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We look at the possibility of integrating the percepts from multiple non-communicating observers as a means of achieving better joint perception and better group decisions. Our approach involves the combination of a brain-computer interface with human behavioural responses. To test ideas in controlled conditions, we asked observers to perform a simple matching task involving the rapid sequential presentation of pairs of visual patterns and the subsequent decision as whether the two patterns in a pair were the same or different. We recorded the response times of observers as well as a neural feature which predicts incorrect decisions and, thus, indirectly indicates the confidence of the decisions made by the observers. We then built a composite neuro-behavioural feature which optimally combines the two measures. For group decisions, we uses a majority rule and three rules which weigh the decisions of each observer based on response times and our neural and neuro-behavioural features. Results indicate that the integration of behavioural responses and neural features can significantly improve accuracy when compared with the majority rule. An analysis of event-related potentials indicates that substantial differences are present in the proximity of the response for correct and incorrect trials, further corroborating the idea of using hybrids of brain-computer interfaces and traditional strategies for improving decision making.  相似文献   

脑机接口是在无外周神经系统和肌肉组织参与的条件下,通过计算机等电子设备输出控制信号,进而与外界环境进行交流的全新通讯和控制技术。它的发展依赖于神经科学、心理学、工程学、康复医学和计算机等学科专家间的密切合作,具有非常重要的学术价值、科学意义和广阔的应用前景,是当今世界研究的热点。本文利用新一代专利分析平台和工具Innography,结合专利情报分析理论,在对世界范围内脑机接口技术的专利进行申请趋势分析、区域分析、IPC分析、专利权人分析、诉讼专利和核心专利分析以及重点技术文本聚类分析的基础上,了解国内该技术发展态势,并尝试为脑机接口领域的发展提供有用的竞争情报参考。  相似文献   

Most EEG-based brain-computer interface (BCI) paradigms include specific electrode positions. As the structures and activities of the brain vary with each individual, contributing channels should be chosen based on original records of BCIs. Phase measurement is an important approach in EEG analyses, but seldom used for channel selections. In this paper, the phase locking and concentrating value-based recursive feature elimination approach (PLCV-RFE) is proposed to produce robust-EEG channel selections in a P300 speller. The PLCV-RFE, deriving from the phase resetting mechanism, measures the phase relation between EEGs and ranks channels by the recursive strategy. Data recorded from 32 electrodes on 9 subjects are used to evaluate the proposed method. The results show that the PLCV-RFE substantially reduces channel sets and improves recognition accuracies significantly. Moreover, compared with other state-of-the-art feature selection methods (SSNRSF and SVM-RFE), the PLCV-RFE achieves better performance. Thus the phase measurement is available in the channel selection of BCI and it may be an evidence to indirectly support that phase resetting is at least one reason for ERP generations.  相似文献   

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms can be difficult to treat. We previously reported that a 20-session brain-computer interface (BCI) attention training programme improved ADHD symptoms. Here, we investigated a new more intensive BCI-based attention training game system on 20 unmedicated ADHD children (16 males, 4 females) with significant inattentive symptoms (combined and inattentive ADHD subtypes). This new system monitored attention through a head band with dry EEG sensors, which was used to drive a feed forward game. The system was calibrated for each user by measuring the EEG parameters during a Stroop task. Treatment consisted of an 8-week training comprising 24 sessions followed by 3 once-monthly booster training sessions. Following intervention, both parent-rated inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive symptoms on the ADHD Rating Scale showed significant improvement. At week 8, the mean improvement was −4.6 (5.9) and −4.7 (5.6) respectively for inattentive symptoms and hyperactive-impulsive symptoms (both p<0.01). Cohen’s d effect size for inattentive symptoms was large at 0.78 at week 8 and 0.84 at week 24 (post-boosters). Further analysis showed that the change in the EEG based BCI ADHD severity measure correlated with the change ADHD Rating Scale scores. The BCI-based attention training game system is a potential new treatment for ADHD.

Trial Registration

ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01344044  相似文献   

In the article tensor-input/tensor-output blockwise Recursive N-way Partial Least Squares (RNPLS) regression is considered. It combines the multi-way tensors decomposition with a consecutive calculation scheme and allows blockwise treatment of tensor data arrays with huge dimensions, as well as the adaptive modeling of time-dependent processes with tensor variables. In the article the numerical study of the algorithm is undertaken. The RNPLS algorithm demonstrates fast and stable convergence of regression coefficients. Applied to Brain Computer Interface system calibration, the algorithm provides an efficient adjustment of the decoding model. Combining the online adaptation with easy interpretation of results, the method can be effectively applied in a variety of multi-modal neural activity flow modeling tasks.  相似文献   

Non-invasive Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) have demonstrated great promise for neuroprosthetics and assistive devices. Here we aim to investigate methods to combine Electroencephalography (EEG) and functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) in an asynchronous Sensory Motor rhythm (SMR)-based BCI. We attempted to classify 4 different executed movements, namely, Right-Arm—Left-Arm—Right-Hand—Left-Hand tasks. Previous studies demonstrated the benefit of EEG-fNIRS combination. However, since normally fNIRS hemodynamic response shows a long delay, we investigated new features, involving slope indicators, in order to immediately detect changes in the signals. Moreover, Common Spatial Patterns (CSPs) have been applied to both EEG and fNIRS signals. 15 healthy subjects took part in the experiments and since 25 trials per class were available, CSPs have been regularized with information from the entire population of participants and optimized using genetic algorithms. The different features have been compared in terms of performance and the dynamic accuracy over trials shows that the introduced methods diminish the fNIRS delay in the detection of changes.  相似文献   

A major barrier for a broad applicability of brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) based on electroencephalography (EEG) is the large number of EEG sensor electrodes typically used. The necessity for this results from the fact that the relevant information for the BCI is often spread over the scalp in complex patterns that differ depending on subjects and application scenarios. Recently, a number of methods have been proposed to determine an individual optimal sensor selection. These methods have, however, rarely been compared against each other or against any type of baseline. In this paper, we review several selection approaches and propose one additional selection criterion based on the evaluation of the performance of a BCI system using a reduced set of sensors. We evaluate the methods in the context of a passive BCI system that is designed to detect a P300 event-related potential and compare the performance of the methods against randomly generated sensor constellations. For a realistic estimation of the reduced system''s performance we transfer sensor constellations found on one experimental session to a different session for evaluation. We identified notable (and unanticipated) differences among the methods and could demonstrate that the best method in our setup is able to reduce the required number of sensors considerably. Though our application focuses on EEG data, all presented algorithms and evaluation schemes can be transferred to any binary classification task on sensor arrays.  相似文献   

Estimating the mutual information of an EEG-based Brain-Computer Interface.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
An EEG-based Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) could be used as an additional communication channel between human thoughts and the environment. The efficacy of such a BCI depends mainly on the transmitted information rate. Shannon's communication theory was used to quantify the information rate of BCI data. For this purpose, experimental EEG data from four BCI experiments was analyzed off-line. Subjects imaginated left and right hand movements during EEG recording from the sensorimotor area. Adaptive autoregressive (AAR) parameters were used as features of single trial EEG and classified with linear discriminant analysis. The intra-trial variation as well as the inter-trial variability, the signal-to-noise ratio, the entropy of information, and the information rate were estimated. The entropy difference was used as a measure of the separability of two classes of EEG patterns.  相似文献   

Brain-computer interface (BCI) speller is a system that provides an alternative communication for the disable people. The brain wave is translated into machine command through a BCI speller which can be used as a communication medium for the patients to express their thought without any motor movement. A BCI speller aims to spell characters by using the electroencephalogram (EEG) signal. Several types of BCI spellers are available based on the EEG signal. A standard BCI speller system consists of the following elements: BCI speller paradigm, data acquisition system and signal processing algorithms. In this work, a systematic review is provided on the BCI speller system and it includes speller paradigms, feature extraction, feature optimization and classification techniques for BCI speller. The advantages and limitations of different speller paradigm and machine learning algorithms are discussed in this article. Also, the future research directions are discussed which can overcome the limitations of present state-of-the-art techniques for BCI speller.  相似文献   



Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) provide a non-muscular communication channel for patients with late-stage motoneuron disease (e.g., amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)) or otherwise motor impaired people and are also used for motor rehabilitation in chronic stroke. Differences in the ability to use a BCI vary from person to person and from session to session. A reliable predictor of aptitude would allow for the selection of suitable BCI paradigms. For this reason, we investigated whether P300 BCI aptitude could be predicted from a short experiment with a standard auditory oddball.


Forty healthy participants performed an electroencephalography (EEG) based visual and auditory P300-BCI spelling task in a single session. In addition, prior to each session an auditory oddball was presented. Features extracted from the auditory oddball were analyzed with respect to predictive power for BCI aptitude.


Correlation between auditory oddball response and P300 BCI accuracy revealed a strong relationship between accuracy and N2 amplitude and the amplitude of a late ERP component between 400 and 600 ms. Interestingly, the P3 amplitude of the auditory oddball response was not correlated with accuracy.


Event-related potentials recorded during a standard auditory oddball session moderately predict aptitude in an audiory and highly in a visual P300 BCI. The predictor will allow for faster paradigm selection.


Our method will reduce strain on patients because unsuccessful training may be avoided, provided the results can be generalized to the patient population.  相似文献   

Co-adaptive training paradigms for event-related desynchronization (ERD) based brain-computer interfaces (BCI) have proven effective for healthy users. As of yet, it is not clear whether co-adaptive training paradigms can also benefit users with severe motor impairment. The primary goal of our paper was to evaluate a novel cue-guided, co-adaptive BCI training paradigm with severely impaired volunteers. The co-adaptive BCI supports a non-control state, which is an important step toward intuitive, self-paced control. A secondary aim was to have the same participants operate a specifically designed self-paced BCI training paradigm based on the auto-calibrated classifier. The co-adaptive BCI analyzed the electroencephalogram from three bipolar derivations (C3, Cz, and C4) online, while the 22 end users alternately performed right hand movement imagery (MI), left hand MI and relax with eyes open (non-control state). After less than five minutes, the BCI auto-calibrated and proceeded to provide visual feedback for the MI task that could be classified better against the non-control state. The BCI continued to regularly recalibrate. In every calibration step, the system performed trial-based outlier rejection and trained a linear discriminant analysis classifier based on one auto-selected logarithmic band-power feature. In 24 minutes of training, the co-adaptive BCI worked significantly (p = 0.01) better than chance for 18 of 22 end users. The self-paced BCI training paradigm worked significantly (p = 0.01) better than chance in 11 of 20 end users. The presented co-adaptive BCI complements existing approaches in that it supports a non-control state, requires very little setup time, requires no BCI expert and works online based on only two electrodes. The preliminary results from the self-paced BCI paradigm compare favorably to previous studies and the collected data will allow to further improve self-paced BCI systems for disabled users.  相似文献   

Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) translate oscillatory electroencephalogram (EEG) patterns into action. Different mental activities modulate spontaneous EEG rhythms in various ways. Non-stationarity and inherent variability of EEG signals, however, make reliable recognition of modulated EEG patterns challenging. Able-bodied individuals who use a BCI for the first time achieve - on average - binary classification performance of about 75%. Performance in users with central nervous system (CNS) tissue damage is typically lower. User training generally enhances reliability of EEG pattern generation and thus also robustness of pattern recognition. In this study, we investigated the impact of mental tasks on binary classification performance in BCI users with central nervous system (CNS) tissue damage such as persons with stroke or spinal cord injury (SCI). Motor imagery (MI), that is the kinesthetic imagination of movement (e.g. squeezing a rubber ball with the right hand), is the "gold standard" and mainly used to modulate EEG patterns. Based on our recent results in able-bodied users, we hypothesized that pair-wise combination of "brain-teaser" (e.g. mental subtraction and mental word association) and "dynamic imagery" (e.g. hand and feet MI) tasks significantly increases classification performance of induced EEG patterns in the selected end-user group. Within-day (How stable is the classification within a day?) and between-day (How well does a model trained on day one perform on unseen data of day two?) analysis of variability of mental task pair classification in nine individuals confirmed the hypothesis. We found that the use of the classical MI task pair hand vs. feed leads to significantly lower classification accuracy - in average up to 15% less - in most users with stroke or SCI. User-specific selection of task pairs was again essential to enhance performance. We expect that the gained evidence will significantly contribute to make imagery-based BCI technology become accessible to a larger population of users including individuals with special needs due to CNS damage.  相似文献   

The goal of a Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) is to control a computer by pure brain activity. Recently, BCIs based on code-modulated visual evoked potentials (c-VEPs) have shown great potential to establish high-performance communication. In this paper we present a c-VEP BCI that uses online adaptation of the classifier to reduce calibration time and increase performance. We compare two different approaches for online adaptation of the system: an unsupervised method and a method that uses the detection of error-related potentials. Both approaches were tested in an online study, in which an average accuracy of 96% was achieved with adaptation based on error-related potentials. This accuracy corresponds to an average information transfer rate of 144 bit/min, which is the highest bitrate reported so far for a non-invasive BCI. In a free-spelling mode, the subjects were able to write with an average of 21.3 error-free letters per minute, which shows the feasibility of the BCI system in a normal-use scenario. In addition we show that a calibration of the BCI system solely based on the detection of error-related potentials is possible, without knowing the true class labels.  相似文献   

Event-related potential (ERP)-based P300 spellers are commonly used in the field of brain-computer interfaces as an alternative channel of communication for people with severe neuro-muscular diseases. This study introduces a novel P300 based brain-computer interface (BCI) stimulus paradigm using a random set presentation pattern and exploiting the effects of face familiarity. The effect of face familiarity is widely studied in the cognitive neurosciences and has recently been addressed for the purpose of BCI. In this study we compare P300-based BCI performances of a conventional row-column (RC)-based paradigm with our approach that combines a random set presentation paradigm with (non-) self-face stimuli. Our experimental results indicate stronger deflections of the ERPs in response to face stimuli, which are further enhanced when using the self-face images, and thereby improving P300-based spelling performance. This lead to a significant reduction of stimulus sequences required for correct character classification. These findings demonstrate a promising new approach for improving the speed and thus fluency of BCI-enhanced communication with the widely used P300-based BCI setup.  相似文献   

The Graz Brain–Computer Interface (BCI) transforms changes in oscillatory EEG activity into control signals for external devices and feedback. These changes are induced by various motor imageries performed by the user. For this study, 2 different types of motor imagery (movement of the right vs. left hand or both feet) were classified by processing 2 bipolar EEG-channels (derived at electrode positions C3 and C4). After a few sessions, within some weeks, 4 young paraplegic patients learned to control the BCI. In accordance with the participants, decision-speed (trial length) was varied and the information transfer rate (ITR) was calculated for each run. All experimental runs have been feedback-runs employing a simple computer-game-like paradigm. A falling ball had to be led into a randomly marked target halfway down the screen. The horizontal position was controlled by the BCI-output signal and the trial length was varied by the investigator across runs. The goal was to find values for trial length enabling a maximum ITR. Three out of 4 participants had good results after a few runs. Analysis of their last 2 experimental sessions, each containing between 10 and 16 runs, showed that the trial length can be reduced to values around 2 s to obtain the highest possible information transfer. Attainable ITRs were between 5 and 17 bit/min depending on the participant's performance and condition.  相似文献   

In this paper, a brain-computer interface (BCI) system for character recognition is proposed based on the P300 signal. A P300 speller is used to spell the word or character without any muscle movement. P300 detection is the first step to detect the character from the electroencephalogram (EEG) signal. The character is recognized from the detected P300 signal. In this paper, sparse autoencoder (SAE) and stacked sparse autoencoder (SSAE) based feature extraction methods are proposed for P300 detection. This work also proposes a fusion of deep-features with the temporal features for P300 detection. A SSAE technique extracts high-level information about input data. The combination of SSAE features with the temporal features provides abstract and temporal information about the signal. An ensemble of weighted artificial neural network (EWANN) is proposed for P300 detection to minimize the variation among different classifiers. To provide more importance to the good classifier for final classification, a higher weightage is assigned to the better performing classifier. These weights are calculated from the cross-validation test. The model is tested on two different publicly available datasets, and the proposed method provides better or comparable character recognition performance than the state-of-the-art methods.  相似文献   

This work describes a generalized method for classifying motor-related neural signals for a brain-computer interface (BCI), based on a stochastic machine learning method. The method differs from the various feature extraction and selection techniques employed in many other BCI systems. The classifier does not use extensive a-priori information, resulting in reduced reliance on highly specific domain knowledge. Instead of pre-defining features, the time-domain signal is input to a population of multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs) in order to perform a stochastic search for the best structure. The results showed that the average performance of the new algorithm outperformed other published methods using the Berlin BCI IV (2008) competition dataset and was comparable to the best results in the Berlin BCI II (2002–3) competition dataset. The new method was also applied to electroencephalography (EEG) data recorded from five subjects undertaking a hand squeeze task and demonstrated high levels of accuracy with a mean classification accuracy of 78.9% after five-fold cross-validation. Our new approach has been shown to give accurate results across different motor tasks and signal types as well as between subjects.  相似文献   

Most P300-based brain-computer interface (BCI) approaches use the visual modality for stimulation. For use with patients suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) this might not be the preferable choice because of sight deterioration. Moreover, using a modality different from the visual one minimizes interference with possible visual feedback. Therefore, a multi-class BCI paradigm is proposed that uses spatially distributed, auditory cues. Ten healthy subjects participated in an offline oddball task with the spatial location of the stimuli being a discriminating cue. Experiments were done in free field, with an individual speaker for each location. Different inter-stimulus intervals of 1000 ms, 300 ms and 175 ms were tested. With averaging over multiple repetitions, selection scores went over 90% for most conditions, i.e., in over 90% of the trials the correct location was selected. One subject reached a 100% correct score. Corresponding information transfer rates were high, up to an average score of 17.39 bits/minute for the 175 ms condition (best subject 25.20 bits/minute). When presenting the stimuli through a single speaker, thus effectively canceling the spatial properties of the cue, selection scores went down below 70% for most subjects. We conclude that the proposed spatial auditory paradigm is successful for healthy subjects and shows promising results that may lead to a fast BCI that solely relies on the auditory sense.  相似文献   

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