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S ummary . Streptococcus bovis grew in acid media, which are normally inhibitory for this organism, when incubated in an atmosphere containing 5% (v/v) CO2 or if the CO2 produced by the organism itself was prevented from escaping from the media. Since no other streptococcus grew in acid media under these conditions, this finding enables Strep. bovis to be differentiated from other streptococci by a simple test.  相似文献   

Growth and Development of Competence in the Group H Streptococci   总被引:20,自引:12,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
The growth and development of competence by group H streptococci, strain Challis, were compared in synthetic, semisynthetic, and complex media with respect to the cultural conditions required, time of onset and persistence of competence and transformation efficiency. Provided that cultural conditions were strictly controlled in the synthetic system, transformation frequencies of 1% or above were routinely observed. The initial pH must be between 7.3 and 7.6, and the addition of freshly prepared bicarbonate ion was required. Furthermore, competence was sensitive to the degree of initial agitation of the culture. There was no evidence that "step-down" or "unbalanced" growth conditions were required. Competence could be provoked in the incompetent strain Wicky, growing in complex or semisynthetic media, by the addition of heat-killed or filtered cultures of strain Challis prepared during the competent period of growth in synthetic medium.  相似文献   

Streptococcus infantarius subsp. infantarius, a member of the Streptococcus bovis/Streptococcus equinus complex, is highly prevalent in artisanal dairy fermentations in Africa. Here the complete genome sequence of the dairy-adapted S. infantarius subsp. infantarius CJ18 strain--a strain predominant in traditionally fermented camel milk (suusac) from Kenya--is presented.  相似文献   

Inhibition of Transformation in Group H Streptococci by Lysogeny   总被引:3,自引:9,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Group H streptococcal strains Challis and WE4 were lysogenized with a bacteriophage isolated from strain Channon, after which their capacity for transformation to streptomycin and rifampin resistance was reduced by three orders of magnitude. The probable reason is the inability of the lysogenized strains to bind deoxyribonucleic acid irreversibly, even though they exhibit earlier stages of competence development during a competence regimen.  相似文献   

Seventeen strains of group H streptococci were tested for their ability to develop competence for genetic transformation, either spontaneously or with the addition of competence factor derived from strain Challis supernatant fluids, and for their ability to autolyze. Autolysis was measured as a decline in optical density after washed cells were placed in a buffer at pH 9. Kinetic experiments showed that, in strains Challis, SBE I/II, WE4, SR 30, and a strain (FW 227) cured of its bacteriophage, competence and the ability to autolyze occurred simultaneously. Since autolysis was observed only in (i) competent cells, (ii) cells that passed their peak of competence, and (iii) those cells that exhibit a potential for developing competence but never go on to transform (i.e., lysogenized Challis cells), it is concluded that, in the group H streptococci, autolytic events are associated with the competent state. Strains that transformed but did not autolyze were not found.  相似文献   

Conjugal Transfer of Genetic Information in Group N Streptococci   总被引:18,自引:34,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
Streptococcus lactis strains ML3 and C2O and S. lactis subsp. diacetylactis strains DRC3, 11007, and WM4 were found to transfer lactose-fermenting ability to LM0230, an S. lactis C2 lactose-negative (Lac) derivative which is devoid of plasmid deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Lactose-positive streptomycin-resistant (Lac+ Strr) recombinants were found when the Lac+ Strs donor was mixed with Lac Strr LM0230 in solid-surface matings. Transduction and transformation were ruled out as the mechanism of genetic exchange in strains ML3, DRC3, 11007, and WM4, nor was reversion responsible for the high number of Lac+ Strr recombinants. Furthermore, chloroform treatment of the donor prevented the appearance of recombinants, indicating that transfer of lactose-fermenting ability required viable cell-to-cell contact. Strain C2O demonstrated transduction as well as conjugation. Transfer of plasmid DNA during conjugation for all strains was confirmed by demonstrating the presence of plasmid DNA in the transconjugants by using agarose gel electrophoresis. In some instances, a cryptic plasmid was transferred in conjunction with the lactose plasmid by using strains DRC3, 11007, and WM4. In S. lactis C2 × LM0230 matings, the Strr marker was transferred from LM0230 to C2, suggesting conjugal transfer of chromosomal DNA. The results confirm conjugation as another mechanism of genetic exchange occurring in dairy starter cultures.  相似文献   

Partial duplication of genetic material is prevalent in eukaryotes and provides potential for evolution of new traits. Prokaryotes, which are generally haploid in nature, can evolve new genes by partial chromosome duplication, known as merodiploidy. Little is known about merodiploid formation during genetic exchange processes, although merodiploids have been serendipitously observed in early studies of bacterial transformation. Natural bacterial transformation involves internalization of exogenous donor DNA and its subsequent integration into the recipient genome by homology. It contributes to the remarkable plasticity of the human pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae through intra and interspecies genetic exchange. We report that lethal cassette transformation produced merodiploids possessing both intact and cassette-inactivated copies of the essential target gene, bordered by repeats (R) corresponding to incomplete copies of IS861. We show that merodiploidy is transiently stimulated by transformation, and only requires uptake of a ∼3-kb DNA fragment partly repeated in the chromosome. We propose and validate a model for merodiploid formation, providing evidence that tandem-duplication (TD) formation involves unequal crossing-over resulting from alternative pairing and interchromatid integration of R. This unequal crossing-over produces a chromosome dimer, resolution of which generates a chromosome with the TD and an abortive chromosome lacking the duplicated region. We document occurrence of TDs ranging from ∼100 to ∼900 kb in size at various chromosomal locations, including by self-transformation (transformation with recipient chromosomal DNA). We show that self-transformation produces a population containing many different merodiploid cells. Merodiploidy provides opportunities for evolution of new genetic traits via alteration of duplicated genes, unrestricted by functional selective pressure. Transient stimulation of a varied population of merodiploids by transformation, which can be triggered by stresses such as antibiotic treatment in S. pneumoniae, reinforces the plasticity potential of this bacterium and transformable species generally.  相似文献   

Natural transformation of Streptococcus bovis JB1 was demonstrated after development of competence in normal culture medium. Transformation efficiencies were not significantly increased when heat-inactivated horse serum was added to the medium before growth. This is the first time that a resident rumen bacterial species has been shown to be naturally transformable. Transformation allowed the acquisition of plasmids or integration of sequences into the chromosome. No transformation was observed in the presence of undiluted autoclaved or filter-sterilised ovine rumen fluid or filter-sterilised ovine saliva, suggesting that transformation in the ruminant digestive tract is a rare event, although transformation was observed in the presence of 1% and 0.5% filter-sterilised rumen fluid. The use of natural transformation of S. bovis should facilitate further molecular biological studies on this species.  相似文献   

Transformable mutants of the nontransformable Blackburn strain group H streptococci have been isolated. In contrast with the wild strain, the cell surface extracts of these mutants contain the factor inactivating deoxyribonucleic acid in vitro.  相似文献   

An electroporation procedure for the plasmid-mediated genetic transformation of intact cells of Streptococcus cremoris and Streptococcus lactis was performed. Ten different strains were transformed. The method was simple and rapid and yielded transformant colonies in 14 to 24 h. The method was optimized for S. lactis LM0230, and transformation frequencies of between 1 × 104 and 5 × 105 transformants per μg of purified plasmid (pMU1328) were achieved routinely. The optimized procedure involved lysozyme treatment of cells. Transformation of LM0230 occurred at comparable frequencies with pLS1 (4.4 kilobase pair [kbp]), pMU1328 (7.4 kbp), and pAMβ1 (26.5 kbp). Plasmid DNA isolated from transformants had not undergone detectable deletions or rearrangements. Transformation was possible with plasmid DNA which was religated after restriction endonuclease digestion. Phage DNA-dependent transfection of S. lactis LM0230 and S. lactis C6 was also achieved.  相似文献   

STH(1), a streptocin elaborated by group H streptococcus strain Challis, is lethal for group H streptococcus strain Wicky and is produced maximally during the exponential growth phase of liquid medium cultures. Crude streptocin preparations are resistant to oxidation and display a biphasic pH stability (stability being maximal at pH 5.0 and 10.0). Survivor studies indicate that streptocin-mediated killing is a "one-hit" phenomenon and proceeds rapidly. The streptocin has been purified 50-fold with (NH(4))(2)SO(4) fractionation and Sephadex G100 chromatography and appears to exist in equilibrium between two molecular weight forms. Low ionic strength and neutral pH buffers favor the isolation of the 110,000 molecular weight form, whereas high ionic strength and alkaline pH conditions facilitate isolation of the 28,000 to 30,000 molecular weight form. These findings suggest an association-dissociation relationship between macromolecules of 28,000 to 30,000 molecular weight. Purified STH(1) has no "competence factor" (CF) activity. In addition, CF has no STH(1) activity and displays no inhibitory effect on exponential-phase Wicky cultures as determined by absorbancy measurements. It appears, therefore, that initiation of the competent state for transformation in strain Wicky is not necessarily accompanied by gross alterations in cell growth.  相似文献   

Plasmid transformation in Leuconostoc carnosum 4010 was analyzed. A successful transformation protocol for L. carnosum was established by modifying an existing protocol for Lactococcus lactis. Several parameters, including the number of generations that the cells had grown at the time of harvest, glycine concentration, the time of incubation for phenotypic expression, and the electrical field strength, were investigated and proved to have influence on the transformation frequency. Electrocompetence was found to be transient and to peak in the early exponential growth phase. Optimized conditions resulted in transformation frequencies of up to 6.7 × 105 transformants per microgram of plasmid DNA. A total of five plasmids in L. carnosum were successfully introduced and maintained. Interestingly, we discovered that DNA uptake was of a frequency of 3 × 10−6 to 19 × 10−6 transformants per CFU in the absence of an applied electrical field. We concluded that L. carnosum is naturally competent.  相似文献   

Streptococcus macedonicus is a Gram positive lactic acid bacterium that is part of the starter flora present in Greek sheep and goat cheeses. The S. macedonicus Sc136 strain produces a high-molecular-mass, highly texturizing exopolysaccharide composed of D-glucose, D-galactose, and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine in the molar ratio of 3:2:1. The structure of the exopolysaccharide produced by S. macedonicus Sc136 was determined by chemical analysis, mass spectrometry, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The repeating unit was shown to be: (see text) The polysaccharide sidechain beta-D-Galf-(1-->6)-beta-D-Glcp-(1-->6)-beta-D-GlcpNAc is a key factor in the highly texturizing properties of the S.macedonicus Sc136 exopolysaccharide. Finally, the trisaccharide sequence beta-D-GlcpNAc-(1-->3)-beta-D-Galp-(1-->4)-beta-D-Glcp corresponds to the internal backbone of the lacto-N-tetraose and lacto-N-neotetraose units, which serve as a structural basis for the large majority of human milk oligosaccharides, an additional property offering an important potential for the development of improved infant nutrition products.  相似文献   

Electroporation methods for introduction of plasmid DNA into the ruminal bacteria Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens and Streptococcus bovis were developed. Electroporation of the strictly anaerobic B. fibrisolvens was carried out in an anaerobic glovebox with a buffer of 10% (v/v) glycerol and 1 mM MgCl2 in distilled water. Streptococcus bovis electroporation could be carried out aerobically with a buffer of 10% (v/v) glycerol in distilled water. The Escherichia coli/Bacillus subtilis shuttle vector pBS42 could be transformed into B. fibrisolvens strain H17c, selecting for chloramphenicol resistance. The Streptococcus sanguis/E. coli shuttle vector pVA838 could replicate and express erythromycin resistance in Strep. bovis. Both vectors were stable in each organism in the absence of antibiotic selection. While the efficiency was low (<102/μg DNA), the results demonstrate a means to introduce cloned genes into these organisms.  相似文献   

P. J. Johnsen  D. Dubnau    B. R. Levin 《Genetics》2009,181(4):1521-1533
We present a new hypothesis for the selective pressures responsible for maintaining natural competence and transformation. Our hypothesis is based in part on the observation that in Bacillus subtilis, where transformation is widespread, competence is associated with periods of nongrowth in otherwise growing populations. As postulated for the phenomenon of persistence, the short-term fitness cost associated with the production of transiently nongrowing bacteria can be compensated for and the capacity to produce these competent cells can be favored due to episodes where the population encounters conditions that kill dividing bacteria. With the aid of a mathematical model, we demonstrate that under realistic conditions this “episodic selection” for transiently nongrowing (persisting) bacteria can maintain competence for the uptake and expression of exogenous DNA transformation. We also show that these conditions for maintaining competence are dramatically augmented even by rare episodes where selection favors transformants. Using experimental populations of B. subtilis and antibiotic-mediated episodic selection, we test and provide support for the validity of the assumptions behind this model and the predictions generated from our analysis of its properties. We discuss the potential generality of episodic selection for the maintenance of competence in other naturally transforming species of bacteria and critically evaluate other hypotheses for the maintenance (and evolution) of competence and their relationship to this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate derepresses enzyme synthesis but does not yield high levels of transformability or detectable levels of competence-related envelope polypeptides. Additional regulatory events must trigger complete expression of competence.  相似文献   

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