suggest that constitutional BAP1 changes may predispose individuals to metastatic OM and that familial permeation of deleterious alleles could delineate a new cancer syndrome.


To characterize BAP1''s contribution to melanoma risk, we sequenced BAP1 in a set of 100 patients with OM, including 50 metastatic OM cases and 50 matched non-metastatic OM controls, and 200 individuals with cutaneous melanoma (CM) including 7 CM patients from CM-OM families and 193 CM patients from CM-non-OM kindreds.


Germline BAP1 mutations were detected in 4/50 patients with metastatic OM and 0/50 cases of non-metastatic OM (8% vs. 0%, p = 0.059). Since 2/4 of the BAP1 carriers reported a family history of CM, we analyzed 200 additional hereditary CM patients and found mutations in 2/7 CM probands from CM-OM families and 1/193 probands from CM-non-OM kindreds (29% vs. 0.52%, p = .003). Germline mutations co-segregated with both CM and OM phenotypes and were associated with the presence of unique nevoid melanomas and highly atypical nevoid melanoma-like melanocytic proliferations (NEMMPs). Interestingly, 7/14 germline variants identified to date reside in C-terminus suggesting that the BRCA1 binding domain is important in cancer predisposition.


Germline BAP1 mutations are associated with a more aggressive OM phenotype and a recurrent phenotypic complex of cutaneous/ocular melanoma, atypical melanocytic proliferations and other internal neoplasms (ie. COMMON syndrome), which could be a useful clinical marker for constitutive BAP1 inactivation.  相似文献   

Advancements in sequencing in the past decades enabled not only the determination of the human proteome but also the identification of a large number of genetic variations in the human population. The phenotypic effects of these mutations range from neutral for polymorphisms to severe for some somatic mutations. Disease-causing germline mutations (DCMs) represent a special and largely understudied class with relatively weak phenotypes. While for somatic mutations their effect on protein structure and regulation has been extensively studied in select cases, for germline mutations, this information is currently largely missing. In this analysis, a large amount of DCMs were analyzed and contrasted to polymorphisms from a structural point of view. Our results delineate the characteristic features of DCMs starting at the global level of partitioning proteins into globular, disordered and transmembrane classes, moving toward smaller structural units describing secondary structure elements and molecular surfaces, reaching down to the smallest structural entity, post-translational modifications. We show how these structural entities influence the emergence and possible phenotypic effects of DCMs.  相似文献   

BNIP3 (Bcl-2/adenovirus E1B 19-kDa interacting protein 3) is a BH3-only protein that regulates apoptosis and autophagy. BNIP3 plays also an important role in hypoxia-induced cell response and is regulated by HIF1. Here, we studied a possible association of BNIP3 expression and the prognosis of patients with renal cell carcinomas (RCCs) and examined the functional relevance of BNIP3 in the regulation of cell survival and apoptosis of renal carcinoma cells. BNIP3 expression was determined by immunohistochemistry in RCC tumor tissue samples of 569 patients using a tissue microarray. Functional characterization of BNIP3 in renal carcinoma cells indicates prosurvival effects. In human RCC tumor samples, high cytoplasmic BNIP3 expression was associated with high-grade RCCs and regional lymph node metastasis. BNIP3 expression correlated negatively with disease-specific survival. Multivariate Cox regression analysis retained BNIP3 expression as an independent prognostic factor in patients without distant metastasis. Together, our studies imply that BNIP3 regulates cell survival in RCCs and its expression is an independent prognostic marker in patients with localized RCCs.  相似文献   

The Ink4a/Arf ( CDKN2a) locus encodes two proteins that regulate distinct important tumor suppressor pathways represented by p53 and Rb. Loss of either p16INK4a or p19ARF was recently reported to reduce the ability of mouse cells to repair UV-induced DNA damage and to induce a UV-mutator phenotype. This observation was independent of cell cycle effects incurred by either p16INK4a and/or p19ARF loss, as it was demonstrable in unirradiated cells using UV-treated DNA. We suggest that this might explain why germ line mutations of INK4a/ARF predispose mainly to malignant melanoma, a UV-induced skin cancer, and provides a molecular explanation for the link between melanoma-genesis and impaired DNA repair. It also further demonstrates that regulation of cell cycle check points and DNA repair in response to genomic insults, such as ultraviolet irradiation are intricately interwoven processes. Differences in the apoptotic response to ultraviolet light between melanocytes and keratinocytes might explain why INK4a/ARF mutations predispose to malignant melanoma, but not to keratinocyte-derived skin cancers.  相似文献   

Germline mutations in mitochondrial DNA polymerase gamma (POLG1) induce mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations, depletion, and decrease oxidative phosphorylation. Earlier, we identified somatic mutations in POLG1 and the contribution of these mutations in human cancer. However, a role for germline variations in POLG1 in human cancers is unknown. In this study, we examined a role for disease associated germline variants of POLG1, POLG1 gene expression, copy number variation and regulation in human cancers. We analyzed the mutations, expression and copy number variation in POLG1 in several cancer databases and validated the analyses in primary breast tumors and breast cancer cell lines. We discovered 5-aza-2''-deoxycytidine led epigenetic regulation of POLG1, mtDNA-encoded genes and increased mitochondrial respiration. We conducted comprehensive race based bioinformatics analyses of POLG1 gene in more than 33,000 European-Americans and 5,000 African-Americans. We identified a mitochondrial disease causing missense variation in polymerase domain of POLG1 protein at amino acid 1143 (E1143G) to be 25 times more prevalent in European-Americans (allele frequency 0.03777) when compared to African-American (allele frequency 0.00151) population. We identified T251I and P587L missense variations in exonuclease and linker region of POLG1 also to be more prevalent in European-Americans. Expression of these variants increased glucose consumption, decreased ATP production and increased matrigel invasion. Interestingly, conditional expression of these variants revealed that matrigel invasion properties conferred by these germline variants were reversible suggesting a role of epigenetic regulators. Indeed, we identified a set of miRNA whose expression was reversible after variant expression was turned off. Together, our studies demonstrate altered genetic and epigenetic regulation of POLG1 in human cancers and suggest a role for POLG1 germline variants in promoting tumorigenic properties.  相似文献   

Cowden syndrome (CS) is a difficult-to-recognize multiple hamartoma syndrome with high risks of breast, thyroid, and other cancers. Germline mutations in PTEN on 10q23 were found to cause 85% of CS when accrued from tertiary academic centers, but prospective accrual from the community over the last 12 years has revealed a 25% PTEN mutation frequency. PTEN is the phosphatase that has been implicated in a heritable cancer syndrome and subsequently in multiple sporadic cancers and developmental processes. PTEN antagonizes the AKT1/PI3K signaling pathway and has roles in cell cycle, migration, cell polarity, and apoptosis. We report that 8 of 91 (8.8%) unrelated CS individuals without germline PTEN mutations carried 10 germline PIK3CA mutations (7 missense, 1 nonsense, and 2 indels) and 2 (2.2%) AKT1 mutations. These mutations result in significantly increased P-Thr308-AKT and increased cellular PIP3. Our observations suggest that PIK3CA and AKT1 are CS susceptibility genes.  相似文献   

L. Solnica-Krezel  A. F. Schier    W. Driever 《Genetics》1994,136(4):1401-1420
We studied the efficiency with which two chemical mutagens, ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) and N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU) can induce mutations at different stages of spermatogenesis in zebrafish (Brachydanio rerio). Both EMS and ENU induced mutations at high rates in post-meiotic germ cells, as indicated by the incidence of F(1) progeny mosaic for the albino mutation. For pre-meiotic germ cells, however, only ENU was found to be an effective mutagen, as indicated by the frequencies of non-mosaic mutant progeny at four different pigmentation loci. Several mutagenic regimens that varied in either the number of treatments or the concentration of ENU were studied to achieve an optimal ratio between the mutagenicity and toxicity. For the two most mutagenic regimens: 4 X 1 hr in 3 mM ENU and 6 X 1 hr in 3 mM ENU, the minimum estimate of frequencies of independent mutations per locus per gamete was 0.9-1.3 X 10(-3). We demonstrate that embryonic lethal mutations induced with ENU were transmitted to offspring and that they could be recovered in an F(2) screen. An average frequency of specific-locus mutations of 1.1 X 10(-3) corresponded to approximately 1.7 embryonic lethal mutations per single mutagenized genome. The high rates of mutations achievable with ENU allow for rapid identification of large numbers of genes involved in a variety of aspects of zebrafish development.  相似文献   

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