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Seed-borne pathogens are a daily issue for ex situ collection managers who try to solve it using various chemicals more or less harmful to the staff and the plant material stored. The most common physical method for seed sterilisation is moist heat, in contrast to dry heat which is used much less frequently. Consequently, the efficiency of dry heat as disinfection method and the behaviour of seeds undergoing this treatment are currently poorly known, especially for wild species. In this study, seed viability was estimated by performing germination tests according to standard procedures. Germination tests were conducted on 13,200 seeds from 66 wild species of temperate regions belonging to 22 different families. Results indicate that dry seeds exposed to 60°C during 1hour were less infected by seed-borne pathogens in 14% of the cases, whereas no change has been registered in the other cases. For all 66 studied species, no decrease in germination percentage was detected after the heat treatment. Given its positive effect on infection control without affecting seed viability, dry heat treatment as proposed here opens opportunities for seed bank managers, but also for the disinfection of herbarium collections.  相似文献   

Adaptive advantages of aerial seed banks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Alemayehu Wassie  Demel Teketay   《Flora》2006,201(1):32-43
Church forests are sanctuaries for different organisms, ranging from microbes to large animals, which have almost disappeared in most parts of northern Ethiopia. Despite the actual and potential significance of these forests, studies and documented information on their bio-physical features and socio-economic setting are either scanty or totally lacking. A study was, therefore, carried out in seven of these church forests, namely Hiruy, Zahara, Gibtsawit, Gelawdiwos, Dengolt, Debresena and Ascha with the objective of assessing the composition, densities and spatial heterogeneity of soil seed banks. The number of viable seeds in the soil samples, from both germination and sieving, corresponded to a seed bank density down to 9 cm in the soil of 7594 seeds m−2 at Ascha, 2064 seeds m−2 at Debresena, 4208 seeds m−2 at Dengolt, 3158 seeds m−2 at Gelawdiwos, 2754 seeds m−2 at Gibtsawit, 2759 seeds m−2 at Hiruy, and 1909 seeds m−2 at Zahra. The total number of species recorded was 50, representing at least 22 plant families, in the seven church forests, of which 13 were recorded from Ascha, 29 from Debresena, 26 from Dengolt, 19 from Gibtsawit, 22 from Gelawdiwos, 20 from Hiruy and 21 from Zahra. There was a significant difference in seed densities and number of species recovered from the soil seed banks of the seven church forests. Ascha had a significantly higher seed bank density than all other church forests. Dengolt exhibited a significantly higher number of species compared with other church forests. Of the identified species recorded from the seven church forests, 83% were herbs, 11% trees and 6% shrubs. Our results revealed that church forests accumulate large quantities of persistent seeds of herbaceous species in the soil while only five (6%) of the 91 woody species recorded in the standing vegetation of the seven church forests were represented in the soil seed banks. The fact that most of the dominant tree species do not accumulate seeds in the soil suggests that their regeneration from seeds would be prevented by removal of mature individuals in the standing vegetation. The results also provided further evidences that consolidate the conclusions of previous studies, i.e. the future existence of the woody flora characteristic of dry Afromontane areas in Ethiopia depends on the conservation and sustainable utilization of the few remnant natural forests.  相似文献   

种子脱水耐性及其与种子类型和发育阶段的相关性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
种子脱水耐性是种子发育过程中获得的综合特性,是判断种子贮藏持性的一个重要依据。当种子获得脱水耐性时,生理,形态和结构会发生相应的变化,包括糖,蛋白质,脂类和抗氧化系统等保护性物质的合成,各种保护性物质不是单独作用的,而是协同调节种子的脱水耐性。不同的植物种子,其脱水耐性不同,并且随着种子的发育而变化。关于种子脱水耐性的获得,主要有2种观点,一种认为是数量性状,另一种认为是突变性状。种子库收集种子保存时,适时采集和适度脱水才能有效地延长种子的贮藏寿命。  相似文献   

Gaps in grassland created by animals are often sites for species regeneration. The persistent seed banks of ant-hills and surrounding soils in a calcareous grassland in southern Britain were compared and analysed in terms of seed mass and longevity. The relative abundance of species on ant-hills compared to the pasture was highly correlated with seed abundance in ant-hill soil. The abundance of plant species on ant-hills compared to the pasture was significantly negatively correlated with seed mass, and positively correlated with seed longevity. These results suggest that germination from the seed bank in ant-hill soils, as well as limited seed dispersal and vegetative invasion, contributes to the distinctive ant-hill vegetation. The same may apply to other gaps created by animals in grasslands.  相似文献   

  • Good‐quality dry seeds of some orchids have the potential to survive for decades under conventional seed bank conditions, but further research is needed to fill existing gaps in knowledge regarding seed behaviour under long‐term dry storage. The objectives of this study were to evaluate germination ability on two asymbiotic culture media with different nitrogen source; to assess seed desiccation tolerance needed for the storage at sub‐zero temperatures; and to study the effects of dry storage at low temperature.
  • Asymbiotic seed germination tests of four Anacamptis species were carried out to evaluate the effects of different culture media, dehydration and dry storage on germination ability. Viability of 4‐year‐stored seeds was assessed by means of the tetrazolium test.
  • Generalised linear model (GLM) analysis detected significant effects (P < 0.01) of the species, medium and storage time on total germination, while dehydration did not significantly affect it. Except for A. palustris, germination percentage was minimum after 1‐month storage and increased with longer storage periods. Tetrazolium viability tests detected high percentages of viable seed (>90%) following 4‐year storage in three out of four species.
  • Seeds of the four Anacamptis species proved to be desiccation tolerant and have orthodox storage behaviour. The consequence of these findings is of interest to practical conservation approaches for orchids in seed‐banking. The results highlight the importance of multiple assessments of seed quality, both viability and germination, to understand seed storage behaviour.

Abstract. The relative sizes and composition of soil seed banks, the influence of fire and the post-fire deposition of seeds were investigated in a riparian forest and adjacent fynbos and transitional vegetation in Swartboskloof. Brief complementary studies of soil seed banks were conducted in poorly-developed forest and scree forest soils. Numbers of species in each vegetation type were very similar, but there were fewer seeds in riparian forest soil than in the transitional and fynbos zones. These patterns were not repeated in poorly-developed forest and scree forest. No effects of fire on soil seed banks were detected. Forest soil had relatively large numbers of seeds stored at 10 to 15 cm deep, with many zoochorous and few myr-mecochorous seeds. Anemochorous and ornithochorous seeds of forest species formed a major component of seed deposition within the transitional and fynbos zones in the first year after fire. The numbers of anemochorous forest seeds in the fynbos declined with distance from the forest edge. The deposition of ornithochorous forest seeds was less closely related to distance from the source, and was not exclusively associated with the presence of tall or fruit-bearing shrubs. Regeneration after canopy-destroying disturbance in the forest is likely to emanate from the soil seed banks of pioneer species which now or previously occurred on forest margins. Seed availability does not appear to limit colonization of fynbos by forest species soon after fire.  相似文献   

小麦种子活力性状的遗传变异和相关研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本研究利用12个普通小麦品种对10个种子活力性状的遗传变异和相关研究,表明除正常幼苗百分率外,其余种子活力性状在品种间均存在显著的差异。种子贮藏物质转换效率、电导率两个性状问及与其它性状均无显著的遗传相关,因此对他们的选择不会影响到其它性状。通径分析表明幼苗干重主要取决于种子贮藏物质转换效率、种子贮藏物质利用速率;发芽指数主要由平均发芽时间决定。电导率、发芽势、幼苗于重、种子干重、发芽指数、种子贮藏物质消耗比率6个性状表现中到高的遗传力、遗传变异系数和相对遗传进展,指明通过遗传育种手段改良这些性状是可能的。  相似文献   

土壤种子库的分类系统和种子在土壤中的持久性   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
于顺利  陈宏伟  郎南军 《生态学报》2007,27(5):2099-2108
对国际上已经发表的10个土壤种子库分类系统的内容进行了总结和阐述,并对土壤种子库分类系统进行了评述,其中Thompson & Grime在1979年提出的把土壤种子库分为短暂土壤种子库(Transient soil seed bank)和持久土壤种子库(Persistent seed bank)的二元分类系统以及Thompson等人提出的把土壤种子库分为(1)短暂土壤种子库,(2)短期持久土壤种子库(Short term persistent seed bank),(3)长期土壤种子库(Long termp ersistent seed bank)的三元分类系统在生态学文献中已被广泛采用。在此分类的基础上产生了植物种子在土壤中的持久性(Persistence)概念,持久性是指植物的一种特性,是指植物的种子在土壤中能够存活超过1a的特性;植物种子的持久性被认为是一种对环境的进化适应,它可以在多个生长季节萌发从而分担环境震荡的风险,持久土壤种子库不仅在不稳定的环境里占有优势;即使在稳定的环境里,也被认为能够减少种内和种间的竞争;造成持久性的原因可分为环境因子和种子本身的特性比如休眠等两个方面,持久土壤种子库的出现使得土壤种子库的研究与进化生物学结合起来,使得土壤种子库的研究进入一个新的领域,更易激发人们的兴趣。关于种子的大小、形状及持久性的关系问题已经引起了相当的争论,基本上有4种格局:一是种子大小和形状与种子在土壤中的持久性有关,小而圆或扁的种子在土壤易存活持久;二是种子大小与种子在土壤中的持久性有关,小种子在土壤中易存活持久,但种子形状与持久性无关;三是种子大小、形状与种子在土壤中的持久性无关;四为较大的种子在土壤易存活持久,而种子形状与种子在土壤中的持久性无关。影响种子在土壤中的持久性因子比较复杂,总结过去的文献发现主要有以下几个因子:①种子的散布方式,②捕食,③植被的物种组成,④风,⑤土壤基质,⑥火,⑦干扰等。通过比较分析和研究,提出影响种子大小和在土壤中的持久性关系格局的关键因子是气候,特别是生态系统所在地的雨量;湿润气候下容易产生前两种格局,而干旱环境下的生境容易产生后两种格局。  相似文献   

Question: Do shrubs influence the spatial pattern of soil seed banks in herbaceous vegetation and are these effects influenced by wind direction, sampling position (windward vs leeward sides of the shrub) and distance from the shrub? Location: Horqin desert in eastern Inner Mongolia, China. Methods: A pioneer shrub, Artemisia halodendron, occurring in a mobile sandy habitat was used as a case study. Species composition and abundance of the seed bank and established herbaceous vegetation around six target shrubs were sampled along transects aligned to the four main wind directions and at 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4.5 and 6 m from the shrub base on both windward and leeward sides of a transect. Results: The presence of shrubs significantly modified the spatial pattern of seed deposition, but effects varied with wind direction, sampling position and distance from the shrub. More seeds were deposited on the leeward side than on the windward sides in all four transects, especially on transects with the most prevailing wind directions. Shrubs also caused a marked variation in seed deposition across sampling locations; this effect was more pronounced on the leeward side of transects with the most prevailing wind directions, suggesting the mean range of the shrub's influence is within ca. 2 m. Conclusions: The study shows clear evidence of shrubs as a source of spatial heterogeneity in seed availability in the herbaceous layer. Shrub presence effects were strongly influenced by complex interactions between wind direction, sampling position, and distance from the shrub.  相似文献   

Genetic resource banks in wildlife conservation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Recent advances in reproductive technologies for animal breeding, together with improvements in techniques for storage of gametes and embryos, have encouraged the view that the time is now appropriate for developing systematic policies of germplasm banking. Such activities would aim to support more conventional breeding programmes for threatened species, by providing the opportunity to store valuable genetic material for use on some future occasion. A number of pertinent issues should be addressed, however, before embarking upon the large scale implementation of genetic bank programmes. This review raises and discusses some of the issues involved.  相似文献   

Wild rice, Oryza rufipogon, has endangered species conservation status and it is subject to in situ conservation in China. To understand the potential of the seed bank in species conservation and population restoration, this study compared the genetic diversity of O. rufipogon plants with that of its soil seed banks in two marshes. A total of 11 pairs of rice SSR primers were used and 9 were polymorphic. Allele frequencies of the seeds differed significantly from those of surface plants and varied between soil layers. Relatively more alleles and higher genetic diversity (H e) were found in plant populations, relative to seed banks. The numbers of germinable seeds and the level of genetic variation in seed banks decreased with the increasing of soil depth, indicating a rapid seed loss. Genetic differentiation was detected between sites and between plant and seed populations, as well as among seeds of different soil strata. Rapid seed loss, partly dormancy loss, and nonrandom seed mortality are discussed as the possible contributors to the pattern of reduced genetic variation within seed banks, compared to plants. These could also be responsible for the considerable genetic differentiation between populations. The seed population held about 72% of the total genetic variation of O. rufipogon in each marsh, indicating the potential of seed banks for restoring population variabilities if the plant populations were lost.  相似文献   

Ex situ conservation in seed banks is a potential complementary conservation strategy for native plant species.It is well established that ex situ seed banking of native wild plants prolongs seed viability and thereby preserves genetic and species diversity for future use.We evaluated ex situ storage potential of eight halophytic species from deserts in the United Arab Emirates(UAE)by studying seed germination.Specifically,we examined the germinability of freshly collected seeds and seeds stored for three years in a seed bank.We also examined the effect of light conditions on fresh and stored seed germination.Fresh seeds of seven of the eight species tested had a higher germination rates under 12/12 h light/dark fluctuations than did those exposed to total darkness.Storage reduced light sensitivity in Halocnemum strobilaceum,Suaeda aegyptiaca,Salsola drummondii and Salsola imbricata,but increased the requirement for light in Arthrocnemum macrostachyum.In Anabasis setifera,storage decreased germination percentage when there was a 12-hour light/dark fluctuation,but increased germination rate when exposed to the dark treatment.Storage significantly reduced germination in both the light/dark and dark treatments in Suaeda vermiculata and S.aegyptiaca.Germination speed also responded differently to storage;whereas Timson's index significantly increased in A.macrostachyum and H.strobilaceum,it significantly decreased for S.drummondii,S.aegyptiaca and S.vermiculata.Germination of these species at a range of temperatures requires further testing;additionally,we strongly suggest that these laboratory findings be complemented by field studies.  相似文献   

滇东南岩溶山地次生林土壤种子库储量与优势成分   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
沈有信  陈胜国  江洁  蔡光丽  张平 《广西植物》2003,23(6):528-532,540
采用样线取样与温室萌发实验相结合的方法 ,调查了滇东南典型岩溶山地次生林的土壤种子库储量及其优势成分。结果发现 ,岩溶山地次生林下贮存有丰富的植物种子 ,在厚度为 1 0cm的表层土壤中的种子储量变动于 493 0~ 1 493 0粒 /m2 之间 ,高于对照成熟林的 3 780粒 /m2 。在 1 0cm的垂直剖面上 ,单位体积的种子储量在厚度为 0~ 2、2~ 5、5~ 1 0cm的三个层面间逐渐下降 ,但 5~ 1 0cm土层内仍然储藏了大量的种子。三种次生林的乔、灌、草、藤的比例组成与对照成熟林的差异不大 ,无论是种子个体数量还是物种种类数都以草本为主 (平均为 85 .5 %和 69.9% ) ,灌木次之 (平均为 1 2 .8%和 1 9.4% ) ,藤本 (平均为 1 .6%和 4.2 % )和乔木 (平均为 0 .6%和 6.5 % )稀少。在所研究的三个次生林样地内种子数量处于前三位的种子都来自菊科的紫茎泽兰 (Eupatoriumadenophorum) ,胜红蓟 (Ageratumconyzoides) ,劲直白酒草 (Conyzastricta) ,一点红(Emiliasonchifolia)等四个物种中的三个种 ,与成熟林下的土壤种子库中前三位物种基本相同。土壤种子库与地表植被间的相似性较小。  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Alpine plants are considered one of the groups of species most sensitive to the direct and indirect threats to ecosystems caused by land use and climate change. Collecting and banking seeds of plant species is recognized as an effective tool for providing propagating material to re-establish wild plant populations and for habitat repair. However, seeds from cold wet environments have been shown to be relatively short lived in storage, and therefore successful long-term seed conservation for alpine plants may be difficult. Here, the life spans of 69 seed lots representing 63 related species from alpine and lowland locations from northern Italy are compared.


Seeds were placed into experimental storage at 45 °C and 60 % relative humidity (RH) and regularly sampled for germination. The time taken in storage for viability to fall to 50 % (p50) was determined using probit analysis and used as a measure of relative seed longevity between seed lots.

Key Results

Across species, p50 at 45 °C and 60 % RH varied from 4·7 to 95·5 d. Seed lots from alpine populations/species had significantly lower p50 values compared with those from lowland populations/species; the lowland seed lots showed a slower rate of loss of germinability, higher initial seed viability, or both. Seeds were progressively longer lived with increased temperature and decreased rainfall at the collecting site.


Seeds of alpine plants are short lived in storage compared with those from lowland populations/related taxa. The lower resistance to ageing in seeds of alpine plants may arise from low selection pressure for seed resistance to ageing and/or damage incurred during seed development due to the cool wet conditions of the alpine climate. Long-term seed conservation of several alpine species using conventional seed banking methods will be problematic.  相似文献   

Seeds of both Salsola imbricata and Haloxylon salicornicum have high germination level and germination speed, and form a transient seed bank in nature. The impacts of storage period and condition on germination level and speed were assessed in the two species. Storage for three months significantly increased both germination level and speed of seeds stored under the different conditions, compared to that of fresh seeds. In both species, nine months storage did not affect germination percentage in cold storage seeds, but completely inhibited it in field seeds. Storage for longer time in room and warm temperatures resulted in significant reduction or complete inhibition in the germination of the two species, so this was more pronounced in H. salicornicum. Storage significantly increased germinate rate index of seeds stored in all conditions till 17 months in S. imbricata and till 12 months in H. salicornicum. In both species, fridge storage had little effects on final germination and germination speed of seeds incubated at the different temperatures, compared to fresh seeds. However, room temperature and warm storages significantly reduced final germination and germination speed at the different temperatures, so the reduction was more pronounced at 35 °C, especially in H. salicornicum.  相似文献   

Patterns of variation were studied at 20 isozyme loci in 49 coastal, low-elevation Douglas-fir populations in SW British Columbia and NW Washington State. Several components of variation were estimated for each population including the number of alleles per locus N a, number of alleles per polymorphic locus N a(95), inbreeding F, heterozygosity H, and population divergence D. F was near zero indicating nearly complete outcrossing within populations. H was quite high (16%) and in aecord with previous studies of Douglas-fir. D values were low (equivalent to Wrights F ST of 0.08) indicating levels of gene flow sufficient to largely homogenize populations. The parameters of diversity N a, N a(95), H, and D showed little intercorrelation across populations. A homogenous pattern of genetic relationship among populations was shown by the clustering of populations based on their inferred relationship, and by the principal components of the matrix of inferred genetic relationship. Because of the complex nature of gene diversity and the continuous nature of population differentiation in Douglas-fir, it is difficult with isozyme markers to identify specific populations of value for genetic conservation in this species.This paper is dedicated to J.C. Heaman on the occasion of his retirement.  相似文献   

Maximising seed longevity is crucial for genetic resource preservation and longevity of orthodox seeds is determined by environmental conditions (water content and temperature). The effect of water content (down to 0.01 g·H2O·g?1) on seed viability was studied at different temperatures for a 5‐year storage period in taxonomically related species. Seeds of seven Brassicaceae species (Brassica repanda, Eruca vesicaria, Malcolmia littorea, Moricandia arvensis, Rorippa nasturtium‐aquaticum, Sinapis alba, Sisymbrium runcinatum) were stored at 48 environments comprising a combination of eight water contents, from 0.21 to 0.01 g·H2O·g?1 DW and six temperatures (45, 35, 20, 5, ?25, ?170 °C). Survival curves were modelled and P50 calculated for those conditions where germination was reduced over the 5‐year assay period. Critical water content for storage of seeds of six species at 45 °C ranged from 0.02 to 0.03 g·H2O·g?1. The effect of extreme desiccation at 45 °C showed variability among species: three species showed damaging effects of drying below the critical water content, while for three species it was neither detrimental nor beneficial to seed longevity. Lipid content could be related to longevity, depending on the storage conditions. A variable seed longevity response to water content among taxonomically related species was found. The relative position of some of the species as long‐ or short‐lived at 45 °C varied depending on the humidity at which storage behaviour was evaluated. Therefore, predictions of survival under desiccated conditions based on results obtained at high humidity might be problematic for some species.  相似文献   

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