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Factors determining the selectivity of protein tyrosine nitration.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Tyrosine nitration is a covalent posttranslational protein modification derived from the reaction of proteins with nitrating agents. Protein nitration appears to be a selective process since not all tyrosine residues in proteins or all proteins are nitrated in vivo. To investigate factors that may determine the biological selectivity of protein tyrosine nitration, we developed an in vitro model consisting of three proteins with similar size but different three-dimensional structure and tyrosine content. Exposure of ribonuclease A to putative in vivo nitrating agents revealed preferential nitration of tyrosine residue Y(115). Tyrosine residue Y(23) and to a lesser extent residue Y(20) were preferentially nitrated in lysozyme, whereas tyrosine Y(102) was the only residue modified by nitration in phospholipase A(2). Tyrosine Y(115) was the residue modified by nitration after exposure of ribonuclease A to different nitrating agents: chemically synthesized peroxynitrite, nitric oxide, and superoxide generated by SIN-1 or myeloperoxidase (MPO)/H(2)O(2) plus nitrite (NO(-2)) in the presence of bicarbonate/CO(2). The nature of the nitrating agent determined in part the protein that would be predominantly modified by nitration in a mixture of all three proteins. Ribonuclease A was preferentially nitrated upon exposure to MPO/H(2)O(2)/NO(-2), whereas phospholipase A(2) was the primary target for nitration upon exposure to peroxynitrite. The data also suggest that the exposure of the aromatic ring to the surface of the protein, the location of the tyrosine on a loop structure, and its association with a neighboring negative charge are some of the factors determining the selectivity of tyrosine nitration in proteins.  相似文献   

Present work on indole-3-acetic acid (IAA)-induced adventitious rooting in sunflower hypocotyl highlights a clear demarcation of nitric oxide (NO)-dependent and NO-independent roles of auxin in this developmental process. Of the three phases of adventitious rooting, induction is strictly auxin-dependent though initiation and extension are regulated by an interaction of IAA with NO. A vital role of auxin-efflux transporters (PIN) is also evident from 1-napthylphthalamic acid (NPA)-triggered suppression of adventitious roots (AR). Use of actin depolymerizing agent, latrunculin B (Lat B), has demonstrated the necessity of functional actin filaments in auxin-induced AR response, possibly through its effect on actin-mediated recycling of auxin transporter proteins. Thus, evidence for a linkage between IAA, NO and actin during AR formation has been established.Key words: adventitious roots, auxin, sunflowerAdventitious roots (AR) are post-embryonic roots known to originate from stem, leaf petiole and non-pericycle tissue of old roots. In young stem, AR commonly arise from the interfascicular parenchyma while they appear from vascular rays near the cambium in older stem. Formation of AR begins with re-differentiation of predetermined cells which switch from their morphogenetic path to act as mother cells for initiation of root primordia.1 The process of AR formation consists of three physiologically interdependent phases: induction, initiation and extension.1 Induction phase comprises of various molecular and biochemical events but no morphologically visible changes appear during this phase. Formation of multilayered cells and conception of root primordia occurs during initiation phase. During expression phase, root primordia exhibit intra-stem growth and their emergence through epidermis. Various environmental and endogenous factors, such as temperature, light, hormones (particularly auxin), sugars and mineral salts, act as cues for promoting redifferentiation of predetermined cells resulting in root induction.The three phases of AR formation are known to be regulated by alterations in the endogenous level of auxin.2 A transient increase in auxin concentration has been reported during induction phase, which is followed by a decrease and again an increase during expression phase.3 Auxin transport to and from the responding region is essential for root organogenesis. Acropetal transport of auxin occurs through the vascular cylinder and the basipetal transport takes place through the epidermal and subtending cortical cells.4 Polar transport of auxin from the shoot apical meristem to the rooting region is primarily facilitated by auxin-influx (AUX1) and -efflux (PIN) transporters. Asymmetric localization of these transporter proteins in the vascular cambium cells is responsible for differential distribution of auxin in a particular zone of cells.5 Polar auxin transport is known to be inhibited by 1-napthylphthalamic acid (NPA, a phytotropin). This inhibition is mediated through a binding of NPA molecule to putative NPA-binding protein (NBP), which is functionally associated with PIN proteins.6 Efflux transporters exhibit rapid turnover in plasma membrane.7 High affinity of NBP for actin filaments,8,9 suggests its involvement in the cycling and polar distribution of PIN proteins.10 Organization of actin filaments is known to be rapidly, reversibly and specifically disrupted by Latrunculin B (Lat B), a macrolide toxin isolated from Latrunculia magnificia, a red sea sponge.11 Lat B associates with actin monomers in 1:1 ratio, thereby preventing their repolymerization into filaments, resulting in a complete shift from F-actin to G-actin.12 Owing to its well-understood and simple mode of action and low effective dosage, Lat B has supplanted the classic actin-depolymerizing drug cytochalasin D13 in pharmacological investigations. In the past few years, significant work has been done on NO as a signaling molecule in a variety of plant developmental processes.14 Nitric oxide is known to play a crucial role in root development.15Using sunflower as a model system, present work has been undertaken to investigate the possible role of NO during IAA-induced adventitious rooting in hypocotyl explants. Since auxin action is principally based on PIN-regulated polar transport of IAA molecules, and PIN proteins are known to exhibit actin-asssisted rapid recycling in the target cells, attempts have been made in the present work to find a correlation between auxin transport, actin and NO, using specific pharmacological agents. Additionally, effect of Cyclosporin A (CsA), an inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) in animal systems,16 has also been investigated. These specific agents have been used to monitor root initiation at the target sites in our attempts to decipher a signaling cascade for AR.Seeds of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L. cv. Morden) were germinated on moist germination sheets at 25 ± 2°C under continuous illumination of 4.3 Wm−2. Hypocotyls from 4 d old seedlings and with similar growth rate, were excised up to 6 cm below the cotyledonary node. Hypocotyl explants with apical meristem intact but cotyledons excised were selected for the present work with a view to provide a continuity of the endogenous auxin source. Similar explants were also recently used by Huang et al.17 to investigate indole-3-butyric acid (IBA)-induced AR formation in mung bean (Phaseolus radiatus L.). Using IAA instead of IBA for such investigations was preferred for the present work keeping in view that the two auxins seem to employ different transport proteins for their polar transport.18 Freshly harvested explants were put upright in glass vials with their proximal cut ends dipped in 1 ml of different concentrations (1, 5, 10 and 15 µM) of IAA, thus bathing the hypocotyls up to 5 mm of their lower ends. Explants were maintained in dark during the course of experiments. The number of AR visible on hypocotyl surface was recorded daily up to 4 days of incubation. Concentration of IAA thus observed optimal for rooting (10 µM) was used for all further experiments. Similarly, various concentrations of other test solutions, namely NPA (auxin efflux blocker; 1 and 10 µM), Lat B (an inducer of actin depolymerization; 25, 50 and 100 nM), CsA (an inhibitor of cyclophilins; 1, 5 and 10 µM), sodium nitroprusside (SNP; NO donor; 1, 5, 10 and 100 µM) and 2-phenyl-4,4,5,5-tetramethyllimidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide (PTIO; NO scavenger; 1 and 1.5 mM), were initially used to select their respective optimal concentrations. Based on these preliminary experiments NPA, Lat B, CsA, SNP and PTIO were used at 10 µM, 100 nM, 10 µM, 100 µM and 1.5 mM, respectively, for all subsequent experiments. Some other treatment combinations, namely NPA (10 µM) + IAA (10 µM); LatB (100 nM) + IAA (10 µM); CsA (10 µM) + IAA (10 µM); SNP (100 µM) + NPA (10 µM) and PTIO (1.5 mM) + IAA (10 µM) were also used to investigate their effects on adventitious rooting. Hypocotyl explants incubated in distilled water served as control. Morphological observations of rooting response were imaged after 7 days of incubation, using Nikon digital camera fitted on a stereomicroscope (Stemi 2000, Zeiss, Germany). Detailed evaluation of root initiation was observed after clearing by immersing the explants in a 3:1 solution of ethanol: acetic acid overnight. They were then transferred to 2 N NaOH solution, left overnight, washed once with distilled water and stained with safranin solution for 2–3 min. Excess stain was removed by repeated washing in distilled water. The lower 2 cm region of hypocotyl explants was then cut and mounted on a glass slide to examine endogenous root initials, using a stereomicroscope (Stemi 2000, Zeiss, Germany) fitted with a Nikon camera.Root initiation and extension in the basal region of hypocotyl explants maintained in distilled water indicates the expected basipetal transport of the inducing factor (endogenous IAA) from the intact meristem, as also reported earlier.19 Treatment with IAA (10 µM) elicited two effects on hypocotyl explants in comparison to those subjected to distilled water treatment: (1) Formation of greater number of root initials, (2) Greater extension of the initiated roots (Figs. 1 and and22). A response similar to that evoked by IAA is also evident in hypocotyl explants treated with 100 µM of SNP (Figs. 1 and and22). Recently SNP (NO donor) has been reported to evoke dose-dependent response on AR formation in marigold.20 In the present work, treatment with variable concentrations of SNP, ranging from 1–100 µM, lead to a gradual increase in the number and extension growth of AR till 100 µM. Pagnussat et al.21 and Liao et al.20 have used 10 µM and 50 µM as effective SNP concentration in cucumber and marigold, respectively. Thus, optimal concentration of SNP for AR formation is species-dependent. In presence of PTIO (1.5 mM; a specific NO scavenger), complete suppression of AR was evident in sunflower, as also reported earlier in mung bean.17 Combination of PTIO with IAA lead to root initiation only (no extension growth). NPA (10 µM) blocked AR initiation by endogenous (distilled water treatment) and exogenous IAA (Fig. 1). Application of NPA inhibits polar auxin transport, thus reducing the optimal concentration of IAA required for AR formation at the hypocotyl base (zone of AR formation). Thus, no evidence of root initials was evident in presence of NPA, which is also reported in cucumber22 and loblolly pine,23 respectively. Though NO is expected to act downstream of IAA24 but a treatment of SNP in combination with NPA (present work) lead to complete suppression of AR formation. Our unpublished observations have indicated the expression of NO in the interfascicular cells after induction phase (i.e., during AR iniation and extension). Thus, it can be proposed that IAA is involved in induction phase of adventitious rooting independent of NO, while initiation and extension phases appear to involve IAA-NO interaction. CsA-cyclophilin complex is known to inhibit calcineurin (a protein phosphatase) and NOS activity in animal systems.25 Treatment of hypocotyl explants with CsA (10 µM) lead to formation of fewer number of roots which exhibited extension growth. Oh et al.26 reported a significant reduction in the number of roots in the presence of CsA in hypocotyl explants from tomato. Subjecting hypocotyl explants with a combination of CsA and IAA lead to formation of fewer number of root initials, reaffirming the involvement of NO in auxin action in the developmental process under investigation (AR). However, further investigations on the role of cyclophilins and NOS in auxin-modulated AR formation are required to pinpoint their specific sites of action in this developmental process. Treatment with Lat B (+ and − IAA) lead to complete AR suppression in sunflower hypocotyl explants. Actin-mediated polar localization of PIN proteins is responsible for polar auxin transport and disruption of microfilaments by Lat-B would thus, directly affect IAA transport leading to the observed AR suppression. These observations indicate a convergence of the effect of IAA with that of NO and a role of a well organized actin in the responding cells.Open in a separate windowFigure 1Effect of IAA and various other pharmacological agents on adventitious rooting in hypocotyl explants. Morphological observations of rooting response (A and C). Evaluation of endogenous root initiation and elongation observed in cleared explants stained with safranin (B and D). Scale bar represents 3 mm.Open in a separate windowFigure 2Quantitative analysis of AR initiation in presence of distilled water, IAA and various pharmacological agents in hypocotyl explants of sunflower. Each datum presents a mean and standard error from at least three observations.To sum up, present investigations provide evidence for a linkage between auxin-induced AR response in seedling hypocotyls and NO (Fig. 3). Both endogenous and exogenous IAA-mediated AR induction seem to depend on actin. Significance of actin in this developmental response has become evident via its role in the cycling of auxin efflux proteins (PIN). The three phases of AR formation can be differentiated from each other in terms of their sensitivities to IAA and NO. AR induction phase seems to be governed by auxin alone, independent of NO. NO seems to become operative in this auxin-modulated response (AR) during initiation and extension phase only. Investigations are being undertaken in the author''s laboratory to visualize and quantitate the NO signal in the IAA-responding hypocotyl explants so that the phasing of the role of NO during AR formation can be precisely predicted.Open in a separate windowFigure 3Schematic presentation of the probable events associated with NO-mediated adventitious rooting.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) is a signaling molecule implicated in a spectrum of cellular processes including neuronal differentiation. The signaling pathway triggered by NO in physiological processes involves the activation of soluble guanylate cyclase and S-nitrosylation of proteins, and, as recently proposed, nitration of tyrosine residues in proteins. However, little is known about the mechanisms involved and the target proteins for endogenous NO during the progression of neuronal differentiation. To address this question, we investigated the presence, localization, and subcellular distribution of nitrated proteins during neurotrophin-induced differentiation of PC12 cells. We find that some proteins show basal levels of tyrosine nitration in PC12 cells grown in the absence of nerve growth factor (NGF) and that nitration levels increase significantly after 2 days of incubation with this neurotrophin. Nitrated proteins accumulate over a period of several days in the presence of NGF. We demonstrate that this nitration is coupled to activation of nitric oxide synthase. The subcellular distribution of nitrated proteins changes during PC12 cell differentiation, displaying a shift from the cytosolic to the cytoskeletal fraction and we identified alpha-tubulin as the major target of nitration in PC12 cells by N-terminal sequence and MALDI-TOF analyses. We conclude that tyrosine nitration of proteins could be a novel molecular mechanism involved in the signaling pathway by which NO modulates NGF-induced differentiation in PC12 cells.  相似文献   

I. J. Faulkner  P. H. Rubery 《Planta》1992,186(4):618-625
The accumulation of IAA by sealed microsomal vesicles prepared from hypocotyls of dark-grown Cucurbita pepo L. (zucchini) seedlings was stimulated by N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA: an inhibitor of carrier-mediated auxin efflux and hence of polar auxin transport) as well as by quercetin and certain other flavonoids with a specificity pattern similar to that previously shown for their NPA-like effects on auxin transport and inhibition of NPA binding to saturable sites. In contrast, putatively nonpenetrant negatively charged quercetinsulphate esters did not stimulate such auxin accumulation although they were able to oppose stimulation by NPA or quercetin itself. However, the binding of NPA to hypocotyl microsomes was 30- to 80-fold more strongly inhibited by the quercetin sulphates than by unsubstituted quercetin. As with vesicles, net IAA uptake by hypocotyl segments (2 mm) from dark-grown zucchini was stimulated less effectively by quercetin-sulphate esters than by quercetin itself. We discuss the implications of these observations for the accessibility of the NPA receptor from cell wall or cytoplasm and for the coupling of its occupancy to inhibition of the auxin efflux carrier.Abbreviations ION3 mixture of 4 M carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone, nigericin and valinomycin - NPA N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid - PMSF phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride This work was supported by a Studentship (I.J.F.) from the Science and Engineering Research Council and by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation. We are particularly grateful to Dr. W. Michalke for a preprint and permission to use his method of microsome preparation in advance of publication.  相似文献   

Nitration of tyrosine residues has been observed during various acute and chronic inflammatory diseases. However, the mechanism of tyrosine nitration and the nature of the proteins that become tyrosine nitrated during inflammation remain unclear. Here we show that eosinophils but not other cell types including neutrophils contain nitrotyrosine-positive proteins in specific granules. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the human eosinophil toxins, eosinophil peroxidase (EPO), major basic protein, eosinophil-derived neurotoxin (EDN) and eosinophil cationic protein (ECP), and the respective murine toxins, are post-translationally modified by nitration at tyrosine residues during cell maturation. High resolution affinity-mass spectrometry identified specific single nitration sites at Tyr349 in EPO and Tyr33 in both ECP and EDN. ECP and EDN crystal structures revealed and EPO structure modeling suggested that the nitrated tyrosine residues in the toxins are surface exposed. Studies in EPO(-/-), gp91phox(-/-), and NOS(-/-) mice revealed that tyrosine nitration of these toxins is mediated by EPO in the presence of hydrogen peroxide and minute amounts of NOx. Tyrosine nitration of eosinophil granule toxins occurs during maturation of eosinophils, independent of inflammation. These results provide evidence that post-translational tyrosine nitration is unique to eosinophils.  相似文献   

Tyrosine nitration is a covalent posttranslational protein modification that has been detected under several pathological conditions. This study reports that nitrated proteins are degraded by chymotrypsin and that protein nitration enhances susceptibility to degradation by the proteasome. Chymotrypsin cleaved the peptide bond between nitrated-tyrosine 108 and serine 109 in bovine Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase. However, the rate of chymotryptic cleavage of nitrated peptides was considerably slower than control. In contrast, nitrated bovine Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase was degraded at a rate 1. 8-fold faster than that of control by a gradient-purified 20S/26S proteasome fraction from bovine retina. Exposure of PC12 cells to a nitrating agent resulted in the nitration of tyrosine hydroxylase and a 58 +/- 12.5% decline in the steady-state levels of the protein 4 h after nitration. The steady-state levels of tyrosine hydroxylase were restored by selective inhibition of the proteasome activity with lactacystin. These data indicate that nitration of tyrosine residue(s) in proteins is sufficient to induce an accelerated degradation of the modified proteins by the proteasome and that the proteasome may be critical for the removal of nitrated proteins in vivo.  相似文献   

In a series of heme and non-heme proteins the nitration of tyrosine residues was assessed by complete pronase digestion and subsequent HPLC-based separation of 3-nitrotyrosine. Bolus addition of peroxynitrite caused comparable nitration levels in all tested proteins. Nitration mainly depended on the total amount of tyrosine residues as well as on surface exposition. In contrast, when superoxide and nitrogen monoxide (NO) were generated at equal rates to yield low steady-state concentrations of peroxynitrite, metal catalysis seemed to play a dominant role in determining the sensitivity and selectivity of peroxynitrite-mediated tyrosine nitration in proteins. Especially, the heme-thiolate containing proteins cytochrome P450(BM-3) (wild type and F87Y variant) and prostacyclin synthase were nitrated with high efficacy. Nitration by co-generated NO/O(2)(-) was inhibited in the presence of superoxide dismutase. The NO source alone only yielded background nitration levels. Upon changing the NO/O(2)(-) ratio to an excess of NO, a decrease in nitration in agreement with trapping of peroxynitrite and derived radicals by NO was observed. These results clearly identify peroxynitrite as the nitrating species even at low steady-state concentrations and demonstrate that metal catalysis plays an important role in nitration of protein-bound tyrosine.  相似文献   

Nitration of tyrosine residues in proteins is associated with cell response to oxidative/nitrosative stress. Tyrosine nitration is relatively low abundant post-translational modification that may affect protein functions. Little is known about the extent of protein tyrosine nitration in cells during progression through the cell cycle. Here we report identification of proteins enriched for tyrosine nitration in cells synchronized in G0/G1, S or G2/M phases of the cell cycle. We identified 27 proteins in cells synchronized in G0/G1 phase, 37 proteins in S phase synchronized cells, and 12 proteins related to G2/M phase. Nineteen of the identified proteins were previously described as regulators of cell proliferation. Thus, our data indicate which tyrosine nitrated proteins may affect regulation of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that both endogenous auxin and ethylenepromote adventitious root formation in the hypocotyls of derootedsunflower (Helianthus annuus) seedlings. Experiments here showedthat promotive effects on rooting of the ethylene precursor,1-aminocyclopropane-l-carboxylic acid (ACC) and the ethylene-releasingcompound, ethephon (2-chloro-ethylphosphonic acid), dependedon the existence of cotyledons and apical bud (major sourcesof auxin) or the presence of exogenously applied indole-3-aceticacid (IAA). Ethephon, ACC, aminoethoxyvinylglycine (an inhibitorof ethylene biosynthesis), and silver thiosulphate (STS, aninhibitor of ethylene action), applied for a length of timethat significantly influenced adventitious rooting, showed noinhibitory effect on the basipetal transport of [3H]IAA. Theseregulators also had no effect on the metabolism of [3H]IAA andendogenous IAA levels measured by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.ACC enhanced the rooting response of hypocotyls to exogenousIAA and decreased the inhibition of rooting by IAA transportinhibitor, N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA). STS reduced therooting response of hypocotyls to exogenous IAA and increasedthe inhibition of rooting by NPA. Exogenous auxins promotedethylene production in the rooting zone of the hypocotyls. Decapitationof the cuttings or application of NPA to the hypocotyl belowthe cotyledons did not alter ethylene production in the rootingzone, but greatly reduced the number of root primordia. We concludethat auxin is a primary controller of adventitious root formationin sunflower hypocotyls, while the effect of ethylene is mediatedby auxin. Key words: Auxin, ethylene, adventitious rooting, sunflower  相似文献   

Early embryo development in Fucus distichus is auxin sensitive   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Auxin and polar auxin transport have been implicated in controlling embryo development in land plants. The goal of these studies was to determine if auxin and auxin transport are also important during the earliest stages of development in embryos of the brown alga Fucus distichus. Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) was identified in F. distichus embryos and mature tissues by gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy. F. distichus embryos accumulate [(3)H]IAA and an inhibitor of IAA efflux, naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA), elevates IAA accumulation, suggesting the presence of an auxin efflux protein complex similar to that found in land plants. F. distichus embryos normally develop with a single unbranched rhizoid, but growth on IAA leads to formation of multiple rhizoids and growth on NPA leads to formation of embryos with branched rhizoids, at concentrations that are active in auxin accumulation assays. The effects of IAA and NPA are complete before 6 h after fertilization (AF), which is before rhizoid germination and cell division. The maximal effects of IAA and NPA are between 3.5 and 5 h AF and 4 and 5.5 h AF, respectively. Although, the location of the planes of cell division was significantly altered in NPA- and IAA-treated embryos, these abnormal divisions occurred after abnormal rhizoid initiation and branching was observed. The results of this study suggest that auxin acts in the formation of apical basal patterns in F. distichus embryo development.  相似文献   

Mary Jo Vesper  Carol L. Kuss 《Planta》1990,182(4):486-491
To locate functionally the primary site of auxin action in growing cells, the pool of auxin relevant to induction of growth in maize (Zea mays L.) coleoptile sections was determined. A positive correlation was consistently noted between growth and intracellular levels of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), i.e. growth appears to be relatively independent of the external level of IAA. N-1-Naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA), a potent inhibitor of auxin transport, was used to enhance accumulation of IAA in coleoptile cells. From the use of NPA, it is shown that: 1) increasing the accumulation of IAA in cells, while the external concentration is held constant, resulted in a concomitant increase in growth, and 2) blocking the exit of IAA from cells with NPA sustained an IAA-induced growth response in the absence of externally applied IAA. Furthermore, the absence of any alterations in auxin binding to microsomal fractions by NPA indicates that the action of NPA in causing enhancement of auxin-induced growth is based upon its inhibition of efflux of IAA from the cells. This research was supported by National Science Foundation grant No. DMB 8515925. The careful assistance of Laurie Brulport is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

The relationship between the variation in polar auxin transport (PAT) and elongating growth in etiolated Lupinus albus hypocotyls was investigated. Parameters of auxin transport, such as the amount transported, intensity of the transport and sensitivity to 1-N-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) inhibition were measured in isolated sections from different sites (apical, middle and basal) along the hypocotyls in seedlings of different ages. Auxin transport was studied by applying radioactive indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) to upright and inverted sections. Basipetal transport was much higher than acropetal and very sensitive to NPA inhibition, which indicates that transport is polarized. Polarity was expressed as the NPA-induced inhibition and the basipetal/acropetal ratio. As a rule, both the amount of IAA transported and the polarity varied with the age of the seedlings, with values increasing from 3 to 5d and then decreasing. Both parameters were higher in apical (where most growth is localized) than in middle and basal regions, although this longitudinal gradient tended to disappear with aging as hypocotyl growth slowed and finally ceased. The application of NPA did not modify hypocotyl elongation in 5-d-old intact seedlings. Derooting of the seedlings drastically reduced elongation in the control, while NPA partially restored the growth, which suggests that NPA induces an increase in auxin in the elongation region. These results suggest that a basipetally decreasing gradient in PAT along the hypocotyl, which changes with age, may be responsible for auxin distribution pattern controlling growth.  相似文献   

A few years ago it was demonstrated that nitric oxide (NO) and cGMP are involved in the auxin response during adventitious root (AR) formation in cucumber (Cucumis sativus). More recently, a mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade was shown to be induced by IAA in a NO-dependent, but cGMP-independent, pathway. In the present study, the involvement of Ca2+ and the regulation of Ca2+-dependent protein kinase (CDPK) activity during IAA- and NO-induced AR formation was evaluated in cucumber explants. The effectiveness of several broad-spectrum Ca2+ channel inhibitors and Ca2+ chelators in affecting AR formation induced by IAA or NO was also examined. Results indicate that the explants response to IAA and NO depends on the availability of both intracellular and extracellular Ca2+ pools. Protein extracts from cucumber hypocotyls were assayed for CDPK activity by using histone IIIS or syntide 2 as substrates for in-gel or in vitro assays, respectively. The activity of a 50 kDa CDPK was detected after 1 d of either NO or IAA treatments and it extended up to the third day of treatment. This CDPK activity was affected in both extracts from NO- and IAA-treated explants in the presence of the specific NO-scavenger cPTIO, suggesting that NO is required for its maximal and sustained activity. The in-gel and the in vitro CDPK activity, as well as the NO- or IAA-induced AR formation, were inhibited by calmodulin antagonists. Furthermore, the induction of CDPK activity by NO and IAA was shown to be reliant on the activity of the enzyme guanylate cyclase.  相似文献   

An antisense nitrite reductase (NiR, EC tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacum L.) transformant (clone 271) was used to gain insight into a possible correlation between nitrate reductase (NR, EC nitrite accumulation and nitric oxide (NO(.)) production, and to assess the regulation of signal transduction in response to stress conditions. Nitrite concentrations of clone 271 leaves were 10-fold, and NO(.) emission rates were 100-fold higher than in wild type leaves. Increased protein tyrosine nitration in clone 271 suggests that high NO(.) production resulted in increased peroxynitrite (ONOO(-)) formation. Tyrosine nitration was also observed in vitro by adding peroxynitrite to leaf extracts. As in mammalian cells, NO(.) and derivatives also increased synthesis of proteins like 14-3-3 and cyclophilins, which are both involved in regulation of activity and stability of enzymes.  相似文献   

Strigolactones (SLs) play significant role in shaping root architecture whereby auxin-SL crosstalk has been observed in SL-mediated responses of primary root elongation, lateral root formation and adventitious root (AR) initiation. Whereas GR24 (a synthetic strigolactone) inhibits LR and AR formation, the effect of SL biosynthesis inhibitor (fluridone) is just the opposite (root proliferation). Naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) leads to LR proliferation but completely inhibits AR development. The diffusive distribution of PIN1 in the provascular cells in the differentiating zone of the roots in response to GR24, fluridone or NPA treatments further indicates the involvement of localized auxin accumulation in LR development responses. Inhibition of LR formation by GR24 treatment coincides with inhibition of ACC synthase activity. Profuse LR development by fluridone and NPA treatments correlates with enhanced [Ca2+]cyt in the apical region and differentiating zones of LR, indicating a critical role of [Ca2+] in LR development in response to the coordinated action of auxins, ethylene and SLs. Significant enhancement of carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase (CCD) activity (enzyme responsible for SL biosynthesis) in tissue homogenates in presence of cPTIO (NO scavenger) indicates the role of endogenous NO as a negative modulator of CCD activity. Differences in the spatial distribution of NO in the primary and lateral roots further highlight the involvement of NO in SL-modulated root morphogenesis in sunflower seedlings. Present work provides new report on the negative modulation of SL biosynthesis through modulation of CCD activity by endogenous nitric oxide during SL-modulated LR development.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to explore the occurrence of nitrated proteins in mitochondria given that these organelles are endowed with a mitochondrial nitric oxide (NO.-) synthase and considering the important role that mitochondria have in energy metabolism. Our hypothesis is that nitration of proteins constitutes a posttranslational modification by which NO.- exhibits long-term effects above and beyond those bioregulatory ones mediated through the interaction with cytochrome c oxidase. Our studies are aimed at understanding the mechanisms underlying the nitration of proteins in mitochondria and the biological significance of such a process in the cellular milieu. On promoting a sustained NO.- production by mitochondria, we investigated various aspects of protein nitration. Among them, the localization of nitrated proteins in mitochondrial subfractions, the identification of nitrated proteins through proteomic approaches, the characterization of affected pathways, and depiction of a target sequence. The biological relevance was analyzed by considering the turnover of native and nitrated proteins. In this regard, mitochondrial dysfunction, ensuing nitrative stress, may be envisioned as the result of accumulation of nitrated proteins, resulting from an overproduction of endogenous NO.- (this study), a failure in the proteolytic system to catabolize modified proteins, or a combination of both. Finally, this study allows one to gain understanding on the mechanism and nitrating species underlying mitochondrial protein nitration.  相似文献   

《Plant science》1986,43(3):165-172
The effects of calmodulin antagonists on indol-3-yl acetic acid (IAA) uptake by Cucurbita pepo L. hypocotyl segments have been studied. Chlorpromazine (CP) and trifluoperazine (TFP) stimulate uptake of IAA, but not in the presence of 1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA), which itself stimulates net IAA uptake by inhibiting the IAA efflux carrier. Maximum stimulation of IAA uptake is observed at 300 μM CP, at both pH 4.0 and 5.0, with a decrease below this maximum at 1 mM CP. CP also stimulates uptakes of abscisic acid (ABA) and 5,5-dimethyl-oxazolidine-2,4-dione (DMO) with the same concentration-dependence. Indirect evidence suggests that enhanced permeability to lipophilic molecules rather than cytoplasmic alkalinification is involved. At submaximal stimulatory concentrations, CP and NPA have apparently additive effects. However, the carrier antagonism by CP is less specific than that of NPA since it also renders the IAA uptake carrier undetectable. The local anaesthetics, dibucaine and tetracaine, and the calcium entry blocker, flunarizine, had similar effects to CP on uptake. However, only CP increased the binding of IAA (but not of ABA or DMO) to frozen-and-thawed segments. It is suggested that CP may increase membrane permeability to apolar molecules, probably non-specifically, and also interfere with auxin carrier action by hydrophobic interaction with phospholipids or membrane proteins.  相似文献   

The auxin transport inhibitors 2, 3, 5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA)and naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) inhibited adventitious rootformation (ARF) induced by indol-3-butyric acid (IBA) on cuttingsfrom etiolated mung-bean seedlings floated on solutions of thegrowth regulators. The concentrations of TIBA and NPA requiredfor a 25 per cent reduction in ARF with 10 µM IBA wereestimated by linear interpolation to be 11.3 µm and 0.42µM respectively. NPA is a particularly potent inhibitorof IBA-induced ARF. The inhibitory effect of either compoundwas reversible by higher concentrations of IBA. NPA had no effectwhen applied after the auxin treatment. The inhibitory effects of TIBA or NPA could not be explainedby effects on the uptake or metabolism of [2-14C]IAA. Consideringthis and other evidence, it is suggested that NPA and possiblyTIBA are acting as specific antagonists of auxin in the inductionof ARF. Vigna radiata (L.), mung-bean, root induction, hypocotyl cuttings, auxin inhibitors, indol-3-butyric acid, 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid, naphthylphthalamic acid, auxin uptake, auxin metabolism, adventitious roots  相似文献   

3-nitrotyrosine (NO2-Tyr) is thought to be a specific marker of cell injury during oxidative damage. We have evaluated the role of poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase-1 (PARP-1) in protein nitration after treatment of immortalized fibroblasts parp-1+/+ and parp-1-/- with the alkylating agent 2'-methyl-2'-nitroso-urea (MNU). Both cell lines showed increased iNOS expression following MNU treatment in parallel with a selective induction of tyrosine nitration of different proteins. PARP-1 deficient cells displayed a delayed iNOS accumulation, reduced number of nitrated proteins, and a lower global nitrotyrosine "footprint." We have identified the mitochondrial compartment as the major site of oxidative stress during DNA damage, being MnSOD one of the NO2-Tyr-modified proteins, but not in parp-1-/- cells. These results suggest that NO-derived injury can be modulated by proteins involved in the response to genotoxic damage, such as PARP-1, and may account for the limited oxidative injury in parp-1 knockout mice during carcinogenesis and inflammation.  相似文献   

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