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Calliostoma tupinamba isa new species from Southeastern Brazil, ranging from southern Rio de Janeiro to northern São Paulo, and found only on coastal islands, on rocks and sessile invertebrates at 3 to 5 meters of depth. Shell and soft part morphology is described here in detail. Calliostoma tupinamba is mainly characterized by a depressed trochoid shell; eight slightly convex whorls; a sharply suprasutural carina starting on the third whorl and forming a peripheral rounded keel; and a whitish, funnel-shaped and deep umbilicus, measuring about 5%–10% of maximum shell width. Calliostoma tupinamba resembles Calliostoma bullisi Clench & Turner, 1960 in shape, but differs from it in being taller and wider, having a smaller umbilicus and lacking a strong and large innermost spiral cord at its base. Finally, an identification key of Brazilian Calliostoma species is presented.  相似文献   

Here we describe and illustrate a new parasitoid wasp species, Lathrolestes gauldi sp. n. from the lowland rainforest of eastern Ecuador and provide a key to the Neotropical species of the genus. This is the first record of the subfamily Ctenopelmatinae from Ecuador.  相似文献   

Two new species Dacne (Xenodacne) tangliangi sp. n. andDacne (Xenodacne) hujiayaoi sp. n. are described from China. A key to Chinese species and subspecies of genus Dacne Latreille is provided.  相似文献   

A new species, Amphibulus melanarius Zong, Sun & Sheng, sp.n., belonging to the tribe Phygadeuontini of the subfamily Cryptinae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), collected from Beijing, China, is reported. A key to the species of the genus Amphibulus Kriechbaumer, 1893 known in the Oriental and Eastern Palaearctic Regions is provided.  相似文献   

The New World species of Polytrichophora Cresson and Facitrichophora new genus, are revised. Fifteen new species are described (type locality in parenthesis): Facitrichophora atrella sp. n. (Costa Rica. Guanacaste: Murciélago [10°56.9''N, 85°42.5''W; sandy mud flats around mangrove inlet]), Facitrichophora carvalhorum sp. n. (Brazil. São Paulo: Praia Puruba [23°21''S, 44°55.6''W; beach]), Facitrichophora manza sp. n. (Trinidad and Tobago. Trinidad. St. Andrew: Lower Manzanilla (12 km S; 10°24.5''N, 61°01.5''W), bridge over Nariva River), Facitrichophora panama sp. n. (Panama. Darien: Garachine [8°04''N, 78°22''W]), Polytrichophora adarca sp. n. (Barbados. Christ Church: Graeme Hall Nature Sanctuary [13°04.2''N, 59°34.7''W; swamp]), Polytrichophora arnaudorum sp. n. (Mexico. Baja California. San Felipe [31°01.5''N, 114°50.4''W]), Polytrichophora barba sp. n. (Cuba. Sancti Spiritus: Topes de Collantes [21°54.4''N, 80°01.4''W, 670 m]), Polytrichophora flavella sp. n. (Peru. Madre de Dios: Rio Manu, Pakitza [11°56.6''S, 71°16.9''W; 250 m]), Polytrichophora marinoniorum sp. n. (Brazil. Paraná: Antonina [25°28.4''S, 48°40.9''W; mangal]), Polytrichophora rostra sp. n. (Peru. Madre de Dios: Rio Manu, Pakitza [11°56.6''S, 71°16.9''W; 250 m]), Polytrichophora sinuosa sp. n. (Trinidad and Tobago. Trinidad. St. Andrew: Lower Manzanilla [12 km S; 10°24''N, 61°02''W]), Polytrichophora mimbres sp. n. (United States. New Mexico. Grant: Mimbres River [New Mexico Highway 61 & Royal John Mine Road; 32°43.8''N, 107°52''W; 1665 m]), Polytrichophora salix sp. n. (United States. Alaska. Matanuska-Susitna: Willow Creek [61°46.1''N, 150°04.2''W; 50 m]), Polytrichophora sturtevantorum sp. n. (United States. Tennessee. Shelby: Meeman Shelby State Park [Mississippi River; 35°20.4''N, 90°2.1''W; 98 m]), Polytrichophora prolata sp. n. (Belize. Stann Creek: Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary [16°45''N, 88°30''W]). All known New World species of both genera are described with an emphasis on structures of the male terminalia, which are fully illustrated. Detailed locality data and distribution maps for all species are provided. For perspective and to facilitate recognition, the tribe Discocerinini is diagnosed and a key to included genera is provided.  相似文献   

The genera Odontacolus Kieffer and Cyphacolus Priesner are among the most distinctive platygastroid wasps because of their laterally compressed metasomal horn; however, their generic status has remained unclear. We present a morphological phylogenetic analysis comprising all 38 Old World and four Neotropical Odontacolus species and 13 Cyphacolus species, which demonstrates that the latter is monophyletic but nested within a somewhat poorly resolved Odontacolus. Based on these results Cyphacolus syn. n. is placed as a junior synonym of Odontacolus which is here redefined. The taxonomy of Old World Odontacolus s.str. is revised; the previously known species Odontacolus longiceps Kieffer (Seychelles), Odontacolus markadicus Veenakumari (India), Odontacolus spinosus (Dodd) (Australia) and Odontacolus hackeri (Dodd) (Australia) are re-described, and 32 new species are described: Odontacolus africanus Valerio & Austin sp. n. (Congo, Guinea, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, South Africa, Uganda, Zimbabwe), Odontacolus aldrovandii Valerio & Austin sp. n. (Nepal), Odontacolus anningae Valerio & Austin sp. n. (Cameroon), Odontacolus australiensis Valerio & Austin sp. n. (Australia), Odontacolus baeri Valerio & Austin sp. n. (Australia), Odontacolus berryae Valerio & Austin sp. n. (Australia, New Zealand, Norfolk Island), Odontacolus bosei Valerio & Austin sp. n. (India, Malaysia, Sri Lanka), Odontacolus cardaleae Valerio & Austin sp. n. (Australia), Odontacolus darwini Valerio & Austin sp. n. (Thailand), Odontacolus dayi Valerio & Austin sp. n. (Indonesia), Odontacolus gallowayi Valerio & Austin sp. n. (Australia), Odontacolus gentingensis Valerio & Austin sp. n. (Malaysia), Odontacolus guineensis Valerio & Austin sp. n. (Guinea), Odontacolus harveyi Valerio & Austin sp. n. (Australia), Odontacolus heratyi Valerio & Austin sp. n. (Fiji), Odontacolus heydoni Valerio & Austin sp. n. (Malaysia, Thailand), Odontacolus irwini Valerio & Austin sp. n. (Fiji), Odontacolus jacksonae Valerio & Austin sp. n. (Cameroon, Guinea, Madagascar), Odontacolus kiau Valerio & Austin sp. n. (Papua New Guinea), Odontacolus lamarcki Valerio & Austin sp. n. (Thailand), Odontacolus madagascarensis Valerio & Austin sp. n. (Madagascar), Odontacolus mayri Valerio & Austin sp. n. (Indonesia, Thailand), Odontacolus mot Valerio & Austin sp. n. (India), Odontacolus noyesi Valerio & Austin sp. n. (India, Indonesia), Odontacolus pintoi Valerio & Austin sp. n. (Australia, New Zealand, Norfolk Island), Odontacolus schlingeri Valerio & Austin sp. n. (Fiji), Odontacolus sharkeyi Valerio & Austin sp. n. (Thailand), Odontacolus veroae Valerio & Austin sp. n. (Fiji), Odontacolus wallacei Valerio & Austin sp. n. (Australia, Indonesia, Malawi, Papua New Guinea), Odontacolus whitfieldi Valerio & Austin sp. n. (China, India, Indonesia, Sulawesi, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam), Odontacolus zborowskii Valerio & Austin sp. n. (Australia), and Odontacolus zimi Valerio & Austin sp. n. (Madagascar). In addition, all species of Cyphacolus are here transferred to Odontacolus: Odontacolus asheri (Valerio, Masner & Austin) comb. n. (Sri Lanka), Odontacolus axfordi (Valerio, Masner & Austin) comb. n. (Australia), Odontacolus bhowaliensis (Mani & Mukerjee) comb. n. (India), Odontacolus bouceki (Austin & Iqbal) comb. n. (Australia), Odontacolus copelandi (Valerio, Masner & Austin) comb. n. (Kenya, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Thailand), Odontacolus diazae (Valerio, Masner & Austin) comb. n. (Kenya), Odontacolus harteni (Valerio, Masner & Austin) comb. n. (Yemen, Ivory Coast, Paskistan), Odontacolus jenningsi (Valerio, Masner & Austin) comb. n. (Australia), Odontacolus leblanci (Valerio, Masner & Austin) comb. n. (Guinea), Odontacolus lucianae (Valerio, Masner & Austin) comb. n. (Ivory Coast, Madagascar, South Africa, Swaziland, Zimbabwe), Odontacolus normani (Valerio, Masner & Austin) comb. n. (India, United Arab Emirates), Odontacolus sallyae (Valerio, Masner & Austin) comb. n. (Australia), Odontacolus tessae (Valerio, Masner & Austin) comb. n. (Australia), Odontacolus tullyae (Valerio, Masner & Austin) comb. n. (Australia), Odontacolus veniprivus (Priesner) comb. n. (Egypt), and Odontacolus watshami (Valerio, Masner & Austin) comb. n. (Africa, Madagascar). Two species of Odontacolus are transferred to the genus Idris Förster: Idris longispinosus (Girault) comb. n. and Idris amoenus (Kononova) comb. n., and Odontacolus doddi Austin syn. n. is placed as a junior synonym of Odontacolus spinosus (Dodd). Odontacolus markadicus, previously only known from India, is here recorded from Brunei, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam. The relationships, distribution and biology of Odontacolus are discussed, and a key is provided to identify all species.  相似文献   

The distinctive braconine wasp genus Rhytimorpha Szépligeti is distributed through Africa and the Near East. We provide photographic illustrations of the type specimens of the two species of Rhytimorpha known up to the present, R. coccinea Szépligeti and R. nigriceps Szépligeti. Previous published records of R. coccinea from Israel by J. Papp are confirmed. A new species, R. pappi Quicke & Butcher sp. n. is described based on a female from Holot Agur, a semi-desert area in the Negev Dunes in northeastern Sinai Peninsula.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:B5CDA65C-5341-4A61-9C85-2A7A70D7D4C1  相似文献   

A new species, Distenia orientalis sp. n. is described from Southeastern China. It was misidentified as Distenia gracilis (Blessig, 1872) but can be separated from the latter by the color of antennae and legs, structure differences on scape, maxillary palp, pronotum, tibiae, punctures on elytra, etc. Three related species are carefully diagnosed and treated.  相似文献   

Two new species of the genus Euglossa Latreille, subgenus Glossurella Dressler are here presented. Euglossa (Glossurella) embera sp. n., from the Pacific lowlands of Colombia, and Euglossa (Glossurella) adiastola sp. n., from the Atlantic Forest of Brazil. Their taxonomic association and distinction are discussed, as well as the correct understanding of the subgenus Glossurella.  相似文献   

The species of Adialytus Förster in Iran are taxonomically studied and new data on distribution and host associations are presented. The existence of a species complex, in the case of Adialytus ambiguus (Haliday), and the morphological variability in commonly used taxonomic characters has been discussed. In total, four valid species belonging to the genus Adialytus including Adialytus ambiguus (Haliday), Adialytus salicaphis (Fitch), Adialytus thelaxis (Starý) and Adialytus veronicaecola (Starý) have been identified and recorded from Iran. Also, we recognized two additional phenotypes: “Adialytus arvicola” (Starý) and “Adialytus cf. ambiguus” (Haliday). These phenotypes and Adialytus veronicaecola are newly recorded from Iran in association with Sipha and Aphis species, respectively. An illustrated key for identification of the species and two variable phenotypes is presented.  相似文献   

The species of the genus Brulleia Szépligeti, 1904 (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Helconinae) from China are revised. Four new species, namely Brulleia fanjingensis YanandChen, sp. n., Brulleia longipalpis YanandChen, sp. n., Brulleia noncarinata YanandChen, sp. n. andBrulleia punctata Yan andChen, sp. n. are described and illustrated. A key to the Chinese species of the genus Brulleia is included.  相似文献   

Four species of the genus Lamachus Förster 1869 belonging to the tribe Mesoleiini of the subfamily Ctenopelmatinae (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) are reported from China. Two of them are new to science, Lamachus nigrus Li, Sheng & Sun, sp. n. and Lamachus rufiabdominalis Li, Sheng & Sun, sp. n. were reared from Neodiprion huizeensis Xiao & Zhou, in Guizhou Province of the Oriental part of China. The biology of Lamachus rufiabdominalis is described. A key to the species of Lamachus known from China is provided.  相似文献   

A new species of Profundulus, Profundulus kreiseri (Cyprinodontiformes: Profundulidae), is described from the Chamelecón and Ulúa Rivers in the northwestern Honduran highlands. Based on a phylogenetic analysis using cytochrome b and the presence of synapomorphic characters (dark humeral spot, a scaled preorbital region and between 32-34 vertebrae), this new species is placed in the subgenus Profundulus, which also includes Profundulus (Profundulus) oaxacae, Profundulus (Profundulus) punctatus and Profundulus (Profundulus) guatemalensis. Profundulus kreiseri can be distinguished from other members of the subgenus Profundulus by having less than half of its caudal fin densely scaled. Profundulus kreiseri can further be differentiated from Profundulus (Profundulus) oaxacae and Profundulus (Profundulus) punctatus by the absence of rows of dark spots on its flanks. The new species can further be differentiated from Profundulus (Profundulus) guatemalensis by the presence of fewer caudal- and pectoral-fin rays. The new species is distinguished from congeners of the profundulid subgenus Tlaloc (viz., Profundulus (Tlaloc) hildebrandi, Profundulus (Tlaloc) labialis, Profundulus (Tlaloc) candalarius and Profundulus (Tlaloc) portillorum) by having a scaled preorbital region and a dark humeral spot. Profundulus kreiseri and Profundulus portillorum are the only two species of Profundulus that are endemic to the region south of the Motagua River drainage in southern Guatemala and northwestern Honduras.  相似文献   

A new species of Caponiidae, Tarsonops irataylori sp. n. is described from southern Belize, and a key to the genera of the subfamily Nopinae is provided.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Himertosoma Schmiedeknecht, Himertosoma kuslitzkii sp. n., was discovered in Amamioshima Island, the Ryukyus. This new species resembles two Oriental species, Himertosoma philippense Chandra & Gupta and Himertosoma townesi Chandra & Gupta, in the colour pattern of the head and metasoma, number of flagellomeres, and the relatively slender first metasomal tergite, but can easily be distinguished from them by the nearly evenly punctate propodeum, different length/width ratio of the first metasomal tergite, different length of the ovipositor sheath, tricoloured mesosoma, and the whitish band along the posterior margin of the second and following metasomal tergites. A key to the Palaearctic and Oriental species of Himertosoma is also provided.  相似文献   

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