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Ancestral state reconstruction of discrete character traits is often vital when attempting to understand the origins and homology of traits in living species. The addition of fossils has been shown to alter our understanding of trait evolution in extant taxa, but researchers may avoid using fossils alongside extant species if only few are known, or if the designation of the trait of interest is uncertain. Here, I investigate the impacts of fossils and incorrectly coded fossils in the ancestral state reconstruction of discrete morphological characters under a likelihood model. Under simulated phylogenies and data, likelihood-based models are generally accurate when estimating ancestral node values. Analyses with combined fossil and extant data always outperform analyses with extant species alone, even when around one quarter of the fossil information is incorrect. These results are especially pronounced when model assumptions are violated, such as when there is a trend away from the root value. Fossil data are of particular importance when attempting to estimate the root node character state. Attempts should be made to include fossils in analysis of discrete traits under likelihood, even if there is uncertainty in the fossil trait data.  相似文献   

This study examines how brachiation locomotion evolved in ateline primates using recently-developed molecular phylogenies and character reconstruction algorithms, and a newly-collected dataset including the fossils Protopithecus, Caipora, and Cebupithecia. Fossils are added to two platyrrhine molecular phylogenies to create several phylogenetic scenarios. A generalized least squares algorithm reconstructs ateline and atelin ancestral character states for 17 characters that differentiate between ateline brachiators and nonbrachiators. Histories of these characters are mapped out on these phylogenies, producing two scenarios of ateline brachiation evolution that have four commonalities: First, many characters change towards the Ateles condition on the ateline stem lineage before Alouatta splits off from the atelins, suggesting that an ateline energy-maximizing strategy began before the atelines diversified. Second, the ateline last common ancestor is always reconstructed as an agile quadruped, usually with suspensory abilities. It is never exactly like Alouatta and many characters reverse and change towards the Alouatta condition after Alouatta separates from the atelins. Third, most characters undergo homoplastic change in all ateline lineages, especially on the Ateles and Brachyteles terminal branches. Fourth, ateline character evolution probably went through a hindlimb suspension with tail-bracing phase. The atelines most likely diversified via a quick adaptive radiation, with bursts of punctuated change occurring in their postcranial skeletons, due to changing climatic conditions, which may have caused competition among the atelines and between atelines and pitheciines.  相似文献   

To help assign fossil material to Recent taxa we present a methodology that offers systematic quantitative tools to explore several continuous characters. It also enables the quantitative determination of which characters amongst several alternatives give results more consistent with a given classification.

The Gini Mean Difference ('Gini') is the expected absolute difference between two randomly drawn observations. In a fossil assemblage comprising several taxa, the Gini of the overall assemblage may be decomposed into three components: the weighted sum of intra‐taxon Gini, the index of overlap, and the inter‐taxon Gini. The parameter that is additional to alternative methods is the overlap index, which serves as a quantitative measure for evaluating the quality of identification. The Gini is advantageous in that it does not require the assumption of a normal distribution in character variation.

The Gini methodology is described in both mathematical and non‐mathematical terms. We demonstrate it by application to a hypothetical gastropod genus consisting of five species, in which we show in orderly, quantitative terms that one character is better for identification of the various species than another character.  相似文献   

Existing taxonomic schemes for the protists at the highest levels are confusing owing to insensitivity to evolutionary data, lack of stability, evolutionary misleading terminology and multiple, contradictory systems. We propose a system which circumvents these problems by recognizing the largest monophyletic groups possible, and creating a nomenclature for these by appending the suffix ‘protista’ onto an already recognizable prefix: for example, euglenoprotista, cilioprotista, chytridioprotista. This system provides a high degree of stability while also allowing for the further clustering of these groups and inclusion of their descendant groups, such as the plants, as more evolutionary data become available.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships among six members of the 'tyndarus' group in the Erebia genus of Satyrid butterflies, i.e. E. tyndarus, E. cassioides, E. nivalis, E. calcaria, E. hispania and E. ottomana were analysed using data from 19 presumptive enzyme loci, as well as 440 and 429 bp, respectively, from the mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit (16S) and subunit 1 from the NADH dehydrogenase (ND1) genes. The two types of molecular data (allozymes and mtDNA) yielded largely congruent tree topologies. The two basal, independent lineages formed by E. ottomana and E. hispania are contrasted by a group of Genétically closely related taxa, suggestive of a recent radiation associated with allopatric speciation, and competitive exclusion. The time of divergence for the radiation event is similar for both allozymes and mtDNA with an estimation of 440000 years ago. The lineages involved in this radiation do not comply with all the criteria necessary to assign to each of them full species rank, but they can no more be included in one single species unit. Such situations involving more than two alio- or parapatric lineages may explain why polytomies are so often met in phylogenetic reconstructions, after the lineages have reached full species rank. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 75 , 319–332.  相似文献   

With the increase of laboratory facilities, molecular phylogenies are playing a predominant role in evolutionary analyses. However, understanding the evolution of morphological traits remains essential for a comprehensive view of the evolution of a group. Here we present a new approach based on co-inertia analysis for identifying characters which variations are dependent to the phylogeny, a prerequisite for analyzing the evolution of characters. Our approach has the advantage of treating the full data set at once, including qualitative and quantitative variables. It provides a graphical output giving the contribution of each variable to the co-structure, allowing a direct discrimination among phylogenetically dependent and independent variables. We have implemented this approach in deciphering the evolution of morphological traits in a highly specialized group of Neotropical catfishes: the Loricariinae. We have first inferred a molecular phylogeny of this group based on the 12S and 16S mitochondrial genes. The resulting phylogeny indicated that the subtribe Harttiini was restricted to the single genus Harttia, and within the subtribe Loricariini, two sister subtribes were distinguished, Sturisomina (new subtribe), and Loricariina. Among Loricariina, the morphological groups Loricariichthys and Loricaria+Pseudohemiodon were confirmed. The co-inertia analysis highlighted a strong relationship between the morphological and the genetic data sets, and identified three quantitative and eight qualitative variables linked to the phylogeny. The evolution of quantitative variables was assessed using the orthogram method and showed a major punctual event in the evolution of the number of caudal-fin rays, and a more gradual pattern of evolution of the number of teeth along the phylogeny. The evolution of qualitative variables was inferred using ancestral states reconstructions and highlighted parallel patterns of evolution in characters linked to the mouth, suggesting co-evolution of the traits for adapting to divergent substrates.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic diversification of Hexapoda is still not fully understood. Morphological and molecular analyses have resulted in partly contradicting hypotheses. In molecular analyses, 18S sequences are the most frequently employed, but it appears that 18S sequences do not contain enough phylogenetic signals to resolve basal relationships of hexapod lineages. Until recently, character interdependence in these data has never been treated seriously, though possibly accounting for the occurrence of biased results. However, software packages are readily available which can incorporate information on character interdependence within a Bayesian approach. Accounting for character covariation derived from a hexapod consensus secondary structure model and applying mixed DNA/RNA substitution models, our Bayesian analysis of 321 hexapod sequences yielded a partly robust tree that depicts many hexapod relationships congruent with morphological considerations. It appears that the application of mixed DNA/RNA models removes many of the anomalies seen in previous studies. We focus on basal hexapod relationships for which unambiguous results are missing. In particular, the strong support for a “Chiastomyaria” clade (Ephemeroptera+Neoptera) obtained in Kjer's [2004. Aligned 18S and insect phylogeny. Syst. Biol. 53, 1–9] study of 18S sequences could not be confirmed by our analysis. The hexapod tree can be rooted with monophyletic Entognatha but not with a clade Ellipura (Collembola+Protura). Compared to previously published contributions, accounting for character interdependence in analyses of rRNA data presents an improvement of phylogenetic resolution. We suggest that an integration of explicit clade-specific rRNA structural refinements is not only possible but an important step in the optimization of substitution models dealing with rRNA data.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses of morphological data are often characterized by missing data due to incomplete operational taxonomic units, as in fossils. This incomplete knowledge derives from various reasons, including—in the case of fossils—the numerous filters an organism has to pass through during taphonomy, fossilization, weathering and collecting. Whereas several methods have been proposed to address issues raised by the inclusion of incomplete terminal taxa, until recently no tool existed to easily quantify the amount of anatomical overlap within a particular clade. The Overlap Indices provide such values and might prove useful for comparative cladistics. We herein describe these new indices and their applications in detail and provide an example file for their calculation. A case study of diplodocid sauropod dinosaurs shows how the Overlap Indices will help to explore and quantify, which one of a number of conflicting tree topologies is supported by more anatomical traits, which skeletal regions are underrepresented in a particular phylogenetic matrix, and which taxon would improve character state score completeness.  相似文献   

Sluys  Ronald  Timoshkin  Oleg A.  Kawakatsu  Masaharu 《Hydrobiologia》1998,383(1-3):69-75
On the basis of newly collected material the subspecies Bdellocephala angarensis bathyalis Timoshkin & Porfirjeva, 1989 is raised to full species status, B. bathyalis Timoshkin & Porfirjeva, 1989. Specimens of this species have been collected in Lake Baikal from depths ranging between 610 and 1060 m. The species is characterized by a light, uniform brown pigmentation, absence of eyes, distinct atrial folds, and large size. It is suggested that two features may be useful in elucidating the phylogenetic relationships between dendrocoelid genera: pharynx musculature, and presence of an extra layer of circular muscle in the ventral subepidermal body musculature. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Simultaneous analysis of morphological and molecular characters from the 16S rDNA, 28S rDNA and cytochrome oxidase 1 genes was employed to resolve phylogenetic relationships among the apocritan (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Apocrita) wasps. Parsimony analyses, employing a broad range of models, consistently recovered the Proctotrupomorpha as a natural group, the Megalyridae and Trigonalidae as sister groups, a clade comprising the Monomachidae, Diapriidae, and Maamingidae, the Vanhorniidae and Proctotrupidae as sister groups, the Procto-trupoidea as polyphyletic, and the Evaniomorpha as a grade (but including the Ichneumonoidea, Aculeata, and Stephanidae). The Proctotrupomorpha, containing virtually all of the wholly endoparasitic lineages, was consistently recovered as an apical clade, with the remaining groups forming a parapbyletic grade below them. Although the relative placement of the groups forming this basal grade varied among analyses, the most commonly recovered arrangement is consistent with the ancestral biology being ectoparasitism of coleopteran, wood-boring larvae. Furthermore, the recovery of the ectoparasitic-containing proctotrupomorphs (Chalcidoidea and, in some analyses, Ceraphronoidea) as apical lineages argues that these biologies are reversals.  相似文献   

We present five case studies among articulate (rhynchonelliform) brachiopods, i.e. of Rhynchonellida, Cancellothyridoidea, Terebratuloidea, Dyscolioidea, Laqueoidea, and various terebratulids with modified long‐loops, in an attempt to illustrate and better understand congruence and conflict between morpho‐classification and rDNA‐based molecular clade structure, having been prompted to address these issues by difficulties encountered when describing the newly collected brachiopod, E biscothyris bellonensis gen. et sp. nov. The five studies reveal dramatic conflict in the Rhynchonellida and Terebratuloidea/Dyscolioidea, good congruence in the Cancellothyridoidea and Laqueoidea, and fair congruence (albeit with weak phylogenetic signal) in the long‐looped terebratulids. We suggest that the leading cause of the observed conflict lies in the use of inadequately specific morphological characters and morpho‐classification. Phylogenetic systematic (cladistic) analyses of Rhynchonellida also conflict markedly with the rDNA gene tree, leading us to recognize that such analyses are not only conceptually circular (using morphological characters to assess a morphological classification) but also to propose that they are biased by the act of classification that necessarily precedes the identification of putatively homologous characters; when the prior classification does not reflect evolutionary history, phylogenetic analysis will do likewise. In addition, we propose that the brachiopod community has overlooked the significance of two sources of morphological homoplasy affecting brachiopod systematics: (1) the loss of co‐adapted genomic complexes caused by mass extinctions at the end of the Permian; and (2) the pervasive consequences of developmental integration and constraint resulting from the integrated roles of the outer mantle epithelium in shell deposition and growth that underly the determination of form and the shell‐based classification. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

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