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During meiotic prophase, chromosomes display rapid movement, and their telomeres attach to the nuclear envelope and cluster to form a “chromosomal bouquet.” Little is known about the roles of the chromosome movement and telomere clustering in this phase. In budding yeast, telomere clustering is promoted by a meiosis-specific, telomere-binding protein, Ndj1. Here, we show that a meiosis-specific protein, Csm4, which forms a complex with Ndj1, facilitates bouquet formation. In the absence of Csm4, Ndj1-bound telomeres tether to nuclear envelopes but do not cluster, suggesting that telomere clustering in the meiotic prophase consists of at least two distinct steps: Ndj1-dependent tethering to the nuclear envelope and Csm4-dependent clustering/movement. Similar to Ndj1, Csm4 is required for several distinct steps during meiotic recombination. Our results suggest that Csm4 promotes efficient second-end capture of a double-strand break following a homology search, as well as resolution of the double-Holliday junction during crossover formation. We propose that chromosome movement and associated telomere dynamics at the nuclear envelope promotes the completion of key biochemical steps during meiotic recombination.  相似文献   

During mitosis in metazoans, segregated chromosomes become enclosed by the nuclear envelope (NE), a double membrane that is continuous with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Recent in vitro data suggest that NE formation occurs by chromatin-mediated reorganization of the tubular ER; however, the basic principles of such a membrane-reshaping process remain uncharacterized. Here, we present a quantitative analysis of nuclear membrane assembly in mammalian cells using time-lapse microscopy. From the initial recruitment of ER tubules to chromatin, the formation of a membrane-enclosed, transport-competent nucleus occurs within ~12 min. Overexpression of the ER tubule-forming proteins reticulon 3, reticulon 4, and DP1 inhibits NE formation and nuclear expansion, whereas their knockdown accelerates nuclear assembly. This suggests that the transition from membrane tubules to sheets is rate-limiting for nuclear assembly. Our results provide evidence that ER-shaping proteins are directly involved in the reconstruction of the nuclear compartment and that morphological restructuring of the ER is the principal mechanism of NE formation in vivo.  相似文献   

Ding X  Xu R  Yu J  Xu T  Zhuang Y  Han M 《Developmental cell》2007,12(6):863-872
Prior to the pairing and recombination between homologous chromosomes during meiosis, telomeres attach to the nuclear envelope and form a transient cluster. However, the protein factors mediating meiotic telomere attachment to the nuclear envelope and the requirement of this attachment for homolog pairing and synapsis have not been determined in animals. Here we show that the inner nuclear membrane protein SUN1 specifically associates with telomeres between the leptotene and diplotene stages during meiotic prophase I. Disruption of Sun1 in mice prevents telomere attachment to the nuclear envelope, efficient homolog pairing, and synapsis formation in meiosis. Massive apoptotic events are induced in the mutant gonads, leading to the abolishment of both spermatogenesis and oogenesis. This study provides genetic evidence that SUN1-telomere interaction is essential for telomere dynamic movement and is required for efficient homologous chromosome pairing/synapsis during mammalian gametogenesis.  相似文献   

The nuclear envelope   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  

The nuclear envelope and nuclear transport   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

Compared to research in the animal field, the plant NE has been clearly under-investigated. The available data so far indicate similarities as well as striking differences that raise interesting questions about the function and evolution of the NE in different kingdoms. Despite a seemingly similar structure and organization of the NE, many of the proteins that are integral components of the animal NE appear to lack homologues in plant cells. The sequencing of the Arabidopsis genome has not led to the identification of homologues of animal NE components, but has indicated that the plant NE must have a distinct protein composition different from that found in metazoan cells. Besides providing a selective barrier between the nucleoplasm and the cytoplasm, the plant NE functions as a scaffold for chromatin but the scaffolding components are not identical to those found in animal cells. The NE comprises an MTOC in higher plant cells, a striking difference to the organization of microtubule nucleation in other eukaryotic cells. Nuclear pores are present in the plant NE, but identifiable orthologues of most animal and yeast nucleoporins are presently lacking. The transport pathway through the nuclear pores via the action of karyopherins and the Ran cycle is conserved in plant cells. Interestingly, RanGAP is sequestered to the NE in plant cells and animal cells, yet the targeting domains and mechanisms of attachment are different between the two kingdoms. At present, only a few proteins localized at the plant NE have been identified molecularly. Future research will have to expand the list of known protein components involved in building a functional plant NE.  相似文献   

Rose A  Patel S  Meier I 《Planta》2004,218(3):327-336
This review summarizes our present knowledge about the composition and function of the plant nuclear envelope. Compared with animals or yeast, our molecular understanding of the nuclear envelope in higher plants is in its infancy. However, fundamental differences in the structure and function of the plant and animal nuclear envelope have already been found. Here, we compare and contrast these differences with respect to nuclear pore complexes, targeting of Ran signaling to the nuclear envelope, inner nuclear envelope proteins, and the role and fate of the nuclear envelope during mitosis. Further investigation of the emerging fundamental differences as well as the similarities between kingdoms might illuminate why there appears to be more than one blueprint for building a nucleus.Abbreviations GFP Green fluorescent protein - INE Inner nuclear envelope - LAP Lamina-associated polypeptide - LBR Lamin B receptor - MTOC Microtubule-organizing center - NE Nuclear envelope - NPC Nuclear pore complex - ONE Outer nuclear envelope - RanBP Ran-binding protein - RanGAP Ran GTPase-activating protein - WPP domain Tryptophan–proline–proline domain  相似文献   

The cell nucleus is separated from the rest of the cell by the nuclear envelope. The nuclear envelope, nuclear envelope proteins and nuclear lamina organise the structure of the entire nucleus and the chromatin via a myriad of interactions. These interactions are dynamic, change with the change (progress) of the cell cycle, with cell differentiation and with changes in cell physiology.  相似文献   

Cookson MR  Clarimon J 《Neuron》2005,48(6):875-877
Mutations in torsinA cause dominantly inherited early-onset torsion dystonia in humans. In this issue of Neuron, Goodchild et al. show that torsinA knockout and knockin mice have similar phenotypes, which suggests that the mutant torsinA allele causes disease because it has decreased function. The experiments also highlight the possible role of nuclear envelope dynamics in maintaining normal neuronal function.  相似文献   

Most cellular organelles are positioned through active transport by motor proteins. The authors discuss the evidence that dynein has important cell cycle-regulated functions in this context at the nuclear envelope.Most cellular organelles are positioned through active transport by motor proteins. This is especially important during cell division, a time when the organelles and genetic content need to be divided equally between the two daughter cells. Although individual proteins can attain their correct location by diffusion, larger structures are usually positioned through active transport by motor proteins. The main motor that transports cargoes to the minus ends of the microtubules is dynein. In nondividing cells, dynein probably transports or positions the nucleus inside the cells by binding to the nuclear envelope (NE; Burke & Roux, 2009). However, it appears that dynein also has important cell-cycle-regulated functions at the NE, as it is recruited to the NE every cell cycle just before cells enter mitosis (Salina et al, 2002; Splinter et al, 2010). Here, we discuss why dynein might be recruited to the NE for a brief period before mitosis.During late G2 or prophase the centrosomes separate to opposite sides of the nucleus, but remain closely associated with the NE during separation. This close association is probably mediated through NE-bound dynein, which ‘walks'' towards the minus ends of centrosomal microtubules, thereby pulling centrosomes towards the NE (Splinter et al, 2010; Gonczy et al, 1999; Robinson et al, 1999). We speculate that close association of centrosomes to the NE might have several functions. First, if centrosomes are not mechanically coupled to the NE, centrosome movement during separation will occur in random directions and chromosomes will not end up between the two separated centrosomes. In this scenario, individual kinetochores might attach more frequently to microtubules coming from both centrosomes (merotelic attachments), a defect that can result in aneuploidy, a characteristic of cancer. Second, centrosome-nuclear attachment also keeps centrosomes in close proximity to chromosomes, which might facilitate rapid capture of chromosomes by microtubules nucleated by the centrosomes after NE breakdown. This might not be absolutely essential, as chromosome alignment can occur in the absence of centrosomes. However, the spatial proximity of centrosomes and chromosomes at NE breakdown might improve the fidelity of kinetochore capture and chromosome alignment.In addition, dynein has also been suggested to promote centrosome separation in prophase in some systems (Gonczy et al, 1999; Robinson et al, 1999; Vaisberg et al, 1993), although not in others (Tanenbaum et al, 2008). Perhaps dynein, anchored at the NE just before mitosis, could exert force on microtubules emanating from both centrosomes, thereby pulling centrosomes apart. However, this force could also be produced by cortical dynein and specific inhibition of NE-associated or cortical dynein will be required to test which pool is responsible.Dynein has also been implicated in the process of NE breakdown itself, by promoting mechanical shearing of the NE. Two elegant studies showed that microtubules can tear the NE as cells enter mitosis (Salina et al, 2002; Beaudouin et al, 2002). One possibility is that microtubules growing into the NE mechanically disrupt it. Alternatively, NE-associated dynein might ‘walk'' along centrosomal microtubules and thereby pull on the NE, tearing it apart. However, testing the exact role of dynein in NE breakdown is complicated by the fact that centrosomes detach from the NE on inactivation of dynein and centrosomal microtubules stop growing efficiently into the NE. Thus, selective inhibition of dynein function will also be required to test this idea.Specific recruitment of dynein to the NE just before mitosis clearly suggests a role for dynein at the NE in preparing cells for mitosis. A major role of NE-associated dynein is to maintain close association of centrosomes with the NE during centrosome separation, which might be needed for efficient capture and alignment of chromosomes after NE breakdown, but additionally, NE-associated dynein could facilitate breakdown and contribute to centrosome separation in some systems.  相似文献   

Nuclear envelopes (NE)1 were isolated from rat liver following thioacetamide-induced nuclear swelling. At 8 and 48 h intervals following thioacetamide treatment, periods which correspond to nuclear swelling phases, NE showed little change in polypeptide composition (although the polypeptide composition depended to some extent upon the isolation procedure used). Since the amount of NE protein increases by 30–40% and 70–80% at these times (respectively), the data suggest that concerted synthesis of a number of NE polypeptides occurred. We propose that triggered expansion of the NE may be an important first stage in the action of carcinogens.  相似文献   

The kinetochore plate which develops after nuclear envelope breakdown in normal cells can be seen to be formed on condensed chromosomes still enclosed in the nuclear envelope in fused multinucleate cells where some nuclei show delayed envelope breakdown caused by nuclear interaction. This suggests that neither nuclear envelope breakdown nor assembly of microtubules is directly related to the formation of the kinetochore plate. Furthermore, it can be clearly observed in these cells that the kinetochores do not have any special association with the nuclear envelope.  相似文献   

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