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All social species face various “collective action problems” (CAPs) or “social dilemmas,” meaning problems in achieving cooperating when the best move from a selfish point of view yields an inferior collective outcome. Compared to most other species, humans are very good at solving these challenges, suggesting that something rather peculiar about human sociality facilitates collective action. This article proposes that language — the uniquely human faculty of symbolic communication — fundamentally alters the possibilities for collective action. I explore these issues using simple game-theoretic models and empirical evidence (both ethnographic and experimental). I review several standard mechanisms for the evolution of cooperation — mutualism, reciprocal altruism, indirect reciprocity and signaling — highlighting their limitations when it comes to explaining large-group cooperation, as well as the ways in which language helps overcome those limitations. Language facilitates complex coordination and is essential for establishing norms governing production efforts and distribution of collective goods that motivate people to cooperate voluntarily in large groups. Language also significantly lowers the cost of detecting and punishing “free riders,” thus greatly enhancing the scope and power of standard conditional reciprocity. In addition, symbolic communication encourages new forms of collectively beneficial displays and reputation management — what evolutionists often term “signaling” and “indirect reciprocity.” Thus, language reinforces existing forces that favor the evolution of cooperation, as well as creating new opportunities for collective action not available even to our closest primate relatives.  相似文献   

In this paper, as a sequel of my survey appeared in 1969 in this Journal, supplements are given to the topics “Pairing,” “Gametogenesis,” “Haploid Parthenogenesis,” “Hybrids,” “Automixis,” and “Some Cytological Details” in pennate diatoms. The various kinds of peculiarities are facts—their interpretation in terms of physiology and biochemistry, indeed, rest completely open for future research.  相似文献   

Glioblastoma (GBM) is a highly infiltrative brain tumor in which cells with properties of stem cells, called glioblastoma stem cells (GSCs), have been identified. In general, the dominant view is that GSCs are responsible for the initiation, progression, invasion and recurrence of this tumor. In this study, we addressed the question whether the differentiation status of GBM cells is associated with their invasive capacity. For this, several primary GBM cell lines were used, cultured either as neurospheres known to enrich for GSCs or in medium supplemented with 10% FCS that promotes differentiation. The differentiation state of the cells was confirmed by determining the expression of stem cell and differentiation markers. The migration/invasion potential of these cells was tested using in vitro assays and intracranial mouse models. Interestingly, we found that serum-induced differentiation enhanced the invasive potential of GBM cells, which was associated with enhanced MMP9 expression. Chemical inhibition of MMP9 significantly reduced the invasive potential of differentiated cells in vitro. Furthermore, the serum-differentiated cells could revert back to an undifferentiated/stem cell state that were able to form neurospheres, although with a reduced efficiency as compared to non-differentiated counterparts. We propose a model in which activation of the differentiation program in GBM cells enhances their infiltrative potential and that depending on microenvironmental cues a significant portion of these cells are able to revert back to an undifferentiated state with enhanced tumorigenic potential. Thus, effective therapy should target both GSCs and differentiated offspring and targeting of differentiation-associated pathways may offer therapeutic opportunities to reduce invasive growth of GBM.  相似文献   

DNA synthesis, mitosis, and differentiation in cardiac myogenesis   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Cardiac muscle cells obtained by trypsinizing 5-day chick embryonic heart were cultured as single cells in separate culture dishes. Using this technique, problems of heterotypic cell interactions, “overgrowth” of one cell type, etc., are eliminated. Experiments performed on these single cell cultures show that the muscle cells in the embryonic chick hearts differ in morphology, including content of cross-striated myofibrils; in ability to synthesize DNA and undergo mitosis; and in frequency of contraction. Contracting cells containing cross-striated myofibrils undergo mitosis in vitro, giving rise to spontaneously beating daughter cells. These daughter cells contain cytoplasmic fibrils, which bind fluorescein-labeled antimyosin immediately after cytokinesis. Some cardiac muscle cells from 5-day heart do not divide in culture; the rest undergo 1–5 doublings. This preliminary investigation suggests that the new muscle cells formed during cardiac growth are derived from mitotically active “overtly” differentiated cardiac muscle cells.  相似文献   

Every day, thousands of soil samples are collected from properties suspected of being contaminated. The samples are sent to laboratories where the chemical constituents are quantified. Frequently, one or more samples are identified as constituting a “hot spot” of soil contamination. The consequences of such a determination—more sampling, more remediation, more reporting—are often quite expensive. Yet despite the often costly consequences of identifying a “hot spot,” there appears no supportable methodology for objectively deciding which spots are “hot” and which are “not.” This can lead to situations where sampling episodes are required to demonstrate that there is not a problem, even though just exactly what would comprise a “problem” is not particularly clear and sometimes is not stated. The authors provide a review and analysis of common and published information concerning “hot spots.” They then present a different point of view about “hot spots” from those in common practice, a point of view that will challenge many environmental professionals to reconsider how they evaluate sampling results.  相似文献   

In phylogenetics, a central problem is to infer the evolutionary relationships between a set of species X; these relationships are often depicted via a phylogenetic tree—a tree having its leaves labeled bijectively by elements of X and without degree-2 nodes—called the “species tree.” One common approach for reconstructing a species tree consists in first constructing several phylogenetic trees from primary data (e.g., DNA sequences originating from some species in X), and then constructing a single phylogenetic tree maximizing the “concordance” with the input trees. The obtained tree is our estimation of the species tree and, when the input trees are defined on overlapping—but not identical—sets of labels, is called “supertree.” In this paper, we focus on two problems that are central when combining phylogenetic trees into a supertree: the compatibility and the strict compatibility problems for unrooted phylogenetic trees. These problems are strongly related, respectively, to the notions of “containing as a minor” and “containing as a topological minor” in the graph community. Both problems are known to be fixed parameter tractable in the number of input trees k, by using their expressibility in monadic second-order logic and a reduction to graphs of bounded treewidth. Motivated by the fact that the dependency on k of these algorithms is prohibitively large, we give the first explicit dynamic programming algorithms for solving these problems, both running in time \(2^{O(k^2)} \cdot n\), where n is the total size of the input.  相似文献   


The Otago Regional Council could perhaps be renamed the Otago Rabbit Council. Some 35% of our budget—$8 million—goes annually towards dealing with rabbits, which certainly meet the definition of a pest (an animal which “disrupts management objectives” and lives at a population density exceeding “what society considers to be an acceptable level”). We can only hope that the day will come when we can, with confidence, say that the problem is being solved and when public and private financial inputs into rabbit control can be set at a far more reasonable level.  相似文献   

The organism as an open system and the organism as a system with an automatic adjustment, these are the two main contemporary schemes of theoretical physiology. However, these schemes, in spite of being synthetic in comparison to the models formerly proposed, are analytic according to the requirements of biological thinking. Some other schemes have to be integrated as strong heuristic means, for instance, the scheme of circuits generating oscillations of relaxation. The notions of “substance, energy, information” constitute a methodological triad which systematically can be used examining the great problems of life. “Energy” is a mediatory term which was to be recognized as possessing a working function and an informational one (as a signal). We propose to distinguish between structural and operational information on the one hand and between bounded and free (or brought up to date) information on the other hand. The living substance is “impregnated” with information, owing to a constant expense of energy. Adaptation, habituation, homeostasis, evolution — all these notions lend themselves to a more coherent analysis from the proposed point of view, as is demonstrated by examples.  相似文献   

Interconnected lakes Bol’shoe Leprindo and Maloe Leprindo in Transbaikalia hosted large (extinct) and dwarf charr forms. Rarely “small” individuals intermediate in size between these forms are caught. In order to assess morphological, ecological, and genetic differentiation of sympatric charr forms and parapatric charr populations we studied their meristic and morphometric characters, feeding, breeding, and growth; we also investigated variation at 8 microsatellite loci using DNA isolated both from contemporary and historic samples. Profound differences were found between large and dwarf charr in growth rate, feeding (piscivores and highly specialized zooplanktivores, respectively), spawning time, and morphology. Dwarf charr from the two lakes demonstrate minor differences in morphology and growth rate. “Small” individuals are morphologically similar with dwarf charr and spawn together with them, they are recruited from dwarf form in late ontogeny as the result of transition to piscivorous feeding and growth acceleration. Microsatellite analysis showed that: (1) large and dwarf charr forms display high degree of genetic differentiation and reproductive isolation; (2) dwarf charr from interconnected lakes belong to different isolted populations; (3) “small charr” are genetically identical with dwarfs. The degree of ecomorphological and genetic differentiation between large and dwarf forms places charr from Leprindo Lakes among the most strongly differentiated Arctic charr forms’ flocks known at the vast range of S. alpinus complex.  相似文献   

The paper examines Marcello Barbieri’s (2007) Introduction to Biosemiotics. Highlighting debate within the biosemiotic community, it focuses on what the volume offers to those who explain human intellect in relation to what Turing called our ‘physical powers.’ In scrutinising the basis of world-modelling, parallels and contrasts are drawn with other work on embodied-embedded cognition. Models dominate biology. Is this a qualitative fact or does it point to biomechanisms? In evaluating the 18 contributions, it is suggested that the answers will shape the field. First, they will decide if biochemistry and explanatory reduction can be synergised by biosemantics. Second, they will show if our intellectual powers arise from biology. Does thinking use—not a language faculty—but what Marko? and colleagues call semiosis by the living? Resolution of such issues, it is suggested, can change how we view cognition. Above all, if the biomechanists win the day, cultural models can be regarded as extending natural meaning. On such a view, biomechanisms prompt us to act and perceive as we model our own natural models. This fits Craik’s vision: intellect gives us the alphanumerical ‘symbols’ that allow thoughts to have objective validity. For the biomechanist, this is explained—not by brains alone—but, rather, by acting under the constraints of historically extended sensoria.  相似文献   

The Speckled Trout blastoderm at the late high blastula stage is characterized by two different cell populations. The “light” blastomeres comprise one cell type while the “dark” and “medium” blastomeres appear to differ from one another only in degree and thus may be considered as the second type. “Dark” and “medium” blastomeres are irregular in shape, are located centrally and deep in the blastoderm, have an abundance of smooth endoplasmic reticulum with associated 520 Å glycogen particles and a single mitochondrial profile. The “light” blastomeres have randomly arranged glycogen particles in minimal quantities in contrast to the “medium” and “dark” blastomeres and in addition exhibit three mitochondrial profiles, which could however represent artifacts. It is postulated that in the Speckled Trout cellular differentiation has commenced by the third day of incubation at 10°C and that this is manifested visually by the appearance of two different cell populations; the more differentiated “dark” and “medium” blastomeres possibly destined to give rise to the hypoblast and the less differentiated “light” blastomeres.  相似文献   

“Air (aire, also aigre) in the body” is a frequent explanation of illness according to the traditional medical beliefs in Mexico. Anthropologists have generally scrutinized aire in the context of other common folk illnesses treated by traditional healers (curanderas). However, drawing on my research in the communities of Northern Oaxaca I suggest that aire occupies a more distinct position in the folk medical cosmology than it has usually been credited with. This distinction rests on the notion’s exceptional ambivalence and openness to multiple interpretations. “Air” is recurred to as the cause of illness mainly in situations where every other explanation, either “traditional” or “biomedical,” seems to be inadequate. The physical properties of air—its transparency, invisibility, apparent immateriality, near omnipresence, and virtual “nothingness”—render it a suitable explanation of the last resort. Local understandings of what aire “is” are often vague and elusive, and in many respects the term functions in folk medical discourse as an “empty signifier.”  相似文献   

Since Darwin's time, the question “what a species” has provoked fierce disputes and a tremendous number of publications, from short opinion papers to thick volumes. 1 The debates covered fundamental philosophical questions, such as: Do species exist at all independently of a human observer or are they just a construct of the human mind to categorize nature's organismic diversity and serve as a semantic tool in human communication about biodiversity? 2 - 4 or: Are species natural kinds (classes) or individuals that are “born” by speciation, change in course of time, and finally “die” when they go extinct or diverge into new species? 5 - 8 Also included was the problem of species as taxa (taxonomic) versus species as products of the speciation process (evolutionary). 9 More pragmatic issues arose, such as: How can we reliably delineate and delimitate species? 10 , 11 The great interest in what a species is reflects the importance of “species” as fundamental units in most fields of biology, especially evolutionary biology, ecology, and conservation. 2 , 12 - 14  相似文献   

The fast inactivation and clustering functions of voltage-dependent potassium channels play fundamental roles in electrical signaling. Recent evidence suggests that both these distinct channel functions rely on intrinsically disordered N- and C-terminal cytoplasmic segments that function as entropic clocks to time channel inactivation or scaffold protein-mediated clustering, both relying on what can be described as a “ball and chain” binding mechanism. Although the mechanisms employed in each case are seemingly analogous, both were put forward based on bulky chain deletions and further exhibit differences in reaction order. These considerations raised the question of whether the molecular mechanisms underlying Kv channel fast inactivation and clustering are indeed analogous. By taking a “chain”-level chimeric channel approach involving long and short spliced inactivation or clustering “chain” variants of the Shaker Kv channel, we demonstrate the ability of native inactivation and clustering “chains” to substitute for each other in a length-dependent manner, as predicted by the “ball and chain” mechanism. Our results thus provide direct evidence arguing that the two completely unrelated Shaker Kv channel processes of fast inactivation and clustering indeed occur according to a similar molecular mechanism.  相似文献   

Several model systems of self-reproducing molecular species subject to the constraint of constant organization are investigated to see under what conditions more than one species may coexist over extended periods of time. It is found that while coexistence is not possible for systems of simple autocatalytic competitors, it can indeed occur if the nature of the reproductive process gives rise to “catalytic niches”. For systems catalyzed by n Michaelis-Menten type enzymes, it is shown that no more than n species may coexist. A precise characterization is provided of “how different” two such enzymes must be in order to allow coexistence of two species. Under certain conditions, one observes a transition from one dominant species to another which may occur either via a coexistent state or directly, but with hysteresis.  相似文献   

It has long been assumed that serial homologues are ancestrally similar—polysomerism resulting from a “duplication” or “repetition” of forms—and then often diverge—anisomerism, for example, as they become adapted to perform different tasks as is the case with the forelimb and hind limbs of humans. However, such an assumption, with crucial implications for comparative, evolutionary, and developmental biology, and for evolutionary developmental biology, has in general not really been tested by a broad analysis of the available empirical data. Perhaps not surprisingly, more recent anatomical comparisons, as well as molecular knowledge of how, for example, serial appendicular structures are patterned along with different anteroposterior regions of the body axis of bilateral animals, and how “homologous” patterning domains do not necessarily mark “homologous” morphological domains, are putting in question this paradigm. In fact, apart from showing that many so-called “serial homologues” might not be similar at all, recent works have shown that in at least some cases some “serial” structures are indeed more similar to each other in derived taxa than in phylogenetically more ancestral ones, as pointed out by authors such as Owen. In this article, we are taking a step back to question whether such assumptions are actually correct at all, in the first place. In particular, we review other cases of so-called “serial homologues” such as insect wings, arthropod walking appendages, Dipteran thoracic bristles, and the vertebrae, ribs, teeth, myomeres, feathers, and hairs of chordate animals. We show that: (a) there are almost never cases of true ancestral similarity; (b) in evolution, such structures—for example, vertebra—and/or their subparts—for example, “transverse processes”—many times display trends toward less similarity while in many others display trends toward more similarity, that is, one cannot say that there is a clear, overall trend to anisomerism.  相似文献   

P. Cabestan 《PSN》2007,5(1):32-35
Garcin famously retorted in Jean-Paul Sartre’s play No Exit, “Hell is other people”, l’enfer, c’est les autres. But what exactly did he mean? I would suggest that the play’s most quoted line can serve as the key to understanding, from a phenomenological point of view, the relationships between others and me, and in particular why theses relationships can be so trouble-some. Is it not generally because we ask of each other what neither can offer in response? Perhaps we should give up the expectation that others are our salvation and accept our own contingencies.  相似文献   

In a preceding paper, Poggio and Reichardt (1973a), a phenomenological theory describing the visual orientation behaviour of fixed flying flies (Musca domestica) towards elementary patterns was presented. Some of the problems raised in this first paper are treated here in more detail. The mapping between the position dependent torque distribution — D(ψ) characteristics — associated with a given pattern and the stationary orientation distribution p(ψ), is studied taking into account that the fluctuation process (generated by the fly) is coloured gaussian noise. Under certain critical conditions this may lead to an “early symmetry breaking” in the mean values of the p(ψ) distribution. The validity of the “superposition principle” has also been examined. Although shift and superposition give the main qualitative features of the “attractiveness profile” D(ψ), associated with a 2-stripe pattern, superposition does not hold quantitatively for stripe separations up to about 80°. Evidence is presented suggesting that such an effect is due to inhibitory interactions between input channels of the fly's eye. Implications of this finding with respect to the problem of spontaneous pattern preference are also discussed.  相似文献   

Hartmann  Ernest 《Dreaming》2010,20(3):149
Is a dream a meteorite—a bit of material arriving from a distant place that needs to be carefully analyzed to give us knowledge about that place (outside or inside us)? Is it a strange text which has come to us in a foreign language, that needs to be translated into our own? This “meteorite view” is held by some religious and spiritual persons, by many orthodox psychoanalysts and other therapists, and implicitly by many researchers. They all see the dream as something alien, something totally different from our ordinary mental functioning. This paper presents a great deal of research favoring an alternate view—that the dream is an earth-stone, not an alien stone. It may be impressive and beautiful (gemstone), but it's still an earth-stone. The dream is part of our mental functioning. It is one end of a continuum, running from focused waking thought, through looser thought, fantasy, daydreaming, reverie and dreaming. We review reasons why dreams are often considered “totally different”: they're perceptual, not conceptual; they're bizarre; they are “so real”; they're so easily forgotten; they're involuntary; they occur in REM sleep—a totally different state. We demonstrate that none of these reasons are persuasive. In each sense, there is overlap between dreams and other forms of functioning. The continuum view leads to different kinds of research and a different style of dreamwork. It also helps answer questions the field has long struggled with including: Should we study “a dream” or “dreaming”? Are dreams meaningful or meaningless? (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

《Gender Medicine》2008,5(3):200-208
Compared with women, men die from cancer and coronary artery disease in disproportionately higher numbers and are more susceptible to a host of emotional and developmental disorders. The authors of this article consider what scientific proof or evidence would be required to legally recognize “being male” as a disability, based on the overwhelming number of physical deficiencies to which males are genetically predisposed. The article summarizes major scientific findings on male health problems and explores various laws and policies that might be implicated by treatment of males as a special category recognized by the law. How the law creates categories of individuals and the reasons why these categories are created for legal classification are reviewed. In addition, the potential for a “maleness” defense in the context of criminal law and procedure is assessed. Lastly, the authors examine the policy implications of treating men as a disabled class, and consider how judges, juries, and legislators would view a scientifically based approach to the creation of a class. Given the many false starts in the past, in which the law had embraced what later was shown to be bad science, substantial historical baggage will have to be overcome to convince judges, juries, and legislators that science has now got it in the sense of having established a valid, causal, genetic or biological determinant for behavior. The consideration of a “male deficiency” theory under the law would have to rely on a more inclusive view of legal “disability” and a willingness to allow technologic advances in genetics to inform our understanding of criminal behavior.  相似文献   

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