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The anti-phosphocholine (PC) memory response elicited in BALB/c mice by phosphocholine-keyhole limpet hemocyanin (PC-KLH) contains two groups of antibodies distinguished by their fine specificity for PC and p-nitrophenylphosphocholine (NPPC). Group I antibodies are inhibited by both PC and NPPC, while Group II antibodies are inhibited appreciably only by NPPC; only Group I antibodies are dominated by the T15 idiotype. Anti-PC hybridomas representative of the memory response to PC-KLH were produced to examine the variable region genes expressed by memory B cells. Two IgM hybridomas were of the Group I type, because they were inhibited by both PC and NPPC and they bound to the pneumococcus R36A. However, only one of these antibodies (PCM-2) expressed a T15 idiotope, while the other (PCM-1) did not express any of three T15 idiotopes. Despite its negative T15 idiotype profile, N-terminal amino acid sequencing of PCM-1 purified heavy chain and Southern blots of the hybridoma DNA indicated that it utilizes the T15 VH and JH1 genes. Three hybridomas, IgG1, IgM, and IgE, typical of Group II antibodies, were examined; these were negative for three T15 idiotopes and displayed measurable avidity only for NPPC in a PC-protein binding inhibition assay. These three hybridoma antibodies, like serum Group II IgG1, did not measurably bind to the bacterium R36A. The heavy chain amino termini of all three of these antibodies were inaccessible for Edman degradation. Southern blots of DNA from the IgG1 hybridoma revealed the T15 VH gene to be in the germ line configuration only and unassociated with any JH segment, indicating that this Group II antibody utilizes a VH gene different from the T15 family. These results signify that, whereas some diversity of the (anti-PC) memory response may be generated by somatic diversification of variable regions important in the primary response, a significant contribution to the overall heterogeneity of memory antibodies originates in the expression of additional variable region genes.  相似文献   

CBA/N mice carrying the Xid defect fail to make antibodies expressing the T15 idiotype in response to immunization with PC-KLH. Antibodies predominating in the Xid response have binding properties characteristic of group II antibodies that emerge in the memory response in BALB/c; the prototype group II antibody utilizes a VH gene product distinct from the V1 gene product expressed by T15 idiotype-positive antibodies. To examine VH gene usage in the anti-PC response of Xid B cells, hybridomas were produced from Xid mice immune to PC-KLH. Four hybridomas possessing properties typical of the predominant group II antibody response in Xid mice and two representing minor components of the response were studied. Analysis of DNA by Southern blot hybridization revealed that none of the hybridomas utilized the T15 V1 gene segment, nor did they share use of a common VDJ gene product. These results indicate that Xid group II antibodies either make use of different VH gene segments or use the same VH in combination with various D and JH segments.  相似文献   

Two gene segments, V kappa-25-39 and V kappa-25-47, that encode antibody to streptococcal group A carbohydrate in A/J mice were found to be more than 95% homologous in nucleotide sequence in both coding and noncoding regions. It was previously shown that V kappa-25-39 encodes immunoglobulins that express the IdX and IdI-1 idiotopes, whereas V kappa-25-47 encodes IdX+, and IdI-1- immunoglobulins. V kappa gene segments that were clearly allelic to V kappa-25-47 are used to encode IdX+, IdI-1- anti-group A carbohydrate antibodies by C.B20 mice and likely by C57BL/6 mice. Murine strains that are deficient in IdI-1 idiotope expression were investigated by Southern blotting with a 5' probe from V kappa-25-39. Two IdI-1-deficient strains, CE/J and C58/J, had a grossly altered V kappa gene segment structure compared with the A/J prototype. In contrast, the IdI-1-deficient strain, C57BL/6, was indistinguishable from A/J with the 5'V kappa-25-39 probe, indicating that more subtle genetic changes account for the loss of IdI-1 expression in C57BL/6 mice. The evolution of V kappa-25-39 and V kappa-25-47 gene segments was deduced by comparison with the homologous V kappa 24B gene segment of Mus pahari. V kappa-25-39 and V kappa-25-47 likely have recently duplicated once in A/J and related strains of laboratory mice and may have duplicated again in CE/J mice. Thus, individual members of the V kappa 24 gene family, to which V kappa-25-39 and V kappa-25-47 belong, are preserved while the number of gene copies expands or contracts. This fact is strong evidence that evolutionary forces have maintained the V kappa 24 gene family, all of which encode antibody specific for carbohydrate found in bacterial pathogens.  相似文献   

We examined the IgG subclass composition and isoelectric focusing (IEF) spectrotype pattern of naturally occurring human IgG antibodies that bind phosphocholine (PC) and found direct evidence for restricted expression of both V and C regions among these antibodies. In most individuals, the isotype of these IgG anti-PC antibodies was primarily IgG2. However, serum from some individuals contained significant amounts of IgG1 and IgG3 anti-PC antibodies. We also found that in individual sera, anti-PC antibodies are pauciclonal, as demonstrated by restricted spectrotypic patterns of the anti-PC antibodies. The IEF pattern of these antibodies were for the most part unique for each individual. In some sera, certain anti-PC antibodies with isoelectric points of basic pH bound PC conjugated to bovine serum albumin (PC-BSA) but did not bind pneumococcal C-carbohydrate bearing PC determinants. In two individuals, we found that the spectrotypes that bound only PC-BSA were of the IgG1 subclass. Taken together, these findings demonstrate that within individual sera, human antibodies to PC are quite restricted in both V and C region expression, and furthermore, these V and C regions of human Ig may not randomly associate.  相似文献   

Anti-phosphocholine (PC)-keyhole limpet hemacyanin hybridomas representative of a memory response that express the lambda 1 L chain isotype have a high reactivity to PC-protein. A common feature of these hybridomas possessing high affinity for PC-protein is the occurrence of somatic mutations resulting in replacement changes in three CDR2 positions of the lambda 1 L chain. The influence of each of these three positions on the Ag binding properties of these antibodies was examined by site-specific mutagenesis and expression of recombinant antibody molecules by transfected cells. Affinity measurements and fine specificity profile determinations demonstrated the importance of the three lambda 1 CDR2 positions in Ag binding. Compared to antibodies expressing germline lambda 1, including one with an additional junctional serine that is not encoded by V or J, those antibodies possessing critical changes in CDR2 would have a strong selective advantage based on affinity differences for Ag. Sequence analysis of a group of clonally related hybridomas expressing mutated lambda 1 genes allowed construction of a hypothetical genealogic tree that suggests selection based on changes in CDR2 of lambda 1 in the absence of H chain mutations. The results are consistent with stepwise acquisition of mutations and selection based on affinity constraints.  相似文献   

Hybridoma cell lines producing monoclonal antibodies (MAb) against a 200 kD antigen found circulating in the sera of microfilaremic patients infected with Wuchereria bancrofti were obtained by immunizing mice with a partially purified antigen preparation. A sensitive MAb (CA101)-based ELISA for measuring circulating parasite antigen was capable of detecting antigen in the sera of 93% of patients with microfilaremia, 46% of those with lymphatic obstruction, and 56% of patients with tropical pulmonary eosinophilia syndrome. Circulating antigen was absent from sera of normal controls, and "false positives" were recorded in only two of 17 patients with nonfilarial helminth infections. By ELISA and immunoblot analysis, it was shown that three of the monoclonals raised to this 200 kD antigen were directed to epitopes of phosphocholine (PC). Two MAb (CA86, CA101) were identified as having the T15 idiotype previously associated with antibodies to the PC of pneumococcal teichoic acid; one was untypeable. All three of these anti-PC MAb reacted with adult, microfilaria, and larval antigen preparations, and by immunoblotting showed multiple banding patterns that indicated the presence of PC determinants on many different antigenic molecules. On the other hand, target antigens of CA101 which were found in the circulation of infected patients were limited to three species with apparent m.w. of 200, 160, and 78 kD. The 200 kD antigen was seen more frequently than the other two antigens. Other T15 anti-PC MAb derived from mice not immunized with filarial antigen showed similar patterns of reactivity with circulating filarial antigen.  相似文献   

Streptococcus mitis strain SK598, which represents a subgroup of biovar 1, possesses a unique variant of the C-polysaccharide found in the cell wall of all strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae and in some strains of S. mitis. This new variant lacks the choline methyl groups in contrast to the previously characterized forms of C-polysaccharide, which all contain one or two choline residues per repeat. The following structure of the repeating unit of the SK598 polysaccharide was established: where AAT is 2-acetamido-4-amino-2,4,6-trideoxy-d-galactose. This structure is identical to the double choline-substituted form of C-polysaccharide, except that it is substituted with ethanolamine instead of choline. This extends the number of recognized C-polysaccharide variants to four.  相似文献   

A linear beta(1-3),beta(1-6) glucan was detected in the periplasm of Azospirillum brasilense cells growing in a medium of low osmotic strength. This glucan was produced in vitro by purified bacterial inner membranes with UDP-glucose as the sugar donor in the presence of Mg2+. Growth in a high-osmotic-strength medium strongly reduced the amount of this glucan accumulated in the periplasmic space, and the inhibition was associated with a reduction in the enzymatic activity of the beta(1-3),beta(1-6) glucosyltransferase(s).  相似文献   

The results are reported of a potentiometric and spectroscopic study of the copper(II) complexes of aminophosphonic acid containing a pyridyl side chain. The aminophosphonic acid coordinates similarly to carboxyl amino acids, forming chelate MA and MA2 species. Stable MAH species with only a phosphonic group coordinated to the metal ion exist at lower pH. The pyridyl side chain was found to be noneffective in the interaction with Cu(II) ion.  相似文献   

Antibodies 17S29.1 and 22S25.1 are monoclonal, hybridoma-derived gamma 3 kappa murine immunoglobulins with specificity for N-acetyl-glucosamine beta 1----3-linked to the L-rhamnose backbone structure, the immunodeterminant of the streptococcal Group A polysaccharide. The VL 17S29.1 amino-acid sequence is the third complete one reported from an antibody with this specificity, the second fully determined V kappa 25 structure and the first complete V kappa sequence of C57B1/6 origin derived from a carbohydrate-specific antibody. VL22S25.1 is a member of the V kappa 27 isotype of murine immunoglobulin VL regions. V kappa 17S29.1 and the determined part of the V kappa 22S25.1 sequence are compared to the previously described V kappa regions of streptococcal Group A polysaccharide-specific antibodies and to 12 selected partial and complete V kappa regions of antibodies with other specificities, predominantly to carbohydrate antigens. Both V kappa 17S29.1 and V kappa 22S25.1 increase the variability of known murine V kappa regions. They are the most homologous to the other V kappa regions derived from antibodies with streptococcal Group A polysaccharide specificity and share with them the amino-acid residue Arg74, so far characteristic for V kappa regions from antibodies with this specificity. The analysis of groups of independently expressed, highly homologous V kappa regions, namely V kappa 17S29.1 and V kappa 2S1.3 as one and V kappa 7S34.1 and V kappa 22S25.1 as a second group, offers the possibility of estimating the minimal number of V kappa germline genes involved in the immune response to the structurally defined streptococcal Group A polysaccharide antigen.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Compositions of cellulase-hemicellulase systems of aerobic fungi (hyphomycetes, ascomycetes, and basidiomycetes), aerobic bacteria, actinomycetes, as well as anaerobic fungi and bacteria, are considered in the context of the modern structural classification of glycosyl hydrolases. A new nomenclature of cellulases and relative enzymes based on their structural classification is reviewed. Some opportunities of cellulase improvement by means of protein engineering are discussed.  相似文献   

A kappa-light chain variable region (V kappa) dominantly employed in the serum antibody response of A/J mice to streptococcal group A carbohydrate (GAC) has been termed VK1GAC. Examination of in vitro recombinants between the isolated heavy and light chains of VK1GAC+ and VK1GAC-anti-GAC hybridomas and non-GAC-binding myeloma proteins indicated that two antisera (anti-Id5 and anti-Id20) recognized the VK1GAC light chain when it was free in solution or paired with several heterologous heavy chains. Screening of a panel of A/J anti-GAC monoclonal antibodies with these antisera showed almost complete concordance between Id5 and Id20 expression and the presence of VK1GAC light chain as detected by its unique isoelectric focusing spectrotype. These antisera were used to examine serum expression of the VK1GAC light chain in normal and hyperimmune serum of A/J mice. Normal A/J serum contained from 20 to 100 micrograms Id5/ml serum, whereas only 1 to 10 micrograms Id20/ml serum was detected. The levels of both VK1GAC idiotypes increased dramatically 10- to 20-fold after hyperimmunization of mice with group A vaccine. When serum IgG from normal and immune mice was fractionated into the IgG subclasses (IgG1, IgG2a, and IgG3), it was found that the VK1GAC light chain does not pair randomly with heavy chains of the IgG subclasses, but rather is associated preferentially with heavy chains of the IgG3 subclass whether or not it is associated with antibodies to GAC. These results suggest that the heavy chain pairing exhibited by this VK product may not be random.  相似文献   

Although the Ig H chains of anti-nuclear Abs (ANA) have been described to possess certain shared molecular signatures, it remains unclear whether the L chains of these Abs also possess distinctive molecular features. The present study examines this by generating and analyzing two comprehensive murine Ig L chain databases, one consisting of 264 monoclonal ANAs and the other consisting of 145 non-ANAs, drawn from previously published work. Importantly, clonal replicates were represented only once each, so as to minimize bias. ANAs and non-ANAs did not differ in Vkappa family or Jkappa gene usage, nor in their mutation frequencies. Interestingly, the L chains of ANAs exhibited differential usage of certain complementarity-determining region residues, arising almost entirely from the increased usage of certain Vkappa germline genes, notably, Vkappa ai4 among anti-dsDNA ANAs, Vkappa23-45 among anti-ssDNA ANAs, and Vkappa21-12 among non-ANAs. Finally, prompted by the increased prevalence of a particular Vkappa1 family sequence among ANAs, we proceeded to clone a novel New Zealand Black Vkappa1 germline gene, named bb1.1, which appears to be frequently used to encoded anti-ssDNA Abs. Collectively, these studies underline the potential contribution of particular Vkappa germline genes in promoting or thwarting DNA binding.  相似文献   

Type V collagen is a quantitatively minor fibrillar collagen comprised of different chain compositions in different tissues. The most widely distributed form, an alpha1(V)2alpha2(V) heterotrimer, regulates the physical properties of type I/V heterotypic collagen fibrils via partially processed NH2-terminal globular sequences. A less characterized alpha1(V)alpha2(V)alpha3(V) heterotrimer has a much more limited distribution of expression and unknown function(s). We characterized the biosynthetic processing of pro-alpha1(V)2pro-alpha2(V) procollagen previously and showed it to differ in important ways from biosynthetic processing of the major fibrillar procollagens I-III. Here we have successfully produced recombinant pro-alpha1(V)pro-alpha2(V)pro-alpha3(V) heterotrimers. We use these, and mouse embryo fibroblasts doubly homozygous null for the Bmp1 gene, which encodes the metalloproteinase bone morphogenetic protein-1 (BMP-1), and for a gene encoding the closely related metalloproteinase mammalian Tolloid-like 1, to characterize biosynthetic processing of pro-alpha1(V)pro-alpha2(V)pro-alpha3(V) heterotrimers, thus completing characterization of type V collagen biosynthetic processing. Whereas pro-alpha1(V) and pro-alpha2(V) processing in pro-alpha1(V)pro-alpha2(V)pro-alpha3(V) heterotrimers is similar to that which occurs in pro-alpha1(V)2pro-alpha2(V) heterotrimers, the processing of pro-alpha3(V) by BMP-1 occurs at an unexpected site within NH2-terminal globular sequences. We also demonstrate that, despite similarities in NH2-terminal domain structures, pro-alpha2(V) NH2-terminal globular sequences are not cleaved by ADAMTS-2, the metalloproteinase that cleaves the N-propeptides of the major fibrillar procollagen chains.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody 9G4H9 that exhibits a beta-lactamase-like activity was previously obtained in accordance with the idiotypic network theory. This abzyme presents the most catalytic efficiency in amidase activity described in literature (kcat = 0.9 min-1). Some reports have demonstrated that functionality as complex as catalysis may be mimicked in this way. Comparison of the catalytic properties of both enzyme and abzyme previously allowed us to obtain better knowledge about 9G4H9 abzymatic machinery. In attempt to characterize this abzyme, the variable regions of kappa and heavy chain were cloned. We present a 'universal' method to clone the correct Vkappa gene to bypass aberrant Vkappa (abVkappa) produced by MOPC-21-derived hybridomas. Sequences obtained are compared in the GenBank database. The VH and Vkappa genes present some important sequence homology with autoantibodies suggesting a direct relationship between catalytic anti-idiotypic antibody and autoimmunity.  相似文献   

Two series of 1-(3-aminomethyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)-3-pyridinyl-2-propen-1-ones, designed as novel cytotoxins, were synthesized. The compounds had low CC50 values in the micromolar range against HL-60 promyelocytic leukemic cells and HSC-2, HSC-3 and HSC-4 oral squamous cell carcinomas. The CC50 values of these compounds were higher towards non-malignant HGF (gingival fibroblasts), HPC (pulp cells), and HPLF (periodontal ligament fibroblasts) cells, which reveals the tumour-selectivity of these enones. A representative compound 4c caused cleavage of PARP1 in HSC-2 cells but not in HGF cells, which may be a contributing factor to the tumour-selectivity.  相似文献   

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