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The neurohypophysial hormone, arginine vasotocin, is depletedfrom the hypothalamus, and rises in concentration in the bloodduring oviposition in hens. The contractile responses of isolatedoviducts from birds, reptiles and amphibians are more sensitiveto arginine vasotocin than to oxytocin or mesotocin. This evidenceclearly indicates that arginine vasotocin is involved in parturitionor oviposition in nonmammalian tetrapods. Evidence for a physiologicalrole for specific neurohypophysial hormones in the regulationof oviduct—or in some cases ovarian — contractilityin fishes is unclear and occasionally contradictory. However,it appears unlikely that arginine vasotocin is involved in thefish species that have been investigated. It is evident that,much like the neurohypophysial hormones, the neurohypophysialhormone receptors of the vertebrate myometrium have undergoneevolutionary change.  相似文献   

Scrum luteinizing hormone (LH), progesterone. 17β-estradiol, and testosterone were measured during a single cycle each of five female orangutans, and urinary LH was measured in four of those cycles. Midcycle peaks in LH and luteal phase elevations in progesterone (5.7–13.8 ng/ml) suggested that the cycles were ovulatory. 17β-Estradiol was elevated at midcycle (163–318 pg/ml) and during the luteal phase (56–136 pg/ml) and testosterone was also elevated at midcycle (143–580 pg/ml). These hormone patterns in the orangutans closely resemble those for chimpanzees, gorillas, and human females.  相似文献   

THERE is overwhelming evidence to connect cyclic 3′,5′-adenos-ine monophosphate (cyclic AMP) with hormone action in various tissues1. For example, the toad bladder responds to neurohypophyseal hormones (ADH) with an increase in water permeability2 and with an increase in the mucosal to serosal transport of sodium3. ADH also causes an increase in cyclic AMP levels in the tissue4 and the actions of the hormone can be mimicked by addition of the cyclic nucleotide2,5. Orloff and Handler5 have suggested that cyclic AMP directly affects the permeability of the mucosal face of the epithelial cells to water and to sodium and that there are two separate adenyl cyclase systems responsible for controlling the permeability to water and to sodium6,7.  相似文献   



Studies relating long-term exposure to persistent organochlorine pollutants (POPs) with endocrine activities (endocrine disrupting chemicals) on circulating levels of steroid hormones have been limited to a small number of hormones and reported conflicting results.


We examined the relationship between serum concentrations of dehydroepiandrosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate, androstenedione, androstenediol, testosterone, free and bioavailable testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, estrone, estrone sulphate, estradiol, sex-hormone binding globulin, follicle-stimulating hormone, and luteinizing hormone as a function of level of exposure to three POPs known to interfere with hormone-regulated processes in different way: dichlorodiphenyl dichloroethene (DDE), polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congener 153, and chlordecone.


We collected fasting, morning serum samples from 277 healthy, non obese, middle-aged men from the French West Indies. Steroid hormones were determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, except for dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate, which was determined by immunological assay, as were the concentrations of sex-hormone binding globulin, follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone. Associations were assessed by multiple linear regression analysis, controlling for confounding factors, in a backward elimination procedure, in multiple bootstrap samples.


DDE exposure was negatively associated to dihydrotestosterone level and positively associated to luteinizing hormone level. PCB 153 was positively associated to androstenedione and estrone levels. No association was found for chlordecone.


These results suggested that the endocrine response pattern, estimated by determining blood levels of steroid hormones, varies depending on the POPs studied, possibly reflecting differences in the modes of action generally attributed to these compounds. It remains to be investigated whether this response pattern is predictive of the subsequent occurrence of disease.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The ovarian steroid hormones, estradiol and progesterone,act in the guinea pig brain to regulate the expression of sexualbehavior. In studies of the cellular mechanisms of steroid hormoneaction, we have used an immunocytochemical technique to studythe regulation of these receptors in different neuroanatomicalregions. We have observed that progestin receptor-immunoreactivityin cells in certain neuroanatomical regions are more responsiveto particular steroid hormone treatments than are cells in otherregions. Similarly, we have observed selective regulation ofprogestin receptor-immunoreactivity in neurons identified onthe basis of their neuropeptide content. Finally, in the rostralpart of the ventrolateral hypothalamus, a site involved in hormonalregulation of female sexual behavior, estrogen receptor-immunoreactiveneurons that have dopamine-ß-hydroxylase varicositiesclosely-associated have higher levels of immunostaining forestrogen receptors than neurons without this relationship. Takentogether, these studies demonstrate the possibility of studyingthe microregulation of steroid hormone receptors in subsetsof neurons defined by neuroanatomical location, neuropeptide/neurotransmittercontent, afferent input and projection sites. The ability tostudy interactions among different systems at the cellular levelmay help us to understand more clearly the cellular processesinvolved in hormonal regulation of fundamental neuroendocrineprocesses, including the neuroendocrine regulation of sexualbehavior  相似文献   

Hormone Action in the Mammary Gland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A woman’s breast cancer risk is affected by her reproductive history. The hormonal milieu also influences the course of the disease. The female reproductive hormones, estrogens, progesterone, and prolactin, have a major impact on breast cancer and control postnatal mammary gland development. Analysis of hormone receptor mutant mouse strains combined with tissue recombination techniques and proteomics revealed that sequential activation of hormone signaling in the mammary epithelium is required for progression of morphogenesis. Hormones impinge on a subset of luminal mammary epithelial cells (MECs) that express hormone receptors and act as sensor cells translating and amplifying systemic signals into local stimuli. Proliferation is induced by paracrine mechanisms mediated by distinct factors at different stages. Tissue and stage specificity of hormonal signaling is achieved at the molecular level by different chromatin contexts and differential recruitment of coactivators and corepressors.Breast cancer is the most frequent cancer in women and the second leading cause of cancer deaths among women. To better understand the genetic alterations responsible for breast cancer, it is critical to first understand the mechanisms regulating normal mammary gland development. Increased interest in the field has led to the identification of a large number of genes important for mammary gland development (reviewed in Tanos and Brisken 2008).A woman’s risk for breast cancer is linked to her reproductive history and with her lifetime hormonal exposure; hormones also influence the course of the disease. The same hormones that affect breast carcinogenesis control postnatal mammary gland development. The mouse mammary gland has been instrumental in providing new insights into the mechanisms by which hormones act in the mammary gland.A number of features make the mouse mammary gland a particularly attractive experimental system. Being the only organ that undergoes most of its development postnatally, it is particularly suited for studying developmental processes; it is readily amenable to experimental manipulation and can be easily accessed as it localizes to the underside of the ventral skin. Furthermore, mammary gland tissue is abundant; there are 5 pairs of mammary glands in mice, and cells can be isolated in large numbers. The versatile tools of mouse genetics can be combined with powerful tissue recombination techniques to generate chimeric glands, as we will illustrate in this article.  相似文献   

An intravenous infusion of prostaglandin F2α (12.5-250μg/min) was administered in four volunteers in the mid-late luteal phase and three in the early luteal phase of the menstrual cycle.Frequent measurement of plasma progesterone, oestrogens, and luteinizing hormone (LH) showed that administration of high doses depressed plasma progesterone levels in the late luteal phase and caused concomitant side effects. Levels of progesterone in the early luteal phase were unaffected. In both phases oestrogen and LH levels were little altered. In two subjects, hourly progesterone levels measured throughout the day at a similar time in a subsequent control menstrual cycle showed an appreciable variation in one but steady levels in the second. This variation may contribute to the magnitude of the fall in progesterone noted during the infusion of prostaglandins.  相似文献   

粪便类固醇激素检测准确性的影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张肖  丁长青 《动物学杂志》2012,47(5):143-151
近年来,采用非损伤性取样方法监测野生动物的生理状况越来越受到重视。本文对检测过程中影响动物粪便类固醇激素检测准确性的因素进行了分析总结,包括样品的新鲜程度、样品量和保存方法;激素代谢的日节律和季节性变化;动物的年龄、性别和繁殖状态等,以期为粪便类固醇激素检测技术在野生动物中的准确应用提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The insect steroid hormone ecdysone triggers programmed cell death of obsolete larval tissues during metamorphosis and provides a model system for understanding steroid hormone control of cell death and cell survival. Previous genome-wide expression studies of Drosophila larval salivary glands resulted in the identification of many genes associated with ecdysone-induced cell death and cell survival, but functional verification was lacking. In this study, we test functionally 460 of these genes using RNA interference in ecdysone-treated Drosophila l(2)mbn cells. Cell viability, cell morphology, cell proliferation, and apoptosis assays confirmed the effects of known genes and additionally resulted in the identification of six new pro-death related genes, including sorting nexin-like gene SH3PX1 and Sox box protein Sox14, and 18 new pro-survival genes. Identified genes were further characterized to determine their ecdysone dependency and potential function in cell death regulation. We found that the pro-survival function of five genes (Ras85D, Cp1, CG13784, CG32016, and CG33087), was dependent on ecdysone signaling. The TUNEL assay revealed an additional two genes (Kap-α3 and Smr) with an ecdysone-dependent cell survival function that was associated with reduced cell death. In vitro, Sox14 RNAi reduced the percentage of TUNEL-positive l(2)mbn cells (p<0.05) following ecdysone treatment, and Sox14 overexpression was sufficient to induce apoptosis. In vivo analyses of Sox14-RNAi animals revealed multiple phenotypes characteristic of aberrant or reduced ecdysone signaling, including defects in larval midgut and salivary gland destruction. These studies identify Sox14 as a positive regulator of ecdysone-mediated cell death and provide new insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying the ecdysone signaling network governing cell death and cell survival.  相似文献   

The importance of systemic reproductive hormones in mammary gland development and breast cancer has been known for more than a century. In fact, the first targeted therapy for cancer was the development of tamoxifen, as an estrogen receptor (ER) antagonist. Based on studies performed primarily in a few breast cancer cell lines, the textbook concept of steroid hormone action at present is that on ligand binding, steroid receptors translocate into the nucleus and stimulate proliferation, and that this effect is mediated by specific coregulators. More recently, as nicely discussed by Brisken and O’Malley (2011), the concepts of specific receptor-positive sensor cells for systemic hormones, and paracrine mediators regulating the development and proliferation of proximal cells has been elegantly shown by the use of genetically engineered mice and chimeric transplantation experiments. One key question raised by these studies is, “How is the patterning of hormone receptor-positive sensor cells established during normal development?” As described by Visvader and Smith (2011), mammary stem cells lack the estrogen and progesterone receptors, and these receptors are first expressed at a still-undefined stage of the mammary cell hierarchy following the appearance of ductal and alveolar progenitors. So how is this process regulated appropriately to provide the correct temporal and spatial expression of the receptor-positive ductal and alveolar cells needed for normal ductal morphogenesis and alveolargenesis? Furthermore, what happens when this process is inappropriately regulated during early breast cancer progression when there may be a switch from paracrine to autocrine signaling mechanisms?Until recently, it was not possible to study these processes in primary mammary epithelial cells, because when these cells are grown under conventional cell culture conditions they rapidly lose the expression of steroid receptors. However, some recent success in culturing both primary mouse and human mammary cells in embedded 3D Matrigel cultures have provided at least a surrogate system to help dissect some of these paracrine mechanisms (Novaro et al. 2003; Graham et al. 2009). Still, it has not been possible to precisely mimic the patterning of receptor-positive cells observed in vivo in these surrogate in vitro models. So how can we specifically target steroid receptor-positive sensor cells to perform gain- and loss-of-function experiments in vivo? Recent advances using genetically engineered mouse models (Jeong et al. 2010; Mukherjee et al. 2010) may provide the key. In these models, Lydon, Demayo, and colleagues (Jeong et al. 2010) have inserted the Cre recombinase into the progesterone receptor gene allowing specific gene deletion only in that subset of mammary epithelial cells. Because the majority of ER positive cells are also progesterone receptor positive, this should facilitate loss-of-function studies of paracrine mediators for both steroid hormone receptors. Conversely, using a clever bigenic system for doxycycline-inducible expression, these same investigators have expressed one of the identified paracrine mediators, RANKL, in the mammary epithelium of progesterone receptor knockout mice exclusively in ER positive cells. Thus, this gain-of-function approach should help define the critical paracrine mediators of progesterone action and perhaps even the role of specific coregulators in this subset of cells.Downstream from the nuclear receptors, hormonal signaling is regulated by different chromatin contexts and differential recruitment of coactivators as well as corepressors (Brisken and O’Malley 2011). Numerous posttranslational modifications also play key roles in modulating the effects of coregulators, but these have been studied primarily in the HeLa, and to a lesser extent in MCF7, cell lines. Thus, we still know very little about these coregulators and their modifications in normal mammary epithelial cells. Because cell context and architecture are critical, studies, therefore, should be performed in primary mammary epithelial cells to provide a better understanding of how these coregulators and their posttranslational modifications affect normal mammary gland development. No doubt, coregulators may differentially influence hormone receptor-positive cells as compared to the receptor-negative adjacent cells, because most coregulators can also affect cells lacking steroid hormone receptors. Clearly, we are only at the tip of the iceberg when it comes to understanding the precise molecular mechanisms of hormone action in the normal mammary gland, and this will be critical for identifying alterations which occur during breast cancer progression.  相似文献   

气体植物激素乙烯在植物生长发育及应对胁迫的防御反应中起重要调控作用.通过20多年的研究,利用模式植物拟南芥,勾画出一条自内质网膜受体至细胞核内转录因子的线性乙烯信号转导通路.本文概述了研究乙烯信号转导的方法及乙烯信号转导的基本过程;阐述了最新发现的乙烯信号从内质网膜传递到细胞核的分子机制,即原本定位于内质网膜上的EIN2蛋白其C端被剪切之后进入细胞核,然后通过抑制EBF1/2而稳定转录因子EIN3/EIL1;根据最近多个小组报道EIN3/EIL1直接调控除乙烯响应基因之外的其他生物学过程相关基因,提出了EIN3/EIL1可以作为网络节点整合多条信号通路的新观点;通过分析不同信号通路调控EIN3/EIL1的方式,发现不仅EIN3/EIL1的蛋白稳定性受到调控,而且其转录活性还受到诸如JAZ,DELLA等转录调节因子的调控.本文展望了未来乙烯信号转导通路的研究方向与研究热点.  相似文献   

In utero exposure to phthalates may adversely affect reproductive development in children due to the anti-androgenic properties of the pthalates. Accordingly, we aimed to determine the effects of in utero and environmental phthalate exposure on the reproductive development of eight-year-old children. We recruited 180 children in central Taiwan during November 2001 and followed them until August 2009 when all children became eight years old. Birth outcomes were collected. Bone age, hormone concentrations, and reproductive developmental stages were determined. Phthalate metabolite levels, including mono-2-ethylhexyl phthalate [MEHP], mono-n-butyl phthalate [MnBP], and mono-benzyl phthalate [MBzP], were assessed. No significant gender differences were found in in utero phthalate exposure. Maternal urinary levels of phthalate metabolites did not correlate significantly with birth outcomes, physical characteristics, and reproductive hormones of the eight-year-old children. Regarding the urinary phthalate metabolite levels of the eight-year-old children, MEHP correlated significantly with serum progesterone levels. MEHP levels in girls correlated significantly with serum progesterone levels. MnBP correlated significantly with serum FSH in all children. In girls, MnBP correlated with serum FSH, and MBzP correlated with serum progesterone and FSH levels. Urinary phthalate metabolite levels did not correlate with female developmental stages or the development of female reproductive organs. Phthalate metabolites did not correlate with the physical characteristics and reproductive hormones in boys. Therefore, environmental exposure to phthalates, as determined by urinary phthalate metabolite levels of eight-year-old children, may affect reproductive hormone levels in children, indicating that further studies on the environmental health effects of phthalates are warranted.  相似文献   

This study examines steroid production in fathers watching their children compete, extending previous research of vicarious success or failure on men’s hormone levels. Salivary testosterone and cortisol levels were measured in 18 fathers watching their children play in a soccer tournament. Participants completed a survey about the game and provided demographic information. Fathers with higher pregame testosterone levels were more likely to report that referees were biased against their children’s teams, and pre- to postgame testosterone elevation was predicted by watching sons compete rather than daughters as well as perceptions of unfair officiating. Pregame cortisol was not associated with pregame testosterone or with perceived officiating bias, but cortisol did fluctuate synergistically with testosterone during spectator competition. Although fathers showed no consistent testosterone change in response to winning or losing, pregame testosterone may mediate steroid hormone reactivity to other aspects of their children’s competition.  相似文献   

The rapid activation of stress-responsive neuroendocrine systems is a basic reaction of animals to perturbations in their environment. One well-established response is that of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. In rats, corticosterone is the major adrenal steroid secreted and is released in direct response to adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) secreted from the anterior pituitary gland. ACTH in turn is regulated by the hypothalamic factor, corticotropin-releasing hormone. A sex difference exists in the response of the HPA axis to stress, with females reacting more robustly than males. It has been demonstrated that in both sexes, products of the HPA axis inhibit reproductive function. Conversely, the sex differences in HPA function are in part due to differences in the circulating gonadal steroid hormone milieu. It appears that testosterone can act to inhibit HPA function, whereas estrogen can enhance HPA function. One mechanism by which androgens and estrogens modulate stress responses is through the binding to their cognate receptors in the central nervous system. The distribution and regulation of androgen and estrogen receptors within the CNS suggest possible sites and mechanisms by which gonadal steroid hormones can influence stress responses. In the case of androgens, data suggest that the control of the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus is mediated trans-synaptically. For estrogen, modulation of the HPA axis may be due to changes in glucocorticoid receptor-mediated negative feedback mechanisms. The results of a variety of studies suggest that gonadal steroid hormones, particularly testosterone, modulate HPA activity in an attempt to prevent the deleterious effects of HPA activation on reproductive function.  相似文献   

Point mutations in the amino acid sequence of normal human hemoglobinhave provided a powerful means of probing structure-functionrelationships in this respiratory protein. Through studies ofspecific hemoglobin variants it has been possible to gain abetter understanding of how electrostatic interactions exercisecontrol over the functional properties of hemoglobin. Humanhemoglobin variants of particular interest in this respect arethose with alterations of amino or carboxyl terminal residuesand alterations at or near the binding site for the physiologicallyimportant cofactor 2,3-diphosphoglycerate. In deoxy hemoglobinit has been established that salt bridges formed by the terminalresidues constrain the tetramer in a low affinity conformation.From the information presently available, it appears that thecharge cluster of the 2,3 diphosphoglycerate binding site isan important part of the innerspring mechanism that tends todestabilize the deoxy conformation. When anions bind to theseresidues the repulsive interactions between the positively chargedresidues of this region are decreased. This provides a directmeans by which anionic interactions with hemoglobin can shiftthe conformational equilibrium toward the low affinity state.Accordingly anion and pH effects are decreased in a number ofhemoglobin variants whose substitutions reduce the positivecharge density in the region of the binding site for polyphosphates.The presence of the charge cluster provides for a fine tuningof hemoglobin s functional properties that is responsive tothe concentration of metabolic effectors in vivo. The degreeto which this is possible varies in the vertebrate hemoglobinswhich have been examined. In human hemoglobin eight positivelycharged residues contribute to the charge cluster and anionicmodulation of oxygen affinity is effective. Susceptibility toanionic modulation is decreased in hemoglobins where the chargecluster is less developed and is completely absent in some vertebratehemoglobins. Anionic modulation, which occurs via an effecton the equilibrium between conformational states of high andlow oxygen affinity is possible even in systems which do notshow cooperative interactions in oxygen binding. This is wellestablished by studies on isolated chains of human hemoglobinand by studies on enzymatically modified tetramers of Amphiumahemoglobin.  相似文献   

Social Modulation of Circulating Hormone Levels in the Male   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
SYNOPSIS. In many species, social interactions rapidly modulatecirculating hormone levels in the male. Sexual interaction ormere exposure to a conspecific female results in rapid, transientelevation of both plasma luteinizing hormone and testosteroneconcentrations in a variety of species. In contrast, aggressiveinteractions result in decreased plasma gonadotropin and testosteronelevels and increased levels of adrenal corticoids. In general,these changes are more profound and of longer duration thanthose accompanying sexual interactions, particularly among subordinatemales. These fluctuations in circulating hormone levels appearto be related to an individual's behavioral responsivity. Forexample, plasma concentrations of luteinizing hormone duringa social encounter are positively correlated with the degreeof sexual arousal shown by a male during the interaction. Similarcorrelations have been found between plasma androgen or corticoidlevels and patterns of behavior shown by males during both sexualand aggressive interactions. The causal relationship betweensuch rapid hormone fluctuations and behavior remains unclear.Are fluctuating hormone levels causing differences in behavioror aredifferent patterns of behavior causing differences inplasma hormone levels between males? Or is the correlation betweenthese two variables caused by their relationship to anotherunidentified factor? There are some data favoring the firstpossibility. Increasing the magnitude of socially induced hormonefluctuations during an aggressive encounter or preventingsuchfluctuations entirely significantly alters an animal's behavior.These data suggest that the endocrine system may play a moreimportant role in an individual's minute-to-minute responseto critical social stimuli than was previously realized.  相似文献   

甲壳动物蜕皮抑制激素调控机制的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甲壳动物的蜕皮过程主要是由Y器(Y-organ)分泌的蜕皮类固醇激素与X器-窦腺复合体(X-organ-sinus gland,XO-SG)分泌的蜕皮抑制激素MIH相互拮抗而进行调控的。而MIH调控机制较为复杂,且存在争议。本文就MIH调控机制的研究进展,包括研究方法,以及目前调控机制中争议最大的3个问题:MIH受体、cAMP与cGMP功能以及Ca2+功能作一综述。  相似文献   

Plants synthesize a chemically diverse range of hormones that regulate growth, development, and responses to environmental stresses. The major classes of plant hormones are specialized metabolites with exquisitely tailored perception and signaling systems, but equally important are the enzymes that control the dose and exposure to the bioactive forms of these molecules. Here, we review new insights into the role of enzyme families, including the SABATH methyltransferases, the methylesterases, the GH3 acyl acid-amido synthetases, and the hormone peptidyl hydrolases, in controlling the biosynthesis and modifications of plant hormones and how these enzymes contribute to the network of chemical signals responsible for plant growth, development, and environmental adaptation.  相似文献   

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