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Alignment of sequences is an important routine in various areas of science, notably molecular biology. Multiple sequence alignment is a computationally hard optimization problem which involves the consideration of different possible alignments in order to find an optimal one, given a measure of goodness of alignments. Dynamic programming algorithms are generally well suited for the search of optimal alignments, but are constrained by unwieldy space requirements for large numbers of sequences. Carrillo and Lipman devised a method that helps to reduce the search space for an optimal alignment under a sum-of-pairs measure using bounds on the scores of its pairwise projections. In this paper, we generalize Carrillo and Lipman bounds and demonstrate a novel approach for finding optimal sum-of-pairs multiple alignments that allows incremental pruning of the optimal alignment search space. This approach can result in a drastic pruning of the final search space polytope (where we search for the optimal alignment) when compared to Carrillo and Lipman's approach and hence allows many runs that are not feasible with the original method.  相似文献   

An algorithm is presented to compute a multiple structure alignment for a set of proteins and to generate a consensus (pseudo) protein for the set. The algorithm is a heuristic in that it computes an approximation to the optimal multiple structure alignment that minimizes the sum of the pairwise distances between the protein structures. The algorithm chooses an input protein as the initial consensus and computes a correspondence between the protein structures (which are represented as sets of unit vectors) using an approach analogous to the center-star method for multiple sequence alignment. From this correspondence, a set of rotation matrices (optimal for the given correspondence) is derived to align the structures and derive the new consensus. The process is iterated until the sum of pairwise distances converges. The computation of the optimal rotations is itself an iterative process that both makes use of the current consensus and generates simultaneously a new one. This approach is based on an interesting result that allows the sum of all pairwise distances to be represented compactly as distances to the consensus. Experimental results on several protein families are presented, showing that the algorithm converges quite rapidly.  相似文献   

A method for multiple sequence alignment with gaps   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
A method that performs multiple sequence alignment by cyclical use of the standard pairwise Needleman-Wunsch algorithm is presented. The required central processor unit time is of the same order of magnitude as the standard Needleman-Wunsch pairwise implementation. Comparison with the one known case where the optimal multiple sequence alignment has been rigorously determined shows that in practice the proposed method finds the mathematically optimal solution. The more interesting question of the biological usefulness of such multiple sequence alignment over pairwise approaches is assessed using protein families whose X-ray structures are known. The two such cases studied, the subdomains of the ricin B-chain and the S-domains of virus coat proteins, have low pairwise similarity and thus fail to align correctly under standard pairwise sequence comparison. In both cases the multiple sequence alignment produced by the proposed technique, apart from minor deviations at loop regions, correctly predicts the true structural alignment. Thus, given many sequences of low pairwise similarity, the proposed multiple sequence method, can extract any familial similarity and so produce a sequence alignment consistent with the underlying structural homology.  相似文献   

We have developed a fast heuristic algorithm for multiple sequence alignment which provides near-to-optimal results for sufficiently homologous sequences. The algorithm makes use of the standard dynamic programming procedure by applying it to all pairs of sequences. The resulting score matrices for pair-wise alignment give rise to secondary matrices containing the additional charges imposed by forcing the alignment path to run through a particular vertex. Such a constraint corresponds to slicing the sequences at the positions defining that vertex, and aligning the remaining pairs of prefix and suffix sequences separately. From these secondary matrices, one can compute - for any given family of sequences - suitable positions for cutting all of these sequences simultaneously, thus reducing the problem of aligning a family of n sequences of average length l in a Divide and Conquer fashion to aligning two families of n sequences of approximately half that length.In this paper, we explain the method for the case of 3 sequences in detail, and we demonstrate its potential and its limits by discussing its behaviour for several test families. A generalization for aligning more than 3 sequences is lined out, and some actual alignments constructed by our algorithm for various user-defined parameters are presented.  相似文献   



In this paper, we introduce a progressive corner cutting method called Reticular Alignment for multiple sequence alignment. Unlike previous corner-cutting methods, our approach does not define a compact part of the dynamic programming table. Instead, it defines a set of optimal and suboptimal alignments at each step during the progressive alignment. The set of alignments are represented with a network to store them and use them during the progressive alignment in an efficient way. The program contains a threshold parameter on which the size of the network depends. The larger the threshold parameter and thus the network, the deeper the search in the alignment space for better scored alignments.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Multiple STructural Alignment (MSTA) provides valuable information for solving problems such as fold recognition. The consistency-based approach tries to find conflict-free subsets of alignments from a pre-computed all-to-all Pairwise Alignment Library (PAL). If large proportions of conflicts exist in the library, consistency can be hard to get. On the other hand, multiple structural superposition has been used in many MSTA methods to refine alignments. However, multiple structural superposition is dependent on alignments, and a superposition generated based on erroneous alignments is not guaranteed to be the optimal superposition. Correcting errors after making errors is not as good as avoiding errors from the beginning. Hence it is important to refine the pairwise library to reduce the number of conflicts before any consistency-based assembly. RESULTS: We present an algorithm, Iterative Refinement of Induced Structural alignment (IRIS), to refine the PAL. A new measurement for the consistency of a library is also proposed. Experiments show that our algorithm can greatly improve T-COFFEE performance for less consistent pairwise alignment libraries. The final multiple alignment outperforms most state-of-the-art MSTA algorithms at assembling 15 transglycosidases. Results on three other benchmarks showed that the algorithm consistently improves multiple alignment performance. AVAILABILITY: The C++ code of the algorithm is available upon request.  相似文献   

Nicholas HB  Ropelewski AJ  Deerfield DW 《BioTechniques》2002,32(3):572-4, 576, 578 passim
We present an overview of multiple sequence alignments to outline the practical consequences for the choices among different techniques and parameters. We begin with a discussion of the scoring methods for quantifying the quality of a multiple sequence alignment, followed by a discussion of the algorithms implemented within a variety of multiple sequence alignment programs. We also discuss additional alignment details such as gap penalty and distance metrics. The paper concludes with a discussion on how to improve alignment quality and the limitations of the techniques described in this paper  相似文献   

Motivations: Biclustering is a clustering method that simultaneously clusters both the domain and range of a relation. A challenge in multiple sequence alignment (MSA) is that the alignment of sequences is often intended to reveal groups of conserved functional subsequences. Simultaneously, the grouping of the sequences can impact the alignment; precisely the kind of dual situation biclustering is intended to address. RESULTS: We define a representation of the MSA problem enabling the application of biclustering algorithms. We develop a computer program for local MSA, BlockMSA, that combines biclustering with divide-and-conquer. BlockMSA simultaneously finds groups of similar sequences and locally aligns subsequences within them. Further alignment is accomplished by dividing both the set of sequences and their contents. The net result is both a multiple sequence alignment and a hierarchical clustering of the sequences. BlockMSA was tested on the subsets of the BRAliBase 2.1 benchmark suite that display high variability and on an extension to that suite to larger problem sizes. Also, alignments were evaluated of two large datasets of current biological interest, T box sequences and Group IC1 Introns. The results were compared with alignments computed by ClustalW, MAFFT, MUCLE and PROBCONS alignment programs using Sum of Pairs (SPS) and Consensus Count. Results for the benchmark suite are sensitive to problem size. On problems of 15 or greater sequences, BlockMSA is consistently the best. On none of the problems in the test suite are there appreciable differences in scores among BlockMSA, MAFFT and PROBCONS. On the T box sequences, BlockMSA does the most faithful job of reproducing known annotations. MAFFT and PROBCONS do not. On the Intron sequences, BlockMSA, MAFFT and MUSCLE are comparable at identifying conserved regions. AVAILABILITY: BlockMSA is implemented in Java. Source code and supplementary datasets are available at http://aug.csres.utexas.edu/msa/  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: In molecular biology, sequence alignment is a crucial tool in studying the structure and function of molecules, as well as the evolution of species. In the segment-to-segment variation of the multiple alignment problem, the input can be seen as a set of non-gapped segment pairs (diagonals). Given a weight function that assigns a weight score to every possible diagonal, the goal is to choose a consistent set of diagonals of maximum weight. We show that the segment-to-segment multiple alignment problem is equivalent to a novel formulation of the Maximum Trace problem: the Generalized Maximum Trace (GMT) problem. Solving this problem to optimality, therefore, may improve upon the previous greedy strategies that are used for solving the segment-to-segment multiple sequence alignment problem. We show that the GMT can be stated in terms of an integer linear program and then solve the integer linear program using methods from polyhedral combinatorics. This leads to a branch-and-cut algorithm for segment-to-segment multiple sequence alignment. RESULTS: We report on our first computational experiences with this novel method and show that the program is able to find optimal solutions for real-world test examples.  相似文献   

Sequence conservation in a multiple sequence alignment (or profile) is often used to influence the alignment of further sequences onto the profile. Most methods, however, have considered only the opening of a gap at a single point and not what is contained in the inserted segment of one sequence (or profile) or what terminates the ‘broken’ ends of the other.An alignment algorithm is described that incorporates these aspects and the relative importance of the contribution from the insert and the ‘broken’ ends has been assessed. The approach was tested on families of very remotely related sequences using a novel protocol that was developed to quantify both the stability and generality of the solution.  相似文献   



We present a complete re-implementation of the segment-based approach to multiple protein alignment that contains a number of improvements compared to the previous version 2.2 of DIALIGN. This previous version is superior to Needleman-Wunsch-based multi-alignment programs on locally related sequence sets. However, it is often outperformed by these methods on data sets with global but weak similarity at the primary-sequence level.  相似文献   

Gap costs for multiple sequence alignment   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Standard methods for aligning pairs of biological sequences charge for the most common mutations, which are substitutions, deletions and insertions. Because a single mutation may insert or delete several nucleotides, gap costs that are not directly proportional to gap length are usually the most effective. How to extend such gap costs to alignments of three or more sequences is not immediately obvious, and a variety of approaches have been taken. This paper argues that, since gap and substitution costs together specify optimal alignments, they should be defined using a common rationale. Specifically, a new definition of gap costs for multiple alignments is proposed and compared with previous ones. Since the new definition links a multiple alignment's cost to that of its pairwise projections, it allows knowledge gained about two-sequence alignments to bear on the multiple alignment problem. Also, such linkage is a key element of recent algorithms that have rendered practical the simultaneous alignment of as many as six sequences.  相似文献   



Aligning multiple sequences arises in many tasks in Bioinformatics. However, the alignments produced by the current software packages are highly dependent on the parameters setting, such as the relative importance of opening gaps with respect to the increase of similarity. Choosing only one parameter setting may provide an undesirable bias in further steps of the analysis and give too simplistic interpretations. In this work, we reformulate multiple sequence alignment from a multiobjective point of view. The goal is to generate several sequence alignments that represent a trade-off between maximizing the substitution score and minimizing the number of indels/gaps in the sum-of-pairs score function. This trade-off gives to the practitioner further information about the similarity of the sequences, from which she could analyse and choose the most plausible alignment.


We introduce several heuristic approaches, based on local search procedures, that compute a set of sequence alignments, which are representative of the trade-off between the two objectives (substitution score and indels). Several algorithm design options are discussed and analysed, with particular emphasis on the influence of the starting alignment and neighborhood search definitions on the overall performance. A perturbation technique is proposed to improve the local search, which provides a wide range of high-quality alignments.

Results and conclusions

The proposed approach is tested experimentally on a wide range of instances. We performed several experiments with sequences obtained from the benchmark database BAliBASE 3.0. To evaluate the quality of the results, we calculate the hypervolume indicator of the set of score vectors returned by the algorithms. The results obtained allow us to identify reasonably good choices of parameters for our approach. Further, we compared our method in terms of correctly aligned pairs ratio and columns correctly aligned ratio with respect to reference alignments. Experimental results show that our approaches can obtain better results than TCoffee and Clustal Omega in terms of the first ratio.

在生物信息学研究中,生物序列比对问题占有重要的地位。多序列比对问题是一个NPC问题,由于时间和空间的限制不能够求出精确解。文中简要介绍了Feng和Doolittle提出的多序列比对算法的基本思想,并改进了该算法使之具有更好的比对精度。实验结果表明,新算法对解决一般的progressive多序列比对方法中遇到的局部最优问题有较好的效果。  相似文献   



The performance of alignment programs is traditionally tested on sets of protein sequences, of which a reference alignment is known. Conclusions drawn from such protein benchmarks do not necessarily hold for the RNA alignment problem, as was demonstrated in the first RNA alignment benchmark published so far. For example, the twilight zone – the similarity range where alignment quality drops drastically – starts at 60 % for RNAs in comparison to 20 % for proteins. In this study we enhance the previous benchmark.  相似文献   

Prediction of transmembrane (TM) segments of amino acid sequences of membrane proteins is a well-known and very important problem. The accuracy of its solution can be improved for approaches that do not use a homology search in an additional data bank. There is a lack of tested data in this area of research, because information on the structure of membrane proteins is scarce. In this work we created a test sample of structural alignments for membrane proteins. The TM segments of these proteins were mapped according to aligned 3D structures resolved for these proteins. A method for predicting TM segments in an alignment was developed on the basis of the forward-backward algorithm from the HMM theory. This method allows a user not only to predict TM segments, but also to create a probabilistic membrane profile, which can be employed in multiple alignment procedures taking the secondary structure of proteins into account. The method was implemented in a computer program available at http://bioinf.fbb.msu.ru/fwdbck/. It provides better results than the MEMSAT method, which is nearly the only tool predicting TM segments in multiple alignments, without a homology search.  相似文献   

Multiple sequence alignment plays an important role in molecular sequence analysis. An alignment is the arrangement of two (pairwise alignment) or more (multiple alignment) sequences of 'residues' (nucleotides or amino acids) that maximizes the similarities between them. Algorithmically, the problem consists of opening and extending gaps in the sequences to maximize an objective function (measurement of similarity). A simple genetic algorithm was developed and implemented in the software MSA-GA. Genetic algorithms, a class of evolutionary algorithms, are well suited for problems of this nature since residues and gaps are discrete units. An evolutionary algorithm cannot compete in terms of speed with progressive alignment methods but it has the advantage of being able to correct for initially misaligned sequences; which is not possible with the progressive method. This was shown using the BaliBase benchmark, where Clustal-W alignments were used to seed the initial population in MSA-GA, improving outcome. Alignment scoring functions still constitute an open field of research, and it is important to develop methods that simplify the testing of new functions. A general evolutionary framework for testing and implementing different scoring functions was developed. The results show that a simple genetic algorithm is capable of optimizing an alignment without the need of the excessively complex operators used in prior study. The clear distinction between objective function and genetic algorithms used in MSA-GA makes extending and/or replacing objective functions a trivial task.  相似文献   

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