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Regulation of retinoic acid signaling during lung morphogenesis   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Little is known about how retinoic acid (RA) synthesis, utilization and metabolism are regulated in the embryonic lung and how these activities relate to lung pattern formation. Here we report that early lung bud formation and subsequent branching morphogenesis are characterized by distinct stages of RA signaling. At the onset of lung development RA signaling is ubiquitously activated in primary buds, as shown by expression of the major RA-synthesizing enzyme, RALDH-2 and activation of a RARE-lacZ transgene. Nevertheless, further airway branching appears to require downregulation of RA pathways by decreased synthesis, increased RA degradation in the epithelium via P450RAI-mediated metabolism, and inhibition of RA signaling in the mesenchyme by COUPTF-II expression. These mechanisms controlling local RA signaling may be critical for normal branching, since we show that manipulating RA levels in vitro to maintain RA signaling activated as in the initial stage, leads to an immature lung phenotype characterized by failure to form typical distal buds. We show that this phenotype likely results from RA interfering with the establishment of a distal signaling center, altering levels and distribution of Fgf10 and Bmp4, genes that are essential for distal lung formation. Furthermore, RA upregulates P450RAI expression, suggesting the presence of feedback mechanisms controlling RA availability. Our study illustrates the importance of regional mechanisms that control RA availability and utilization for correct expression of pattern regulators and normal morphogenesis during lung development.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid receptor (RAR) and thyroid hormone receptor (T3R) are thought to bind as dimers to a T3 responsive element (T3REpal) comprised of inverted repeats of the half-site motif GGTCA. However, a RA responsive element (beta RARE) was previously identified in the promoter of the RAR beta 2 gene which contains two direct repeats of the motif GTTCA spaced by a six nucleotide gap. We now demonstrate the ability of RAR alpha, beta and gamma to bind to and transactivate through this element and that the two direct repeats comprise the beta RARE. Surprisingly, the GTTCA motifs rearranged to form a palindrome do not confer RA responsiveness to a heterologous promoter. Furthermore, no significant level of transactivation is detected by ligand-activated RAR through the Moloney murine leukaemia virus T3RE, which comprises two direct repeats of the sequence GGTCA/C spaced by a five nucleotide gap. Similarly, T3R does not induce gene expression through the beta RARE. This study establishes the preference of T3R to transactivate through direct repeats spaced by a five nucleotide gap as opposed to a six nucleotide gap. In contrast, RAR appears to be more flexible with respect to spacing requirements between repeats, although higher levels of transactivation are obtained through direct repeats spaced by a six nucleotide gap. Interestingly, although some elements mediate either RA or T3 induction, changing a single nucleotide in the MoMLV T3RE with a five nucleotide spacing creates a promiscuous RA/T3 responsive element.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that the posteriorising agent retinoic acid can accelerate anterior neuronal differentiation in Xenopus laevis embryos (Papalopulu, N. and Kintner, C. (1996) Development 122, 3409-3418). To elucidate the role of retinoic acid in the primary neurogenesis cascade, we investigated whether retinoic acid treatment of whole embryos could change the spatial expression of a set of genes known to be involved in neurogenesis. We show that retinoic acid expands the N-tubulin, X-ngnr-1, X-MyT1, X-&Dgr;-1 and Gli3 domains and inhibits the expression of Zic2 and sonic hedgehog in the neural ectoderm, whereas a retinoid antagonist produces opposite changes. In contrast, sonic and banded hedgehog overexpression reduced the N-tubulin stripes, enlarged the neural plate at the expense of the neural crest, downregulated Gli3 and upregulated Zic2. Thus, retinoic acid and hedgehog signaling have opposite effects on the prepattern genes Gli3 and Zic2 and on other genes acting downstream in the neurogenesis cascade. In addition, retinoic acid cannot rescue the inhibitory effect of Notch(ICD), Zic2 or sonic hedgehog on primary neurogenesis. Our results suggest that retinoic acid acts very early, upstream of sonic hedgehog, and we propose a model for regulation of differentiation and proliferation in the neural plate, showing that retinoic acid might be activating primary neurogenesis by repressing sonic hedgehog expression.  相似文献   

Vertebrate muscle morphogenesis is a complex developmental process, which remains quite yet unexplored at cellular and molecular level. In this work, we have found that sculpturing programmed cell death is a key morphogenetic process responsible for the formation of individual foot muscles in the developing avian limb. Muscle fibers are produced in excess in the precursor dorsal and ventral muscle masses of the limb bud and myofibers lacking junctions with digital tendons are eliminated via apoptosis. Microsurgical experiments to isolate the developing muscles from their specific tendons are consistent with a role for tendons in regulating survival of myogenic cells. Analysis of the expression of Raldh2 and local treatments with retinoic acid indicate that this signaling pathway mediates apoptosis in myogenic cells, appearing also involved in tendon maturation. Retinoic acid inhibition experiments led to defects in muscle belly segmentation and myotendinous junction formation. It is proposed that heterogeneous local distribution of retinoids controlled through Raldh2 and Cyp26A1 is responsible for matching the fleshy and the tendinous components of each muscle belly.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid is a metabolic derivative of vitamin A that plays an essential function in cell-cell signaling by serving as a ligand for nuclear receptors that directly regulate gene expression. The final step in the conversion of retinol to retinoic acid is carried out by three retinaldehyde dehydrogenases encoded by Raldh1 (Aldh1a1), Raldh2 (Aldh1a2), and Raldh3 (Aldh1a3). Mouse Raldh gene knockout studies have been instrumental in understanding the mechanism of retinoic acid action during eye development. Retinoic acid signaling in the developing eye is particularly complex as all three Raldh genes contribute to retinoic acid synthesis in non-overlapping locations. During optic cup formation Raldh2 is first expressed transiently in perioptic mesenchyme, then later Raldh1 and Raldh3 expression begins in the dorsal and ventral retina, respectively, and these sources of retinoic acid are maintained in the fetus. Retinoic acid is not required for dorsoventral patterning of the retina as originally thought, but it is required for morphogenetic movements that form the optic cup, ventral retina, cornea, and eyelids. These findings will help guide future studies designed to identify retinoic acid target genes during eye organogenesis.  相似文献   

Ming Chen  Jiaxing Liu  Wenqi Yang 《Autophagy》2017,13(11):1813-1827
Bacterial translocation and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) leakage occur at a very early stage of liver fibrosis in animal models. We studied the role of LPS in hepatic stellate cell (HSC) activation and the underlying mechanisms in vitro and in vivo. Herein, we demonstrated that LPS treatment led to a dramatic increase in autophagosome formation and autophagic flux in LX-2 cells and HSCs, which was mediated through the AKT-MTOR and AMPK-ULK1 pathway. LPS significantly decreased the lipid content, including the lipid droplet (LD) number and lipid staining area in HSCs; pretreatment with macroautophagy/autophagy inhibitors or silencing ATG5 attenuated this decrease. Furthermore, lipophagy was induced by LPS through the autophagy-lysosomal pathway in LX-2 cells and HSCs. Additionally, LPS-induced autophagy further reduced retinoic acid (RA) signaling, as demonstrated by a decrease in the intracellular RA level and Rar target genes, resulting in the downregulation of Bambi and promoting the sensitization of the HSC's fibrosis response to TGFB. Compared with CCl4 injection alone, CCl4 plus LPS injection exaggerated liver fibrosis in mice, as demonstrated by increased Col1a1 (collagen, type I, α 1), Acta2, Tgfb and Timp1 mRNA expression, ACTA2/α-SMA and COL1A1 protein expression, and Sirius Red staining area, which could be attenuated by injection of an autophagy inhibitor. LPS also reduced lipid content in HSCs in vivo, with this change being attenuated by chloroquine (CQ) administration. In conclusion, LPS-induced autophagy resulted in LD loss, RA signaling dysfunction, and downregulation of the TGFB pseudoreceptor Bambi, thus sensitizing HSCs to TGFB signaling.  相似文献   

Somites, the segmented building blocks of the vertebrate embryo, arise one by one in a patterning process that passes wavelike along the anteroposterior axis of the presomitic mesoderm (PSM). We have studied this process in Xenopus embryos by analyzing the expression of the bHLH gene, Thylacine1, which is turned on in the PSM as cells mature and segment, in a pattern that marks both segment boundaries and polarity. Here, we show that this segmental gene expression involves a PSM enhancer that is regulated by retinoic acid (RA) signaling at two levels. RA activates Thylacine1 expression in rostral PSM directly. RA also activates Thylacine1 expression in the caudal PSM indirectly by inducing the expression of MKP3, an inhibitor of the FGF signaling pathway. RA signaling is therefore a major contributor to segmental patterning by promoting anterior segmental polarity and by interacting with the FGF signaling pathway to position segmental boundaries.  相似文献   

Regulation of alternative macrophage activation by galectin-3   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Alternative macrophage activation is implicated in diverse disease pathologies such as asthma, organ fibrosis, and granulomatous diseases, but the mechanisms underlying macrophage programming are not fully understood. Galectin-3 is a carbohydrate-binding lectin present on macrophages. We show that disruption of the galectin-3 gene in 129sv mice specifically restrains IL-4/IL-13-induced alternative macrophage activation in bone marrow-derived macrophages in vitro and in resident lung and recruited peritoneal macrophages in vivo without affecting IFN-gamma/LPS-induced classical activation or IL-10-induced deactivation. IL-4-mediated alternative macrophage activation is inhibited by siRNA-targeted deletion of galectin-3 or its membrane receptor CD98 and by inhibition of PI3K. Increased galectin-3 expression and secretion is a feature of alternative macrophage activation. IL-4 stimulates galectin-3 expression and release in parallel with other phenotypic markers of alternative macrophage activation. By contrast, classical macrophage activation with LPS inhibits galectin-3 expression and release. Galectin-3 binds to CD98, and exogenous galectin-3 or cross-linking CD98 with the mAb 4F2 stimulates PI3K activation and alternative activation. IL-4-induced alternative activation is blocked by bis-(3-deoxy-3-(3-methoxybenzamido)-beta-D-galactopyranosyl) sulfane, a specific inhibitor of extracellular galectin-3 carbohydrate binding. These results demonstrate that a galectin-3 feedback loop drives alternative macrophage activation. Pharmacological modulation of galectin-3 function represents a novel therapeutic strategy in pathologies associated with alternatively activated macrophages.  相似文献   

维甲酸信号通路的生物学进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文阐述了受维甲酸信号调控的基因表达多样性的分子机制,描述了维甲酸受体的特征、维甲酸反应元件的多态性、转录中介因子包括辅活化因子和辅抑制因子在维甲酸受体介导的转录调控中的作用,主要的维甲酸应答基因及维甲酸在肿瘤治疗中的应用。  相似文献   

In this report, we describe the primary structure and regulation of two novel IFN-gamma-inducible genes expressed during the process of macrophage activation. We used the RAW 264.7 cell line to prepare a cDNA library, from which inducible genes were selected by differential hybridization. Two cDNA clones, mag-1 and mag-2 (for macrophage-activation gene-1 and -2), were induced by IFN-gamma treatment in both RAW 264.7 cells and thioglycolate-elicited peritoneal macrophages, but not in the noncytolytic cell line, WEHI-3. A comparison of the nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of clones mag-1 and mag-2 with sequences in available data bases revealed no homologs. However, comparison of mag-1 and mag-2 sequences with each other revealed that these genes are homologous, with conserved residues concentrated at the amino terminus. Kinetic analyses revealed similar temporal patterns of induction of mRNA expression for these genes after IFN-gamma treatment. In addition, the genes showed distinct response patterns to the macrophage-activating stimuli IFN-gamma and LPS used either alone or in combination. Analysis of a panel of cell types of various lineages demonstrated that expression of these genes was associated with cellular activation in multiple cell types. As a result of the sequence similarities between these genes, we propose that they define a new family of IFN-gamma-regulated genes in macrophages.  相似文献   

Anteroposterior (AP) patterning of the developing CNS is crucial for both regional specification and the timing of neurogenesis. Several important factors are involved in AP patterning, including members of the WNT and FGF growth factor families, retinoic acid receptors, and HOX genes. We have examined the interactions between FGF and retinoic signaling pathways. Blockade of FGF signaling downregulates the expression of members of the RAR signaling pathway, RARalpha, RALDH2 and CYP26. Overexpression of a constitutively active RARalpha2 rescues the effects of FGF blockade on the expression of XCAD3 and HOXB9. This suggests that RARalpha2 is required as a downstream target of FGF signaling for the posterior expression of XCAD3 and HOXB9. Surprisingly, we found that posterior expression of FGFR1 and FGFR4 was dependent on the expression of RARalpha2. Anterior expression was also altered with FGFR1 expression being lost, whereas FGFR4 expression was expanded beyond its normal expression domain. RARalpha2 is required for the expression of XCAD3 and HOXB9, and for the ability of XCAD3 to induce HOXB9 expression. We conclude that RARalpha2 is required at multiple points in the posteriorization pathway, suggesting that correct AP neural patterning depends on a series of mutually interactive feedback loops among FGFs, RARs and HOX genes.  相似文献   

The vitamin A metabolite, retinoic acid, carries out essential and conserved roles in vertebrate heart development. Retinoic acid signals via retinoic acid receptors (RAR)/retinoid X receptors (RXRs) heterodimers to induce the expression of genes that control cell fate specification, proliferation, and differentiation. Alterations in retinoic acid levels are often associated with congenital heart defects. Therefore, embryonic levels of retinoic acid need to be carefully regulated through the activity of enzymes, binding proteins and transporters involved in vitamin A metabolism. Here, we review evidence of the complex mechanisms that control the fetal uptake and synthesis of retinoic acid from vitamin A precursors. Next, we highlight recent evidence of the role of retinoic acid in orchestrating myocardial compact zone growth and coronary vascular development.  相似文献   

Diphenyl diselenide (PhSe)(2), a simple organoselenium compound, possesses interesting pharmacological properties that are under extensive research. As macrophages respond to microenvironmental stimuli and can display activities engaged in the initiation and the resolution of inflammation, in the present report we describe the ability of (PhSe)(2) to modulate the macrophage activation. Our data indicate that (PhSe)(2) could inhibit the NO production in a dose-dependent fashion in peritoneal macrophages activated by LPS or treated with vehicle alone. We could demonstrate that this effect correlated with a reduction in the expression of the inducible NO synthase in (PhSe)(2)-treated cells. Furthermore, (PhSe)(2) suppressed the production of reactive oxygen species, diminished the activity of the arginase enzyme, and the accumulation of nitrotyrosine modified proteins in LPS-stimulated macrophages. This compound also diminished the antigen presentation capacity of classically activated macrophages, as it reduced MHCII and CD86 expression. In addition, (PhSe)(2) modulated the alternative activation phenotype of macrophages. Dexamethasone-activated macrophages presented higher production of IL-10 and CD206, which were both down-regulated by the addition of (PhSe)(2). These results suggest that (PhSe)(2) possesses antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities in classically-activated macrophages. We could demonstrate that (PhSe)(2) can be also utilized to modulate the alternative activation phenotype of macrophages.  相似文献   

During most infections, the population of immune cells known as macrophages are key to taking up and killing bacteria as an integral part of the immune response. However, during infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), host macrophages serve as the preferred environment for mycobacterial growth. Further, killing of Mtb by macrophages is impaired unless they become activated. Activation is induced by stimulation from bacterial antigens and inflammatory cytokines derived from helper T cells. The key macrophage-activating cytokines in Mtb infection are tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF) and interferon (IFN)-γ. Due to differences in cellular sources and secretion pathways for TNF and IFN-γ, the possibility of heterogeneous cytokine distributions exists, suggesting that the timing of macrophage activation from these signals may affect activation kinetics and thus impact the outcome of Mtb infection. Here we use a mathematical model to show that negative feedback from production of nitric oxide (the key mediator of mycobacterial killing) that typically optimizes macrophage responses to activating stimuli may reduce effective killing of Mtb. Statistical sensitivity analysis predicts that if TNF and IFN-γ signals precede infection, the level of negative feedback may have a strong effect on how effectively macrophages kill Mtb. However, this effect is relaxed when IFN-γ or TNF+IFN-γ signals are received coincident with infection. Under these conditions, the model suggests that negative feedback induces fast responses and an initial overshoot of nitric oxide production for given doses of TNF and IFN-γ, favoring killing of Mtb. Together, our results suggest that direct entry of macrophages into a granuloma site (and not distal to it) from lung vascular sources represents a preferred host strategy for mycobacterial control. We examine implications of these results in establishment of latent Mtb infection.  相似文献   

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