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Mahale KN  Kempraj V  Dasgupta D 《Gene》2012,497(1):83-89
The formation and breaking of hydrogen bonds between nucleic acid bases are dependent on temperature. The high G+C content of organisms was surmised to be an adaptation for high temperature survival because of the thermal stability of G:C pairs. However, a survey of genomic GC% and optimum growth temperature (OGT) of several prokaryotes revoked any direct relation between them. Significantly high purine (R=A or G) content in mRNAs is also seen as a selective response for survival among thermophiles. Nevertheless, the biological relevance of thermophiles loading their unstable mRNAs with excess purines (purine-loading or R-loading) is not persuasive. Here, we analysed the mRNA sequences from the genomes of 168 prokaryotes (as obtained from NCBI Genome database) with their OGTs ranging from -5 °C to 100 °C to verify the relation between R-loading and OGT. Our analysis fails to demonstrate any correlation between R-loading of the mRNA pool and OGT of a prokaryote. The percentage of purine-loaded mRNAs in prokaryotes is found to be in a rough negative correlation with the genomic GC% (r(2)=0.655, slope=-1.478, P<000.1). We conclude that genomic GC% and bias against certain combinations of nucleotides drive the mRNA-synonymous (sense) strands of DNA towards variations in R-loading.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present investigation was to study the pH dependence of both the immobilization process and the enzyme activity of a feruloyl esterase (FoFaeC from Fusarium oxysporum) immobilized in mesoporous silica. This was done by interpreting experimental results with theoretical molecular modeling of the enzyme structure. Modeling of the 3D structure of the enzyme together with calculations of the electrostatic surface potential showed that changes in the electrostatic potential of the protein surface were correlated with the pH dependence of the immobilization process. High immobilization yields were associated with an increase in pH. The transesterification activity of both immobilized and free enzyme was studied at different values of pH and the optimal pH of the immobilized enzyme was found to be one unit lower than that for the free enzyme. The surface charge distribution around the binding pocket was identified as being a crucial factor for the accessibility of the active site of the immobilized enzyme, indicating that the orientation of the enzyme inside the pores is pH dependent. Interestingly, it was observed that the immobilization pH affects the specific activity, irrespective of the changes in reaction pH. This was identified as a pH memory effect for the immobilized enzyme. On the other hand, a change in product selectivity of the immobilized enzyme was also observed when the transesterification reaction was run in MOPS buffer instead of citrate phosphate buffer. Molecular docking studies revealed that the MOPS buffer molecule can bind to the enzyme binding pocket, and can therefore be assumed to modulate the product selectivity of the immobilized enzyme toward transesterification.  相似文献   

The hydraulic conductance ( L 0) of detached, exuding root systems from melon ( Cucumis melo cv. Amarillo oro) was measured. All plants received a half-strength Hoagland nutrient solution, and plants stressed either solely with NaCl (50 mM) or with NaCl (50 mM) following treatment (2 d) with CaCl2 (10 mM) were compared with controls and CaCl2-treated (10 mM) plants. The L 0 of NaCl-treated plants was markedly decreased when compared to control and CaCl2-treated plants, but the decrease was smaller when NaCl was added to plants previously treated with CaCl2. A similar effect was observed when the flux of Ca2+ into the xylem and the Ca2+ concentration in the plasma membrane of the root cells were determined. In control, CaCl2- and NaCl + CaCl2-treated plants, HgCl2 treatment (50 μM) caused a sharp decline in L 0 to values similar to those of NaCl-stressed roots, but L 0 was restored by treatment with 5 mM DTT. However, in NaCl roots only a slight effect of Hg2+ and DTT were observed. The effect of all treatments on L 0 was similar to that on osmotic water permeability ( P f) of individual protoplasts isolated from roots. The results suggest that NaCl decreased the passage of water through the membrane and roots by reducing the activity of Hg-sensitive water channels. The ameliorative effect of Ca2+ on NaCl stress could be related to water-channel function.  相似文献   

Observations in the laboratory under conditions of controlled temperature and relative humidity on the effects of low barometric pressures on insect activity resulting fron hurricane Carla, one of the largest and most destructive hurricanes to affect the middle coast of Texas, revealed that stable flies (STOMOXYS CALCITRANS (L.)), house flies (MUSCA DOMESTICA L.), and Mexican fruit flies (ANASTREPHA LUDENS (Loew)), cockroaches (BLATELLA GERMANICA (L.)), PERIPLANETA AMERICANA (L.), and BLABERUS GIGANTEUS (L.) and mosquitoes (AEDES AEGYPTI (L.), exhibited nervous activity concomitant with the reduction in barometric pressure. Field studies throughout the critical storm period also indicated unusual arthropod activity. Following the hurricane, certain insect species emerged in abnormally large numbers, particularly fall armyworms (LAPHYGMA FRUGIPERDA (J.E. Smith)), asps (MEGALOPYGE OPERCULARIS (J. E. Smith)), and southern green stink bugs (NEZARA VIRIDULA (L.)).
Zusammenfassung WÄhrend des Hurrikans Carla, einer der grössten und verheerendsten Orkane, die je auf die mittlere Küste von Texas eingewirkt haben, wurden im Laboratorium mit kontrollierter Temperatur und Feuchte, die Wirkungen von niedrigem Barometerdruck auf die InsektenaktivitÄt untersucht. Stallfliegen (STOMOXYS CALCITRANS (L.)), Hausfliegen (MUSCA DOMESTICA L.), Mexikanische Fruchtfliegen (ANASTREPHA LUDENS (Loew)), Schaben (BLATELLA GERMANICA L.), PERIPLANETA AMERICANA (L.) und BLABERUS GIGANTEUS (L.) und Mücken (AEDES AEGYPTI (L.)) zeigten wÄhrend der Verminderung des Barometerdruckes eine verstÄrkte AktivitÄt. Bei Studien im Freien wÄhrend der kritischen Orkanperiode wurde ebenfalls eine ungewöhnlich grosse AktivitÄt der Arthopoden beobachtet. Nach dem Orkan tauchten bestimmte Insektenarten in abnorm grosser Zahl auf. besonders (LAPHYGMA FRUGIPERDA (J.E.Schmith)), (MEGALOPYGE OPERCULARIS(J.E.Schmith)) und. (NEZARA VIRIDULA (L.)).

Résumé L'effet, sur l'activité des insectes, des basses pressions barométriques résultant de l'ouragan Carla, un des plus vastes et des plus destructeurs qui aient affecté la cÔte moyenne du Texas, a été. observé au laboratoire dans des conditions de température et d'humidité relative constantes. Les mouches des étables (STOMOXYS CALCITRANS (L.)), les mouches domestiques (MUSCA DOMESTICA L.), les mouches à fruits mexicaines (ANASTREPHA LUDENS (Loew)), les cafards (BLATELLA GERMANICA (L.)), PERIPLANETA AMERICANA (L.) et BLABERUS GIGANTEUS (L.) et les moustiques (AEDES AEGYPTI (L.)) ont manifesté une activité accrue correspondant à la réduction de la pression barométrique. Des études faites en plein air pendant la période d'ouragan ont également permis d'observer chez les arthropodes une activité inaccoutumée. A la suite de l'ouragan sont apparus en quantités anormales certains insectes tels que le(LAPHYGMA FRUGIPERDA (J.E. Smith)), le (MEGALOPYGE OPERCULARIS (J.E.Smith)) et le (NEZARA VIRIDULA (L.)).

Seasonal fluctuations in immune status have been documented for avian and mammalian populations. During the late summer and early fall, immune function is bolstered to help animals cope with the more physiologically demanding winter. The environmental cue for these seasonal changes is apparently decreasing photoperiod. In the present study, we determined the potential role of leptin in mediating the effect of photoperiod on cell-mediated immune responses in male mice. Leptin-deficient (ob/ob) and littermate control mice were housed for 10 wk in either a short (8L:16D) or a long (16L:8D) photoperiod beginning at 6 wk of age. After the mice were killed, immune and reproductive organs were weighed and splenocytes isolated. The proliferative and cytokine responses (interleukin [IL]-2 and IL-4) of splenocytes to the T-cell mitogen, concanavalin A (Con A; 0-40 microg/ml), were determined. Body weights were elevated and both testes and seminal vesicle weights subnormal in ob/ob mice (by ANOVA, main effect of leptin deficiency), but thymuses and spleens were of normal size. Serum leptin levels were at minimum detection limits in ob/ob mice, but leptin levels in control mice housed at 8L:16D were higher than in control mice housed at 16L:8D. The proliferative response of splenocytes from ob/ob mice to Con A was subnormal (by ANOVA, main effect of leptin deficiency), but photoperiod had no effect on this response. Production of IL-2 in splenocytes of ob/ob mice was subnormal (by ANOVA, main effect of leptin deficiency) irrespective of photoperiod, but cells from mice housed at 8L:16D (by ANOVA, main effect of photoperiod) produced more IL-2 than cells from animals housed at 16L:8D. In contrast, a leptin deficiency did not alter IL-4 production, but cells from animals (ob/ob and controls) housed at 16L:8D produced less IL-4 than cells from animals housed at 8L:16D (by ANOVA, main effect of photoperiod). The present study suggests that both photoperiod and leptin have mutually independent effects on the proliferation of lymphocytes and cytokine production profiles. The data do not provide definitive support for the hypothesis that photoperiod-induced changes in leptin secretion mediate the effects of season on immune status.  相似文献   

Experimental comparisons of the nutritional value of different wheat cultivars commonly use feeds in meal form even though the large-scale broiler producers use steam pelleted feeds. The aim of this experiment was to examine the effect of steam pelleting on the performance, dietary N-corrected apparent metabolisable energy (AMEn), total tract dry matter retention (DMR), nitrogen retention (NR) and fat digestibility (FD) coefficients, and digestive tract development of broilers fed four different wheat samples in complete diets. Four European wheat samples, with different chemical composition and endosperm characteristics, were used in a broiler experiment. The wheat samples were milled through a 5 mm screen and four basal feeds containing 670 g/kg of each selected wheat sample were mixed. The basal feeds were then split into two batches and one of them was steam pelleted resulting in eight experimental diets. Each diet was fed ad libitum to eight pens of two male Ross 308 broilers from 10 to 24 days of age. Feeding pelleted diets improved (P<0.001) feed intake and weight gain, and daily water intake of the birds. Pelleting also improved dietary AMEn and FD (P<0.001) and DMR (P<0.05). An interaction (P<0.05) was observed between wheat samples and steam pelleting for NR. Steam pelleting improved (P<0.05) NR in the wheat sample with high starch and protein and hard endosperm but not in the rest of the wheat samples. Similar interactions (P<0.05) were also observed between wheat sample and steam pelleting for gain to feed (G : F) and water to feed (W : F) ratios. Pelleting improved G : F ratio the greatest in the wheat sample with high starch and protein and hard endosperm. Feeding the same wheat sample also decreased (P<0.05) W : F but only in the mash diets. Regardless of the wheat sample the values of dietary AMEn did not differ (P>0.05). Feeding different wheat types and pelleting did not (P>0.05) change the development of the gastrointestinal tract of the birds. The study showed that there were differences between four wheat samples when they were fed in pelleted complete feed, but no differences were observed when fed in mash form complete diets. Research on the interaction between pelleting and wheat chemical and quality characteristics is warranted.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to quantify the rotational effect of buoyant force (buoyant torque) during the performance of front crawl and to reexamine the mechanics of horizontal alignment of the swimmers. Three-dimensional videography was used to measure the position and orientation of the body segments of 11 competitive swimmers performing front crawl stroke at a sub-maximum sprinting speed. The dimensions of each body segment were defined mathematically to match the body segment parameters (mass, density, and centroid position) reported in the literature. The buoyant force and torque were computed for every video-field (60fields/s), assuming that the water surface followed a sine curve along the length of the swimmer. The average buoyant torque over the stroke cycle (mean=22Nm) was directed to raise the legs and lower the head, primarily because the recovery arm and a part of the head were lifted out of the water and the center of buoyancy shifted toward the feet. This finding contradicts the prevailing speculation that buoyancy only causes the legs to sink throughout the stroke cycle. On the basis of a theoretical analysis of the results, it is postulated that the buoyant torque, and perhaps the forces generated by kicks, function to counteract the torque generated by the hydrodynamic forces acting on the hands, so as to maintain the horizontal alignment of the body in front crawl.  相似文献   

There is a gap between single-species model predictions, and empirical studies, regarding the effect of habitat fragmentation per se, i.e., a process involving the breaking apart of habitat without loss of habitat. Empirical works indicate that fragmentation can have positive as well as negative effects, whereas, traditionally, single-species models predict a negative effect of fragmentation. Within the class of reaction-diffusion models, studies almost unanimously predict such a detrimental effect. In this paper, considering a single-species reaction-diffusion model with a removal – or similarly harvesting – term, in two dimensions, we find both positive and negative effects of fragmentation of the reserves, i.e., the protected regions where no removal occurs. Fragmented reserves lead to higher population sizes for time-constant removal terms. On the other hand, when the removal term is proportional to the population density, higher population sizes are obtained on aggregated reserves, but maximum yields are attained on fragmented configurations, and for intermediate harvesting intensities.  相似文献   

The influence of temperature, electrode plate metals and protamine on the membrane potential of an electrochemically prepared copper—DNA (Cu-DNA) membrane (size, 2.5×6cm; thickness, 80μm; Cu/P molar ratio, 0.4) was investigated. The results obtained showed that the membrane potential increased with temperature as well as with increasing order of ionization tendency of the divalent metals used, and decreased with an increase of protamine bound to the membrane. These results indicated that electrons accumulated on the anode side, and positive holes formed on the cathode side, of a Cu-DNA membrane prepared by electrolysis.  相似文献   

The influence of low temperature (5–29 °C) on the methanogenic activity of non-adapted digested sewage sludge and on temperature/leachate-adapted biomass was assayed by using municipal landfill leachate, intermediates of anaerobic degradation (propionate) and methane precursors (acetate, H2/CO2) as substrates. The temperature dependence of methanogenic activity could be described by Arrhenius-derived models. However, both substrate and adaptation affected the temperature dependence. The adaptation of biomass in a leachate-fed upflow anaerobic sludge-blanket reactor at approximately 20 °C for 4 months resulted in a sevenfold and fivefold increase of methanogenic activity at 11 °C and 22 °C respectively. Both acetate and H2/CO2 were methanized even at 5 °C. At 22 °C, methanogenic activities (acetate 4.8–84 mM) were 1.6–5.2 times higher than those at 11 °C. The half-velocity constant (K s) of acetate utilization at 11 °C was one-third of that at 22 °C while a similar K i was obtained at both temperatures. With propionate (1.1–5.5 mM) as substrate, meth‐anogenic activities at 11 °C were half those at 22 °C. Furthermore, the residual concentration of the substrates was not dependent on temperature. The results suggest that the adaptation of biomass enables the achievement of a high treatment capacity in the anaerobic process even under psychrophilic conditions. Received: 23 December 1996 / Received last revision: 18 June 1997 / Accepted: 23 June 1997  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Is the activity of l-lysine on calcium absorption related to the fact that its phosphorylation is competitive with that of the microvilli proteins involved in the mineral transfer?
  • 2.2. The microvilli proteins phosphorylation is not cyclic GMP-dependent but is actually inhibited by l-lysine, used in general at a 100 mM concentration.
  • 3.3. The electrophoresis is followed by an autoradiograph which reveals the existence of a phosphorylated protein with a molecular weight of 140,000 daltons. Another phosphorylable protein, clearly visible in some preparations but only detectable in others, has a molecular weight close to 70,000 daltons.
  • 4.4. The inhibition by lysine of the microvilli proteins phosphorylation is not specific to a given protein, but is also observed for phosphorylable cytosolic proteins.
  • 5.5. A scheme for calcium transfer is proposed. It involves a protein whose phosphorylation should reduce the membrane permeability to calcium.
  • 6.6. The following three attributes of the phosphorylable membrane protein—its molecular weight; the fact that another protein (probably its monomer) is also phosphorylable; its well known capacity for phosphorylation—suggest that this protein might actually be alkaline phosphatase whose correlations in calcium metabolism are well known.

The secretion of insulin from isolated rat islets of Langerhans was found to be stimulated by the surface-active staphylococcal exotoxin, -haemolysin. The response was dependent on the concentration of -haemolysin, was rapid in onset, and could be maintained for at least an hour in the presence of the agent. The rate of secretion rapidly declined on removal of -haemolysin and the islets remained responsive to glucose follow!ng toxin treatment.Further characterization of the interaction of this agent with the -cell plasma membrane may provide valuable information concerning the role played by this membrane in the regulation of insulin secretion.  相似文献   

Preference in concurrent chains for the richer terminal-link schedule becomes more extreme as the schedule values increase with their ratio held constant, a result known as the terminal-link effect. We report two experiments that attempt to determine whether this effect is related to terminal-link duration or the overall rate of reinforcement. These variables have been confounded in prior studies, but can be separated by comparing variable-duration schedules that end after a single reinforcer has been earned, with constant-duration schedules during which a variable number of reinforcers may be earned. In Experiment 1, the terminal-link effect was obtained with variable-duration schedules when duration and overall reinforcement rate were manipulated, but not with constant-duration schedules when overall reinforcement rate was changed with duration held constant. In Experiment 2, the terminal-link effect was obtained with constant-duration schedules when duration was manipulated with overall reinforcement rate held constant. Taken together, these results show that the terminal-link effect depends on changes in terminal-link duration, not overall reinforcement rate (or equivalently, average time to reinforcement). This accords with the account of the terminal-link effect provided by the contextual choice model [J. Exp. Anal. Behav. 61 (1994) 113] but not delay-reduction theory [J. Exp. Anal. Behav. 12 (1969) 723].  相似文献   

Harvey & Holzman, in this issue of the Journal of Vegetation Science, describe divergent successional pathways after fire in Pinus muricata forest. Fourteen years after fire, the shrub Ceanothus thyrsiflorus had occupied flat parts of the area. They predicted it would continue to prevent succession to P. muricata forest, as in the initial floristic composition concepts of Clements and Egler.  相似文献   

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