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The initially hormonosensitive (HS) MXT mouse mammary tumor spontaneously evolved to hormonoin-dependence (HI). Using a SAMBA 200 cell image processor, we compared the DNA content and the chromatin structure of HS and HI tumor cells squashed onto histologic slides; the nuclei were colored by the Feulgen reaction. We compared HI and HS nuclei by a discriminant analysis using the 15 parameters obtained on each nucleus. We show that the percentage of well-classified granulocytes (2n DNA content control) versus HS or HI nuclei exceeded 99. On the other hand, this percentage did not reach 70 when we compared HS and HI. The cell cycle analysis revealed that the percentage of cells in S and G2 + M phases were significantly higher in HI tumors than in the HS. Hence, HI and HS MXT tumor nuclei seem to be morphologically identical, but are significantly different if we refer to cell proliferation rates.  相似文献   

We have used restriction endonucleases which cleave the DNA of mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) at one site (Eco RI) and several sites (Pst I, Sac I and Bam HI) to study infection and mammary tumorigenesis in mice. Proviruses acquired during infection of BALB/c mice foster-nursed by virus-producing C3H females can be distinguished from the MMTV proviruses endogenous to uninfected BALB/c mice by the nature of the fragments generated with Pst I and Bam HI. Using this assay, we show that lactating mammary glands as well as mammary tumors from BALB/cfC3H mice have acquired MMTV DNA, and that a minimum of approximately 10% of normal glandular cells can be infected. The new proviruses appear to be linked to cellular DNA of mammary tumors and infected lactating mammary glands within a limited region (0.2 x 10(6) daltons) of the viral DNA; the location of this region, based upon mapping studies with unintegrated MMTV DNA, suggests that the orientation of these proviruses is colinear with linear DNA synthesized in infected cells and thus approximately colinear with the viral RNA. Comparisons of many mammary tumors and studies of lactating mammary glands with a high proportion of independently infected cells indicate that a large number of sites in the cellular genome can accommodate a new provirus; the acquired proviruses are rarely, if ever, found in tandem with each other or with endogenous proviruses. We cannot, however, distinguish between random integration and integration into a large number of preferred sites in the host genome. Since Eco RI and Bam HI cleavage of DNA from each mammary tumor generates a unique set of viral-specific fragments, we propose that the tumors are composed principally of cells derived from a subset of the many infected cells in a mammary gland; this proposal is supported by our finding that Eco RI digestion of DNA from several transplants of a primary tumor yields the pattern characteristic of the primary tumor.  相似文献   

We analyzed two experimental situations to assess the role of endogenous mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) DNA in the genesis of mammary carcinomas. (i) GR mice carry in their germ line one or more proviruses indistinguishable by limited restriction mapping from the proviruses introduced into cells by experimental infection with the highly tumorigenic virus isolated from GR mouse milk, MMTV(GR). Most tumors arising in GR mice contain one or more proviruses at various sites in tumor DNA in addition to those present endogenously. Detection of these new proviruses is possible as a consequence of the clonal or quasiclonal character of the tumors. (ii) C3H/He mice carry three units of endogenous viral DNA, none of which resembles the DNA of the commonly encountered strains of milk-borne MMTV. Nevertheless, MMTV-associated tumors arise late in life when these animals are removed from the influence of milk-borne virus; the responsible agent, MMTV(C3Hf), can also produce tumors in BALB/c mice. We found that tumors arising in both C3Hf/He mice and BALB/c mice infected with MMTV(C3Hf) were clonal or quasiclonal and contained one or more new copies of proviral DNA at various sites in the host genome. These new proviruses were readily distinguished from the proviruses of the common milk-borne virus strains and closely resembled unit II of endogenous MMTV DNA (Cohen et al., J. Virol., 32:483-496). Thus, in both experimental systems, we found evidence for new proviruses in mammary tumors, despite the preexistence of similar or identical proviruses in the germ line. The results suggest that the repositioning of MMTV proviruses may be required for the full expression of the oncogenic potential of endogenous MMTV DNA.  相似文献   

Expression of mouse mammary tumor viral polypeptides in milks and tissues.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A 14,000-dalton polypeptide (p14) from RIII murine mammary tumor virus (MMTV) has been isolated by column chromatography in 6 M GuHCl. Antiserum prepared in rabbits specifically precipitated 125I-labeled p14; in double antibody competition, radioimmunoassays performed with limiting amounts of antibody, both purified p14 and disrupted MMTV, competed specifically with labeled antigen. The expression of this MMTV type B virus antigen could be measured by competition radioimmunoassays in milks, mammary glands, tumors, and tissue culture cells. MMTV expression measured by p14 immunoassay correlated well with the spontaneous incidence of mammary adenocarcinomas in different murine strains but not with type C MuLV p30 antigen expression. Levels of MMTV gp52, the major type-B viral glycoprotein, corresponded to p14 levels, suggesting that their control is comparably regulated. Evidence that this low m.w. polypeptide is present in feral and inbred strains of widely differing geographic origin and in MMTV with apparently different biologic properties suggests surprising conservation of MMTV protein homology.  相似文献   

Lerat E  Sémon M 《Gene》2007,396(2):303-311
Transposable elements (TEs) are genomic sequences able to replicate themselves, and to move from one chromosomal position to another within the genome. Many TEs contain their own regulatory regions, which means that they may influence the expression of neighboring genes. TEs may also be activated and transcribed in various cancers. We therefore tested whether gene expression in normal and tumor tissues is influenced by the neighboring TEs. To do this, we associated all human genes to the nearest TEs. We analyzed the expression of these genes in normal and tumor tissues using SAGE and EST data, and related this to the presence and type of TEs in their vicinity. We confirmed that TEs tend to be located in antisense orientation relative to their hosting genes. We found that the average number of tissues where a gene is expressed varies depending on the type of TEs located near the gene, and that the difference in expression level between normal and tumor tissues is greatest for genes that host SINE elements. This deregulation increases with the number of SINE copies in the gene vicinity. This suggests that SINE elements might contribute to the cascade of gene deregulation in cancer cells.  相似文献   

Summary High-resolution two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) was employed to reveal tumor-associated polypeptide changes, using the BALB/c C4 line mouse mammary model system, for which phenotypic and immunogenic alterations accompanying tumor progression are well defined. In the first set of experiments, polypeptide patterns from 20 µg whole tissue lysates of normal mammary gland, C4 preneoplastic hyperplatic alveolar nodule outgrowth (HAN) and spontaneous tumor from C4 HAN were compared. In order to normalize for differential cellularity and extracellular protein content in the whole tissues, our analysis included polypeptide patterns from serum, increased concentration of protein from whole normal mammary gland, and primary cultures of epithelial cells from normal gland, HAN and tumor. Using a computer-based image-analysis system, 90 polypeptides were identified in C4 tumor that were absent in C4 HAN, normal mammary gland and serum. None of the 90 polypeptides could be shown to represent a definite qualitative change in the protein composition of tumor epithelium as they were found to be either present in a higher concentration of protein from whole normal gland, or present in the primary epithelial culture from HAN, or absent in the primary epithelial culture from tumor.Conversely in the second set of experiments, when epithelial cultures were used as the starting point for comparisons to locate tumor-associated polypeptides, none of the 15 polypeptides that were present in cultures from three different tumors, and absent in the culture from normal mammary gland was specific to C4 tumor, as they were present in whole tissues of normal gland.Thus our experimental approach detected significant quantitative but no qualitative polypeptide changes in whole tumor tissue, or in tumor-derived epithelial cell cultures. This finding may reflect the limitations of the two-dimensional PAGE method, and warrants caution in the use of such gel analysis alone to identify tumor-associated proteins.Supported by NIH grant CA42522  相似文献   

Extracts of whole tissue or isolated nuclei from lactating rat mammary gland that has diminished cell replication capacity were more active than the corresponding extracts of pregnant rat mammary gland that contains actively replicating cells in causing a dose-dependent inhibition of DNA polymerase alpha in vitro. Purification of the inhibitor from both tissue and nuclear extracts using a sequence of Sephacryl S200, DEAE-cellulose and CM52 columns confirmed the above assay results. Using the same assay and purification procedures, both tissue and nuclear extracts from the rapidly growing transplanted R3220AC mammary tumors exhibited very little or no inhibitor activity. The partially purified mammary inhibitor (mol. wt of 155kD, high A280 nm/A260 nm ratio, heat labile) was equally inhibitory to the purified DNA polymerase alpha from either R3230AC tumor or calf thymus, and to the nuclear matrix bound DNA polymerase alpha of R3230AC tumor.  相似文献   

Summary Five different mouse mammary tumor cell lines were propagated in a serum free medium. Evaluation of growth characteristics, including logarithmic growth, cell population increase, protein production and days to confluency, showed serum-free medium comparable to serum-containing medium. Mouse mammary tumor virus expression and production, in C3H and GR tumor cell lines, as determined by virus particle counting and RNA dependent DNA polymerase assays, subsequent to dexamethasone stimulation revealed equivalent to higher levels of virus in serum-free medium as compared to serum-containing medium.  相似文献   

Aberrant DNA methylation often occurs in colorectal cancer (CRC). In our study we applied a genome-wide DNA methylation analysis approach, MethylCap-seq, to map the differentially methylated regions (DMRs) in 24 tumors and matched normal colon samples. In total, 2687 frequently hypermethylated and 468 frequently hypomethylated regions were identified, which include potential biomarkers for CRC diagnosis. Hypermethylation in the tumor samples was enriched at CpG islands and gene promoters, while hypomethylation was distributed throughout the genome. Using epigenetic data from human embryonic stem cells, we show that frequently hypermethylated regions coincide with bivalent loci in human embryonic stem cells. DNA methylation is commonly thought to lead to gene silencing; however, integration of publically available gene expression data indicates that 75% of the frequently hypermethylated genes were most likely already lowly or not expressed in normal tissue. Collectively, our study provides genome-wide DNA methylation maps of CRC, comprehensive lists of DMRs, and gives insights into the role of aberrant DNA methylation in CRC formation.  相似文献   

Aberrant DNA methylation often occurs in colorectal cancer (CRC). In our study we applied a genome-wide DNA methylation analysis approach, MethylCap-seq, to map the differentially methylated regions (DMRs) in 24 tumors and matched normal colon samples. In total, 2687 frequently hypermethylated and 468 frequently hypomethylated regions were identified, which include potential biomarkers for CRC diagnosis. Hypermethylation in the tumor samples was enriched at CpG islands and gene promoters, while hypomethylation was distributed throughout the genome. Using epigenetic data from human embryonic stem cells, we show that frequently hypermethylated regions coincide with bivalent loci in human embryonic stem cells. DNA methylation is commonly thought to lead to gene silencing; however, integration of publically available gene expression data indicates that 75% of the frequently hypermethylated genes were most likely already lowly or not expressed in normal tissue. Collectively, our study provides genome-wide DNA methylation maps of CRC, comprehensive lists of DMRs, and gives insights into the role of aberrant DNA methylation in CRC formation.  相似文献   

The Southern DNA filter transfer technique was used to study the involvement of the endogenous mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) in the development of mammary tumors of nonviral etiology. The presence of extra MMTV proviruses in the genomes of these non-virally induced mammary tumors would indicate an integration of the provirus of an activated endogenous MMTV. Acquisition of MMTV proviruses did not seem to be an absolute requirement for the development of hormone or carcinogenically induced mammary tumors in strain BALB/c nor for hormone-induced mammary tumors in mouse strains 020, C57BL, and C3Hf. In some hormone-induced mammary tumors we did observe extra MMTV proviruses in submolar quantities, indicating that reintegration may occasionally occur and that only a part of the tumor cells acquired new MMTV DNA information. Hormone-dependent and -independent primary mammary tumors of the mouse strain GR, which are controlled by the Mtv-2 mammary tumor induction gene, all acquired extra MMTV proviruses. Most of these extra MMTV proviral-DNA-containing fragments appeared present in submolar quantities, suggesting that only part of the tumor cells acquired extra MMTV proviral information. These findings indicate that the initially transformed mammary gland cells of non-virally induced mammary tumors do not necessarily acquire extra MMTV proviral DNA information, in contrast to the MMTV-induced mammary tumors, in which all tumor cells contain extra MMTV DNA information.  相似文献   

The molecular details of glucocorticoid hormone regulation of expression of the mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) proviral gene have been investigated. Cloned proviral DNA was introduced into cultured cells by a gene transfer procedure. DNA acquired by transfection was shown to be expressed in a hormone regulated fashion. The proviral DNA was fragmented and recombined in vitro with an indicator gene to delimit the hormone response sequence. Inducibility of the indicator gene (thymidine kinase gene from Herpes Simplex Virus, tk) was observed upon recombination with the long terminal repeat (LTR) sequence of MMTV. Further delimitation of the LTR DNA demonstrated that 202 nucleotides located 5' of the RNA initiation site are sufficient to confer glucocorticoid regulation. In vitro interaction of LTR DNA with glucocorticoid hormone receptor complex, showed a preferential affinity to the same sequence which mediated hormonal regulation in transfected cells. Evidence for a direct receptor gene interaction in the process of gene induction was gained by the measurement of the kinetics of induction and the use of a glucocorticoid antagonist (RU 486). The induction of the transfected gene is very rapid, independent of simultaneous protein synthesis and requires a functional glucocorticoid receptor hormone complex.  相似文献   

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