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Virulence of Vibrio vulnificus strains from marine environments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Vibrio vulnificus strains isolated from geographically diverse marine sources were compared with clinical isolates for phenotype and in vitro and in vivo production of virulence factors. There were no differences between environmental and clinical strains on the basis of biochemical characteristics or antimicrobial susceptibility patterns. Cytolysin and cytotoxin titers produced by environmental strains were generally comparable to those of clinical strains. Of 29 environmental isolates tested, 25 were pathogenic for mice. These data show that environmental V. vulnificus strains are phenotypically indistinguishable from clinical isolates and that approximately 90% of the environmental strains tested produced in vitro virulence factors and in vivo pathogenicity for mice comparable to those produced by clinical V. vulnificus isolates.  相似文献   

Vibrio cholerae is an autochthonous inhabitant of riverine and estuarine environments and also is a facultative pathogen for humans. Genotyping can be useful in assessing the risk of contracting cholera, intestinal, or extraintestinal infections via drinking water and/or seafood. In this study, environmental isolates of V. cholerae were examined for the presence of ctxA, hlyA, ompU, stn/sto, tcpA, tcpI, toxR, and zot genes, using multiplex PCR. Based on tcpA and hlyA gene comparisons, the strains could be grouped into Classical and El Tor biotypes. The toxR, hlyA, and ompU genes were present in 100, 98.6, and 87.0% of the V. cholerae isolates, respectively. The CTX genetic element and toxin-coregulated pilus El Tor (tcpA ET) gene were present in all toxigenic V. cholerae O1 and V. cholerae O139 strains examined in this study. Three of four nontoxigenic V. cholerae O1 strains contained tcpA ET. Interestingly, among the isolates of V. cholerae non-O1/non-O139, two had tcpA Classical, nine contained tcpA El Tor, three showed homology with both biotype genes, and four carried the ctxA gene. The stn/sto genes were present in 28.2% of the non-O1/non-O139 strains, in 10.5% of the toxigenic V. cholerae O1, and in 14.3% of the O139 serogroups. Except for stn/sto genes, all of the other genes studied occurred with high frequency in toxigenic V. cholerae O1 and O139 strains. Based on results of this study, surveillance of non-O1/non-O139 V. cholerae in the aquatic environment, combined with genotype monitoring using ctxA, stn/sto, and tcpA ET genes, could be valuable in human health risk assessment.  相似文献   

Virulence of Vibrio vulnificus strains from marine environments.   总被引:3,自引:7,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Vibrio vulnificus strains isolated from geographically diverse marine sources were compared with clinical isolates for phenotype and in vitro and in vivo production of virulence factors. There were no differences between environmental and clinical strains on the basis of biochemical characteristics or antimicrobial susceptibility patterns. Cytolysin and cytotoxin titers produced by environmental strains were generally comparable to those of clinical strains. Of 29 environmental isolates tested, 25 were pathogenic for mice. These data show that environmental V. vulnificus strains are phenotypically indistinguishable from clinical isolates and that approximately 90% of the environmental strains tested produced in vitro virulence factors and in vivo pathogenicity for mice comparable to those produced by clinical V. vulnificus isolates.  相似文献   

Vibrio parahaemolyticus is a bacterial pathogen that can cause illness after the consumption or handling of contaminated seafood. The primary virulence factors associated with V. parahaemolyticus illness are thermostable direct hemolysin (TDH) and Tdh-related hemolysin (TRH). However, clinical strains lacking tdh and trh have recently been isolated, and these clinical isolates are poorly understood. To help understand the emergence of clinical tdh- and trh-negative isolates, a genomic approach was used to comprehensively compare 4 clinical tdh- and trh-negative isolates with 16 environmental tdh- and trh-negative isolates and 34 clinical isolates positive for tdh or trh, or both, with the objective of identifying genomic features that are unique to clinical tdh- and trh-negative isolates. The prevalence of pathogenicity islands (PAIs) common to clinical isolates was thoroughly examined in each of the clinical tdh- and trh-negative isolates. The tdh PAI was not present in any clinical or environmental tdh- and trh-negative isolates. The trh PAI was not present in any environmental isolates; however, in clinical tdh- and trh-negative isolate 10-4238, the majority of the trh PAI including a partial trh1 gene was present, which resulted in reclassification of this isolate as a tdh-negative and trh-positive isolate. In the other clinical tdh- and trh-negative isolates, neither the trh gene nor the trh PAI was present. We identified 862 genes in clinical tdh- and trh-negative isolates but not in environmental tdh- and trh-negative isolates. Many of these genes are highly homologous to genes found in common enteric bacteria and included genes encoding a number of chemotaxis proteins and a novel putative type VI secretion system (T6SS) effector and immunity protein (T6SS1). The availability of genome sequences from clinical V. parahaemolyticus tdh- and trh-negative isolates and the comparative analysis may help provide an understanding of how this pathotype is able to survive in vivo during clinical illness.  相似文献   

The virulence factors of Vibrio vulnificus are not yet well understood. So far, many hydrolytic enzymes have been implicated in the pathogenesis of this micro-organism. The present research was carried out in order to study the presence of some of these enzymes in 133 V. vulnificus strains isolated from 45 seafood samples. The results showed that 100% of these strains were positive for the production of lecithinase and lipase (Tween-80), 99·2% for caseinolytic protease, 96·9% for DNase, 65·4% for mucinase and 46·6% for elastase. None of the strains was positive for the production of collagenase and 96% were haemolytic against sheep blood cells. In relation to colony morphology on brain heart infusion (BHI) agar and nutrient agar, 59·4% of strains showed opaque morphology on BHI agar and 57·9% on nutrient agar, 10·5% presented translucent morphology on both agars and 30·1 and 31·6% of strains showed a mixture of opaque and translucent morphology on BHI agar and nutrient agar, respectively. None of the translucent colonies was virulent to mice. Therefore, opacity was a useful marker for potential virulence. Of 45 food samples contaminated with V. vulnificus , 29 (64·4%) presented strains lethal to adult mice.  相似文献   

Vibrio vulnificus causes rare but frequently fatal septicemia associated with raw oyster consumption by persons with underlying hepatic or immune system dysfunction. The virulence potential of environmental reservoirs appears widely distributed, because most strains are virulent in animal models; however, several investigations recently demonstrated genetic divergence among strains from clinical versus environmental origin at independent genetic loci. The present study used PCR to screen DNA polymorphisms in strains from environmental (n = 35) or clinical (n = 33) sources, and genomic relationships were determined by repetitive extragenic palindromic DNA PCR (rep-PCR) typing. Significant (P < 0.01) association was observed for typical “clinical” or “environmental” polymorphism profiles based on strain origin. Most oyster isolates (88%), including all of those with the “environmental” profile, also formed a single rep-PCR genogroup. Clinical isolates within this group did not have the typical “clinical” profile. On the other hand, clinical isolates with the typical polymorphism profile were distributed among multiple rep-PCR genogroups, demonstrating greater genetic diversity than was evident by profiling genetic polymorphisms. Wound isolates were genetically distinct from typical blood isolates by all assays. Strains from an outbreak of wound infections in Israel (biotype 3) were closely related to several U.S. strains by rep-PCR, indicating potential reservoirs of emerging disease. Strains genetically related to blood isolates appeared to be relatively rare in oysters, as only one had the “clinical” polymorphism profile or clustered by rep-PCR. However, this study was not an extensive survey, and more sampling using rep-PCR for sensitive genetic discrimination is needed to determine the virulence potential of environmental reservoirs.  相似文献   

The antimicrobial susceptibilities of 168 Vibrio parahaemolyticus and 151 Vibrio vulnificus isolates recovered from 82 Louisiana Gulf and retail oysters in 2005 and 2006 were determined. Overall, the two vibrios remained susceptible to the majority of antimicrobials tested; reduced susceptibility was detected only in V. parahaemolyticus for ampicillin (81%; MIC ≥ 16 μg/ml). Additionally, V. parahaemolyticus displayed significantly higher MICs for cefotaxime, ciprofloxacin, and tetracycline than V. vulnificus.  相似文献   

In this study, we demonstrated that analyzed strains of Vibrio mimicus and Vibrio cholerae could be separated in two groups by using multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MEE) data from 14 loci. We also showed that the combination of four enzymatic loci enables us to differentiate these two species. Our results showed that the ribosomal intergenic spacer regions PCR-mediated identification system failed, in some cases, to differentiate between V. mimicus and V. cholerae. On the other hand, MEE proved to be a powerful molecular tool for the discrimination of these two species even when atypical strains were analyzed.  相似文献   

Vibrio cholerae, the causative agent of major epidemics of diarrheal disease in Bangladesh, South America, Southeastern Asia, and Africa, was isolated from clinical samples and from aquatic environments during and between epidemics over the past 20 years. To determine the evolutionary relationships and molecular diversity of these strains, in order to understand sources, origin, and epidemiology, a novel DNA fingerprinting technique, amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), was employed. Two sets of restriction enzyme-primer combinations were tested for fingerprinting of V. cholerae serogroup O1, O139, and non-O1, O139 isolates. Amplification of HindIII- and TaqI-digested genomic DNA produced 30 to 50 bands for each strain. However, this combination, although capable of separating environmental isolates of O1 and non-O1 strains, was unable to distinguish between O1 and O139 clinical strains. This result confirmed that clinical O1 and O139 strains are genetically closely related. On the other hand, AFLP analyses of restriction enzyme ApaI- and TaqI-digested genomic DNA yielded 20 to 30 bands for each strain, but were able to separate O1 from O139 strains. Of the 74 strains examined with the latter combination, 26 serogroup O1 strains showed identical banding patterns and were represented by the O1 El Tor strain of the seventh pandemic. A second group, represented by O139 Bengal, included 12 strains of O139 clinical isolates, with 7 from Thailand, 3 from Bangladesh, and 2 from India. Interestingly, an O1 clinical isolate from Africa also grouped with the O139 clinical isolates. Eight clinical O1 isolates from Mexico grouped separately from the O1 El Tor of the seventh pandemic, suggesting an independent origin of these isolates. Identical fingerprints were observed between an O1 environmental isolate from a river in Chile and an O1 clinical strain from Kenya, both isolated more than 10 years apart. Both strains were distinct from the O1 seventh pandemic strain. Two O139 clinical isolates from Africa clustered with environmental non-O1 isolates, independent of other O139 strains included in the study. These results suggest that although a single clone of pathogenic V. cholerae appears responsible for many cases of cholera in Asia, Africa, and Latin America during the seventh pandemic, other cases of clinical cholera were caused by toxigenic V. cholerae strains that appear to have been derived locally from environmental O1 or non-O1 strains.  相似文献   

Representative encapsulated strains of Vibrio vulnificus from market oysters and oyster-associated primary septicemia cases (25 isolates each) were tested in a blinded fashion for potential virulence markers that may distinguish strains from these two sources. These isolates were analyzed for plasmid content, for the presence of a 460-bp amplicon by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA PCR, and for virulence in subcutaneously (s.c.) inoculated, iron-dextran-treated mice. Similar percentages of market oyster and clinical isolates possessed detectable plasmids (24 and 36%, respectively), produced the 460-bp amplicon (45 and 50%, respectively), and were judged to be virulent in the mouse s.c. inoculation-iron-dextran model (88% for each). Therefore, it appears that nearly all V. vulnificus strains in oysters are virulent and that genetic tests for plasmids and specific PCR size amplicons cannot distinguish between fully virulent and less virulent strains or between clinical and environmental isolates. The inability of these methods to distinguish food and clinical V. vulnificus isolates demonstrates the need for alternative subtyping approaches and virulence assays.  相似文献   

Since 1997, cases of Vibrio parahaemolyticus-related gastroenteritis from the consumption of raw oysters harvested in Washington State have been higher than historical levels. These cases have shown little or no correlation with concentrations of potentially pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus (positive for the thermostable direct hemolysin gene, tdh) in oysters, although significant concentrations of tdh+ V. parahaemolyticus strains were isolated from shellfish-growing areas in the Pacific Northwest (PNW). We compared clinical and environmental strains isolated from the PNW to those from other geographic regions within the United States and Asia for the presence of virulence-associated genes, including the thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh), the thermostable-related hemolysin (trh), urease (ureR), the pandemic group specific markers orf8 and toxRS, and genes encoding both type 3 secretion systems (T3SS1 and T3SS2). The majority of clinical strains from the PNW were positive for tdh, trh, and ureR genes, while a significant proportion of environmental isolates were tdh+ but trh negative. Hierarchical clustering grouped the majority of these clinical isolates into a cluster distinct from that including the pandemic strain RIMD2210633, clinical isolates from other geographical regions, and tdh+, trh-negative environmental isolates from the PNW. We detected T3SS2-related genes (T3SS2β) in environmental strains that were tdh and trh negative. The presence of significant concentrations of tdh+, trh-negative environmental strains in the PNW that have not been responsible for illness and T3SS2β in tdh- and trh-negative strains emphasizes the diversity in this species and the need to identify additional virulence markers for this bacterium to improve risk assessment tools for the detection of this pathogen.  相似文献   

Genetic relationships among 132 strains of Vibrio vulnificus (clinical, environmental, and diseased-eel isolates from different geographic origins, as well as seawater and shellfish isolates from the western Mediterranean coast, including reference strains) were analyzed by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) PCR. Results were validated by ribotyping. For ribotyping, DNAs were digested with KpnI and hybridized with an oligonucleotide probe complementary to a highly conserved sequence in the 23S rRNA gene. Random amplification of DNA was performed with M13 and T3 universal primers. The comparison between ribotyping and RAPD PCR revealed an overall agreement regarding the high level of homogeneity of diseased-eel isolates in contrast to the genetic heterogeneity of Mediterranean isolates. The latter suggests the existence of autochthonous clones present in Mediterranean coastal waters. Both techniques have revealed a genetic proximity among Spanish fish farm isolates and a close relationship between four Spanish eel farm isolates and some Mediterranean isolates. Whereas the differentiation within diseased-eel isolates was only possible by ribotyping, RAPD PCR was able to differentiate phenotypically atypical isolates of V. vulnificus. On the basis of our results, RAPD PCR is proposed as a better technique than ribotyping for rapid typing in the routine analysis of new V. vulnificus isolates.  相似文献   

Twenty-four randomly selected clinical and environmental Vibrio vulnificus isolates were tested for virulence in iron-overloaded mice (250 mg of iron dextran per kg of body weight). The log10 50% lethal doses of 17 isolates were lower by greater than or equal to 3.5 log10 units in iron-overloaded mice than in control mice. These isolates were classified as virulent. The 50% lethal doses of these virulent isolates were also lower in mice that were immunosuppressed by treatment with cyclophosphamide (150 mg/kg). Four of the seven isolates initially classified as avirulent were virulent in mice that were simultaneously iron overloaded and immunosuppressed. These isolates were classified as moderately virulent. The remaining three isolates were avirulent under all conditions. The incidence of virulent strains among clinical and environmental isolates did not differ. The virulent isolates produced high titers of hemolysin, were resistant to inactivation by serum complement, produced phenolate siderophore, and utilized transferrin-bound iron. The moderately virulent isolates differed from the virulent isolates only in their increased sensitivity to inactivation by serum complement. The avirulent isolates differed from those of the other two classes in their inability to either produce significant amounts of phenolate siderophore or utilize transferrin-bound iron. A modified agar plate diffusion method for transferrin-bound iron utilization was developed to differentiate the two classes of virulent isolates from the avirulent isolates in vitro.  相似文献   

Genotypic Diversity among Brazilian Isolates of Sclerotium rolfsii   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thirty isolates of Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc. from different hosts and regions of Brazil were studied in relation to morphology, mycelial compatibility, analysis of genomic DNA through random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), variation within the nuclear rDNA [internal transcribed spacers (ITS)] and sequencing of ITS fragments. There was considerable variability among isolates in relation to the number, size and location of sclerotia on the medium surface. Thirteen mycelial compatibility groups (MCG) were identified among 23 isolates. Seven isolates were only self‐compatible. With the exception of group 3, where all the isolates came from soybean, there was no apparent correlation between group and isolate origin. On the basis of RAPD profiles, 11 haplotypes (A to K) were identified. There was an association between the RAPD groups and MCG. Haplotypes A, B, D, G, I and K belonged to MCG groups 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, respectively. All other RAPD haplotypes contained incompatible isolates. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification with primers 4R and 5F amplified two fragments containing ITS1, ITS2 and 5.8 S rDNA sequences, that were present in all isolates, with molecular sizes of 739 and 715 bp. Restriction analysis of PCR products showed that the two fragments had sequence divergency which is referred to as ‘ITS types’. Four arbitrarily chosen soybean isolates (2, 6, 7 and 23) and two non‐soybean isolates (11 and 22) were used to investigate the variation within the ITS sequence and its role in the phylogeny. The strict consensus of nine most‐parsimonious trees inferred from the data set which included six isolates of S. rolfsii, four of which have two different ‘ITS types’, showed three well‐supported groupings. The neighbour‐joining tree inferred from the data set also showed three major clades as did the parsimony tree. The major difference was that in the neighbour‐joining tree the ‘ITS type’ 11 was resolved and grouped in one clade. These results show that the ‘ITS types’ within isolates are almost always phylogenetically distinct. There was no clear correlation between ITS‐based phylogeny and isolate origin.  相似文献   

To enhance the understanding of epidemiological impact of environmental Vibrio cholerae O139 strains, we characterized 10 clinical and 20 environmental isolates collected from human clinical samples and Pear River estuary during 2006 to 2008. Isolates were tested by PCR for eight virulence genes: cholera toxin (ctxA), zonula occludens toxin (zot), accessory cholera enterotoxin (ace), hemolysin (hlyA), NAG-specific heat-stable toxin (st), toxin-coregulated pilus (tcpA), outer membrane protein (ompU), and regulatory protein genes (tcpI). Genetic relatedness was assessed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), and antibiotic susceptibility was determined using disk diffusion. Seven of eight virulence markers were detected in six clinical isolates and one environmental isolate. One clinical and one environmental isolate were positive for six virulence markers. 60% clinical isolates showed multi-drug resistance to tetracycline (TET), Nalidixic acid (NAL), chloramphenicol (CHL), and ampicillin (AMP), 70% were resistant to Trimethoprim + Sulfamethoxazole (SXT), while only 35% environmental strains were resistant to SXT. PFGE analysis revealed that the isolates in this study were formed three clusters. Cluster III was more related to strains from diarrheal patients than the strains in other clusters. Different from the clinical strains, most environmental strains lacked CTX and TCP gene clusters. Most environmental strains possess a single resistance profile, while most clinical isolates show multidrug resistant. PFGE analysis indicated the cluster III has more possibility to become a potential pathogenic clonal cluster.  相似文献   

We recently reported a simple PCR procedure that targets a sequence variation of the virulence-correlated gene locus vcg. It was found that 90% of all clinical isolates possessed the vcgC sequence variant, while 93% of all environmental isolates possessed the vcgE sequence variant. Here we report that the clinical genotype of Vibrio vulnificus is significantly better able to survive in human serum than is the environmental genotype. The presence of a siderophore-encoding gene, viuB, influenced serum survivability among all isolates of V. vulnificus tested. Those strains positive for viuB (all C-type strains but very few E-type strains) showed greater serum survivability than those lacking viuB (most E-type strains). The addition of iron (in the form of ferric ammonium citrate) to human serum restored the survival of E-type strains lacking viuB to levels not significantly different from those of C-type and E-type strains that possess viuB. These findings suggest that viuB may dictate serum survival in both C- and E-type strains of V. vulnificus and may explain why some strains (C- and E-type strains) are pathogenic and others (predominately E-type strains) are not. Additionally, C-type strains exhibited a cross-protective response against human serum, not exhibited by E-type strains, after incubation under nutrient and osmotic downshift conditions that mimicked estuarine waters. This suggests that the nutrient/osmotic environment may influence the survival of V. vulnificus following entry into the human body, leading to selection of the C genotype over the E genotype.  相似文献   

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