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In addition to compound eyes, most adult insects posses two or three simple eyes, the ocelli. The function of these photoreceptors remains elusive in most cases. Triatomine bugs posses two well-developed ocelli, located in a latero-dorsal position, behind the compound eyes. We tested the role of the ocelli in the phototactic behaviour of Triatoma infestans, by measuring the time spent by adult males in the dark half of an experimental arena, which had the other half illuminated. The occlusion of the ocelli or the compound eyes alone had little effect on the phototactic response of the bugs. Only those insects which had both their ocelli and compound eyes occluded showed a significant reduction in their negative response to light. The ability of the ocelli of T. infestans to mediate the phototactic response by themselves (i.e., not through the modulation of compound eyes sensitivity) constitutes the first report on this function in insects.  相似文献   

The role of Pax6 in eye development in insects and vertebrates supports the view that their eyes evolved from simple pigment-cup ocelli present in their last common ancestors (Urbilateria). The cerebral eyes in errant polychaetes represent prototype invertebrate pigment-cup ocelli and thus resemble the presumed ancestral eyes. We have analysed expression of conserved eye specification genes in the early development of larval and adult pigment-cup eyes in Platynereis dumerilii (Polychaeta, Annelida, Lophotrochozoa). Both larval and adult eyes form in close vicinity of the optic anlagen on both sides of the developing brain ganglia. While pax6 is expressed in the larval, but not in the developing, adult eyes, expression of six1/2 from trochophora stages onwards specifically outlines the optic anlagen and thus covers both the developing larval and adult eyes. Using Platynereis rhabdomeric opsin as differentiation marker, we show that the first pair of adult eye photoreceptor cells is detected within bilateral clusters that transitorily express ath, the Platynereis atonal orthologue, thus resembling proneural sensory clusters. Our data indicate that--similar to insects, but different from the vertebrates--polychaete six1/2 expression outlines the entire visual system from early developmental stages onwards and ath-positive clusters generate the first photoreceptor cells to appear. We propose that pax6-, six1/2- and ath-positive larval eyes, as found in today's trochophora, were present already in Urbilateria.  相似文献   

The simple eyes (ocelli) of recently emerged adult Triatoma infestans exhibit a narrow elongated "pupil", surrounded by a ring of brown-reddish pigment, the "iris". This pupil does not respond to changes in the illumination, but varies in size after the imaginal ecdysis. This change corresponds, internally, with the growth of the corneal lens and the associated retina up to an age of about 20 days. This has not been previously observed in an insect. The use of this characteristic for recognising young adults of this species is suggested.  相似文献   

The tissue-specific effects of 17 mutations affecting the synthesis of brown eye pigment (xanthommatin) have been investigated by combining them with chocolate and red cells, two mutations causing ectopic pigmentation of the Malpighian tubules and larval fat body (which normally only synthesize pigment precursors). The majority of mutations block the pigmentation of four organs; the normally pigmented eyes and ocelli, and ectopically pigmented tubules and fat body. They represent genes that would appear to be required for the normal operation of the pathway per se and are likely to encode structural proteins. Mutations at 5 loci affect pigmentation of a subset of organs: cd and po affect only the eyes and ocelli; kar affects the eyes, ocelli and fat body; car causes excretion of pigment from tubules; and z affects pigmentation of the eyes alone. Of these loci, only z has been shown to encode a regulatory protein and the role of the remaining four gene products is not clear. Two mutations affecting the red eye pigments (drosopterins), bw and mal, do not substantially perturb brown pigment synthesis in any of the four organs.  相似文献   

The morphology and fine structure of the ocelli of Triatoma infestans have been analyzed by means of light and electron microscopy. The two dorsal ocelli of this species are located behind the compound eyes, looking dorsally and frontally. Externally, the ocelli are marked by the corneal lenses virtually spherical in form and limited internally by a cuticular apodeme. The lens focuses the incoming rays beyond the retina. A single layer of corneagen cells lies below the cuticular lens. The corneagen cells and photoreceptors are arranged in a cup-like fashion beneath the cuticular lens. A distal retinal zone comprises the rhabdoms, which are laterally connected in an hexagonal meshwork. A middle retinal zone comprises the receptor cell segment free of rhabdom, and a proximal zone their axons. In the middle zone, the oviform nuclei and spheroids are located. Screening pigment granules are present within the retinal cell. Spherical mitochondria are homogeneously distributed in the cytoplasm of the cell body. In the axonal zone, mitochondria are found in the peripheral region. Axons from receptor cells extend into the ocellar neuropile at the base of the ocelli, to synapse with second order neurons. The large axons of second order neurons are bundled by glial cells. The ocellar plexus exhibits a high diversity of synaptic unions (i.e. axo-dendritic, axo-axonic, dendro-axonic, and dendro-dendritic).  相似文献   

Internal extraocular photoreceptors in a dipteran insect   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Within the head capsule of the moth-fly Psychoda cinerea, underlying each of the two compound eyes, are two internal ocelli of different sizes. There are seven photoreceptor cells in Ocellus I and two in Ocellus II. The internal Ocellus I appears clearly different from the retina of the compound eye, by different rhabdom structure, different size of pigment granules and different stability of these pigments to solvents. Ocellus II does not contain any pigment granules. The physiological activity of these photoreceptors is indicated by their well-developed axons, the rhabdom structure, organelles produced by membrane reorganization, and Actaptation phenomena. The internal ocelli are former larval stemmata that have been displaced inward during metamorphosis. Presumably they have a stimulatory action on the CNS, in analogy with the dorsal ocelli, which are lacking in Psychoda. It is plausible to credit the internal ocelli with a photosensitive role in the functional complex of pacemakers and circadian rhythm.  相似文献   

Panorpa larvae possess stemmata (lateral ocelli), which have the structure of compound eyes, and stemma lamina and stemma medulla neuropils. A distinct lobula neuropil is lacking. The stemma neuropils have a columnar organization. They contain lamina monopolar cells, and both short and long visual fibers. All the identified larval monopolar neurons have radially arranged dendrites along the entire depth of the lamina neuropil and a single terminal arborization within the medulla (L1/L2-type). The terminals of visual fibers have short spiny lateral projections. Long fibers possess en passant synapses within the lamina. The same principles of organization of first and second order visual neuropils are found in Panorpa imagines. In contrast to the larvae, a lobula neuropil is present. Adults have monopolar cells of the L1-type that are similar to the L1-neurons found in Diptera. The columnar organization, the presence of short and long visual fibers, and lamina monopolar neurons are thus features common to both visual systems, viz., the larval (stemmata) and the imaginal (compound eyes).  相似文献   

Earlier detailed studies of cnidarian planula larvae have revealed a simple nervous system but no eyes or identifiable light sensing structures. Here, we describe the planula of a box jellyfish, Tripedalia cystophora, and report that these larvae have an extremely simple organization with no nervous system at all. Their only advanced feature is the presence of 10-15 pigment-cup ocelli, evenly spaced across the posterior half of the larval ectoderm. The ocelli are single cell structures containing a cup of screening pigment filled with presumably photosensory microvilli. These rhabdomeric photoreceptors have no neural connections to any other cells, but each has a well-developed motor-cilium, appearing to be the only means by which light can control the behaviour of the larva. The ocelli are thus self-contained sensory-motor entities, making a nervous system superfluous.  相似文献   

Lehmann T  Hess M  Melzer RR 《PloS one》2012,7(1):e30474
The Pycnogonida or sea spiders are cryptic, eight-legged arthropods with four median ocelli in a ‘periscope’ or eye tubercle. In older attempts at reconstructing phylogeny they were Arthropoda incertae sedis, but recent molecular trees placed them as the sister group either to all other euchelicerates or even to all euarthropods. Thus, pycnogonids are among the oldest extant arthropods and hold a key position for the understanding of arthropod evolution. This has stimulated studies of new sets of characters conductive to cladistic analyses, e.g. of the chelifores and of the hox gene expression pattern. In contrast knowledge of the architecture of the visual system is cursory. A few studies have analysed the ocelli and the uncommon “pseudoinverted” retinula cells. Moreover, analyses of visual neuropils are still at the stage of Hanström''s early comprehensive works. We have therefore used various techniques to analyse the visual fibre pathways and the structure of their interrelated neuropils in several species. We found that pycnogonid ocelli are innervated to first and second visual neuropils in close vicinity to an unpaired midline neuropil, i.e. possibly the arcuate body, in a way very similar to ancestral euarthropods like Euperipatoides rowelli (Onychophora) and Limulus polyphemus (Xiphosura). This supports the ancestrality of pycnogonids and sheds light on what eyes in the pycnogonid ground plan might have ‘looked’ like. Recently it was suggested that arthropod eyes originated from simple ocelli similar to larval eyes. Hence, pycnogonid eyes would be one of the early offshoots among the wealth of more sophisticated arthropod eyes.  相似文献   

The photoreceptors of adult barnacles use histamine as their neurotransmitter and take up (3)H-histamine selectively from the extracellular medium. We assayed for the uptake of (3)H-histamine into the eyes of the free-swimming (nauplius) and settling (cyprid) larval stages of Balanus amphitrite. The extracellular space of nauplii proved permeable to dyes below about 800 molecular weight (MW), indicating that (3)H-histamine (MW 111) introduced into seawater would have access to internal structures. (3)H-Histamine was taken up into nauplii by a process with a K(D) of 0.32 microM. Uptake was antagonized by chlorpromazine, which also blocks uptake of (3)H-histamine into adult photoreceptors. In autoradiographs of serial sections of nauplii and cyprids incubated in (3)H-histamine, the ocelli and compound eyes were labeled; other structures in the animal were not. No eyes or other structures were labeled with (3)H-serotonin, a related amine whose transporter commonly transports histamine as well. These experiments show that a histamine-specific transporter similar to that found in the adult is expressed in all of the eyes of barnacle larvae. In the ocelli, where photoreceptors and pigment cells may be distinguished in the light microscope, label was unexpectedly concentrated far more over the pigment cells than over the photoreceptors.  相似文献   

昆虫单眼的结构和功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘红霞  彩万志 《昆虫知识》2007,44(4):603-607
大多数昆虫的视觉器官除了复眼外还有一些简单的小眼,称为单眼。昆虫成虫和半变态类若虫的单眼称为背单眼,位于头顶两复眼之间。背单眼在数目和结构上都有较大变化,但基本结构包括角膜晶体、一层角膜生成细胞(覆盖在角膜晶体上)、视网膜(由大约1000个感光细胞构成,视类群而不同)。背单眼对弱光比较敏感,但在图像感知方面的作用并不显著;它是一种“激发器官”,可以增加复眼的感知能力。全变态昆虫的幼虫既没有复眼也没有背单眼,但在其头部两侧有些类似复眼小眼的侧单眼。侧单眼的结构也与小眼相似,包括角膜,晶体和由一些视网膜细胞组成的视杆。侧单眼是完全变态类昆虫幼虫仅有的感光器官,与复眼一样,它们可以感知颜色、形状、距离等等。  相似文献   

The evolution of photoreceptor cells and eyes in Metazoa is far from being resolved, although recent developmental and morphological studies provided strong evidence for a common origin of photoreceptor cells and existence of sister cell types in early metazoans. Photoreceptor cells are of two types, rhabdomeric and ciliary, depending on which part of the cells is involved in photoreception proper. A crucial point in understanding eye evolution is the explanation of the enormous structural diversity of photoreceptor cells and visual systems, given the general tendency for molecular conservation. One example of such diversity occurs in Annelida. In this taxon three types of photoreceptor cells exist: rhabdomeric, ciliary and phaosomous sensory cells. Whether the latter evolved independently or have been derived from one of the former cell types is still unresolved, since cilia and microvilli are found in these cells. These different photoreceptor cells are present in cerebral ocelli and eyes, in various ectopic ocelli and eyes situated in different places as well as in various photoreceptor-like sense organs. Whereas rhabdomeric cells mostly occur in connection with pigmented supportive cells, the other types are usually found with unpigmented supportive cells. Thus for the latter cells clear evidence for photoreception is still lacking in most cases. However, initial molecular-developmental investigations have shown that in fact ciliary photoreceptor cells exist within Annelida. Certain visual systems are only present during the larval phase and either replaced by the adult eyes or completely reduced during postlarval and adult stages. In the present paper the diversity of cerebral and extracerebral photoreceptor cells and ocelli as well as corresponding organs devoid of shading pigment is reviewed in Annelida.  相似文献   

According to molecular sequence data Crustacea and not Myriapoda seem to be the sister‐group to Insecta. This makes it necessary to reconsider how the morphology of their eyes fit with these new cladograms. Homology of facetted eye structures in Insecta (Hexapoda in the sense of Ento‐ and Ectognatha) and Crustacea is clearly supported by identical numbers of cells in an ommatidium (two corneageneous or primary pigment cells, four Semper cells which build the crystalline cone and primarily eight retinula cells). These cell numbers are retained even when great functional modification occurs, especially in the region of the dioptric apparatus. There are two different possibilities to explain differences in eye structure in Myriapoda depending on their phylogenetic position in the cladogram of Mandibulata. In the traditional Tracheata cladogram, eyes of Myriapoda must be secondarily modified. This modification can be explained using the different evolutionary pathways of insect facetted eyes to insect larval eyes (stemmata) as an analogous model system. Comparative morphology of larval insect eyes from all holometabolan orders shows that there are several evolutionary pathways which have led to different types of stemmata and that the process always involved the breaking up the compound eye into individual larval ommatidia. Further evolution led on many occasions to so‐called fusion‐stemmata that occur convergently in each holometabolic order and reveals, in part, great structural similarities to the lateral ocelli of myriapods. As myriapodan eyes cannot be regarded as typical mandibulate ommatidia, their structure can be explained as a modified complex eye evolved in a comparable way to the development to the fusion‐stemmata of insect larvae. The facetted eyes of Scutigera (Myriapoda, Chilopoda) must be considered as secondarily reorganized lateral myriapodan stemmata, the so‐called ‘pseudo‐compound eyes’. New is a crystalline cone‐like vitreous body within the dioptric apparatus. In the new cladogram with Crustacea and Insecta as sister‐groups however, the facetted eyes of Scutigera can be interpreted as an old precursor of the Crustacea – Insecta facetted eye with modified ommatidia having a four‐part crystalline cone, etc. as a synapomorphy. Lateral ocelli of all the other Myriapoda are then modified like insect stemmata. The precursor is then the Scutigera‐Ommatidium. In addition further interpretations of evolutionary pathways of myriapodan morphological characters are discussed.  相似文献   

Among polychaetes, the errant forms are the only group known so far possessing true multicellular eyes in adults which are preceded by bicellular larval eyes in many species. Most likely, two pairs of such eyes showing a specific structure belong to the ground pattern of Errantia = Aciculata. However, these eyes have primarily been investigated in only two subgroups of Errantia, but data on the third main taxon, Eunicida, are available for only two taxa. In the present investigation, the eyes in two additional species of Eunicida, the dorvilleids Protodorvillea kefersteini and Schistomeringos neglecta, were studied. In P. kefersteini, usually described as possessing one pair of small eyes, two pairs could be detected, whereas in S. neglecta only one pair was found. Each eye is made up of rhabdomeric photoreceptor cells, pigment cells and unpigmented supportive cells. Lenses or vitreous bodies are absent. From their structure most likely all eyes represent adult eyes and even the small anterior eyes in P. kefersteini structurally resemble miniaturized adult eyes. Neither persisting larval eyes nor unpigmented rhabdomeric ocelli were found in the two species. The observations in Dorvilleidae confirm the hypothesis of a common origin of adult eyes in Errantia.  相似文献   

The adaptation to light of compound eyes in insects has been extensively documented and their adaptive role is well understood. Much less attention has been paid, however, to the control of ocelli sensitivity, a study which could help us to understand the functional role of these simple eyes. We analyzed the dynamic changes in the distribution of screening pigments which occur in the ocelli of the haematophagous bug, Triatoma infestans, when the insects are subjected either to light/dark cycles (LD), to constant darkness (DD) or constant light (LL). We then compared these changes with those occurring in the compound eyes of the same individuals and found that, while compound eyes are subject to the control of an endogenous circadian clock, the adaptation of the ocelli is entirely dependent on environmental illumination. In addition, we have observed that environmental temperature is not involved in the control of screening pigments in either ocelli or compound eyes as a direct stimulus, nor as a Zeitgeber. The existence of a differential control in the components of the dual visual system represents an adaptive advantage in the adjustment of visual sensitivity in insects exposed to quick changes in lighting conditions in their natural habitat. We discuss the implications of our findings with regards to the biology of triatomines and with respect to the general understanding the functional role of insect ocelli.  相似文献   

Using electron microscopy we describe an accessory lateral eye for Cylindroiulus, a diplopod. The accessory eye is situated at the cell body rind of the optic lobes, deep inside the head, and is composed of six R-cells; a dioptric apparatus is absent. Comparison reveals that many arthropods possess accessory lateral eyes in addition to the compound eyes or lateral ocelli. Their homology and distribution among the arthropod main lineages is discussed along with characters that may be useful for reconstructing phylogeny.  相似文献   

The lateral eyes of Crustacea and Insecta consist of many single optical units, the ommatidia, that are composed of a small, strictly determined and evolutionarily conserved set of cells. In contrast, the eyes of Myriapoda (millipedes and centipedes) are fields of optical units, the lateral ocelli, each of which is composed of up to several hundreds of cells. For many years these striking differences between the lateral eyes of Crustacea/Insecta versus Myriapoda have puzzled evolutionary biologists, as the Myriapoda are traditionally considered to be closely related to the Insecta. The prevailing hypothesis to explain this paradox has been that the myriapod fields of lateral ocelli derive from insect compound eyes by disintegration of the latter into single ommatidia and subsequent fusion of several ommatidia to form multicellular ocelli. To provide a fresh view on this problem, we counted and mapped the arrangement of ocelli during postembryonic development of a diplopod. Furthermore, the arrangement of proliferating cells in the eyes of another diplopod and two chilopods was monitored by labelling with the mitosis marker bromodeoxyuridine. Our results confirm that during eye growth in Myriapoda new elements are added to the side of the eye field, which extend the rows of earlier-generated optical units. This pattern closely resembles that in horseshoe crabs (Chelicerata) and Trilobita. We conclude that the trilobite, xiphosuran, diplopod and chilopod mechanism of eye growth represents the ancestral euarthropod mode of visual-system formation, which raises the possibility that the eyes of Diplopoda and Chilopoda may not be secondarily reconstructed insect eyes.  相似文献   

Hornets, the largest social wasps, have a reputation of being facultatively nocturnal. Here we confirm flight activity of hornet workers in dim twilight. We studied the eyes and ocelli of European hornets (Vespa crabro) and common wasps (Vespula vulgaris) with the goal to find the optical and anatomical adaptations that enable them to fly in dim light. Adaptations described for obligately nocturnal hymenoptera such as the bees Xylocopa tranquebarica and Megalopta genalis and the wasp Apoica pallens include large ocelli and compound eyes with wide rhabdoms and large facet lenses. Interestingly, we did not find any such adaptations in hornet eyes or ocelli. On the contrary, their eyes are even less sensitive than those of the obligately diurnal common wasps. Therefore we conclude that hornets, like several facultatively nocturnal bee species such as Apis mellifera adansonii, A. dorsata and X. tenuiscapa are capable of seeing in dim light simply due to the large body and thus eye size. We propose that neural pooling strategies and behavioural adaptations precede anatomical adaptations in the eyes and ocelli when insects with apposition compound eyes turn to dim light activity.  相似文献   

The pigmentation of black (wild) and red (mutant) eyes of Triatoma infestans was studied spectrophotometrically and compared with red-eyed (wild) and white-eyed (mutant) forms of Drosophila melanogaster. The spectral absorption profiles of the black and red eye pigments of T. infestans were similar to each other and to that of the wild-type eyes of D. melanogaster. The similarity to the wild form of D. melanogaster indicated that both eye forms of T. infestans contained ommochromes of the xanthommatin type, a finding confirmed by ascending paper chromatography. Pteridines, melanins, and ommins were not detected as eye pigments in T. infestans. The eye color difference in T. infestans was assumed to be a function of the xanthommatin concentration, with a smaller content of ommochrome in red eyes, although this probably did not affect the insect's visual acuity. These data support other findings regarding the similarities between black- and red-eyed specimens of T. infestans for other characteristics.  相似文献   

Scorpions possess two types of visual organs, the median and lateral eyes. Both eyes consist of simple ocelli with biconvex lenses that differ in structure and function. There is little variation in the number of median ocelli across the order. Except for a few troglomorphic species in which the median ocelli are absent, all scorpions possess a single pair. In contrast, the number of pairs of lateral ocelli varies from zero to five across Scorpiones and may vary within species. No attempt has been made to homologize lateral ocelli across the order, and their utility in scorpion systematics has been questioned, due to the variation in number. A recent study examined the number of lateral ocelli among various Asian Buthidae C.L. Koch, 1837 and proposed a “five-eye model” for the family. This model has not been examined more broadly within Buthidae, however, nor compared with the patterns of variation observed among other scorpion families. An eyespot, referred to as an accessory lateral eye, situated ventral or posteroventral to the lateral ocelli, has also been reported in some scorpions. Analysis of its structure suggests it serves a nonvisual function. We present the first comparative study of variation in the lateral ocelli across the order Scorpiones, based on examination of a broad range of exemplar species, representing all families, 160 genera (78%), 196 species (9%), and up to 12 individuals per species. We propose a six-ocellus model for Recent scorpions with four accessory ocelli observed in various taxa, homologize the individual ocelli, and correct erroneous counts in the recent literature. We also investigate the presence of the eyespot across scorpions and discover that it is more widespread than previously recognized. Future work should investigate the genetic and developmental mechanisms underlying the formation of the lateral ocelli to test the hypotheses proposed here.  相似文献   

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