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A. Hepher  J. A. Roberts 《Planta》1985,166(3):314-320
Seeds of Trollius ledebouri exhibit low germination when maintained on moistened filter paper. Dormancy can be overcome by the application of gibberellins A4+A7 or by testa removal. Germination is characterised by a change in the anatomy of the seed and by specific alterations in the protein complement of the endosperm tissue. These anatomical and biochemical changes are also exhibited by isolated endosperm tissue maintained in the absence of the embryo. The observations described are discussed in relation to the interaction between the endosperm and the embryo in the control of seed germination in T. ledebouri.Abbreviation GA gibberellin  相似文献   

S. P. C. Groot  C. M. Karssen 《Planta》1987,171(4):525-531
The germination of seeds of tomato [Lycopersicon esculentum (L.) Mill.] cv. Moneymaker has been compared with that of seeds of the gibberellin-deficient dwarf-mutant line ga-1, induced in the same genetic background. Germination of tomato seeds was absolutely dependent on the presence of either endogenous or exogenous gibberellins (GAs). Gibberellin A4+7 was 1000-fold more active than commercial gibberellic acid in inducing germination of the ga-1 seeds. Red light, a preincubation at 2°C, and ethylene did not stimulate germination of ga-1 seeds in the absence of GA4+7; however, fusicoccin did stimulate germination independently. Removal of the endosperm and testa layers opposite the radicle tip caused germination of ga-1 seeds in water. The seedlings and plants that develop from the detipped ga-1 seeds exhibited the extreme dwarfy phenotype that is normal to this genotype. Measurements of the mechanical resistance of the surrounding layers showed that the major action of GAs was directed to the weakening of the endosperm cells around the radicle tip. In wild-type seeds this weakening occurred in water before radicle protrusion. In ga-1 seeds a similar event was dependent on GA4+7, while fusicoccin also had some activity. Simultaneous incubation of de-embryonated endosperms and isolated axes showed that wild-type embryos contain and endosperm-weakening factor that is absent in ga-1 axes and is probably a GA. Thus, an endogenous GA facilitates germination in tomato seeds by weakening the mechanical restraint of the endosperm cells to permit radicle protrusion.Abbreviations GA(s) gibberellin(s) - GA3 gibberellic acid  相似文献   

J. V. Jacobsen  E. Pressman 《Planta》1979,144(3):241-248
Germination of celery seed occurred after 6 d of imbibition in light. During this time the embryo enlarged at the expense of the adjacent endosperm cells and at the time of germination was 2–3 times as long as in the dry seed. Breakdown of the endosperm cells near the root cap preceeded radicle emergence. None of these changes occurred in darkness.Endosperm digestion began adjacent to the embryo and spread radially. In degrading cells, the aleurone grains often became larger and fewer in number. The cell walls were modified and appeared to undergo partial degradation. Ultimately the cells seemed to lose their contents. In cells adjacent to the root cap, similar changes occurred except there was a transient appearance of starch grains. Radial progression of endosperm breakdown also occurred in isolated endosperm treated with gibberellin A4+7.The results indicate that (1) the stimulus for breakdown of celery endosperm emanates from the embryo in response to light; (2) the stimulus may be a gibberellin because changes in endosperm cells and the sequence of endosperm digestion during germination resemble the responses of isolated endosperm to gibberellin; and (3) the radial progression of endosperm breakdown during germination may be the result of a sequential response of cells to a uniformly applied stimulus rather than the result of gradual embryo expansion.  相似文献   

Flixweed is one of the most abundant weeds in North America and China, and causes a reduction in crop yields. Dormancy of flixweed seeds is deep at maturity and is maintained in soil for several months. To identify regulators of seed dormancy and germination of flixweed, the effect of environmental and hormonal signals were examined using dormant and non-dormant seeds. The level of dormancy was decreased during after-ripening and stratification, but long imbibition (over 5 days) at 4 °C in the dark resulted in the introduction of secondary dormancy. The strict requirement of duration of cold treatment for the break of dormancy may play a role in the seasonal regulation of germination. The germination of non-dormant flixweed seeds was critically regulated by red (R) and far-red (FR) light in a photoreversible manner. Sodium nitroprusside, a donor of nitric oxide (NO), promoted germination of half-dormant seeds, suggesting that NO reduced the level of seed dormancy. As has been shown in other related species, light elevated sensitivity to GA4 in dark-imbibied flixweed seeds, but cold treatment did not affect GA4-sensitivity unlike in Arabidopsis. Taken together, our results indicate that seed germination in flixweed and its close relative Arabidopsis is controlled by similar as well as distinct mechanisms in response to various endogenous and environmental signals.  相似文献   

The control of bud dormancy in potato tubers   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tuber buds normally remain dormant through the growing season until several weeks after harvest. In the cultivar Majestic, this innate dormancy persisted for 9 to 12 weeks in storage at 10° C, but only 3 to 4 weeks when the tubers were stored at 2° C. At certain stages, supplying cytokinins to tubers with innately dormant buds induced sprout growth within 2 d. The growth rate was comparable to that of buds whose innate dormancy had been lost naturally. Cytokinin-treatment did not accelerate the rates of cell division and cell expansion in buds whose innate dormancy had already broken naturally. Gibberellic acid did not induce sprout growth in buds with innate dormancy. We conclude that cytokinins may well be the primary factor in the switch from innate dormancy to the non-dormant state in potato tuber buds, but probably do not control the subsequent sprout growth.Abbreviations tio 6ade 6-(4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-trans-2-enyl amino)purine, zeatin - tio6ado 6-(4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-trans-2-enyl amino)-9--D-ribofuranosyl purine, zeatin riboside  相似文献   

Ethylene in seed dormancy and germination   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
The role of ethylene in the release of primary and secondary dormancy and the germination of non-dormant seeds under normal and stressed conditions is considered. In many species, exogenous ethylene, or ethephon – an ethylene-releasing compound - stimulates seed germination that may be inhibited because of embryo or coat dormancy, adverse environmental conditions or inhibitors (e.g. abscisic acid, jasmonate). Ethylene can either act alone, or synergistically or additively with other factors. The immediate precursor of ethylene biosynthesis, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC), may also improve seed germination, but usually less effectively. Dormant or non-dormant inhibited seeds have a lower ethylene production ability, and ACC and ACC oxidase activity than non-dormant, uninhibited seeds. Aminoethoxyvinyl-glycine (AVG) partially or markedly inhibits ethylene biosynthesis in dormant or non-dormant seeds, but does not affect seed germination. Ethylene binding is required in seeds of many species for dormancy release or germination under optimal or adverse conditions. There are examples where induction of seed germination by some stimulators requires ethylene action. However, the mechanism of ethylene action is almost unknown.
The evidence presented here shows that ethylene performs a relatively vital role in dormancy release and seed germination of most plant species studied.  相似文献   

Red light (R) and gibberellins (GA) each induce a water potential decrease in the axes of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) embryos resulting in germination of intact seeds (achenes) or an increase in growth of the axes of isolated embryos. The fruit coat and endosperm are a substantial barrier to the penetration of exogeneous GA. Isolated embryos take up 35 times as much [3H]GA1 as the embryos of intact seeds and respond to less than 1·10-10 M GA3 or GA4+7. We calculated that only 1·10-8 M of either GA3 or GA4+7 would result in 50% germination if the GA were able freely to penetrate the fruit coat. Exogenous GA3 or GA4+7, at concentrations insufficient to cause germination, result in an apparent synergistic promotion of germination when suboptimal R is applied. Yet suboptimal concentrations of exogenous GA3 or GA4+7 and suboptimal R result in only additive increases in the growth response in axes of isolated embryos. Dose-response curves demonstrate quantitative increases in the growth response of the isolated axes after R or GA treatments insufficient to induce germination in intact seeds, indicating that a threshold potential must be achieved by the embryonic axes before germination can occur.Abbreviations FR far=red light - GA gibberellin - PEG poly-ethylene glycol 4000 - Pfr far-red-absorbing phytochrome - R red light III.=Carpita et al. 1979b; IV.=Carpita et al. 1979c  相似文献   

Seeds of both Salsola imbricata and Haloxylon salicornicum have high germination level and germination speed, and form a transient seed bank in nature. The impacts of storage period and condition on germination level and speed were assessed in the two species. Storage for three months significantly increased both germination level and speed of seeds stored under the different conditions, compared to that of fresh seeds. In both species, nine months storage did not affect germination percentage in cold storage seeds, but completely inhibited it in field seeds. Storage for longer time in room and warm temperatures resulted in significant reduction or complete inhibition in the germination of the two species, so this was more pronounced in H. salicornicum. Storage significantly increased germinate rate index of seeds stored in all conditions till 17 months in S. imbricata and till 12 months in H. salicornicum. In both species, fridge storage had little effects on final germination and germination speed of seeds incubated at the different temperatures, compared to fresh seeds. However, room temperature and warm storages significantly reduced final germination and germination speed at the different temperatures, so the reduction was more pronounced at 35 °C, especially in H. salicornicum.  相似文献   

生长素调控种子的休眠与萌发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
帅海威  孟永杰  罗晓峰  陈锋  戚颖  杨文钰  舒凯 《遗传》2016,38(4):314-322
植物种子的休眠与萌发,是植物生长发育过程中的关键阶段,也是生命科学领域的研究热点。种子从休眠向萌发的转换是极为复杂的生物学过程,由外界环境因子、体内激素含量及信号传导和若干关键基因协同调控。大量研究表明,植物激素脱落酸(Abscisic acid, ABA)和赤霉素(Gibberellin acid, GA)是调控种子休眠水平,决定种子从休眠转向萌发的主要内源因子。ABA与GA在含量和信号传导两个层次上的精确平衡,确保了植物种子能以休眠状态在逆境中存活,并在适宜的时间启动萌发程序。生长素(Auxin)是经典植物激素之一,其对向性生长和组织分化等生物学过程的调控已有大量研究。但最近有研究证实,生长素对种子休眠有正向调控作用,这表明生长素是继ABA之后的第二个促进种子休眠的植物激素。本文在回顾生长素的发现历程、阐释生长素体内合成途径及信号传导通路的基础上,重点综述了生长素通过与ABA的协同作用调控种子休眠的分子机制,并对未来的研究热点进行了讨论和展望。  相似文献   

Endogenous levels of two gibberellins, GA3 andGA20, were quantified in unimbibed Onopordumnervosum seeds collected from two different populations, whichshoweddifferences in their germination capacity. After purifying the seed extracts,gibberellin levels were evaluated by gas chromatography mass spectrometry byusing selected ion monitoring (GC-MS-SIM) adding deuterated gibberellins asinternal standards. The intraspecific differences in germination capacity wereassociated with differences in the endogenous levels of both gibberellins. Thecontents of GA3 and GA20 in seeds with high germinationrate were twice and five times higher, respectively, than those from seeds witha low germination rate, indicating a possible role of gibberellins in dormancyrelease in this plant species.  相似文献   

Seed dormancy is an adaptive trait in plants. Breaking seed dormancy determines the timing of germination and is, thereby essential for ensuring plant survival and agricultural production. Seed dormancy and the subsequent germination are controlled by both internal cues (mainly hormones) and environmental signals. In the past few years, the roles of plant hormones in regulating seed dormancy and germination have been uncovered. However, we are only beginning to understand how light signaling pathways modulate seed dormancy and interaction with endogenous hormones. In this review, we summarize current views of the molecular mechanisms by which light controls the induction, maintenance and release of seed dormancy, as well as seed germination, by regulating hormone metabolism and signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Apple embryos were treated by cold (0°C) within the fruits, to break their dormancy; the controls were treated at 12°C or at 20°C. Ultrastructural features of meristematic cells in the embryonic axis were compared for each treatment. The organization of the cells of dormant embryos was described: Endoplasmic reticulum consisted in some short rough cisternae; lipid droplets regularly arranged near the plasmalemma constituted a kind of shell; mitochondria had a few cristae; and dictyosomes were rarely observed. All these features are typical of dry seeds. After cold treatments, the only evolution observed was in the endoplasmic reticulum, where highly organized stacks appeared progressively as a function of time at 0°C. An intermediate temperature (12°C) induced similar formations in the reticulum but they were rarely observed and their degree of organization was lower than that obtained at 0°C. At 20°C, endoplasmic reticulum resembled that of the dormant embryo cells. The relation between the appearance of these structures in the reticulum and the disappearance of dormancy induced by cold is discussed.Abbreviations ER endoplasmic reticulum - RER rough endoplasmic reticulum  相似文献   

Using lettuce (Lactuca sativa L., cv. Grand Rapids) embryos in osmotica, we have demonstrated that when the growth rates of the embryonic axes of seeds treated with red (R) or far-red (FR) light are equalized, the axes of R-treated seeds develop a 3.4-bar decrease in water potential (paper No. III).As axial growth begins, reserve protein and phytin decrease rapidly, concomitant with increases in reducing sugars, -amino nitrogen, and inorganic and esterified soluble phosphates. However, no differences between the axes of R-and FR-treated seeds are found with respect to the changes in these compounds, indicating that these changes arise as a result of growth and are not under immediate phytochrome control. Little change in the total lipid content is found in either treatment. The axes of FR-treated seeds hydrolyze endogenous sucrose at a greater rate thant those of R-treated seeds. Axes of R-treated seeds accumulate K+ and Na+ to a greater extent than those of FR-treated seeds. When potassium salts are added to the incubation medium, R induces increased K+ uptake by the axis and greater medium acidification by the axis. Malate and other organic acids and acidic amino acids increase at equal rates in both treatments, indicating that inorganic anions may also be taken up to balance the ionic charges. The results are compatible with the assumption that changes in the osmotic and pressure potentials of the embryonic axes of R-treated seeds are the result of a phytochrome-stimulated proton pump which, in whole dormant seeds, would initiate water-potential changes allowing the embryos to overcome the mechanical restraint of the surrounding seed layers, resulting in germination.Abbreviations FR far-red light - PEG polyethylene glyeol 4000 - Pfr far-red-absorbing form of phytochrome - R red light III=Carpita et al. 1979  相似文献   

周志琼  何其华 《生态学报》2020,40(17):6037-6045
通过测定横断山区干旱河谷18个川滇蔷薇种群新采集种子以及低温层积8周种子的发芽率和发芽速度,分析发芽率和发芽速度与种子特征以及环境因子之间的关系,阐明川滇蔷薇种子休眠与萌发的地理空间差异及其影响因素。结果表明,18个川滇蔷薇种群种子具有不同程度的休眠,新采集种子发芽率变化幅度大,为15.8%±5.0%至82.7%±2.3%,发芽速度指数范围:2.3%±0.2%至5.3%±0.5%。不同种群种子发芽率和发芽速度差异显著。新采集种子的发芽率在流域间存在显著差异,表现为金沙江流域 > 雅砻江流域 > 大渡河流域和岷江流域。新采集种子的发芽率和发芽速度随着采集地点海拔的升高而显著增加,即种子休眠程度随着海拔的升高呈现降低趋势。低温层积8周显著提高了种子发芽率和发芽速度,但减弱了种子发芽率和发芽速度在流域以及海拔间的差异。偏相关分析表明:瘦果皮厚度与新采集种子萌发速度成显著负相关关系;环境因子中年蒸发量与发芽率以及发芽速度之间关系最为密切,成极显著正相关关系;其次为年降水量,与发芽率和发芽速度之间具有显著的负相关关系。综合分析表明,川滇蔷薇种子休眠与萌发在横断山区干旱河谷存在较强地理空间差异。环境因子中年蒸发量和年降水量以及植物自身特征瘦果皮厚度是引起种子休眠与萌发地理空间差异的主要因素。  相似文献   

Overcoming dormancy in seeds with ethanol and other anesthetics   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Dormancy in fall panicum (Panicum dichotomiflorum Michx.) caryopses (seeds) is overcome by imbibition at 35° C in ethanol solutions. Whereas germination in the absence of ethanol depends on active phytochrome, the seeds may germinate in darkness after treatment with 0.2 to 0.5 M ethanol. Ethanol overcomes dormancy also in seeds of several other weedy grass species. Ethyl ether, chloroform, methanol, and acetone act similarly to ethanol. We suggest that this action depends on modifyng the properties of a membrane(s) in a manner related to the actions of other anesthetics.  相似文献   

Summary The role of temperature in the regulation of seasonal changes in dormancy and germination was studied in seeds of Polygonum persicaria. Seeds were buried in the field and under controlled conditions. Portions of seeds were exhumed at regular intervals and germination was tested over a range of conditions. Seeds of P. persicaria exhibited a seasonal dormancy pattern that clearly showed the typical features of summer annuals, i.e. dormancy was relieved at low winter temperatures, the germination peak occurred in spring and dormancy was re-induced in summer. The expression of the dormancy pattern was influenced by the temperature at which germination was tested. At 30°C exhumed seeds germinated over a much longer period of the year than at 20° or 10°C. Nitrate added during the germination test occasionally stimulated germination. The seasonal changes in dormancy of buried seeds were regulated by the field temperature. Soil moisture and nitrate content did not influence the changes in dormancy. The fact that, on the one hand, field temperature determined the changes in dormancy and, on the other hand, germination itself was influenced by temperature, was used to describe the seasonal germination pattern of P. persicaria with a model. Germination of exhumed seeds in Petri dishes at field temperature was accurately described with this model. Germination in the field was restricted to the period where the range of temperatures over which germination could proceed (computed with the model) and field temperature overlapped.  相似文献   

魏俊  陆秀君  张晓林  梅梅  黄晓丽 《遗传》2017,39(1):14-21
植物microRNA(miRNA)是一类小分子非编码RNA,对植物的生长发育发挥着重要调控作用。种子发育、休眠与萌发是植物生命进程中的重要阶段。在这一阶段内,种子受各种环境因子及内源激素调控,并且不同植物种子具有不同发育及休眠特性。随着人们对种子发育、休眠及萌发机理的探究,越来越多miRNA被鉴定,它们能够基于植物激素信号传导、抗氧化作用、关键转录因子调控等途径参与种子形态建成、物质代谢及各种胁迫响应。本文主要综述了近年来植物miRNA的形成及调控机理,以及在种子发育、休眠及萌发过程中发挥的调控作用,旨在为今后的研究方向提供参考。  相似文献   

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