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The dominant frequency (Fd) of the cricket calling song commonly ranges from 2 to 8 kHz because of physical constraints due to small size and stridulum functioning. However some Eneopterinae crickets are known to call with Fds of 10–15 kHz, and one species ( Eneoptera guyanensis ) produces a modulated call with both a low and a high Fd. We studied Fd evolution with respect to phylogeny in the whole Eneopterinae subfamily to reconstruct its pattern of transformation. The phylogenetic pattern resulting from the analysis showed that Fd is relatively stable through the whole clade: the Fd ancestral state (3–7.9 kHz) has been modified only once, with the occurrence of a high Fd in the clade [ Cardiodactylus ( Lebinthus–Agnotecous )]: high Fd replaced low Fd, resulting in high-frequency calling songs. In E. guyanensis , the pattern of frequency change is different: a high Fd component has been added to the low ancestral Fd, resulting in frequency modulation. Investigation of cladogenesis rate indicated that the onset of high Fd in [ Cardiodactylus ( Lebinthus–Agnotecous )] was accompanied by a high cladogenesis rate, supporting a hypothesis of adaptive radiation for high-frequency calling (phylogeny criterion of adaptation). High frequencies are particularly problematic for long-range communication, especially for forest-living species, because of the increase of excess attenuation with frequency. The effectiveness of high-frequency calling is discussed in the clade [ Cardiodactylus ( Lebinthus–Agnotecous )] in relation to the behavioural ecology of the species.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 83 , 577–584.  相似文献   

Abstract. Within a framework for historical analysis of Eneopterinae biogeography the New Caledonian endemic cricket genus Agnotecous Saussure, 1878 is revised: the eight already known species are diagnosed and six new species described, A. azurensis Desutter‐Grandcolas sp.n. , A. chopardi Desutter‐Grandcolas sp.n. , A. clarus Desutter‐Grandcolas sp.n. , A. doensis Desutter‐Grandcolas sp.n. , A. meridionalis Desutter‐Grandcolas sp.n. and A. occidentalis Desutter‐Grandcolas sp.n. Four species groups are characterized by male genitalic structures. Identification keys are provided for both males and females. A cladistic analysis was performed using fifty‐eight morphological characters. The two resultant topologies, which differ only in topology of three apical species, support the monophyly of Agnotecous and that of the four species groups. Preliminary hypotheses of Eneopterinae historical biogeography are derived from phylogenetic and distributional data.  相似文献   

Calling with a tegminal stridulatory apparatus is widespread in crickets. However, the evolution of cricket stridulums has been poorly studied and then only on the basis of prephylogenetic models, which are unable to account for the huge diversity recently documented for acoustic features in crickets. The present paper focuses on the evolution of acoustic devices in the subfamily Eneopterinae. This is the first attempt to reconstruct the phylogeny of a large and diverse cricket clade in order to analyze the evolution of emitting structures using precise homology statements. In the first step, we reconstruct the phylogeny of this clade using a morphological data set of 193 characters and 45 taxa. The resultant phylogeny supports the monophyly of the subfamily and that of the 13 genera represented by at least two species in our taxonomic sample. Phylogenetic relationships within the subfamily also support the definition of five tribes: Eurepini, Eneopterini, Nisitrini, Xenogryllini and Lebinthini. In the second step, the evolution of acoustic devices is studied by optimization of venation characters defined on precise homology statements. As hypothesized by previous authors, losses of acoustic communication occur independently in the course of eneopterine evolution; however, they happen abruptly with no intermediate state. Our results also document for the first time the modalities of forewing evolution: the diversification of male forewing venation originates from two processes, a continuous and regular modification process, responsible for slight venation change; and an irregular, more intense punctuated process, allowing the emergence of different venations. This diversification process with sudden changes could be related to the occurrence of acoustic novelties in advertisement calls.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of 39 species of Eneopterinae crickets are reconstructed using four molecular markers (16S rRNA, 12S rRNA, cytochrome b, 18S rRNA) and a large morphological data set. Phylogenetic analysis via direct optimisation of DNA sequence data using parsimony as optimality criterion is done for six combinations of weighting parameter sets in a sensitivity analysis. The results are discussed in a twofold purpose: first, in term of significance of the molecular markers for phylogeny reconstruction in Ensifera, as our study represents the first molecular phylogeny performed for this insect suborder at this level of diversity; second, in term of corroboration of a previous phylogeny of Eneopterinae, built on morphological data alone. The four molecular markers all convey phylogenetic signal, although variously distributed on the tree. The monophyly of the subfamily, that of three over five tribes, and of 10 over 13 genera, are recovered. Finally, previous hypotheses on the evolution of acoustic devices and signals in the Eneopterinae clade are briefly tested, and supported, by our new data set.  相似文献   

In members of the cricket subfamily Eneopterinae (Orthoptera, Grylloidea), songs with powerful high-frequency (HF) harmonics have evolved, which likely represents a distinctive acoustic adaptation. In this study, we analysed or reanalysed the songs of the three eneopterine genera present in the Neotropics to evaluate whether they also possess high-amplitude HF components. We present new data and combine several lines of evidence to interpret or reinterpret the calling signals of a representative species for each genus. We used new recordings in order to detect and analyse potential HF components of the songs. Stridulatory files were measured, and stridulation was studied using high-speed video recordings. The results suggest that all eneopterine genera from the Neotropics use HFs to communicate, based on the rich harmonic content of their songs. Strikingly, the Neotropical eneopterines possess high dominant frequencies, recalling the patterns observed in the tribe Lebinthini, the most speciose tribe of the subfamily distributed in the Western Pacific region and in Southeast Asia: Ligypterus and Ponca show dominant harmonic peaks, whereas Eneoptera possesses unique features. The three species under study, however, deal differently with HFs.  相似文献   

本文报道了采自中国福建省蟋蟀总科长须蟋属的1个新种武夷长须蟋Aphonoides wuyiensis Yin.同时列出中国长须蟋属已知种类的分种检索表.模式标本保存于中国科学院上海植物生理生态研究所昆虫标本馆.  相似文献   

Forewing morphology and infrastructure are analysed in three cricket species ( Gryllus campestris, Oecanthus pellucens and Lerneca fuscipennis ) and checked in 20 other genera. A strong dorsoventral asymmetry is demonstrated for the first time. The upper side of the tegmina is covered with hexagonal, more or less high crests forming reliefs. On the lower side, annulate, flat and thick veins exist. The distribution of the hexagons and that of the different vein types is uneven on the forewing surfaces. Their significance in forewing functional morphology is discussed in relation to stridulation and to current knowledge on cricket sound production mechanisms. Their extent and distribution, together with the number and strength of the veins and the surface of wing cells, could account for the vibrational characteristics of the cricket forewing and explain the diverse results obtained by several authors on Gryllus and Oecanthus .  相似文献   

Crickets produce stridulated sounds by rubbing their forewings together. The calling song of the cricket species Eneoptera guyanensis Chopard, 1931 alternates two song sections, at low and high dominant frequencies, corresponding to two distinct sections of the stridulatory file. In the present study we address the complex acoustic behavior of E. guyanensis by integrating information on the peculiar morphology of the stridulatory file, the acoustic analysis of its calling song and the forewing movements during sound production. The results show that even if E. guyanensis matches the normal cricket functioning for syllable production, the stridulation involves two different closing movements, corresponding to two types of syllables, allowing the plectrum to hit alternately each differentiated section of the file. Transition syllables combine high and low frequencies and are emitted by a complete forewing closure over the whole file. The double-teeth section of the stridulatory file may be used as a multiplier for the song frequency because of the morphological multiplication due to the double teeth, but also because of an increase of wing velocity when this file section is used. According to available phylogenetic and acoustic data, this complex stridulation may have evolved in a two-step process.  相似文献   

The diversity of sensory systems in animals has poorly been explored on a phylogenetic basis at the species level. We addressed this issue using cricket cerci, comprising abdominal appendages covered with touch‐ and air‐sensitive hairs. Scanning electron microscopy measurements and spatial analyses of hair positioning were used to quantify the structural diversity of cercal structures. Eighteen Eneopterinae and two Gryllidae (outgroups) were studied from a phylogenetic perspective. Cerci were revealed to be complex, diverse, and variable between cricket species. Based on maximum likelihood estimations, the ancestral Eneopterinae cercus had a small size, and its hair equipment allowed the use of both air and touch mechanoreception. The evolution of Eneopterinae cerci was mainly unconstrained by the phylogeny; it was rather a punctuated process, involving apical transformations, and was mostly unrelated to environmental patterns. All studied species have enhanced their overall perceptive capacities compared to the ancestor. Most have longer cerci with more and/or longer hairs. Sensory abilities have improved either in the direction of touch or air movement detection, or both, without discarding the potential for any sensory capacity that was already present ancestrally. This pattern is consistent with the hypothesis of an evolutionary trade‐off for sensory performances. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99 , 614–631.  相似文献   

The subfamily Eneopterinae is known greatly for its diversified acoustic modalities and disjunct distribution. Within Eneopterinae, tribe Lebinthini is the most studied group, due to its highest species diversity (ca. 150 species in 12 genera), endemic distribution on the islands of Southeast Asia and of the South West Pacific, males’ ability to produce high‐frequency calling songs, and evolution of females’ vibrational response. To investigate the distribution pattern and diversification of acoustic and behavioral attributes in a larger frame, clear understanding of phylogenetic relationships within other tribes of Eneopterinae is vital. In this study, we focus on the tribe Xenogryllini, sister group of Lebinthini. Xenogryllini, as opposed to Lebinthini, is known by fewer species (11 species in two genera), distributed widely in continental Asia and Africa, and for producing low‐frequency calling songs. We describe a new genus Indigryllus with a new species of the tribe Xenogryllini, discovered from the southwest of India. We used eight molecular genetic markers to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships. The resultant phylogenetic tree is used to compare and discuss distribution patterns and acoustic modalities between Lebinthini and Xenogryllini.  相似文献   

The stridulatory apparatus (or stridulum) is currently assumed ancestral in crickets. Models of its subsequent evolution consider only one modality of evolutionary change: the stridulum would have been progressively lost in multiple cricket lineages. A phylogenetic test of this hypothesis is presented here. The morpho-functional types of stridulum have been optimized on the cladistic phylogenies of two monophyletic cricket clades, and parsimonious evolutionary scenarios of the evolution of the stridulum in these clades have been derived. The phylogenetic patterns thus obtained support the hypothesis that the stridulum has been lost several times convergently in crickets. They indicate, however, that the loss of the stridulum could be reversible, and that several modalities of evolutionary change exist for the stridulum. Phylogenetic analysis thus reveals an unsuspected complexity in the evolution of acoustic communication in crickets.  相似文献   

Echinococcosis is a serious helminthic zoonosis in humans, livestock and wildlife. The pathogenic organisms are members of the genus Echinococcus (Cestoda: Taeniidae). Life cycles of Echinococcus spp. are consistently dependent on predator–prey association between two obligate mammalian hosts. Carnivores (canids and felids) serve as definitive hosts for adult tapeworms and their herbivore prey (ungulates, rodents and lagomorphs) as intermediate hosts for metacestode larvae. Humans are involved as an accidental host for metacestode infections. The metacestodes develop in various internal organs, particularly in liver and lungs. Each metacestode of Echinococcus spp. has an organotropism and a characteristic form known as an unilocular (cystic), alveolar or polycystic hydatid. Recent molecular phylogenetic studies have demonstrated that the type species, Echinococcus granulosus, causing cystic echinococcosis is a cryptic species complex. Therefore, the orthodox taxonomy of Echinococcus established from morphological criteria has been revised from the standpoint of phylogenetic systematics. Nine valid species including newly resurrected taxa are recognised as a result of the revision. This review summarises the recent advances in the phylogenetic systematics of Echinococcus, together with the historical backgrounds and molecular epidemiological aspects of each species. A new phylogenetic tree inferred from the mitochondrial genomes of all valid Echinococcus spp. is also presented. The taxonomic nomenclature for Echinococcus oligarthrus is shown to be incorrect and this name should be replaced with Echinococcus oligarthra.  相似文献   

The genus Rhoptropus consists of six species of diurnal, chiefly rupicolous, geckos that are endemic to the arid and semi-arid zones of Namibia and southern Angola. Sixteen skeletal and scalation characters and six allozyme characters analysed cladistically yield a single most parsimonious pattern of relationships: (( R. afer, R. bradfieldi ) ( R. taeniostictus (R. boultoni (R. barnardi, R. biporosus )))). Support for the placement of R. taeniostictus is tenuous because of missing allozyme data, but the remainder of the topology, especially the basal dichotomy, is well supported. Morphological and allozyme data are congruent and a phenetic analysis of genetic distances among the taxa is consistent with the phylogeny. The diversification of the genus probably took place in the Mid- to Late Tertiary and both basal and distal cladogenic events may be related to the evolution of the Namib Desert and movement of the Namib sands. Rates of evolution among the lineages of Rhoptropus appear to be unequal and R. afer , a species largely restricted to horizontal sheet rock habitats, has accumulated a large number of autapomorphic traits.  相似文献   

Abstract. Stentorceps tubicen , a new genus and species of Eucoilidae from East Africa, is described and illustrated. The genus is characterized by the possession of large protrusions on the face, features previously unknown in the family. The genus is compared with other eucoilids and its systematic position is discussed.  相似文献   

The genus Killickia is described to accommodate the South African endemic species formerly placed in Micromeria sect. Hesperothymus . Morphological data, as well as results from unpublished phylogenetic studies support its separation from the genera Micromeria and Clinopodium . A new species Killickia lutea Bräuchler is described and three new combinations are made. Killickia is characterised as comprising solitary- or few-flowered cymes, a campanulate to subcampanulate (obconical) calyx with similar teeth, a corolla tube with two pubescent ridges and nutlets with scattered minute hairs. A thickened marginal vein in the leaves as typical for Micromeria is absent. As currently understood all species are restricted to the Drakensberg mountains and KwaZulu-Natal Midlands in eastern South Africa. A key to the species, brief notes on anatomy and ecology are provided.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 157 , 575–586.  相似文献   

Three new species of Ripipteryx Newman (Orthoptera: Tridactyloidea: Ripipterygidae) are described from Colombia; namely Ripipteryx diegoi sp. n. (Forceps Group) and Ripipteryx guacharoensis sp. n. (Marginipennis Group) from Parque Nacional Natural Cueva de los Guacharos in Huila, and Ripipteryx gorgonaensis sp. n. (Crassicornis Group) from Parque Nacional Natural Gorgona in Cauca. Ripipteryx diegoi sp. n. is characterized by the antennae black with white spots on flagellomeres 3–7, male subgenital plate with median ridge forming a bilobed setose process, epiproct produced laterally near its base and phallic complex with virga thickened distally and not reaching beyond the membrane. Ripipteryx guacharoensis sp. n. is characterized by the antennae thick with white spots present dorsally on flagellomeres 1–4 and 8, epiproct narrow and triangular, uncus reduced and lacking a distal hook, phallic complex with a concave ventral plate and a dorsal elevation in the middle extended to the virga, and the virga itself with two small projections basally. Ripipteryx gorgonaensis sp. n. is characterized by the epiproct with a lateral notch, antennae with a white dorsal spot on flagellomere 1 and flagellomeres 4–7 entirely white. The antennal color pattern of Ripipteryx gorgonaensis sp. n. strongly resembles that of Ripipteryx atra but differs from the latter in the absence of any significant morphological modification of the flagellomeres.  相似文献   

A new desmid genus, Actinodontum Alfinito et Coesel, is described from mountain areas of tropical Africa. The newly described genus differs from the allied genus Actinotaenium by the presence of marked teeth at the base of each semicell that alternate with those on the other semicell. Morphology of the type species, Actinodontum lomaense (Alfinito et Mazzoni) Alfinito et Coesel, is dealt with in much detail. Cosmarium basituberculoides Bourrelly et Couté and Cosmarium elgonense Kusel-Fetzmann are transferred to the new genus. The geographical distribution of the genus Actinodontum is discussed.  相似文献   

The cricket genus Eneopteroides Chopard, 1956 is transferred from the Eneopteridae to the Podoscirtidae owing to characters in external morphology and male genitalia. One species initially described in the genus Aphonomorphus Rehn, 1903, A. bicolor Hebard, 1928b, is transferred to Eneopteroides and two new species from western Amazonia are described, E. loretensis n. sp. and E. cordobensis n. sp.  相似文献   

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