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Single-molecule imaging enables biophysical measurements devoid of ensemble averaging, gives enhanced spatial resolution beyond the diffraction limit, and permits superresolution reconstructions. Here, single-molecule and superresolution imaging are applied to the study of proteins in live Caulobacter crescentus cells to illustrate the power of these methods in bacterial imaging. Based on these techniques, the diffusion coefficient and dynamics of the histidine protein kinase PleC, the localization behavior of the polar protein PopZ, and the treadmilling behavior and protein superstructure of the structural protein MreB are investigated with sub-40-nm spatial resolution, all in live cells.Since its advent 20 years ago, single-molecule fluorescence imaging has given rise to a host of exciting experiments (Ambrose and Moerner 1991). Beyond enabling fundamental investigations of the physics of emissive molecules, one main advantage of this technique is its use in biologically relevant, live-cell experiments. Optical fluorescence microscopy is an important instrument for cell biology, as light can be used to noninvasively probe a sample with relatively small perturbation of the specimen, enabling dynamical observation of the motions of internal structures in living cells. Single-molecule epifluorescence microscopy extends these capabilities by achieving nanometer-scale resolution, taking advantage of the fact that one can precisely characterize the point spread function (PSF) of a microscope, allowing the center of a distribution, and thus the exact position of an emitter, to be localized with accuracy much better than the diffraction limit itself. This localization accuracy improves beyond the diffraction limit roughly as one over the square root of the number of detected photons (Thompson et al. 2002). Detecting 100 photons from a single, isolated molecule can therefore improve the resolution of an optical measurement from the ∼250-nm diffraction limit down to 25 nm.Single-molecule imaging has been used in the investigation of a number of live-cell samples. In 2000, the lateral heterogeneity of the plasma membrane was investigated by tracing the motion of single dye-labeled lipids in native human airway smooth muscle (HASM) cells (Schütz et al. 2000), and epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor signaling was explored with a fluorescent protein fusion and a labeled ligand (Sako et al. 2000). Single fluorophore-labeled molecules have subsequently been used in many ways (Moerner 2003), for instance to investigate the effect of varying cholesterol concentration on the mobility of proteins in the plasma membrane of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells (Vrljic et al. 2002; Vrljic et al. 2005) and to explore the real-time dynamic behavior of cell-penetrating-peptide (CPP) molecular transporters on the plasma membrane of CHO cells (Lee et al. 2008). Furthermore, in 2001, Harms et al. characterized the emission of fluorescent proteins in biocompatible environments and noted that the yellow fluorescent protein EYFP was well-suited to single-molecule imaging in cells (Harms et al. 2001). Such fluorescent proteins can be genetically encoded as tags for native proteins in cells; these fusions have been used in many live-cell single-molecule experiments.More recently, single-molecule epifluorescence microscopy has been used to probe the inner workings of live bacteria. The small size of prokaryotic cells makes the optical diffraction limit particularly noticeable, which has stimulated the push toward superlocalization and superresolution to overcome this obstacle. As a result, the nascent field of bacterial structural biology has benefited greatly from single-molecule investigations of proteins in live cells. The overall shapes of such cells can be seen in a standard light microscope, but those interested in probing subcellular details, such as protein structure and localization, have typically had to resort to in vitro characterization combined with extrapolation to the cellular environment, as well as to indirect methods such as biochemical assays. Although cryo-electron microscopy can provide extremely high spatial resolution, fixation or plunge-freezing is essential, and methods for identifying specific proteins out of many are still lacking. As a consequence, bacterial cell biology is an area of study ripe for investigation with direct, noninvasive optical methods of probing position, coupling and structure, with resolution below the standard diffraction limit.Several groups have extended single-molecule imaging techniques to live bacterial samples. In 2004, single PleC proteins were visualized in Caulobacter crescentus cells (Deich et al. 2004), and the behavior of this system is described in more detail later. More recently, Xie and coauthors have used single-molecule fluorescence techniques to study DNA-binding proteins, mRNA, and membrane proteins to provide much insight into the mechanisms of bacterial gene expression; these efforts have been documented in a recent review (Xie et al. 2008). As well, Conley et al. used covalently linked Cy3-Cy5-thiol switchable fluorophores to illuminate the stalks of C. crescentus cells with high resolution (Conley et al. 2008). In this article, we focus on the application of single-molecule imaging and single-molecule-based superresolution imaging to investigate the localization, movement, and structure of three important proteins, PleC, PopZ, and MreB, in live C. crescentus cells.  相似文献   

There is no confocal microscope optimized for single-molecule imaging in live cells and superresolution fluorescence imaging. By combining the swiftness of the line-scanning method and the high sensitivity of wide-field detection, we have developed a, to our knowledge, novel confocal fluorescence microscope with a good optical-sectioning capability (1.0 μm), fast frame rates (<33 fps), and superior fluorescence detection efficiency. Full compatibility of the microscope with conventional cell-imaging techniques allowed us to do single-molecule imaging with a great ease at arbitrary depths of live cells. With the new microscope, we monitored diffusion motion of fluorescently labeled cAMP receptors of Dictyostelium discoideum at both the basal and apical surfaces and obtained superresolution fluorescence images of microtubules of COS-7 cells at depths in the range 085 μm from the surface of a coverglass.  相似文献   

Historically, the analysis of DNA replication in mammalian tissue culture cells has been limited to static time points, and the use of nucleoside analogues to pulse-label replicating DNA. Here we characterize for the first time a novel Chromobody cell line that specifically labels endogenous PCNA. By combining this with high-resolution confocal time-lapse microscopy, and with a simplified analysis workflow, we were able to produce highly detailed, reproducible, quantitative 4D data on endogenous DNA replication. The increased resolution allowed accurate classification and segregation of S phase into early-, mid-, and late-stages based on the unique subcellular localization of endogenous PCNA. Surprisingly, this localization was slightly but significantly different from previous studies, which utilized over-expressed GFP tagged forms of PCNA. Finally, low dose exposure to Hydroxyurea caused the loss of mid- and late-S phase localization patterns of endogenous PCNA, despite cells eventually completing S phase. Taken together, these results indicate that this simplified method can be used to accurately identify and quantify DNA replication under multiple and various experimental conditions.  相似文献   

应用多光子激发激光扫描显微镜对5-羟色胺(5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT)孵育的大鼠粘膜型肥大细胞进行自发荧光成像,首次观察到了活细胞内5-HT相关的可见荧光,并对其产生机理进行了初步探讨.实现了对活细胞内5-HT空间分布的高分辨成像,为研究活组织或细胞内5-HT的空间分布和含量与细胞功能状态的关系提供了新的实验方法.  相似文献   

Separase, an endopeptidase required for the separation of sister-chromatides in mitotic anaphase, triggers centriole disengagement during centrosome duplication. In cancer, separase is frequently overexpressed, pointing to a functional role as an aneuploidy promoter associated with centrosomal amplification and genomic instability. Recently, we have shown that centrosomal amplification and subsequent chromosomal aberrations are a hallmark of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), increasing from chronic phase (CP) toward blast crisis (BC). Moreover, a functional linkage of p210BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity with centrosomal amplification and clonal evolution has been established in long-term cell culture experiments. Unexpectedly, therapeutic doses of imatinib (IM) did not counteract; instead induced similar centrosomal alterations in vitro. We investigated the influence of IM and p210BCR-ABL on Separase as a potential driver of centrosomal amplification in CML. Short-term cell cultures of p210BCR-ABL-negative (NHDF, UROtsa, HL-60, U937), positive (K562, LAMA-84) and inducible (U937p210BCR-ABL/c6 (Tet-ON)) human cell lines were treated with therapeutic doses of IM and analyzed by qRT-PCR, Western blot analysis and quantitative Separase activity assays. Decreased Separase protein levels were observed in all cells treated with IM in a dose dependent manner. Accordingly, in all p210BCR-ABL-negative cell lines, decreased proteolytic activity of Separase was found. In contrast, p210BCR-ABL-positive cells showed increased Separase proteolytic activity. This activation of Separase was consistent with changes in the expression levels of Separase regulators (Separase phosphorylation at serine residue 1126, Securin, CyclinB1 and PP2A). Our data suggest that regulation of Separase in IM-treated BCR-ABL-positive cells occurs on both the protein expression and the proteolytic activity levels. Activation of Separase proteolytic activity exclusively in p210BCR-ABL-positive cells during IM treatment may act as a driving force for centrosomal amplification, contributing to genomic instability, clonal evolution and resistance in CML.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2020,118(11):2670-2679
The majority of the Earth’s microbial biomass exists in the deep biosphere, in the deep ocean, and within the Earth’s crust. Although other physical parameters in these environments, such as temperature or pH, can differ substantially, they are all under high pressures. Beyond emerging genomic information, little is known about the molecular mechanisms underlying the ability of these organisms to survive and grow at pressures that can reach over 1000-fold the pressure on the Earth’s surface. The mechanisms of pressure adaptation are also important in food safety, with the increasing use of high-pressure food processing. Advanced imaging represents an important tool for exploring microbial adaptation and response to environmental changes. Here, we describe implementation of a high-pressure sample chamber with a two-photon scanning microscope system, allowing for the first time, to our knowledge, quantitative high-resolution two-photon imaging at 100 MPa of living microbes from all three kingdoms of life. We adapted this setup for fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy with phasor analysis (FLIM/Phasor) and investigated metabolic responses to pressure of live cells from mesophilic yeast and bacterial strains, as well as the piezophilic archaeon Archaeoglobus fulgidus. We also monitored by fluorescence intensity fluctuation-based methods (scanning number and brightness and raster scanning imaging correlation spectroscopy) the effect of pressure on the chromosome-associated protein HU and on the ParB partition protein in Escherichia coli, revealing partially reversible dissociation of ParB foci and concomitant nucleoid condensation. These results provide a proof of principle that quantitative, high-resolution imaging of live microbial cells can be carried out at pressures equivalent to those in the deepest ocean trenches.  相似文献   

Stomata are natural openings in the plant epidermis responsible for gas exchange between plant interior and environment. They are formed by a pair of guard cells, which are able to close the stomatal pore in response to a number of external factors including light intensity, carbon dioxide concentration, and relative humidity (RH). The stomatal pore is also the main route for pathogen entry into leaves, a crucial step for disease development. Recent studies have unveiled that closure of the pore is effective in minimizing bacterial disease development in Arabidopsis plants; an integral part of plant innate immunity. Previously, we have used epidermal peels to assess stomatal response to live bacteria (Melotto et al. 2006); however maintaining favorable environmental conditions for both plant epidermal peels and bacterial cells has been challenging. Leaf epidermis can be kept alive and healthy with MES buffer (10 mM KCl, 25 mM MES-KOH, pH 6.15) for electrophysiological experiments of guard cells. However, this buffer is not appropriate for obtaining bacterial suspension. On the other hand, bacterial cells can be kept alive in water which is not proper to maintain epidermal peels for long period of times. When an epidermal peel floats on water, the cells in the peel that are exposed to air dry within 4 hours limiting the timing to conduct the experiment. An ideal method for assessing the effect of a particular stimulus on guard cells should present minimal interference to stomatal physiology and to the natural environment of the plant as much as possible. We, therefore, developed a new method to assess stomatal response to live bacteria in which leaf wounding and manipulation is greatly minimized aiming to provide an easily reproducible and reliable stomatal assay. The protocol is based on staining of intact leaf with propidium iodide (PI), incubation of staining leaf with bacterial suspension, and observation of leaves under laser scanning confocal microscope. Finally, this method allows for the observation of the same live leaf sample over extended periods of time using conditions that closely mimic the natural conditions under which plants are attacked by pathogens.  相似文献   

We have developed an imaging system that combines the soft compliance of an optical trap with the sensitivity of single particle tracking to image forces on/in live cells using a single molecule probe. The probe used is a single (or few) molecule of interest that is conjugated with a single 40 nm colloidalgold probe. The colloidal gold/membrane protein complex, freely diffusing on a live cell, is held in a laser trap while the cell is scanned underneath. Computer control allows for synchronization of the cell scan and capture of the probe position. Resistance to the dragging of the probe images a fine structure of barriers in the membrane of live cells.  相似文献   

活细胞成像又叫作生物成像或者录像显微镜。其特征在于研究手段和测定对象。手段是显微镜或者照相机等成像器材,对象是活细胞的活动。根据测定对象的不同,或者是器官中(in vivo),或者是培养细胞,或者是细胞中部分的细胞器、蛋白质.分别叫作生物体水平、细胞水平、分子水平。  相似文献   

Over 100 of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates representing the two TTSS genotypes (exoU /exoS + or exoU +/exoS ) were cultured in different media in order to evaluate their proteolytic activities and find a relationship between proteolytic activity and the cytotoxic and/or invasive phenotypes displayed by the strains upon infection of RAW 264.7 murine macrophage-like cells and pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells (PME). The elastolytic activity, protein concentration, and total proteolytic activity (TPA) were measured in culture supernatants. No significant differences were observed in the median elastolytic activities among cytotoxic/noninvasive, noncytotoxic/invasive, and cytotoxic/invasive phenotypes displayed by P. aeruginosa strains. The only significant difference was noted when isolates of the two different TTSS genotypes were grown in a calcium-depleted minimal medium for induction of TTSS (MI). The exoU /exoS + isolates showed significant higher levels of the median elastolytic activity when compared to the exoU +/exoS isolates. These two groups of isolates secreted the elastase B (LasB) with distinct molecular masses 158 or 116 kD, respectively. The strains of the two TTSS genotypes secreted similar amount of total proteins; however, the higher values of TPA were observed for the isolates of the exoU + /exoS genotype when grown in MI medium. We concluded that there is no direct relationship between secretion of proteases with elastolytic activity and the cytotoxic and/or invasive phenotypes of the isolates observed upon infection of both RAW 264.7 and PME monolayers. Further studies are needed to find out whether others factors beside proteases could influence the mechanism of host cells intoxication mediated by the P. aeruginosa TTSS-delivered toxins.  相似文献   

Bacterial biofilms have been associated with a number of different human diseases, but biofilm development has generally been studied on non-living surfaces. In this paper, we describe protocols for forming Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms on human airway epithelial cells (CFBE cells) grown in culture. In the first method (termed the Static Co-culture Biofilm Model), P. aeruginosa is incubated with CFBE cells grown as confluent monolayers on standard tissue culture plates. Although the bacterium is quite toxic to epithelial cells, the addition of arginine delays the destruction of the monolayer long enough for biofilms to form on the CFBE cells. The second method (termed the Flow Cell Co-culture Biofilm Model), involves adaptation of a biofilm flow cell apparatus, which is often used in biofilm research, to accommodate a glass coverslip supporting a confluent monolayer of CFBE cells. This monolayer is inoculated with P. aeruginosa and a peristaltic pump then flows fresh medium across the cells. In both systems, bacterial biofilms form within 6-8 hours after inoculation. Visualization of the biofilm is enhanced by the use of P. aeruginosa strains constitutively expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP). The Static and Flow Cell Co-culture Biofilm assays are model systems for early P. aeruginosa infection of the Cystic Fibrosis (CF) lung, and these techniques allow different aspects of P. aeruginosa biofilm formation and virulence to be studied, including biofilm cytotoxicity, measurement of biofilm CFU, and staining and visualizing the biofilm.Download video file.(70M, mov)  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) remodel tumor microenvironment and promote cancer metastasis. Among the MMP family proteases, the proteolytic activity of the pro-tumorigenic and pro-metastatic membrane-type 1 (MT1)-MMP constitutes a promising and targetable biomarker of aggressive cancer tumors. In this study, we systematically developed and characterized several highly sensitive and specific biosensors based on fluorescence resonant energy transfer (FRET), for visualizing MT1-MMP activity in live cells. The sensitivity of the AHLR-MT1-MMP biosensor was the highest and five times that of a reported version. Hence, the AHLR biosensor was employed to quantitatively profile the MT1-MMP activity in multiple breast cancer cell lines, and to visualize the spatiotemporal MT1-MMP activity simultaneously with the underlying collagen matrix at the single cell level. We detected a significantly higher level of MT1-MMP activity in invasive cancer cells than those in benign or non-invasive cells. Our results further show that the high MT1-MMP activity was stimulated by the adhesion of invasive cancer cells onto the extracellular matrix, which is precisely correlated with the cell’s ability to degrade the collagen matrix. Thus, we systematically optimized a FRET-based biosensor, which provides a powerful tool to detect the pro-invasive MT1-MMP activity at single cell levels. This readout can be applied to profile the invasiveness of single cells from clinical samples, and to serve as an indicator for screening anti-cancer inhibitors.  相似文献   

The experimental material consisted of fifteen serial sections,each 1·o mm. in length, cut from the apex towards thebase of the bean root. Proteolytic enzymes were assayed at variouspH levels on corresponding groups of sections. Values per sectionwere converted to average values per cell by dividing each bythe number of cells occurring in the section. Evidence was obtainedfor the presence of two proteolytic enzymes or groups of enzymeswith different pH optima. Maximum activity of proteolytic enzymesis shown by cells which have ceased to grow and in which thelevel of protein and certain other enzymes is falling. The significanceof these observations in the interpretation of a mechanism ofcell growth is discussed.  相似文献   

Alice Ting实验室开发的抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(engineered ascorbate peroxidase,APEX),相对于经典的辣根过氧化物酶(horse radish peroxidase,HRP),其酶活性不再受细胞内蛋白质定位的影响,可以在几乎所有的亚细胞区域保持活性,这使其在研究亚细胞尺度以及活细胞水平生物学问题时极具优势.目前,基于APEX的二氨基联苯胺(diaminobenzidine,DAB)染色标记技术已经成功地实现对全细胞、亚细胞器和蛋白质水平的电镜成像.同时,与质谱技术结合,基于APEX的活细胞生物素邻近标记方法也极大地推动了亚细胞器蛋白质组学,以及目标蛋白在特定时空条件下邻近蛋白质组学的研究发展.本文将从以上两个方面阐述APEX技术的基本原理及最新应用进展,并讨论和展望其在实际应用中存在的局限性和挑战.  相似文献   

ESPL1/Separase, an endopeptidase, is required for centrosome duplication and separation of sister-chromatides in anaphase of mitosis. Overexpression and deregulated proteolytic activity of Separase as frequently observed in human cancers is associated with the occurrence of supernumerary centrosomes, chromosomal missegregation and aneuploidy. Recently, we have hypothesized that increased Separase proteolytic activity in a small subpopulation of tumor cells may serve as driver of tumor heterogeneity and clonal evolution in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). Currently, there is no quantitative assay to measure Separase activity levels in single cells. Therefore, we have designed a flow cytometry-based assay that utilizes a Cy5- and rhodamine 110 (Rh110)-biconjugated Rad21 cleavage site peptide ([Cy5-D-R-E-I-M-R]2-Rh110) as smart probe and intracellular substrate for detection of Separase enzyme activity in living cells. As measured by Cy5 fluorescence the cellular uptake of the fluorogenic peptide was fast and reached saturation after 210 min of incubation in human histiocytic lymphoma U937 cells. Separase activity was recorded as the intensity of Rh110 fluorescence released after intracellular peptide cleavage providing a linear signal gain within a 90–180 min time slot. Compared to conventional cell extract-based methods the flow cytometric assay delivers equivalent results but is more reliable, bypasses the problem of vague loading controls and unspecific proteolysis associated with whole cell extracts. Especially suited for the investigaton of blood- and bone marrow-derived hematopoietic cells the flow cytometric Separase assay allows generation of Separase activity profiles that tell about the number of Separase positive cells within a sample i.e. cells that currently progress through mitosis and about the range of intercellular variation in Separase activity levels within a cell population. The assay was used to quantify Separase proteolytic activity in leukemic cell lines and peripheral blood samples from leukemia patients.  相似文献   

The synthesis and assembly of ribosomal subunits take place in the nucleolus. The nucleolus forms in the nucleus around the repeated ribosomal gene clusters and undergoes cyclic changes during the cell cycle. Although the nucleolus is easily visualized by light microscopy of cells in vitro, the nucleolus has not been imaged in cells in vivo. We report here development of a mouse model to visualize the nucleolus cycle of cancer cells in live mice. HT-1080 human fibrosarcoma cells were labeled in the nucleus with histone H2B-GFP and with retroviral RFP in the cytoplasm. The nucleolus was visualized by contrast to the fluorescence of GFP expressed in the nucleus. HT-1080 dual-color cells were seeded on the surface of a skin-flap of nude mice. The inside surface of the skin-flap was directly imaged with a laser scanning microscope 24 hours after seeding. The nucleoli of the cancer cells were clearly imaged in real-time. The appearance of the nucleoli changed dramatically during the cell cycle. During mitosis, the nucleolus disappeared. After mitosis, the nucleoli decreased in number and increased in size. The nucleolus appears to have a major role in cell cycle regulation effected at least in part by sequestering proteins which affect cell cycle progression. Nucleolar imaging could be used for more precise determination of cancer-cell position in the cell cycle in vivo.  相似文献   


Spinal cord injury (SCI) often leads to irreversible neuro-degenerative changes with life-long consequences. While there is still no effective therapy available, the results of past research have led to improved quality of life for patients suffering from partial or permanent paralysis. In this review we focus on the need, importance and the scientific value of experimental animal models simulating SCI in humans. Furthermore, we highlight modern imaging tools determining the location and extent of spinal cord damage and their contribution to early diagnosis and selection of appropriate treatment. Finally, we focus on available cellular and acellular therapies and novel combinatory approaches with exosomes and active biomaterials. Here we discuss the efficacy and limitations of adult mesenchymal stem cells which can be derived from bone marrow, adipose tissue or umbilical cord blood and its Wharton’s jelly. Special attention is paid to stem cell-derived exosomes and smart biomaterials due to their special properties as a delivery system for proteins, bioactive molecules or even genetic material.


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