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In experiments on two groups of mongrel rats (4 weeks old and 4 months old) with induced nephrotoxic nephritis it was revealed that in comparison with adult rats the course of nephritis in ratlings was characterized by lesser proteinuria, selective in nature, by lesser reducticn of endogenous creatinine clearance and diuresis. The acido- and ammo-niogenesis decreased in ratlings and adult rats to the same extent. Morphological changes in the kidneys of ratlings were less pronounced than in adult animals, and were mostly localized in the convoluted tubules. The level of DNA-synthetic activity of the epithelial nuclei of the glomeruli prevailed over this index of the convoluted tubules epithelium. The weight index of the kidneys increased less in ratlings with nephritis than in adult rats. beta-lipoproteinemia in ratlings increased 8 times. Normalization of the urine and blood indices occurred more rapidly in ratlings than in adult rats.  相似文献   

Lipid peroxidation (LPO) stimulated by ascorbate was studied in renal cortex of 20 rats with nephrotoxic nephritis (NTN) and of 9 rats with proteinuria induced by a 3-day course of i. p. injections of the human serum albumin. At the early stages of NTN (0.5 h. and 3 h.) LPO activities were of the same values as in control rats. A small decrease in renal cortex LPO was found on the 4-th day of NTN when nephrotic syndrome has been developed. A significant reduction in LPO activity was observed on the 16-th day of NTN characterized by a more pronounced nephrotic syndrome. LPO activity in renal cortex of the rats with albumin overload proteinuria was also reduced. An inhibitory effect of proteinuria on LPO activity in kidney is discussed.  相似文献   

The complement cascade is an important part of the innate immune system, but pathological activation of this system causes tissue injury in several autoimmune and inflammatory diseases, including immune complex glomerulonephritis. We examined whether mice with targeted deletion of the gene for factor B (fB(-/-) mice) and selective deficiency in the alternative pathway of complement are protected from injury in the nephrotoxic serum (NTS) nephritis model of antibody-mediated glomerulonephritis. When the acute affects of the anti-glomerular basement membrane antibody were assessed, fB(-/-) mice developed a degree of injury similar to wild-type controls. If the mice were presensitized with sheep IgG or if the mice were followed for 5 mo postinjection, however, the fB(-/-) mice developed milder injury than wild-type mice. The immune response of fB(-/-) mice exposed to sheep IgG was similar to that of wild-type mice, but the fB(-/-) mice had less glomerular C3 deposition and lower levels of albuminuria. These results demonstrate that fB(-/-) mice are not significantly protected from acute heterologous injury in NTS nephritis but are protected from autologous injury in response to a planted glomerular antigen. Thus, although the glomerulus is resistant to antibody-initiated, alternative pathway-mediated injury, inhibition of this complement pathway may be beneficial in chronic immune complex-mediated diseases.  相似文献   

The progression of histologic changes observed in the accelerated autologous form of nephrotoxic serum nephritis (AA-NTSN) in the inbred LEW rat, ranging from minimal endocapillary proliferation to marked endo- and extra-capillary proliferation together with fibrin deposition and necrosis of glomerular tufts, was closely correlated (day 8) with parallel measures of albuminuria (1.6 leads to 280 mg/24 hr). In the induction phase of AA-NTSN (day 0) a direct linear correlation (r = 0.72, p less than 0.05) was obtained between anti-SGG antibody levels and 24-hr urine albumin excretion. Subsequent observations (day 7) yield an inverse correlation between anti-SGG antibody and albuminuria (r = -0.54, p less than 0.01), and this change was shown to be related to the loss of specific antibody in the urine (r = 0.59, p less than 0.025). Although splenic T cells of rats with AA-NTSN manifest a specific proliferative response to the inducing antigen SGG, and although the magnitude of this proliferative response (day 7) correlates directly with parallel measures of urine albumin excretion (r = 0.71, p less than 0.02), delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) to SGG measured by radiometric ear assay was inversely correlated with albuminuria in this model of experimental nephritis (r = 0.80, p less than 0.01). Additional data are presented that strongly suggest that persistent albuminuria at 1 mo after induction of AA-NTSN is independent of ongoing immunopathologic processes. Thus, glomerular injury in AA-NTSN, previously linked to prominent glomerular macrophage accumulation, is shown to be primarily dependent on a brisk antibody response to the planted heterologous (sheep) immunoglobulin, whereas cellular immunity, readily demonstrated in the splenic T cell compartment, is likely to be of lesser import in the pathogenesis of this lesion in the intact animal.  相似文献   

Nephrotoxic serum nephritis (NSN) is a well-established animal model of glomerulonephritis, a frequent clinical condition with a high mortality rate owing to the ineffectiveness of current therapies. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are adult stem cells with potential as novel therapies in regenerative medicine owing to the absence of allogenic rejection. Glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) acts as a morphogen in kidney development. The therapeutic effectiveness of bone marrow MSCs overexpressing GDNF (GDNF-MSCs) was evaluated in an NSN rat model. An adenoviral vector was used to transduce MSCs with GDNF and a green fluorescent protein reporter gene. Then, GDNF-MSCs were injected into NSN rats via the renal artery. The influence of GDNF on renal injury was assessed. The location of GDNF-MSCs in kidneys was detected using fluorescence microscopy, cells were counted, and kidney function was measured. Infusion of GNDF-MSCs enhanced the recovery of renal function in NSN rats. MSCs were detected in the kidney cortex after injection. Compared with control MSCs, GDNF-MSCs led to significantly better renal function and injury recovery in NSN rats. GDNF has a positive effect on MSC differentiation in renal tissue. Owing to their highly renoprotective capacity, GDNF-MSCs represent a possible novel cell-based paradigm for treatment of glomerulonephritis.  相似文献   

Decay-accelerating factor (DAF or CD55) and CD59 are regulators that protect self cells from C3b deposition and C5b-9 assembly on their surfaces. Their relative roles in protecting glomeruli in immune-mediated renal diseases in vivo are unknown. We induced nephrotoxic serum (NTS) nephritis in Daf1(-/-), CD59a(-/-), Daf1(-/-)CD59a(-/-), and wild-type (WT) mice by administering NTS IgG. After 18 h, we assessed proteinuria, and performed histological, immunohistochemical, and electron microscopic analyses of kidneys. Twenty-four mice in each group were studied. Baseline albuminuria in the Daf1(-/-), CD59a(-/-), and Daf1(-/-)CD59a(-/-) mice was 82, 83, and 139 as compared with 92 microg/mg creatinine in the WT controls (p > 0.1). After NTS, albuminuria in CD59a(-/-) and WT mice (186 +/- 154 and 183 +/- 137 microg/mg creatinine, p > 0.1) was similar. In contrast, Daf1(-/-) mice developed severe albuminuria (378 +/- 520, p < 0.05) that was further exacerbated in Daf1(-/-)CD59a(-/-) mice (577 +/- 785 micro g/mg creatinine, p < 0.05). Glomerular histology showed essentially no infiltrating leukocytes in any group. In contrast, electron microscopy revealed prominent podocyte foot process effacement in Daf1(-/-) mice with more widespread and severe damage in the double knockouts compared with only mild focal changes in CD59a(-/-) or WT mice. In all animals, deposition of administered (sheep) NTS Ig was equivalent. This contrasted with marked deposition of both C3 and C9 in Daf1(-/-)CD59a(-/-) and Daf1(-/-) mice, which was evident as early as 2 h post-NTS injection. The results support the proposition that in autoantibody-mediated nephritis, DAF serves as the primary barrier to classical pathway-mediated injury, while CD59 limits consequent C5b-9-mediated cell damage.  相似文献   

The features of changes in the index of thymidine-3H incorporation into the renal parenchyma in nephrotoxic nephritis are compared to other organs. In the kidneys the index of incorporation inthe epithelial cells of the renal cortex was 7.5-fold and in the brain cortex epithelium 15-fold as increased, respectively. The number of labeled glomerular cells was 2.5-fold as increased. In glomerulonephritis, the index of thymidine-3H incorporation in the epithelium of the adrenals, liver, goiter gland and small intestine lowered within 30-80% from normal.  相似文献   

We investigated the intensiveness of the cell proliferation, number of mononuclear leucocytes (MNL) and production of interleukin-1 (IL-1) in glomerular cell cultures of rats with nephrotoxic serum (NTS) nephritis and control (C) rats. Five days after intravenous injection of nephrotoxic serum from rabbits the glomeruli were isolated, treated with collagenase and cultured over a period of 20 days. In cultures the number and intensity of mesangial cell proliferation in the NTS group were significantly higher than in the C group. Thus, the intensive mesangial cell proliferation in experimental nephrotoxic serum nephritis is related to infiltration of glomerulus by MNL of bone marrow origin with increased production of IL-1.  相似文献   

Immunoreactive atrial natriuretic peptide (iANP) levels in plasma of edematous rats with an experimental nephrotic syndrome produced by the injection of puromycin aminonucleoside (PAN) were not different from those in untreated rats. To test the ability of nephrotic rats to secrete iANP in response to a volume stress, the rats were subjected to 20% expansion of their estimated blood volumes using blood from donor rats. PAN-treated rats had very small natriuretic and diuretic responses compared with untreated rats; however, there was no difference in the secretory response of iANP, which increased approximately threefold in each group. There were highly significant correlations between changes in plasma iANP and changes in right atrial pressure in both normal and nephrotic rats. Nephrotic rats that were infused with synthetic ANP showed only a very small natriuretic and diuretic response compared with normal rats, and no change in glomerular filtration rate. The hypotensive response was still present, however. Urine concentration in nephrotic rats was much lower than in controls and was not increased by exogenous arginine vasopressin. It is concluded that the absence of a normal natriuretic and diuretic response to hypervolemia in PAN-treated rats is not caused by a failure to secrete ANP but might be a result of an intrarenal defect that makes their kidneys unresponsive.  相似文献   

Summary Serum sickness nephritis was induced in male Fisher 344/JCL rats by injecting egg albumin into the foot pads and peritoneal cavity. The alteration of anionic sites in the glomerular basement membrane (GBM) of the rats with significant proteinuria was studied with a quick-freezing and deep-etching method using polyethyleneimine as a cationic probe. In control rats, anionic sites were located around the fibrils of the lamina rara externa, which radiated perpendicularly from the lamina densa to podocyte cell membranes. In the glomeruli of proteinuric rats, many electron-dense deposits were observed in the subepithelial side of the GBM, where the fibrils of the lamina rara externa were usually obscured and anionic sites around them could not be recognized. However, in some areas, a clear boundary could be observed between deposits and the lamina densa. Electron micrographs of freeze-fractured deposits showed that the fibrils radiated perpendicularly from the lamina densa and that anionic sites around them had been preserved. These results suggest that some of the deposits simply passed through the GBM and masked transiently the fibril structures of the GBM, but others probably destroyed these fibril structures, including anionic sites.  相似文献   

Intradermal (ID) injection of the natural tachykinins substance P (SP), neurokinin A (NKA), and neurokinin B (NKB) (0.3-30 nmol) resulted in a marked and dose-related rat paw edema, with mean ED50 values of 2.68 nmol, 1.17 nmol, and 0.80 nmol, respectively. The ID injection of the selective NK1, SP methyl-ester (1-30 nmol), NK2, [beta-Ala8]-neurokinin A4-10) (beta-Ala, 0.3-30 nmol), or NK3, senktide (1-10 nmol) agonists, caused extensive edema formation with mean ED50s of 0.48 nmol, 0.41 nmol, and 0.18 nmol, respectively. The ID injection of the selective NK1 antagonist FK888 (0.1-3 nmol) produced marked inhibition (94%, 52%, and 66%, respectively) of rat paw edema induced by SP, NKA, or SP methyl-ester. The ID co-injection of the NK2 receptor antagonist SR 48968 elicited a graded inhibition (52%, 67%, and 35%, respectively) of rat paw edema induced by NKA, beta-Ala and, to a lesser extent, the edema caused by SP. Finally, the ID co-injection of the NK, receptor antagonist SR 142801 significantly inhibited (53%, 76%, 53%, and 100%, respectively) the edema formation caused by NKB and NKA or by SP and senktide. Together, the data of the present study suggest that tachykinin-mediated rat paw edema depends on the activation of NK1, NK2 and NK3 receptor subtypes, with apparent major involvement of NK1 receptors subtypes.  相似文献   

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