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Regional Accumulation of Calcium in Postischemic Rat Brain   总被引:19,自引:9,他引:10  
The regional concentrations of intravenously injected 45Ca and total calcium were measured in rat brain during recovery from transient occlusion of the four major arteries to the brain. 45Ca was injected at intervals after ischemia, and the regional distribution of 45Ca was estimated by autoradiography. The 45Ca appeared to enter the brain via the choroid plexus, labeling the paraventricular tissue at 1 h after the injection. Control brains had more 45Ca in the gray matter compared to fiber-rich areas at 5 and 24 h, but within these regions the optical density was nearly uniform. The accumulation and retention of 45Ca in postischemic brain were selective and time-dependent. The regional pattern of 45Ca uptake correlated with the temporal progression of ischemic cell change. Infarction and preischemic hyperglycemia increased morphological damage, and increased the extent and distribution of 45Ca accumulation. The rise in total calcium concentration appeared to be biphasic in irreversibly damaged tissue.  相似文献   

Abstract: Following local application of kainic acid, changes in the contents of Na+, K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ of the striatum, cerebellum, and hippocampus of the rat were observed at various times after surgery. Within 1 h the levels of K+ decreased 20% whereas the levels of Na+ and Ca2+ increased at least 50% and 20%, respectively. These changes persisted for more than 8 weeks. Ca2+ levels rose further, to more than 10-fold during 8 weeks. The Mg2+ levels were slightly and only transiently decreased. Unilateral injections of kainate into the striatum affected the contents of these cations not only in this area, but also in the overlying cerebral cortex, the olfactory tubercle, and the ipsilateral substantia nigra. The Ca2+ increases were less when rats were kept on a diet deficient in Ca2+ and vitamin D. 45Ca2+, intravenously administered, accumulated significantly more in the kainate-lesioned striatum and substantia nigra than in the homotopic contralateral areas. Electron microscopic examination of the localization of Ca2+ with the oxalate-pyroantimonate technique showed the appearance of extracellularly located deposits and the accumulation of Ca2+ in (possibly degenerating) myelinated axons in kainate-lesioned striata. This study provides evidence that calcification of cerebral tissue is closely associated with neurodegenerative processes and shows that kainate may serve as a tool to elucidate the mechanism of brain calcification. The results are discussed in relation to idiopathic calcinosis (striopallidodentate calcinosis, Fahr's disease).  相似文献   

Kininase activity, which inactivates kinins, was measured in seven regions of the rat brain (i.e., the cerebral cortex, cerebellum, striatum, midbrain, hippocampus, hypothalamus, medulla oblongata), and in the spinal cord with a bioassay method using bradykinin as the substrate. Specific kininase activities in the cerebellum and striatum were higher than those in the other five regions or the spinal cord. Angiotensin-converting enzyme activity, which was measured fluorometrically using Hip-His-Leu as substrate, showed high activity in the striatum and cerebellum. These findings suggest that the presence of high concentrations of peptidases plays a role in the degradation of kinins and/or other peptides in these areas.  相似文献   

The effect of a stressful manipulation on the metabolism of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the rat brain was studied. Application of an immobilized stress to animals induced a significant increase in the striatal and hypothalamic GABA contents without affecting those in other central structures examined. It was also found that the increase in striatal GABA level preceded that in the hypothalamus. This increase in steady-state levels of GABA in the striatum and hypothalamus disappeared at 12 h after the termination of the application of stress for 3 h, which exhibited a maximal stimulatory action on the GABA contents in both central areas. The activity of L-glutamic acid decarboxylase was found to be significantly elevated in the striatum and hypothalamus following the stress application with a concomitant decrease in the content of L-glutamic acid, which is converted to GABA by the catalytic action of the latter enzyme. The in vivo turnover of GABA in the brain was estimated by taking advantages of the postmortem accumulation of GABA following decapitation and of the selective inhibitory action of a low dose of aminooxyacetic acid on the GABA degrading system, respectively. Analysis using these two different methods revealed that the cerebral turnover of GABA in vivo was not significantly altered under stressful situations despite of the increase in its steady-state level. These results suggest that central GABA system may respond to the input of painful stimuli resulting from the application of a severe physical and psychological stressor, in addition to the well-known functional alterations in catecholamine neurons. The functional significance of these alterations in the central GABA neurons is also discussed.  相似文献   

In previous work, we have shown that perinatal asphyxia (PA) in the rat leads to life-long neurotransmitter deficits and impairment of cognitive functions and behavior. This observation made us examine protein expression in hippocampus of rats with PA at the end of the life span. We applied a well-documented and characterized animal model of PA. Pups, normoxic and asphyxiated for 20 min, were brought up until the age of 24 months and then were sacrificed. Hippocampal tissue was dissected from the brains, and proteins were run on two-dimensional gel electrophoresis with in-gel digestion and subsequent identification of proteins by MALDI-TOF followed by quantification of protein spots by specific software. In hippocampus of rats with PA, the stress proteins protein disulfide isomerase A3 precursor and stress-induced phosphoprotein-1 were significantly increased, whereas the microtubule-associated protein dynamin-1 was significantly reduced. Increased stress protein levels may represent long-term effects of PA or, alternatively, could reflect conditioning of the stress protein machinery known to occur as a neuroprotective principle following hypoxic-ischemic conditions. Decreased dynamin-1 levels may be considered as a long-term effect on the exocytotic system possibly reflecting or leading to impaired neuronal transport and vesicle-trafficking in PA of the rat of advanced age.  相似文献   

Blood plasma hypo- or hyperosmolality alters significantly the concentration of some amino acids in brain tissues of the medial septum and hippocampus of adult Sprague-Dawley rats. With some notable exceptions, brain amino acid concentrations decreased under hypoosmotic conditions and increased under hyperosmotic conditions. Osmotic changes and brain amino acid changes appear to be related to each other in an almost linear fashion. A comparison of rats and toads indicates that the patterns of changes in brain amino acid concentrations in response to a hypoosmotic plasma osmolality were almost identical for both species. Changes achievable under hyperosmotic conditions were considerably greater in toads. When rats with kindled epileptogenic foci were made hypoosmotic by water-loading, seizure thresholds decreased dramatically. Our data suggest a possible relationship between the hypoosmotically induced biochemical changes in brain tissues (especially some amino acid neurotransmitters and neurotransmitter precursors) and the hypoosmotically induced increase in seizure susceptibility.  相似文献   

Transferrin and Iron Uptake by the Brain: Effects of Altered Iron Status   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
Transferrin (Tf) and iron uptake by the brain were measured in rats using 59Fe-125I-Tf and 131I-albumin (to correct for the plasma content of 59Fe and 125I-Tf in the organs). The rats were aged from 15 to 63 days and were fed (a) a low-iron diet (iron-deficient) or, as control, the same diet supplemented with iron, or (b) a chow diet with added carbonyl iron (iron overload), the chow diet alone acting as its control. Iron deficiency was associated with a significant decrease and iron overload with a significant increase in brain nonheme iron concentration relative to the controls. In each dietary treatment group, the uptake of Tf and iron by the brain decreased as the rats aged from 15 to 63 days. Both Tf and iron uptake were significantly greater in the iron-deficient rats than in their controls and lower in the iron-loaded rats than in the corresponding controls. Overall, iron deficiency produced about a doubling and iron overload a halving of the uptake values compared with the controls. In contrast to that in the brain, iron uptake by the femurs did not decrease with age and there was relatively little difference between the different dietary groups. 125I-Tf uptake by the brains of the iron-deficient rats increased very rapidly after injection of the labelled proteins, within 15 min reaching a plateau level which was maintained for at least 6 h. The uptake of 59Fe, however, increased rapidly for 1 h and then more slowly, and in terms of percentage of injected dose reached much higher values than did 125I-Tf uptake.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Biophysics - The effect of transcranial electromagnetic stimulation on immobilization stress-induced damage to rat brain cells was studied. Electromagnetic stimulation was performed by microwave...  相似文献   

Regional Reductions of Transketolase in Thiamine-Deficient Rat Brain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract: Thiamine deficiency impairs oxidative metabolism and causes metabolic encephalopathy. An early reduction in transketolase (TK) activity may be an important pathogenic event. To assess the role of TK, we have delineated the regional/cellular distribution of TK protein and mRNA in adult rat brain in pyrithiamine-induced thiamine deficiency. TK activity declined in both vulnerable and spared regions. Immunoblots showed a parallel reduction of TK protein. With a few exceptions, immunocytochemistry indicated an overall decline of TK immunoreactivity and the decrease was not specific to vulnerable areas. In contrast to the pronounced, general decline of TK protein, in situ hybridization revealed a regional decrease of 0–25% of TK mRNA in thiamine deficiency. Northern blots indicated a similar level of TK mRNA in whole brain in thiamine deficiency. These results show that the decline of TK activity results from a proportional decrease of TK protein, and the deficiency may be due to an instability of TK protein or an inhibition of TK mRNA translation. The lack of correlation of the distribution, and the absence of specific alteration, of TK in affected regions suggest that the reduced TK may not be linked directly to selective vulnerability in thiamine deficiency.  相似文献   

Regional Distribution of Calmodulin Activity in Rat Brain   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Calmodulin activity in 68 discrete areas of rat brain, obtained by micropunch technique, was assessed by its capacity to activate a calmodulin-sensitive form of phosphodiesterase. In general, the activity of calmodulin was higher in the telencephalon, limbic system, and hypothalamus than in the mesencephalon, pons, cerebellum, and medulla. However, there were substantial differences in calmodulin activity in discrete nuclei of each region. The regional distribution of calmodulin activity in rat brain does not appear to correlate with that of any of the known putative neurotransmitters or peptides.  相似文献   

Regional Oxidation of Tyramine Isomers in Rat Brain   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  

Calmodulin contents of cortex, cerebellum, striatum, diencephalon, and medulla + pons and of subcellular fractions of each region were determined by radioimmunoassay. The diencephalon had the highest level of calmodulin (48.87 +/- 4.56 micrograms/mg protein), whereas medulla + pons had the lowest level (8.01 +/- 0.84 micrograms/mg protein). In all brain regions, the mitochondrial fraction was richest in calmodulin (from 71 to 227 micrograms/mg protein) whereas other areas contained from 6 to 66 micrograms/mg protein.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the iron deposition in the cerebral cortex, hippocampus CA1 area and corpus striatum pars dorsolateralis in a rat model of cerebral ischemia. Forebrain ischemia was induced by four-vessel occlusion for 20 min. Using iron histochemistry, regional changes were examined from 1 to 8 weeks of postischemic recirculation. Neuronal death was demonstrated in pyramidal cells of the hippocampal CA1 area and in the dorsolateral part of the corpus striatum, which are known as areas most vulnerable to ischemia. Iron deposition in hippocampal CA1 area was coupled to delayed pyramidal cell death. Perl's reaction with DAB intensification revealed of the 1 week iron deposits in the CA1 area, which gradually increased and formed clusters by 8 weeks. In the corpus striatum, strong iron staining was observed in injured cellular layer pars dorsolateralis 1 week after recirculation. Granular iron was deposited in the cytoplasm of pyramidal cells in layers III and V of the frontal cortex after 2 weeks of recirculation. In contrast to the hippocampus and striatum, the cerebral cortex did not develop severe neuronal cell death and atrophy immediately after the ischemic insult, which suggest that the neuronal cell death in the cerebral cortex occurs extremely late.  相似文献   

The ectonucleotidase pathway is an important metabolic source of extracellular adenosine. Adenosine has potent anticonvulsant effects on various models of epilepsy. One of these models is pentylenetetrazol (PTZ) kindling, in which repeated administration of subconvulsive doses of this drug induces progressive intensification of seizure activity. In this study, we examine the effect of a single convulsive injection (60 mg/kg, i.p.) or 10 successive (35 mg/kg, i.p.) injections of PTZ on synaptosomal ectonucleotidases. Our results have shown that no changes in ectonucleotidase activities were seen at 0, 1, and 24 h or at 5 days after a single convulsive PTZ injection. However, after PTZ-kindling, rats which were more resistant to seizure development presented an increase in ATP hydrolysis in synaptosomes from hippocampus and cerebral cortex (44% and 28%, respectively). These results suggest that changes in nucleotide hydrolysis may represent an important mechanism in the modulation of chronic epileptic activity in this model.  相似文献   

Regional Distribution of Catalase in the Adult Rat Brain   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
Catalase activity was measured in 11 areas of perfused adult rat brain. The hypothalamus and substantia nigra contained the highest activities. The corpus callosum. a white-matter structure, contained intermediate activity. The caudate-putamen and frontal cortex contained the lowest activities. Regional catalase bears some relationship to the reported distribution of microperoxisomes, but considerable activity is present in areas with few microperoxisomes. Catalase may function as one of the systems detoxifying H2O2 formed in CNS amine metabolism.  相似文献   

Abstract: Although activation of brain catecholaminergic systems has been implicated in the cerebrovascular and metabolic changes during subarachnoid hemorrhage, cerebral ischemia, cortical ablation, and cortical freeze lesions, little is known of the response of regional brain catecholamine systems to traumatic brain injury. The present study was designed to characterize the temporal changes in concentrations of norepinephrine (NE), dopamine (DA), and epinephrine (E) in discrete brain regions following experimental fluid-percussion traumatic brain injury in rats. Anesthetized rats were subjected to fluid-percussion brain injury of moderate severity (2.2–2.3 atm) and killed at 1 h, 6 h, 24 h, 1 week, and 2 weeks postinjury (n = 6 per timepoint). Control animals (surgery and anesthesia without injury) were killed at identical timepoints (n = 6 per timepoint). Tissue concentrations of NE, DA, and E were evaluated using HPLC. Following brain injury, an acute decrease was observed in DA concentrations in the injured cortex ( p < 0.05) at 1 h postinjury, which persisted up to 2 weeks postinjury. Striatal concentrations of DA were significantly increased ( p < 0.05) only at 6 h postinjury. Hypothalamic concentrations of DA and NE increased significantly beginning at 1 h postinjury ( p < 0.05 and p < 0.05, respectively) and persisted up to 24 h for DA ( p < 0.05) and 1 week ( p < 0.05) for NE. These data suggest that acute alterations occur in regional concentrations of brain catecholamines following brain trauma, which may persist for prolonged periods postinjury.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which cannabinoid compounds produce their effects in the rat brain was evaluated in this investigation. Cannabinoid receptors, quantitated by [3H]CP-55,940 binding, were found in greatest abundance in the rat cortex, cerebellum, hippocampus, and striatum, with smaller but significant binding also found in the hypothalamus, brainstem, and spinal cord. Using rat brain slice preparations, we evaluated the effect of desacetyllevonantradol on basal and forskolin-stimulated cyclic AMP accumulation in the regions exhibiting the greatest cannabinoid receptor density. Desacetyllevonantradol (10 microM) reduced cyclic AMP levels in the hippocampus, frontal cortex, and striatum. In the cerebellum, however, the response to desacetyllevonantradol was biphasic with cyclic AMP accumulation being decreased at lower and increased at higher concentrations. Desacetyllevonantradol reduced cyclic AMP accumulation in isoproterenol-stimulated slices in the cortex and cerebellum, but not in the hippocampus. Cells that responded to vasoactive intestinal peptide with an increase in cyclic AMP accumulation in the hippocampus and cortex also responded to desacetyllevonantradol. The modulation of cyclic AMP accumulation by desacetyllevonantradol could be attenuated following stereotaxic implantation of pertussis toxin, supporting the involvement of a G protein in the cannabinoid response in the brain. However, other actions of cannabinoid compounds may also affect the cyclic AMP levels in brain slice preparations.  相似文献   

Cell metabolism is an extremely complicated dynamical system that maintains important cellular functions despite large changes in inputs. This “homeostasis” does not mean that the dynamical system is rigid and fixed. Typically, large changes in external variables cause large changes in some internal variables so that, through various regulatory mechanisms, certain other internal variables (concentrations or velocities) remain approximately constant over a finite range of inputs. Outside that range, the mechanisms cease to function and concentrations change rapidly with changes in inputs. In this paper we analyze four different common biochemical homeostatic mechanisms: feedforward excitation, feedback inhibition, kinetic homeostasis, and parallel inhibition. We show that all four mechanisms can occur in a single biological network, using folate and methionine metabolism as an example. Golubitsky and Stewart have proposed a method to find homeostatic nodes in networks. We show that their method works for two of these mechanisms but not the other two. We discuss the many interesting mathematical and biological questions that emerge from this analysis, and we explain why understanding homeostatic control is crucial for precision medicine.  相似文献   

A method is described to measure directly in rat brain the activity of pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase (PDHa kinase; EC, which catalyzes the inactivation of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDHC, EC, EC, and EC The activity showed the expected dependence on added ATP and divalent cation, and the expected inhibition by dichloroacetate, pyruvate, and thiamin pyrophosphate. These results, and the properties of pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphate phosphatase (EC, indicate that the mechanisms of control of phosphorylation of PDHC seem qualitatively similar in brain to those in other tissues. Regionally, PDHa kinase is more active in cerebral cortex and hippocampus, and less active in hypothalamus, pons and medulla, and olfactory bulbs. Indeed, the PDHa kinase activity in olfactory bulbs is uniquely low, and is more sensitive to inhibition by pyruvate and dichloroacetate than that in the cerebral cortex. Thus, there are significant quantitative differences in the enzymatic apparatus for controlling PDHC activity in different parts of the brain.  相似文献   

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