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Guilds or functional groups: does it matter?   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Jacques Blondel 《Oikos》2003,100(2):223-231
Although most researchers use the terms "guild" and "functional group" more or less synonymously, these two concepts bear different meanings. The guild concept refers primarily to the mechanisms of resource sharing by species in a competitive context whereas the functional groups concept is concerned with how a resource or any other ecological component is processed by different species to provide a specific ecosystem service or function. In many cases but not necessarily all, the two concepts are the two "faces" or "sides" of the same coin: the sharing by species of a similar resource is the guild facet (structural), while the ecosystem processes these species eventually perform through resource exploitation is the functional group facet. The two concepts differ in that competitive relationships within groups of species are not the focus of the functional group approach, exactly as processes or functions are not the focus of the guild approach. A group of species can be considered either as a guild or a functional group depending on the question addressed. Guild and functional group membership is independent of phylogenetic relationships but because species tend to share similar life history traits and adaptations through common evolutionary history, guild and functional group associates are often closely related. The concept of guild has had broader application in animal studies than in plant studies, whereas the reverse is true for the concept of functional group. Recent methodological advances to objectively partition species into guilds and functional groups, taking into consideration the most relevant characters or traits for delineating them, provide the means to construct an operational framework for making in situ and ex situ experiments that are urgently needed for a better understanding of the role of species in ecosystem functioning, especially in relation to global change concerns.  相似文献   

Extruded pellets containing activated carbon (AC) can be used to sow native seeds while simultaneously applying herbicide to control invasive species. Incorporating AC in pellets has been demonstrated to protect native seeds; however, there may be unintended detrimental impacts to seedling emergence. We aimed to optimize seed position within pellets to maximize emergence and survival of the perennial shrub Jacksonia furcellata. Seeds were positioned at 2 mm (top), 6 mm (middle), and 12 mm (bottom) within pellets (with or without AC), sown on or below the soil surface, and compared to non-pelleted seeds sown under the soil surface in the equivalent positions (2, 6, and 12 mm depth). Trays were treated with a pre-emergent herbicide (Simazine) or left unsprayed. Emergence (without herbicide) was significantly higher from seeds positioned at the bottom of pellets without AC sown on the soil surface (70%), compared to non-pelleted seeds sown at the bottom (12 mm below the soil surface; 57%). However, emergence was inhibited when seeds were positioned in the middle (6 mm) of pellets with AC (32%). When treated with Simazine, survival was highest from seeds positioned at the bottom of pellets with AC (60%), compared to pellets without AC (15%) and non-pelleted seeds sown at the bottom (12 mm below the soil surface; 15%). Jacksonia furcellata seeds positioned at the bottom of pellets, sown on the soil surface, shows promise to minimize negative impacts to emergence, and maximize herbicide protection. Further testing with additional species is required to refine pellet production (e.g. recipe, extrusion, and shape) for optimal emergence.  相似文献   

《Trends in parasitology》2023,39(4):251-259
Treatment failure (TF) jeopardizes the management of parasitic diseases, including leishmaniasis. From the parasite’s point of view, drug resistance (DR) is generally considered as central to TF. However, the link between TF and DR, as measured by in vitro drug susceptibility assays, is unclear, some studies revealing an association between treatment outcome and drug susceptibility, others not. Here we address three fundamental questions aiming to shed light on these ambiguities. First, are the right assays being used to measure DR? Second, are the parasites studied, which are generally those that adapt to in vitro culture, actually appropriate? Finally, are other parasite factors – such as the development of quiescent forms that are recalcitrant to drugs – responsible for TF without DR?  相似文献   

Recombinant proteins and other materials of industrial interest produced in?Escherichia coli are usually retained within the bacterial cell, in the cytoplasmic?space, where they have been produced. Different protocols for cell disruption?have been implemented as an initial downstream step, which keeps the?biological and mechanical properties of the process products. Being necessarily?mild, these approaches often result in 95-99% cell disruption, what is more than?acceptable from the yield point of view. However, when the bacterial product?are nano or microparticulate entities that tend to co-sediment with entire?bacterial cells, the remaining undisrupted bacteria appear as abounding?contaminants, making the product not suitable for a spectrum of biomedical?applications. Since bacterial inclusion bodies are now seen as bacterial?materials valuable in different fields, we have developed an alternative cell?disruption protocol that permits obtaining fully bacterial free protein particles,?keeping the conformational status of the embedded proteins and the?mechanical properties of the full aggregates.  相似文献   

The evidence base for drug treatment of hypertension is strong. Early trials using thiazide diuretics suggested a shortfall in prevention of coronary heart disease. The superiority of newer drugs has been widely advocated but trial evidence does not support an advantage of beta-blockers, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, calcium channel blockers or alpha-blockers for this outcome. Even meta-analyses have failed to clarify matters. If this issue is to be settled, bigger and better trials of longer duration in high-risk patients are needed. Meanwhile, the importance of rigorous blood pressure control using multiple drugs has been established. This should be the focus of our attention rather than agonising over differences in cause-specific outcomes that may not be generalisable to all patient populations.  相似文献   

Although a considerable amount of literature exists on the ergogenic potential of ingesting sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) before short-term, high-intensity exercise, very little exists on optimal loading times before exercise. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of NaHCO3 supplementation timing on repeated sprint ability (RSA). Eight men completed 3 (randomized and counterbalanced) trials of ten 10-second sprints separated by 50 seconds of active recovery (1:5 work-to-rest) on a nonmotorized treadmill. Before each trial, the subjects ingested 0.3 g·kg(-1) body weight of NaHCO3 at 60 (H1), 120 (H2), or 180 (H3) minutes before exercise. Additionally, the subjects were assessed for any side effects (gastrointestinal [GI] discomfort) from the NaHCO3 ingestion via a visual analog scale (VAS). Blood buffering was assessed using a 2-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with repeated measures, whereas repeated sprint performance and GI discomfort were assessed via a 1-way ANOVA with repeated measures. Blood-buffering capacity was not different at preexercise times (HCO3(-) [millimoles per liter] H1: 30.2 ± 0.4, H2: 30.9 ± 0.6, H3: 31.2 ± 0.6; p > 0.74). Average speed, average power, and total distance covered progressively declined over the 10 sprints; however, there was no difference between conditions (p > 0.22). The incidence of GI discomfort was significantly higher (p < 0.05) from preingestion at all time points with the exception of 180 minutes, whereas severity was only different between 90 and 180 minutes. Ingestion times (between 60 and 180 minutes) did not influence the blood buffering or the ergogenic potential of NaHCO3 as assessed by RSA. However, VAS scores indicated that at 180 minutes postingestion, an individual is less prone to experiencing significant GI discomfort.  相似文献   

B. AbdullGaffar
Impact factor in cytopathology journals: what does it reflect and how much does it matter? Objective: To study the trends of impact factor (IF) in four cytopathology journals. To investigate the factors that might influence IF in cytopathology literature and whether IF has any impact on cytopathology practice. Methods: The IFs of four cytopathology journals were searched from 2005 to 2009. The IFs and their relationships with the types and number of publications, publishers, the official societies, readership, the quality of their contents, the topics covered and the levels of evidence were compared. Results: Cancer Cytopathology (CC) had the highest IF. Acta Cytologica (AC) had the lowest IF, which appeared to be in decline. Cytopathology (C) and Diagnostic Cytopathology (DC) had a slow but steady increase in their IF. Components that might influence these differences could include the category and the society of the journal, targeted readers and certain types of publications. Publishers, the number of publications, the types of topics covered and the levels of evidence probably have no major effect on IF. Conclusions: IF has its own benefits and original applications. IF is a quantitative measure that does not reflect the levels of evidence in cytopathology journals. IF should not be abandoned because it might encourage competition between cytopathology journals, but it should not dictate their contents.  相似文献   

Packaging of eukaryotic genomes into chromatin affects every process that occurs on DNA. The positioning of nucleosomes on underlying DNA plays a key role in the regulation of these processes, as the nucleosome occludes underlying DNA sequences. Here, we review the literature on mapping nucleosome positions in various organisms, and discuss how nucleosome positions are established, what effect nucleosome positioning has on control of gene expression, and touch on the correlations between chromatin packaging, sequence evolution, and the evolution of gene expression programs.  相似文献   

Claims about whether or not infertility is a disease are sometimes invoked to defend or criticize the provision of state‐funded treatment for infertility. In this paper, I suggest that this strategy is problematic. By exploring infertility through key approaches to disease in the philosophy of medicine, I show that there are deep theoretical disagreements regarding what subtypes of infertility qualify as diseases. Given that infertility’s disease status remains unclear, one cannot uncontroversially justify or undermine its claim to medical treatment by claiming that it is or is not a disease. Instead of focusing on disease status, a preferable strategy to approach the debate about state‐funded treatment is to explicitly address the specific ethical considerations raised by infertility. I show how this alternative strategy can be supported by a recent theoretical framework in the philosophy of medicine which avoids the problems associated with the concepts of health and disease.  相似文献   

The mechanisms responsible for the preservation of duplicate genes have been debated for more than 70 years. Recently, Lynch and Force have proposed a new explanation: subfunctionalization--after duplication the two gene copies specialize to perform complementary functions. We investigate the probability that subfunctionalization occurs, the amount of time after duplication that it takes for the outcome to be resolved, and the relationship of these quantities to the population size and mutation rates.  相似文献   

《Ethology and sociobiology》1990,11(4-5):305-339
There has long been debate about the relevance of evolutionary theory to the study of humans. To many of us, however, the debate has shifted from whether to proceed with an evolutionary approach to how to proceed. Increasingly, it has been argued that studies of the current reproductive function of human traits make little or no contribution to the understanding of the psyche (e.g., Symons 1989). Here, on the basis of arguments about the relationship between an adaptation and an adaptive outcome, and a review of studies that assess current adaptiveness, I argue to the contrary that knowledge of the contexts in which people do or do not behave adaptively provides important information about the nature of the mechanisms that comprise the human psyche. In particular, studies that indicate that people behave adaptively in at least some contemporary environments cast doubt on many nonevolutionary constructions of human nature, and can be used now to distinguish alternative evolutionary constructions that are at odds over many issues pentaining to the human psyche's ontogeny and evolutionary background, especially the extent to which the human psyche is general purpose.  相似文献   

Do foraging bumblebees scent-mark food sources and does it matter?   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Summary The foraging of worker bees of Bombus terrestris visiting artificial feeders in a climatic test chamber was investigated. The behaviour of worker bees visiting rewarding and unrewarding feeders is completely different. Of all flower visits to rewarding feeders 94% are probing-visits, i.e. the bees land on the flower and probe for nectar. In contrast, only 0.3% of all visits to unrewarding feeders are probing-visits, whereas 47% are approach-visits, i.e., the bees approach the feeders without landing. Exchanging feeder discs proves that the signal used for discrimination must be associated with the plastic disc used as landing platform. Most probably it involves scent-marking of the rewarding feeders with components of high and low volatility. The mean foraging efficiency of bees in a scent-marked foraging arena is 5.7 mg sugar/min and drops to 2.8 mg sugar/min after the scent marked discs are replaced by clean ones. Three components generate this drop in foraging efficiency: (1) the between-flower flight time increases, i.e. the bees search for a longer time before landing on flowers, (2) the bees no longer discriminate between rewarding and unrewarding feeders, and (3) the bees probe empty feeders longer than necessary; obviously they expect to find nectar.  相似文献   

Body fat distribution is an important predictor of metabolic abnormalities in obese humans. Dysregulation of free fatty acid (FFA) release, especially from upper body subcutaneous adipose tissue, appears to contribute substantially to these metabolic disturbances. Why different individuals preferentially store fat in upper vs. lower body subcutaneous fat or subcutaneous vs. visceral fat is not completely understood. Current evidence suggests that defects in regional lipolysis are not the cause of net fat retention in larger fat depots. Regional variations in the storage of fatty acids, both meal derived and direct reuptake, and storage of circulating FFAs that may help to explain why some depots expand at the expense of others have been reported. We review the quantitative data on regional lipolysis, meal, and FFA storage in adults to provide an overview of fat balance differences in adults with different fat distribution patterns.  相似文献   

Among its many roles in body and brain, oxytocin influences social behavior. Understanding the precise nature of this influence is crucial, both within the broader theoretical context of neurobiology, social neuroscience and brain evolution, but also within a clinical context of disorders such as anxiety, schizophrenia, and autism. Research exploring oxytocin's role in human social behavior is difficult owing to its release in both body and brain and its interactive effects with other hormones and neuromodulators. Additional difficulties are due to the intricacies of the blood-brain barrier and oxytocin's instability, which creates measurement issues. Questions concerning how to interpret behavioral results of human experiments manipulating oxytocin are thus made all the more pressing. The current paper discusses several such questions. We highlight unresolved fundamental issues about what exactly happens when oxytocin is administered intranasally, whether such oxytocin does in fact reach appropriate receptors in brain, and whether central or peripheral influences account for the observed behavioral effects. We also highlight the deeper conceptual issue of whether the human data should be narrowly interpreted as implicating a specific role for oxytocin in complex social cognition, such a generosity, trust, or mentalizing, or more broadly interpreted as implicating a lower-level general effect on general states and dispositions, such as anxiety and social motivation. Using several influential studies, we show how seemingly specific, higher-level social-cognitive effects can emerge via a process by which oxytocin's broad influence is channeled into a specific social behavior in a context of an appropriate social and research setting. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Oxytocin, Vasopressin, and Social Behavior.  相似文献   

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