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Bacterial cytokinesis is coupled to the localized synthesis of new peptidoglycan (PG) at the division site. This newly generated septal PG is initially shared by the daughter cells. In Escherichia coli and other gram-negative bacteria, it is split shortly after it is made to promote daughter cell separation and allow outer membrane constriction to closely follow that of the inner membrane. We have discovered that the LytM (lysostaphin)-domain containing factors of E. coli (EnvC, NlpD, YgeR, and YebA) are absolutely required for septal PG splitting and daughter cell separation. Mutants lacking all LytM factors form long cell chains with septa containing a layer of unsplit PG. Consistent with these factors playing a direct role in septal PG splitting, both EnvC-mCherry and NlpD-mCherry fusions were found to be specifically recruited to the division site. We also uncovered a role for the LytM-domain factors in the process of β-lactam-induced cell lysis. Compared to wild-type cells, mutants lacking LytM-domain factors were delayed in the onset of cell lysis after treatment with ampicillin. Moreover, rather than lysing from midcell lesions like wild-type cells, LytM cells appeared to lyse through a gradual loss of cell shape and integrity. Overall, the phenotypes of mutants lacking LytM-domain factors bear a striking resemblance to those of mutants defective for the N-acetylmuramyl-l-alanine amidases: AmiA, AmiB, and AmiC. E. coli thus appears to rely on two distinct sets of putative PG hydrolases to promote proper cell division.Cytokinesis in Escherichia coli and other gram-negative bacteria proceeds via the coordinated constriction of their envelope layers (outer membrane, inner membrane, and peptidoglycan [PG]) (12, 13, 34, 89). This coordination is achieved by a multi-protein division machine referred to as the septal ring or divisome (20). Assembly of the septal ring begins with the polymerization of the bacterial tubulin protein, FtsZ, into a ring structure just underneath the inner membrane at the prospective site of cell division (8). Once formed, this so-called Z-ring facilitates the recruitment of a number of essential and nonessential division proteins to the division site for the assembly of the trans-envelope divisome organelle (20).A major function of the cytokinetic machinery is to promote the synthesis of the PG layer that will eventually fortify the new poles of the developing daughter cells. PG is a polysaccharide polymer composed of repeating units of N-acetyl-glucosamine (GlcNAc) and N-acetyl-muramic acid (MurNAc) linked by a β-1,4-glycosidic bond (46). Attached to the MurNAc sugar is a short peptide that is used to form cross-links between adjacent polysaccharide strands (46). Such cross-links allow for the construction of a cell-shaped PG meshwork that surrounds the cell membrane and protects it from osmotic rupture.A new wave of zonal PG synthesis is initiated at the division site during each cell cycle (23, 25, 72, 77, 91). Several of the major PG synthases called penicillin-binding proteins are components of the divisome organelle and play important roles in the synthesis of PG during division (7, 21, 62, 67, 73, 74, 80, 81, 88, 90). The septal PG layer produced by these and perhaps other components of the divisome is thought to be initially shared by the daughter cells (46). In gram-positive bacteria, this septal PG layer is typically split some time after the daughter cells have been compartmentalized by membrane fusion (11). In gram-negative bacteria, however, the septal PG layer is split shortly after it is formed to allow constriction of the outer membrane to closely follow that of the inner (cytoplasmic) membrane (12, 13, 34, 89). This gives rise to the characteristic constricted appearance of predivisional cells of E. coli and its relatives.PG hydrolysis is required to promote septal PG splitting and eventual daughter cell separation (87). E. coli, like many bacteria, encodes a vast array of factors with known or predicted PG hydrolase activity (at least 30 genes and 11 different protein families) (29, 31, 87). In most cases, the loss of individual PG hydrolase factors has little effect on growth and division, suggesting that there is significant functional overlap between the various hydrolases (87). This dearth of phenotypic information has consequently made it difficult to understand the physiological roles of PG hydrolases and identify the subset of these factors needed for septal PG splitting. An approach that has helped overcome this limitation in E. coli, however, has been the systematic deletion of all members of a particular PG hydrolase family from the genome (22, 44, 45, 63). Thus far, of all the families of PG hydrolases encoded by E. coli, the factors that play the predominant role in cell separation appear to be the LytC-type N-acetylmuramyl-l-alanine amidases: AmiA, AmiB, and AmiC (44, 45, 69). Loss of all three of these amidases results in a severe defect in cell separation and the formation of extremely long cell chains. This chaining phenotype can be exacerbated by the loss of members of other classes of PG hydrolases like the lytic transglycosylases or d,d-endopeptidases (44, 68). However, relative to strains defective for the amidases, mutants lacking multiple lytic transglycosylases or d,d-endopeptidases alone do not display significant chaining phenotypes in E. coli. These PG hydrolases therefore appear to be playing more of an ancillary role in cell separation.The LytM (lysostaphin/peptidase M23)-domain containing factors (referred to as LytM factors for convenience) are a widely distributed class of putative PG hydrolases that have been poorly characterized with regard to their role in PG biogenesis in E. coli and other bacteria (31). The most well-studied members of this family of factors, LytM and lysostaphin, are metallo-endopeptidases that cleave the pentaglycine cross-bridges found in staphylococcal PG (9, 30, 64). Based on this activity, other LytM factors are also likely to be PG hydrolases but with altered cleavage specificity because pentaglycine cross-bridges are only found among the staphylococci (75). Indeed, the LytM protein, gp13, from the Bacillus subtilis phage Φ29 was recently shown to be a d,d-endopeptidase that cleaves the meso-diaminopimelic acid-d-Ala cross-links of B. subtilis PG (17).E. coli encodes four factors with identifiable LytM-domains: EnvC, NlpD, YgeR, and YebA (29) (Fig. (Fig.1).1). Of the four, only EnvC has been studied in appreciable detail. EnvC mutants have a mild cell separation (chaining) defect when grown in medium containing salt and a severe division defect when grown at high temperatures in medium lacking salt (5, 42, 48, 71). In addition, purified EnvC protein was found to possess PG hydrolase activity using a gel-based zymogram assay, and an EnvC-green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion exported to the periplasm via the Tat system was shown to be recruited to the division site (5). In all, these results support a model in which EnvC is targeted to the division site to participate directly in septal PG splitting and daughter cell separation.Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Predicted domain structure of the E. coli LytM factors. Shown is a diagram depicting the predicted domain architecture of the four E. coli factors with identifiable LytM domains. Abbreviations: LytM, LytM domain; LysM, LysM PG-binding domain (29); CC, coiled coil; T, transmembrane domain; SS, signal sequence; SS*, lipoprotein signal sequence. The UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot accession numbers are as follows: EnvC (P37690), NlpD (P0ADA3), YebA (P0AFS9), and YgeR (Q46798).In the present study, we investigated the physiological role(s) of the entire set of E. coli LytM factors by generating mutant strains lacking all possible combinations of them. We found that, like the amidases, LytM factors play a critical role in daughter cell separation. Furthermore, studies of their subcellular localization revealed that NlpD is recruited to the division site along with EnvC, indicating that both of these LytM factors are likely to be participating directly in the septal PG splitting process. We also discovered that mutants lacking multiple LytM factors lyse more slowly and display an altered morphological response relative to wild-type (WT) cells when they are treated with ampicillin. This finding suggests that in addition to cell separation, LytM proteins play a role in the lytic mechanism of β-lactam antibiotics.  相似文献   

Penicillin binding proteins (PBPs) are responsible for synthesizing and modifying the bacterial cell wall, and in Escherichia coli the loss of several nonessential low-molecular-weight PBPs gives rise to abnormalities in cell shape and division. To determine whether these proteins help connect the flagellar basal body to the peptidoglycan wall, we surveyed a set of PBP mutants and found that motility in an agar migration assay was compromised by the simultaneous absence of four enzymes: PBP4, PBP5, PBP7, and AmpH. A wild-type copy of any one of these restored migration, and complementation depended on the integrity of the PBP active-site serine. However, the migration defect was caused by the absence of flagella instead of improper flagellar assembly. Migration was restored if the flhDC genes were overexpressed or if the rcsB or cpxR genes were deleted. Thus, migration was inhibited because the Rcs and Cpx stress response systems were induced in the absence of these four specific PBPs. Furthermore, in this situation Rcs induction depended on the presence of CpxR. The results imply that small changes in peptidoglycan structure are sufficient to activate these stress responses, suggesting that a specific cell wall fragment may be the signal being sensed. The fact that four PBPs must be inactivated may explain why large perturbations to the envelope are required to induce stress responses.  相似文献   

Actinomycin D inhibited the synthesis of poly(A)-containing messenger RNA in healthy soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr. cv. Harosoy 63) hypocotyls and in hypocotyls inoculated with the pathogenic fungus Phytophthora megasperma var. sojae A. A. Hildb., but had little effect on protein synthesis within 6 hours. Blasticidin S, conversely, inhibited protein synthesis in the hypocotyls without exhibiting significant effects on messenger RNA synthesis. The normal cultivar-specific resistance of the Harosoy 63 soybean hypocotyls to the fungus was completely diminished by actinomycin D or blasticidin S. The fungus grew as well in hypocotyls treated with either inhibitor as it did in the near isogenic susceptible cultivar Harosoy, and production of the phytoalexin glyceollin was concomitantly reduced. The effects of actinomcyin D and blasticidin S were pronounced when the treatments were made at the time of fungus inoculation or within 2 to 4 hours after inoculation, but not after longer times. These results indicated that the normal expression of resistance to the fungus and production of glyceollin both required de novo messenger RNA and protein synthesis early after infection. Furthermore, actinomycin D and blasticidin S also were effective in suppressing resistance expression and glyceollin production in soybean hypocotyls when inoculated with various Phytophthora species that were normally nonpathogenic to the plants. This indicated that the mechanism of general resistance to these normally nonpathogenic fungi also involves de novo messenger RNA and protein synthesis and production of glyceollin.  相似文献   

Fracture Faces in the Cell Envelope of Escherichia coli   总被引:21,自引:12,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
Freeze-fracturing of Escherichia coli cells in the presence of 30% (v/v) glycerol resulted in a double cleavage of the cell envelope exposing two convex and two concave fracture faces ([Formula: see text], [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text], [Formula: see text]) with characteristic patterns. Complementary replicas revealed the relationship of the fracture faces to their corresponding fracture planes. The inner fracture plane splits the plasma membrane at one particular level. Apparently the outer fracture plane was located in the outer part of the wall, as it was separated by a layer ([Formula: see text]) from the fractured profile (CW1) presumably corresponding to the murein layer. The outer fracture plane did alternate toward the cell periphery, exposing complementary smooth areas ([Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text]). When cells were freeze-fractured in the absence of glycerol, the outer cell surface appeared as an etching face rather than a fracture face. A schematic representation of the relative location of the different fracture faces in the E. coli cell envelope is given.  相似文献   

Bartonella are hemotropic bacteria responsible for emerging zoonoses. These heme auxotroph alphaproteobacteria must import heme for their growth, since they cannot synthesize it. To import exogenous heme, Bartonella genomes encode for a complete heme uptake system enabling transportation of this compound into the cytoplasm and degrading it to release iron. In addition, these bacteria encode for four or five outer membrane heme binding proteins (Hbps). The structural genes of these highly homologous proteins are expressed differently depending on oxygen, temperature and heme concentrations. These proteins were hypothesized as being involved in various cellular processes according to their ability to bind heme and their regulation profile. In this report, we investigated the roles of the four Hbps of Bartonella henselae, responsible for cat scratch disease. We show that Hbps can bind heme in vitro. They are able to enhance the efficiency of heme uptake when co-expressed with a heme transporter in Escherichia coli. Using B. henselae Hbp knockdown mutants, we show that these proteins are involved in defense against the oxidative stress, colonization of human endothelial cell and survival in the flea.  相似文献   

We have identified a gene in Escherichia coli that is required for both the normal decay of mRNA and RNA synthesis. Originally designated mrsC (mRNA stability), the mrsC505 mutation described here is, in fact, an allele of the hflB/ftsH locus (R.-F. Wang et al., J. Bacteriol. 180:1929–1938, 1998). Strains carrying the thermosensitive mrsC505 allele stopped growing soon after the temperature was shifted to 44°C but remained viable for several hours. Net RNA synthesis stopped within 20 min after the shift, while DNA and protein synthesis continued for over 60 min. At 44°C, the half-life of total pulse-labeled RNA rose from 2.9 min in a wild-type strain to 5.9 min in the mrsC505 single mutant. In an rne-1 mrsC505 double mutant, the average half-life was 19.8 min. Inactivating mrsC significantly increased the half-lives of the trxA, cat, secG, and kan mRNAs, particularly in an mrsC505 pnp-7 rnb-500 rne-1 multiple mutant. In addition, Northern analysis showed dramatic stabilizations of full-length mRNAs in a variety of mrsC505 multiple mutants at 44°C. These results suggest that MrsC, directly or indirectly, controls endonucleolytic processing of mRNAs that may be independent of the RNase E-PNPase-RhlB multiprotein complex.  相似文献   

Membrane-anchored lipoproteins have a broad range of functions and play key roles in several cellular processes in Gram-positive bacteria. BA0330 and BA0331 are the only lipoproteins among the 11 known or putative polysaccharide deacetylases of Bacillus anthracis. We found that both lipoproteins exhibit unique characteristics. BA0330 and BA0331 interact with peptidoglycan, and BA0330 is important for the adaptation of the bacterium to grow in the presence of a high concentration of salt, whereas BA0331 contributes to the maintenance of a uniform cell shape. They appear not to alter the peptidoglycan structure and do not contribute to lysozyme resistance. The high resolution x-ray structure of BA0330 revealed a C-terminal domain with the typical fold of a carbohydrate esterase 4 and an N-terminal domain unique for this family, composed of a two-layered (4 + 3) β-sandwich with structural similarity to fibronectin type 3 domains. Our data suggest that BA0330 and BA0331 have a structural role in stabilizing the cell wall of B. anthracis.  相似文献   

Mutants of Escherichia coli which have a defect in their permeability barrier were selected. The technique used was to employ a strain of E. coli having a deletion in the gene for lactose permease and to select for mutants which can grow on lactose at 40 C. Twenty such mutants were isolated and six of these were found to be more sensitive to actinomycin D, sodium deoxycholate, and sodium dodecyl sulfate than was the parental strain. They were also more sensitive to the antibiotics vancomycin and bacitracin, which inhibit peptidoglycan biosynthesis. These mutants were no more sensitive to several different colicins or phages than was the wild-type strain. One of the mutants selected by this technique has an abnormal morphology when grown on certain carbon sources in minimal medium, and this mutant is more extensively studied in the accompanying paper.  相似文献   

The surface area per repeating murein unit (i.e. per molecule of diaminopimelate) has been determined for the cell envelopes of the Escherichia coli strains K-12 and W. This area was constantly found to be 1.3 nm(2). Using this value and other previously determined properties of E. coli murein, a three-dimensional model of murein is proposed. The model specifies a monomolecular layer in which disaccharide units are each 1.03 nm long, and the polysaccharide chains, all parallel, are 1.25 nm apart. The cross-linking peptide side-chains have the same atomic coordinates and are arranged above or below the polysaccharide chains.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented suggesting the existence of a natural ribosome-membrane complex. A reconstruction system is described wherein free ribosomes form a complex which appears to involve cell fragments. The reconstructed complex is similar in stability to the inferred natural complex. The reconstructed complex is generated by lysozyme, and it is concluded that at least part of the inferred natural complex is also generated by lysozyme. These results are discussed with reference to existing data concerning certain membrane-associated systems in bacteria.  相似文献   

Some envelope proteins of Escherichia coli show variable behavior in acrylamide gel electrophoresis in 1% sodium dodecyl sulfate, depending upon the conditions of the solubilization. When solubilized in 1% sodium dodecyl sulfate at 70 C for 20 min, three distinct peaks (peaks 4, 6, and 7) are seen at molecular weights of 57,800, 44,300, and 38,400, respectively. However, when the envelope fractions are solubilized in 1% sodium dodecyl sulfate at 100 C for 5 min, or when they are treated with N, N-dimethylformamide at acidic pH before solubilization by our method, only a single peak at 48,000 molecular weight is observed in the molecular weight range mentioned above. That is, peaks 4 and 7 disappear and a new peak appears at the position overlapping with peak 6. Proteins isolated from peaks 4 and 7 show the similar molecular weight shifts to the new peak by the treatment at 100 C. No other peaks show any change by the heat treatment. The increase at the new peak is completely accounted for by the decrease at peaks 4 and 7, indicating that the new peak is composed of proteins from peaks 4, 6, and 7. However, it is concluded that these three peaks consist of distinctly different proteins for the following reasons: (i) they have different amino acid compositions, (ii) they show different solubilities in the nonionic detergent, Nonidet P-40, and as shown previously, (iii) peak 6 (protein Y) is related to deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis, and (iv) proteins in peaks 4, 6, and 7 have different resistance to proteolytic enzymes. Although the reasons for the anomalous molecular weight shifts of these peaks are not well understood at present, it is important to solubilize the E. coli envelope proteins by the standard method in order to investigate their properties and functions of the envelope proteins.  相似文献   

A heat-labile protein required for division accumulates during the duplication cycle of Escherichia coli. Its formation appears to commence shortly after the cell divides, and it reaches a maximal amount shortly before the next division. A plausible mechanism for timing cell division depends on building up the critical amount of this protein. Completion of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) replication is also necessary for division to occur, but it does not uniquely initiate division. The evidence for these conclusions comes from heat-shock experiments; heating to 45 C for 15 min delays division increasingly with the age of a cell. A heat shock given near the end of a cycle delays division for about 30 min, whereas at the beginning of the cycle it hardly affects division. The net result is synchronization of cell division. The effect of heat is increased in bacteria which have incorporated p-fluoro-phenylalanine into their proteins. When the incorporation is early and the heat shock is late in the cycle, division is delayed by about 30 min, indicating that the division protein is synthesized early even though its sensitivity is not observed until later. At any time in the cell cycle, heat shock simply delays total protein and DNA synthesis ((3)H-thymidine uptake) for approximately 14 min. DNA replication and cell division are thus discoordinated, since DNA replication is not synchronized by the treatment.  相似文献   

Aberrant amyloid β (Aβ) production plays a causal role in Alzheimer disease pathogenesis. A major cellular pathway for Aβ generation is the activity-dependent endocytosis and proteolytic cleavage of the amyloid precursor protein (APP). However, the molecules controlling activity-dependent APP trafficking in neurons are less defined. Mints are adaptor proteins that directly interact with the endocytic sorting motif of APP and are functionally important in regulating APP endocytosis and Aβ production. We analyzed neuronal cultures from control and Mint knockout neurons that were treated with either glutamate or tetrodotoxin to stimulate an increase or decrease in neuronal activity, respectively. We found that neuronal activation by glutamate increased APP endocytosis, followed by elevated APP insertion into the cell surface, stabilizing APP at the plasma membrane. Conversely, suppression of neuronal activity by tetrodotoxin decreased APP endocytosis and insertion. Interestingly, we found that activity-dependent APP trafficking and Aβ generation were blocked in Mint knockout neurons. We showed that wild-type Mint1 can rescue APP internalization and insertion in Mint knockout neurons. In addition, we found that Mint overexpression increased excitatory synaptic activity and that APP was internalized predominantly to endosomes associated with APP processing. We demonstrated that presenilin 1 (PS1) endocytosis requires interaction with the PDZ domains of Mint1 and that this interaction facilitates activity-dependent colocalization of APP and PS1. These findings demonstrate that Mints are necessary for activity-induced APP and PS1 trafficking and provide insight into the cellular fate of APP in endocytic pathways essential for Aβ production.  相似文献   

Bile salts are prevalent in the mammalian intestine, a natural habitat of Escherichia coli. The bile salts deoxycholate, chenodeoxycholate, ursodeoxycholate, and glycocholate were tested for their effect on induction of 13 specific stress response genes. The most consistently activated E. coli promoters were those for genes micF, osmY, and dinD. MicF and osmY gene products are associated with membrane functions and are responsive to oxidative stress. DinD is induced by DNA damage as part of the SOS response. These results indicate that bile acids, to which E. coli are naturally exposed, induce expression of specific stress response genes, possibly in response to membrane perturbation, oxidative stress, and DNA damage. Altered expression of stress-response genes may also promote interaction of E. coli with cells of the colonic epithelium. Received: 5 March 1999 / Accepted: 2 April 1999  相似文献   

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