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The cDNA nucleotide sequences and the deduced amino acid sequences of human corticosteroid binding globulin (hCBG), human testosterone-estradiol binding globulin (hTeBG), and rat androgen binding protein (rABP) were determined. Studies of the steroid binding sites suggest they are toward the carboxy-terminus in hTeBG and rABP and more central in hCBG. hCBG has remarkable sequence homology with members of a superfamily whose functions have diverged; these include thyroxine-binding protein, serine protease inhibitors, egg white proteins, and angiotensinogen. hTeBG and rABP have a 68% amino acid sequence identity. Hybridization studies suggest that hTeBG is probably even more closely related, if not identical, to hABP. The carboxy-terminal sequences of hTeBG and rABP are also similar to that of protein S, a vitamin-K-dependent clotting factor. There were no nucleotide or amino acid sequence homologies between hCBG, hTeBG, or rABP and other steroid binding proteins such as steroid receptors, albumin, alpha-fetoprotein, and vitamin D binding protein. We conclude that the "extracellular steroid binding proteins" and steroid receptors do not appear to have descended from a common ancestor.  相似文献   

For clarification of the effects of steroid concentration on steroidogenesis of adrenal microsomes, the kinetic parameters, Km and kcat, were determined in the steady-state for progesterone and 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone metabolism catalyzed by P-450C21 and P-450(17 alpha lyase) in guinea pig adrenal microsomes. At a high concentration of progesterone, it was equally metabolized by P-450C21 and P-450(17 alpha lyase), while at a low concentration, it was hydroxylated at 17 alpha-position with twice higher rate than at 21-position. 17 alpha-Hydroxyprogesterone is apparently metabolized preferentially by P-450C21 at any concentration. Although the productions of deoxycortisol and androstenedione from 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone were strongly inhibited by progesterone, androstenedione formation from progesterone was not inhibited by a high concentration of progesterone. The addition of liposomal P-450C21 to the reaction medium containing adrenal microsomes caused a decrease in the concentration of 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone released into the medium in the steady state reaction, but this had no effect on the activity of androstenedione formation from high concentrations of progesterone. It thus follows that androstenedione is produced by successive monooxygenase reactions without the release of 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone from P-450(17 alpha lyase) at a high concentration of progesterone, which is the condition of the adrenal microsomes in vivo.  相似文献   

1. Dextromethorphan (DM), a dextrorotatory nonopioid antitussive, binds to specific high-affinity sites in the central nervous system. These sites are distinct from the opioid and other known neurotransmitter receptor sites. Antitussives such as carbetapentane and caramiphen also bind to DM sites with a nanomolar affinity. 2. The anticonvulsant drugs phenytoin and ropizine produce an allosteric enhancement of the binding of [3H]DM to guinea pig brain. DM, carbetapentane, and caramiphen also are efficacious anticonvulsant agents in the rat maximal electroshock seizures test, and DM enhances the anticonvulsant effects of phenytoin (PHT). 3. These results suggest that drugs that bind to the DM sites could be used alone as anticonvulsants or in combination with PHT to lower its effective dose and reduce its side effects. 4. The investigation of the DM binding sites may help to open new approaches for the treatment of convulsive disorders and to explain further some of the molecular mechanisms of neutronal excitability.  相似文献   

Binding of 3H-etorphine and 3H-D-Ala2-D-Leu5-enkephalin to opiate receptors in synaptosomal and microsomal fractions prepared from guinea pig ileum homogenates has been studied. It is found that the dissociation constants for etorphine from all fractions are the same. The binding capacity for etorphine for the purified synaptosomal fraction is greater than for other fractions by a factor of 5. For the enkephalin derivative binding to the microsomal fraction the dissociation constant is greater than for etorphine while the binding capacity is a factor of 3 lower. These results are in contrast to the case for binding to central nervous system subcellular fractions.  相似文献   

Tyrosine aminotransferase from guinea pig liver is strongly inactivated by a variety of natural thiols and disulfides. L-cysteine was used as a model compound in the study of inactivation. Inactivation is due to the disulfide produced by spontaneous oxidation of thiol during incubation. Binding studies with [35S]-cysteine revealed simultaneous incorporation of [35S] into tyrosine aminotransferase and loss of enzyme activity. The reversibility demonstrates that the inactivation is the result of the formation of mixed disulfide between the disulfide and the sulfhydryl group of tyrosine aminotransferase. Some features of the enzyme active site are showed by the inactivation reaction.  相似文献   

Progesterone (PG) affects muscle cells by genomic mechanisms through nuclear receptors and by nongenomic mechanisms through unidentified pathways. This study aimed to determine the pathways mediating its nongenomic actions. Experiments were performed in dissociated muscle cells from guinea pig colons. Nongenomic actions were defined as those occurring within 10 min of PG exposure. PG blocked the contraction to CCK-8 and NKA (10(-7) M) but did not impair ACh (10(-7) M) and KCl (2.5 x 10(-2) M)-induced contraction. Both CCK-8 and NKA contract muscle cells by releasing calcium from intracellular stores, whereas ACh and KCl can utilize extracellular calcium. PG also blocked the contraction induced by inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate, thapsigargin, and caffeine, agents that contract muscle cells by releasing calcium from storage sites. The nongenomic actions of PG were transient because they were absent 1 h after the first PG dose, remaining unresponsive after a second PG dose was administered. Furthermore, PG had no effect on the contraction induced by CCK-8 and thapsigargin in muscle cells from animals pretreated with daily intramuscular PG for 4 days. Cytosolic incorporation experiments of [(3)H]PG showed that pretreatment with unlabeled PG significantly reduced the radiolabeled PG incorporation in the cytosol. We conclude that the nongenomic actions of PG on colonic muscle cells transiently blocked calcium release from storage sites, and this response became rapidly desensitized. This effect does not appear to be specific to PG because other steroid hormones such as aldosterone and testosterone can also induce it.  相似文献   

An assay for quantifying the high affinity progesterone binding protein in guinea pig uterine cytosol was developed using Florisil to separate bound and free steroid. The activity of the progesterone binding protein increased between 4–12 hours following estrogen administration and by 4 days of treatment was 10-fold higher than castrate controls. When estrogen administration was discontinued the progesterone binding activity declined slowly with a half-life of 3 days. By contrast, progesterone treatment caused a rapid decline of binding activity within 3 hours. These studies suggest that the antagonistic actions of estrogen and progesterone determine the quantity of available progesterone binding sites in guinea pig uterine cytosol.  相似文献   

Female guinea pigs with synchronized ovulation by means of implantation of progesterone-filled tubing (P-tube) followed by a progesterone injection, were inseminated by intraperitoneal injection with sperm suspension. First, to obtain the optimum conditions for insemination, the females were inseminated singly over the range of 1-10 x 10(7) spermatozoa before and after the synchronized ovulation. The incidence of conception and implantation was 100% in the females given more than 5 x 10(7)/animal at 9:00 h on the 5th day after removal of the P-tube. Second, the reproductive ability of the inseminated females under this optimal condition was observed throughout the pregnancy to delivery. Inseminated females had a mean +/- S.D. gestation period of 68.7 +/- 0.5 days, a litter size of 2.8 +/- 0.6 pups and body weight of 110 +/- 14 g. These data were comparable to those of naturally-mated females. Our findings suggest that the artificial insemination by intraperitoneal injection in combination with the synchronized estrus technique is very useful for production control in a small colony of guinea pigs.  相似文献   

Protective role of epithelium in the guinea pig airway   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
We developed an in vitro system to assess the role of the epithelium in regulating airway tone using the intact guinea pig trachea (J. Appl. Physiol. 64: 466-471, 1988). This method allows us to study the response of the airway when its inner epithelial surface or its outer serosal surface is stimulated independently. Using this system we evaluated how the presence of intact epithelium can affect pharmacological responsiveness. We first examined responses of tracheae with intact epithelium to histamine, acetylcholine, and hypertonic KCl when stimulated from the epithelial or serosal side. We then examined the effect of epithelial denudation on the responses to these agonists. With an intact epithelium, stimulation of the inner epithelial side always caused significantly smaller changes in diameter than stimulation of the outer serosal side. After mechanical denudation of the epithelium, these differences were almost completely abolished. In the absence of intact epithelium, the trachea was 35-fold more sensitive to histamine and 115-fold more sensitive to acetylcholine when these agents were applied to the inner epithelial side. In addition, the presence of an intact epithelium almost completely inhibited any response to epithelial side challenge with hypertonic KCl. These results indicate that the airway epithelial layer has a potent protective role in airway responses to luminal side stimuli, leading us to speculate that changes in airway reactivity measured in various conditions including asthma may result in part from changes in epithelial function.  相似文献   

Guinea pig vasoactive intestinal peptide (gpVIP) differs from other mammalian VIPs in four of its 28 amino acid residues. In the present study, the gpVIP displaced 125I-labelled pig VIP (pVIP) binding by rat lung membranes with 7.7-fold lower potency than pVIP. Degradation of gpVIP by rat lung membranes, assessed by radioimmunoassay and h.p.l.c., was 1.9-fold greater than that of pVIP. This difference in degradation of the two peptides was not large enough to account for the lower receptor-binding potency of gpVIP. The amino acid residues that distinguish pVIP from gpVIP are likely to contribute to the interaction of VIP with receptors and peptide hydrolases in lung membranes.  相似文献   

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