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Growing cultures of Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum were supplemented with [U-14C]adenosine or [1-14C]adenosine. 7,8-Didemethyl-8-hydroxy-5-deazariboflavin (factor F0) and 7-methylpterin were isolated from the culture medium. Hydrolysis of cellular RNA yielded purine and pyrimidine nucleotides. The ribose side chain of proffered adenosine is efficiently incorporated into cellular adenosine and guanosine nucleotide pools but not into pyrimidine nucleotides. Thus, M. thermoautotrophicum can utilize exogenous adenosine by direct phosphorylation without hydrolysis of the glycosidic bond, and AMP can be efficiently converted to GMP. Factor F0 and 7-methylpterin had approximately the same specific activities as the purine nucleotides. It follows that the ribityl side chain of factor F0 is derived from the ribose side chain of a nucleotide precursor by reduction. The pyrazine ring of methanopterin is formed by ring expansion involving the ribose side chain of the precursor, GTP.Abbreviations Factor F0 8-hydroxy-6,7-didemethyl-5-deazariboflavin - APRT adenine phosphoribosyltransferase - GPRT guanine phosphoribosyltransferase - PRPP phosphoribosylpyrophosphate - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography  相似文献   

MTH1880 is a hypothetical protein from Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum, a target organism of structural genomics. The solution structure determined by NMR spectroscopy demonstrates a typical alpha + beta-fold found in many proteins with different functions. The molecular surface of the protein reveals a small, highly acidic pocket comprising loop B (Asp36, Asp37, Asp38), the end of beta2 (Glu39), and loop D (Ser57, Ser58, Ser61), indicating that the protein would have a possible cation binding site. The NMR resonances of several amino acids within the acidic binding pocket in MTH1880, shifted upon addition of calcium ion. This calcium binding motif and overall topology of MTH1880 differ from those of other calcium binding proteins. MTH1880 did not show a calcium-induced conformational change typical of calcium sensor proteins. Therefore, we propose that the MTH1880 protein contains a novel motif for calcium-specific binding, and may function as a calcium buffering protein.  相似文献   

As part of our structural proteomics initiative, we have determined the crystal structure of MTH1491, a previously uncharacterized hypothetical protein from Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum. MTH1491 is one of numerous structural genomics targets selected in a genome-wide survey of uncharacterized proteins. It belongs to a family of proteins whose biological function is not known. The crystal structure of MTH1491, the first structure for this family of proteins, consists of an overall five-stranded parallel beta-sheet with strand order 51234 and flanking helices. The oligomeric form of this molecule is a trimer as seen from both crystal contacts and gel filtration studies. Analysis revealed that the structure of MTH1491 is similar to that of dehydrogenases, amidohydrolases, and oxidoreductases. Using a combination of sequence and structural analyses, we showed that MTH1491 does not belong to either the dehydrogenase or the amidohydrolase superfamilies of proteins.  相似文献   

The metabolic pathway for histidine biosynthesis is interesting from an evolutionary perspective because of the diversity of gene organizations and protein structures involved. Hydrolysis of phosphoribosyl-AMP, the third step in the histidine biosynthetic pathway, is carried out by PR-AMP cyclohydrolase, the product of the hisI gene. The three-dimensional structure of PR-AMP cyclohydrolase from Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum was solved and refined to 1.7 A resolution. The enzyme is a homodimer. The position of the Zn(2+)-binding site that is essential for catalysis was inferred from the positions of bound Cd(2+) ions, which were part of the crystallization medium. These metal binding sites include three cysteine ligands, two from one monomer and the third from the second monomer. The enzyme remains active when Cd(2+) is substituted for Zn(2+). The likely binding site for Mg(2+), also necessary for activity in a homologous cyclohydrolase, was also inferred from Cd(2+) positions and is comprised of aspartic acid side chains. The putative substrate-binding cleft is formed at the interface between the two monomers of the dimer. This fact, combined with the localization of the Zn(2+)-binding site, indicates that the enzyme is an obligate dimer.  相似文献   

After treatment of isolated cells walls of Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum with sodium hydroxide or anhydrous hydrazine, water soluble glycan strands were obtained. These consisted of alternating (beta 1-3)-linked D-glucosamine and (alpha 1-3)-linked L-talosaminuronic acid residues and their length was about 25 disaccharides. Some of the L-talosaminuronic acid residues remained linked to either glutamic acid or the peptides N-gamma-glutamylalanine and N epsilon-(gamma-glutamylalanyl)lysine, indicating that the peptide moiety of pseudomurein is bound to the carboxyl group of talosaminuronic acid via the amino group of glutamic acid.  相似文献   

Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum, growing on medium supplemented with 2 mol 63NiCl2/l, was found to take up 1.2 mol 63Ni per g cells (dry weight). More than 70% of the radioisotope was incorporated into a compound, which dissociated from the protein fraction after heat treatment, was soluble in 70% acetone, and could be purified by chromatography on QAE-Sephadex A-25, Sephadex G-25, and DEAE cellulose. The purified 63Ni labelled compound had an absorption spectrum and properties identical to those of factor F 430 and is therefore considered to be identical with factor F 430.Factor F 430, a compound of molecular weight higher than 1000 with an absorbance maximum at 430 nm, has recently been purified from Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum (Gunsalus and Wolfe, 1978). The structure and function of this compound are not yet known.  相似文献   

The ribosomal protein S28E from the archaeon Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum is a component of the 30S ribosomal subunit. Sequence homologs of S28E are found only in archaea and eukaryotes. Here we report the three-dimensional solution structure of S28E by NMR spectroscopy. S28E contains a globular region and a long C-terminal tail protruding from the core. The globular region consists of four antiparallel beta-strands that are arranged in a Greek-key topology. Unique features of S28E include an extended loop L2-3 that folds back onto the protein and a 12-residue charged C-terminal tail with no regular secondary structure and greater flexibility relative to the rest of the protein. The structural and surface resemblance to OB-fold family of proteins and the presence of highly conserved basic residues suggest that S28E may bind to RNA. A broad positively charged surface extending over one side of the beta-barrel and into the flexible C terminus may present a putative binding site for RNA.  相似文献   

HMt, a histone-related protein, has been isolated and characterized from Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum delta H. HMt preparations contain two polypeptides designated HMt1 and HMt2, encoded by the hmtA and hmtB genes, respectively, that have been cloned, sequenced, and expressed in Escherichia coli. HMt1 and HMt2 are predicted to contain 68 and 67 amino acid residues, respectively, and have calculated molecular masses of 7,275 and 7,141 Da, respectively. Aligning the amino acid sequences of HMt1 and HMt2 with the sequences of HMf1 and HMf2, the subunit polypeptides of HMf, a histone-related protein from the hyperthermophile Methanothermus fervidus, revealed that 40 amino acid residues (approximately 60%) are conserved in all four polypeptides. In pairwise comparisons, these four polypeptides are 66 to 84% identical. The sequences and locations of the TATA box promoter elements and ribosome binding sites are very similar upstream of the hmtA and hmtB genes in M. thermoautotrophicum and upstream of the hmfA and hmfB genes in M. fervidus. HMt binding compacted linear pUC19 DNA molecules in vitro and therefore increased their electrophoretic mobilities through agarose gels. At protein/DNA mass ratios of < 0.2:1, HMt binding caused an increase in the overall negative superhelicity of relaxed, circular DNA molecules, but at HMt/DNA mass ratios of > 0.2:1, positive supercoils were introduced into these molecules. HMt and HMf are indistinguishable in terms of their abilities to compact and constrain DNA molecules in positive toroidal supercoils in vitro. Histone-related proteins with these properties are therefore not limited to reverse gyrase-containing hyperthermophilic species.  相似文献   

5,10-Methylenetetrahydromethanopterin reductase was purified 22-fold to apparent homogeneity from the methanogenic bacterium Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum. The enzyme catalyzes the reduction of 5,10-methylene- to 5-methyltetrahydromethanopterin. The electron carrier coenzyme F420 is specifically used as the cosubstrate. The reductase reaction may proceed in both directions, methylene reduction is, however, thermodynamically favored. In addition, the velocity of the reaction in this direction exceeds the reverse reaction by a factor of 26. The reductase is composed of a single subunit with an estimated Mr = 35,000. The active enzyme does not contain a flavin prosthetic group or iron-sulfur clusters, in contrast to 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductases purified from eukaryotic and eubacterial sources, which catalyze an analogous reaction as the methanogenic reductase.  相似文献   

A gene encoding superoxide dismutase (SOD) was cloned from the archaebacterium Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum, the first example from an anaerobic bacterium. The deduced amino acid sequence showed overall similarity to sequences of known Mn- and Fe-SODs from aerobic organisms. Judging from a detailed sequence comparison, the cloned SOD gene is classified as Mn-SOD. By comparison of Mn-SOD sequences among various species it was suggested that archaebacterial superoxide dismutase is a direct descendant of a primordial enzyme. Between a putative promoter and the start codon there is an inverted repeat sequence which is also found in the counterpart of Halobacterium halobium.  相似文献   

Derivatives of methanopterin, a coenzyme involved in methanogenesis   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Degradational studies of methanopterin, a coenzyme involved in methanogenesis, are reported. The results of these studies are in full accordance with the proposed structure of methanopterin as N-[1'-(2'-amino-4'-hydroxy-7' -methyl-6'-pteridinyl)ethyl]-4-[2', 3', 4', 5'-tetrahydroxypent-1'-yl(5'-1' )O-alpha-ribofuranosyl-5'-phosphoric acid] aniline in which the phosphate group is esterified with alpha-hydroxyglutaric acid. Acid hydrolysis of methanopterin cleaved the 5'----1' glycosidic bond and yielded a 'hydrolytic product' which was identified as N-[1'-(2'-amino-4'-hydroxy-7' -methyl-6'-pteridinyl)ethyl]-4-[2', 3', 4', 5'-tetrahydroxypent-1'-yl]aniline. Alkaline permanganate oxidation of methanopterin yielded 7-methylpterin-6-carboxylic acid. Catalytic (or enzymatic) hydrogenation of methanopterin gave a mixture of 6-ethyl-7-methyl-7,8-dihydropterin, 6-ethyl-7-methylpterin and a third compound, named methaniline which was identified as 4-[2', 3', 4', 5'-tetrahydroxypent-1'-yl(5'----1')O-alpha -ribofuranosyl-5'-phosphoric acid]aniline, in which the phosphate group is esterified with alpha-hydroxyglutaric acid. Methanosarcina barkeri contains a closely related coenzyme called sarcinapterin, which was identified as a L-glutamyl derivative of methanopterin, where the glutamate moiety is attached to the alpha-carboxylic acid group of the alpha-hydroxyglutaric acid moiety of methanopterin via an amide linkage.  相似文献   

When titanium(III) citrate was used as electron donor for the reduction of methyl coenzyme M by the methyl coenzyme M methylreductase system of Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum delta H, component A1 was no longer required. The simpler system thus obtained required components A2, A3, and C as well as catalytic amounts of ATP, vitamin B12, and the disulfide of 7-mercaptoheptanoylthreonine phosphate in addition to titanium(III) citrate. This three component enzyme system also could produce CH4 when stoichiometric amounts of 7-mercaptoheptanoylthreonine phosphate were used as a source of electrons under an H2 atmosphere. When 7-mercaptoheptanoylthreonine phosphate or H2 was used alone no CH4 was produced, indicating a dual requirement for reducing equivalents: one to activate the methylreductase system and the other to reduce methyl coenzyme M. This is the first evidence that the activation of methyl coenzyme M methylreductase is a reductive process.  相似文献   

A number of 2-(methylthio)ethanesulfonate (methyl-coenzyme M) analogues were synthesized and investigated as substrates for methyl-coenzyme M reductase, an enzyme system found in extracts of Methanobacterterium thermoautotrophicum. Replacement of the methyl moiety by an ethyl group yielded an analogue which served as a precursor for ethane formation. Propyl-coenzyme M, however, was not converted to propane. Analogues which contained additional methylene carbons such as 3-(methylthio)propanesulfonate or 4-(methylthio)butanesulfonate or analogues modified at the sulfide or sulfonate position, N-methyltaurine and 2-(methylthio)ethanol, were inactive. These analogues, in addition to a number of commercially available compounds, also were tested for their ability to inhibit the reduction of methyl-coenzyme M to methane. Bromoethanesulfonate and chloroethanesulfonate proved to be potent inhibitors of the reductase, resulting in 50% inhibition at 7.9 X 10(6) M and 7.5 X 10(5) M. Analogues to coenzyme M which contained modifications to other regions were evaluated also and found to be weak inhibitors of methane biosynthesis.  相似文献   

The requirement of ATP for the methyl coenzyme M methylreductase in extracts of Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum was found to be catalytic; for each mol of ATP added, 15 mol of methane was produced from methyl coenzyme M [2-(methylthio)ethanesulfonic acid]. Other nucleotide triphosphates partially replaced ATP in activation of the reductase. All components of the reaction were found in the supernatant fraction of cell extracts after centrifugation at 100,000 X g for 1 h; optimal reaction rates occurred at 65 degrees C, at a pH range of 5.6 to 6.0, and at concentrations of ATP and MgCl2 of 1 mM and 40 mM, respectively. Chloral hydrate, chloroform, nitrite, 2,4-dinitrophenol, and viologen dyes (compounds known to inhibit methanogenesis from a variety of substrates) were found to inhibit the conversion of methyl coenzyme M to methane. Methyl coenzyme M methylreductase was shown to be present in a variety of methanogens.  相似文献   

Two tRNA sequences from Methanobacterium thermoautotrophium are reported. Both tRNAGlyGCC and tRNANUUAsn, the first tRNA sequences from methanogens, were determined by partial hydrolyses (both chemical and enzymatic) and analyzed by gel electrophoresis. The two tRNAs contain the unusual T-loop modifications, Cm and m1I, which are present in other archaebacterial tRNAs. Finally the presence of an unknown modification in the D-loop has been inferred by a large jump in the sequence ladder. These tRNAs are approximately equidistant from eubacterial or eukaryotic tRNAs.  相似文献   

The yeasts Pachysolen tannophilus and Pichia stipitis differed in their ability to utilize D-xylose in the presence of D-fructose. When P. tannophilus was grown aerobically in fructose-xylose mixture, the ketohexose was utilized preferentially over the pentose. However, in P. stipitis cultures, the converse was observed. The effect was associated with the ability of D-fructose to repress the induction of xylose reductase and xylitol dehydrogenase activities in P. tannophilus but not in P. stipitis. Both yeasts grew on D-fructose and fermented it to ethanol when it was supplied as the sole carbon source. The results suggest that there may exist some fundamental difference in the regulation of D-fructose metabolism between P. tannophilus and P. stipitis.  相似文献   

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