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Hopanes preserved in both modern and ancient sediments are recognized as the molecular fossils of bacteriohopanepolyols, pentacyclic hopanoid lipids. Based on the phylogenetic distribution of hopanoid production by extant bacteria, hopanes have been used as indicators of specific bacterial groups and/or their metabolisms. However, our ability to interpret them ultimately depends on understanding the physiological roles of hopanoids in modern bacteria. Toward this end, we set out to identify genes required for hopanoid biosynthesis in the anoxygenic phototroph Rhodopseudomonas palustris TIE-1 to enable selective control of hopanoid production. We attempted to delete 17 genes within a putative hopanoid biosynthetic gene cluster to determine their role, if any, in hopanoid biosynthesis. Two genes, hpnH and hpnG, are required to produce both bacteriohopanetetrol and aminobacteriohopanetriol, whereas a third gene, hpnO, is required only for aminobacteriohopanetriol production. None of the genes in this cluster are required to exclusively synthesize bacteriohopanetetrol, indicating that at least one other hopanoid biosynthesis gene is located elsewhere on the chromosome. Physiological studies with the different deletion mutants demonstrated that unmethylated and C(30) hopanoids are sufficient to maintain cytoplasmic but not outer membrane integrity. These results imply that hopanoid modifications, including methylation of the A-ring and the addition of a polar head group, may have biologic functions beyond playing a role in membrane permeability.  相似文献   

The purple bacterium Rhodopseudomonas palustris TIE-1 expresses multiple small high-potential redox proteins during photoautotrophic growth, including two high-potential iron-sulfur proteins (HiPIPs) (PioC and Rpal_4085) and a cytochrome c2. We evaluated the role of these proteins in TIE-1 through genetic, physiological, and biochemical analyses. Deleting the gene encoding cytochrome c2 resulted in a loss of photosynthetic ability by TIE-1, indicating that this protein cannot be replaced by either HiPIP in cyclic electron flow. PioC was previously implicated in photoferrotrophy, an unusual form of photosynthesis in which reducing power is provided through ferrous iron oxidation. Using cyclic voltammetry (CV), electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy, and flash-induced spectrometry, we show that PioC has a midpoint potential of 450 mV, contains all the typical features of a HiPIP, and can reduce the reaction centers of membrane suspensions in a light-dependent manner at a much lower rate than cytochrome c2. These data support the hypothesis that PioC linearly transfers electrons from iron, while cytochrome c2 is required for cyclic electron flow. Rpal_4085, despite having spectroscopic characteristics and a reduction potential similar to those of PioC, is unable to reduce the reaction center. Rpal_4085 is upregulated by the divalent metals Fe(II), Ni(II), and Co(II), suggesting that it might play a role in sensing or oxidizing metals in the periplasm. Taken together, our results suggest that these three small electron transfer proteins perform different functions in the cell.  相似文献   

Phototrophic Fe(II)-oxidizing bacteria couple the oxidation of ferrous iron [Fe(II)] to reductive CO(2) fixation by using light energy, but until recently, little has been understood about the molecular basis for this process. Here we report the discovery, with Rhodopseudomonas palustris TIE-1 as a model organism, of a three-gene operon, designated the pio operon (for phototrophic iron oxidation), that is necessary for phototrophic Fe(II) oxidation. The first gene in the operon, pioA, encodes a c-type cytochrome that is upregulated under Fe(II)-grown conditions. PioA contains a signal sequence and shares homology with MtrA, a decaheme c-type cytochrome from Shewanella oneidensis MR-1. The second gene, pioB, encodes a putative outer membrane beta-barrel protein. PioB is a homologue of MtrB from S. oneidensis MR-1. The third gene, pioC, encodes a putative high potential iron sulfur protein (HiPIP) with a twin-arginine translocation (Tat) signal sequence and is similar to the putative Fe(II) oxidoreductase (Iro) from Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans. Like PioA, PioB and PioC appear to be secreted proteins. Deletion of the pio operon results in loss of Fe(II) oxidation activity and growth on Fe(II). Complementation studies confirm that the phenotype of this mutant is due to loss of the pio genes. Deletion of pioA alone results in loss of almost all Fe(II) oxidation activity; however, deletion of either pioB or pioC alone results in only partial loss of Fe(II) oxidation activity. Together, these results suggest that proteins encoded by the pio operon are essential and specific for phototrophic Fe(II) oxidation in R. palustris TIE-1.  相似文献   

Rhodopseudomonas palustris TIE-1 grows photoautotrophically with Fe(II) as an electron donor and photoheterotrophically with a variety of organic substrates. However, it is unclear whether R. palustris TIE-1 conducts Fe(II) oxidation in conditions where organic substrates and Fe(II) are available simultaneously. In addition, the effect of organic co-substrates on Fe(II) oxidation rates or the identity of Fe(III) minerals formed is unknown. We incubated R. palustris TIE-1 with 2 mM Fe(II), amended with 0.6 mM organic co-substrate, and in the presence/absence of CO2. We found that in the absence of CO2, only the organic co-substrates acetate, lactate and pyruvate, but not Fe(II), were consumed. When CO2 was present, Fe(II) and all organic substrates were consumed. Acetate, butyrate and pyruvate were consumed before Fe(II) oxidation commenced, whereas lactate and glucose were consumed at the same time as Fe(II) oxidation proceeded. Lactate, pyruvate and glucose increased the Fe(II) oxidation rate significantly (by up to threefold in the case of lactate). 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy revealed that short-range ordered Fe(III) oxyhydroxides were formed under all conditions. This study demonstrates phototrophic Fe(II) oxidation proceeds even in the presence of organic compounds, and that the simultaneous oxidation of organic substrates can stimulate Fe(II) oxidation.  相似文献   

It is unknown to which extent phototrophic Fe(II) oxidation takes place in the simultaneous presence of organic electron donors (e.g., acetate/lactate). Therefore, the photoferrotrophic strain Rhodopseudomonas palustris TIE-1 was inoculated with various combinations of Fe(II), acetate and lactate to understand metabolic substrate preference. When acetate was provided together with Fe(II), TIE-1 consumed acetate first before Fe(II). When provided lactate plus Fe(II), TIE-1 consumed both substrates in parallel. When all three substrates were provided in one culture, TIE-1 used all substrates simultaneously. Our study suggests that the availability of alternative electron donors in addition to ferrous iron limits phototrophic iron oxidation.  相似文献   

We report the isolation and characterization of a phototrophic ferrous iron [Fe(II)]-oxidizing bacterium named TIE-1 that differs from other Fe(II)-oxidizing phototrophs in that it is genetically tractable. Under anaerobic conditions, TIE-1 grows photoautotrophically with Fe(II), H2, or thiosulfate as the electron donor and photoheterotrophically with a variety of organic carbon sources. TIE-1 also grows chemoheterotrophically in the dark. This isolate appears to be a new strain of the purple nonsulfur bacterial species Rhodopseudomonas palustris, based on physiological and phylogenetic analysis. Fe(II) oxidation is optimal at pH 6.5 to 6.9. The mineral products of Fe(II) oxidation are pH dependent: below pH 7.0 goethite (α-FeOOH) forms, and above pH 7.2 magnetite (Fe3O4) forms. TIE-1 forms colonies on agar plates and is sensitive to a variety of antibiotics. A hyperactive mariner transposon is capable of random insertion into the chromosome with a transposition frequency of ~10−5. To identify components involved in phototrophic Fe(II) oxidation, mutants of TIE-1 were generated by transposon mutagenesis and screened for defects in Fe(II) oxidation in a cell suspension assay. Among approximately 12,000 mutants screened, 6 were identified that are specifically impaired in Fe(II) oxidation. Five of these mutants have independent disruptions in a gene that is predicted to encode an integral membrane protein that appears to be part of an ABC transport system; the sixth mutant has an insertion in a gene that is a homolog of CobS, an enzyme involved in cobalamin (vitamin B12) biosynthesis.  相似文献   

We report the isolation and characterization of a phototrophic ferrous iron [Fe(II)]-oxidizing bacterium named TIE-1 that differs from other Fe(II)-oxidizing phototrophs in that it is genetically tractable. Under anaerobic conditions, TIE-1 grows photoautotrophically with Fe(II), H2, or thiosulfate as the electron donor and photoheterotrophically with a variety of organic carbon sources. TIE-1 also grows chemoheterotrophically in the dark. This isolate appears to be a new strain of the purple nonsulfur bacterial species Rhodopseudomonas palustris, based on physiological and phylogenetic analysis. Fe(II) oxidation is optimal at pH 6.5 to 6.9. The mineral products of Fe(II) oxidation are pH dependent: below pH 7.0 goethite (alpha-FeOOH) forms, and above pH 7.2 magnetite (Fe3O4) forms. TIE-1 forms colonies on agar plates and is sensitive to a variety of antibiotics. A hyperactive mariner transposon is capable of random insertion into the chromosome with a transposition frequency of approximately 10(-5). To identify components involved in phototrophic Fe(II) oxidation, mutants of TIE-1 were generated by transposon mutagenesis and screened for defects in Fe(II) oxidation in a cell suspension assay. Among approximately 12,000 mutants screened, 6 were identified that are specifically impaired in Fe(II) oxidation. Five of these mutants have independent disruptions in a gene that is predicted to encode an integral membrane protein that appears to be part of an ABC transport system; the sixth mutant has an insertion in a gene that is a homolog of CobS, an enzyme involved in cobalamin (vitamin B12) biosynthesis.  相似文献   

The coupling-factor ATPases from photosynthetically grown Rhodopseudomonas palustris and Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides were purified by the same procedure to homogeneity. Gel chromatography on Sephacryl S-300 Superfine shortened the process of purification and improved its yield. Solubilization of the ATPase from both bacteria was found to be dependent on a specific sonication treatment of the cell suspensions, indicating a very weakly bound F1-ATPase in R. palustris. Depleted chromatophores could be restored in photophosphorylation and membrane-bound ATPase activities by adding the solubilized ATPase protein. The purified enzymes did not show a markedly trypsin-stimulated or dithiothreitol-stimulated activity. Isoelectric focusing and chromatofocusing revealed isoelectric points of 5.0 for both F1-ATPases. The molecular weights were determined by gel chromatography plus high-performance liquid chromatography. Hence, we calculated a molecular weight of 350000 for both F1-ATPases. Sodium dodecylsulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed five subunits for both enzymes. Kinetic parameters, regarding substrate specificity, the effect of divalent cations, Km and Ki values for the membrane-bound and solubilized ATPases were determined.  相似文献   

不同生境中沼泽红假单胞菌基因型多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沼泽红假单胞菌(Rhodopseudomonas palustris,R.palustris)是一种分布广泛的紫色非硫细菌,代谢方式的多样性赋予了它们重要的生态学意义和应用价值。从湖泊、池塘和河流的11个底泥样品中富集培养紫色非硫细菌,利用基于pufM基因的PCR-DGGE技术鉴定为R.palustris,再利用rep-PCR技术进行基因型指纹图谱分析。结果发现相近生境,即湖泊中的菌株基因型相似度较高,80%,而差异越大的生境中菌株基因型指纹图谱差异也越大。这种基因型差异性分析不仅可以帮助研究者更全面地了解不同环境中R.palustris基因型多样性,也为进一步揭示其生态学意义和进化过程提供基础。  相似文献   

Arabidopsis thaliana WRKY family comprises 74 members and some of them are involved in plant responses to biotic and abiotic stresses. This study demonstrated that WRKY6 is involved in Arabidopsis responses to low-Pi stress through regulating PHOSPHATE1 (PHO1) expression. WRKY6 overexpression lines, similar to the pho1 mutant, were more sensitive to low Pi stress and had lower Pi contents in shoots compared with wild-type seedlings and the wrky6-1 mutant. Immunoprecipitation assays demonstrated that WRKY6 can bind to two W-boxes of the PHO1 promoter. RNA gel blot and β-glucuronidase activity assays showed that PHO1 expression was repressed in WRKY6-overexpressing lines and enhanced in the wrky6-1 mutant. Low Pi treatment reduced WRKY6 binding to the PHO1 promoter, which indicates that PHO1 regulation by WRKY6 is Pi dependent and that low Pi treatment may release inhibition of PHO1 expression. Protein gel blot analysis showed that the decrease in WRKY6 protein induced by low Pi treatment was inhibited by a 26S proteosome inhibitor, MG132, suggesting that low Pi–induced release of PHO1 repression may result from 26S proteosome–mediated proteolysis. In addition, WRKY42 also showed binding to W-boxes of the PHO1 promoter and repressed PHO1 expression. Our results demonstrate that WRKY6 and WRKY42 are involved in Arabidopsis responses to low Pi stress by regulation of PHO1 expression.  相似文献   

We recently reported that the PPM1l gene encodes an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane targeted protein phosphatase (named PP2Ce) with highly specific activity towards Inositol-requiring protein-1 (IRE1) and regulates the functional outcome of ER stress. In the present report, we found that the PP2Ce protein is highly expressed in lactating epithelium of the mammary gland. Loss of PP2Ce in vivo impairs physiological unfolded protein response (UPR) and induces stress kinase activation, resulting in loss of milk production and induction of epithelial apoptosis in the lactating mammary gland. This study provides the first in vivo evidence that PP2Ce is an essential regulator of normal lactation, possibly involving IRE1 signaling and ER stress regulation in mammary epithelium.  相似文献   

SMYD1是组蛋白甲基转移酶,在骨骼肌和心肌中特异表达,是调节心肌和骨骼肌发育的关键因子.虽然SMYD1的生物学功能比较清楚,但细胞外因子调节SMYD1基因表达的机制还没有报导.IGF-1能促进心肌和骨骼肌的发育、加速肌肉的损伤修复过程.通过Western印迹发现,在用IGF-1处理的C2C12细胞中,SMYD1的表达水平随处理时间逐步升高,SRF蛋白和Myogenin的表达也呈现类似的趋势.通过构建不同长度的SMYD1基因启动子荧光素酶报告基因载体,发现SMYD1基因启动子上IGF-1的应答区域位于-620~-110 bp;EMSA实验表明,SRF结合在SMYD1启动子的CArG位点,而IGF-1则能促进SRF与SMYD1启动子的结合;若将启动子上的CArG元件突变,IGF-1对SMYD1启动子的激活效应被削弱.可见IGF-1能够上调SMYD1在C2C12细胞中的表达,并且这种调控作用是部分通过调节SRF与SMYD1启动子上CArG位点的结合而实现的.此外,通过荧光素酶报告基因分析,发现SMYD1能够激活肌肉标志因子肌肉肌酸激酶(MCK)基因活性,而且与MyoD基因存在协同激活效应.因此,SMYD1可能是IGF-1的下游靶基因,SMYD1可能通过与MyoD协同作用,促进肌肉的分化。  相似文献   

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