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We compared intraoral prey transport in venomous snake species from four families (two atractaspidids, nine elapids, three colubrids, 44 viperids) with that in eight non-venomous colubrid species, most feeding on similar mammalian prey. The morphology of the venom delivery system suggests that intraoral prey transport performance should be slightly decreased in atractaspidids, unmodified in most elapids and venomous colubrids, and increased or unmodified in vipers, as compared to that in non-venomous colubrid snakes. Our measurements of relative intraoral prey transport performance show that differences among families do not match expectations based on morphology or past studies. Decreased performance in Atractaspis results from reduction and loss of teeth on the medial palatal elements and dentaries, but affects only early phases of ingestion. Although joint and bone features of elapids and colubrids are similar, intraoral prey transport performance is significantly lower in elapids than in colubrids. Predicted enhancement of intraoral prey transport performance in vipers as compared to colubrids was not borne out by measurements, presumably because palatopterygoid movement during intraoral prey transport is reduced in many viper species to limit fang erection. Absence of significant performance differences between colubrids and viperids might suggest that evolution of the viperid venom delivery system was subject to little selection pressure from intraoral prey transport. Another possibility is that there are trade-offs between intraoral prey transport and strike performance in vipers related to relative skull mass and jaw fragility. Immobilizing prey prior to intraoral transport places less demand on transport performance in vipers. In this model, the conservative kinesis and greater robustness of the colubrid palate has greater potential for transporting live prey with less risk of injury.  相似文献   

Evolutionary Patterns in Advanced Snakes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
One prevalent view of phylogenetic events in advanced snakesholds that the fangs evolved along at least two pathways one(e.g. elapids) from ancestors with enlarged anterior and theother (e.g. viperids) from ancestors with enlarged posteriormaxillary teeth. Selective forces driving these changes arepresumed to arise from the increasing advantages of teeth andglands in venom injection. In this paper another plausible viewof these events is proposed. First fangs of both elapids and viperids likely evolved fromreal maxillary teeth. In non-venomous snakes, differences intooth morphology and function suggest that there may be somedivision of labor among anterior and posterior maxillary teeth.Anterior maxillary teeth, residing forward in the mouth likelyserve the biological role of snaring and impaling prey duringthe strike. They are also conical frequently recurved and lacka secretion groove. On the other hand posterior teeth becauseof their geometric position on the maxilla and mechanical advantages,tend to serve as aids in preingestion manipulation and swallowingof prey. They are often blade shaped and occasionally bear asecretion groove along their sides. Although both front andrear maxillary teeth of nonvenomous snakes may be elongatedthis is likely to serve these different functional roles andhence they evolved under different selective pressures. Whenfangs evolved they did so several times independently but fromrear maxillary teeth. In support one notes a) the similar positionpostorbital of venom and Duvernoy s glands b) similar embryonicdevelopment of fangs and rear maxillary teeth c) secretion groovewhen present, is found only on rear teeth and d) similar biologicalroles of some rear teeth and fangs. For ease in clearance ofthe prey during the strike the fangs are positioned forwardin the mouth accomplished in viperid snakes by forward rotationof the maxilla and elapids by rostral anatomical migration tothe front of the maxilla. Second, the adaptive advantage first favoring initial rear toothenlargement likely centered not on their role in venom injectionbut rather on their role in preingestion manipulation and swallowing.However once enlarged, teeth would be preadapted for later modificationinto fangs under selection pressures arising from advantagesof venom introduction. This has implications for the function and evolution of associatedstructures. Besides possibly subduring or even killing of preythe secretion of Duvernoy's gland may be involved in digestionor in neutralizing noxious or fouling products of the prey.The presence or absence of constriction need not be functionallytied to absence or presence of venom injection. The phylogeneticpathways outlined herein were likely traveled several timesindependently in advanced snakes.  相似文献   

Elapids, viperids, and some other groups of colubroid snakes have tubular fangs for the conduction of venom into their prey. The literature describing the development of venom-conducting fangs provides two contradictory accounts of fang development. Some studies claim that the venom canal forms by the infolding of a deep groove along the surface of the tooth to produce an enclosed canal. In other works the tubular fang is said to form by the deposition of material from tip to base, so that the canal develops without any folding. This study was undertaken to examine fang development and to account for the disagreement in the literature by determining whether fang formation varies among groups of venomous snakes and whether it differs between embryos and adults. Adult and embryonic representatives of elapids and viperids were examined. All fangs examined, elapid and viperid, embryos and adults, were found to develop into their tubular shape by the addition of material to the basal end of the tooth rather than by the folding inward of an ungrooved tooth to form a tubular fang. In some cases, the first fang that develops in embryonic snakes differs morphologically from all those formed subsequently.  相似文献   

Dietary Correlates of the Origin and Radiation of Snakes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Stomach analyses of living families and of a fossil containingprey were used to address possible dietary correlates of thehistory of snakes. Aniliids, morphologically primitive amongliving snakes, feed on relatively heavy, elongate vertebrates.Large aniliids eat larger prey than do small individuals but,as in advanced snakes, they also take small items. Living boids,structurally intermediate between aniliids and advanced snakes,feed on relatively heavy prey of a much greater variety of shapesthan do aniliids. An Eocene fossil that might be a boid containsa relatively large crocodilian in its gut. These findings, previousstudies, and morphological considerations suggest that veryearly snakes used constriction and powerful jaws to feed onelongate, heavy prey. This would have permitted a shift fromfeeding often on small items to feeding rarely on heavy items,without initially requiring major changes in jaw structure relativeto a lizard-like ancestor. Subsequent morphological changescould then have allowed boids to utilize a broad range of preytypes, including many of those currently eaten by advanced snakes.More recent dietary themes include the consumption of even heavierprey by highly venomous elapids and viperids, and frequent feedingon relatively small items by some other advanced snakes.  相似文献   

The New World coral snakes (micrurines), genera Micrurus and Micruroides have recently been seen as derived from a lineage of South American colubrids, rather than from a common lineage with Old World elapids and sea snakes as traditionally accepted. We compared serum albumins of representative coral snakes, Old World elapids, sea snakes, and neotropical colubrids immunologically. Phylogenetic analysis of the biochemical data unambiguously allies the micrurines with the family Elapidae as it is currently understood. Using the albumin molecular clock calibration derived from other terrestrial vertebrates. we suggest a late Oligocene-early Miocene separation between the New and Old World elapid lineages. This requires a movement of elapid stocks from Asia into North America, and supporting evidence for this model is derived from several paleontological sources. We suggest that a number of extant micrurine lineages have had long independent histories.  相似文献   

African fossorial colubroid snakes of the genus Atractaspis have relatively long fangs on short maxillae, a gap separating the pterygoid and palatine bones, a toothless pterygoid, and a snout tightly attached to the rest of the skull. They envenomate prey with a unilateral backward stab of one fang projected from a closed mouth. We combined structural reanalysis of the feeding apparatus, video records of prey envenomation and transport, and manipulations of live and dead Atractaspis to determine how structure relates to function in this unusual genus of snakes. Unilateral fang use in Atractaspis is similar to unilateral slashing envenomation by some rear-fanged snakes, but Atractaspis show no maxillary movement during prey transport. Loss of pterygoid teeth and maxillary movement during transport resulted in the inability to perform. 'pterygoid walk' prey transport. Atractaspis transport prey through the oral cavity using movement cycles in which mandibular adduction, anterior trunk compression, and ventral flexion of the head alternate with mandibular abduction and extension of head and anterior trunk over the prey. Inefficiencies in manipulation and early transport of prey are offset by adaptability of the envenomating system to various prey types in both enclosed and open spaces and by selection of prey that occupy burrows or tunnels in soil. Atractaspis appears to represent the evolutionary endpoint of a functional conflict between envenomation and transport in which a rear-fanged envenomating system has been optimized at the expense of most, if not all, palatomaxillary transport function.  相似文献   

Portions of two mitochondrial genes (12S and 16S ribosomal RNA) were sequenced to determine the phylogenetic relationships among the major clades of snakes. Thirty-six species, representing nearly all extant families, were examined and compared with sequences of a tuatara and three families of lizards. Snakes were found to constitute a monophyletic group (confidence probability [CP] = 96%), with the scolecophidians (blind snakes) as the most basal lineages (CP = 99%). This finding supports the hypothesis that snakes underwent a subterranean period early in their evolution. Caenophidians (advanced snakes), excluding Acrochordus, were found to be monophyletic (CP = 99%). Among the caenophidians, viperids were monophyletic (CP = 98%) and formed the sister group to the elapids plus colubrids (CP = 94%). Within the viperids, two monophyletic groups were identified: true vipers (CP = 98%) and pit vipers plus Azemiops (CP = 99%). The elapids plus Atractaspis formed a monophyletic clade (CP = 99%). Within the paraphyletic Colubridae, the largely Holarctic Colubrinae was found to be a monophyletic assemblage (CP = 98%), and the Xenodontinae was found to be polyphyletic (CP = 91%). Monophyly of the henophidians (primitive snakes) was neither supported nor rejected because of the weak resolution of relationships among those taxa, except for the clustering of Calabaria with a uropeltid, Rhinophis (CP = 94%).   相似文献   

More than 80% of the approximately 3000 living species of snakes are placed in the taxon Caenophidia (advanced snakes), a group that includes the families Acrochordidae, Viperidae, Elapidae, Atractaspididae, and the paraphyletic 'Colubridae'. Previous studies using DNA sequences have involved few nuclear genes (one or two). Several nodes have therefore proven difficult to resolve with statistical significance. Here, we investigated the higher-level relationships of caenophidian snakes with seven nuclear protein-coding genes and obtained a well-supported topology. Accordingly, some adjustments to the current classification of Caenophidia are made to better reflect the relationships of the groups. The phylogeny also indicates that, ancestrally, caenophidian snakes are Asian and nocturnal in origin, although living species occur on nearly all continents and are ecologically diverse.  相似文献   

Viperids are a species rich clade of snakes that vary greatly in both morphology and ecology. Many species in the family express tail specializations used for defensive warnings, prey lures, and stability during locomotion and striking. To examine the relationships among ecology, behavior, and vertebral number in the family Viperidae, morphological data (maximum total length and the number of pre-cloacal and caudal vertebrae), macrohabitat use, and tail specialization for 157 viperids were gleaned from published sources. A composite tree topology was constructed from multiple published viperid phylogenies for independent contrasts analysis. The number of vertebrae was strongly correlated with the total length of the snake. Results of both non-phylogenetic and phylogenetically corrected analysis showed that macrohabitat use did not strongly influence total snake length. However, the number of vertebrae per unit length did vary among species according to macrohabitat. Specifically, vertebral density increased with increasing arboreality. Overall, viperids showed a positive correlation between the number of caudal and pre-cloacal vertebrae, but separately rattlesnakes had a significant negative correlation. Species with prehensile tails and those that caudal lure had the most caudal vertebrae. The increased caudal segments of prehensile and luring tails likely improve performance when grasping small vegetation for support or imitating invertebrate prey. These results illustrate that vertebral number is a primary characteristic involved in the diversification of viper species and ecology.  相似文献   

A collection of snakes in Turaif region, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, an area that has been poorly documented for reptiles, consists of 28 specimens representing 11 species belonging to 4 families (Colubridae, Elapidae, Viperidae and Atractaspididae). This study presents the first comprehensive inventory of the herpetofauna of the Turaif province of Saudi Arabia. Co-ordinates: Latitude, longitude and altitude, of the collected specimens were mapped using GPS. Three of the snake species Lytorhynchus diadema, Pseudocerastes fieldi and Walterinnesia morgani reported by the authors in the present survey proved to be new records for Turaif region of Saudi Arabia.  相似文献   

We present an initial evaluation of relationships among a diverse sample of 215 species of snakes (8% of the world snake fauna) representing nine of the 16 commonly-recognized families. Allelic variation at four slow-evolving. protein-coding loci, detected by starch-gel electrophoresis, was found to be informative for estimating relationships among these species at several levels. The numerous alleles detected at these loci [ Arp -2 (42 alleles). Ltlh -2 (43), Mdh -1 (29), Pgm (Z)] provided unexpected clarity in partitioning these taxa. Most congeneric species and several closely-related genera have the same allele at all four loci or differ at only a single locus. At thc other extreme are those species with three or four unique alleles; these taxa cannot be placed in this analysis. Species sharing two or three distinctive alleles are those most clearly separated into clades. Typhlopids, pythonids, viperids, and elapids were resolved into individual clades. whereas bods were separated into boincs and erycines, and colubrids appeared as scveral distinct clades (colubrines, natricines, psammophines, homalopsines, and xenodontines). Viperids were recognized as a major division containing three separate clades: Asian and American crotalines. Pabearctic and Oriental viperines, and Ethiopian causines. The typhlopids were found to be the basal clade, with the North American erycine boid Chrrrino and the West Indian woodsnakes Tropidophi, Y near the base. A number of species and some small clades were not allocated because of uninformative (common, unique, or conflicting) alleles. Of the 21 S species examined, five to eight appear to have been misplaced in the analysis of these electrophoretic data.  相似文献   

Specializations of the Body Form and Food Habits of Snakes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Viperid snakes have stouter bodies, larger heads, and longerjaws than snakes in other families; there are no major differencesbetween the two subfamilies of vipers in these features. A suiteof morphological characters that facilitates swallowing largeprey finds its greatest expression among vipers, but certainelapid and colubrid snakes have converged upon the same bodyform. The number of jaw movements required to swallow prey islinearly related to the size of a prey item when shape is heldconstant. Very small and very large prey are not disproportionatelydifficult for a snake to ingest. Vipers swallow their prey withfewer jaw movements than do colubrids or boids and can swallowprey that is nearly three times larger in relation to theirown size. Proteolytic venom assists in digestion of prey, andmelanin deposits shield the venom glands from light that woulddegrade the venom stores. Ancillary effects of the morphologicalfeatures of vipers, plus the ability to ingest a very largequantity of food in one meal, should produce quantitative andqualitative differences in the ecology and behavior of vipersand other snakes.  相似文献   

We analyzed the origin and evolution of snake venom toxin families represented in both viperid and elapid snakes by means of phylogenetic analysis of the amino acid sequences of the toxins and related nonvenom proteins. Out of eight toxin families analyzed, five provided clear evidence of recruitment into the snake venom proteome before the diversification of the advanced snakes (Kunitz-type protease inhibitors, CRISP toxins, galactose-binding lectins, M12B peptidases, nerve growth factor toxins), and one was equivocal (cystatin toxins). In two others (phospholipase A(2) and natriuretic toxins), the nonmonophyly of venom toxins demonstrates that presence of these proteins in elapids and viperids results from independent recruitment events. The ANP/BNP natriuretic toxins are likely to be basal, whereas the CNP/BPP toxins are Viperidae only. Similarly, the lectins were recruited twice. In contrast to the basal recruitment of the galactose-binding lectins, the C-type lectins were shown to be Viperidae only, with the alpha-chains and beta-chains resulting from an early duplication event. These results provide strong additional evidence that venom evolved once, at the base of the advanced snake radiation, rather than multiple times in different lineages, with these toxins also present in the venoms of the "colubrid" snake families. Moreover, they provide a first insight into the composition of the earliest ophidian venoms and point the way toward a research program that could elucidate the functional context of the evolution of the snake venom proteome.  相似文献   

Efforts to describe toxins from the two major families of venomous snakes (Viperidae and Elapidae) usually reveal proteins belonging to few structural types, particular of each family. Here we carried on an effort to determine uncommon cDNAs that represent possible new toxins from Lachesis muta (Viperidae). In addition to nine classes of typical toxins, atypical molecules never observed in the hundreds of Viperidae snakes studied so far are highly expressed: a diverging C-type lectin that is related to Viperidae toxins but appears to be independently originated; an ohanin-like toxin, which would be the third member of the most recently described class of Elapidae toxins, related to human butyrophilin and B30.2 proteins; and a 3FTx-like toxin, a new member of the widely studied three-finger family of proteins, which includes major Elapidae neurotoxins and CD59 antigen. The presence of these common and uncommon molecules suggests that the repertoire of toxins could be more conserved between families than has been considered, and their features indicate a dynamic process of venom evolution through molecular mechanisms, such as multiple recruitments of important scaffolds and domain exchange between paralogs, always keeping a minimalist nature in most toxin structures in opposition to their nontoxin counterparts.  相似文献   

An analysis is presented of a sample of Atractaspididae ( sensu McDowell) plus Macrelaps, Aparallactus, Apostolepis, Elapomorphus, Homoroselaps and six genera of African elapids in respect of squamation, reproductive organs, skull, head muscles and vertebrae. Homoroselaps is linked with the African Elapidae and is returned to that family. Scattered special resemblances to atractaspids are interpreted as homoplasies. Some interrelationships of the African elapids are suggested. The South American Apostolepis and Elapomorphus represent a separate, possibly related, lineage at the same grade level as the African Atractaspididae. Macrelaps and Aparallactus are transferred to the Atractaspididae. Atractaspis emerges as a low grade but highly divergent member of the family. Macrelaps is the most primitive. The other taxonomic units are completely resolved with, however, the anomaly of reversal to the seemingly primitive states of six characters in four lineages (six genera). The Atractaspididae, Apostolepis and Elapomorphus are regarded as low grade members of the Caenophidia. It is suggested that early in the history of the caenophidian lineage a venom apparatus was acquired, prior to the major radiation of the group. Many descendent lineages show regression of the venom apparatus.  相似文献   

Habituation to captivity is difficult for some species. Understanding the motivational elements involved in predation may ease this habituation. Seventy‐one Brazilian jararaca snakes (Bothrops jararaca [Wied, 1824], Viperidae, Crotalinae) recently captured and never fed in captivity were tested for predatory behavior on rodents. Lighting was adapted to allow predatory sessions to occur during the first hours of the night when these animals are more active. Up to three prey subjects were presented in a session. In the first experiment, the preference for prey size and color was assessed using albino and dark‐colored rodents. In a second experiment, a group of snakes was submitted to 12 sessions during a period of almost 2 years. The strike strategy was classified in one of two categories: envenomation (E) or seizing (S). Envenomation involved a bite delivered by the snake with prompt retrieval of the head; holding the rodent in the snake’s jaws since the first strike, without retrieving the fangs and holding the prey during venom action, characterized S strike. Trailing and swallowing the dead prey always followed E strike. Results suggest that snakes fed more often on larger subjects. The color of the prey was not a relevant factor. E strike was predominant in the first predatory event in captivity. After habituation, S strike was predominant. Snakes may have a poor perception of the prey objects in captivity and adopt a strike strategy that assures the control of the prey. Also, the use of small prey subjects to ease feeding during adaptation to captivity may be less effective. Zoo Biol 20:399–406, 2001. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The venom glands of snakes of the families Elapidae and Viperidae are thought to have evolved from Duvernoy's gland of colubrid ancestors. In highly venomous snakes elements of the external adductor musculature of the jaw insert fibers directly onto the capsule of the venom gland. These muscles, upon contraction, cause release of contents by increasing intraglandular pressure. In Thamnophis sirtalis, a colubrid, there is no direct connection between Duvernoy's gland and the adductor musculature. The anatomical arrangement of the gland, skull, adductor muscles, and the integument is such that contraction of the muscles may facilitate emptying of the gland. This hypothesis was tested by electrical stimulation of the muscles, which resulted in significantly greater release of secretion than elicited by controls. The results suggest a possible early step in the evolution of a more intimate association between venom glands and adductor musculature in highly venomous snakes.  相似文献   

The defining morphological characters of the family Elapidae are analysed in an attempt to evaluate whether the front-fanged, proteroglyphous, snakes constitute a natural (monophyletic) group or whether proteroglyphy is more likely to be a condition achieved independently by a number of higher snake lineages. The evidence relating to presumed elapids whose affinities have been questioned, namely a South African genus Homoroselaps and New World proteroglyphs (Micrurus and Micruroides) , is examined. It concluded that Homoroselaps is a genuinely equivocal case, the evidence for its inclusion in the Elapidae is balanced by features which suggest that it is more closely related to the Aparallactinae. However, Micrurus and Micruroides seem clearly to be more closely related to undisputed elapids than to any other caenophidians. It is suggested that, at least for the present, the family Elapidae be retained in its broad sense to include all proteroglyphous snakes.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among advanced snakes (Acrochordus + Colubroidea = Caenophidia) and the position of the genus Acrochordus relative to colubroid taxa are contentious. These concerns were investigated by phylogenetic analysis of fragments from four mitochondrial genes representing 62 caenophidian genera and 5 noncaenophidian taxa. Four methods of phylogeny reconstruction were applied: matrix representation with parsimony (MRP) supertree consensus, maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian analysis. Because of incomplete sampling, extensive missing data were inherent in this study. Analyses of individual genes retrieved roughly the same clades, but branching order varied greatly between gene trees, and nodal support was poor. Trees generated from combined data sets using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian analysis had medium to low nodal support but were largely congruent with each other and with MRP supertrees. Conclusions about caenophidian relationships were based on these combined analyses. The Xenoderminae, Viperidae, Pareatinae, Psammophiinae, Pseudoxyrophiinae, Homalopsinae, Natricinae, Xenodontinae, and Colubrinae (redefined) emerged as monophyletic, whereas Lamprophiinae, Atractaspididae, and Elapidae were not in one or more topologies. A clade comprising Acrochordus and Xenoderminae branched closest to the root, and when Acrochordus was assessed in relation to a colubroid subsample and all five noncaenophidians, it remained associated with the Colubroidea. Thus, Acrochordus + Xenoderminae appears to be the sister group to the Colubroidea, and Xenoderminae should be excluded from Colubroidea. Within Colubroidea, Viperidae was the most basal clade. Other relationships appearing in all final topologies were (1) a clade comprising Psammophiinae, Lamprophiinae, Atractaspididae, Pseudoxyrophiinae, and Elapidae, within which the latter four taxa formed a subclade, and (2) a clade comprising Colubrinae, Natricinae, and Xenodontinae, within which the latter two taxa formed a subclade. Pareatinae and Homalopsinae were the most unstable clades.  相似文献   

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