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A key event in the initiation of the dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)-induced program of murine erythroleukemia (MEL) cell differentiation is a rise in the level of cytoplasmic calcium ions. Our interest in the present study is whether other inducers of the terminal erythroid differentiation program also act via a calcium-dependent pathway. Inhibition of calcium transport has been found to prevent the induction of MEL cell commitment by DMSO, butyric acid (BA), or hypoxanthine (HX). Enhancement of the calcium flux rate with A23187 or elevation of cytoplasmic calcium levels with FCCP stimulates the kinetics of commitment in response to all three inducers. These results suggest that of the inducers we have tested (DMSO, BA, and HX), all three act to initiate commitment via a common mechanism which involves modulation of cytoplasmic calcium levels.  相似文献   

Ionic regulation of glutamate binding sites   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Cl- and Ca2+ increase glutamate binding to rat synaptic plasma membranes (SPMs) by revealing a distinct class of L-glutamate (L-Glu) binding sites. The present study was conducted to examine both the anion specificity of this response and the nature of the interaction between Cl- and Ca2+. Of the anions tested, Br- was the most effective in increasing the levels of L-Glu binding. Other effective anions were Cl-, NO3- and formate while F-, HCO3-CIO4-, propionate, SO42- and PO43- were ineffective. The anion specificity was similar to that observed for the Cl- membrane channel, suggesting that this binding site and the ion channel may be related. In the absence of Cl-, Ca2+ has little effect on L-Glu binding. Increasing the Cl- concentration increased the apparent affinity (decreased KCa2+) of the Ca2+-stimulated, L-Glu binding component and also increased the maximal amount of the enhancement. Conversely, increasing Ca2+ levels increased the maximal enhancement of L-Glu binding brought about by Cl- without affecting the KCl- of the effect. Prior incubation of membranes with Ca2+ did not raise the level of L-Glu binding. Furthermore, EGTA was able to reverse the stimulation of L-Glu binding due to Ca2+. The results indicate that Ca2+ acts ionically to enhance L-Glu binding to rat SPMs.  相似文献   

Ionic mechanisms of cerebrospinal fluid acid-base regulation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

This review emphasizes the importance of strong ions in the regulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) acid-base balance. In a solution like CSF that is devoid of nonbicarbonate buffers. [H+] and [HCO-3] are dependent variables, the independent variables being the CO2 partial pressure (PCO2) and the strong ion difference. Any measureable changes in CSF [HCO-3] and any change in [H+] that occur independent of changes in PCO2 must be accompanied by, if not caused by, changes in strong ions. The role of H+ and HCO-3 vs. strong ions in the ionic mechanisms of CSF acid-base regulation is unknown. For example, these mechanisms could depend only on changes in strong ions that accompany acid-base disorders, or they could be triggered by changes in [H+] or PCO2. These ideas are presented within the context of current concepts concerning the relationship of CSF to brain interstitial fluid (ISF) and the importance of choroid plexus and blood-brain barrier mechanisms in determining CSF and ISF ionic composition. Studies concerning CSF strong ions in normal and abnormal acid-base states are reviewed.  相似文献   

The Na(+)-Ca(2+) exchanger (NCX) links transmembrane movements of Ca(2+) ions to the reciprocal movement of Na(+) ions. It normally functions primarily as a Ca(2+) efflux mechanism in excitable tissues such as the heart, but it can also mediate Ca(2+) influx under certain conditions. Na(+) and Ca(2+) ions exert complex regulatory effects on NCX activity. Ca(2+) binds to two regulatory sites in the exchanger's central hydrophilic domain, and this interaction is normally essential for activation of exchange activity. High cytosolic Na(+) concentrations, however, can induce a constitutive activity that by-passes the need for allosteric Ca(2+) activation. Constitutive NCX activity can also be induced by high levels of phopshotidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PIP?) and by mutations affecting the regulatory calcium binding domains. In addition to promoting constitutive activity, high cytosolic Na(+) concentrations also induce an inactivated state of the exchanger (Na(+)-dependent inactivation) that becomes dominant when cytosolic pH and PIP? levels fall. Na(+)-dependent inactivation may provide a means of protecting cells from Ca(2+) overload due to NCX-mediated Ca(2+) influx during ischemia.  相似文献   

The Na+-Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) links transmembrane movements of Ca2+ ions to the reciprocal movement of Na+ ions. It normally functions primarily as a Ca2+ efflux mechanism in excitable tissues such as the heart, but it can also mediate Ca2+ influx under certain conditions. Na+ and Ca2+ ions exert complex regulatory effects on NCX activity. Ca2+ binds to two regulatory sites in the exchanger's central hydrophilic domain, and this interaction is normally essential for activation of exchange activity. High cytosolic Na+ concentrations, however, can induce a constitutive activity that by-passes the need for allosteric Ca2+ activation. Constitutive NCX activity can also be induced by high levels of phopshotidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) and by mutations affecting the regulatory calcium binding domains. In addition to promoting constitutive activity, high cytosolic Na+ concentrations also induce an inactivated state of the exchanger (Na+-dependent inactivation) that becomes dominant when cytosolic pH and PIP2 levels fall. Na+-dependent inactivation may provide a means of protecting cells from Ca2+ overload due to NCX-mediated Ca2+ influx during ischemia.  相似文献   

Summary Different techniques were investigated in order to determine the Na, K and Cl concentrations ofDunaliella tertiolecta cells adapted to a large range of salinity (20 to 1640 mM NaCl). The K cell concentrations were 6 to 13 times higher than the K concentration of the external medium (11 mM). The The Na and Cl cell concentrations, on the other hand, were lower than in the external medium at all salinities tested. Considerable differences in the absolute values of Na and Cl were, however, found according to the technique employed. These results are interpreted in terms of compartmentalization of the cells (at least two compartments). It is postulated that the larger compartment regulates its ion concentrations, maintaining low Na and Cl and high K concentrations, whereas the second compartment equilibrates with the external medium. The cation permeability of the membrane limiting the regulating compartment is altered by the antibiotics nystatin and monensin. Incubation of cells in K-free medium leads to a decrease of K and to an increase of the cell Na, this effect being reversed by addition of KCl to the medium. A good correlation is found between gain of K and loss of Na, suggesting a stoichiometric exchange of these two ions. The magnitude of this apparent Na/K exchange increases as the salinity increases. The external K concentration necessary to mediate half-saturation of the Na/K exchange is a function of the NaCl concentration of the adaptation medium. This Na/K exchange is partially light-dependant and inhibited by cold, cyanide and DCCD. It is suggested that this mechanism helps in the regulation of the ionic composition ofDunaliella cells.  相似文献   

Cytokine-mediated regulation of antimicrobial proteins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Antimicrobial proteins constitute a phylogenetically ancient form of innate immunity that provides host defence at skin and mucosal surfaces. Although some components of this system are constitutively expressed, new evidence reviewed in this Progress article shows that the production of certain antimicrobial proteins by epithelial cells can also be regulated by cytokines of the innate and adaptive immune systems. In particular, the effector cytokines interleukin-17 and interleukin-22, which are produced by the T-helper-17-cell subset, are emerging as crucial regulators of antimicrobial-peptide production in the gut and the lungs. This suggests that this T-cell lineage and its cytokines have important roles in skin and mucosal immunity.  相似文献   

Sensory neurons encode natural stimuli by changes in firing rate or by generating specific firing patterns, such as bursts. Many neural computations rely on the fact that neurons can be tuned to specific stimulus frequencies. It is thus important to understand the mechanisms underlying frequency tuning. In the electrosensory system of the weakly electric fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus, the primary processing of behaviourally relevant sensory signals occurs in pyramidal neurons of the electrosensory lateral line lobe (ELL). These cells encode low frequency prey stimuli with bursts of spikes and high frequency communication signals with single spikes. We describe here how bursting in pyramidal neurons can be regulated by intrinsic conductances in a cell subtype specific fashion across the sensory maps found within the ELL, thereby regulating their frequency tuning. Further, the neuromodulatory regulation of such conductances within individual cells and the consequences to frequency tuning are highlighted. Such alterations in the tuning of the pyramidal neurons may allow weakly electric fish to preferentially select for certain stimuli under various behaviourally relevant circumstances.  相似文献   

The Rnd proteins, which form a distinct sub-group of the Rho family of small GTP-binding proteins, have been shown to regulate the organization of the actin cytoskeleton in several tissues. In the brain, they participate in neurite extension, whereas in smooth muscle, they modulate contractility. Recent evidence has shown that Rnd3 (RhoE) is also involved in the regulation of cell-cycle progression and transformation, indicating that these proteins might have other, as yet unexplored roles.  相似文献   

Despite the enormous interest in the roles of novel uncoupling proteins, there is still great uncertainty as to their mechanism and regulation. The regulation of the architypal uncoupling protein 1 from brown adipose tissue was elucidated more than 20 years ago. This review suggests that a number of the approaches and criteria developed for the study of UCP1 could with profit be applied to current investigations of the novel UCPs.  相似文献   

Lund M  Jönsson B 《Biochemistry》2005,44(15):5722-5727
It is known that the overall charge of a protein can change as the molecule approaches a charged object like another protein or a cell membrane. We have formalized this mechanism using a statistical mechanical framework and show how this rather overlooked interaction increases the attraction between protein molecules. From the theory, we can identify a unique property, the protein charge capacitance, that contains all information needed to describe the charge regulation mechanism. The capacitance can be obtained from experiment or theory and is a function of pH, salt concentration, and the number of titrating residues. For a range of different protein molecules, we calculate the capacitance and demonstrate how it can be used to quantify the charge regulation interaction. With minimal effort, the derived formulas can be used to improve existing models by including a charge regulation term. Good agreement is found between theory, simulations, and experimental data.  相似文献   

Heat shock proteins: essential proteins for apoptosis regulation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Many different external and intrinsic apoptotic stimuli induce the accumulation in the cells of a set of proteins known as stress or heat shock proteins (HSPs). HSPs are conserved proteins present in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. These proteins play an essential role as molecular chaperones by assisting the correct folding of nascent and stress-accumulated misfolded proteins, and by preventing their aggregation. HSPs have a protective function, that is they allow the cells to survive to otherwise lethal conditions. Various mechanisms have been proposed to account for the cytoprotective functions of HSPs. Several of these proteins have demonstrated to directly interact with components of the cell signalling pathways, for example those of the tightly regulated caspase-dependent programmed cell death machinery, upstream, downstream and at the mitochondrial level. HSPs can also affect caspase-independent apoptosis-like process by interacting with apoptogenic factors such as apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF) or by acting at the lysosome level. This review will describe the different key apoptotic proteins interacting with HSPs and the consequences of these interactions in cell survival, proliferation and apoptotic processes. Our purpose will be illustrated by emerging strategies in targeting these protective proteins to treat haematological malignancies.  相似文献   

Three gene products that form independent mechanosensitive channel activities have been identified in Escherichia coli. Two of these, MscL and MscS, play a vital role in allowing the cell to survive acute hypotonic stress. Much less is known of the third protein, MscK (KefA). Here, we characterize the MscK channel activity and compare it with the activity of its structural and functional homologue, MscS. While both show a slight anionic preference, MscK appears to be more sensitive to membrane tension. In addition, MscK, but not MscS activity appears to be regulated by external ionic environment, requiring not only membrane tension but also high concentrations of external K(+), NH(4)(+), Rb(+) or Cs(+) to gate; no activity is observed with Na(+), Li(+) or N-methyl-D-glucamine (NMDG). An MscK gain-of-function mutant gates spontaneously in the presence of K(+) or similar ions, and will gate in the presence of Na(+), Li(+) and NMDG, but only when stimulated by membrane tension. Increased sensitivity and the highly regulated nature of MscK suggest a more specialized physiological role than other bacterial mechanosensitive channels.  相似文献   

Ionic regulation of cyclic AMP levels in Paramecium tetraurelia in vivo   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
cAMP levels in Paramecium increased dose dependently after a step increase of [Ca] or [Sr] in the incubation, provided K was present. Two mM Ca or Sr tripled cAMP concentrations within 3 s and induced an increase in forward swimming speed. The increase in cAMP formation was strictly dependent on the Donnan ratio [K]: square root [Ca]. Na, Li, or tetraethylammonium could not replace K. The data provide evidence for regulation of cAMP in Paramecium by the membrane surface charge as determined specifically by the regulation of cAMP in Paramecium by the membrane surface charge as determined specifically by the K: Ca ratio.  相似文献   

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