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沈涛  虞泓  王元忠 《应用生态学报》2019,30(7):2291-2300
利用国家标本资源共享平台提供的物种分布数据,结合野外实地调查和MaxEnt模型对滇龙胆草适宜分布区进行模拟和验证,分析滇龙胆草地理分布与气候因子间的关系.结果表明:模型训练集和验证集曲线下面积(area under curve,AUC)值均>0.90,表明模型预测精度高,预测结果较准确.滇龙胆草分布区地理坐标范围:22.2°-28.75°N,98.48°-110.59°E.适宜的海拔范围为1830^1959 m.适生区总面积约63.92×10^4 km^2;其中,高度适生区4.33×10^4 km^2,中度适生区21.42×10^4 km^2.云南、四川、贵州3省适生区面积合计约59.10×10^4 km^2,占全国适生区面积的92.46%.影响滇龙胆草地理分布的主要气候因子有3、6和8月太阳辐射,温度年较差,最暖季均温,10月和11月平均降水量及最干季降水量.偏最小二乘回归(partial least squares regression,PLSR)分析表明,分布区以北和以东的太阳辐射(3月、6月和8月)、温度年较差、10-11月平均降水量、最干季降水量是主要的限制因子;分布区以南主要限制因子是6月太阳辐射、最暖季均温、10月和11月平均降水量.限制滇龙胆草向四川盆地、广西盆地分布的主要气候因子是太阳辐射、温度年较差、最暖季均温、年生物温度和年可能蒸散量.综合分析认为,滇龙胆草的适生区主要位于云贵高原,上述地区的亚热带湿润气候最适宜滇龙胆草生长.  相似文献   

气候变化是影响物种分布和多样性的主要原因之一,越来越受到人们的关注。本研究从世界气候网站下载了19个气候因子数据,通过网上查阅和实地考察获取檫木(Sassafras tzumu Hemsl.)分布数据共233个,使用ArcGIS 10.2和MaxEnt 3.3.2对檫木不同时期分布格局进行模拟,推测檫木末次冰期和2070年分布格局。研究结果显示,檫木当前分布主要受最干季度降水量、最湿月降水量、温度季节变化和最湿季度平均温度影响。此外,横断山脉、武夷山、天目山和大巴山周边是檫木末次冰期的4个主要分布地区。对当前和2070年模拟结果表明,檫木的适生区整体缩小并向北方移动。表明随着当前气候变化及工业快速发展,在短短几十年时间内对檫木分布格局的影响与过去两万年的相当。  相似文献   

甘肃草地4种毒杂草潜在入侵区预测研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王文婷  高思雨  王淑璠 《生态学报》2019,39(14):5301-5307
针对4种著名的草原毒杂草:醉马草,黄花棘豆,狼毒和露蕊乌头,应用生态位模型分别研究其在甘肃的潜在扩散区域。首先,通过最近邻体距离法和相关性分析分别选取样本数据和环境变量,接着应用最大熵方法(Maxent)建立生态位模型,预测了4种毒杂草的潜在分布区。最后通过Matlab和ENMTools计算了地理分布重心、平均海拔、等级分布区比例、生态位宽度、生态位重合度和地理分布重合度。研究结果表明:4种毒杂草中醉马草和狼毒的环境适应能力较强,但醉马草的分布范围更为广泛,从祁连山脉一直延伸到甘南草原,扩散重心基本在祁连山西侧,而狼毒分布范围主要在甘肃南部,地理分布重心大致位于兰州地区。黄花棘豆的分布范围主要集中在祁连山脉,而露蕊乌头更偏向甘南草原地区。  相似文献   

云南稻种资源多样性的生态地理分布研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用GIS、BioDiversity等技术,基于云南丰富的气候类型、特异的民族生境和多样的稻种资源条件,分析与观察了6081份云南地方稻种资源多样性在不同气候类型和各类稻区中的表现,结果表明:①不同气候环境对稻种资源的资源量和多样性的形成有显著作用。②稻种多样性从北热带→南亚热带→中亚热带→北亚热带→南温带→中温带→北温带逐渐减小。反之增大,结合各气候带的海拔和温度变化规律看,随海拔升高、温度降低而减小,反之亦然。籼粳亚种的多样性与稻种多样性呈现同样趋势。早、中、晚稻多样性在南温带、北热带和中亚热带相对较大;水、陆稻多样性在北热带、南亚热带和北亚热带相对较大;而与饮食文化相关的粘糯、特种稻多样性富聚区主要集中在北热带地区。③根据稻种多样性在各气候带中的分布可分为:低富聚气候带(指中温带和北温带)和富聚气候带(指北热带、南亚热带、中亚热带、北亚热带和南温带)。④稻种多样性在各类稻区中呈现:水、陆稻区〉单、双季籼稻区〉一季粳、籼稻区〉一季粳稻区。  相似文献   

【目的】为预测和分析大豆蚜Aphis glycines的全球潜在地理分布,研究大豆蚜分布与环境变量之间的联系。【方法】利用最大熵法生态位模型(maximum entropy niche-based modeling, MaxEnt)和地理信息系统软件ArcGIS,根据收集的大豆蚜已知分布点和环境变量,预测大豆蚜的全球潜在地理分布区,推测环境变量对大豆蚜分布的影响。【结果】结果表明,大豆蚜适生区主要分布在低海拔地区,高 度适生区集中在25°~50°N的中国、日本、韩国、朝鲜、加拿大、美国、意大利和格鲁吉亚。决定大豆蚜分布地点的关键环境变量为最暖季度降水量、最暖季度平均温度、最湿季度平均温度、最干月降水量、月平均昼夜温差和温度季节性变化标准差。【结论】大豆蚜潜在地理分布区域广泛,应在各国大豆农产品贸易时做好检验检疫工作,以防止大豆蚜的扩散。  相似文献   

对6121份云南地方稻种资源中的特种稻资源,即黑(紫)米、红米、香米、糯米(酒米)和软米的特征特性进行综合评价;以云南省128个县为基本单位,应用GIS平台统计整理云南省每个县所属的气候类型,并结合云南省的5个稻作分区分析研究云南特种稻资源的生态地理分布。通过研究综合评价了云南特种稻资源的特征特性,初步摸清了云南特种稻资源除香米资源集中分布在中亚热带和中温带外,其他特种稻资源都集中分布在南亚热带的生态地理分布习性,其研究结果可为稻作资源收集保护、农作物生态地理分布、特优稻育种、生态育种、生物育种、农业产业开发和产业区划结构调整等研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

基于云南"立体"的生态环境和特异的多民族生境条件下,分析研究了云南11类2640份地方蔬菜资源的多样性及其在不同气候类型和气温中的表现,结果表明,云南11类蔬菜资源的多样性大小依次为豆类>绿叶菜类>茄果类>芥菜类>白菜类>瓜类>根菜类>水生蔬菜>甘蓝类>薯芋类>葱韭类;蔬菜资源的多样性富聚地在全省均有分布,但集中在滇中地区,而亚热带是多样性的富聚气候带;14~15℃是蔬菜资源多样性最富集的温度段,也是多样性波动的临界点。  相似文献   

滇金丝猴地理分布、种群数量与相关生态学的研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
龙勇诚  钟泰  肖李 《动物学研究》1996,17(4):437-441
经过8年的野外考察,我国特有的珍稀濒危动物滇金丝猴(Rhinopithecusbieti)的现状已基本查明。这一物种的全部现存自然种群只有13个,分布在云南的德钦、兰坪、维西、丽江和西藏的芒康5县境内。其现存种群数量约为1000—1500只。该物种分布范围的东界是金沙江,西界是澜沧江,分布最北的1个猴群的纬度为29°20′N,最南的1个猴群的纬度为26°14′N。所有现存自然种群几乎均处在相互隔离状态,呈岛屿分布,群间不可能进行基因交流。其栖息地内的森林中,高大乔木主要为冷杉,林中灌木主要为杜鹃和竹林。猴群长年生活在海拔3800-4300m的原始冷杉林中,但有时也会在4300-4700m的低矮灌丛、草甸和流石滩上活动达数小时之久,甚至能跨越近千米的无林高海拔地带;因而它是海拔分布最高的非人灵长类。松萝是它的主要食物,取食松萝的时间占其取食时间的91%。猴群活动范围相当大,可达近百平方公里。  相似文献   

木本能源植物文冠果的生态特征及区划   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用文冠果(Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge)160个分布点和19个生态因子数据,采用BIOCLIM、DOMAIN、MAXENT和GARP四种模型预测文冠果的生态适宜区,分析其生态特征并以受试者工作特征曲线ROC对各模型进行评价。结果显示,文冠果最适宜生态区主要分布于西北黄土高原一带,如陕西、山西、宁夏、河北、内蒙古等省区。模型评估结果显示上述4个模型的AUC值均达到0.75以上,表明预测精度良好,均可用来预测文冠果的生态适宜区。文冠果的生态特征为:年平均温度1.9~16℃,昼夜温差月平均8.3~16℃,昼夜温差与年温差比值为22~33,温度变化方差值为7523~14198;最热月份最高温度为20.1~33.5℃;年平均降水量37~952 mm,最湿月份降水量11~219 mm,最干月份降水量0~29 mm,雨量变化方差值为40~137。研究结果表明文冠果适宜生态区包括我国西部的黄土高原地区和北方土石山区以及新疆北部地区。  相似文献   

基于云南丰富的稻作生境和多样的稻种资源,分析了稻瘟病(苗瘟、叶瘟、稳颈痘)和白叶枯病综合抗病性及多样性在不同气候类型、各类稻区和气温中的差异表现,其主要结果有:稻抗病性多样性富聚程度与气候环境因素关系密切,其中温度对抗病性多样性影响较大;抗病性多样性指数从南亚热带→中亚热带→北亚热带→北热带→南温带→中温带→北温带运渐减小,反之增大;气候带可分为多样性富聚区(南亚热带、中亚热带、北亚热带、北热带和南温带)和多样性低富聚区(中温带和北温带),其中南亚热带是抗病性多样性最为富集的气候带;温度是影响稻抗病性多样性主要因子,18±1℃是稻抗病性多样性富集程度变化的分度点,13.1~21.0℃之间为抗病性多样性的富聚区.此外,挖掘了24份值得研究利用的优异稻抗病资源.  相似文献   

黄淮海地区是中国粮食主产区和农业发展的核心区.自1998年以来,农业用水整体呈下降趋势,但农业用水比例仍在70%以上,总量维持在1000亿m3左右.黄淮海地区农业面临着较为严重的用水危机,其农业水资源可持续性利用的障碍性因素主要有水资源总量相对匮乏、水质恶化、农业用水被挤占、农业用水效率低以及极端水文事件及全球气候变化等.黄淮海地区用水安全的保障性对策主要是:实施南水北调工程和非常规水资源利用,提高农业供水量;加强农业面源污染等水污染治理,改善水质;加强节水型农业建设,合理配置农业水资源,提高用水效率/效益;建设土壤墒情监测和灌溉预报系统,提高农业用水应急处理能力;改革农业水资源管理体制等.  相似文献   

利用BDPs同时作为反硝化微生物的碳源和附着载体的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
饮用水源水中硝酸盐污染已引起世界各国的普遍关注,异养反硝化是去除水中硝酸盐的主要技术之一。利用可生物降解聚合物(BDPs)同时作为反硝化微生物的碳源和附着生长的载体,近年来得到了人们的关注。该系统对进水水质的波动具有良好的适应能力;BDPs对人体无毒无害,不会污染出水水质。随着各种新型BDPs材料的不断涌现以及BDPs材料生产成本的降低,BDPs材料在饮用水源水生物脱氮中会得到越来越广泛的应用。本文对利用可生物降解聚合物进行反硝化的研究进展进行了综合评述。  相似文献   

Biological denitrification was reviewed regarding its potential application to treating nitrate in industrial wastewater. Although heterotrophic denitrification is an efficient and well-developed process, some carbon content in wastewater is essential to maintain bacterial activity. Because of the high operating cost of heterotrophic denitrification caused by the required addition of a carbon source and potential “carbon breakthrough”, the study of autotrophic denitrification has attracted the interest of numerous researchers. Many advances in autotrophic processes have been made in the application of novel concepts and reaction schemes. While the main advantage of autotrophic bacteria rests on the reduction of operating costs by the replacement of an external carbon source with a cheaper electron donor, further decrease in cost requires additional refinement of these processes, including further improvement of reactor structure and optimization of reaction conditions. In the long term, new concepts are required for a compact wastewater treatment process. This review addresses the state of the art of each electron donor candidate for its potential application to the treatment of industrial wastewater containing nitrate.  相似文献   

Abstract Competition for nitrate between nitrate ammonifying enterobacteria and a denitrifying pseudomonad was studied in electron acceptor-limited chenostats. In pure cultures, using different carbon and energy sources, the C/N-ratio needed for denitrification is far lower than that required for nitrate ammonification. In mixed cultures of Citrobacter freundii and Pseudomonas stutzeri , competing for nitrate with l -lactate as electron donor, the nitrate ammonifying organism dominated at dilution rates of D ≤ 0.14 h−1. Competition for both nitrate and l -lactate at a dilution rate of D = 0.05 h−1 always resulted in the coexistence of both species. Using glucose as additional carbon source, the final ratio of nitrate ammonifying and denitrifying organism depended on the C/N-ratio as well as on the dilution rate. The results of the study are discussed with respect to field data.  相似文献   

Wong BT  Lee DJ 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(12):6673-6679
The inhibitory effects of 90-189 mg l−1 of sulfide and 25-75 mg-N l−1 of nitrate on methanogenesis were investigated in a mixed methanogenic culture using butyrate as carbon source. In the initial phase of 90 mg l−1 S2− test, autotrophic denitrification of nitrate occurred with sulfide as the electron donor. Then the sulfate-reducing strains converted the produced sulfur back to sulfide via heterotrophic oxidation pathway. Methanogenesis was not markedly inhibited when 90 mg l−1 of sulfide was dosed alone. When 25-75 mg-N l−1 of nitrate was presented, initiation of methanogenesis was seriously delayed. Nitrogen oxides (NOx), the intermediates for nitrate reduction via denitrification pathway, inhibited methanogenesis. The 90 mg l−1 of sulfide favored heterotrophic dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonia (DNRA) pathway for nitrate reduction. Possible ways of maximizing methane production from an organic carbon-rich wastewater with high levels of sulfide and nitrate were discussed.  相似文献   

The treatment capacity of an integrated constructed wetland system (CWS) that was designed to reduce nitrogen (N) from secondary effluent was explored. The integrated CWS consisted of vertical-flow constructed wetland, floating bed and sand filter. The vertical-flow wetland was filled with gravel, steel slag and peat from the bottom to the top. Vetiver zizanioides was selected to grow in the vertical-flow constructed wetland and Coix lacrymajobi L. was grown in the floating bed. The results showed that the integrated CWS displayed superior removal efficiency for nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N), ammonia nitrogen (NH4+-N), nitrite nitrogen (NO2-N), and total nitrogen (TN). The average NO3-N, NO2-N, NH4+-N and TN removal efficiencies of the integrated CWS were 98.83%, 95.60%, 98.05% and 92.41%, respectively, during the whole experimental operation. The integrated CWS may have a good potential for removing N from secondary effluent.  相似文献   

This study set up two flow-through pilot-scale constructed wetlands with the same size but various flow patterns (free water surface flow (FWS) and subsurface flow (SSF)) to receive a nitrate-contaminated groundwater. The effects of hydraulic loading rate (HLR) on nitrate removal as well as the difference in performance between the various types of wetlands were investigated. Nitrate removal rates of both wetlands increased with increasing HLR until a maximum value was reached. The maximum removal rates, occurred at HLR of 0.12 and 0.07 m d(-1), were 0.910 and 1.161 g N m(-2)d(-1) for the FWS and SSF wetland, respectively. After the maximum values were reached, further increasing HLR led to a considerable decrease in nitrate removal rate. Nitrate removal efficiencies remained high (>85%) and effluent nitrate concentrations always satisfied drinking water standard (<10mg NO3-NL(-1)) when HLR did not exceed 0.04 m d(-1) for both FWS and SSF wetlands. The first-order nitrate removal rate constant tends to decrease with increasing HLRs. The FWS wetland provided significantly higher (p<0.05) organic carbon in effluent than the SSF wetland, while the SSF wetland exhibited significantly (p<0.05) lower effluent DO than the FWS wetland. However, there was no significant difference (p>0.05) in nitrate removal performance between the two types of constructed wetlands in this study except in one trial operating at HLR of 0.06-0.07 m d(-1).  相似文献   

A nested PCR primed by four degenerate oligonucleotides was developed for the specific amplification of sequences from the narG gene encoding the membrane-bound nitrate reductase. This approach was used to amplify fragments of the narG gene from five Pseudomonas species previously shown to be able to express the membrane-bound nitrate reductase and from community DNA extracted from a freshwater sediment. Amino acid sequences encoded by the narG fragments were compared to one another, and to the corresponding regions of related enzymes. This comparison indicates that the amplification protocols are specific for their intended targets. Sequences amplified from community DNA were tightly clustered, which may indicate a degree of homogeneity in the sediment community. The PCR primers and amplification protocols described will be useful in future studies of nitrate respiring populations.  相似文献   

The Catskill Mountains of southeastern New York State have among thehighest rates of atmospheric nitrogen deposition in the United States. Somestreams draining Catskill catchments have shown dramatic increases in nitrateconcentrations while others have maintained low nitrate concentrations. Streamsin which exchange occurs between surface and subsurface (i.e. hyporheic) watersare thought to be conducive to nitrate removal via microbial assimilationand/ordenitrification. Hyporheic exchange was documented in the Neversink River inthesouthern Catskill Mountains, but dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrate(NO3 ) losses along hyporheic flowpaths werenegligible. In this study, Neversink River water was amended with natural,bioavailable dissolved organic carbon (BDOC) (leaf leachate) in a series ofexperimental mesocosms that simulated hyporheic flowpaths. DOC and N dynamicswere examined before and throughout a three week BDOC amendment. In addition,bacterial production, dissolved oxygen demand, denitrification, and sixextracellular enzyme activities were measured to arrive at a mechanisticunderstanding of potential DOC and NO3 removalalong hyporheic flowpaths. There were marked declines in DOC and completeremoval of nitrate in the BDOC amended mesocosms. Independent approaches wereused to partition NO3 loss into two fractions:denitrification and assimilation. Microbial assimilation appears to be thepredominant process explaining N loss. These results suggest that variabilityinBDOC may contribute to temporal differences in NO3 export from streams in the Catskill Mountains.  相似文献   

To improve denitrification performance and effective degradation of organic pollutants from micro-polluted groundwater simultaneously, a novel three-dimensional (3D) bio-electrochemical reactor was developed, which introduced activated carbon into a traditional two-dimensional (2D) reactor as the third electrode. The static and dynamic characteristics of the reactor were investigated with special attentions paid to the performance comparison of these two reactors. In the 3D reactor both TOC and nitrate removal efficiency were greatly improved, and the formation of nitrite byproduct is considerably reduced, comparing with that of the 2D reactor. The role of activated carbon biofilm was explored and possible remediation mechanisms for the 2D and 3D reactors were suggested. In such a 3D reactor, the denitrification rate improved greatly to 0.288 mg NO3–N/cm2/d and the current efficiency could reach as high as 285%. Further, it demonstrated good performance stably against variable conditions, indicating very promising in application for groundwater remediation.  相似文献   

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