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磺酰脲类除草剂残留的微生物降解研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
磺酰脲类除草剂是一类高效、低毒和高选择性的除草剂, 此类除草剂能有效地防除阔叶杂草, 其中有些品种对禾本科杂草也有抑制作用。由于该类除草剂易残留药害及容易对地表水造成污染, 因而其在环境中的持久性和环境安全性备受人们关注。本文综述了磺酰脲类除草剂的应用概况及其作用机理、降解磺酰脲类除草剂的常见微生物种类及影响微生物降解效率的因素, 最后展望了微生物修复技术与抗除草剂的转基因作物是解决除草剂残留药害的最佳途径。  相似文献   

BTEX在土壤中的环境行为研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
苯系物(BTEX)系苯、甲苯、乙苯和二甲苯的统称,由于其具有高毒性而引起了人们的广泛关注。研究BTEX在土壤中的环境行为,有助于准确了解其在环境中的归宿以及评价其对生态系统和人类健康的风险性。本文从吸附-解吸、挥发、淋溶和降解等4个方面,对BTEX在土壤中环境行为的研究进展进行了综述,特别对影响BTEX在土壤环境中的吸附-解吸行为的不同因素进行了详细概述,并对今后的研究方向进行了探讨。  相似文献   

土壤环境中除草剂甲磺隆降解的研究Ⅰ.土壤性质的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
采用方差分析,研究了各土壤中不同形态甲磺隆残留量的差异程度;通过主因子分析,选出5个主因子,它们代表了整体信息量的90.4%;回归分析后建立了土壤性质和甲磺隆残留间的多元回归方程;经偏相关分析和通径分析得出,土壤pH值和微生物活性是甲磺隆降解的主要影响因素。  相似文献   

土壤环境中除草剂甲磺隆降解的研究I.土壤性质的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用方差分析,研究了各土壤中不同形态甲磺隆残留量的差异程度;通过主因子分析,选出5个主因子,它们代表了整体信息量的90.4%;回归分析后建立了土壤性质和甲磺隆残留间的多元回归方程;经偏相关分析和通径分析得出,土壤pH值和微生物活性是甲磺隆降解的主要影响因素.  相似文献   

微生物降解磺酰脲类除草剂的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
磺酰脲类除草剂是一种高效、广谱、高选择性的除草剂,但其长期广泛使用对生态环境造成了严重破坏,因此对于如何科学合理使用磺酰脲类除草剂、有效防治作物药害和降低对人类的危害等问题成为近年来的研究热点。磺酰脲除草剂在土壤中以化学降解和生物降解方式为主,生物降解是自然界本身具有的一种降解污染物的方式,是一种可行性高、副作用小的方法。近年来,很多学者已经开始研究并利用真菌、细菌等微生物来降解磺酰脲类除草剂,取得了许多重要结果。本文总结了磺酰脲类除草剂的性质、结构以及降解机理、可降解该类除草剂的微生物种类和影响微生物降解效率的因素;最后指出了现阶段存在的问题并对磺酰脲类除草剂的未来发展趋势进行展望。  相似文献   

磺酰脲类受体基因多态性与2型糖尿病的相关性研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
王劲松  周玲  成金罗  沈默宇 《遗传》2004,26(1):8-12
研 究磺酰脲类受体1(SUR1)基因外显子16-3c/t多态性在中国某南方汉族人群中是否为2型糖尿病的致病基因座。采用聚合酶链反应-限制酶酶切片段长度多态性(PCR-RFLP)方法对南方汉族46个2型糖尿病高发家系成员的SUR1基因外显子16的多态性进行分析。利用Mantel-Haenszel分层分析研究该基因座多态性与2型糖尿病的关系。在高发家系人群中,SUR1基因外显子16-3c/t多态性的基因型频率为:cc型29.3%、ct型507%、tt型20%,c等位基因频率为54.7%;患者组基因型频率为:cc型30.2% 、ct型53.8%、tt型16.0% ,c等位基因频率为57.1% ;未患病亲属组基因型频率为:cc型28.3% 、ct型47.2%、tt型24.5%,c等位基因频率为519%,两组间基因型和等位基因的差异经检验无统计学意义(分别为χ2=3.224,P=0.199;χ2=1.250,P=0264)。在性别、吸烟、饮酒、肥胖、高血压等混杂因素中的频率差异亦无显著性。c等位基因频率低于北方汉族人。在中国某南方汉族2型糖尿病高发家族人群中,未发现SUR1基因外显子16-3c/t多态性与2型糖尿病存在关联,该基因座可能不是该人群的致病基因。 Abstract:To study whether the 3c/t polymorphism of the sulfonylurea receptor 1 (SUR1) gene exon16 increased the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus in type 2 diabetes mellitus pedigrees in Han population in south area of China.Polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method was used in 46 type 2 diabetes mellitus pedigrees.The polymorphism in SUR1 was tested and analyzed by Mantel-Haenszel χ2 test.Frequencies of SUR1-3c/t polymorphism had no significant difference between type 2 diabetes mellitus and normal relatives(genotypes χ2=3.224,P=0.199;frequency of allele χ2=1.250,P=0.264).In all subjects,type 2 diabetes mellitus and normal relatives,SUR1-3c/t genotypes were listed (cc:29.3%,30.2%,28.3%;ct:50.7%,53.8%,47.2%;tt:20%,16.0%,24.5% respectively).The frequencies of c were 54.7%,57.1% and 51.9% respectively.The frequency of c is lower than Han population in northern China.The results show that SUR1 exon16-3c/t polymorphism is not associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus in the population.  相似文献   

除草剂氟磺胺草醚在不同土壤中的环境行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用液相色谱分析法,研究了氟磺胺草醚在不同类型土壤(白浆土、草甸土、黑土)中的残留和淋溶动态。结果显示,氟磺胺草醚以有效成分1350 g·hm-2的剂量施用时,在3种类型土壤中的降解符合一级动力学反应,半衰期分别为:草甸土25.7~26.7 d,白浆土16.9~19.3 d,黑土26.7~30.1 d;在120 d内,氟磺胺草醚在不断降解代谢的同时,逐渐向深层土壤中淋溶,但多数氟磺胺草醚滞留在表层土壤中。在白浆土中,施用氟磺胺草醚30 d后淋溶深度达到30 cm,第60天10~30 cm土层的氟磺胺草醚浓度达到最大;在草甸土和黑土中,氟磺胺草醚施用后第5天的淋溶深度即达30 cm,第14天10~30 cm土层的氟磺胺草醚浓度达到最大。结果表明,氟磺胺草醚在有机质含量较高的土壤环境中不容易降解,土壤理化性质是影响氟磺胺草醚淋溶作用的主要因素之一,在草甸土和黑土中氟磺胺草醚对后茬作物的残留药害及对地下水的潜在污染大于白浆土。  相似文献   

土壤环境中除草剂甲磺隆降解的研究I.土壤性质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用方差分析,研究了各土壤中不同形态甲磺隆残留量的差异程度;通过主因子分析,选出5个主因子,它们代表了整体信息量的90.4%;回归分析后建立了土壤性质和甲磺隆残留间的多元回归方程;经偏相关分析和通径分析得出,土壤pH值和微生物活性是甲磺隆降解的主要影响因素.  相似文献   

采用平衡振荡法和土柱淋洗法,研究了溶液pH及模拟酸雨对土壤中苄嘧磺隆和甲磺隆行为的影响.结果表明,Freundlich方程能较好地描述苄嘧磺隆和甲磺隆的吸附等温线,水-土壤系统pH升高能明显地降低这两种除草剂在土壤中的吸附,促进其在土壤中的迁移,且吸附常数(Kf)与土壤有机质含量、粘土含量呈正相关,而与土壤pH呈负相关.pH值高的模拟酸雨对除草剂在土壤中淋溶贡献较大,且淋溶量随雨量的增大而增大.除草剂在土壤中的淋溶与土壤性质密切相关,有机质含量和粘粒含量较高的土壤对除草剂的持留能力较强.  相似文献   

重金属在土壤—水稻系统中的行为特性   总被引:33,自引:3,他引:33  
重金属在土壤_水稻系统中的行为特性王新吴燕玉(中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所,110015)BehaviourPropertyofHeavyMetalsinSoil_RiceSystem.WangXin,WuYanyu(InstituteofAppl...  相似文献   

取代脲类除草剂主要用来防除一年生禾本科杂草和阔叶杂草,自20世纪中期推入市场以来,在世界范围内被广泛使用,已成为重要的除草剂之一。随着取代脲类除草剂的持续施用,其在环境中的残留严重超标,危害日益凸显。因此,取代脲类除草剂在环境中的吸附、迁移和降解等行为备受关注。研究表明细菌降解N,N-二甲基取代脲类除草剂主要是通过连续脱甲基作用后断脲桥降解,而降解N-甲氧基-N-甲基取代脲类除草剂是通过脲桥的直接断裂。真菌降解取代脲类除草剂的途径则较为复杂,尚需进一步阐明。本文综述了近年来分离筛选的取代脲类除草剂降解菌株及其降解途径的最新研究进展,为取代脲类除草剂污染环境的生物修复研究提供参考。  相似文献   

The sulfonylurea herbicides exert their effects on cells via their inhibition of the acetohydroxy acid synthase (AHS) enzymes. Although chlorsulfuron and sulfometuron methyl often affected microbial growth differently their effects on the AHS activities of toluenised cells were similar. Sulfometuron methyl was always a more potent inhibitor than chlorsulfuron. We have postulated that sulfometuron methyl penetrated into microbial cells more readily then did chlorsulfuron. The effect of the herbicides on microbial growth was altered by the composition of the medium and in particular by valine or valine plus isoleucine. Different microorganisms had different complements of AHS isoenzymes which together with differences in permeability were the most likely explanations for the different responses observed. It was pointed out that application of these sulfonylurea herbicides would have significant effects on the microbial ecological balance of soil, and particularly so in alkaline soils. The consequences would be most evident in agricultural situations where the microbial population played an important role in maximising the productivity of crops.  相似文献   

Rahman  A. 《Hydrobiologia》1989,188(1):367-375
Sulfonylurea herbicides are potent inhibitors of plant growth and are extremely active against a wide spectrum of weeds. They are used at very low rates (10–50 g ai/ha) and cause rapid inhibition of root and shoot growth of young plants. Routine chemical assays for detecting low levels of these compounds are difficult and there is need to develop sensitive bioassay methods for detecting their extremely low residue levels in the soil.This paper describes a simple pot bioassay method with a self watering system using turnip (Brassica rapa) seedlings as test plants for quantitative determination of sulfonylurea herbicides. Results are presented with six of these compounds whose activity was investigated in widely differing substrates. The potential availability to plants was calculated from the dose-response curves in different substrates. The dose-response relationship has been described by a specifically developed computer model. Details are also given of a direct seeded bioassay method with controlled watering system using several test species for detection of sulfonylurea herbicides. The potential uses and practical applications of both techniques are discussed.  相似文献   

A novel method based on the molecularly imprinted solid-phase extraction (MISPE) procedure has been developed for the simultaneous determination of concentrations of sulfonylurea herbicides such as chlorsulfuron (CS), monosulfuron (MNS), and thifensulfuron methyl (TFM) in maize samples by liquid chromatography–tandem quadrupole mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS). The molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) for sulfonylurea herbicides was synthesized by precipitation polymerization using chlorsulfuron as the template molecule, 2-(diethylamino)ethyl methacrylate (DEAMA) as the functional monomer, and trimethylolpropane trimethacrylate (TRIM) as the cross-linker. The selectivities of the chlorsulfuron template and its analogs on the molecularly imprinted polymer were evaluated by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The extraction and purification procedures for the solid-phase extraction (SPE) cartridge with a molecularly imprinted polymer as the adsorbent for the selected sulfonylurea herbicides were then established. A molecularly imprinted solid-phase extraction method followed by high-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry for the determination of chlorsulfuron, monosulfuron, and thifensulfuron methyl was also established. The mean recoveries of these compounds in maize were in the range 75–110% and the limits of detection (LOD) of chlorsulfuron, monosulfuron, and thifensulfuron methyl were 0.02, 0.75, and 1.45 μg kg−1, respectively. It was demonstrated that the MISPE–HPLC–MS/MS method could be applied to the determination of chlorsulfuron, monosulfuron, and thifensulfuron methyl in maize samples.  相似文献   

二硝基苯胺类除草剂微生物降解研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
二硝基苯胺类除草剂是一类广谱、高效且广泛使用的除草剂,微生物的降解代谢作用是其在环境中消解的最主要因素。分离筛选除草剂的高效降解菌株、分析其降解途径并阐明其微生物降解机制,可为除草剂残留污染的微生物降解修复提供理论依据和优良的降解菌株、降解基因和酶资源。本文简述了二硝基苯胺类除草剂的微生物降解菌株、降解代谢途径和降解基因/酶的研究进展,为进一步研究该类除草剂的微生物降解及其污染生物修复提供理论依据和资源。  相似文献   

土壤微生物的分离、提取与纯化研究进展   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
综合评述了土壤微生物提取与纯化研究的最新进展及存在的主要问题。土壤微生物的分离提取过程一般分为土壤分散、提取与纯化3个步骤。采用过滤、离心和淘选3种方法可以成功地分离提取大部分土壤细菌;但土壤真菌的提取则相对较为困难,目前可采用的方法有旋转框技术、液相提取与滤膜检测、以及低速离心技术,这些方法可提取出部分真菌菌丝。两相分离技术可用以提取的土壤微生物进行纯化。  相似文献   

Supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) of soil herbicides followed by enzyme immunoassay analysis (EIA) is explained in a step-by-step process. Extracted herbicides, include 2,4-D, simazine, atrazine, and alachlor. The herbicide, trifluralin was not successfully analyzed by EIA because of crossreacting metabolites. Problems with SFE, including uneven packing of cells, leaks, uneven flow and clogging, can largely be eliminated as the method parameters are optimized. It was necessary to add modifiers including methanol or acetone to the SF CO2 to increase the solubility of the analytes. Detection limits of 2.5 ng/g soil for atrazine and alachlor and 15 ng/g soil for simazine and 2,4-D without concentration of the sample were achieved. Recoveries above 80% and relative standard deviations (RSDs) less than 15% for 2,4-D simazine, atrazine and alachlor were achieved. Atrazine and alachlor recoveries were above 90% with RSDs below 10%. Forty soil samples could be extracted and analyzed in an 8-h day.  相似文献   


Hormonal herbicides, used in pastures, can suffer drift and reach forests. The sensitivity and potential phytoremediation of native species to herbicide residues should be evaluated. The objective of this study is to evaluate the initial development of native Atlantic Forest tree species in soil contaminated with hormonal herbicides. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse in a 4 x 8 factorial scheme. The first factor had the control and the herbicide Tordon® in three doses (0.166, 0.333 and 0.666?L ha?1) and the second consisted of the forest species Anadenanthera colubrina (Vell.), Cassia ferruginea (Schrad.) Schrad. ex DC., Dalbergia villosa (Benth.) Benth., Machaerium nyctitans (Vell.) Benth., Machaerium opacum Vogel, Piptadenia gonoacantha (Mart.) JF Macbr., Senegalia polyphylla (DC.) Britton and Rose, Senna macranthera (DC Collad.) HS Irwin and Barnaby. The emergence, height, survival, emergence speed index, intoxication, root volume, stem diameter, root and shoot dry mass, leaf area and leaf numbers of the forest species were evaluated. The A. colubrina, D. villosa and M. opacum initial development was reduced by the herbicides 2.4-D plus picloram residues. S. macranthera and P. gonoacantha are tolerant to this mixture and, therefore, show potential for phytoremediation of degraded areas containing residues of these compounds.  相似文献   

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