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The influence of prolonged nutritional deprivation on the succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activity and cross-sectional areas of individual fibers in the rat diaphragm and deep portion of the medial gastrocnemius (MGr) muscles was determined. Fatigue resistance of the diaphragm was measured by means of an in vitro nerve-muscle strip preparation. Fiber SDH activity and cross-sectional area were quantified by means of an image processing system. Diaphragm fatigue resistance was significantly improved in the nutritionally deprived (ND) group. In both muscles, nutritional deprivation resulted in a significant decrease in fiber cross-sectional area (both type I and II), type II fibers showing greater atrophy. The SDH activities of type I and II fibers in the diaphragm were not affected by nutritional deprivation. This contrasted with a significant decrease in the SDH activity of both type I and II fibers in the MGr of ND animals. An assessment of the interrelationships between fiber atrophy and fiber SDH activity revealed a greater effect of malnutrition on those diaphragm type II fibers that had the lowest relative SDH activities and the largest cross-sectional areas. By comparison, the effect of malnutrition on type I and II fibers in the MGr was nonselective with regard to fiber SDH activity. We conclude that the enhanced diaphragm fatigue resistance in the ND animals does not result from an increase in the oxidative capacity of muscle fibers and is best explained by the pattern of diaphragm muscle fiber atrophy.  相似文献   

The influence of 90 h of acute nutritional deprivation (ND) on the cross-sectional areas of muscle fibers and the contractile and fatigue properties of the adult rat diaphragm were determined. Isometric contractile properties and fatigue resistance of the diaphragm were measured by means of an in vitro nerve-muscle strip preparation. Contractions were evoked by using phrenic nerve stimulation (left hemidiaphragm) or direct muscle stimulation (right hemidiaphragm) in the presence of curare. Acute ND resulted in a 20% reduction in body weight. No significant decrements in diaphragm or soleus weights were noted in the ND animals compared with controls (CTL), whereas the weight of the medial gastrocnemius was reduced by 20% in the ND animals. Peak twitch and tetanic tensions (normalized for the weight of the diaphragm strip) were not reduced in ND compared with CTL animals after either nerve or muscle stimulation. The fatigue index of the diaphragm was significantly reduced in ND animals only after nerve stimulation. After the fatigue test, there was rapid recovery of the additional fatigue noted with nerve stimulation. The proportions of type I and II muscle fibers of the diaphragm were similar in the CTL and ND animals. No differences in diaphragm cross-sectional areas were noted for either type I or II muscle fibers in the CTL and ND animals. It is concluded that acute ND has no effect on diaphragm contractility or morphometry and only an inconsequential influence on diaphragm fatigue.  相似文献   

Prezant, D. J., M. L. Karwa, B. Richner, D. Maggiore, E. I. Gentry, and J. Cahill. Gender-specific effects of dexamethasone treatment on rat diaphragm structure and function. J. Appl. Physiol. 82(1): 125-133, 1997.The effectsof long-term dexamethasone treatment on diaphragm muscle were studiedin female and male rats. Compared with pair-fed control animals,dexamethasone treatment did not significantly affect estrous cycling orpeak serum estradiol levels; however, testosterone levels weresignificantly increased in females and decreased in males.Dexamethasone significantly reduced body and costal diaphragm weights,but to a lesser extent in females than in males. Reductions indiaphragm weight were proportional to reductions in body weight. Infemales and males, dexamethasone treatment significantly decreaseddiaphragm fiber (types I and II) cross-sectional area and the relativeexpression of myosin heavy chain isoform 2B. With the exception of typeI fiber atrophy, these changes occurred to a lesser extent in females.Dexamethasone did not significantly affect specific forces.Dexamethasone significantly increased twitch one-half relaxation timeand fatigue resistance indexes in males but not in females. Inconclusion, the effects of long-term dexamethasone treatment weregender specific, with significantly fewer effects in females, andchanges in serum testosterone levels were associated with thesefindings.


The influence of 90 h of acute nutritional deprivation (ND; water ad libitum only) on in vitro contractile and fatigue properties, muscle fiber type proportions, and cross-sectional areas (CSA) of the adolescent rat diaphragm was determined. Diaphragm muscle properties in the ND rats were compared with those in control rats (CTL; food and water ad libitum). Acute ND resulted in a 32% reduction in body mass, whereas the body mass of CTL rats increased by 29%. Acute ND resulted in a significant reduction in the mass of the diaphragm (costal, 36%; crural, 43%), soleus (36%), and medial gastrocnemius (45%) muscles. Isometric twitch characteristics of the diaphragm muscle (contraction and half-relaxation times) were prolonged in the ND animals. Peak twitch and maximum tetanic forces were unaffected by ND. Fatigue resistance of the diaphragm muscle was improved in ND animals. Diaphragm muscle fiber type proportions were similar in ND and CTL groups. The CSA of type I and II diaphragm muscle fibers were reduced by 22 and 40%, respectively, in ND animals compared with CTL. We conclude that, whereas an identical protocol of acute ND had no significant effects on diaphragm muscle structure and function in adult rats, adolescent animals exhibit significantly less nutritional reserve. These differences may be due to curtailment of the rapid anabolic rate in growing animals.  相似文献   

Summary Regenerated adrenocortical nodules were obtained by implanting fragments of the capsular tissue of excised adrenal glands into the musculus gracilis of rats (Belloni et al. 1990). Five months after the operation, operated rats showed a normal basal blood level of corticosterone, but a very low concentration of circulating aldosterone associated with a slightly increased plasma renin activity (PRA). Regenerated nodules were well encapsulated and some septa extended into the parenchyma from the connective-tissue capsule. The majority of parenchymal cells were similar to those of the zonae fasciculata and reticularis of the normal adrenal gland, while zona glomerulosa-like cells were exclusively located around septa (juxta-septal zone; JZ). In vitro studies demonstrated that nodules were functioning as far as glucocorticoid production was concerned, while mineralocorticoid yield was very low. Prolonged sodium restriction significantly increased PRA and plasma aldosterone concentration, and provoked a marked hypertrophy of JZ, which was due to increases in both the number and average volume of JZ cells. Accordingly, the in vitro basal production of aldosterone and other 18-hydroxylated steroids was notably enhanced. The plasma level of corticosterone, as well as zona fasciculata/reticularis-like cells and in vitro production of glucocorticoids by regenerated nodules were not affected. These findings, indicating that autotransplanted adrenocortical nodules respond to a prolonged sodium restriction similar to the normal adrenal glands, suggest that the relative deficit in mineralocorticoid production is not due to an intrinsic defect of the zona glomerulosa-like JZ, but is probably caused by the impairment of its adequate stimulation under basal conditions. The hypothesis is advanced that the lack of splanchnic nerve supply and chromaffin medullary tissue in regenerated nodules may be the cause of such an impairment.  相似文献   

The effects of growth hormone (GH) on diaphragm muscle myosin heavy chain (MHC) composition and mechanical performance were investigated in Fischer 344 male rats aged to senescence (24.5 mo of age). Chronic undernutrition (UN), refeeding (RF), and RF+GH were compared with ad libitum feeding by using a model of UN that produced a 50% decrease in body weight over a 12-mo period. The effect of aging was assessed by comparing MHC composition of ad libitum-fed rats at 12 and 24.5 mo of age. At senescence, significant decreases in slow type I (-23%) and fast type IIA (-31%) MHC had occurred with aging. Conversely, UN over this aging period increased types I (32-73%) and IIA (22-23%) MHC and decreased fast types IIB (32-54%) and IIX (30-31%) MHC. RF and RF+GH reversed these shifts back toward control values. At senescence, maximal specific force, maximal velocity, and specific power capacity were not different across treatment groups. During repetitive isotonic contraction trials, the diaphragms of UN rats maintained power production over time (54% of initial power at 60 s), whereas the power production of diaphragms of ad libitum-fed rats fell to 0% (P < 0.05). In comparison with UN rats, the diaphragms of RF and RF+GH rats produced 23 (not significant) and 11% (P < 0.05) of initial power, respectively, suggesting that RF+GH treatment restored performance characteristics after UN. We conclude that RF+GH can reverse alterations in MHC composition and mechanical performance produced by chronic UN in the aged rat diaphragm.  相似文献   

We investigated the capacity for pyruvate oxidation in skeletal muscle, diaphragm and heart after starvation and re-feeding. Starvation for 48 h decreased pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) activity in soleus (by 47%), extensor digitorum longus (64%), gastrocnemius (86%), diaphragm (87%), adductor longus (90%), tibialis anterior (92%) and heart (99%). Chow re-feeding increased PDH activity in all muscles to 43-78% of the fed value within 2 h. However, complete re-activation was not observed for at least 4-6 h, during which time hepatic glycogen was replenished. We discuss the importance of muscle PDH activity in relation to sparing carbohydrate for hepatic glycogen synthesis.  相似文献   

A week of SC infusion with endothelin-1 (ET-1) (0.2 microgram.kg-1.hr-1) lowered PRA and raised plasma aldosterone (A) concentration in rats. Kalaemia and the plasma levels of ACTH and corticosterone (B) were not affected. Prolonged ET-1 administration caused a notable hypertrophy of zona glomerulosa (ZG) and its parenchymal cells, without inducing any apparent change in zona fasciculata. Stereology showed that ZG cell hypertrophy was mainly due to the increase in the volume of the mitochondrial compartment and to the proliferation of smooth endoplasmic reticulum (i.e., the two organelles in which the enzymes of steroid synthesis are contained). Isolated ZG cells from ET-1-infused animals evidenced a notable enhancement in their basal production of A and B. The secretory responses of ZG cells to the maximal effective concentrations of their three main stimulators (ACTH, angiotensin-II and K+) displayed comparable increases. These findings indicate that ET-1, when chronically administered, is able to specifically enhance the growth and steroidogenic capacity of rat ZG, and suggest that the mechanism underlying this ET-1 effect involves stimulation of the de novo synthesis of both the steroidogenic enzymes and the membrane framework in which they are located.  相似文献   

Regenerated adrenocortical nodules were obtained by implanting in the musculus gracilis of rats fragments of the capsular tissue of their excised adrenal glands. Five months after operation, transplanted rats showed a slightly elevated blood concentration of adrenocorticotropin (ACTH), a moderately reduced plasma level of corticosterone (PBC) and a very low concentration of circulating aldosterone (PAC). Regenerated nodules were well encapsulated, and from the connective capsule some septa dipped into the parenchyma. Subcapsular-outer (OZ) and inner (IZ) cells were similar to those of the zona fasciculata/zona reticularis (ZF/ZR) of the normal gland; juxta-septal (JZ) cells resembled those of the zona glomerulosa (ZG). Prolonged (14 days) ACTH infusion normalized PBC and caused a conspicuous hypertrophy of transplanted tissue, which was coupled with a marked hypertrophy of ZF/ZR-like OZ and IZ cells and a notable rise in the basal in vitro production of corticosterone. Conversely, ACTH infusion strikingly lowered PAC, reduced the number of ZG-like JZ cells, and decreased both basal and stimulated secretion of 18-hydroxylated steroids by transplants in vitro.  相似文献   

In sheep, parturition is initiated by increased fetal hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPAA) activity leading to PGE(2) and PGF(2alpha) production and a rise in the 17beta-estradiol-progesterone (E(2)/P(4)) ratio. Uteroplacental PG production can also increase fetal HPAA activity. Periconceptional maternal undernutrition accelerates fetal HPAA maturation resulting in preterm labor. We determined whether preterm labor was preceded by an increase in PG concentrations and E(2)/P(4) ratio and whether these increases preceded or followed the corresponding rise in cortisol concentrations. Singleton-bearing ewes were nourished ad libitum (N, n = 9) or undernourished (UN, n = 10) to reduce maternal weight by 15% from -61 days (d) to +30 d after mating with ad libitum intake thereafter. Paired maternal and fetal blood samples were collected from 126 d until delivery. Half the UN group delivered prematurely (>2 SD below mean gestation for the flock). PG and cortisol concentrations and E(2)/P(4) ratio increased before delivery in the same way in both groups. However, the increases occurred 7-10 d earlier in UN than in N animals. In both UN and N fetuses cortisol concentrations rose before fetal and maternal PG concentrations and maternal E(2)/P(4) ratio. Periconceptional maternal undernutrition induces preterm delivery in sheep by advancing the expected prepartum rise in cortisol and PG concentrations and E(2)/P(4) ratio. The rise in fetal cortisol concentration precedes the rise in fetal and maternal PG concentrations and maternal E(2)/P(4) ratio, suggesting that the underlying mechanism is likely to be acceleration of fetal HPAA maturation, resulting in initiation of the normal process of parturition.  相似文献   

C D Walker  M L Aubert 《Life sciences》1988,43(24):1983-1990
Early neonatal experiences such as handling or undernutrition may alter developmental patterns associated with brain maturation and neuroendocrine regulation. Therefore, we tested neonatal ACTH and corticosterone responses to ether stress in pups submitted to chronic underfeeding which involves daily handling (U), daily handling only (H), or no handling (I). Pituitary ACTH content and brain myelin basic protein (MBP) content were measured in all rat groups. We found that the order of magnitude in stress-induced ACTH secretion was: I greater than H greater than U on day 14 and 18 of age while on day 10, only a small significant response in the H group was observed. Corticosterone secretion after stress was increased on day 14 in both H and I rats while no response was observed in the U group at all ages. Pituitary ACTH content of U pups was significantly (p less than 0.01) reduced compared to H rats on day 10 of age but not later. Underfeeding had profound effects on MBP synthesis of U rats since brain MBP content on day 14 was 5-fold lower in U versus H pups. In addition, handling enhanced MBP production since H rats exhibited higher (p less than 0.05) MBP content as compared to I rats. Thus, both handling and undernutrition experienced early in life are able to affect central brain maturation as well as neonatal adrenocortical responses to stress.  相似文献   

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