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Yersinia pestis expresses a set of plasmid-encoded virulence proteins called Yops and LcrV that are secreted and translocated into eukaryotic cells by a type III secretion system. LcrV is a multifunctional protein with antihost and positive regulatory effects on Yops secretion that forms a stable complex with a negative regulatory protein, LcrG. LcrG has been proposed to block the secretion apparatus (Ysc) from the cytoplasmic face of the inner membrane under nonpermissive conditions for Yops secretion, when levels of LcrV in the cell are low. A model has been proposed to describe secretion control based on the relative levels of LcrG and LcrV in the bacterial cytoplasm. This model proposes that under secretion-permissive conditions, levels of LcrV are increased relative to levels of LcrG, so that the excess LcrV titrates LcrG away from the Ysc, allowing secretion of Yops to occur. To further test this model, a mutant LcrG protein that could no longer interact with LcrV was created. Expression of this LcrG variant blocked secretion of Yops and LcrV under secretion permissive conditions in vitro and in a tissue culture model. These results agree with the previously described secretion-blocking activity of LcrG and demonstrate that the interaction of LcrV with LcrG is necessary for controlling Yops secretion.  相似文献   

Yersinia pestis, a human and animal pathogen, uses the type III secretion system (T3SS) for delivering virulence factors and effectors into the host cells. The system is conserved in animal pathogens and is hypothesized to deliver the virulence factors directly from bacterial to mammalian cells through a pore composed of YopB and YopD translocation proteins. The YopB and YopD translocator proteins must be delivered first to form a functional pore in the mammalian cell. The criteria by which Yersinia selects the two proteins for initial delivery are not known and we hypothesized that the extensive binding by the chaperone and partial unfolding of the unbound region may be the criteria for selection. The YopB and YopD translocator proteins, unlike other effectors, have a common chaperone SycD, which binds through multiple regions. Due to the small size of the pore, we hypothesized that many of the transported virulence factors, translocators YopB and YopD included, are delivered in a partially unfolded state stabilized by binding to specific chaperones. The YopD protein binds the chaperone through amino acid (a.a.) 53-149 and a.a. 278-292 regions but biophysical characterization of YopD has not been possible due to the lack of an expression system for soluble, large fragments of the protein. In our present work, we demonstrated that the YopD 150-287 peptide fragment, almost the full soluble C-terminal part, including the non-interacting peptide fragment YopD 150-277, was partially unfolded in its native state by a combination of biophysical methods: circular dichroism, quasi-elastic light scattering, chemical unfolding and 8-anilino-1-naphthalene sulfonate (ANS) binding. The secondary structure of the peptide converted easily between alpha-helical and random coil states at neutral pH, and the alpha-helical state was almost fully recovered by lowering the temperature to 263 K. The current results suggest that YopD 150-287 peptide may have the postulated transport-competent state in its native form.  相似文献   

The possibility of translocation of the transposons Tn5 and Tn10 into the genome of Yersinia pestis, with the subsequent mutagenic effect was demonstrated. We revealed transposon harbouring clones at frequency 10(-4) to 10(-2). Derivatives of P1cml clr100ts phage served as vectors. Insertion of Tn10 transposon induced mutations in ilv, ser, arg, pur, pro, leu, nic, tyr, gua genes. The number of the insertion sites on the chromosome obtained for Tn5 was the same, these being arg, ade, pyr, leu, gua, trp, his, pan, ilv. The majority of auxotrophs did not revert. Occasionally, revertants were observed at frequencies 10(-8) to 10(-6). Unlike Escherichia coli, reversion was not accompanied by the loss of transposons. The rearrangements induced by transposons, presumably, near the insertion site, as well as duplications of transposons followed by incorporation of copies into novel sites, led to the appearance of additional defective genes, which made it possible to select various types of polyauxotrophs. Based on reiteration of coinciding double and triple mutant markers, we proposed a linkage group of genes within a segment of Y. pestis chromosome: lys ... tyr - ser - arg - ilv - leu - gua - ade(pur) - pro ... his ... pyr ... trp. The reasons for peculiarities of the behaviour of transposons in Y. pestis bacteria are discussed.  相似文献   

Role of SycD, the chaperone of the Yersinia Yop translocators YopB and YopD   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
Extracellular Yersinia adhering at the surface of a eukaryotic cell translocate effector Yops across the plasma membrane of the cell by a mechanism requiring YopD and YopB, the latter probably mediating pore formation. We studied the role of SycD, the intrabacterial chaperone of YopD. By producing GST–YopB hybrid proteins and SycD in Escherichia coli , we observed that SycD also binds specifically to YopB and that this binding reduces the toxicity of GST–YopB in E. coli . By analysis of a series of truncated GST–YopB proteins, we observed that SycD does not bind to a discrete segment of YopB. Using the same approach, we observed that YopD can also bind to YopB. Binding between YopB and YopD occurred even in the presence of SycD, and a complex composed of these three proteins could be immunoprecipitated from the cytoplasm of Yersinia . In a sycD mutant, the intracellular pool of YopB and YopD was greatly reduced unless the lcrV gene was also deleted. As LcrV is known to interact with YopB and YopD and to promote their secretion, we speculate that SycD prevents a premature association between YopB–YopD and LcrV.  相似文献   

鼠疫耶尔森氏菌(Yersinia pestis,以下简称"鼠疫菌")是烈性传染病鼠疫的病原菌,以鼠蚤作为传播媒介。鼠疫菌在其传播媒介鼠蚤的前胃中形成生物被膜从而促进其在宿主间传播。鼠疫菌生物被膜的形成受第二信使分子环二鸟苷酸(c-di-GMP)的正向调控。鼠疫菌中c-di-GMP由二鸟苷酸环化酶(DGC)HmsT和HmsD合成,由磷酸二酯酶(PDE)HmsP降解。文中主要介绍影响鼠疫菌环二鸟苷酸代谢及生物被膜形成的调控因子,并对其作用机制进行讨论和总结。  相似文献   

Yersinia pestis enters host cells and evades host defenses, in part, through interactions between Yersinia pestis proteins and host membranes. One such interaction is through the type III secretion system, which uses a highly conserved and ordered complex for Yersinia pestis outer membrane effector protein translocation called the injectisome. The portion of the injectisome that interacts directly with host cell membranes is referred to as the translocon. The translocon is believed to form a pore allowing effector molecules to enter host cells. To facilitate mechanistic studies of the translocon, we have developed a cell-free approach for expressing translocon pore proteins as a complex supported in a bilayer membrane mimetic nano-scaffold known as a nanolipoprotein particle (NLP) Initial results show cell-free expression of Yersinia pestis outer membrane proteins YopB and YopD was enhanced in the presence of liposomes. However, these complexes tended to aggregate and precipitate. With the addition of co-expressed (NLP) forming components, the YopB and/or YopD complex was rendered soluble, increasing the yield of protein for biophysical studies. Biophysical methods such as Atomic Force Microscopy and Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy were used to confirm that the soluble YopB/D complex was associated with NLPs. An interaction between the YopB/D complex and NLP was validated by immunoprecipitation. The YopB/D translocon complex embedded in a NLP provides a platform for protein interaction studies between pathogen and host proteins. These studies will help elucidate the poorly understood mechanism which enables this pathogen to inject effector proteins into host cells, thus evading host defenses.  相似文献   

Pathogenic Yersinia species possess a type III secretion system, which is required for the delivery of effector Yop proteins into target cells during infection. Genes encoding the type III secretion machinery, its substrates, and several regulatory proteins all reside on a 70-Kb virulence plasmid. Genes encoded in the chromosome of yersiniae are thought to play important roles in bacterial perception of host environments and in the coordinated activation of the type III secretion pathway. Here, we investigate the contribution of chromosomal genes to the complex regulatory process controlling type III secretion in Yersinia pestis. Using transposon mutagenesis, we identified five chromosomal genes required for expression or secretion of Yops in laboratory media. Four out of the five chromosomal mutants were defective to various extents at injecting Yops into tissue culture cells. Interestingly, we found one mutant that was not able to secrete in vitro but was fully competent for injecting Yops into host cells, suggesting independent mechanisms for activation of the secretion apparatus. When tested in a mouse model of plague disease, three mutants were avirulent, whereas two strains were severely attenuated. Together these results demonstrate the importance of Y. pestis chromosomal genes in the proper function of type III secretion and in the pathogenesis of plague.  相似文献   

Bacterial pathogens have evolved various mechanisms to modulate host immune responses for successful infection. In this study, RNA- sequencing technology was used to analyze the responses of human monocytes THP1 to Yersinia pestis infection. Over 6000 genes were differentially expressed over the 12 h infection. Kinetic responses of pathogen recognition receptor signaling pathways, apoptosis, antigen processing, and presentation pathway and coagulation system were analyzed in detail. Among them, RIG-I-like receptor (RLR) signaling pathway, which was established for antiviral defense, was significantly affected. Mice lacking MAVS, the adaptor of the RLR signaling pathway, were less sensitive to infection and exhibited lower IFN-13 production, higher Thl-type cytokines IFN-γ and IL-12 production, and lower Th2-type cytokines IL-4 and IL-13 production in the serum compared with wild-type mice. Moreover, infection of pathogenic bacteria other than E pestis also altered the expression of the RLR pathway, suggesting that the response of RLR pathway to bacterial infection is a universal mechanism.  相似文献   

Y. pestis multiply in normal blood sera of susceptible and nonsusceptible animals at 28 degrees C, while at 37 degrees C bacteriostasis has been registered. Inhibition of the growth of Y. pestis at this temperature is due to the limited supply of iron to bacterial cells.  相似文献   



Rhombomys opimus (great gerbil) is a reservoir of Yersinia pestis in the natural plague foci of Central Asia. Great gerbils are highly resistant to Y. pestis infection. The coevolution of great gerbils and Y. pestis is believed to play an important role in the plague epidemics in Central Asia plague foci. However, the dynamics of Y. pestis infection and the corresponding antibody response in great gerbils have not been evaluated. In this report, animal experiments were employed to investigate the bacterial load in both the liver and spleen of infected great gerbils. The dynamics of the antibody response to the F1 capsule antigen of Y. pestis was also determined.


Captured great gerbils that tested negative for both anti-F1 antibodies and bacterial isolation were infected subcutaneously with different doses (105 to 1011 CFU) of a Y. pestis strain isolated from a live great gerbil during routine plague surveillance in the Junggar Basin, Xinjiang, China. The clinical manifestations, changes in body weight, anal temperature, and gross anatomy of the infected animals were observed. The blood cell count, bacterial load, and anti-F1 antibody titers were determined at different time points after infection using a blood analyzer, plate counts, and an indirect hemagglutination assay, respectively.


The dynamics of bacterial load and the anti-F1 antibody concentration in great gerbils are highly variable among individuals. The Y. pestis infection in great gerbils could persist as long as 15 days. They act as an appropriate reservoir for plague in the Junggar Basin, which is part of the natural plague foci in Central Asia. The dynamics of the Y. pestis susceptibility of great gerbil will improve the understanding of its variable resistance, which would facilitate the development of more effective countermeasures for controlling plague epidemics in this focus.  相似文献   

The Yersinia pestis low-Ca2+ response stimulon is responsible for the temperature- and Ca(2+)-regulated expression and secretion of plasmid pCD1-encoded antihost proteins (V antigen and Yops). We have previously shown that lcrD and yscR encode proteins that are essential for high-level expression and secretion of V antigen and Yops at 37 degrees C in the absence of Ca2+. In this study, we constructed and characterized mutants with in-frame deletions in yscC, yscD, and yscG of the ysc operon that contains yscA through yscM. All three mutants lost the Ca2+ requirement for growth at 37 degrees c, expressed only basal levels of V antigen and YopM in the presence or absence of Ca2+, and failed to secrete these proteins to the culture supernatant. Overproduction of YopM in these mutants failed to restore YopM export, showing that the mutations had a direct effect on secretion. The protein products of yscC, yscD, and yscG were identified and localized by immunoblot analysis. YscC was localized to the outer membrane of Y. pestis, while YscD was found in the inner membrane. YscG was distributed equally between the soluble and total membrane fractions. Double mutants were characterized to assess where YscC and YscD act in low-Ca2+ response (LCR) regulation. lcrH::cat-yscC and lcrH::cat-yscD double mutants were constitutively induced for expression of V antigen and YopM; however, these proteins were not exported. This finding showed that the ysc mutations did not directly decrease induction of LCR stimulon genes. In contrast, lcrE-yscC, lcrG-yscC, lcrE-yscD, and lcrG-yscD double mutants as well as an lcrE-lcrD double mutant expressed only basal levels of V antigen and YopM and also failed to secrete these proteins to the culture supernatant. These results indicated that a functional LCR secretion system was necessary for high-level expression of LCR stimulon proteins in the lcrE and lcrG mutants but not in an lcrH::cat mutant. Possible models of regulation which incorporate these results are discussed.  相似文献   



Yersinia pestis initiates infection by parasitism of host macrophages. In response to macrophage infections, intracellular Y. pestis can assume a filamentous cellular morphology which may mediate resistance to host cell innate immune responses. We previously observed the expression of Y. pestis tellurite resistance proteins TerD and TerE from the terZABCDE operon during macrophage infections. Others have observed a filamentous response associated with expression of tellurite resistance operon in Escherichia coli exposed to tellurite. Therefore, in this study we examine the potential role of Y. pestis tellurite resistance operon in filamentous cellular morphology during macrophage infections.

Principal Findings

In vitro treatment of Y. pestis culture with sodium tellurite (Na2TeO3) caused the bacterial cells to assume a filamentous phenotype similar to the filamentous phenotype observed during macrophage infections. A deletion mutant for genes terZAB abolished the filamentous morphologic response to tellurite exposure or intracellular parasitism, but without affecting tellurite resistance. However, a terZABCDE deletion mutant abolished both filamentous morphologic response and tellurite resistance. Complementation of the terZABCDE deletion mutant with terCDE, but not terZAB, partially restored tellurite resistance. When the terZABCDE deletion mutant was complemented with terZAB or terCDE, Y. pestis exhibited filamentous morphology during macrophage infections as well as while these complemented genes were being expressed under an in vitro condition. Further in E. coli, expression of Y. pestis terZAB, but not terCDE, conferred a filamentous phenotype.


These findings support the role of Y. pestis terZAB mediation of the filamentous response phenotype; whereas, terCDE confers tellurite resistance. Although the beneficial role of filamentous morphological responses by Y. pestis during macrophage infections is yet to be fully defined, it may be a bacterial adaptive strategy to macrophage associated stresses.  相似文献   

Plague is a flea-borne zoonosis caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis. Y. pestis mutants lacking the yersiniabactin (Ybt) siderophore-based iron transport system are avirulent when inoculated intradermally but fully virulent when inoculated intravenously in mice. Presumably, Ybt is required to provide sufficient iron at the peripheral injection site, suggesting that Ybt would be an essential virulence factor for flea-borne plague. Here, using a flea-to-mouse transmission model, we show that a Y. pestis strain lacking the Ybt system causes fatal plague at low incidence when transmitted by fleas. Bacteriology and histology analyses revealed that a Ybt-negative strain caused only primary septicemic plague and atypical bubonic plague instead of the typical bubonic form of disease. The results provide new evidence that primary septicemic plague is a distinct clinical entity and suggest that unusual forms of plague may be caused by atypical Y. pestis strains.  相似文献   

Activated pancreatic stellate cells (PaSC) are key participants in the stroma of pancreatic cancer, secreting extracellular matrix proteins and inflammatory mediators. Tumors are poorly vascularized, creating metabolic stress conditions in cancer and stromal cells that necessitate adaptive homeostatic cellular programs. Activation of autophagy and the endoplasmic reticulum unfolded protein response (UPR) have been described in hepatic stellate cells, but the role of these processes in PaSC responses to metabolic stress is unknown. We reported that the PI3K/mTOR pathway, which AMPK can regulate through multiple inputs, modulates PaSC activation and fibrogenic potential. Here, using primary and immortalized mouse PaSC, we assess the relative contributions of AMPK/mTOR signaling, autophagy and the UPR to cell fate responses during metabolic stress induced by mitochondrial dysfunction. The mitochondrial uncoupler rottlerin at low doses (0.5–2.5 μM) was added to cells cultured in 10% FBS complete media. Mitochondria rapidly depolarized, followed by altered mitochondrial dynamics and decreased cellular ATP levels. This mitochondrial dysfunction elicited rapid, sustained AMPK activation, mTOR pathway inhibition, and blockade of autophagic flux. Rottlerin treatment also induced rapid, sustained PERK/CHOP UPR signaling. Subsequently, high doses (>5 μM) induced loss of cell viability and cell death. Interestingly, AMPK knock-down using siRNA did not prevent rottlerin-induced mTOR inhibition, autophagy, or CHOP upregulation, suggesting that AMPK is dispensable for these responses. Moreover, CHOP genetic deletion, but not AMPK knock-down, prevented rottlerin-induced apoptosis and supported cell survival, suggesting that UPR signaling is a major modulator of cell fate in PaSC during metabolic stress. Further, short-term rottlerin treatment reduced both PaSC fibrogenic potential and IL-6 mRNA expression. In contrast, expression levels of the angiogenic factors HGF and VEGFα were unaffected, and the immune modulator IL-4 was markedly upregulated. These data imply that metabolic stress-induced PaSC reprogramming differentially modulates neighboring cells in the tumor microenvironment.  相似文献   

Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology - The paper reports the assessment of the role of surface antigens in Yersinia pestis adhesion to murine macrophages J774. The ability of Ail and Psa antigens...  相似文献   

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