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Pks13 is a type I polyketide synthase involved in the final biosynthesis step of mycolic acids, virulence factors, and essential components of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis envelope. Here, we report the biochemical and structural characterization of a 52-kDa fragment containing the acyltransferase domain of Pks13. This fragment retains the ability to load atypical extender units, unusually long chain acyl-CoA with a predilection for carboxylated substrates. High resolution crystal structures were determined for the apo, palmitoylated, and carboxypalmitoylated forms. Structural conservation with type I polyketide synthases and related fatty-acid synthases also extends to the interdomain connections. Subtle changes could be identified both in the active site and in the upstream and downstream linkers in line with the organization displayed by this singular polyketide synthase. More importantly, the crystallographic analysis illustrated for the first time how a long saturated chain can fit in the core structure of an acyltransferase domain through a dedicated channel. The structures also revealed the unexpected binding of a 12-mer peptide that might provide insight into domain-domain interaction.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of tuberculosis, parasitizes host macrophages. The resistance of the tubercle bacilli to the macrophage hostile environment relates to their ability to impair phagosome maturation and its fusion with the lysosome, thus preventing the formation of the phago-lysosome and eventually arresting the process of phagocytosis. The M. tuberculosis zinc-dependent metalloprotease Zmp1 has been proposed to play a key role in the process of phagosome maturation inhibition and emerged as an important player in pathogenesis. Here, we report the crystal structure of wild-type Zmp1 at 2.6 Å resolution in complex with the generic zinc metalloprotease inhibitor phosphoramidon, which we demonstrated to inhibit the enzyme potently. Our data represent the first structural characterization of a bacterial member of the zinc-dependent M13 endopeptidase family and revealed a significant degree of conservation with eukaryotic enzymes. However, structural comparison of the Zmp1-phosphoramidon complex with homologous human proteins neprilysin and endothelin-converting enzyme-1 revealed unique features of the Zmp1 active site to be exploited for the rational design of specific inhibitors that may prove useful as a pharmacological tool for better understanding Zmp1 biological function.  相似文献   

Ribonucleases (RNases) maintain the cellular RNA pool by RNA processing and degradation. In many bacteria, including the human pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), the enzymes mediating several central RNA processing functions are still unknown. Here, we identify the hypothetical Mtb protein Rv2179c as a highly divergent exoribonuclease. Although the primary sequence of Rv2179c has no detectable similarity to any known RNase, the Rv2179c crystal structure reveals an RNase fold. Active site residues are equivalent to those in the DEDD family of RNases, and Rv2179c has close structural homology to Escherichia coli RNase T. Consistent with the DEDD fold, Rv2179c has exoribonuclease activity, cleaving the 3′ single-strand overhangs of duplex RNA. Functional orthologs of Rv2179c are prevalent in actinobacteria and found in bacteria as phylogenetically distant as proteobacteria. Thus, Rv2179c is the founding member of a new, large RNase family with hundreds of members across the bacterial kingdom.  相似文献   

All living systems require protection against the damaging effects of reactive oxygen species. The genome of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the cause of TB, encodes a number of peroxidases that are thought to be active against organic and inorganic peroxides, and are likely to play a key role in the ability of this organism to survive within the phagosomes of macrophages. The open reading frame Rv2238c in M.tuberculosis encodes a 153-residue protein AhpE, which is a peroxidase of the 1-Cys peroxiredoxin (Prx) family. The crystal structure of AhpE, determined at 1.87 A resolution (R(cryst)=0.179, R(free)=0.210), reveals a compact single-domain protein with a thioredoxin fold. AhpE forms both dimers and octamers; a tightly-associated dimer and a ring-like octamer, generated by crystallographic 4-fold symmetry. In this native structure, the active site Cys45 is in its oxidized, sulfenic acid (S-O-H) state. A second crystal form of AhpE, obtained after soaking in sodium bromide and refined at 1.90 A resolution (R(cryst)=0.242, R(free)=0.286), reveals the reduced structure. In this structure, a conformational change in an external loop, in two of the four molecules in the asymmetric unit, allows Arg116 to stabilise the Cys45 thiolate ion, and concomitantly closes a surface channel. This channel is identified as the likely binding site for a physiological reductant, and the conformational change is inferred to be important for the reaction cycle of AhpE.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the enzyme 3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase (IPMDH) from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (LeuB, Mtb-IPMDH, Rv2995c) without substrate or co-factor was determined at 1.65 A resolution, which is the highest resolution reported for an IPMDH to date. The crystals contain two functional dimers in the asymmetric unit in an arrangement close to a tetramer of D2 symmetry. Despite the absence of a substrate or inhibitor bound to the protein, the structure of the monomer resembles the previously observed closed form of the enzyme more closely than the open form. A comparison with the substrate complex of IPMDH from Thiobacillus ferrooxidans and the co-factor complex of the Thermus thermophilus enzyme revealed a close relationship of the active-site architecture between the various bacterial enzymes. The inhibitor O-isobutenyl oxalylhydroxamate was found to bind to the active site of IPMDH in a mode similar to the substrate isopropylmalate.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) and Rhodococcus jostii RHA1 have similar cholesterol catabolic pathways. This pathway contributes to the pathogenicity of Mtb. The hsaAB cholesterol catabolic genes have been predicted to encode the oxygenase and reductase, respectively, of a flavin-dependent mono-oxygenase that hydroxylates 3-hydroxy-9,10-seconandrost-1,3,5(10)-triene-9,17-dione (3-HSA) to a catechol. An hsaA deletion mutant of RHA1 did not grow on cholesterol but transformed the latter to 3-HSA and related metabolites in which each of the two keto groups was reduced: 3,9-dihydroxy-9,10-seconandrost-1,3,5(10)-triene-17-one (3,9-DHSA) and 3,17-dihydroxy-9,10-seconandrost-1,3,5(10)-triene-9-one (3,17-DHSA). Purified 3-hydroxy-9,10-seconandrost-1,3,5(10)-triene-9,17-dione 4-hydroxylase (HsaAB) from Mtb had higher specificity for 3-HSA than for 3,17-DHSA (apparent kcat/Km = 1000 ± 100 m−1 s−1 versus 700 ± 100 m−1 s−1). However, 3,9-DHSA was a poorer substrate than 3-hydroxybiphenyl (apparent kcat/Km = 80 ± 40 m−1 s−1). In the presence of 3-HSA the Kmapp for O2 was 100 ± 10 μm. The crystal structure of HsaA to 2.5-Å resolution revealed that the enzyme has the same fold, flavin-binding site, and catalytic residues as p-hydroxyphenyl acetate hydroxylase. However, HsaA has a much larger phenol-binding site, consistent with the enzyme''s substrate specificity. In addition, a second crystal form of HsaA revealed that a C-terminal flap (Val367–Val394) could adopt two conformations differing by a rigid body rotation of 25° around Arg366. This rotation appears to gate the likely flavin entrance to the active site. In docking studies with 3-HSA and flavin, the closed conformation provided a rationale for the enzyme''s substrate specificity. Overall, the structural and functional data establish the physiological role of HsaAB and provide a basis to further investigate an important class of monooxygenases as well as the bacterial catabolism of steroids.  相似文献   

The IS6110 belongs to the family of insertion sequences (IS) of the IS3 category. This insertion sequence was reported to be specific for Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex and hence is extensively exploited for laboratory detection of the agent of tuberculosis and for epidemiological investigations based on polymerase chain reaction. IS6110 is 1361-bp long and within this sequence different regions have been utilized as targets in the identification of M. tuberculosis by PCR. However, the results are not always consistent, specific and sensitive. In recent years, a few clinical investigations raised concerns over IS6110 specificity and sensitivity in the diagnosis of tuberculosis due to false-positive (homology with other target DNA besides M. tuberculosis) or false negative (due to absence of copies of IS6110) results with IS6110 specific primers. To unravel the variations in IS6110 sequences, an insilico analysis of IS6110 sequence of different strains of M. tuberculosis was carried out. Our results of comparative analysis of IS6110 insertion sequences of M. tuberculosis complex suggests that, IS6110 insertion sequences harbored variations in its sequence, which is evident from the phylogenetic analysis. Importantly, IS6110 sequence has divergence within the copies of same strain and formed different clusters. A list of IS6110 specific primers used in various clinical investigation of tuberculosis was obtained from the literature and their performance scrutinized. Our study emphasizes the need to develop PCR assays (multiplex format) targeting more than one region of the genome of M. tuberculosis.  相似文献   

The transketolase (TKT) enzyme in Mycobacterium tuberculosis represents a novel drug target for tuberculosis treatment and has low homology with the orthologous human enzyme. Here, we report on the structural and kinetic characterization of the transketolase from M. tuberculosis (TBTKT), a homodimer whose monomers each comprise 700 amino acids. We show that TBTKT catalyses the oxidation of donor sugars xylulose-5-phosphate and fructose-6-phosphate as well as the reduction of the acceptor sugar ribose-5-phosphate. An invariant residue of the TKT consensus sequence required for thiamine cofactor binding is mutated in TBTKT; yet its catalytic activities are unaffected, and the 2.5 Å resolution structure of full-length TBTKT provides an explanation for this. Key structural differences between the human and mycobacterial TKT enzymes that impact both substrate and cofactor recognition and binding were uncovered. These changes explain the kinetic differences between TBTKT and its human counterpart, and their differential inhibition by small molecules. The availability of a detailed structural model of TBTKT will enable differences between human and M. tuberculosis TKT structures to be exploited to design selective inhibitors with potential antitubercular activity.  相似文献   

A great challenge is posed to the treatment of tuberculosis due to the evolution of multidrug-resistant (MDR) and extensively drugresistant (XDR) strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in recent times. The complex cell envelope of the bacterium contains unusual structures of lipids which protects the bacterium from host enzymes and escape immune response. To overcome the drug resistance, targeting “drug targets” which have a critical role in growth and virulence factor is a novel approach for better tuberculosis treatment. The enzyme Phosphopantetheinyl transferase (PptT) is an attractive drug target as it is primarily involved in post translational modification of various types-I polyketide synthases and assembly of mycobactin, which is required for lipid virulence factors. Our in silico studies reported that the structural model of M.tuberculosis PptT characterizes the structure-function activity. The refinement of the model was carried out with molecular dynamics simulations and was analyzed with root mean square deviation (RMSD), and radius of gyration (Rg). This confirmed the structural behavior of PptT in dynamic system. Molecular docking with substrate coenzyme A (CoA) identified the binding pocket and key residues His93, Asp114 and Arg169 involved in PptT-CoA binding. In conclusion, our results show that the M.tuberculosis PptT model and critical CoA binding pocket initiate the inhibitor design of PptT towards tuberculosis treatment.  相似文献   

Strains of the Beijing/W genotype of Mycobacterium tuberculosis have been responsible for large outbreaks of tuberculosis around the world, sometimes involving multi-drug resistance. It has been shown that more recently evolved Beijing sublineages are prone to cause outbreaks. Furthermore Beijing is the single predominant cluster in Sri Lanka. The present study identifies that recently evolved sublineages of Beijing strains are present in the study population. The majority of Beijing isolates (92.85%) were pan-susceptible. However, these findings may have important implications for the control and prevention of tuberculosis in Sri Lanka.  相似文献   

The DevRS two component system of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is responsible for its dormancy in host and becomes operative under hypoxic condition. It is experimentally known that phosphorylated DevR controls the expression of several downstream genes in a complex manner. In the present work we propose a theoretical model to show role of binding sites in DevR mediated gene expression. Individual and collective role of binding sites in regulating DevR mediated gene expression has been shown via modeling. Objective of the present work is twofold. First, to describe qualitatively the temporal dynamics of wild type genes and their known mutants. Based on these results we propose that DevR controlled gene expression follows a specific pattern which is efficient in describing other DevR mediated gene expression. Second, to analyze behavior of the system from information theoretical point of view. Using the tools of information theory we have calculated molecular efficiency of the system and have shown that it is close to the maximum limit of isothermal efficiency.  相似文献   

A large fraction of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome codes for proteins of unknown function. We here report the structure of one of these proteins, Rv0130, solved to a resolution of 1.8 å. The Rv0130 monomer features a single hotdog fold composed of a highly curved β-sheet on top of a long and a short α-helix. Two monomers in turn pack to form a double-hotdog-folded homodimer, similar to a large group of enzymes that use thiol esters as substrates. Rv0130 was found to contain a highly conserved R-specific hydratase motif buried deeply between the two monomers. Our biochemical studies show that the protein is able to hydrate a short trans-2-enoyl-coenzyme A moiety with a k cat of 1.1 × 102 sec−1. The importance of the side chains of D40 and H45 for hydratase activity is demonstrated by site-directed mutagenesis. In contrast to many hotdog-folded proteins, a proline residue distorts the central helix of Rv0130. This distortion allows the creation of a long, curved tunnel, similar to the substrate-binding channels of long-chain eukaryotic hydratase 2 enzymes.  相似文献   

The emergence of multidrug resistant tuberculosis (MDRTB) highlights the urgent need to understand the mechanisms of resistance to the drugs and to develop a new arena of therapeutics to treat the disease. Ethambutol, isonazid, pyrazinamide, rifampicin are first line of drugs against TB, whereas aminoglycoside, polypeptides, fluoroquinolone, ethionamide are important second line of bactericidal drugs used to treat MDRTB, and resistance to one or both of these drugs are defining characteristic of extensively drug resistant TB. We retrieved 1,221 resistant genes from Antibiotic Resistance Gene Database (ARDB), which are responsible for resistance against first and second line antibiotics used in treatment of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. From network analysis of these resistance genes, 53 genes were found to be common. Phylogenetic analysis shows that more than 60% of these genes code for acetyltransferase. Acetyltransferases detoxify antibiotics by acetylation, this mechanism plays central role in antibiotic resistance. Seven acetyltransferase (AT-1 to AT-7) were selected from phylogenetic analysis. Structural alignment shows that these acetyltransferases share common ancestral core, which can be used as a template for structure based drug designing. From STRING analysis it is found that acetyltransferase interact with 10 different proteins and it shows that, all these interaction were specific to M. tuberculosis. These results have important implications in designing new therapeutic strategies with acetyltransferase as lead co-target to combat against MDR as well as Extreme drug resistant (XDR) tuberculosis.


AA - amino acid, AT - Acetyltransferase, AAC - Aminoglycoside 2''-N-acetyltransferase, XDR - Extreme drug-resistant, MDR - Multidrug-resistant, Mtb - Mycobacterium tuberculosis, TB - Tuberculosis.  相似文献   

The gene encoding the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Rv2536 protein is present in the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (as assayed by PCR) and transcribed (as determined by RT-PCR) in M. tuberculosis H37Rv, M. tuberculosis H37Ra, M. bovis BCG, and M. africanum strains. Rabbits immunized with synthetic polymer peptides from this protein produced antibodies specifically recognizing a 25-kDa band in mycobacterial sonicate. U937 and A549 cells were used in binding assays involving 20-amino-acid-long synthetic peptides covering the whole Rv2536 protein sequence. Peptide 11207 (161DVFSAVRADDSPTGEMQVAQY180) presented high specific binding to both types of cells; the binding was saturable and presented nanomolar affinity constants. Cross-linking assays revealed that this peptide specifically binds to 50 kDa U937 cell membrane and 45 kDa A549 cell membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Invulnerability of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to various drugs and its persistency has stood as a hurdle in the race against eradication of the pathogenecity of the bacteria. Identification of novel antituberculosis compounds is highly demanding as the available drugs are resistant. The ability of the bacteria to surpass the body''s defenses and adapt itself to survive for disease reactivation is contributed by secreted proteins called resuscitating promoting factors (Rpfs). These factors aid in virulence and resuscitation from dormancy of the bacteria. Sequence analysis of RpfB was performed and compounds were first screened for toxicity and high-throughput virtual screening eliminating the toxic compounds. To understand the mechanism of ligand binding and interaction, molecular docking was performed for the compounds passing through the filter resulting with better docking studies predicting the possible binding mode of the inhibitors to the protein. Of all the active residues the binding conformation shows that residues Arg194, Arg196, Glu242, and Asn244 of the RpfB protein play vital role in the enzyme activity and interacts with the ligands. Promising compounds have been identified in the current study, thus holding promise for design of antituberculosis drugs.  相似文献   

Genome sequencing showed that two proteins in Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv contain the metal binding motif (D/E)X(2)HX(approximately 100)(D/E)X(2)H characteristic of the soluble diiron enzyme superfamily. These putative acyl-ACP desaturase genes desA1 and desA2 were cloned from genomic DNA and expressed in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3). DesA1 was found to be insoluble, but in contrast, DesA2 was a soluble protein amenable to biophysical characterization. Here, we report the 2.0 A resolution X-ray structure of DesA2 determined by multiple anomalous dispersion (MAD) phasing from a Se-met derivative and refinement against diffraction data obtained on the native protein. The X-ray structure shows that DesA2 is a homodimeric protein with a four-helix bundle core flanked by five additional helices that overlay with 192 structurally equivalent amino acids in the structure of stearoyl-ACP Delta9 desaturase from castor plant with an rms difference 1.42 A. In the DesA2 crystals, one metal (likely Mn from the crystallization buffer) was bound in high occupancy at the B-site of the conserved metal binding motif, while the A-site was not occupied by a metal ion. Instead, the amino group of Lys-76 occupied this position. The relationships between DesA2 and known diiron enzymes are discussed.  相似文献   

Tuberculosis (TB) resurged in the late 1980s and now kills approximately 3 million people a year. The reemergence of tuberculosis as a public health threat has created a need to develop new anti-mycobacterial agents. The shikimate pathway is an attractive target for herbicides and anti-microbial agents development because it is essential in algae, higher plants, bacteria, and fungi, but absent from mammals. Homologs to enzymes in the shikimate pathway have been identified in the genome sequence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Among them, the shikimate kinase I encoding gene (aroK) was proposed to be present by sequence homology. Accordingly, to pave the way for structural and functional efforts towards anti-mycobacterial agents development, here we describe the molecular modeling of M. tuberculosis shikimate kinase that should provide a structural framework on which the design of specific inhibitors may be based.  相似文献   

Reports in recent years indicate that the increasing emergence of resistance to drugs be using to TB treatment. The resistance to them severely affects to options for effective treatment. The emergence of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis has increased interest in understanding the mechanism of drug resistance in M. tuberculosis and the development of new therapeutics, diagnostics and vaccines. In this study, a label-free quantitative proteomics approach has been used to analyze proteome of multidrug-resistant and susceptible clinical isolates of M. tuberculosis and identify differences in protein abundance between the two groups. With this approach, we were able to identify a total of 1,583 proteins. The majority of identified proteins have predicted roles in lipid metabolism, intermediary metabolism, cell wall and cell processes. Comparative analysis revealed that 68 proteins identified by at least two peptides showed significant differences of at least twofolds in relative abundance between two groups. In all protein differences, the increase of some considering proteins such as NADH dehydrogenase, probable aldehyde dehydrogenase, cyclopropane mycolic acid synthase 3, probable arabinosyltransferase A, putative lipoprotein, uncharacterized oxidoreductase and six membrane proteins in resistant isolates might be involved in the drug resistance and to be potential diagnostic protein targets. The decrease in abundance of proteins related to secretion system and immunogenicity (ESAT-6-like proteins, ESX-1 secretion system associated proteins, O-antigen export system and MPT63) in the multidrug-resistant strains can be a defensive mechanism undertaken by the resistant cell.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s12088-015-0511-2) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a gram-positive bacterium causes tuberculosis in human. H37Rv strain is a pathogenic strain utilized for tuberculosis research. The cytidylate mono-phosphate (CMP) kinase of Mycobacterium tuberculosis belongs to the family nucleoside mono-phosphate kinase (NMK), this enzyme is required for the bacterial growth. Therefore, it is important to study the structural and functional features of this enzyme in the control of the disease. Hence, we developed the structural molecular model of the CMP kinase protein from Mycobacterium tuberculosis by homology modeling using the software MODELLER (9v10). Based on sequence similarity with protein of known structure (template) of Mycobacterium smegmatis (PDB ID: 3R20) was chosen from protein databank (PDB) by using BLASTp. The energy of constructed models was minimized and the qualities of the models were evaluated by PROCHECK and VERRIFY-3D. Resulted Ramachandran plot analysis showed that conformations for 100.00% of amino acids residues are within the most favored regions. A possible homologous deep cleft active site was identified in the Model using CASTp program. Amino acid composition and polarity of that protein was observed by CLC-Protein Workbench tool. Expasy''s Prot-param server and CYC_REC tool were used for physiochemical and functional characterization of the protein. Studied of secondary structure of that protein was carried out by computational program, ProFunc. The structure is finally submitted in Protein Model Database. The predicted model permits initial inferences about the unexplored 3D structure of the CMP kinase and may be promote in relational designing of molecules for structure-function studies.  相似文献   

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