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According to current models of retrovirus infection, receptor binding to the surface subunit (SU) of the envelope glycoprotein (Env) triggers a conformational change in the transmembrane subunit (TM) that mediates virus fusion to cell membranes. To understand how this occurs, we investigated the role of the receptor Tva in avian leukosis virus-A (ALV-A) infection. We find that Tva binding induced the formation of a reactive thiolate on Cys38 (Cys38-S- in SU. Both chemical and genetic inactivation of Cys38-S- completely abrogated ALV fusion and infection. Remarkably, Cys38-S- does not mediate isomerization of the SU-TM disulfide bond and is not required for Tva-induced activation of TM, including pre-hairpin association with membranes and low pH assembly of helical bundles. These findings indicate that, contrary to current models, receptor activation of TM is not sufficient for ALV fusion and infection and that formation of a reactive thiolate is an additional receptor-dependent step.  相似文献   

Human T-cell leukemia virus (HTLV-1) Env carries a typical disulfide isomerization motif, C(225)XXC, in the C-terminal domain SU. Here we have tested whether this motif is used for isomerization of the intersubunit disulfide of Env and whether this rearrangement is required for membrane fusion. We introduced the C225A and C228A mutations into Env and found that the former but not the latter mutant matured into covalently linked SU-TM complexes in transfected cells. Next, we constructed a secreted Env ectodomain and showed that it underwent incubation-dependent intersubunit disulfide isomerization on target cells. However, the rearrangement was blocked by the C225A mutation, suggesting that C(225) carried the isomerization-active thiol. Still, it was possible to reduce the intersubunit disulfide of the native C225A ectodomain mutant with dithiothreitol (DTT). The importance of the CXXC-mediated disulfide isomerization for infection was studied using murine leukemia virus vectors pseudotyped with wild-type or C225A HTLV-1 Env. We found that the mutant Env blocked infection, but this could be rescued with DTT. The fusion activity was tested in a fusion-from-within assay using a coculture of rat XC target and transfected BHK-21 effector cells. We found that the mutation blocked polykaryon formation, but this could be reversed with DTT. Similar DTT-reversible inhibition of infection and fusion was observed when a membrane-impermeable alkylator was present during the infection/fusion incubation. We conclude that the fusion activity of HTLV-1 Env is controlled by an SU CXXC-mediated isomerization of the intersubunit disulfide. Thus, this extends the applicability of the isomerization model from gammaretroviruses to deltaretroviruses.  相似文献   

Fusion of the membrane of the Moloney murine leukemia virus (Mo-MLV) Env protein is facilitated by cleavage of the R peptide from the cytoplasmic tail of its TM subunit, but the mechanism for this effect has remained obscure. The fusion is also controlled by the isomerization of the intersubunit disulfide of the Env SU-TM complex. In the present study, we used several R-peptide-cleavage-inhibited virus mutants to show that the R peptide suppresses the isomerization reaction in both in vitro and in vivo assays. Thus, the R peptide affects early steps in the activation pathway of murine leukemia virus Env.  相似文献   

The membrane fusion protein of murine leukemia virus is a trimer of a disulfide-linked peripheral-transmembrane (SU-TM) subunit complex. The intersubunit disulfide bond is in SU linked to a disulfide bond isomerization motif, CXXC, with which the virus controls its fusion reaction (M. Wallin, M. Ekstr?m, and H. Garoff, EMBO J. 23:54-65, 2004). Upon receptor binding the isomerase rearranges the intersubunit disulfide bond into a disulfide bond isomer within the motif. This facilitates SU dissociation and fusion activation in the TM subunit. In the present study we have asked whether furin cleavage of the Env precursor potentiates the isomerase to be triggered. To this end we accumulated the late form of the precursor, gp90, in the cell by incubation in the presence of a furin-inhibiting peptide. The isomerization was done by NP-40 incubation or by a heat pulse under alkylation-free conditions. The cells were lysed in the presence of alkylator, and the precursor was immunoprecipitated, gel isolated, deglycosylated, and subjected to complete trypsin digestion. Disulfide-linked peptide complexes were separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-tricine-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under nonreducing conditions. This assay revealed the size of the characteristic major disulfide-linked peptide complex that differentiates the two isomers of the disulfide bond between Cys336 (or Cys339) and Cys563, i.e., the bond corresponding to the intersubunit disulfide bond. The analyses showed that the isomerase was five- to eightfold more resistant to triggering in the precursor than in the mature, cleaved form. This suggests that the isomerase becomes potentiated for triggering by a structural change in Env that is induced by furin cleavage in the cell.  相似文献   

A mutant human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) envelope protein (Env) with an engineered disulfide bond between the gp120 and gp41 subunits (SOS-Env) was expressed on cell surfaces. With the disulfide bond intact, these cells did not fuse to target cells expressing CD4 and CCR5, but the fusion process did advance to an intermediate state: cleaving the disulfide bond with a reducing agent after but not before binding to target cells allowed fusion to occur. Through the use of an antibody directed against CCR5, it was found that at the intermediate stage, SOS-Env had associated with coreceptors. Reducing the disulfide bond after this intermediate had been reached resulted in hemifusion at low temperature and fusion at physiological temperature. The addition of C34 or N36, peptides that prevent six-helix bundle formation, at the hemifused state blocked the fusion that would have resulted after raising the temperature. Thus, Env has not yet folded into six-helix bundles after hemifusion has been achieved. Because SOS-Env binds CCR5, it is suggested that the conformational changes in wild-type Env that result from this binding cause disengagement of gp120 from gp41 in the region of the engineered bond. It is proposed that this disengagement is the event that directly frees gp41 to undergo the conformational changes that lead to fusion. The intermediate state achieved prior to reduction of the disulfide bond was stable. The capture of this configuration of Env could yield a suitable antigen for vaccine development, and it may also be a target for pharmacological intervention against HIV-1 entry.  相似文献   

The membrane fusion function of murine leukemia virus (MLV) is carried by the Env protein. This protein is composed of three SU-TM subunit complexes. The fusion activity is loaded into the transmembrane TM subunit and controlled by the peripheral, receptor-binding SU subunit. It is assumed that TM adopts a metastable conformation in the native Env and that fusion activation involves the folding of TM into a stable form. Activation is suppressed by the associated SU and triggered by its dissociation, which follows receptor binding. Recently we showed that the two subunits are disulfide linked and that SU dissociation and triggering of the fusion function are caused by a switch of the intersubunit disulfide into an intrasubunit disulfide isomer using an isomerization-active CWLC motif in SU (M. Wallin, M. Ekstrom, and H. Garoff, EMBO J. 23:54-65, 2004). In the present work we address how the SU disulfide isomerase is activated. Using Moloney MLV, we show that isomerization of the SU-TM disulfide bond can be triggered by heat, urea, or guanidinium hydrochloride. Such protein perturbation treatments also significantly increase the kinetics and efficiency of viral fusion. The threshold conditions for the effects on isomerization and fusion are virtually the same. This finding indicates that destabilization of interactions in the SU oligomer induces the disulfide bond isomerase and the subsequent activation of the fusion function in TM.  相似文献   

The vertebrate genome contains an endogenous retrovirus that has been inherited from the past millions of years. Although approximately 8% of human chromosomal DNA consists of sequences derived from human endogenous retrovirus (HERV) fragments, most of the HERVs are currently inactive and non-infectious due to recombination, deletions, and mutations after insertion into the host genome. Several studies suggested that Human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) factors are significantly related to certain cancers. However, only limited studies have been conducted to analyze the expression of HERV derived elements at protein levels in certain cancers. Herein, we analyzed the expression profiles of HERV-K envelope (Env) and HERV-R Env proteins in eleven different kinds of cancer tissues. Furthermore, the expression patterns of both protein and correlation with various clinical data in each tissue were analyzed. The expressions of both HERV-K Env and HERV-R Env protein were identified to be significantly high in most of the tumors compared with normal surrounding tissues. Correlations between HERV Env expressions and clinical investigations varied depending on the HERV types and cancers. Overall expression patterns of HERV-K Env and HERV-R Env proteins were different in every individual but a similar pattern of expressions was observed in the same individual. These results demonstrate the expression profiles of HERV-K and HERV-R Env proteins in various cancer tissues and provide a good reference for the association of endogenous retroviral Env proteins in the progression of various cancers. Furthermore, the results elucidate the relationship between HERV-Env expression and the clinical significance of certain cancers.  相似文献   

Yang C  Yang Q  Compans RW 《Journal of virology》2000,74(13):6217-6222
The cytoplasmic tail (R peptide) sequence is able to regulate the fusion activity of the murine leukemia virus (MuLV) envelope (Env) protein. We have previously shown that this sequence exerts a profound inhibitory effect on the fusion activity of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)-MuLV chimeric Env proteins which contain the extracellular and transmembrane domains of the SIV Env protein. Recent studies have shown that SIV can utilize several alternative cellular coreceptors for its fusion and entry into the cell. We have investigated the fusion activity of SIV and SIV-MuLV chimeric Env proteins using cells that express different coreceptors. HeLa cells were transfected with plasmid constructs that carry the SIV or SIV-MuLV chimeric Env protein genes and were overlaid with either CEMx174 cells or Ghost Gpr15 cells, which express the Gpr15 coreceptor for SIV, or Ghost CCR5 cells, which express CCR5, an alternate coreceptor for SIV. The R-peptide sequence in the SIV-MuLV chimeric proteins was found to inhibit the fusion with CEMx174 cells or Ghost Gpr15 cells. However, a significant level of fusion was still observed when HeLa cells expressing the chimeric Env proteins were cocultivated with Ghost CCR5 cells. These results show that the R-peptide sequence exerts differential effects on the fusion activity of SIV Env proteins using target cells that express alternative coreceptors.  相似文献   

We recently demonstrated that the product of the HERV-W env gene, a retroviral envelope protein also dubbed syncytin, is a highly fusogenic membrane glycoprotein inducing the formation of syncytia on interaction with the type D mammalian retrovirus receptor. In addition, the detection of HERV-W Env protein (Env-W) expression in placental tissue sections led us to propose a role for this fusogenic glycoprotein in placenta formation. To evaluate this hypothesis, we analyzed the involvement of Env-W in the differentiation of primary cultures of human villous cytotrophoblasts that spontaneously differentiate by cell fusion into syncytiotrophoblasts in vitro. First, we observed that HERV-W env mRNA and glycoprotein expression are colinear with primary cytotrophoblast differentiation and with expression of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), a marker of syncytiotrophoblast formation. Second, we observed that in vitro stimulation of trophoblast cell fusion and differentiation by cyclic AMP is also associated with a concomitant increase in HERV-W env and hCG mRNA and protein expression. Finally, by using specific antisense oligonucleotides, we demonstrated that inhibition of Env-W protein expression leads to a decrease of trophoblast fusion and differentiation, with the secretion of hCG in culture medium of antisense oligonucleotide-treated cells being decreased by fivefold. Taken together, these results strongly support a direct role for Env-W in human trophoblast cell fusion and differentiation.  相似文献   

The simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) transmembrane (TM) protein, gp41, has multiple functions, which include anchoring the glycoprotein complex in the lipid envelope of the virus and mediating fusion of the virus and host cell membranes. Recently, a series of mutants of the SIVmac239 TM protein that have truncations at the carboxyl terminus of the membrane-spanning domain (MSD) have been characterized (J. T. West, P. Johnston, S. R. Dubay, and E. Hunter, J. Virol. 75:9601-9612, 2001). These mutants retained membrane anchorage but demonstrated reduced fusogenicity and infectivity as the MSD length was shortened. We have established a novel three-color fluorescence assay, which allows qualitative confocal and quantitative flow cytometric analyses, to further characterize the nature of the fusion defect in five of the MSD mutants: TM185, TM186, TM187, TM188, and TM189. Our analysis showed that each mutant could mediate complete lipid and aqueous dye transfer at early time points after effector and target cell mixing. No hemifusion with only lipid dye flux was detected. However, another intermediate fusion stage, which appears to involve small-fusion-pore formation that allowed small aqueous dye transfer but prevented the exchange of large cytoplasmic components, was identified infrequently in mutant-Env-expressing cell and target cell mixtures. Quantitative flow cytometric analysis of these mutants demonstrated that the TM187, TM188, and TM189 mutants were significantly more fusogenic than TM185 and TM186 but remained significantly impaired compared to the wild type. Moreover, fusion efficiency showed an increased dependence on the expression level of glycoproteins, suggesting that, for these mutants, formation of an active fusion complex was an increasingly stochastic event.  相似文献   

Influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) mediates viral entry into cells by a low pH-induced membrane fusion event in endosomes. A number of structural changes occur throughout the length of HA at the pH of fusion. To probe their significance and their necessity for fusion activity, we have prepared a site-directed mutant HA containing novel intersubunit disulfide bonds designed to cross-link covalently the membrane-distal domains of the trimer. These mutations inhibited the low pH-induced conformational changes and prevented HA-mediated membrane fusion; conditions that reduced the novel disulfide bonds restored membrane fusion activity. We conclude that structural rearrangements in the membrane distal region of the HA are required for membrane fusion activity.  相似文献   

The activity of the membrane fusion protein Env of Moloney mouse leukaemia virus is controlled by isomerization of the disulphide that couples its transmembrane (TM) and surface (SU) subunits. We have arrested Env activation at a stage prior to isomerization by alkylating the active thiol in SU and compared the structure of isomerization-arrested Env with that of native Env. Env trimers of respective form were isolated from solubilized particles by sedimentation and their structures were reconstructed from electron microscopic images of both vitrified and negatively stained samples. We found that the protomeric unit of both trimers formed three protrusions, a top, middle and a lower one. The atomic structure of the receptor-binding domain of SU fitted into the upper protrusion. This was formed similar to a bent finger. Significantly, in native Env the tips of the fingers were directed against each other enclosing a cavity below, whereas they had turned outward in isomerization-arrested Env transforming the cavity into an open well. This might subsequently guide the fusion peptides in extended TM subunits into the target membrane.  相似文献   

Entry of lentiviruses, such as human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), requires folding of two heptad repeat regions (HR1 and HR2) of gp41 into a trimer-of-hairpins, which subsequently brings virus and cell membrane into fusion. This motif is a generalized feature of viral fusion proteins and has been exploited in generating antiviral fusion agents. In the present paper, we report structural characters of Env protein from another lentivirus, bovine immunodeficiency virus (BIV), which contributes to a good animal model of HIV. BIV HR1 and HR2 regions are predicted by two different programs and expressed separately or conjointly in Escherichia coli. Biochemical and biophysical analyses show that the predicted HRs of BIV Env can form a stable trimer-of-hairpins or six-helix bundle just like that formed by feline immunodeficiency virus Env. Cell fusion assay demonstrates that the HR2 peptide of BIV can efficiently inhibit the virus-mediated cell fusion.  相似文献   

Fusion between cells expressing envelope protein (Env) of Moloney murine leukemia virus and target cells were studied by use of video fluorescence microscopy and electrical capacitance measurements. When the full-length 632-amino-acid residue Env was expressed, fusion did not occur at all for 3T3 cells as target and only somewhat for XC6 cells. Expression of Env 616*-a construct of Env with the last 16 amino acid residues (617 to 632; the R peptide) deleted from its C terminus to match the proteolytically cleaved Env produced during viral budding-resulted in high levels of fusion. Env 601*, lacking the entire cytoplasmic tail (CT) (identified by hydrophobicity), also led to fusion. Truncation of an additional six residues (Env 595*) abolished fusion. The kinetics of forming fusion pores did not depend on whether cells were first prebound at 4 degrees C and the time until fusion measured after the temperature was raised to 37 degrees C or whether cells were first brought into contact at 37 degrees C and the time until fusion immediately measured. This similarity in kinetics indicates that binding is accomplished quickly compared to subsequent steps in fusion. The fusion pores formed by Env 601* and Env 616* had the same initial size and enlarged in similar manners. Thus, once the R peptide is removed, the CT is not needed for fusion and does not affect formed pores. However, residues 595 to 601 are required for fusion. It is suggested here that the ectodomain and membrane-spanning domain of Env are directly responsible for fusion and that the R peptide affects their configurations at some point during the fusion process, thereby indirectly controlling fusion.  相似文献   

In search of target sites for the development of paramyxovirus inhibitors, we have engineered disulfide bridges to introduce covalent links into the prefusion F protein trimer of measles virus. F-Edm-452C/460C, predicted to bridge head and stalk domains of different F monomers, shows a high degree of proteolytic maturation and surface expression, predominantly as stable, dithiothreitol-sensitive trimers, but no fusion activity. Reduction of disulfide bridges partially restores activity. These findings underscore the importance of reversible intersubunit interactions between the stalk and head domains for F activity. Noncovalent small molecules mimicking this behavior may constitute a potent strategy for preventing paramyxovirus entry.  相似文献   

rab5 controls early endosome fusion in vitro   总被引:110,自引:0,他引:110  
J P Gorvel  P Chavrier  M Zerial  J Gruenberg 《Cell》1991,64(5):915-925
The small GTP-binding protein rab5 was previously localized on early endosomes and on the cytoplasmic face of the plasma membrane. Using a cell-free assay, we have now tested whether rab5 is involved in controlling an early endocytic fusion event. Fusion could be inhibited by cytosol containing the overexpressed mutant rab5lle133, which does not bind GTP on blots, and by antibodies against rab5, but not against rab2 or rab7. In contrast, fusion was stimulated with cytosol containing overexpressed wild-type rab5. Cytosols containing high levels of rab2 or mutant rab5 with the 9 carboxy-terminal amino acids deleted, which bind GTP on blots, had no effects. Finally, the inhibition mediated by anti-rab5 antibodies could be overcome by complementing the assay with the cytosol containing wild-type rab5, but not with the same cytosol depleted of rab5, nor with cytosol containing the rab5 mutants or rab2. These in vitro findings strongly suggest that rab5 is involved in the process of early endosome fusion.  相似文献   

(8-Arginine)vasopressin, (8-arginine)vasotocin, oxytocin and oxypressin, the 'ring' derivatives pressinamide and tocinamide, and the extended-chain analogues Pro-Arg-Val-(8-arginine)vasopressin and (8-arginine)vasopressinoyl-Ala-Met-Ala-NH(2), were synthesized by the solid-phase method and purified by sequential gel filtration on Sephadex G-15 in 50% acetic acid and 0.2M-acetic acid. Controlled oxidation of the thiol groups of the reduced peptides obtained after deprotection with sodium in liquid ammonia gave rise to products that depended on the length of the peptide chain: (i) nonapeptides gave monomer and dimer species, (ii) hexapeptides produced mixtures containing higher polymers, and (iii) dodecapeptides gave predominantly monomer with some dimerized material. The evidence suggests that the presence of the acyclic tail tripeptide in the nonapeptide hormones induces a conformation in the preceding hexapeptide that favours the formation of an intramolecular disulphide bond. For (8-arginine)vasopressin, intramolecular disulphide-bond formation is enhanced by extension of the peptide chain from either the N- or the C-terminus. The possible significance of these studies to neurohypophysial hormone-prohormone relationships is discussed.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibody (MAb) 667 is a neutralizing mouse monoclonal antibody recognizing the envelope glycoprotein (Env) of the ecotropic neurotropic murine retrovirus CasBrE but not that of other murine retroviruses. Since 667 can be used for preclinical studies of antiviral gene therapy as well as for studying the early events of retroviral infection, we have cloned its cDNAs and molecularly characterized it in detail. Spot technique-based experiments showed that 667 recognizes a linear epitope of 12 amino acids located in the variable region A of the receptor binding domain. Alanine scanning experiments showed that six amino acids within the epitope are critical for MAb binding. One of them, D(57), is not present in any other murine retroviral Env, which suggests a critical role for this residue in the selectivity of 667. MAb 667 heavy- and light-chain cDNAs were functionally characterized by transient transfection into Cos-7 cells. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays and Biacore studies showed that the specificities as well as the antigen-binding thermodynamic and kinetic properties of the recombinant 667 MAb (r667) produced by Cos-7 cells and those of the parental hybridoma-produced MAb (h667) were similar. However, h667 was shown to contain contaminating retroviral and/or retrovirus-like particles which interfere with both viral binding and neutralization experiments. These contaminants could successfully be removed by a stringent purification protocol. Importantly, this purified 667 could completely prevent retrovirus binding to target cells and was as efficient as the r667 MAb produced by transfected Cos-7 cells in neutralization assays. In conclusion, this study shows that the primary mechanism of virus neutralization by MAb 667 is the blocking of the retroviral receptor binding domain of CasBrE Env. In addition, the findings of this study constitute a warning against the direct use of hybridoma cell culture supernatants for studying the initial events of retroviral cell infection as well as for carrying out in vivo neutralization experiments and suggest that either recombinant antibodies or highly purified antibodies are preferable for these purposes.  相似文献   

The spike protein of murine leukemia virus, MLV, is made as a trimer of the Env precursor. This is primed for receptor-induced activation of its membrane fusion function first by cellular furin cleavage in the ectodomain and then by viral protease cleavage in the endodomain. The first cleavage separates the peripheral surface (SU) subunit from the transmembrane (TM) subunit, and the latter releases a 16-residue-long peptide (R) from the TM endodomain. Here, we have studied the distribution of R peptide cleavages in the spike TM subunits of Moloney MLV preparations with partially R-peptide-processed spikes. The spikes were solubilized as trimers and separated with an R peptide antibody. This showed that the spikes were either uncleaved or cleaved in all of its TM subunits. Further studies showed that R peptide cleavage-inhibited Env mutants, L(649)V and L(649)I, were rescued by wild-type (wt) Env in heterotrimeric spikes. These findings suggested that the R peptide cleavages in the spike are facilitated through positive allosteric cooperativity; i.e., the cleavage of the TM subunit in one Env promoted the cleavages of the TMs in the other Envs. The mechanism ensures that protease cleavage in newly released virus will generate R-peptide-cleaved homotrimers rather than heterotrimeric intermediates. However, using a cleavage site Env mutant, L(649)R, which was not rescued by wt Env, it was possible to produce virus with heterotrimers. These were shown to be less fusion active than the R-peptide-cleaved homotrimers. Therefore, the cooperative cleavage will speed up the maturation of released virus for fusion competence.  相似文献   

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